Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Instruction |
ManagedCounterData.createEventCounterInstruction(int counterNumber)
Create a place holder instruction to represent an increment of a
particular counted event.
(package private) Instruction |
ManagedCounterData.createEventCounterInstruction(int counterNumber,
double incrementValue)
Create a place holder instruction to represent the counted event.
Instruction |
CounterArrayManager.createEventCounterInstruction(int handle,
int index,
double incrementValue)
Create a place holder instruction to represent the counted event.
Instruction |
StringEventCounterData.getCounterInstructionForEvent(String event)
Given a string, find or create the counter associated and return
and instruction to increment that counter.
Instruction |
StringEventCounterData.getCounterInstructionForEvent(String event,
double incrementValue)
Given a string, find or create the counter associated and return
and instruction to increment that counter.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
(package private) static RegisterOperand |
CounterArrayManager.InsertALoadOffset(Instruction s,
IR ir,
Operator operator,
TypeReference type,
Operand reg2,
int offset)
Insert array load off before s in the instruction stream.
void |
CounterArrayManager.mutateOptEventCounterInstruction(Instruction counterInst,
IR ir)
Take an event counter instruction and mutate it into IR
instructions that will do the actual counting.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
private static Instruction |
InstrumentationSamplingFramework.getFirstInstWithOperator(Operator operator,
BasicBlock bb)
Go through all instructions and find the first with the given
static Instruction |
InstrumentationSamplingFramework.getFirstInstWithYieldPoint(BasicBlock bb)
Go through all instructions and find one that is a yield point
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
private void |
InstrumentationSamplingFramework.conditionalizeInstrumentationOperation(IR ir,
Instruction i,
BasicBlock bb)
Take an instrumentation operation (an instruction) and guard it
with a counter-based check.
private static boolean |
InstrumentationSamplingFramework.isInstrumentationInstruction(Instruction i)
How to determine whether a given instruction is an
"instrumentation instruction".
static boolean |
InstrumentationSamplingFramework.isYieldpoint(Instruction i)
Is the given instruction a yieldpoint?
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
(package private) Instruction |
the instruction which makes this expression available
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
abstract Instruction |
InstrumentedEventCounterManager.createEventCounterInstruction(int handle,
int location,
double incrementValue)
Create a place holder instruction to represent the counted event.
private static Instruction |
ExpressionFolding.transform(Instruction s,
Instruction def)
Perform the transformation on the instruction
Constructor and Description |
AvailableExpression(Instruction i,
Operator op,
Operand[] ops,
LocationOperand loc,
Register t) |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
private Instruction |
Last instruction generated (for ELIM_COPY_LOCALS)
private Instruction |
osr barrier needs type information of locals and stacks,
it has to be created before a _callHelper.
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
private Map<Instruction,Instruction> |
Mapping of instructions to on-stack replacement (OSR) barriers.
private Map<Instruction,Instruction> |
Mapping of instructions to on-stack replacement (OSR) barriers.
private Collection<Instruction> |
OsrPointConstructor.osrBarriers |
private LinkedList<Instruction> |
OsrPointConstructor.osrPoints |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Instruction |
BC2IR._aloadHelper(Operator operator,
Operand ref,
Operand index,
TypeReference type) |
private Instruction |
BC2IR._binaryDualHelper(Operator operator,
Operand op1,
Operand op2,
TypeReference type) |
Instruction |
BC2IR._binaryHelper(Operator operator,
Operand op1,
Operand op2,
TypeReference type) |
private Instruction |
BC2IR._callHelper(MethodReference meth,
MethodOperand methOp)
Pop method parameters off the expression stack.
private static Instruction |
GenerateMagic._cmpHelper(BC2IR bc2ir,
GenerationContext gc,
ConditionOperand cond,
Operand given_o2) |
private Instruction |
BC2IR._createOsrBarrier() |
private Instruction |
BC2IR._gotoHelper(int offset) |
private Instruction |
BC2IR._guardedBinaryDualHelper(Operator operator,
Operand op1,
Operand op2,
Operand guard,
TypeReference type) |
private Instruction |
BC2IR._guardedBinaryHelper(Operator operator,
Operand op1,
Operand op2,
Operand guard,
TypeReference type) |
private Instruction |
BC2IR._intIfCmpHelper(ConditionOperand cond) |
private Instruction |
BC2IR._intIfHelper(ConditionOperand cond) |
private Instruction |
BC2IR._jsrHelper(int offset) |
private Instruction |
BC2IR._moveDualHelper(Operator operator,
Operand val,
TypeReference type) |
(package private) Instruction |
BC2IR._moveHelper(Operator operator,
Operand val,
TypeReference type) |
static Instruction |
BC2IR._osrHelper(Instruction barrier,
GenerationContext gc)
Creates an OSR point instruction with its dependent OsrBarrier
which provides type and variable information.
private Instruction |
BC2IR._refIfCmpHelper(ConditionOperand cond) |
private Instruction |
BC2IR._refIfNullHelper(ConditionOperand cond) |
private Instruction |
BC2IR._retHelper(int var) |
(package private) Instruction |
BC2IR._unaryDualHelper(Operator operator,
Operand val,
TypeReference type) |
(package private) Instruction |
BC2IR._unaryHelper(Operator operator,
Operand val,
TypeReference type) |
private Instruction |
BC2IR.do_aload(int index)
Simulates a load from a given local variable of a reference.
private Instruction |
BC2IR.do_astore(int index)
Simulates a store into a given local variable of an object ref.
private Instruction |
BC2IR.do_dload(int index)
Simulates a load from a given local variable of a double.
private Instruction |
BC2IR.do_fload(int index)
Simulates a load from a given local variable of a float.
private Instruction |
BC2IR.do_iinc(int index,
int amount)
Simulates the incrementing of a given int local variable.
private Instruction |
BC2IR.do_iload(int index)
Simulates a load from a given local variable of an int.
private Instruction |
BC2IR.do_lload(int index)
Simulates a load from a given local variable of a long.
private Instruction |
BC2IR.do_store(int index,
Operand op1)
Simulates a store into a given local variable of an int/long/double/float
Instruction |
BC2IR.generateAnewarray(TypeReference arrayTypeRef,
TypeReference elementTypeRef) |
Instruction |
GenerationContext.getOSRBarrierFromInst(Instruction inst) |
private Instruction |
BC2IR.pushCopy(Operand op1)
Pushes a copy of the given operand onto simulated stack.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static Instruction |
BC2IR._osrHelper(Instruction barrier,
GenerationContext gc)
Creates an OSR point instruction with its dependent OsrBarrier
which provides type and variable information.
private void |
OsrPointConstructor.adjustBCIndex(Instruction barrier)
The OsrBarrier instruction is not in IR, so the bc index was not
adjusted in OSR_AdjustBCIndex.
private void |
GenerationContext.appendInstruction(BasicBlock b,
Instruction s,
int bcIndex) |
void |
BC2IR.appendInstruction(Instruction s)
Append an instruction to the current basic block.
GenerationContext |
GenerationContext.createChildContext(ExceptionHandlerBasicBlockBag ebag,
NormalMethod callee,
Instruction callSite)
Creates a child generation context from this context
and callerBB to generate IR for callsite.
Instruction |
GenerationContext.getOSRBarrierFromInst(Instruction inst) |
private boolean |
OsrPointConstructor.isBarrierClean(Instruction barrier)
Determines if the barrier is clean by checking the number of valid operands.
private boolean |
BC2IR.maybeInlineMethod(InlineDecision inlDec,
Instruction callSite)
Attempt to inline a method.
void |
GenerationContext.saveOSRBarrierForInst(Instruction osrBarrier,
Instruction inst) |
private InlineDecision |
BC2IR.shouldInline(Instruction call,
boolean isExtant,
int realBCI)
Should we inline a call site?
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
private Instruction |
The if instruction within the exit block
private Instruction |
The instruction that modifies the iterator
(package private) Instruction |
StaticSplitting.CandInfo.test |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
private Map<Instruction,Integer> |
LoopUnrolling.visitInts |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
private Instruction[] |
BranchOptimizations.copyAndMapInstructions(BasicBlock bb,
HashMap<Instruction,Instruction> map)
For each real non-branch instruction s in bb,
Copy s to s', and store s' in the returned array
Insert the function s->s' in the map
private static Instruction |
LoopUnrolling.definingInstruction(Operand op) |
static Instruction |
AnnotatedLSTNode.definingInstruction(Operand op)
Find the instruction that defines an operand.
protected Instruction |
BranchOptimizationDriver.firstLabelFollowing(Instruction s) |
protected Instruction |
BranchOptimizationDriver.firstRealInstructionFollowing(Instruction s) |
private Instruction |
StaticSplitting.getCandidateTest(BasicBlock bb) |
(package private) Instruction |
TailRecursionElimination.transform(Instruction call,
Instruction prologue,
BasicBlock target,
IR ir)
Transform the tail recursive call into a loop.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
private void |
BranchOptimizations.booleanCompareHelper(Instruction cb,
RegisterOperand res,
Operand val1,
Operand val2,
ConditionOperand cond)
Generate a boolean operation opcode
1) IF br !
private void |
BranchOptimizations.doCondMove(IR ir,
Diamond diamond,
Instruction cb)
Perform the transformation to replace conditional branch with a
sequence using conditional moves.
(package private) static void |
AnnotatedLSTNode.dumpInstruction(IR ir,
Instruction instr)
Dump a human readable description of an instruction within a
basic block within the loop
private BasicBlock |
StaticSplitting.findColdSucc(Instruction test) |
protected Instruction |
BranchOptimizationDriver.firstLabelFollowing(Instruction s) |
protected Instruction |
BranchOptimizationDriver.firstRealInstructionFollowing(Instruction s) |
private void |
MIRBranchOptimizations.flipConditionalBranch(Instruction cb)
Flip a conditional branch and remove the trailing goto.
private void |
BranchOptimizations.flipConditionalBranch(Instruction cb)
Flip a conditional branch and remove the trailing goto.
private boolean |
BranchOptimizations.generateBooleanCompare(IR ir,
BasicBlock bb,
Instruction cb,
BasicBlock tb)
Attempt to generate a boolean compare opcode from a conditional branch.
private boolean |
BranchOptimizations.generateCondMove(IR ir,
BasicBlock bb,
Instruction cb)
Attempt to generate a straight-line sequence using conditional move
instructions, to replace a diamond control flow structure.
private void |
BranchOptimizations.insertBefore(Instruction[] list,
Instruction s)
Inserts each instruction in a list before another instruction.
private void |
BranchOptimizations.insertBefore(Instruction[] list,
Instruction s)
Inserts each instruction in a list before another instruction.
private static void |
BranchSimplifier.insertTrueGuard(Instruction inst,
RegisterOperand guard) |
(package private) static String |
AnnotatedLSTNode.instructionToString(IR ir,
Instruction instr)
Converts instruction to String in of AnnotatedLSTNode format.
private boolean |
MIRBranchOptimizations.isFlipCandidate(Instruction cb,
Instruction target)
Is a conditional branch a candidate to be flipped?
private boolean |
BranchOptimizations.isFlipCandidate(Instruction cb,
Instruction target)
Is a conditional branch a candidate to be flipped?
private static boolean |
MIRBranchOptimizations.isMIR_Branch(Instruction x) |
private static boolean |
MIRBranchOptimizations.isMIR_CondBranch(Instruction x) |
private static boolean |
MIRBranchOptimizations.isMIR_CondBranch2(Instruction x) |
(package private) boolean |
TailRecursionElimination.isTailRecursion(Instruction call,
IR ir)
Is the argument call instruction a tail recursive call?
private static BranchOperand |
MIRBranchOptimizations.MIR_Branch_getTarget(Instruction x) |
private static void |
MIRBranchOptimizations.MIR_Branch_setTarget(Instruction x,
BranchOperand y) |
private static void |
MIRBranchOptimizations.MIR_CondBranch_setTarget(Instruction x,
BranchOperand y) |
private static BranchOperand |
MIRBranchOptimizations.MIR_CondBranch2_getTarget1(Instruction x) |
private static BranchOperand |
MIRBranchOptimizations.MIR_CondBranch2_getTarget2(Instruction x) |
private static void |
MIRBranchOptimizations.MIR_CondBranch2_setTarget1(Instruction x,
BranchOperand y) |
private static void |
MIRBranchOptimizations.MIR_CondBranch2_setTarget2(Instruction x,
BranchOperand y) |
protected boolean |
MIRBranchOptimizations.optimizeBranchInstruction(IR ir,
Instruction s,
BasicBlock bb)
This method actually does the work of attempting to
peephole optimize a branch instruction.
protected boolean |
BranchOptimizations.optimizeBranchInstruction(IR ir,
Instruction s,
BasicBlock bb)
This method actually does the work of attempting to
peephole optimize a branch instruction.
protected abstract boolean |
BranchOptimizationDriver.optimizeBranchInstruction(IR ir,
Instruction s,
BasicBlock bb)
This method actually does the work of attempting to
peephole optimize a branch instruction.
private boolean |
MIRBranchOptimizations.processCondBranch(IR ir,
Instruction cb,
BasicBlock bb)
Perform optimizations for a conditional branch.
private boolean |
BranchOptimizations.processConditionalBranch(IR ir,
Instruction cb,
BasicBlock bb)
Perform optimizations for a conditional branch.
private boolean |
MIRBranchOptimizations.processGoto(IR ir,
Instruction g,
BasicBlock bb)
Perform optimizations for an unconditonal branch.
private boolean |
BranchOptimizations.processGoto(IR ir,
Instruction g,
BasicBlock bb)
Perform optimizations for a Goto.
(package private) static boolean |
BranchSimplifier.processIfCmp(IR ir,
BasicBlock bb,
Instruction s) |
(package private) static boolean |
BranchSimplifier.processIfCmp2(IR ir,
BasicBlock bb,
Instruction s) |
(package private) static boolean |
BranchSimplifier.processInlineGuard(IR ir,
BasicBlock bb,
Instruction s) |
private boolean |
BranchOptimizations.processInlineGuard(IR ir,
Instruction cb,
BasicBlock bb)
Perform optimizations for an inline guard.
(package private) static boolean |
BranchSimplifier.processLookupSwitch(IR ir,
BasicBlock bb,
Instruction s) |
(package private) static boolean |
BranchSimplifier.processTableSwitch(IR ir,
BasicBlock bb,
Instruction s) |
private boolean |
MIRBranchOptimizations.processTwoTargetConditionalBranch(IR ir,
Instruction cb,
BasicBlock bb)
Perform optimizations for a two way conditional branch.
private boolean |
BranchOptimizations.processTwoTargetConditionalBranch(IR ir,
Instruction cb,
BasicBlock bb)
Perform optimizations for a two way conditional branch.
private void |
StaticSplitting.pushCandidate(BasicBlock cand,
BasicBlock prev,
BasicBlock succ,
Instruction test) |
private void |
BranchOptimizations.rewriteWithTemporaries(Instruction[] set,
IR ir)
For each in a set of instructions, rewrite every def to use a new
temporary register.
(package private) Instruction |
TailRecursionElimination.transform(Instruction call,
Instruction prologue,
BasicBlock target,
IR ir)
Transform the tail recursive call into a loop.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
private Instruction[] |
BranchOptimizations.copyAndMapInstructions(BasicBlock bb,
HashMap<Instruction,Instruction> map)
For each real non-branch instruction s in bb,
Copy s to s', and store s' in the returned array
Insert the function s->s' in the map
private Instruction[] |
BranchOptimizations.copyAndMapInstructions(BasicBlock bb,
HashMap<Instruction,Instruction> map)
For each real non-branch instruction s in bb,
Copy s to s', and store s' in the returned array
Insert the function s->s' in the map
Constructor and Description |
CandInfo(BasicBlock c,
BasicBlock p,
BasicBlock s,
Instruction t,
StaticSplitting.CandInfo n) |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
Instruction |
Instruction that this node represents.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Instruction |
Get the instruction this node represents.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
private void |
DepGraph.clearRegisters(Instruction start,
Instruction end)
Initialize (clear) the dNode field in Register for all registers
in this basic block by setting them to null.
private void |
DepGraph.computeBackwardDependences(Instruction start,
Instruction end)
Computes anti dependences by doing a backwards
traversal of the instructions from start to end.
private void |
DepGraph.computeControlAndBarrierDependences(Instruction start,
Instruction end)
Compute control and barrier (acquire/release) dependences
in two passes (one forward, one reverse over the instructions
from start to end.
private void |
DepGraph.computeForwardDependences(Instruction start,
Instruction end)
Computes flow and output dependences by doing a forward
traversal of the instructions from start to end.
protected DepGraphNode |
DepGraph.createDepGraphNode(Instruction p) |
private void |
DepGraph.createNodes(Instruction start,
Instruction end) |
(package private) int |
DepGraphStats.estimateExecutionTime(Instruction instr)
Returns an estimate of the number of cycles for a given instruction.
private LocationOperand |
DepGraph.getLocation(Instruction s)
Get the location of a given load or store instruction.
Constructor and Description |
DepGraph(IR ir,
Instruction start,
Instruction end,
BasicBlock currentBlock)
Constructor (computes the dependence graph!).
DepGraphNode(Instruction instr)
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected String |
CFGVisualization.formatCall(Instruction inst) |
protected String |
CFGVisualization.formatInstruction(Instruction inst)
Formats instructions.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
private AggregateReplacer |
EscapeTransformations.getAggregateReplacer(Instruction inst,
IR ir)
Generate an object which will perform scalar replacement of
an aggregate allocated by a given instruction
PRECONDITION: objects returned by this allocation site do NOT escape
the current method
private static int |
SimpleEscape.getParameterIndex(Operand op,
Instruction s)
Which parameter to a call instruction corresponds to op?
static UnsyncReplacer |
UnsyncReplacer.getReplacer(Instruction inst,
IR ir)
Generate an instance of this class for a particular
instantiation site.
static ObjectReplacer |
ObjectReplacer.getReplacer(Instruction inst,
IR ir)
Return an object representing this transformation for a given
allocation site
static ShortArrayReplacer |
ShortArrayReplacer.getReplacer(Instruction inst,
IR ir)
Returns an object representing this transformation for a given
allocation site.
private UnsyncReplacer |
EscapeTransformations.getUnsyncReplacer(Register reg,
Instruction inst,
IR ir)
Generate an object which transforms defs & uses of "synchronized"
objects to defs & uses of "unsynchronized" objects
PRECONDITION: objects pointed to by reg do NOT escape
private void |
ShortArrayReplacer.transform2(Register reg,
Instruction defI,
RegisterOperand[] scalars) |
private void |
ObjectReplacer.transform2(Register reg,
Instruction defI,
RegisterOperand[] scalars,
ArrayList<RVMField> fields,
Set<Register> visited) |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
private Instruction |
Pointer for next instruction during perform()
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
(package private) static Instruction |
DynamicTypeCheckExpansion.arrayStoreCheck(Instruction s,
IR ir,
boolean couldBeNull)
Expand an object array store check into the LIR sequence that
implements it.
(package private) static Instruction |
ConvertToLowLevelIR.callHelper(Instruction v,
IR ir)
Helper method for call expansion.
(package private) static Instruction |
DynamicTypeCheckExpansion.checkcast(Instruction s,
IR ir)
Expand a checkcast instruction into the LIR sequence that implements the
dynamic type check, raising a ClassCastException when the type check
(package private) static Instruction |
DynamicTypeCheckExpansion.checkcastNotNull(Instruction s,
IR ir)
Expand a checkcast instruction into the LIR sequence that implements the
dynamic type check, raising a ClassCastException when the type check
private static Instruction |
DynamicTypeCheckExpansion.convertToBranchingTypeCheck(Instruction s,
IR ir,
Operand RHSobj,
TypeReference LHStype,
Operand RHStib,
RegisterOperand result)
Generate wrapper around branching type check to get a
value producing type check.
private static Instruction |
DynamicTypeCheckExpansion.generateBranchingTypeCheck(Instruction s,
IR ir,
Operand RHSobj,
TypeReference LHStype,
Operand RHStib,
BasicBlock trueBlock,
BasicBlock falseBlock,
RegisterOperand oldGuard,
BranchProfileOperand falseProb)
Generate a branching dynamic type check.
private static Instruction |
DynamicTypeCheckExpansion.generateValueProducingTypeCheck(Instruction s,
IR ir,
Operand RHSobj,
TypeReference LHStype,
Operand RHStib,
RegisterOperand result)
Generate a value-producing dynamic type check.
(package private) static Instruction |
DynamicTypeCheckExpansion.instanceOf(Instruction s,
IR ir)
Expand an instanceof instruction into the LIR sequence that implements
the dynamic type check.
(package private) static Instruction |
DynamicTypeCheckExpansion.instanceOfNotNull(Instruction s,
IR ir)
Expand an instanceof instruction into the LIR sequence that implements
the dynamic type check.
(package private) static Instruction |
ConvertToLowLevelIR.lookup(Instruction switchInstr,
IR ir)
Expand a lookupswitch.
(package private) static Instruction |
DynamicTypeCheckExpansion.mustImplementInterface(Instruction s,
IR ir)
Expand a checkcastInterface instruction into the LIR sequence that
implements the dynamic type check, raising an IncompataibleClassChangeError
if the type check fails.
private static Instruction |
ConvertToLowLevelIR.resolveMember(Instruction s,
IR ir)
Generate the code to resolve a member (field/method) reference.
(package private) static Instruction |
ConvertToLowLevelIR.tableswitch(Instruction s,
IR ir)
Expand a tableswitch.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
private static BasicBlock |
ConvertToLowLevelIR._lookupswitchHelper(Instruction switchInstr,
RegisterOperand reg,
BasicBlock defaultBB,
IR ir,
BasicBlock curBlock,
int low,
int high,
int min,
int max)
Helper function to generate the binary search tree for
a lookupswitch bytecode
(package private) static Instruction |
DynamicTypeCheckExpansion.arrayStoreCheck(Instruction s,
IR ir,
boolean couldBeNull)
Expand an object array store check into the LIR sequence that
implements it.
(package private) static Instruction |
ConvertToLowLevelIR.callHelper(Instruction v,
IR ir)
Helper method for call expansion.
(package private) static Instruction |
DynamicTypeCheckExpansion.checkcast(Instruction s,
IR ir)
Expand a checkcast instruction into the LIR sequence that implements the
dynamic type check, raising a ClassCastException when the type check
(package private) static Instruction |
DynamicTypeCheckExpansion.checkcastNotNull(Instruction s,
IR ir)
Expand a checkcast instruction into the LIR sequence that implements the
dynamic type check, raising a ClassCastException when the type check
private static Instruction |
DynamicTypeCheckExpansion.convertToBranchingTypeCheck(Instruction s,
IR ir,
Operand RHSobj,
TypeReference LHStype,
Operand RHStib,
RegisterOperand result)
Generate wrapper around branching type check to get a
value producing type check.
static void |
ConvertToLowLevelIR.doArrayLoad(Instruction s,
IR ir,
Operator op,
int logwidth)
Expand an array load.
static void |
ConvertToLowLevelIR.doArrayStore(Instruction s,
IR ir,
Operator op,
int logwidth)
Expand an array store.
static void |
ConvertToLowLevelIR.expandSysCallTarget(Instruction s,
IR ir)
Expand symbolic SysCall target into a chain of loads from the bootrecord to
the desired target address.
private static BasicBlock |
DynamicTypeCheckExpansion.fallThroughBB(Instruction s,
IR ir) |
private static Instruction |
DynamicTypeCheckExpansion.generateBranchingTypeCheck(Instruction s,
IR ir,
Operand RHSobj,
TypeReference LHStype,
Operand RHStib,
BasicBlock trueBlock,
BasicBlock falseBlock,
RegisterOperand oldGuard,
BranchProfileOperand falseProb)
Generate a branching dynamic type check.
private static Instruction |
DynamicTypeCheckExpansion.generateValueProducingTypeCheck(Instruction s,
IR ir,
Operand RHSobj,
TypeReference LHStype,
Operand RHStib,
RegisterOperand result)
Generate a value-producing dynamic type check.
static RegisterOperand |
ConvertToLowLevelIR.getField(Instruction s,
IR ir,
RegisterOperand obj,
RVMField field) |
(package private) static RegisterOperand |
ConvertToLowLevelIR.getField(Instruction s,
IR ir,
RegisterOperand obj,
RVMField field,
Operand guard) |
(package private) static RegisterOperand |
ConvertToLowLevelIR.getInstanceMethod(Instruction s,
IR ir,
Operand tib,
RVMMethod method) |
(package private) static RegisterOperand |
ConvertToLowLevelIR.getSpecialMethod(Instruction s,
IR ir,
int smid) |
static RegisterOperand |
ConvertToLowLevelIR.getStatic(Instruction s,
IR ir,
RVMField field) |
(package private) static Operand |
ConvertToLowLevelIR.getTIB(Instruction s,
IR ir,
Operand obj,
Operand guard) |
(package private) static Operand |
ConvertToLowLevelIR.getTIB(Instruction s,
IR ir,
RVMType type) |
(package private) static Operand |
ConvertToLowLevelIR.getTIB(Instruction s,
IR ir,
TypeOperand type) |
private void |
ExpandRuntimeServices.inline(Instruction inst,
IR ir) |
private void |
ExpandRuntimeServices.inline(Instruction inst,
IR ir,
boolean noCalleeExceptions) |
static RegisterOperand |
ConvertToLowLevelIR.insertBinary(Instruction s,
IR ir,
Operator operator,
TypeReference type,
Operand o1,
Operand o2)
Insert a binary instruction before s in the instruction stream.
(package private) static RegisterOperand |
ConvertToLowLevelIR.InsertGuardedUnary(Instruction s,
IR ir,
Operator operator,
TypeReference type,
Operand o1,
Operand guard)
Insert a guarded unary instruction before s in the instruction stream.
(package private) static RegisterOperand |
ConvertToLowLevelIR.InsertLoadOffset(Instruction s,
IR ir,
Operator operator,
TypeReference type,
Operand reg2,
Offset offset)
Insert a load off before s in the instruction stream.
(package private) static RegisterOperand |
ConvertToLowLevelIR.InsertLoadOffset(Instruction s,
IR ir,
Operator operator,
TypeReference type,
Operand reg2,
Offset offset,
LocationOperand loc,
Operand guard)
Insert a load off before s in the instruction stream.
(package private) static RegisterOperand |
ConvertToLowLevelIR.InsertLoadOffset(Instruction s,
IR ir,
Operator operator,
TypeReference type,
Operand reg2,
Offset offset,
Operand guard)
Insert a load off before s in the instruction stream.
(package private) static RegisterOperand |
ConvertToLowLevelIR.InsertLoadOffset(Instruction s,
IR ir,
Operator operator,
TypeReference type,
Operand reg2,
Operand offset,
LocationOperand loc,
Operand guard)
Insert a load off before s in the instruction stream.
(package private) static RegisterOperand |
ConvertToLowLevelIR.InsertLoadOffsetJTOC(Instruction s,
IR ir,
Operator operator,
TypeReference type,
Offset offset)
Insert a load off the JTOC before s in the instruction stream.
(package private) static RegisterOperand |
ConvertToLowLevelIR.InsertLoadOffsetJTOC(Instruction s,
IR ir,
Operator operator,
TypeReference type,
Operand offset)
Insert a load off the JTOC before s in the instruction stream.
(package private) static RegisterOperand |
ConvertToLowLevelIR.InsertUnary(Instruction s,
IR ir,
Operator operator,
TypeReference type,
Operand o1)
Insert a unary instruction before s in the instruction stream.
(package private) static Instruction |
DynamicTypeCheckExpansion.instanceOf(Instruction s,
IR ir)
Expand an instanceof instruction into the LIR sequence that implements
the dynamic type check.
(package private) static Instruction |
DynamicTypeCheckExpansion.instanceOfNotNull(Instruction s,
IR ir)
Expand an instanceof instruction into the LIR sequence that implements
the dynamic type check.
(package private) static Instruction |
ConvertToLowLevelIR.lookup(Instruction switchInstr,
IR ir)
Expand a lookupswitch.
(package private) static Instruction |
DynamicTypeCheckExpansion.mustImplementInterface(Instruction s,
IR ir)
Expand a checkcastInterface instruction into the LIR sequence that
implements the dynamic type check, raising an IncompataibleClassChangeError
if the type check fails.
private void |
ExpandRuntimeServices.primitiveArrayStoreHelper(RVMMethod target,
Instruction inst,
IR ir)
Helper method to generate call to primitive arrayStore write barrier
private void |
ExpandRuntimeServices.primitiveObjectFieldStoreHelper(RVMMethod target,
Instruction inst,
IR ir,
FieldReference fieldRef)
Helper method to generate call to primitive putfield write barrier
private static Instruction |
ConvertToLowLevelIR.resolveMember(Instruction s,
IR ir)
Generate the code to resolve a member (field/method) reference.
(package private) static Instruction |
ConvertToLowLevelIR.tableswitch(Instruction s,
IR ir)
Expand a tableswitch.
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
private Instruction | |
(package private) Instruction |
We need more detailed information of call site than bcIndex.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Instruction |
CompilationState.getCallInstruction() |
Instruction |
InlineSequence.getCallSite() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static GenerationContext |
Inliner.execute(InlineDecision inlDec,
GenerationContext parent,
ExceptionHandlerBasicBlockBag ebag,
Instruction callSite)
Return a generation context that represents the
execution of inlDec in the context
<parent,ebag> for
the call instruction callSite. |
static void |
Inliner.execute(InlineDecision inlDec,
IR ir,
Instruction callSite)
Execute an inlining decision inlDec for the CALL instruction
callSite that is contained in ir.
Constructor and Description |
CompilationState(Instruction call,
boolean isExtant,
OptOptions options,
CompiledMethod cm,
int realBCI) |
InlineSequence(NormalMethod method,
InlineSequence caller,
Instruction callsite)
Constructs a new inline sequence operand.
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
(package private) Instruction |
Last instruction of the basic block (BBEND).
private Instruction |
The instruction, i.e., GC point
private Instruction |
Defining instruction
private Instruction |
Defining instruction
protected Instruction |
Instruction.BASE_OE.instr |
private Instruction |
The label instruction for the basic block - the label is
special as we want it to appear in the enumeration before the
implicit SSA instructions
private Instruction |
The next instruction in the intra-basic-block list of instructions,
will be
null if no such instruction exists. |
private Instruction |
The previous instruction in the intra-basic-block list of instructions,
will be
null if no such instruction exists. |
(package private) Instruction |
First instruction of the basic block (LABEL).
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
private Enumeration<Instruction> |
An enumeration of the explicit instructions in the IR for a
basic block
private Iterator<Instruction> |
An enumeration of the implicit instructions in the IR for a
basic block.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Instruction |
Create a copy of this instruction.
static Instruction |
IRTools.CPOS(Instruction src,
Instruction dst)
Copy the position information from the source instruction to
the destination instruction, returning the source instruction.
static Instruction |
Return.create(Operator o)
Create an instruction of the Return instruction format.
static Instruction |
Empty.create(Operator o)
Create an instruction of the Empty instruction format.
static Instruction |
Label.create(Operator o,
BasicBlockOperand Block)
Create an instruction of the Label instruction format.
static Instruction |
BBend.create(Operator o,
BasicBlockOperand Block)
Create an instruction of the BBend instruction format.
static Instruction |
Goto.create(Operator o,
BranchOperand Target)
Create an instruction of the Goto instruction format.
static Instruction |
OsrPoint.create(Operator o,
InlinedOsrTypeInfoOperand InlinedTypeInfo,
int numVarOps)
Create an instruction of the OsrPoint instruction format.
static Instruction |
Prologue.create(Operator o,
int numVarOps)
Create an instruction of the Prologue instruction format.
static Instruction |
Instruction.create(Operator op,
int size)
INTERNAL IR USE ONLY: create a new instruction with the specified number
of operands.
static Instruction |
InstrumentedCounter.create(Operator o,
IntConstantOperand Data,
IntConstantOperand Index,
Operand Increment)
Create an instruction of the InstrumentedCounter instruction format.
static Instruction |
CacheOp.create(Operator o,
Operand Ref)
Create an instruction of the CacheOp instruction format.
static Instruction |
Return.create(Operator o,
Operand Val)
Create an instruction of the Return instruction format.
static Instruction |
Athrow.create(Operator o,
Operand Value)
Create an instruction of the Athrow instruction format.
static Instruction |
Phi.create(Operator o,
Operand Result,
int numVarOps)
Create an instruction of the Phi instruction format.
static Instruction |
MonitorOp.create(Operator o,
Operand Ref,
Operand Guard)
Create an instruction of the MonitorOp instruction format.
static Instruction |
PutStatic.create(Operator o,
Operand Value,
Operand Offset,
LocationOperand Location)
Create an instruction of the PutStatic instruction format.
static Instruction |
GuardedSet.create(Operator o,
Operand Ref,
Operand Val,
Operand Guard)
Create an instruction of the GuardedSet instruction format.
static Instruction |
InlineGuard.create(Operator o,
Operand Value,
Operand Guard,
Operand Goal,
BranchOperand Target,
BranchProfileOperand BranchProfile)
Create an instruction of the InlineGuard instruction format.
static Instruction |
LookupSwitch.create(Operator o,
Operand Value,
Operand Unknown1,
Operand Unknown2,
BranchOperand Default,
BranchProfileOperand DefaultBranchProfile,
int numVarOps)
Create an instruction of the LookupSwitch instruction format.
static Instruction |
TableSwitch.create(Operator o,
Operand Value,
Operand Unknown1,
Operand Unknown2,
IntConstantOperand Low,
IntConstantOperand High,
BranchOperand Default,
BranchProfileOperand DefaultBranchProfile,
int numVarOps)
Create an instruction of the TableSwitch instruction format.
static Instruction |
Store.create(Operator o,
Operand Value,
Operand Address,
Operand Offset,
LocationOperand Location)
Create an instruction of the Store instruction format.
static Instruction |
Store.create(Operator o,
Operand Value,
Operand Address,
Operand Offset,
LocationOperand Location,
Operand Guard)
Create an instruction of the Store instruction format.
static Instruction |
PutField.create(Operator o,
Operand Value,
Operand Ref,
Operand Offset,
LocationOperand Location,
Operand Guard)
Create an instruction of the PutField instruction format.
static Instruction |
AStore.create(Operator o,
Operand Value,
Operand Array,
Operand Index,
LocationOperand Location,
Operand Guard)
Create an instruction of the AStore instruction format.
static Instruction |
OsrBarrier.create(Operator o,
OsrTypeInfoOperand TypeInfo,
int numVarOps)
Create an instruction of the OsrBarrier instruction format.
static Instruction |
Nullary.create(Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result)
Create an instruction of the Nullary instruction format.
static Instruction |
LowTableSwitch.create(Operator o,
RegisterOperand Index,
int numVarOps)
Create an instruction of the LowTableSwitch instruction format.
static Instruction |
Unary.create(Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
Operand Val)
Create an instruction of the Unary instruction format.
static Instruction |
NullCheck.create(Operator o,
RegisterOperand GuardResult,
Operand Ref)
Create an instruction of the NullCheck instruction format.
static Instruction |
ZeroCheck.create(Operator o,
RegisterOperand GuardResult,
Operand Value)
Create an instruction of the ZeroCheck instruction format.
static Instruction |
Move.create(Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
Operand Val)
Create an instruction of the Move instruction format.
static Instruction |
GetStatic.create(Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
Operand Offset,
LocationOperand Location)
Create an instruction of the GetStatic instruction format.
static Instruction |
Call.create(Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
Operand Address,
MethodOperand Method,
int numVarOps)
Create an instruction of the Call instruction format.
static Instruction |
Call.create(Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
Operand Address,
MethodOperand Method,
Operand Guard,
int numVarOps)
Create an instruction of the Call instruction format.
static Instruction |
Binary.create(Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
Operand Val1,
Operand Val2)
Create an instruction of the Binary instruction format.
static Instruction |
GuardedUnary.create(Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
Operand Val,
Operand Guard)
Create an instruction of the GuardedUnary instruction format.
static Instruction |
IfCmp.create(Operator o,
RegisterOperand GuardResult,
Operand Val1,
Operand Val2,
ConditionOperand Cond,
BranchOperand Target,
BranchProfileOperand BranchProfile)
Create an instruction of the IfCmp instruction format.
static Instruction |
IfCmp2.create(Operator o,
RegisterOperand GuardResult,
Operand Val1,
Operand Val2,
ConditionOperand Cond1,
BranchOperand Target1,
BranchProfileOperand BranchProfile1,
ConditionOperand Cond2,
BranchOperand Target2,
BranchProfileOperand BranchProfile2)
Create an instruction of the IfCmp2 instruction format.
static Instruction |
BooleanCmp.create(Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
Operand Val1,
Operand Val2,
ConditionOperand Cond,
BranchProfileOperand BranchProfile)
Create an instruction of the BooleanCmp instruction format.
static Instruction |
CondMove.create(Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
Operand Val1,
Operand Val2,
ConditionOperand Cond,
Operand TrueValue,
Operand FalseValue)
Create an instruction of the CondMove instruction format.
static Instruction |
TrapIf.create(Operator o,
RegisterOperand GuardResult,
Operand Val1,
Operand Val2,
ConditionOperand Cond,
TrapCodeOperand TCode)
Create an instruction of the TrapIf instruction format.
static Instruction |
Prepare.create(Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
Operand Address,
Operand Offset,
LocationOperand Location)
Create an instruction of the Prepare instruction format.
static Instruction |
Load.create(Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
Operand Address,
Operand Offset,
LocationOperand Location)
Create an instruction of the Load instruction format.
static Instruction |
Prepare.create(Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
Operand Address,
Operand Offset,
LocationOperand Location,
Operand Guard)
Create an instruction of the Prepare instruction format.
static Instruction |
ALoad.create(Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
Operand Array,
Operand Index,
LocationOperand Location,
Operand Guard)
Create an instruction of the ALoad instruction format.
static Instruction |
Load.create(Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
Operand Address,
Operand Offset,
LocationOperand Location,
Operand Guard)
Create an instruction of the Load instruction format.
static Instruction |
GetField.create(Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
Operand Ref,
Operand Offset,
LocationOperand Location,
Operand Guard)
Create an instruction of the GetField instruction format.
static Instruction |
StoreCheck.create(Operator o,
RegisterOperand GuardResult,
Operand Ref,
Operand Val,
Operand Guard)
Create an instruction of the StoreCheck instruction format.
static Instruction |
GuardedBinary.create(Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
Operand Val1,
Operand Val2,
Operand Guard)
Create an instruction of the GuardedBinary instruction format.
static Instruction |
BoundsCheck.create(Operator o,
RegisterOperand GuardResult,
Operand Ref,
Operand Index,
Operand Guard)
Create an instruction of the BoundsCheck instruction format.
static Instruction |
Attempt.create(Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
Operand Address,
Operand Offset,
Operand OldValue,
Operand NewValue,
LocationOperand Location)
Create an instruction of the Attempt instruction format.
static Instruction |
Attempt.create(Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
Operand Address,
Operand Offset,
Operand OldValue,
Operand NewValue,
LocationOperand Location,
Operand Guard)
Create an instruction of the Attempt instruction format.
static Instruction |
TypeCheck.create(Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
Operand Ref,
TypeOperand Type)
Create an instruction of the TypeCheck instruction format.
static Instruction |
TypeCheck.create(Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
Operand Ref,
TypeOperand Type,
Operand Guard)
Create an instruction of the TypeCheck instruction format.
static Instruction |
Trap.create(Operator o,
RegisterOperand GuardResult,
TrapCodeOperand TCode)
Create an instruction of the Trap instruction format.
static Instruction |
New.create(Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
TypeOperand Type)
Create an instruction of the New instruction format.
static Instruction |
Multianewarray.create(Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
TypeOperand Type,
int numVarOps)
Create an instruction of the Multianewarray instruction format.
static Instruction |
NewArray.create(Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
TypeOperand Type,
Operand Size)
Create an instruction of the NewArray instruction format.
static Instruction |
InstanceOf.create(Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
TypeOperand Type,
Operand Ref)
Create an instruction of the InstanceOf instruction format.
static Instruction |
InstanceOf.create(Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
TypeOperand Type,
Operand Ref,
Operand Guard)
Create an instruction of the InstanceOf instruction format.
static Instruction |
Call.create0(Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
Operand Address,
MethodOperand Method)
Create an instruction of the Call instruction format
with 0 variable arguments.
static Instruction |
Call.create0(Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
Operand Address,
MethodOperand Method,
Operand Guard)
Create an instruction of the Call instruction format
with 0 variable arguments.
static Instruction |
Call.create1(Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
Operand Address,
MethodOperand Method,
Operand Param_1)
Create an instruction of the Call instruction format
with 1 variable arguments.
static Instruction |
Call.create1(Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
Operand Address,
MethodOperand Method,
Operand Guard,
Operand Param_1)
Create an instruction of the Call instruction format
with 1 variable arguments.
static Instruction |
Call.create2(Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
Operand Address,
MethodOperand Method,
Operand Param_1,
Operand Param_2)
Create an instruction of the Call instruction format
with 2 variable arguments.
static Instruction |
Call.create2(Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
Operand Address,
MethodOperand Method,
Operand Guard,
Operand Param_1,
Operand Param_2)
Create an instruction of the Call instruction format
with 2 variable arguments.
static Instruction |
Call.create3(Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
Operand Address,
MethodOperand Method,
Operand Param_1,
Operand Param_2,
Operand Param_3)
Create an instruction of the Call instruction format
with 3 variable arguments.
static Instruction |
Call.create3(Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
Operand Address,
MethodOperand Method,
Operand Guard,
Operand Param_1,
Operand Param_2,
Operand Param_3)
Create an instruction of the Call instruction format
with 3 variable arguments.
static Instruction |
Call.create4(Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
Operand Address,
MethodOperand Method,
Operand Param_1,
Operand Param_2,
Operand Param_3,
Operand Param_4)
Create an instruction of the Call instruction format
with 4 variable arguments.
static Instruction |
Call.create4(Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
Operand Address,
MethodOperand Method,
Operand Guard,
Operand Param_1,
Operand Param_2,
Operand Param_3,
Operand Param_4)
Create an instruction of the Call instruction format
with 4 variable arguments.
static Instruction |
Call.create5(Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
Operand Address,
MethodOperand Method,
Operand Param_1,
Operand Param_2,
Operand Param_3,
Operand Param_4,
Operand Param_5)
Create an instruction of the Call instruction format
with 5 variable arguments.
static Instruction |
Call.create5(Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
Operand Address,
MethodOperand Method,
Operand Guard,
Operand Param_1,
Operand Param_2,
Operand Param_3,
Operand Param_4,
Operand Param_5)
Create an instruction of the Call instruction format
with 5 variable arguments.
static Instruction |
Call.create6(Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
Operand Address,
MethodOperand Method,
Operand Param_1,
Operand Param_2,
Operand Param_3,
Operand Param_4,
Operand Param_5,
Operand Param_6)
Create an instruction of the Call instruction format
with 6 variable arguments.
static Instruction |
Call.create6(Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
Operand Address,
MethodOperand Method,
Operand Guard,
Operand Param_1,
Operand Param_2,
Operand Param_3,
Operand Param_4,
Operand Param_5,
Operand Param_6)
Create an instruction of the Call instruction format
with 6 variable arguments.
static Instruction |
Call.create7(Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
Operand Address,
MethodOperand Method,
Operand Param_1,
Operand Param_2,
Operand Param_3,
Operand Param_4,
Operand Param_5,
Operand Param_6,
Operand Param_7)
Create an instruction of the Call instruction format
with 7 variable arguments.
static Instruction |
Call.create7(Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
Operand Address,
MethodOperand Method,
Operand Guard,
Operand Param_1,
Operand Param_2,
Operand Param_3,
Operand Param_4,
Operand Param_5,
Operand Param_6,
Operand Param_7)
Create an instruction of the Call instruction format
with 7 variable arguments.
static Instruction |
Call.create8(Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
Operand Address,
MethodOperand Method,
Operand Param_1,
Operand Param_2,
Operand Param_3,
Operand Param_4,
Operand Param_5,
Operand Param_6,
Operand Param_7,
Operand Param_8)
Create an instruction of the Call instruction format
with 8 variable arguments.
static Instruction |
Call.create8(Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
Operand Address,
MethodOperand Method,
Operand Guard,
Operand Param_1,
Operand Param_2,
Operand Param_3,
Operand Param_4,
Operand Param_5,
Operand Param_6,
Operand Param_7,
Operand Param_8)
Create an instruction of the Call instruction format
with 8 variable arguments.
Instruction |
Return the first branch instruction in the block.
Instruction |
BasicBlock.firstInstruction() |
Instruction |
Return the first instruction with respect to
the current code linearization order.
Instruction |
BasicBlock.firstRealInstruction() |
Instruction |
This accessor is only valid when register lists are valid
Instruction |
GCIRMapElement.getInstruction() |
(package private) Instruction |
For IR internal use only; general clients should use
nextInstructionInCodeOrder() . |
(package private) Instruction |
For IR internal use only; General clients should use
prevInstructionInCodeOrder() . |
Instruction |
BasicBlock.lastInstruction() |
Instruction |
Return the last instruction with respect to
the current code linearization order.
Instruction |
BasicBlock.lastRealInstruction() |
Instruction |
Make a GOTO instruction, branching to the first instruction of
this basic block.
static Instruction |
Return.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
Return instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
Empty.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
Empty instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
Label.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
BasicBlockOperand Block)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
Label instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
BBend.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
BasicBlockOperand Block)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
BBend instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
Goto.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
BranchOperand Target)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
Goto instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
OsrPoint.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
InlinedOsrTypeInfoOperand InlinedTypeInfo,
int numVarOps)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
OsrPoint instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
Prologue.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
int numVarOps)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
Prologue instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
InstrumentedCounter.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
IntConstantOperand Data,
IntConstantOperand Index,
Operand Increment)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
InstrumentedCounter instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
CacheOp.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
Operand Ref)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
CacheOp instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
Return.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
Operand Val)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
Return instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
Athrow.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
Operand Value)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
Athrow instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
Phi.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
Operand Result,
int numVarOps)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
Phi instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
MonitorOp.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
Operand Ref,
Operand Guard)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MonitorOp instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
PutStatic.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
Operand Value,
Operand Offset,
LocationOperand Location)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
PutStatic instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
GuardedSet.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
Operand Ref,
Operand Val,
Operand Guard)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
GuardedSet instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
InlineGuard.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
Operand Value,
Operand Guard,
Operand Goal,
BranchOperand Target,
BranchProfileOperand BranchProfile)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
InlineGuard instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
LookupSwitch.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
Operand Value,
Operand Unknown1,
Operand Unknown2,
BranchOperand Default,
BranchProfileOperand DefaultBranchProfile,
int numVarOps)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
LookupSwitch instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
TableSwitch.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
Operand Value,
Operand Unknown1,
Operand Unknown2,
IntConstantOperand Low,
IntConstantOperand High,
BranchOperand Default,
BranchProfileOperand DefaultBranchProfile,
int numVarOps)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
TableSwitch instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
Store.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
Operand Value,
Operand Address,
Operand Offset,
LocationOperand Location)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
Store instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
Store.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
Operand Value,
Operand Address,
Operand Offset,
LocationOperand Location,
Operand Guard)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
Store instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
PutField.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
Operand Value,
Operand Ref,
Operand Offset,
LocationOperand Location,
Operand Guard)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
PutField instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
AStore.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
Operand Value,
Operand Array,
Operand Index,
LocationOperand Location,
Operand Guard)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
AStore instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
OsrBarrier.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
OsrTypeInfoOperand TypeInfo,
int numVarOps)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
OsrBarrier instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
Nullary.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
Nullary instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
LowTableSwitch.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Index,
int numVarOps)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
LowTableSwitch instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
Unary.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
Operand Val)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
Unary instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
NullCheck.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand GuardResult,
Operand Ref)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
NullCheck instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
ZeroCheck.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand GuardResult,
Operand Value)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
ZeroCheck instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
Move.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
Operand Val)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
Move instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
GetStatic.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
Operand Offset,
LocationOperand Location)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
GetStatic instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
Call.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
Operand Address,
MethodOperand Method,
int numVarOps)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
Call instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
Call.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
Operand Address,
MethodOperand Method,
Operand Guard,
int numVarOps)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
Call instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
Binary.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
Operand Val1,
Operand Val2)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
Binary instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
GuardedUnary.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
Operand Val,
Operand Guard)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
GuardedUnary instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
IfCmp.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand GuardResult,
Operand Val1,
Operand Val2,
ConditionOperand Cond,
BranchOperand Target,
BranchProfileOperand BranchProfile)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
IfCmp instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
IfCmp2.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand GuardResult,
Operand Val1,
Operand Val2,
ConditionOperand Cond1,
BranchOperand Target1,
BranchProfileOperand BranchProfile1,
ConditionOperand Cond2,
BranchOperand Target2,
BranchProfileOperand BranchProfile2)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
IfCmp2 instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
BooleanCmp.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
Operand Val1,
Operand Val2,
ConditionOperand Cond,
BranchProfileOperand BranchProfile)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
BooleanCmp instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
CondMove.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
Operand Val1,
Operand Val2,
ConditionOperand Cond,
Operand TrueValue,
Operand FalseValue)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
CondMove instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
TrapIf.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand GuardResult,
Operand Val1,
Operand Val2,
ConditionOperand Cond,
TrapCodeOperand TCode)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
TrapIf instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
Prepare.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
Operand Address,
Operand Offset,
LocationOperand Location)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
Prepare instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
Load.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
Operand Address,
Operand Offset,
LocationOperand Location)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
Load instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
Prepare.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
Operand Address,
Operand Offset,
LocationOperand Location,
Operand Guard)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
Prepare instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
ALoad.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
Operand Array,
Operand Index,
LocationOperand Location,
Operand Guard)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
ALoad instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
Load.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
Operand Address,
Operand Offset,
LocationOperand Location,
Operand Guard)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
Load instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
GetField.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
Operand Ref,
Operand Offset,
LocationOperand Location,
Operand Guard)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
GetField instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
StoreCheck.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand GuardResult,
Operand Ref,
Operand Val,
Operand Guard)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
StoreCheck instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
GuardedBinary.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
Operand Val1,
Operand Val2,
Operand Guard)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
GuardedBinary instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
BoundsCheck.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand GuardResult,
Operand Ref,
Operand Index,
Operand Guard)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
BoundsCheck instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
Attempt.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
Operand Address,
Operand Offset,
Operand OldValue,
Operand NewValue,
LocationOperand Location)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
Attempt instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
Attempt.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
Operand Address,
Operand Offset,
Operand OldValue,
Operand NewValue,
LocationOperand Location,
Operand Guard)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
Attempt instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
TypeCheck.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
Operand Ref,
TypeOperand Type)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
TypeCheck instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
TypeCheck.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
Operand Ref,
TypeOperand Type,
Operand Guard)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
TypeCheck instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
Trap.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand GuardResult,
TrapCodeOperand TCode)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
Trap instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
New.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
TypeOperand Type)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
New instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
Multianewarray.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
TypeOperand Type,
int numVarOps)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
Multianewarray instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
NewArray.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
TypeOperand Type,
Operand Size)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
NewArray instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
InstanceOf.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
TypeOperand Type,
Operand Ref)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
InstanceOf instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
InstanceOf.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
TypeOperand Type,
Operand Ref,
Operand Guard)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
InstanceOf instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
Call.mutate0(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
Operand Address,
MethodOperand Method)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
Call instruction format having the specified
operator, operands, and number of variable-length operands.
static Instruction |
Call.mutate0(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
Operand Address,
MethodOperand Method,
Operand Guard)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
Call instruction format having the specified
operator, operands, and number of variable-length operands.
static Instruction |
Call.mutate1(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
Operand Address,
MethodOperand Method,
Operand Param_1)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
Call instruction format having the specified
operator, operands, and number of variable-length operands.
static Instruction |
Call.mutate1(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
Operand Address,
MethodOperand Method,
Operand Guard,
Operand Param_1)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
Call instruction format having the specified
operator, operands, and number of variable-length operands.
static Instruction |
Call.mutate2(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
Operand Address,
MethodOperand Method,
Operand Param_1,
Operand Param_2)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
Call instruction format having the specified
operator, operands, and number of variable-length operands.
static Instruction |
Call.mutate2(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
Operand Address,
MethodOperand Method,
Operand Guard,
Operand Param_1,
Operand Param_2)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
Call instruction format having the specified
operator, operands, and number of variable-length operands.
static Instruction |
Call.mutate3(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
Operand Address,
MethodOperand Method,
Operand Param_1,
Operand Param_2,
Operand Param_3)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
Call instruction format having the specified
operator, operands, and number of variable-length operands.
static Instruction |
Call.mutate3(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
Operand Address,
MethodOperand Method,
Operand Guard,
Operand Param_1,
Operand Param_2,
Operand Param_3)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
Call instruction format having the specified
operator, operands, and number of variable-length operands.
static Instruction |
Call.mutate4(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
Operand Address,
MethodOperand Method,
Operand Param_1,
Operand Param_2,
Operand Param_3,
Operand Param_4)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
Call instruction format having the specified
operator, operands, and number of variable-length operands.
static Instruction |
Call.mutate4(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
Operand Address,
MethodOperand Method,
Operand Guard,
Operand Param_1,
Operand Param_2,
Operand Param_3,
Operand Param_4)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
Call instruction format having the specified
operator, operands, and number of variable-length operands.
static Instruction |
Call.mutate5(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
Operand Address,
MethodOperand Method,
Operand Param_1,
Operand Param_2,
Operand Param_3,
Operand Param_4,
Operand Param_5)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
Call instruction format having the specified
operator, operands, and number of variable-length operands.
static Instruction |
Call.mutate5(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
Operand Address,
MethodOperand Method,
Operand Guard,
Operand Param_1,
Operand Param_2,
Operand Param_3,
Operand Param_4,
Operand Param_5)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
Call instruction format having the specified
operator, operands, and number of variable-length operands.
static Instruction |
Call.mutate6(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
Operand Address,
MethodOperand Method,
Operand Param_1,
Operand Param_2,
Operand Param_3,
Operand Param_4,
Operand Param_5,
Operand Param_6)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
Call instruction format having the specified
operator, operands, and number of variable-length operands.
static Instruction |
Call.mutate6(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
Operand Address,
MethodOperand Method,
Operand Guard,
Operand Param_1,
Operand Param_2,
Operand Param_3,
Operand Param_4,
Operand Param_5,
Operand Param_6)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
Call instruction format having the specified
operator, operands, and number of variable-length operands.
static Instruction |
Call.mutate7(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
Operand Address,
MethodOperand Method,
Operand Param_1,
Operand Param_2,
Operand Param_3,
Operand Param_4,
Operand Param_5,
Operand Param_6,
Operand Param_7)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
Call instruction format having the specified
operator, operands, and number of variable-length operands.
static Instruction |
Call.mutate7(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
Operand Address,
MethodOperand Method,
Operand Guard,
Operand Param_1,
Operand Param_2,
Operand Param_3,
Operand Param_4,
Operand Param_5,
Operand Param_6,
Operand Param_7)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
Call instruction format having the specified
operator, operands, and number of variable-length operands.
static Instruction |
Call.mutate8(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
Operand Address,
MethodOperand Method,
Operand Param_1,
Operand Param_2,
Operand Param_3,
Operand Param_4,
Operand Param_5,
Operand Param_6,
Operand Param_7,
Operand Param_8)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
Call instruction format having the specified
operator, operands, and number of variable-length operands.
static Instruction |
Call.mutate8(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
Operand Address,
MethodOperand Method,
Operand Guard,
Operand Param_1,
Operand Param_2,
Operand Param_3,
Operand Param_4,
Operand Param_5,
Operand Param_6,
Operand Param_7,
Operand Param_8)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
Call instruction format having the specified
operator, operands, and number of variable-length operands.
Instruction |
IREnumeration.AllInstructionsEnum.nextElement() |
Instruction |
Return the next instruction with respect to the current
code linearization order.
static Instruction |
IRTools.nonPEIGC(Instruction instr)
Mark the parameter as nonGC and nonPEI and return it.
Instruction |
Return the previous instruction with respect to the current
code linearization order.
Instruction |
Removal: Remove this from the instruction stream.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Enumeration<Instruction> |
Return an enumeration of the branch instructions in this
basic block.
static Enumeration<Instruction> |
IREnumeration.forwardGlobalIE(IR ir)
A forward enumeration of all the instructions in the IR.
Enumeration<Instruction> |
Forward (with respect to the current code linearization order)
iteration over all the instructions in this IR.
Enumeration<Instruction> |
Forward enumeration of all the instruction in the block.
static Enumeration<Instruction> |
IREnumeration.forwardIntraBlockIE(Instruction start,
Instruction end)
Forward intra basic block instruction enumerations from
from start...last inclusive.
Enumeration<Instruction> |
Forward enumeration of all the real instruction in the block.
Map<Instruction,Integer> |
Densely numbers all the instructions currently in this IR
from 0...numInstr-1.
static Enumeration<Instruction> |
IREnumeration.reverseGlobalIE(IR ir)
A reverse enumeration of all the instructions in the IR.
Enumeration<Instruction> |
Reverse (with respect to the current code linearization order)
iteration over all the instructions in this IR.
Enumeration<Instruction> |
Reverse enumeration of all the instruction in the block.
static Enumeration<Instruction> |
IREnumeration.reverseIntraBlockIE(Instruction start,
Instruction end)
Reverse intra basic block instruction enumerations from
from start...last inclusive.
Enumeration<Instruction> |
Reverse enumeration of all the real instruction in the block.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
BasicBlock.appendInstruction(Instruction i)
Append instruction to this basic block by inserting it right before
the BBEND instruction in the instruction list.
void |
BasicBlock.appendInstructionRespectingTerminalBranch(Instruction i)
Append instruction to this basic block by inserting it right before
the BBEND instruction in the instruction list.
void |
BasicBlock.appendInstructionRespectingTerminalBranchOrPEI(Instruction i)
Append instruction to this basic block by inserting it right before
the BBEND instruction in the instruction list.
void |
Instruction.BURS_backdoor_linkWithNext(Instruction other)
Allow BURS a back door into linkWithNext.
boolean |
MachineSpecificIR.canFoldNullCheckAndLoad(Instruction s) |
static boolean |
Prologue.conforms(Instruction i)
InstructionFormat identification method for Prologue.
static boolean |
Goto.conforms(Instruction i)
InstructionFormat identification method for Goto.
static boolean |
GuardedSet.conforms(Instruction i)
InstructionFormat identification method for GuardedSet.
static boolean |
Nullary.conforms(Instruction i)
InstructionFormat identification method for Nullary.
static boolean |
PutStatic.conforms(Instruction i)
InstructionFormat identification method for PutStatic.
static boolean |
TrapIf.conforms(Instruction i)
InstructionFormat identification method for TrapIf.
static boolean |
NewArray.conforms(Instruction i)
InstructionFormat identification method for NewArray.
static boolean |
Prepare.conforms(Instruction i)
InstructionFormat identification method for Prepare.
static boolean |
ALoad.conforms(Instruction i)
InstructionFormat identification method for ALoad.
static boolean |
CacheOp.conforms(Instruction i)
InstructionFormat identification method for CacheOp.
static boolean |
StoreCheck.conforms(Instruction i)
InstructionFormat identification method for StoreCheck.
static boolean |
BranchProfileCarrier.conforms(Instruction i)
Does the instruction belong to an instruction format that
has an operand called BranchProfile?
static boolean |
Attempt.conforms(Instruction i)
InstructionFormat identification method for Attempt.
static boolean |
Binary.conforms(Instruction i)
InstructionFormat identification method for Binary.
static boolean |
GuardedBinary.conforms(Instruction i)
InstructionFormat identification method for GuardedBinary.
static boolean |
Store.conforms(Instruction i)
InstructionFormat identification method for Store.
static boolean |
CondMove.conforms(Instruction i)
InstructionFormat identification method for CondMove.
static boolean |
GuardResultCarrier.conforms(Instruction i)
Does the instruction belong to an instruction format that
has an operand called GuardResult?
static boolean |
Trap.conforms(Instruction i)
InstructionFormat identification method for Trap.
static boolean |
InstrumentedCounter.conforms(Instruction i)
InstructionFormat identification method for InstrumentedCounter.
static boolean |
Unary.conforms(Instruction i)
InstructionFormat identification method for Unary.
static boolean |
InstanceOf.conforms(Instruction i)
InstructionFormat identification method for InstanceOf.
static boolean |
GuardCarrier.conforms(Instruction i)
Does the instruction belong to an instruction format that
has an operand called Guard?
static boolean |
Label.conforms(Instruction i)
InstructionFormat identification method for Label.
static boolean |
MonitorOp.conforms(Instruction i)
InstructionFormat identification method for MonitorOp.
static boolean |
PutField.conforms(Instruction i)
InstructionFormat identification method for PutField.
static boolean |
Load.conforms(Instruction i)
InstructionFormat identification method for Load.
static boolean |
TypeCheck.conforms(Instruction i)
InstructionFormat identification method for TypeCheck.
static boolean |
IfCmp2.conforms(Instruction i)
InstructionFormat identification method for IfCmp2.
static boolean |
LocationCarrier.conforms(Instruction i)
Does the instruction belong to an instruction format that
has an operand called Location?
static boolean |
Phi.conforms(Instruction i)
InstructionFormat identification method for Phi.
static boolean |
OsrBarrier.conforms(Instruction i)
InstructionFormat identification method for OsrBarrier.
static boolean |
NullCheck.conforms(Instruction i)
InstructionFormat identification method for NullCheck.
static boolean |
ResultCarrier.conforms(Instruction i)
Does the instruction belong to an instruction format that
has an operand called Result?
static boolean |
BBend.conforms(Instruction i)
InstructionFormat identification method for BBend.
static boolean |
Return.conforms(Instruction i)
InstructionFormat identification method for Return.
static boolean |
LowTableSwitch.conforms(Instruction i)
InstructionFormat identification method for LowTableSwitch.
static boolean |
OsrPoint.conforms(Instruction i)
InstructionFormat identification method for OsrPoint.
static boolean |
BoundsCheck.conforms(Instruction i)
InstructionFormat identification method for BoundsCheck.
static boolean |
BooleanCmp.conforms(Instruction i)
InstructionFormat identification method for BooleanCmp.
static boolean |
ZeroCheck.conforms(Instruction i)
InstructionFormat identification method for ZeroCheck.
static boolean |
Athrow.conforms(Instruction i)
InstructionFormat identification method for Athrow.
static boolean |
InlineGuard.conforms(Instruction i)
InstructionFormat identification method for InlineGuard.
static boolean |
Call.conforms(Instruction i)
InstructionFormat identification method for Call.
static boolean |
TableSwitch.conforms(Instruction i)
InstructionFormat identification method for TableSwitch.
static boolean |
IfCmp.conforms(Instruction i)
InstructionFormat identification method for IfCmp.
static boolean |
AStore.conforms(Instruction i)
InstructionFormat identification method for AStore.
static boolean |
GuardedUnary.conforms(Instruction i)
InstructionFormat identification method for GuardedUnary.
static boolean |
New.conforms(Instruction i)
InstructionFormat identification method for New.
static boolean |
GetField.conforms(Instruction i)
InstructionFormat identification method for GetField.
static boolean |
Multianewarray.conforms(Instruction i)
InstructionFormat identification method for Multianewarray.
static boolean |
Empty.conforms(Instruction i)
InstructionFormat identification method for Empty.
static boolean |
Move.conforms(Instruction i)
InstructionFormat identification method for Move.
static boolean |
LookupSwitch.conforms(Instruction i)
InstructionFormat identification method for LookupSwitch.
static boolean |
GetStatic.conforms(Instruction i)
InstructionFormat identification method for GetStatic.
void |
Instruction.copyPosition(Instruction source)
static Instruction |
IRTools.CPOS(Instruction src,
Instruction dst)
Copy the position information from the source instruction to
the destination instruction, returning the source instruction.
GCIRMapElement |
GCIRMapElement.createTwin(Instruction inst)
Creates a twin entry: required when the same MIR GC point
is split into two instructions, both of which are PEIs
after register allocation/GCIRMap creation.
static boolean |
IRTools.defDoublesAsUse(Operand d,
Instruction s)
Is the operand d, which is a def in instruction s, also a use
in instruction s?
static boolean |
IRTools.definedIn(Register r,
Instruction s) |
void |
GCIRMap.delete(Instruction inst)
This method removes an entry in the GCIRMap that is specified
by inst.
protected static void | i,
String name)
Called to generate a (possibly fatal) error message
when it is detected that an InstructionFormat method
was invoked on an instruction/operator that does not
conform to that format.
static Enumeration<Instruction> |
IREnumeration.forwardIntraBlockIE(Instruction start,
Instruction end)
Forward intra basic block instruction enumerations from
from start...last inclusive.
static Operand |
Prepare.getAddress(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Address from the
argument instruction.
static Operand |
Attempt.getAddress(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Address from the
argument instruction.
static Operand |
Store.getAddress(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Address from the
argument instruction.
static Operand |
Load.getAddress(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Address from the
argument instruction.
static Operand |
Call.getAddress(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Address from the
argument instruction.
Enumeration<BasicBlock> |
BasicBlock.getApplicableExceptionalOut(Instruction instr)
An enumeration of the subset of exceptional out edges that are applicable
to the given instruction (assumed to be in instruction in 'this')
static Operand |
ALoad.getArray(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Array from the
argument instruction.
static Operand |
AStore.getArray(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Array from the
argument instruction.
static BasicBlockOperand |
Label.getBlock(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Block from the
argument instruction.
static BasicBlockOperand |
BBend.getBlock(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Block from the
argument instruction.
static BranchProfileOperand |
BranchProfileCarrier.getBranchProfile(Instruction i)
Get the operand called BranchProfile from the
argument instruction.
static BranchProfileOperand |
BooleanCmp.getBranchProfile(Instruction i)
Get the operand called BranchProfile from the
argument instruction.
static BranchProfileOperand |
InlineGuard.getBranchProfile(Instruction i)
Get the operand called BranchProfile from the
argument instruction.
static BranchProfileOperand |
IfCmp.getBranchProfile(Instruction i)
Get the operand called BranchProfile from the
argument instruction.
static BranchProfileOperand |
LowTableSwitch.getBranchProfile(Instruction i,
int k)
Get the k'th operand called BranchProfile from the
argument instruction.
static BranchProfileOperand |
TableSwitch.getBranchProfile(Instruction i,
int k)
Get the k'th operand called BranchProfile from the
argument instruction.
static BranchProfileOperand |
LookupSwitch.getBranchProfile(Instruction i,
int k)
Get the k'th operand called BranchProfile from the
argument instruction.
static BranchProfileOperand |
IfCmp2.getBranchProfile1(Instruction i)
Get the operand called BranchProfile1 from the
argument instruction.
static BranchProfileOperand |
IfCmp2.getBranchProfile2(Instruction i)
Get the operand called BranchProfile2 from the
argument instruction.
static Operand |
Prepare.getClearAddress(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Address from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand |
Attempt.getClearAddress(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Address from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand |
Store.getClearAddress(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Address from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand |
Load.getClearAddress(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Address from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand |
Call.getClearAddress(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Address from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand |
ALoad.getClearArray(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Array from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand |
AStore.getClearArray(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Array from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static BasicBlockOperand |
Label.getClearBlock(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Block from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static BasicBlockOperand |
BBend.getClearBlock(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Block from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static BranchProfileOperand |
BranchProfileCarrier.getClearBranchProfile(Instruction i)
Get the operand called BranchProfile from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static BranchProfileOperand |
BooleanCmp.getClearBranchProfile(Instruction i)
Get the operand called BranchProfile from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static BranchProfileOperand |
InlineGuard.getClearBranchProfile(Instruction i)
Get the operand called BranchProfile from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static BranchProfileOperand |
IfCmp.getClearBranchProfile(Instruction i)
Get the operand called BranchProfile from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static BranchProfileOperand |
LowTableSwitch.getClearBranchProfile(Instruction i,
int k)
Get the k'th operand called BranchProfile from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static BranchProfileOperand |
TableSwitch.getClearBranchProfile(Instruction i,
int k)
Get the k'th operand called BranchProfile from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static BranchProfileOperand |
LookupSwitch.getClearBranchProfile(Instruction i,
int k)
Get the k'th operand called BranchProfile from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static BranchProfileOperand |
IfCmp2.getClearBranchProfile1(Instruction i)
Get the operand called BranchProfile1 from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static BranchProfileOperand |
IfCmp2.getClearBranchProfile2(Instruction i)
Get the operand called BranchProfile2 from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static ConditionOperand |
TrapIf.getClearCond(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Cond from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static ConditionOperand |
CondMove.getClearCond(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Cond from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static ConditionOperand |
BooleanCmp.getClearCond(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Cond from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static ConditionOperand |
IfCmp.getClearCond(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Cond from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static ConditionOperand |
IfCmp2.getClearCond1(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Cond1 from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static ConditionOperand |
IfCmp2.getClearCond2(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Cond2 from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static IntConstantOperand |
InstrumentedCounter.getClearData(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Data from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static BranchOperand |
TableSwitch.getClearDefault(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Default from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static BranchOperand |
LookupSwitch.getClearDefault(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Default from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static BranchProfileOperand |
TableSwitch.getClearDefaultBranchProfile(Instruction i)
Get the operand called DefaultBranchProfile from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static BranchProfileOperand |
LookupSwitch.getClearDefaultBranchProfile(Instruction i)
Get the operand called DefaultBranchProfile from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand |
Multianewarray.getClearDimension(Instruction i,
int k)
Get the k'th operand called Dimension from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand |
OsrBarrier.getClearElement(Instruction i,
int k)
Get the k'th operand called Element from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand |
OsrPoint.getClearElement(Instruction i,
int k)
Get the k'th operand called Element from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand |
CondMove.getClearFalseValue(Instruction i)
Get the operand called FalseValue from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static RegisterOperand |
Prologue.getClearFormal(Instruction i,
int k)
Get the k'th operand called Formal from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand |
InlineGuard.getClearGoal(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Goal from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand |
GuardedSet.getClearGuard(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Guard from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand |
Prepare.getClearGuard(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Guard from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand |
ALoad.getClearGuard(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Guard from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand |
StoreCheck.getClearGuard(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Guard from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand |
Attempt.getClearGuard(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Guard from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand |
GuardedBinary.getClearGuard(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Guard from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand |
Store.getClearGuard(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Guard from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand |
InstanceOf.getClearGuard(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Guard from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand |
GuardCarrier.getClearGuard(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Guard from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand |
MonitorOp.getClearGuard(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Guard from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand |
PutField.getClearGuard(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Guard from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand |
Load.getClearGuard(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Guard from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand |
TypeCheck.getClearGuard(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Guard from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand |
BoundsCheck.getClearGuard(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Guard from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand |
InlineGuard.getClearGuard(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Guard from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand |
Call.getClearGuard(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Guard from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand |
AStore.getClearGuard(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Guard from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand |
GuardedUnary.getClearGuard(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Guard from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand |
GetField.getClearGuard(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Guard from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static RegisterOperand |
TrapIf.getClearGuardResult(Instruction i)
Get the operand called GuardResult from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static RegisterOperand |
StoreCheck.getClearGuardResult(Instruction i)
Get the operand called GuardResult from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static RegisterOperand |
GuardResultCarrier.getClearGuardResult(Instruction i)
Get the operand called GuardResult from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static RegisterOperand |
Trap.getClearGuardResult(Instruction i)
Get the operand called GuardResult from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static RegisterOperand |
IfCmp2.getClearGuardResult(Instruction i)
Get the operand called GuardResult from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static RegisterOperand |
NullCheck.getClearGuardResult(Instruction i)
Get the operand called GuardResult from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static RegisterOperand |
BoundsCheck.getClearGuardResult(Instruction i)
Get the operand called GuardResult from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static RegisterOperand |
ZeroCheck.getClearGuardResult(Instruction i)
Get the operand called GuardResult from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static RegisterOperand |
IfCmp.getClearGuardResult(Instruction i)
Get the operand called GuardResult from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static IntConstantOperand |
TableSwitch.getClearHigh(Instruction i)
Get the operand called High from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand |
InstrumentedCounter.getClearIncrement(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Increment from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand |
ALoad.getClearIndex(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Index from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static IntConstantOperand |
InstrumentedCounter.getClearIndex(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Index from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static RegisterOperand |
LowTableSwitch.getClearIndex(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Index from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand |
BoundsCheck.getClearIndex(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Index from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand |
AStore.getClearIndex(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Index from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static InlinedOsrTypeInfoOperand |
OsrPoint.getClearInlinedTypeInfo(Instruction i)
Get the operand called InlinedTypeInfo from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static LocationOperand |
PutStatic.getClearLocation(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Location from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static LocationOperand |
Prepare.getClearLocation(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Location from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static LocationOperand |
ALoad.getClearLocation(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Location from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static LocationOperand |
Attempt.getClearLocation(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Location from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static LocationOperand |
Store.getClearLocation(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Location from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static LocationOperand |
PutField.getClearLocation(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Location from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static LocationOperand |
Load.getClearLocation(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Location from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static LocationOperand |
LocationCarrier.getClearLocation(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Location from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static LocationOperand |
AStore.getClearLocation(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Location from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static LocationOperand |
GetField.getClearLocation(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Location from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static LocationOperand |
GetStatic.getClearLocation(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Location from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static IntConstantOperand |
TableSwitch.getClearLow(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Low from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static IntConstantOperand |
LookupSwitch.getClearMatch(Instruction i,
int k)
Get the k'th operand called Match from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static MethodOperand |
Call.getClearMethod(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Method from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand |
Attempt.getClearNewValue(Instruction i)
Get the operand called NewValue from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand |
PutStatic.getClearOffset(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Offset from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand |
Prepare.getClearOffset(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Offset from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand |
Attempt.getClearOffset(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Offset from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand |
Store.getClearOffset(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Offset from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand |
PutField.getClearOffset(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Offset from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand |
Load.getClearOffset(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Offset from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand |
GetField.getClearOffset(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Offset from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand |
GetStatic.getClearOffset(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Offset from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand |
Attempt.getClearOldValue(Instruction i)
Get the operand called OldValue from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand |
Call.getClearParam(Instruction i,
int k)
Get the k'th operand called Param from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static BasicBlockOperand |
Phi.getClearPred(Instruction i,
int k)
Get the k'th operand called Pred from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand |
GuardedSet.getClearRef(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Ref from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand |
CacheOp.getClearRef(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Ref from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand |
StoreCheck.getClearRef(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Ref from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand |
InstanceOf.getClearRef(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Ref from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand |
MonitorOp.getClearRef(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Ref from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand |
PutField.getClearRef(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Ref from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand |
TypeCheck.getClearRef(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Ref from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand |
NullCheck.getClearRef(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Ref from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand |
BoundsCheck.getClearRef(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Ref from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand |
GetField.getClearRef(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Ref from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static RegisterOperand |
Nullary.getClearResult(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Result from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static RegisterOperand |
NewArray.getClearResult(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Result from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static RegisterOperand |
Prepare.getClearResult(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Result from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static RegisterOperand |
ALoad.getClearResult(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Result from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static RegisterOperand |
Attempt.getClearResult(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Result from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static RegisterOperand |
Binary.getClearResult(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Result from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static RegisterOperand |
GuardedBinary.getClearResult(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Result from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static RegisterOperand |
CondMove.getClearResult(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Result from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static RegisterOperand |
Unary.getClearResult(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Result from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static RegisterOperand |
InstanceOf.getClearResult(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Result from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static RegisterOperand |
Load.getClearResult(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Result from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static RegisterOperand |
TypeCheck.getClearResult(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Result from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand |
Phi.getClearResult(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Result from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static RegisterOperand |
ResultCarrier.getClearResult(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Result from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static RegisterOperand |
BooleanCmp.getClearResult(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Result from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static RegisterOperand |
Call.getClearResult(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Result from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static RegisterOperand |
GuardedUnary.getClearResult(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Result from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static RegisterOperand |
New.getClearResult(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Result from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static RegisterOperand |
GetField.getClearResult(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Result from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static RegisterOperand |
Multianewarray.getClearResult(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Result from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static RegisterOperand |
Move.getClearResult(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Result from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static RegisterOperand |
GetStatic.getClearResult(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Result from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand |
NewArray.getClearSize(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Size from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static BranchOperand |
Goto.getClearTarget(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Target from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static BranchOperand |
InlineGuard.getClearTarget(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Target from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static BranchOperand |
IfCmp.getClearTarget(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Target from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static BranchOperand |
LowTableSwitch.getClearTarget(Instruction i,
int k)
Get the k'th operand called Target from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static BranchOperand |
TableSwitch.getClearTarget(Instruction i,
int k)
Get the k'th operand called Target from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static BranchOperand |
LookupSwitch.getClearTarget(Instruction i,
int k)
Get the k'th operand called Target from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static BranchOperand |
IfCmp2.getClearTarget1(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Target1 from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static BranchOperand |
IfCmp2.getClearTarget2(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Target2 from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static TrapCodeOperand |
TrapIf.getClearTCode(Instruction i)
Get the operand called TCode from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static TrapCodeOperand |
Trap.getClearTCode(Instruction i)
Get the operand called TCode from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand |
CondMove.getClearTrueValue(Instruction i)
Get the operand called TrueValue from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static TypeOperand |
NewArray.getClearType(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Type from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static TypeOperand |
InstanceOf.getClearType(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Type from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static TypeOperand |
TypeCheck.getClearType(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Type from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static TypeOperand |
New.getClearType(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Type from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static TypeOperand |
Multianewarray.getClearType(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Type from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static OsrTypeInfoOperand |
OsrBarrier.getClearTypeInfo(Instruction i)
Get the operand called TypeInfo from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand |
TableSwitch.getClearUnknown1(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Unknown1 from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand |
LookupSwitch.getClearUnknown1(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Unknown1 from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand |
TableSwitch.getClearUnknown2(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Unknown2 from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand |
LookupSwitch.getClearUnknown2(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Unknown2 from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand |
GuardedSet.getClearVal(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Val from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand |
StoreCheck.getClearVal(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Val from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand |
Unary.getClearVal(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Val from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand |
Return.getClearVal(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Val from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand |
GuardedUnary.getClearVal(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Val from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand |
Move.getClearVal(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Val from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand |
TrapIf.getClearVal1(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Val1 from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand |
Binary.getClearVal1(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Val1 from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand |
GuardedBinary.getClearVal1(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Val1 from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand |
CondMove.getClearVal1(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Val1 from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand |
IfCmp2.getClearVal1(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Val1 from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand |
BooleanCmp.getClearVal1(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Val1 from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand |
IfCmp.getClearVal1(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Val1 from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand |
TrapIf.getClearVal2(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Val2 from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand |
Binary.getClearVal2(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Val2 from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand |
GuardedBinary.getClearVal2(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Val2 from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand |
CondMove.getClearVal2(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Val2 from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand |
IfCmp2.getClearVal2(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Val2 from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand |
BooleanCmp.getClearVal2(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Val2 from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand |
IfCmp.getClearVal2(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Val2 from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand |
PutStatic.getClearValue(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Value from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand |
Store.getClearValue(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Value from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand |
PutField.getClearValue(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Value from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand |
ZeroCheck.getClearValue(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Value from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand |
Athrow.getClearValue(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Value from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand |
InlineGuard.getClearValue(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Value from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand |
TableSwitch.getClearValue(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Value from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand |
AStore.getClearValue(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Value from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand |
LookupSwitch.getClearValue(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Value from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand |
Phi.getClearValue(Instruction i,
int k)
Get the k'th operand called Value from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static ConditionOperand |
TrapIf.getCond(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Cond from the
argument instruction.
static ConditionOperand |
CondMove.getCond(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Cond from the
argument instruction.
static ConditionOperand |
BooleanCmp.getCond(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Cond from the
argument instruction.
static ConditionOperand |
IfCmp.getCond(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Cond from the
argument instruction.
static ConditionOperand |
IfCmp2.getCond1(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Cond1 from the
argument instruction.
static ConditionOperand |
IfCmp2.getCond2(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Cond2 from the
argument instruction.
static IntConstantOperand |
InstrumentedCounter.getData(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Data from the
argument instruction.
static BranchOperand |
TableSwitch.getDefault(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Default from the
argument instruction.
static BranchOperand |
LookupSwitch.getDefault(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Default from the
argument instruction.
static BranchProfileOperand |
TableSwitch.getDefaultBranchProfile(Instruction i)
Get the operand called DefaultBranchProfile from the
argument instruction.
static BranchProfileOperand |
LookupSwitch.getDefaultBranchProfile(Instruction i)
Get the operand called DefaultBranchProfile from the
argument instruction.
static Operand |
Multianewarray.getDimension(Instruction i,
int k)
Get the k'th operand called Dimension from the
argument instruction.
static Operand |
OsrBarrier.getElement(Instruction i,
int k)
Get the k'th operand called Element from the
argument instruction.
static Operand |
OsrPoint.getElement(Instruction i,
int k)
Get the k'th operand called Element from the
argument instruction.
static Operand |
CondMove.getFalseValue(Instruction i)
Get the operand called FalseValue from the
argument instruction.
static RegisterOperand |
Prologue.getFormal(Instruction i,
int k)
Get the k'th operand called Formal from the
argument instruction.
static Operand |
InlineGuard.getGoal(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Goal from the
argument instruction.
static Operand |
GuardedSet.getGuard(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Guard from the
argument instruction.
static Operand |
Prepare.getGuard(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Guard from the
argument instruction.
static Operand |
ALoad.getGuard(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Guard from the
argument instruction.
static Operand |
StoreCheck.getGuard(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Guard from the
argument instruction.
static Operand |
Attempt.getGuard(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Guard from the
argument instruction.
static Operand |
GuardedBinary.getGuard(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Guard from the
argument instruction.
static Operand |
Store.getGuard(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Guard from the
argument instruction.
static Operand |
InstanceOf.getGuard(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Guard from the
argument instruction.
static Operand |
GuardCarrier.getGuard(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Guard from the
argument instruction.
static Operand |
MonitorOp.getGuard(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Guard from the
argument instruction.
static Operand |
PutField.getGuard(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Guard from the
argument instruction.
static Operand |
Load.getGuard(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Guard from the
argument instruction.
static Operand |
TypeCheck.getGuard(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Guard from the
argument instruction.
static Operand |
BoundsCheck.getGuard(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Guard from the
argument instruction.
static Operand |
InlineGuard.getGuard(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Guard from the
argument instruction.
static Operand |
Call.getGuard(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Guard from the
argument instruction.
static Operand |
AStore.getGuard(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Guard from the
argument instruction.
static Operand |
GuardedUnary.getGuard(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Guard from the
argument instruction.
static Operand |
GetField.getGuard(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Guard from the
argument instruction.
static RegisterOperand |
TrapIf.getGuardResult(Instruction i)
Get the operand called GuardResult from the
argument instruction.
static RegisterOperand |
StoreCheck.getGuardResult(Instruction i)
Get the operand called GuardResult from the
argument instruction.
static RegisterOperand |
GuardResultCarrier.getGuardResult(Instruction i)
Get the operand called GuardResult from the
argument instruction.
static RegisterOperand |
Trap.getGuardResult(Instruction i)
Get the operand called GuardResult from the
argument instruction.
static RegisterOperand |
IfCmp2.getGuardResult(Instruction i)
Get the operand called GuardResult from the
argument instruction.
static RegisterOperand |
NullCheck.getGuardResult(Instruction i)
Get the operand called GuardResult from the
argument instruction.
static RegisterOperand |
BoundsCheck.getGuardResult(Instruction i)
Get the operand called GuardResult from the
argument instruction.
static RegisterOperand |
ZeroCheck.getGuardResult(Instruction i)
Get the operand called GuardResult from the
argument instruction.
static RegisterOperand |
IfCmp.getGuardResult(Instruction i)
Get the operand called GuardResult from the
argument instruction.
static IntConstantOperand |
TableSwitch.getHigh(Instruction i)
Get the operand called High from the
argument instruction.
static Operand |
InstrumentedCounter.getIncrement(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Increment from the
argument instruction.
static Operand |
ALoad.getIndex(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Index from the
argument instruction.
static IntConstantOperand |
InstrumentedCounter.getIndex(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Index from the
argument instruction.
static RegisterOperand |
LowTableSwitch.getIndex(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Index from the
argument instruction.
static Operand |
BoundsCheck.getIndex(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Index from the
argument instruction.
static Operand |
AStore.getIndex(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Index from the
argument instruction.
static InlinedOsrTypeInfoOperand |
OsrPoint.getInlinedTypeInfo(Instruction i)
Get the operand called InlinedTypeInfo from the
argument instruction.
static LocationOperand |
PutStatic.getLocation(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Location from the
argument instruction.
static LocationOperand |
Prepare.getLocation(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Location from the
argument instruction.
static LocationOperand |
ALoad.getLocation(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Location from the
argument instruction.
static LocationOperand |
Attempt.getLocation(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Location from the
argument instruction.
static LocationOperand |
Store.getLocation(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Location from the
argument instruction.
static LocationOperand |
PutField.getLocation(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Location from the
argument instruction.
static LocationOperand |
Load.getLocation(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Location from the
argument instruction.
static LocationOperand |
LocationCarrier.getLocation(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Location from the
argument instruction.
static LocationOperand |
AStore.getLocation(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Location from the
argument instruction.
static LocationOperand |
GetField.getLocation(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Location from the
argument instruction.
static LocationOperand |
GetStatic.getLocation(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Location from the
argument instruction.
static IntConstantOperand |
TableSwitch.getLow(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Low from the
argument instruction.
static IntConstantOperand |
LookupSwitch.getMatch(Instruction i,
int k)
Get the k'th operand called Match from the
argument instruction.
static MethodOperand |
Call.getMethod(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Method from the
argument instruction.
static Operand |
Attempt.getNewValue(Instruction i)
Get the operand called NewValue from the
argument instruction.
static int |
LowTableSwitch.getNumberOfBranchProfiles(Instruction i)
How many variable-length operands called BranchProfiles
does the argument instruction have?
static int |
TableSwitch.getNumberOfBranchProfiles(Instruction i)
How many variable-length operands called BranchProfiles
does the argument instruction have?
static int |
LookupSwitch.getNumberOfBranchProfiles(Instruction i)
How many variable-length operands called BranchProfiles
does the argument instruction have?
static int |
Multianewarray.getNumberOfDimensions(Instruction i)
How many variable-length operands called Dimensions
does the argument instruction have?
static int |
OsrBarrier.getNumberOfElements(Instruction i)
How many variable-length operands called Elements
does the argument instruction have?
static int |
OsrPoint.getNumberOfElements(Instruction i)
How many variable-length operands called Elements
does the argument instruction have?
static int |
Prologue.getNumberOfFormals(Instruction i)
How many variable-length operands called Formals
does the argument instruction have?
static int |
LookupSwitch.getNumberOfMatches(Instruction i)
How many variable-length operands called Matches
does the argument instruction have?
static int |
Call.getNumberOfParams(Instruction i)
How many variable-length operands called Params
does the argument instruction have?
static int |
Phi.getNumberOfPreds(Instruction i)
How many variable-length operands called Preds
does the argument instruction have?
static int |
LowTableSwitch.getNumberOfTargets(Instruction i)
How many variable-length operands called Targets
does the argument instruction have?
static int |
TableSwitch.getNumberOfTargets(Instruction i)
How many variable-length operands called Targets
does the argument instruction have?
static int |
LookupSwitch.getNumberOfTargets(Instruction i)
How many variable-length operands called Targets
does the argument instruction have?
static int |
Phi.getNumberOfValues(Instruction i)
How many variable-length operands called Values
does the argument instruction have?
static Operand |
PutStatic.getOffset(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Offset from the
argument instruction.
static Operand |
Prepare.getOffset(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Offset from the
argument instruction.
static Operand |
Attempt.getOffset(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Offset from the
argument instruction.
static Operand |
Store.getOffset(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Offset from the
argument instruction.
static Operand |
PutField.getOffset(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Offset from the
argument instruction.
static Operand |
Load.getOffset(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Offset from the
argument instruction.
static Operand |
GetField.getOffset(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Offset from the
argument instruction.
static Operand |
GetStatic.getOffset(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Offset from the
argument instruction.
static Operand |
Attempt.getOldValue(Instruction i)
Get the operand called OldValue from the
argument instruction.
static Operand |
Call.getParam(Instruction i,
int k)
Get the k'th operand called Param from the
argument instruction.
static BasicBlockOperand |
Phi.getPred(Instruction i,
int k)
Get the k'th operand called Pred from the
argument instruction.
static Operand |
GuardedSet.getRef(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Ref from the
argument instruction.
static Operand |
CacheOp.getRef(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Ref from the
argument instruction.
static Operand |
StoreCheck.getRef(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Ref from the
argument instruction.
static Operand |
InstanceOf.getRef(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Ref from the
argument instruction.
static Operand |
MonitorOp.getRef(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Ref from the
argument instruction.
static Operand |
PutField.getRef(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Ref from the
argument instruction.
static Operand |
TypeCheck.getRef(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Ref from the
argument instruction.
static Operand |
NullCheck.getRef(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Ref from the
argument instruction.
static Operand |
BoundsCheck.getRef(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Ref from the
argument instruction.
static Operand |
GetField.getRef(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Ref from the
argument instruction.
static RegisterOperand |
Nullary.getResult(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Result from the
argument instruction.
static RegisterOperand |
NewArray.getResult(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Result from the
argument instruction.
static RegisterOperand |
Prepare.getResult(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Result from the
argument instruction.
static RegisterOperand |
ALoad.getResult(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Result from the
argument instruction.
static RegisterOperand |
Attempt.getResult(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Result from the
argument instruction.
static RegisterOperand |
Binary.getResult(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Result from the
argument instruction.
static RegisterOperand |
GuardedBinary.getResult(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Result from the
argument instruction.
static RegisterOperand |
CondMove.getResult(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Result from the
argument instruction.
static RegisterOperand |
Unary.getResult(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Result from the
argument instruction.
static RegisterOperand |
InstanceOf.getResult(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Result from the
argument instruction.
static RegisterOperand |
Load.getResult(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Result from the
argument instruction.
static RegisterOperand |
TypeCheck.getResult(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Result from the
argument instruction.
static Operand |
Phi.getResult(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Result from the
argument instruction.
static RegisterOperand |
ResultCarrier.getResult(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Result from the
argument instruction.
static RegisterOperand |
BooleanCmp.getResult(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Result from the
argument instruction.
static RegisterOperand |
Call.getResult(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Result from the
argument instruction.
static RegisterOperand |
GuardedUnary.getResult(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Result from the
argument instruction.
static RegisterOperand |
New.getResult(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Result from the
argument instruction.
static RegisterOperand |
GetField.getResult(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Result from the
argument instruction.
static RegisterOperand |
Multianewarray.getResult(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Result from the
argument instruction.
static RegisterOperand |
Move.getResult(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Result from the
argument instruction.
static RegisterOperand |
GetStatic.getResult(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Result from the
argument instruction.
static Operand |
NewArray.getSize(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Size from the
argument instruction.
static BranchOperand |
Goto.getTarget(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Target from the
argument instruction.
static BranchOperand |
InlineGuard.getTarget(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Target from the
argument instruction.
static BranchOperand |
IfCmp.getTarget(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Target from the
argument instruction.
static BranchOperand |
LowTableSwitch.getTarget(Instruction i,
int k)
Get the k'th operand called Target from the
argument instruction.
static BranchOperand |
TableSwitch.getTarget(Instruction i,
int k)
Get the k'th operand called Target from the
argument instruction.
static BranchOperand |
LookupSwitch.getTarget(Instruction i,
int k)
Get the k'th operand called Target from the
argument instruction.
static BranchOperand |
IfCmp2.getTarget1(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Target1 from the
argument instruction.
static BranchOperand |
IfCmp2.getTarget2(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Target2 from the
argument instruction.
static TrapCodeOperand |
TrapIf.getTCode(Instruction i)
Get the operand called TCode from the
argument instruction.
static TrapCodeOperand |
Trap.getTCode(Instruction i)
Get the operand called TCode from the
argument instruction.
static Operand |
CondMove.getTrueValue(Instruction i)
Get the operand called TrueValue from the
argument instruction.
static TypeOperand |
NewArray.getType(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Type from the
argument instruction.
static TypeOperand |
InstanceOf.getType(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Type from the
argument instruction.
static TypeOperand |
TypeCheck.getType(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Type from the
argument instruction.
static TypeOperand |
New.getType(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Type from the
argument instruction.
static TypeOperand |
Multianewarray.getType(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Type from the
argument instruction.
static OsrTypeInfoOperand |
OsrBarrier.getTypeInfo(Instruction i)
Get the operand called TypeInfo from the
argument instruction.
static Operand |
TableSwitch.getUnknown1(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Unknown1 from the
argument instruction.
static Operand |
LookupSwitch.getUnknown1(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Unknown1 from the
argument instruction.
static Operand |
TableSwitch.getUnknown2(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Unknown2 from the
argument instruction.
static Operand |
LookupSwitch.getUnknown2(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Unknown2 from the
argument instruction.
static Operand |
GuardedSet.getVal(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Val from the
argument instruction.
static Operand |
StoreCheck.getVal(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Val from the
argument instruction.
static Operand |
Unary.getVal(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Val from the
argument instruction.
static Operand |
Return.getVal(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Val from the
argument instruction.
static Operand |
GuardedUnary.getVal(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Val from the
argument instruction.
static Operand |
Move.getVal(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Val from the
argument instruction.
static Operand |
TrapIf.getVal1(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Val1 from the
argument instruction.
static Operand |
Binary.getVal1(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Val1 from the
argument instruction.
static Operand |
GuardedBinary.getVal1(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Val1 from the
argument instruction.
static Operand |
CondMove.getVal1(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Val1 from the
argument instruction.
static Operand |
IfCmp2.getVal1(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Val1 from the
argument instruction.
static Operand |
BooleanCmp.getVal1(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Val1 from the
argument instruction.
static Operand |
IfCmp.getVal1(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Val1 from the
argument instruction.
static Operand |
TrapIf.getVal2(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Val2 from the
argument instruction.
static Operand |
Binary.getVal2(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Val2 from the
argument instruction.
static Operand |
GuardedBinary.getVal2(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Val2 from the
argument instruction.
static Operand |
CondMove.getVal2(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Val2 from the
argument instruction.
static Operand |
IfCmp2.getVal2(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Val2 from the
argument instruction.
static Operand |
BooleanCmp.getVal2(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Val2 from the
argument instruction.
static Operand |
IfCmp.getVal2(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Val2 from the
argument instruction.
static Operand |
PutStatic.getValue(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Value from the
argument instruction.
static Operand |
Store.getValue(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Value from the
argument instruction.
static Operand |
PutField.getValue(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Value from the
argument instruction.
static Operand |
ZeroCheck.getValue(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Value from the
argument instruction.
static Operand |
Athrow.getValue(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Value from the
argument instruction.
static Operand |
InlineGuard.getValue(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Value from the
argument instruction.
static Operand |
TableSwitch.getValue(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Value from the
argument instruction.
static Operand |
AStore.getValue(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Value from the
argument instruction.
static Operand |
LookupSwitch.getValue(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Value from the
argument instruction.
static Operand |
Phi.getValue(Instruction i,
int k)
Get the k'th operand called Value from the
argument instruction.
static boolean |
Prepare.hasAddress(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Address?
static boolean |
Attempt.hasAddress(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Address?
static boolean |
Store.hasAddress(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Address?
static boolean |
Load.hasAddress(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Address?
static boolean |
Call.hasAddress(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Address?
boolean |
BasicBlock.hasApplicableExceptionalOut(Instruction instr)
Are there any exceptional out edges that are applicable
to the given instruction (assumed to be in instruction in 'this')
static boolean |
ALoad.hasArray(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Array?
static boolean |
AStore.hasArray(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Array?
static boolean |
Label.hasBlock(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Block?
static boolean |
BBend.hasBlock(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Block?
static boolean |
BranchProfileCarrier.hasBranchProfile(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named BranchProfile?
static boolean |
BooleanCmp.hasBranchProfile(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named BranchProfile?
static boolean |
InlineGuard.hasBranchProfile(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named BranchProfile?
static boolean |
IfCmp.hasBranchProfile(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named BranchProfile?
static boolean |
LowTableSwitch.hasBranchProfile(Instruction i,
int k)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
k'th operand named BranchProfile?
static boolean |
TableSwitch.hasBranchProfile(Instruction i,
int k)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
k'th operand named BranchProfile?
static boolean |
LookupSwitch.hasBranchProfile(Instruction i,
int k)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
k'th operand named BranchProfile?
static boolean |
IfCmp2.hasBranchProfile1(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named BranchProfile1?
static boolean |
IfCmp2.hasBranchProfile2(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named BranchProfile2?
static boolean |
LowTableSwitch.hasBranchProfiles(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have any operands
named BranchProfile?
static boolean |
TableSwitch.hasBranchProfiles(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have any operands
named BranchProfile?
static boolean |
LookupSwitch.hasBranchProfiles(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have any operands
named BranchProfile?
static boolean |
TrapIf.hasCond(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Cond?
static boolean |
CondMove.hasCond(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Cond?
static boolean |
BooleanCmp.hasCond(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Cond?
static boolean |
IfCmp.hasCond(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Cond?
static boolean |
IfCmp2.hasCond1(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Cond1?
static boolean |
IfCmp2.hasCond2(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Cond2?
static boolean |
InstrumentedCounter.hasData(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Data?
static boolean |
TableSwitch.hasDefault(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Default?
static boolean |
LookupSwitch.hasDefault(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Default?
static boolean |
TableSwitch.hasDefaultBranchProfile(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named DefaultBranchProfile?
static boolean |
LookupSwitch.hasDefaultBranchProfile(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named DefaultBranchProfile?
static boolean |
Multianewarray.hasDimension(Instruction i,
int k)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
k'th operand named Dimension?
static boolean |
Multianewarray.hasDimensions(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have any operands
named Dimension?
static boolean |
OsrBarrier.hasElement(Instruction i,
int k)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
k'th operand named Element?
static boolean |
OsrPoint.hasElement(Instruction i,
int k)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
k'th operand named Element?
static boolean |
OsrBarrier.hasElements(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have any operands
named Element?
static boolean |
OsrPoint.hasElements(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have any operands
named Element?
static boolean |
CondMove.hasFalseValue(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named FalseValue?
static boolean |
Prologue.hasFormal(Instruction i,
int k)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
k'th operand named Formal?
static boolean |
Prologue.hasFormals(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have any operands
named Formal?
static boolean |
InlineGuard.hasGoal(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Goal?
static boolean |
GuardedSet.hasGuard(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Guard?
static boolean |
Prepare.hasGuard(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Guard?
static boolean |
ALoad.hasGuard(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Guard?
static boolean |
StoreCheck.hasGuard(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Guard?
static boolean |
Attempt.hasGuard(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Guard?
static boolean |
GuardedBinary.hasGuard(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Guard?
static boolean |
Store.hasGuard(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Guard?
static boolean |
InstanceOf.hasGuard(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Guard?
static boolean |
GuardCarrier.hasGuard(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Guard?
static boolean |
MonitorOp.hasGuard(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Guard?
static boolean |
PutField.hasGuard(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Guard?
static boolean |
Load.hasGuard(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Guard?
static boolean |
TypeCheck.hasGuard(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Guard?
static boolean |
BoundsCheck.hasGuard(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Guard?
static boolean |
InlineGuard.hasGuard(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Guard?
static boolean |
Call.hasGuard(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Guard?
static boolean |
AStore.hasGuard(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Guard?
static boolean |
GuardedUnary.hasGuard(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Guard?
static boolean |
GetField.hasGuard(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Guard?
static boolean |
TrapIf.hasGuardResult(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named GuardResult?
static boolean |
StoreCheck.hasGuardResult(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named GuardResult?
static boolean |
GuardResultCarrier.hasGuardResult(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named GuardResult?
static boolean |
Trap.hasGuardResult(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named GuardResult?
static boolean |
IfCmp2.hasGuardResult(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named GuardResult?
static boolean |
NullCheck.hasGuardResult(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named GuardResult?
static boolean |
BoundsCheck.hasGuardResult(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named GuardResult?
static boolean |
ZeroCheck.hasGuardResult(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named GuardResult?
static boolean |
IfCmp.hasGuardResult(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named GuardResult?
static boolean |
TableSwitch.hasHigh(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named High?
static boolean |
InstrumentedCounter.hasIncrement(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Increment?
static boolean |
ALoad.hasIndex(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Index?
static boolean |
InstrumentedCounter.hasIndex(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Index?
static boolean |
LowTableSwitch.hasIndex(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Index?
static boolean |
BoundsCheck.hasIndex(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Index?
static boolean |
AStore.hasIndex(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Index?
static boolean |
OsrPoint.hasInlinedTypeInfo(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named InlinedTypeInfo?
static boolean |
PutStatic.hasLocation(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Location?
static boolean |
Prepare.hasLocation(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Location?
static boolean |
ALoad.hasLocation(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Location?
static boolean |
Attempt.hasLocation(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Location?
static boolean |
Store.hasLocation(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Location?
static boolean |
PutField.hasLocation(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Location?
static boolean |
Load.hasLocation(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Location?
static boolean |
LocationCarrier.hasLocation(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Location?
static boolean |
AStore.hasLocation(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Location?
static boolean |
GetField.hasLocation(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Location?
static boolean |
GetStatic.hasLocation(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Location?
static boolean |
TableSwitch.hasLow(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Low?
static boolean |
LookupSwitch.hasMatch(Instruction i,
int k)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
k'th operand named Match?
static boolean |
LookupSwitch.hasMatches(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have any Matches
static boolean |
Call.hasMethod(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Method?
static boolean |
Attempt.hasNewValue(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named NewValue?
static boolean |
PutStatic.hasOffset(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Offset?
static boolean |
Prepare.hasOffset(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Offset?
static boolean |
Attempt.hasOffset(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Offset?
static boolean |
Store.hasOffset(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Offset?
static boolean |
PutField.hasOffset(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Offset?
static boolean |
Load.hasOffset(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Offset?
static boolean |
GetField.hasOffset(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Offset?
static boolean |
GetStatic.hasOffset(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Offset?
static boolean |
Attempt.hasOldValue(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named OldValue?
static boolean |
Call.hasParam(Instruction i,
int k)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
k'th operand named Param?
static boolean |
Call.hasParams(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have any operands
named Param?
(package private) static boolean |
GenericPhysicalRegisterTools.hasPhysicalOperand(Instruction s) |
static boolean |
Phi.hasPred(Instruction i,
int k)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
k'th operand named Pred?
static boolean |
Phi.hasPreds(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have any operands
named Pred?
static boolean |
GuardedSet.hasRef(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Ref?
static boolean |
CacheOp.hasRef(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Ref?
static boolean |
StoreCheck.hasRef(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Ref?
static boolean |
InstanceOf.hasRef(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Ref?
static boolean |
MonitorOp.hasRef(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Ref?
static boolean |
PutField.hasRef(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Ref?
static boolean |
TypeCheck.hasRef(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Ref?
static boolean |
NullCheck.hasRef(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Ref?
static boolean |
BoundsCheck.hasRef(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Ref?
static boolean |
GetField.hasRef(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Ref?
static boolean |
Nullary.hasResult(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Result?
static boolean |
NewArray.hasResult(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Result?
static boolean |
Prepare.hasResult(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Result?
static boolean |
ALoad.hasResult(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Result?
static boolean |
Attempt.hasResult(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Result?
static boolean |
Binary.hasResult(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Result?
static boolean |
GuardedBinary.hasResult(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Result?
static boolean |
CondMove.hasResult(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Result?
static boolean |
Unary.hasResult(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Result?
static boolean |
InstanceOf.hasResult(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Result?
static boolean |
Load.hasResult(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Result?
static boolean |
TypeCheck.hasResult(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Result?
static boolean |
Phi.hasResult(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Result?
static boolean |
ResultCarrier.hasResult(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Result?
static boolean |
BooleanCmp.hasResult(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Result?
static boolean |
Call.hasResult(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Result?
static boolean |
GuardedUnary.hasResult(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Result?
static boolean |
New.hasResult(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Result?
static boolean |
GetField.hasResult(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Result?
static boolean |
Multianewarray.hasResult(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Result?
static boolean |
Move.hasResult(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Result?
static boolean |
GetStatic.hasResult(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Result?
static boolean |
NewArray.hasSize(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Size?
static boolean |
Goto.hasTarget(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Target?
static boolean |
InlineGuard.hasTarget(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Target?
static boolean |
IfCmp.hasTarget(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Target?
static boolean |
LowTableSwitch.hasTarget(Instruction i,
int k)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
k'th operand named Target?
static boolean |
TableSwitch.hasTarget(Instruction i,
int k)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
k'th operand named Target?
static boolean |
LookupSwitch.hasTarget(Instruction i,
int k)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
k'th operand named Target?
static boolean |
IfCmp2.hasTarget1(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Target1?
static boolean |
IfCmp2.hasTarget2(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Target2?
static boolean |
LowTableSwitch.hasTargets(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have any operands
named Target?
static boolean |
TableSwitch.hasTargets(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have any operands
named Target?
static boolean |
LookupSwitch.hasTargets(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have any operands
named Target?
static boolean |
TrapIf.hasTCode(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named TCode?
static boolean |
Trap.hasTCode(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named TCode?
static boolean |
CondMove.hasTrueValue(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named TrueValue?
static boolean |
NewArray.hasType(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Type?
static boolean |
InstanceOf.hasType(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Type?
static boolean |
TypeCheck.hasType(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Type?
static boolean |
New.hasType(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Type?
static boolean |
Multianewarray.hasType(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Type?
static boolean |
OsrBarrier.hasTypeInfo(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named TypeInfo?
static boolean |
TableSwitch.hasUnknown1(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Unknown1?
static boolean |
LookupSwitch.hasUnknown1(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Unknown1?
static boolean |
TableSwitch.hasUnknown2(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Unknown2?
static boolean |
LookupSwitch.hasUnknown2(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Unknown2?
static boolean |
GuardedSet.hasVal(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Val?
static boolean |
StoreCheck.hasVal(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Val?
static boolean |
Unary.hasVal(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Val?
static boolean |
Return.hasVal(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Val?
static boolean |
GuardedUnary.hasVal(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Val?
static boolean |
Move.hasVal(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Val?
static boolean |
TrapIf.hasVal1(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Val1?
static boolean |
Binary.hasVal1(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Val1?
static boolean |
GuardedBinary.hasVal1(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Val1?
static boolean |
CondMove.hasVal1(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Val1?
static boolean |
IfCmp2.hasVal1(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Val1?
static boolean |
BooleanCmp.hasVal1(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Val1?
static boolean |
IfCmp.hasVal1(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Val1?
static boolean |
TrapIf.hasVal2(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Val2?
static boolean |
Binary.hasVal2(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Val2?
static boolean |
GuardedBinary.hasVal2(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Val2?
static boolean |
CondMove.hasVal2(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Val2?
static boolean |
IfCmp2.hasVal2(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Val2?
static boolean |
BooleanCmp.hasVal2(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Val2?
static boolean |
IfCmp.hasVal2(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Val2?
static boolean |
PutStatic.hasValue(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Value?
static boolean |
Store.hasValue(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Value?
static boolean |
PutField.hasValue(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Value?
static boolean |
ZeroCheck.hasValue(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Value?
static boolean |
Athrow.hasValue(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Value?
static boolean |
InlineGuard.hasValue(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Value?
static boolean |
TableSwitch.hasValue(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Value?
static boolean |
AStore.hasValue(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Value?
static boolean |
LookupSwitch.hasValue(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Value?
static boolean |
Phi.hasValue(Instruction i,
int k)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
k'th operand named Value?
static boolean |
Phi.hasValues(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have any operands
named Value?
static int |
Prepare.indexOfAddress(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Address
in the argument instruction.
static int |
Attempt.indexOfAddress(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Address
in the argument instruction.
static int |
Store.indexOfAddress(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Address
in the argument instruction.
static int |
Load.indexOfAddress(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Address
in the argument instruction.
static int |
Call.indexOfAddress(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Address
in the argument instruction.
static int |
ALoad.indexOfArray(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Array
in the argument instruction.
static int |
AStore.indexOfArray(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Array
in the argument instruction.
static int |
Label.indexOfBlock(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Block
in the argument instruction.
static int |
BBend.indexOfBlock(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Block
in the argument instruction.
static int |
BranchProfileCarrier.indexOfBranchProfile(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called BranchProfile
in the argument instruction.
static int |
BooleanCmp.indexOfBranchProfile(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called BranchProfile
in the argument instruction.
static int |
InlineGuard.indexOfBranchProfile(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called BranchProfile
in the argument instruction.
static int |
IfCmp.indexOfBranchProfile(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called BranchProfile
in the argument instruction.
static int |
LowTableSwitch.indexOfBranchProfile(Instruction i,
int k)
Return the index of the k'th operand called BranchProfile
in the argument instruction.
static int |
TableSwitch.indexOfBranchProfile(Instruction i,
int k)
Return the index of the k'th operand called BranchProfile
in the argument instruction.
static int |
LookupSwitch.indexOfBranchProfile(Instruction i,
int k)
Return the index of the k'th operand called BranchProfile
in the argument instruction.
static int |
IfCmp2.indexOfBranchProfile1(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called BranchProfile1
in the argument instruction.
static int |
IfCmp2.indexOfBranchProfile2(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called BranchProfile2
in the argument instruction.
static int |
LowTableSwitch.indexOfBranchProfiles(Instruction i)
Return the index of the first operand called BranchProfile
in the argument instruction.
static int |
TableSwitch.indexOfBranchProfiles(Instruction i)
Return the index of the first operand called BranchProfile
in the argument instruction.
static int |
LookupSwitch.indexOfBranchProfiles(Instruction i)
Return the index of the first operand called BranchProfile
in the argument instruction.
static int |
TrapIf.indexOfCond(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Cond
in the argument instruction.
static int |
CondMove.indexOfCond(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Cond
in the argument instruction.
static int |
BooleanCmp.indexOfCond(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Cond
in the argument instruction.
static int |
IfCmp.indexOfCond(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Cond
in the argument instruction.
static int |
IfCmp2.indexOfCond1(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Cond1
in the argument instruction.
static int |
IfCmp2.indexOfCond2(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Cond2
in the argument instruction.
static int |
InstrumentedCounter.indexOfData(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Data
in the argument instruction.
static int |
TableSwitch.indexOfDefault(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Default
in the argument instruction.
static int |
LookupSwitch.indexOfDefault(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Default
in the argument instruction.
static int |
TableSwitch.indexOfDefaultBranchProfile(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called DefaultBranchProfile
in the argument instruction.
static int |
LookupSwitch.indexOfDefaultBranchProfile(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called DefaultBranchProfile
in the argument instruction.
static int |
Multianewarray.indexOfDimension(Instruction i,
int k)
Return the index of the k'th operand called Dimension
in the argument instruction.
static int |
Multianewarray.indexOfDimensions(Instruction i)
Return the index of the first operand called Dimension
in the argument instruction.
static int |
OsrBarrier.indexOfElement(Instruction i,
int k)
Return the index of the k'th operand called Element
in the argument instruction.
static int |
OsrPoint.indexOfElement(Instruction i,
int k)
Return the index of the k'th operand called Element
in the argument instruction.
static int |
OsrBarrier.indexOfElements(Instruction i)
Return the index of the first operand called Element
in the argument instruction.
static int |
OsrPoint.indexOfElements(Instruction i)
Return the index of the first operand called Element
in the argument instruction.
static int |
CondMove.indexOfFalseValue(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called FalseValue
in the argument instruction.
static int |
Prologue.indexOfFormal(Instruction i,
int k)
Return the index of the k'th operand called Formal
in the argument instruction.
static int |
Prologue.indexOfFormals(Instruction i)
Return the index of the first operand called Formal
in the argument instruction.
static int |
InlineGuard.indexOfGoal(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Goal
in the argument instruction.
static int |
GuardedSet.indexOfGuard(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Guard
in the argument instruction.
static int |
Prepare.indexOfGuard(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Guard
in the argument instruction.
static int |
ALoad.indexOfGuard(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Guard
in the argument instruction.
static int |
StoreCheck.indexOfGuard(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Guard
in the argument instruction.
static int |
Attempt.indexOfGuard(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Guard
in the argument instruction.
static int |
GuardedBinary.indexOfGuard(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Guard
in the argument instruction.
static int |
Store.indexOfGuard(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Guard
in the argument instruction.
static int |
InstanceOf.indexOfGuard(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Guard
in the argument instruction.
static int |
GuardCarrier.indexOfGuard(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Guard
in the argument instruction.
static int |
MonitorOp.indexOfGuard(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Guard
in the argument instruction.
static int |
PutField.indexOfGuard(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Guard
in the argument instruction.
static int |
Load.indexOfGuard(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Guard
in the argument instruction.
static int |
TypeCheck.indexOfGuard(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Guard
in the argument instruction.
static int |
BoundsCheck.indexOfGuard(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Guard
in the argument instruction.
static int |
InlineGuard.indexOfGuard(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Guard
in the argument instruction.
static int |
Call.indexOfGuard(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Guard
in the argument instruction.
static int |
AStore.indexOfGuard(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Guard
in the argument instruction.
static int |
GuardedUnary.indexOfGuard(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Guard
in the argument instruction.
static int |
GetField.indexOfGuard(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Guard
in the argument instruction.
static int |
TrapIf.indexOfGuardResult(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called GuardResult
in the argument instruction.
static int |
StoreCheck.indexOfGuardResult(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called GuardResult
in the argument instruction.
static int |
GuardResultCarrier.indexOfGuardResult(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called GuardResult
in the argument instruction.
static int |
Trap.indexOfGuardResult(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called GuardResult
in the argument instruction.
static int |
IfCmp2.indexOfGuardResult(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called GuardResult
in the argument instruction.
static int |
NullCheck.indexOfGuardResult(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called GuardResult
in the argument instruction.
static int |
BoundsCheck.indexOfGuardResult(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called GuardResult
in the argument instruction.
static int |
ZeroCheck.indexOfGuardResult(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called GuardResult
in the argument instruction.
static int |
IfCmp.indexOfGuardResult(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called GuardResult
in the argument instruction.
static int |
TableSwitch.indexOfHigh(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called High
in the argument instruction.
static int |
InstrumentedCounter.indexOfIncrement(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Increment
in the argument instruction.
static int |
ALoad.indexOfIndex(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Index
in the argument instruction.
static int |
InstrumentedCounter.indexOfIndex(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Index
in the argument instruction.
static int |
LowTableSwitch.indexOfIndex(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Index
in the argument instruction.
static int |
BoundsCheck.indexOfIndex(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Index
in the argument instruction.
static int |
AStore.indexOfIndex(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Index
in the argument instruction.
static int |
OsrPoint.indexOfInlinedTypeInfo(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called InlinedTypeInfo
in the argument instruction.
static int |
PutStatic.indexOfLocation(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Location
in the argument instruction.
static int |
Prepare.indexOfLocation(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Location
in the argument instruction.
static int |
ALoad.indexOfLocation(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Location
in the argument instruction.
static int |
Attempt.indexOfLocation(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Location
in the argument instruction.
static int |
Store.indexOfLocation(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Location
in the argument instruction.
static int |
PutField.indexOfLocation(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Location
in the argument instruction.
static int |
Load.indexOfLocation(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Location
in the argument instruction.
static int |
LocationCarrier.indexOfLocation(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Location
in the argument instruction.
static int |
AStore.indexOfLocation(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Location
in the argument instruction.
static int |
GetField.indexOfLocation(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Location
in the argument instruction.
static int |
GetStatic.indexOfLocation(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Location
in the argument instruction.
static int |
TableSwitch.indexOfLow(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Low
in the argument instruction.
static int |
LookupSwitch.indexOfMatch(Instruction i,
int k)
Return the index of the k'th operand called Match
in the argument instruction.
static int |
LookupSwitch.indexOfMatches(Instruction i)
Return the index of the first operand called Matches
in the argument instruction.
static int |
Call.indexOfMethod(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Method
in the argument instruction.
static int |
Attempt.indexOfNewValue(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called NewValue
in the argument instruction.
static int |
PutStatic.indexOfOffset(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Offset
in the argument instruction.
static int |
Prepare.indexOfOffset(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Offset
in the argument instruction.
static int |
Attempt.indexOfOffset(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Offset
in the argument instruction.
static int |
Store.indexOfOffset(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Offset
in the argument instruction.
static int |
PutField.indexOfOffset(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Offset
in the argument instruction.
static int |
Load.indexOfOffset(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Offset
in the argument instruction.
static int |
GetField.indexOfOffset(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Offset
in the argument instruction.
static int |
GetStatic.indexOfOffset(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Offset
in the argument instruction.
static int |
Attempt.indexOfOldValue(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called OldValue
in the argument instruction.
static int |
Call.indexOfParam(Instruction i,
int k)
Return the index of the k'th operand called Param
in the argument instruction.
static int |
Call.indexOfParams(Instruction i)
Return the index of the first operand called Param
in the argument instruction.
static int |
Phi.indexOfPred(Instruction i,
int k)
Return the index of the k'th operand called Pred
in the argument instruction.
static int |
Phi.indexOfPreds(Instruction i)
Return the index of the first operand called Pred
in the argument instruction.
static int |
GuardedSet.indexOfRef(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Ref
in the argument instruction.
static int |
CacheOp.indexOfRef(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Ref
in the argument instruction.
static int |
StoreCheck.indexOfRef(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Ref
in the argument instruction.
static int |
InstanceOf.indexOfRef(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Ref
in the argument instruction.
static int |
MonitorOp.indexOfRef(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Ref
in the argument instruction.
static int |
PutField.indexOfRef(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Ref
in the argument instruction.
static int |
TypeCheck.indexOfRef(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Ref
in the argument instruction.
static int |
NullCheck.indexOfRef(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Ref
in the argument instruction.
static int |
BoundsCheck.indexOfRef(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Ref
in the argument instruction.
static int |
GetField.indexOfRef(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Ref
in the argument instruction.
static int |
Nullary.indexOfResult(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Result
in the argument instruction.
static int |
NewArray.indexOfResult(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Result
in the argument instruction.
static int |
Prepare.indexOfResult(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Result
in the argument instruction.
static int |
ALoad.indexOfResult(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Result
in the argument instruction.
static int |
Attempt.indexOfResult(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Result
in the argument instruction.
static int |
Binary.indexOfResult(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Result
in the argument instruction.
static int |
GuardedBinary.indexOfResult(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Result
in the argument instruction.
static int |
CondMove.indexOfResult(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Result
in the argument instruction.
static int |
Unary.indexOfResult(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Result
in the argument instruction.
static int |
InstanceOf.indexOfResult(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Result
in the argument instruction.
static int |
Load.indexOfResult(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Result
in the argument instruction.
static int |
TypeCheck.indexOfResult(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Result
in the argument instruction.
static int |
Phi.indexOfResult(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Result
in the argument instruction.
static int |
ResultCarrier.indexOfResult(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Result
in the argument instruction.
static int |
BooleanCmp.indexOfResult(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Result
in the argument instruction.
static int |
Call.indexOfResult(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Result
in the argument instruction.
static int |
GuardedUnary.indexOfResult(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Result
in the argument instruction.
static int |
New.indexOfResult(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Result
in the argument instruction.
static int |
GetField.indexOfResult(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Result
in the argument instruction.
static int |
Multianewarray.indexOfResult(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Result
in the argument instruction.
static int |
Move.indexOfResult(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Result
in the argument instruction.
static int |
GetStatic.indexOfResult(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Result
in the argument instruction.
static int |
NewArray.indexOfSize(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Size
in the argument instruction.
static int |
Goto.indexOfTarget(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Target
in the argument instruction.
static int |
InlineGuard.indexOfTarget(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Target
in the argument instruction.
static int |
IfCmp.indexOfTarget(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Target
in the argument instruction.
static int |
LowTableSwitch.indexOfTarget(Instruction i,
int k)
Return the index of the k'th operand called Target
in the argument instruction.
static int |
TableSwitch.indexOfTarget(Instruction i,
int k)
Return the index of the k'th operand called Target
in the argument instruction.
static int |
LookupSwitch.indexOfTarget(Instruction i,
int k)
Return the index of the k'th operand called Target
in the argument instruction.
static int |
IfCmp2.indexOfTarget1(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Target1
in the argument instruction.
static int |
IfCmp2.indexOfTarget2(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Target2
in the argument instruction.
static int |
LowTableSwitch.indexOfTargets(Instruction i)
Return the index of the first operand called Target
in the argument instruction.
static int |
TableSwitch.indexOfTargets(Instruction i)
Return the index of the first operand called Target
in the argument instruction.
static int |
LookupSwitch.indexOfTargets(Instruction i)
Return the index of the first operand called Target
in the argument instruction.
static int |
TrapIf.indexOfTCode(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called TCode
in the argument instruction.
static int |
Trap.indexOfTCode(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called TCode
in the argument instruction.
static int |
CondMove.indexOfTrueValue(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called TrueValue
in the argument instruction.
static int |
NewArray.indexOfType(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Type
in the argument instruction.
static int |
InstanceOf.indexOfType(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Type
in the argument instruction.
static int |
TypeCheck.indexOfType(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Type
in the argument instruction.
static int |
New.indexOfType(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Type
in the argument instruction.
static int |
Multianewarray.indexOfType(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Type
in the argument instruction.
static int |
OsrBarrier.indexOfTypeInfo(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called TypeInfo
in the argument instruction.
static int |
TableSwitch.indexOfUnknown1(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Unknown1
in the argument instruction.
static int |
LookupSwitch.indexOfUnknown1(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Unknown1
in the argument instruction.
static int |
TableSwitch.indexOfUnknown2(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Unknown2
in the argument instruction.
static int |
LookupSwitch.indexOfUnknown2(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Unknown2
in the argument instruction.
static int |
GuardedSet.indexOfVal(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Val
in the argument instruction.
static int |
StoreCheck.indexOfVal(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Val
in the argument instruction.
static int |
Unary.indexOfVal(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Val
in the argument instruction.
static int |
Return.indexOfVal(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Val
in the argument instruction.
static int |
GuardedUnary.indexOfVal(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Val
in the argument instruction.
static int |
Move.indexOfVal(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Val
in the argument instruction.
static int |
TrapIf.indexOfVal1(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Val1
in the argument instruction.
static int |
Binary.indexOfVal1(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Val1
in the argument instruction.
static int |
GuardedBinary.indexOfVal1(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Val1
in the argument instruction.
static int |
CondMove.indexOfVal1(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Val1
in the argument instruction.
static int |
IfCmp2.indexOfVal1(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Val1
in the argument instruction.
static int |
BooleanCmp.indexOfVal1(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Val1
in the argument instruction.
static int |
IfCmp.indexOfVal1(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Val1
in the argument instruction.
static int |
TrapIf.indexOfVal2(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Val2
in the argument instruction.
static int |
Binary.indexOfVal2(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Val2
in the argument instruction.
static int |
GuardedBinary.indexOfVal2(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Val2
in the argument instruction.
static int |
CondMove.indexOfVal2(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Val2
in the argument instruction.
static int |
IfCmp2.indexOfVal2(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Val2
in the argument instruction.
static int |
BooleanCmp.indexOfVal2(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Val2
in the argument instruction.
static int |
IfCmp.indexOfVal2(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Val2
in the argument instruction.
static int |
PutStatic.indexOfValue(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Value
in the argument instruction.
static int |
Store.indexOfValue(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Value
in the argument instruction.
static int |
PutField.indexOfValue(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Value
in the argument instruction.
static int |
ZeroCheck.indexOfValue(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Value
in the argument instruction.
static int |
Athrow.indexOfValue(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Value
in the argument instruction.
static int |
InlineGuard.indexOfValue(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Value
in the argument instruction.
static int |
TableSwitch.indexOfValue(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Value
in the argument instruction.
static int |
AStore.indexOfValue(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Value
in the argument instruction.
static int |
LookupSwitch.indexOfValue(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Value
in the argument instruction.
static int |
Phi.indexOfValue(Instruction i,
int k)
Return the index of the k'th operand called Value
in the argument instruction.
static int |
Phi.indexOfValues(Instruction i)
Return the index of the first operand called Value
in the argument instruction.
void |
GCIRMap.insert(Instruction inst,
List<RegSpillListElement> regList)
This method inserts a new entry into the GCIRMap
void |
Instruction.insertAfter(Instruction newInstr)
Insertion: Insert newInstr immediately after this in the
instruction stream.
void |
Instruction.insertBefore(Instruction newInstr)
Insertion: Insert newInstr immediately before this in the
instruction stream.
static void |
IRTools.insertInstructionsAfter(Instruction after,
BasicBlock temp)
Inserts the instructions in the given basic block after the given
void |
GCIRMap.insertTwin(Instruction inst,
Instruction twin)
This method inserts an entry for a "twin" instruction immediately after the
original entry.
(package private) void |
Instruction.linkWithNext(Instruction other)
For IR internal use only; general clients should always use higer level
mutation functions.
static boolean |
IRTools.mayBeVolatileFieldLoad(Instruction s)
Might this instruction be a load from a field that is declared
to be volatile?
abstract boolean |
MachineSpecificIR.mayEscapeMethod(Instruction instruction) |
abstract boolean |
MachineSpecificIR.mayEscapeThread(Instruction instruction) |
static void |
IRTools.moveInstruction(Instruction from,
Instruction to)
Moves the 'from' instruction to immediately before the 'to' instruction.
static RegisterOperand |
IRTools.moveIntoRegister(GenericRegisterPool pool,
Instruction s,
Operand op)
Generates an instruction to move the given operand into a register, and
inserts it before the given instruction.
static RegisterOperand |
IRTools.moveIntoRegister(TypeReference type,
Operator move_op,
GenericRegisterPool pool,
Instruction s,
Operand op)
Generates an instruction to move the given operand into a register, and
inserts it before the given instruction.
void |
GCIRMap.moveToEnd(Instruction inst)
This method moves an entry in the GCIRMap that is specified
by inst to the end of the list.
static Instruction |
Return.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
Return instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
Empty.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
Empty instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
Label.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
BasicBlockOperand Block)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
Label instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
BBend.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
BasicBlockOperand Block)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
BBend instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
Goto.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
BranchOperand Target)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
Goto instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
OsrPoint.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
InlinedOsrTypeInfoOperand InlinedTypeInfo,
int numVarOps)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
OsrPoint instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
Prologue.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
int numVarOps)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
Prologue instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
InstrumentedCounter.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
IntConstantOperand Data,
IntConstantOperand Index,
Operand Increment)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
InstrumentedCounter instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
CacheOp.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
Operand Ref)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
CacheOp instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
Return.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
Operand Val)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
Return instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
Athrow.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
Operand Value)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
Athrow instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
Phi.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
Operand Result,
int numVarOps)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
Phi instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
MonitorOp.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
Operand Ref,
Operand Guard)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MonitorOp instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
PutStatic.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
Operand Value,
Operand Offset,
LocationOperand Location)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
PutStatic instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
GuardedSet.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
Operand Ref,
Operand Val,
Operand Guard)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
GuardedSet instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
InlineGuard.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
Operand Value,
Operand Guard,
Operand Goal,
BranchOperand Target,
BranchProfileOperand BranchProfile)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
InlineGuard instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
LookupSwitch.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
Operand Value,
Operand Unknown1,
Operand Unknown2,
BranchOperand Default,
BranchProfileOperand DefaultBranchProfile,
int numVarOps)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
LookupSwitch instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
TableSwitch.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
Operand Value,
Operand Unknown1,
Operand Unknown2,
IntConstantOperand Low,
IntConstantOperand High,
BranchOperand Default,
BranchProfileOperand DefaultBranchProfile,
int numVarOps)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
TableSwitch instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
Store.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
Operand Value,
Operand Address,
Operand Offset,
LocationOperand Location)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
Store instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
Store.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
Operand Value,
Operand Address,
Operand Offset,
LocationOperand Location,
Operand Guard)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
Store instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
PutField.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
Operand Value,
Operand Ref,
Operand Offset,
LocationOperand Location,
Operand Guard)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
PutField instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
AStore.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
Operand Value,
Operand Array,
Operand Index,
LocationOperand Location,
Operand Guard)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
AStore instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
OsrBarrier.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
OsrTypeInfoOperand TypeInfo,
int numVarOps)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
OsrBarrier instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
Nullary.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
Nullary instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
LowTableSwitch.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Index,
int numVarOps)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
LowTableSwitch instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
Unary.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
Operand Val)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
Unary instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
NullCheck.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand GuardResult,
Operand Ref)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
NullCheck instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
ZeroCheck.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand GuardResult,
Operand Value)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
ZeroCheck instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
Move.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
Operand Val)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
Move instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
GetStatic.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
Operand Offset,
LocationOperand Location)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
GetStatic instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
Call.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
Operand Address,
MethodOperand Method,
int numVarOps)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
Call instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
Call.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
Operand Address,
MethodOperand Method,
Operand Guard,
int numVarOps)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
Call instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
Binary.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
Operand Val1,
Operand Val2)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
Binary instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
GuardedUnary.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
Operand Val,
Operand Guard)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
GuardedUnary instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
IfCmp.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand GuardResult,
Operand Val1,
Operand Val2,
ConditionOperand Cond,
BranchOperand Target,
BranchProfileOperand BranchProfile)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
IfCmp instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
IfCmp2.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand GuardResult,
Operand Val1,
Operand Val2,
ConditionOperand Cond1,
BranchOperand Target1,
BranchProfileOperand BranchProfile1,
ConditionOperand Cond2,
BranchOperand Target2,
BranchProfileOperand BranchProfile2)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
IfCmp2 instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
BooleanCmp.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
Operand Val1,
Operand Val2,
ConditionOperand Cond,
BranchProfileOperand BranchProfile)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
BooleanCmp instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
CondMove.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
Operand Val1,
Operand Val2,
ConditionOperand Cond,
Operand TrueValue,
Operand FalseValue)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
CondMove instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
TrapIf.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand GuardResult,
Operand Val1,
Operand Val2,
ConditionOperand Cond,
TrapCodeOperand TCode)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
TrapIf instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
Prepare.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
Operand Address,
Operand Offset,
LocationOperand Location)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
Prepare instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
Load.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
Operand Address,
Operand Offset,
LocationOperand Location)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
Load instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
Prepare.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
Operand Address,
Operand Offset,
LocationOperand Location,
Operand Guard)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
Prepare instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
ALoad.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
Operand Array,
Operand Index,
LocationOperand Location,
Operand Guard)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
ALoad instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
Load.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
Operand Address,
Operand Offset,
LocationOperand Location,
Operand Guard)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
Load instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
GetField.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
Operand Ref,
Operand Offset,
LocationOperand Location,
Operand Guard)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
GetField instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
StoreCheck.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand GuardResult,
Operand Ref,
Operand Val,
Operand Guard)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
StoreCheck instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
GuardedBinary.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
Operand Val1,
Operand Val2,
Operand Guard)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
GuardedBinary instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
BoundsCheck.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand GuardResult,
Operand Ref,
Operand Index,
Operand Guard)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
BoundsCheck instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
Attempt.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
Operand Address,
Operand Offset,
Operand OldValue,
Operand NewValue,
LocationOperand Location)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
Attempt instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
Attempt.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
Operand Address,
Operand Offset,
Operand OldValue,
Operand NewValue,
LocationOperand Location,
Operand Guard)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
Attempt instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
TypeCheck.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
Operand Ref,
TypeOperand Type)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
TypeCheck instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
TypeCheck.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
Operand Ref,
TypeOperand Type,
Operand Guard)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
TypeCheck instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
Trap.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand GuardResult,
TrapCodeOperand TCode)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
Trap instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
New.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
TypeOperand Type)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
New instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
Multianewarray.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
TypeOperand Type,
int numVarOps)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
Multianewarray instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
NewArray.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
TypeOperand Type,
Operand Size)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
NewArray instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
InstanceOf.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
TypeOperand Type,
Operand Ref)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
InstanceOf instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
InstanceOf.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
TypeOperand Type,
Operand Ref,
Operand Guard)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
InstanceOf instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
Call.mutate0(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
Operand Address,
MethodOperand Method)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
Call instruction format having the specified
operator, operands, and number of variable-length operands.
static Instruction |
Call.mutate0(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
Operand Address,
MethodOperand Method,
Operand Guard)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
Call instruction format having the specified
operator, operands, and number of variable-length operands.
static Instruction |
Call.mutate1(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
Operand Address,
MethodOperand Method,
Operand Param_1)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
Call instruction format having the specified
operator, operands, and number of variable-length operands.
static Instruction |
Call.mutate1(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
Operand Address,
MethodOperand Method,
Operand Guard,
Operand Param_1)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
Call instruction format having the specified
operator, operands, and number of variable-length operands.
static Instruction |
Call.mutate2(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
Operand Address,
MethodOperand Method,
Operand Param_1,
Operand Param_2)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
Call instruction format having the specified
operator, operands, and number of variable-length operands.
static Instruction |
Call.mutate2(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
Operand Address,
MethodOperand Method,
Operand Guard,
Operand Param_1,
Operand Param_2)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
Call instruction format having the specified
operator, operands, and number of variable-length operands.
static Instruction |
Call.mutate3(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
Operand Address,
MethodOperand Method,
Operand Param_1,
Operand Param_2,
Operand Param_3)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
Call instruction format having the specified
operator, operands, and number of variable-length operands.
static Instruction |
Call.mutate3(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
Operand Address,
MethodOperand Method,
Operand Guard,
Operand Param_1,
Operand Param_2,
Operand Param_3)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
Call instruction format having the specified
operator, operands, and number of variable-length operands.
static Instruction |
Call.mutate4(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
Operand Address,
MethodOperand Method,
Operand Param_1,
Operand Param_2,
Operand Param_3,
Operand Param_4)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
Call instruction format having the specified
operator, operands, and number of variable-length operands.
static Instruction |
Call.mutate4(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
Operand Address,
MethodOperand Method,
Operand Guard,
Operand Param_1,
Operand Param_2,
Operand Param_3,
Operand Param_4)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
Call instruction format having the specified
operator, operands, and number of variable-length operands.
static Instruction |
Call.mutate5(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
Operand Address,
MethodOperand Method,
Operand Param_1,
Operand Param_2,
Operand Param_3,
Operand Param_4,
Operand Param_5)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
Call instruction format having the specified
operator, operands, and number of variable-length operands.
static Instruction |
Call.mutate5(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
Operand Address,
MethodOperand Method,
Operand Guard,
Operand Param_1,
Operand Param_2,
Operand Param_3,
Operand Param_4,
Operand Param_5)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
Call instruction format having the specified
operator, operands, and number of variable-length operands.
static Instruction |
Call.mutate6(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
Operand Address,
MethodOperand Method,
Operand Param_1,
Operand Param_2,
Operand Param_3,
Operand Param_4,
Operand Param_5,
Operand Param_6)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
Call instruction format having the specified
operator, operands, and number of variable-length operands.
static Instruction |
Call.mutate6(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
Operand Address,
MethodOperand Method,
Operand Guard,
Operand Param_1,
Operand Param_2,
Operand Param_3,
Operand Param_4,
Operand Param_5,
Operand Param_6)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
Call instruction format having the specified
operator, operands, and number of variable-length operands.
static Instruction |
Call.mutate7(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
Operand Address,
MethodOperand Method,
Operand Param_1,
Operand Param_2,
Operand Param_3,
Operand Param_4,
Operand Param_5,
Operand Param_6,
Operand Param_7)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
Call instruction format having the specified
operator, operands, and number of variable-length operands.
static Instruction |
Call.mutate7(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
Operand Address,
MethodOperand Method,
Operand Guard,
Operand Param_1,
Operand Param_2,
Operand Param_3,
Operand Param_4,
Operand Param_5,
Operand Param_6,
Operand Param_7)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
Call instruction format having the specified
operator, operands, and number of variable-length operands.
static Instruction |
Call.mutate8(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
Operand Address,
MethodOperand Method,
Operand Param_1,
Operand Param_2,
Operand Param_3,
Operand Param_4,
Operand Param_5,
Operand Param_6,
Operand Param_7,
Operand Param_8)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
Call instruction format having the specified
operator, operands, and number of variable-length operands.
static Instruction |
Call.mutate8(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
Operand Address,
MethodOperand Method,
Operand Guard,
Operand Param_1,
Operand Param_2,
Operand Param_3,
Operand Param_4,
Operand Param_5,
Operand Param_6,
Operand Param_7,
Operand Param_8)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
Call instruction format having the specified
operator, operands, and number of variable-length operands.
abstract void |
MachineSpecificIR.mutateMIRCondBranch(Instruction cb) |
static Instruction |
IRTools.nonPEIGC(Instruction instr)
Mark the parameter as nonGC and nonPEI and return it.
void |
BasicBlock.prependInstruction(Instruction i)
Prepend instruction to this basic block by inserting it right after
the LABEL instruction in the instruction list.
void |
BasicBlock.prependInstructionRespectingPrologue(Instruction i)
Prepend instruction to this basic block but respect the prologue
instruction, which must come first.
void |
Instruction.replace(Instruction newInstr)
Replacement: Replace this with newInstr.
static void |
LowTableSwitch.resizeNumberOfBranchProfiles(Instruction i,
int numVarOps)
Change the number of BranchProfiles that may be stored in
the argument instruction to numVarOps.
static void |
TableSwitch.resizeNumberOfBranchProfiles(Instruction i,
int numVarOps)
Change the number of BranchProfiles that may be stored in
the argument instruction to numVarOps.
static void |
LookupSwitch.resizeNumberOfBranchProfiles(Instruction i,
int numVarOps)
Change the number of BranchProfiles that may be stored in
the argument instruction to numVarOps.
static void |
Multianewarray.resizeNumberOfDimensions(Instruction i,
int numVarOps)
Change the number of Dimensions that may be stored in
the argument instruction to numVarOps.
static void |
OsrBarrier.resizeNumberOfElements(Instruction i,
int numVarOps)
Change the number of Elements that may be stored in
the argument instruction to numVarOps.
static void |
OsrPoint.resizeNumberOfElements(Instruction i,
int numVarOps)
Change the number of Elements that may be stored in
the argument instruction to numVarOps.
static void |
Prologue.resizeNumberOfFormals(Instruction i,
int numVarOps)
Change the number of Formals that may be stored in
the argument instruction to numVarOps.
static void |
LookupSwitch.resizeNumberOfMatches(Instruction i,
int numVarOps)
Change the number of Matches operands that may be stored in
the argument instruction to numVarOps.
static void |
Call.resizeNumberOfParams(Instruction i,
int numVarOps)
Change the number of Params that may be stored in
the argument instruction to numVarOps.
static void |
Phi.resizeNumberOfPreds(Instruction i,
int numVarOps)
Change the number of Preds that may be stored in
the argument instruction to numVarOps.
static void |
LowTableSwitch.resizeNumberOfTargets(Instruction i,
int numVarOps)
Change the number of Targets that may be stored in
the argument instruction to numVarOps.
static void |
TableSwitch.resizeNumberOfTargets(Instruction i,
int numVarOps)
Change the number of Targets that may be stored in
the argument instruction to numVarOps.
static void |
LookupSwitch.resizeNumberOfTargets(Instruction i,
int numVarOps)
Change the number of Targets that may be stored in
the argument instruction to numVarOps.
static void |
Phi.resizeNumberOfValues(Instruction i,
int numVarOps)
Change the number of Values that may be stored in
the argument instruction to numVarOps.
static Enumeration<Instruction> |
IREnumeration.reverseIntraBlockIE(Instruction start,
Instruction end)
Reverse intra basic block instruction enumerations from
from start...last inclusive.
BasicBlock |
BasicBlock.segregateInstruction(Instruction target,
IR ir)
Ensure that the target instruction is the only real instruction
in its basic block and that it has exactly one successor and
one predecessor basic blocks that are linked to it by fall through edges.
static void |
Prepare.setAddress(Instruction i,
Operand Address)
Set the operand called Address in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
Attempt.setAddress(Instruction i,
Operand Address)
Set the operand called Address in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
Store.setAddress(Instruction i,
Operand Address)
Set the operand called Address in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
Load.setAddress(Instruction i,
Operand Address)
Set the operand called Address in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
Call.setAddress(Instruction i,
Operand Address)
Set the operand called Address in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
ALoad.setArray(Instruction i,
Operand Array)
Set the operand called Array in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
AStore.setArray(Instruction i,
Operand Array)
Set the operand called Array in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
Label.setBlock(Instruction i,
BasicBlockOperand Block)
Set the operand called Block in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
BBend.setBlock(Instruction i,
BasicBlockOperand Block)
Set the operand called Block in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
BranchProfileCarrier.setBranchProfile(Instruction i,
BranchProfileOperand op)
Set the operand called BranchProfile in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
BooleanCmp.setBranchProfile(Instruction i,
BranchProfileOperand BranchProfile)
Set the operand called BranchProfile in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
InlineGuard.setBranchProfile(Instruction i,
BranchProfileOperand BranchProfile)
Set the operand called BranchProfile in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
IfCmp.setBranchProfile(Instruction i,
BranchProfileOperand BranchProfile)
Set the operand called BranchProfile in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
LowTableSwitch.setBranchProfile(Instruction i,
int k,
BranchProfileOperand o)
Set the k'th operand called BranchProfile in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
TableSwitch.setBranchProfile(Instruction i,
int k,
BranchProfileOperand o)
Set the k'th operand called BranchProfile in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
LookupSwitch.setBranchProfile(Instruction i,
int k,
BranchProfileOperand o)
Set the k'th operand called BranchProfile in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
IfCmp2.setBranchProfile1(Instruction i,
BranchProfileOperand BranchProfile1)
Set the operand called BranchProfile1 in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
IfCmp2.setBranchProfile2(Instruction i,
BranchProfileOperand BranchProfile2)
Set the operand called BranchProfile2 in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
TrapIf.setCond(Instruction i,
ConditionOperand Cond)
Set the operand called Cond in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
CondMove.setCond(Instruction i,
ConditionOperand Cond)
Set the operand called Cond in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
BooleanCmp.setCond(Instruction i,
ConditionOperand Cond)
Set the operand called Cond in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
IfCmp.setCond(Instruction i,
ConditionOperand Cond)
Set the operand called Cond in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
IfCmp2.setCond1(Instruction i,
ConditionOperand Cond1)
Set the operand called Cond1 in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
IfCmp2.setCond2(Instruction i,
ConditionOperand Cond2)
Set the operand called Cond2 in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
InstrumentedCounter.setData(Instruction i,
IntConstantOperand Data)
Set the operand called Data in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
TableSwitch.setDefault(Instruction i,
BranchOperand Default)
Set the operand called Default in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
LookupSwitch.setDefault(Instruction i,
BranchOperand Default)
Set the operand called Default in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
TableSwitch.setDefaultBranchProfile(Instruction i,
BranchProfileOperand DefaultBranchProfile)
Set the operand called DefaultBranchProfile in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
LookupSwitch.setDefaultBranchProfile(Instruction i,
BranchProfileOperand DefaultBranchProfile)
Set the operand called DefaultBranchProfile in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
Multianewarray.setDimension(Instruction i,
int k,
Operand o)
Set the k'th operand called Dimension in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
OsrBarrier.setElement(Instruction i,
int k,
Operand o)
Set the k'th operand called Element in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
OsrPoint.setElement(Instruction i,
int k,
Operand o)
Set the k'th operand called Element in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
CondMove.setFalseValue(Instruction i,
Operand FalseValue)
Set the operand called FalseValue in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
Prologue.setFormal(Instruction i,
int k,
RegisterOperand o)
Set the k'th operand called Formal in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
InlineGuard.setGoal(Instruction i,
Operand Goal)
Set the operand called Goal in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
GuardedSet.setGuard(Instruction i,
Operand Guard)
Set the operand called Guard in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
Prepare.setGuard(Instruction i,
Operand Guard)
Set the operand called Guard in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
ALoad.setGuard(Instruction i,
Operand Guard)
Set the operand called Guard in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
StoreCheck.setGuard(Instruction i,
Operand Guard)
Set the operand called Guard in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
Attempt.setGuard(Instruction i,
Operand Guard)
Set the operand called Guard in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
GuardedBinary.setGuard(Instruction i,
Operand Guard)
Set the operand called Guard in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
Store.setGuard(Instruction i,
Operand Guard)
Set the operand called Guard in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
InstanceOf.setGuard(Instruction i,
Operand Guard)
Set the operand called Guard in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
GuardCarrier.setGuard(Instruction i,
Operand op)
Set the operand called Guard in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
MonitorOp.setGuard(Instruction i,
Operand Guard)
Set the operand called Guard in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
PutField.setGuard(Instruction i,
Operand Guard)
Set the operand called Guard in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
Load.setGuard(Instruction i,
Operand Guard)
Set the operand called Guard in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
TypeCheck.setGuard(Instruction i,
Operand Guard)
Set the operand called Guard in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
BoundsCheck.setGuard(Instruction i,
Operand Guard)
Set the operand called Guard in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
InlineGuard.setGuard(Instruction i,
Operand Guard)
Set the operand called Guard in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
Call.setGuard(Instruction i,
Operand Guard)
Set the operand called Guard in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
AStore.setGuard(Instruction i,
Operand Guard)
Set the operand called Guard in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
GuardedUnary.setGuard(Instruction i,
Operand Guard)
Set the operand called Guard in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
GetField.setGuard(Instruction i,
Operand Guard)
Set the operand called Guard in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
TrapIf.setGuardResult(Instruction i,
RegisterOperand GuardResult)
Set the operand called GuardResult in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
StoreCheck.setGuardResult(Instruction i,
RegisterOperand GuardResult)
Set the operand called GuardResult in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
GuardResultCarrier.setGuardResult(Instruction i,
RegisterOperand op)
Set the operand called GuardResult in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
Trap.setGuardResult(Instruction i,
RegisterOperand GuardResult)
Set the operand called GuardResult in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
IfCmp2.setGuardResult(Instruction i,
RegisterOperand GuardResult)
Set the operand called GuardResult in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
NullCheck.setGuardResult(Instruction i,
RegisterOperand GuardResult)
Set the operand called GuardResult in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
BoundsCheck.setGuardResult(Instruction i,
RegisterOperand GuardResult)
Set the operand called GuardResult in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
ZeroCheck.setGuardResult(Instruction i,
RegisterOperand GuardResult)
Set the operand called GuardResult in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
IfCmp.setGuardResult(Instruction i,
RegisterOperand GuardResult)
Set the operand called GuardResult in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
TableSwitch.setHigh(Instruction i,
IntConstantOperand High)
Set the operand called High in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
InstrumentedCounter.setIncrement(Instruction i,
Operand Increment)
Set the operand called Increment in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
InstrumentedCounter.setIndex(Instruction i,
IntConstantOperand Index)
Set the operand called Index in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
ALoad.setIndex(Instruction i,
Operand Index)
Set the operand called Index in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
BoundsCheck.setIndex(Instruction i,
Operand Index)
Set the operand called Index in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
AStore.setIndex(Instruction i,
Operand Index)
Set the operand called Index in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
LowTableSwitch.setIndex(Instruction i,
RegisterOperand Index)
Set the operand called Index in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
OsrPoint.setInlinedTypeInfo(Instruction i,
InlinedOsrTypeInfoOperand InlinedTypeInfo)
Set the operand called InlinedTypeInfo in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
PutStatic.setLocation(Instruction i,
LocationOperand Location)
Set the operand called Location in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
Prepare.setLocation(Instruction i,
LocationOperand Location)
Set the operand called Location in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
ALoad.setLocation(Instruction i,
LocationOperand Location)
Set the operand called Location in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
Attempt.setLocation(Instruction i,
LocationOperand Location)
Set the operand called Location in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
Store.setLocation(Instruction i,
LocationOperand Location)
Set the operand called Location in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
PutField.setLocation(Instruction i,
LocationOperand Location)
Set the operand called Location in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
Load.setLocation(Instruction i,
LocationOperand Location)
Set the operand called Location in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
LocationCarrier.setLocation(Instruction i,
LocationOperand op)
Set the operand called Location in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
AStore.setLocation(Instruction i,
LocationOperand Location)
Set the operand called Location in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
GetField.setLocation(Instruction i,
LocationOperand Location)
Set the operand called Location in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
GetStatic.setLocation(Instruction i,
LocationOperand Location)
Set the operand called Location in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
TableSwitch.setLow(Instruction i,
IntConstantOperand Low)
Set the operand called Low in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
LookupSwitch.setMatch(Instruction i,
int k,
IntConstantOperand o)
Set the k'th operand called Match in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
Call.setMethod(Instruction i,
MethodOperand Method)
Set the operand called Method in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
Attempt.setNewValue(Instruction i,
Operand NewValue)
Set the operand called NewValue in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
(package private) void |
Instruction.setNext(Instruction n)
For IR internal use only; general clients should always use higer level
mutation functions.
static void |
PutStatic.setOffset(Instruction i,
Operand Offset)
Set the operand called Offset in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
Prepare.setOffset(Instruction i,
Operand Offset)
Set the operand called Offset in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
Attempt.setOffset(Instruction i,
Operand Offset)
Set the operand called Offset in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
Store.setOffset(Instruction i,
Operand Offset)
Set the operand called Offset in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
PutField.setOffset(Instruction i,
Operand Offset)
Set the operand called Offset in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
Load.setOffset(Instruction i,
Operand Offset)
Set the operand called Offset in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
GetField.setOffset(Instruction i,
Operand Offset)
Set the operand called Offset in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
GetStatic.setOffset(Instruction i,
Operand Offset)
Set the operand called Offset in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
Attempt.setOldValue(Instruction i,
Operand OldValue)
Set the operand called OldValue in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
Call.setParam(Instruction i,
int k,
Operand o)
Set the k'th operand called Param in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
Phi.setPred(Instruction i,
int k,
BasicBlockOperand o)
Set the k'th operand called Pred in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
(package private) void |
Instruction.setPrev(Instruction p)
For IR internal use only; general clients should always use higer level
mutation functions.
static void |
GuardedSet.setRef(Instruction i,
Operand Ref)
Set the operand called Ref in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
CacheOp.setRef(Instruction i,
Operand Ref)
Set the operand called Ref in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
StoreCheck.setRef(Instruction i,
Operand Ref)
Set the operand called Ref in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
InstanceOf.setRef(Instruction i,
Operand Ref)
Set the operand called Ref in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
MonitorOp.setRef(Instruction i,
Operand Ref)
Set the operand called Ref in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
PutField.setRef(Instruction i,
Operand Ref)
Set the operand called Ref in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
TypeCheck.setRef(Instruction i,
Operand Ref)
Set the operand called Ref in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
NullCheck.setRef(Instruction i,
Operand Ref)
Set the operand called Ref in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
BoundsCheck.setRef(Instruction i,
Operand Ref)
Set the operand called Ref in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
GetField.setRef(Instruction i,
Operand Ref)
Set the operand called Ref in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
Phi.setResult(Instruction i,
Operand Result)
Set the operand called Result in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
Nullary.setResult(Instruction i,
RegisterOperand Result)
Set the operand called Result in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
NewArray.setResult(Instruction i,
RegisterOperand Result)
Set the operand called Result in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
Prepare.setResult(Instruction i,
RegisterOperand Result)
Set the operand called Result in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
ALoad.setResult(Instruction i,
RegisterOperand Result)
Set the operand called Result in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
Attempt.setResult(Instruction i,
RegisterOperand Result)
Set the operand called Result in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
Binary.setResult(Instruction i,
RegisterOperand Result)
Set the operand called Result in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
GuardedBinary.setResult(Instruction i,
RegisterOperand Result)
Set the operand called Result in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
CondMove.setResult(Instruction i,
RegisterOperand Result)
Set the operand called Result in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
Unary.setResult(Instruction i,
RegisterOperand Result)
Set the operand called Result in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
InstanceOf.setResult(Instruction i,
RegisterOperand Result)
Set the operand called Result in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
Load.setResult(Instruction i,
RegisterOperand Result)
Set the operand called Result in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
TypeCheck.setResult(Instruction i,
RegisterOperand Result)
Set the operand called Result in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
ResultCarrier.setResult(Instruction i,
RegisterOperand op)
Set the operand called Result in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
BooleanCmp.setResult(Instruction i,
RegisterOperand Result)
Set the operand called Result in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
Call.setResult(Instruction i,
RegisterOperand Result)
Set the operand called Result in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
GuardedUnary.setResult(Instruction i,
RegisterOperand Result)
Set the operand called Result in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
New.setResult(Instruction i,
RegisterOperand Result)
Set the operand called Result in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
GetField.setResult(Instruction i,
RegisterOperand Result)
Set the operand called Result in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
Multianewarray.setResult(Instruction i,
RegisterOperand Result)
Set the operand called Result in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
Move.setResult(Instruction i,
RegisterOperand Result)
Set the operand called Result in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
GetStatic.setResult(Instruction i,
RegisterOperand Result)
Set the operand called Result in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
NewArray.setSize(Instruction i,
Operand Size)
Set the operand called Size in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
Goto.setTarget(Instruction i,
BranchOperand Target)
Set the operand called Target in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
InlineGuard.setTarget(Instruction i,
BranchOperand Target)
Set the operand called Target in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
IfCmp.setTarget(Instruction i,
BranchOperand Target)
Set the operand called Target in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
LowTableSwitch.setTarget(Instruction i,
int k,
BranchOperand o)
Set the k'th operand called Target in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
TableSwitch.setTarget(Instruction i,
int k,
BranchOperand o)
Set the k'th operand called Target in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
LookupSwitch.setTarget(Instruction i,
int k,
BranchOperand o)
Set the k'th operand called Target in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
IfCmp2.setTarget1(Instruction i,
BranchOperand Target1)
Set the operand called Target1 in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
IfCmp2.setTarget2(Instruction i,
BranchOperand Target2)
Set the operand called Target2 in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
TrapIf.setTCode(Instruction i,
TrapCodeOperand TCode)
Set the operand called TCode in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
Trap.setTCode(Instruction i,
TrapCodeOperand TCode)
Set the operand called TCode in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
CondMove.setTrueValue(Instruction i,
Operand TrueValue)
Set the operand called TrueValue in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
NewArray.setType(Instruction i,
TypeOperand Type)
Set the operand called Type in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
InstanceOf.setType(Instruction i,
TypeOperand Type)
Set the operand called Type in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
TypeCheck.setType(Instruction i,
TypeOperand Type)
Set the operand called Type in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
New.setType(Instruction i,
TypeOperand Type)
Set the operand called Type in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
Multianewarray.setType(Instruction i,
TypeOperand Type)
Set the operand called Type in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
OsrBarrier.setTypeInfo(Instruction i,
OsrTypeInfoOperand TypeInfo)
Set the operand called TypeInfo in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
TableSwitch.setUnknown1(Instruction i,
Operand Unknown1)
Set the operand called Unknown1 in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
LookupSwitch.setUnknown1(Instruction i,
Operand Unknown1)
Set the operand called Unknown1 in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
TableSwitch.setUnknown2(Instruction i,
Operand Unknown2)
Set the operand called Unknown2 in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
LookupSwitch.setUnknown2(Instruction i,
Operand Unknown2)
Set the operand called Unknown2 in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
GuardedSet.setVal(Instruction i,
Operand Val)
Set the operand called Val in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
StoreCheck.setVal(Instruction i,
Operand Val)
Set the operand called Val in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
Unary.setVal(Instruction i,
Operand Val)
Set the operand called Val in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
Return.setVal(Instruction i,
Operand Val)
Set the operand called Val in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
GuardedUnary.setVal(Instruction i,
Operand Val)
Set the operand called Val in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
Move.setVal(Instruction i,
Operand Val)
Set the operand called Val in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
TrapIf.setVal1(Instruction i,
Operand Val1)
Set the operand called Val1 in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
Binary.setVal1(Instruction i,
Operand Val1)
Set the operand called Val1 in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
GuardedBinary.setVal1(Instruction i,
Operand Val1)
Set the operand called Val1 in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
CondMove.setVal1(Instruction i,
Operand Val1)
Set the operand called Val1 in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
IfCmp2.setVal1(Instruction i,
Operand Val1)
Set the operand called Val1 in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
BooleanCmp.setVal1(Instruction i,
Operand Val1)
Set the operand called Val1 in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
IfCmp.setVal1(Instruction i,
Operand Val1)
Set the operand called Val1 in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
TrapIf.setVal2(Instruction i,
Operand Val2)
Set the operand called Val2 in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
Binary.setVal2(Instruction i,
Operand Val2)
Set the operand called Val2 in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
GuardedBinary.setVal2(Instruction i,
Operand Val2)
Set the operand called Val2 in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
CondMove.setVal2(Instruction i,
Operand Val2)
Set the operand called Val2 in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
IfCmp2.setVal2(Instruction i,
Operand Val2)
Set the operand called Val2 in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
BooleanCmp.setVal2(Instruction i,
Operand Val2)
Set the operand called Val2 in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
IfCmp.setVal2(Instruction i,
Operand Val2)
Set the operand called Val2 in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
Phi.setValue(Instruction i,
int k,
Operand o)
Set the k'th operand called Value in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
PutStatic.setValue(Instruction i,
Operand Value)
Set the operand called Value in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
Store.setValue(Instruction i,
Operand Value)
Set the operand called Value in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
PutField.setValue(Instruction i,
Operand Value)
Set the operand called Value in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
ZeroCheck.setValue(Instruction i,
Operand Value)
Set the operand called Value in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
Athrow.setValue(Instruction i,
Operand Value)
Set the operand called Value in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
InlineGuard.setValue(Instruction i,
Operand Value)
Set the operand called Value in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
TableSwitch.setValue(Instruction i,
Operand Value)
Set the operand called Value in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
AStore.setValue(Instruction i,
Operand Value)
Set the operand called Value in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
LookupSwitch.setValue(Instruction i,
Operand Value)
Set the operand called Value in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
boolean |
Instruction.similar(Instruction similarInstr)
Are two instructions similar, i.e. having the same operator and
the same number of similar operands?
BasicBlock |
BasicBlock.splitNodeAt(Instruction last_instr_BB1,
IR ir)
Splits a node at an instruction point.
BasicBlock |
BasicBlock.splitNodeWithLinksAt(Instruction last_instr_BB1,
IR ir)
Splits a node at an instruction point.
static boolean |
IR.strictFP(Instruction... is)
strictfp be adhered to for the given instructions? |
static boolean |
IRTools.usedIn(Register r,
Instruction s) |
static boolean |
IRTools.useDoublesAsDef(Operand u,
Instruction s)
Is the operand u, which is a use in instruction s, also a def
in instruction s?
Constructor and Description |
AllDefsEnum(IR ir,
Instruction instr)
Construct/initialize object
AllUsesEnum(IR ir,
Instruction instr)
Construct/initialize object
BASE_OE(Instruction instr,
int start,
int end) |
GCIRMapElement(Instruction inst,
List<RegSpillListElement> regSpillList) |
MOE(Instruction instr,
int start,
int end) |
OE(Instruction instr,
int start,
int end,
int defEnd) |
OEDefsOnly(Instruction instr,
int start,
int end) |
ROE(Instruction instr,
int start,
int end) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static Instruction |
MIR_Empty.create(Operator o)
Create an instruction of the MIR_Empty instruction format.
static Instruction |
MIR_Branch.create(Operator o,
BranchOperand Target)
Create an instruction of the MIR_Branch instruction format.
static Instruction |
MIR_CondBranch.create(Operator o,
IA32ConditionOperand Cond,
BranchOperand Target,
BranchProfileOperand BranchProfile)
Create an instruction of the MIR_CondBranch instruction format.
static Instruction |
MIR_CondBranch2.create(Operator o,
IA32ConditionOperand Cond1,
BranchOperand Target1,
BranchProfileOperand BranchProfile1,
IA32ConditionOperand Cond2,
BranchOperand Target2,
BranchProfileOperand BranchProfile2)
Create an instruction of the MIR_CondBranch2 instruction format.
static Instruction |
MIR_CondBranch2.create(Operator o,
IA32ConditionOperand Cond1,
BranchOperand Target1,
BranchProfileOperand BranchProfile1,
IA32ConditionOperand Cond2,
BranchProfileOperand BranchProfile2)
Create an instruction of the MIR_CondBranch2 instruction format.
static Instruction |
MIR_CondBranch.create(Operator o,
IA32ConditionOperand Cond,
BranchProfileOperand BranchProfile)
Create an instruction of the MIR_CondBranch instruction format.
static Instruction |
MIR_CondBranch2.create(Operator o,
IA32ConditionOperand Cond1,
BranchProfileOperand BranchProfile1,
IA32ConditionOperand Cond2,
BranchOperand Target2,
BranchProfileOperand BranchProfile2)
Create an instruction of the MIR_CondBranch2 instruction format.
static Instruction |
MIR_CondBranch2.create(Operator o,
IA32ConditionOperand Cond1,
BranchProfileOperand BranchProfile1,
IA32ConditionOperand Cond2,
BranchProfileOperand BranchProfile2)
Create an instruction of the MIR_CondBranch2 instruction format.
static Instruction |
MIR_CaseLabel.create(Operator o,
IntConstantOperand Index,
Operand Target)
Create an instruction of the MIR_CaseLabel instruction format.
static Instruction |
MIR_Return.create(Operator o,
IntConstantOperand PopBytes,
Operand Val,
Operand Val2)
Create an instruction of the MIR_Return instruction format.
static Instruction |
MIR_UnaryNoRes.create(Operator o,
Operand Val)
Create an instruction of the MIR_UnaryNoRes instruction format.
static Instruction |
MIR_UnaryAcc.create(Operator o,
Operand Result)
Create an instruction of the MIR_UnaryAcc instruction format.
static Instruction |
MIR_Nullary.create(Operator o,
Operand Result)
Create an instruction of the MIR_Nullary instruction format.
static Instruction |
MIR_CacheOp.create(Operator o,
Operand Address)
Create an instruction of the MIR_CacheOp instruction format.
static Instruction |
MIR_FSave.create(Operator o,
Operand Destination)
Create an instruction of the MIR_FSave instruction format.
static Instruction |
MIR_Set.create(Operator o,
Operand Result,
IA32ConditionOperand Cond)
Create an instruction of the MIR_Set instruction format.
static Instruction |
MIR_Test.create(Operator o,
Operand Val1,
Operand Val2)
Create an instruction of the MIR_Test instruction format.
static Instruction |
MIR_Unary.create(Operator o,
Operand Result,
Operand Val)
Create an instruction of the MIR_Unary instruction format.
static Instruction |
MIR_Move.create(Operator o,
Operand Result,
Operand Value)
Create an instruction of the MIR_Move instruction format.
static Instruction |
MIR_BinaryAcc.create(Operator o,
Operand Result,
Operand Value)
Create an instruction of the MIR_BinaryAcc instruction format.
static Instruction |
MIR_Compare.create(Operator o,
Operand Val1,
Operand Val2)
Create an instruction of the MIR_Compare instruction format.
static Instruction |
MIR_ConvertDW2QW.create(Operator o,
Operand Result1,
Operand Result2)
Create an instruction of the MIR_ConvertDW2QW instruction format.
static Instruction |
MIR_XChng.create(Operator o,
Operand Val1,
Operand Val2)
Create an instruction of the MIR_XChng instruction format.
static Instruction |
MIR_CondMove.create(Operator o,
Operand Result,
Operand Value,
IA32ConditionOperand Cond)
Create an instruction of the MIR_CondMove instruction format.
static Instruction |
MIR_Multiply.create(Operator o,
Operand Result1,
Operand Result2,
Operand Value)
Create an instruction of the MIR_Multiply instruction format.
static Instruction |
MIR_Divide.create(Operator o,
Operand Result1,
Operand Result2,
Operand Value,
Operand Guard)
Create an instruction of the MIR_Divide instruction format.
static Instruction |
MIR_DoubleShift.create(Operator o,
Operand Result,
RegisterOperand Source,
Operand BitsToShift)
Create an instruction of the MIR_DoubleShift instruction format.
static Instruction |
MIR_Lea.create(Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
MemoryOperand Value)
Create an instruction of the MIR_Lea instruction format.
static Instruction |
MIR_CompareExchange.create(Operator o,
RegisterOperand OldValue,
MemoryOperand MemAddr,
RegisterOperand NewValue)
Create an instruction of the MIR_CompareExchange instruction format.
static Instruction |
MIR_TrapIf.create(Operator o,
RegisterOperand GuardResult,
Operand Val1,
Operand Val2,
IA32ConditionOperand Cond,
TrapCodeOperand TrapCode)
Create an instruction of the MIR_TrapIf instruction format.
static Instruction |
MIR_RDTSC.create(Operator o,
RegisterOperand Dest1,
RegisterOperand Dest2)
Create an instruction of the MIR_RDTSC instruction format.
static Instruction |
MIR_LowTableSwitch.create(Operator o,
RegisterOperand Index,
RegisterOperand MethodStart,
int numVarOps)
Create an instruction of the MIR_LowTableSwitch instruction format.
static Instruction |
MIR_Call.create(Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
RegisterOperand Result2,
int numVarOps)
Create an instruction of the MIR_Call instruction format.
static Instruction |
MIR_CompareExchange8B.create(Operator o,
RegisterOperand OldValueHigh,
RegisterOperand OldValueLow,
MemoryOperand MemAddr,
RegisterOperand NewValueHigh,
RegisterOperand NewValueLow)
Create an instruction of the MIR_CompareExchange8B instruction format.
static Instruction |
MIR_Call.create(Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
RegisterOperand Result2,
MethodOperand Method,
int numVarOps)
Create an instruction of the MIR_Call instruction format.
static Instruction |
MIR_Call.create(Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
RegisterOperand Result2,
Operand Target,
int numVarOps)
Create an instruction of the MIR_Call instruction format.
static Instruction |
MIR_Call.create(Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
RegisterOperand Result2,
Operand Target,
MethodOperand Method,
int numVarOps)
Create an instruction of the MIR_Call instruction format.
static Instruction |
MIR_Trap.create(Operator o,
RegisterOperand GuardResult,
TrapCodeOperand TrapCode)
Create an instruction of the MIR_Trap instruction format.
static Instruction |
MIR_Call.create0(Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
RegisterOperand Result2)
Create an instruction of the MIR_Call instruction format
with 0 variable arguments.
static Instruction |
MIR_Call.create0(Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
RegisterOperand Result2,
MethodOperand Method)
Create an instruction of the MIR_Call instruction format
with 0 variable arguments.
static Instruction |
MIR_Call.create0(Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
RegisterOperand Result2,
Operand Target)
Create an instruction of the MIR_Call instruction format
with 0 variable arguments.
static Instruction |
MIR_Call.create0(Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
RegisterOperand Result2,
Operand Target,
MethodOperand Method)
Create an instruction of the MIR_Call instruction format
with 0 variable arguments.
static Instruction |
MIR_Call.create1(Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
RegisterOperand Result2,
MethodOperand Method,
Operand Param_1)
Create an instruction of the MIR_Call instruction format
with 1 variable arguments.
static Instruction |
MIR_Call.create1(Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
RegisterOperand Result2,
Operand Param_1)
Create an instruction of the MIR_Call instruction format
with 1 variable arguments.
static Instruction |
MIR_Call.create1(Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
RegisterOperand Result2,
Operand Target,
MethodOperand Method,
Operand Param_1)
Create an instruction of the MIR_Call instruction format
with 1 variable arguments.
static Instruction |
MIR_Call.create1(Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
RegisterOperand Result2,
Operand Target,
Operand Param_1)
Create an instruction of the MIR_Call instruction format
with 1 variable arguments.
static Instruction |
PhysicalRegisterTools.makeMoveInstruction(RegisterOperand lhs,
RegisterOperand rhs) |
static Instruction |
MIR_Empty.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_Empty instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
MIR_Branch.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
BranchOperand Target)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_Branch instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
MIR_CondBranch.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
IA32ConditionOperand Cond,
BranchOperand Target,
BranchProfileOperand BranchProfile)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_CondBranch instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
MIR_CondBranch2.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
IA32ConditionOperand Cond1,
BranchOperand Target1,
BranchProfileOperand BranchProfile1,
IA32ConditionOperand Cond2,
BranchOperand Target2,
BranchProfileOperand BranchProfile2)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_CondBranch2 instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
MIR_CondBranch2.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
IA32ConditionOperand Cond1,
BranchOperand Target1,
BranchProfileOperand BranchProfile1,
IA32ConditionOperand Cond2,
BranchProfileOperand BranchProfile2)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_CondBranch2 instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
MIR_CondBranch.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
IA32ConditionOperand Cond,
BranchProfileOperand BranchProfile)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_CondBranch instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
MIR_CondBranch2.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
IA32ConditionOperand Cond1,
BranchProfileOperand BranchProfile1,
IA32ConditionOperand Cond2,
BranchOperand Target2,
BranchProfileOperand BranchProfile2)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_CondBranch2 instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
MIR_CondBranch2.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
IA32ConditionOperand Cond1,
BranchProfileOperand BranchProfile1,
IA32ConditionOperand Cond2,
BranchProfileOperand BranchProfile2)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_CondBranch2 instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
MIR_CaseLabel.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
IntConstantOperand Index,
Operand Target)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_CaseLabel instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
MIR_Return.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
IntConstantOperand PopBytes,
Operand Val,
Operand Val2)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_Return instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
MIR_UnaryNoRes.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
Operand Val)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_UnaryNoRes instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
MIR_UnaryAcc.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
Operand Result)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_UnaryAcc instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
MIR_Nullary.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
Operand Result)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_Nullary instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
MIR_CacheOp.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
Operand Address)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_CacheOp instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
MIR_FSave.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
Operand Destination)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_FSave instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
MIR_Set.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
Operand Result,
IA32ConditionOperand Cond)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_Set instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
MIR_Test.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
Operand Val1,
Operand Val2)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_Test instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
MIR_Unary.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
Operand Result,
Operand Val)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_Unary instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
MIR_Move.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
Operand Result,
Operand Value)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_Move instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
MIR_BinaryAcc.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
Operand Result,
Operand Value)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_BinaryAcc instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
MIR_Compare.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
Operand Val1,
Operand Val2)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_Compare instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
MIR_ConvertDW2QW.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
Operand Result1,
Operand Result2)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_ConvertDW2QW instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
MIR_XChng.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
Operand Val1,
Operand Val2)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_XChng instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
MIR_CondMove.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
Operand Result,
Operand Value,
IA32ConditionOperand Cond)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_CondMove instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
MIR_Multiply.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
Operand Result1,
Operand Result2,
Operand Value)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_Multiply instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
MIR_Divide.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
Operand Result1,
Operand Result2,
Operand Value,
Operand Guard)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_Divide instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
MIR_DoubleShift.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
Operand Result,
RegisterOperand Source,
Operand BitsToShift)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_DoubleShift instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
MIR_Lea.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
MemoryOperand Value)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_Lea instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
MIR_CompareExchange.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand OldValue,
MemoryOperand MemAddr,
RegisterOperand NewValue)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_CompareExchange instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
MIR_TrapIf.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand GuardResult,
Operand Val1,
Operand Val2,
IA32ConditionOperand Cond,
TrapCodeOperand TrapCode)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_TrapIf instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
MIR_RDTSC.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Dest1,
RegisterOperand Dest2)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_RDTSC instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
MIR_LowTableSwitch.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Index,
RegisterOperand MethodStart,
int numVarOps)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_LowTableSwitch instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
MIR_Call.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
RegisterOperand Result2,
int numVarOps)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_Call instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
MIR_CompareExchange8B.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand OldValueHigh,
RegisterOperand OldValueLow,
MemoryOperand MemAddr,
RegisterOperand NewValueHigh,
RegisterOperand NewValueLow)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_CompareExchange8B instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
MIR_Call.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
RegisterOperand Result2,
MethodOperand Method,
int numVarOps)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_Call instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
MIR_Call.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
RegisterOperand Result2,
Operand Target,
int numVarOps)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_Call instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
MIR_Call.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
RegisterOperand Result2,
Operand Target,
MethodOperand Method,
int numVarOps)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_Call instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
MIR_Trap.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand GuardResult,
TrapCodeOperand TrapCode)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_Trap instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
MIR_Call.mutate0(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
RegisterOperand Result2)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_Call instruction format having the specified
operator, operands, and number of variable-length operands.
static Instruction |
MIR_Call.mutate0(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
RegisterOperand Result2,
MethodOperand Method)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_Call instruction format having the specified
operator, operands, and number of variable-length operands.
static Instruction |
MIR_Call.mutate0(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
RegisterOperand Result2,
Operand Target)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_Call instruction format having the specified
operator, operands, and number of variable-length operands.
static Instruction |
MIR_Call.mutate0(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
RegisterOperand Result2,
Operand Target,
MethodOperand Method)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_Call instruction format having the specified
operator, operands, and number of variable-length operands.
static Instruction |
MIR_Call.mutate1(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
RegisterOperand Result2,
MethodOperand Method,
Operand Param_1)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_Call instruction format having the specified
operator, operands, and number of variable-length operands.
static Instruction |
MIR_Call.mutate1(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
RegisterOperand Result2,
Operand Param_1)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_Call instruction format having the specified
operator, operands, and number of variable-length operands.
static Instruction |
MIR_Call.mutate1(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
RegisterOperand Result2,
Operand Target,
MethodOperand Method,
Operand Param_1)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_Call instruction format having the specified
operator, operands, and number of variable-length operands.
static Instruction |
MIR_Call.mutate1(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
RegisterOperand Result2,
Operand Target,
Operand Param_1)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_Call instruction format having the specified
operator, operands, and number of variable-length operands.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static boolean |
MIR_Test.conforms(Instruction i)
InstructionFormat identification method for MIR_Test.
static boolean |
MIR_LowTableSwitch.conforms(Instruction i)
InstructionFormat identification method for MIR_LowTableSwitch.
static boolean |
MIR_Unary.conforms(Instruction i)
InstructionFormat identification method for MIR_Unary.
static boolean |
MIR_CondMove.conforms(Instruction i)
InstructionFormat identification method for MIR_CondMove.
static boolean |
MIR_Multiply.conforms(Instruction i)
InstructionFormat identification method for MIR_Multiply.
static boolean |
MIR_DoubleShift.conforms(Instruction i)
InstructionFormat identification method for MIR_DoubleShift.
static boolean |
MIR_Branch.conforms(Instruction i)
InstructionFormat identification method for MIR_Branch.
static boolean |
MIR_Trap.conforms(Instruction i)
InstructionFormat identification method for MIR_Trap.
static boolean |
MIR_Return.conforms(Instruction i)
InstructionFormat identification method for MIR_Return.
static boolean |
MIR_Move.conforms(Instruction i)
InstructionFormat identification method for MIR_Move.
static boolean |
MIR_CondBranch2.conforms(Instruction i)
InstructionFormat identification method for MIR_CondBranch2.
static boolean |
MIR_BinaryAcc.conforms(Instruction i)
InstructionFormat identification method for MIR_BinaryAcc.
static boolean |
MIR_UnaryNoRes.conforms(Instruction i)
InstructionFormat identification method for MIR_UnaryNoRes.
static boolean |
MIR_UnaryAcc.conforms(Instruction i)
InstructionFormat identification method for MIR_UnaryAcc.
static boolean |
MIR_RDTSC.conforms(Instruction i)
InstructionFormat identification method for MIR_RDTSC.
static boolean |
MIR_Compare.conforms(Instruction i)
InstructionFormat identification method for MIR_Compare.
static boolean |
MIR_CompareExchange8B.conforms(Instruction i)
InstructionFormat identification method for MIR_CompareExchange8B.
static boolean |
MIR_TrapIf.conforms(Instruction i)
InstructionFormat identification method for MIR_TrapIf.
static boolean |
MIR_Nullary.conforms(Instruction i)
InstructionFormat identification method for MIR_Nullary.
static boolean |
MIR_Empty.conforms(Instruction i)
InstructionFormat identification method for MIR_Empty.
static boolean |
MIR_CompareExchange.conforms(Instruction i)
InstructionFormat identification method for MIR_CompareExchange.
static boolean |
MIR_Call.conforms(Instruction i)
InstructionFormat identification method for MIR_Call.
static boolean |
MIR_ConvertDW2QW.conforms(Instruction i)
InstructionFormat identification method for MIR_ConvertDW2QW.
static boolean |
MIR_CacheOp.conforms(Instruction i)
InstructionFormat identification method for MIR_CacheOp.
static boolean |
MIR_Lea.conforms(Instruction i)
InstructionFormat identification method for MIR_Lea.
static boolean |
MIR_Divide.conforms(Instruction i)
InstructionFormat identification method for MIR_Divide.
static boolean |
MIR_Set.conforms(Instruction i)
InstructionFormat identification method for MIR_Set.
static boolean |
MIR_FSave.conforms(Instruction i)
InstructionFormat identification method for MIR_FSave.
static boolean |
MIR_XChng.conforms(Instruction i)
InstructionFormat identification method for MIR_XChng.
static boolean |
MIR_CaseLabel.conforms(Instruction i)
InstructionFormat identification method for MIR_CaseLabel.
static boolean |
MIR_CondBranch.conforms(Instruction i)
InstructionFormat identification method for MIR_CondBranch.
static Operand |
MIR_CacheOp.getAddress(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Address from the
argument instruction.
static Operand |
MIR_DoubleShift.getBitsToShift(Instruction i)
Get the operand called BitsToShift from the
argument instruction.
static BranchProfileOperand |
MIR_CondBranch.getBranchProfile(Instruction i)
Get the operand called BranchProfile from the
argument instruction.
static BranchProfileOperand |
MIR_LowTableSwitch.getBranchProfile(Instruction i,
int k)
Get the k'th operand called BranchProfile from the
argument instruction.
static BranchProfileOperand |
MIR_CondBranch2.getBranchProfile1(Instruction i)
Get the operand called BranchProfile1 from the
argument instruction.
static BranchProfileOperand |
MIR_CondBranch2.getBranchProfile2(Instruction i)
Get the operand called BranchProfile2 from the
argument instruction.
static Operand |
MIR_CacheOp.getClearAddress(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Address from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand |
MIR_DoubleShift.getClearBitsToShift(Instruction i)
Get the operand called BitsToShift from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static BranchProfileOperand |
MIR_CondBranch.getClearBranchProfile(Instruction i)
Get the operand called BranchProfile from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static BranchProfileOperand |
MIR_LowTableSwitch.getClearBranchProfile(Instruction i,
int k)
Get the k'th operand called BranchProfile from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static BranchProfileOperand |
MIR_CondBranch2.getClearBranchProfile1(Instruction i)
Get the operand called BranchProfile1 from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static BranchProfileOperand |
MIR_CondBranch2.getClearBranchProfile2(Instruction i)
Get the operand called BranchProfile2 from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static IA32ConditionOperand |
MIR_CondMove.getClearCond(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Cond from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static IA32ConditionOperand |
MIR_TrapIf.getClearCond(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Cond from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static IA32ConditionOperand |
MIR_Set.getClearCond(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Cond from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static IA32ConditionOperand |
MIR_CondBranch.getClearCond(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Cond from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static IA32ConditionOperand |
MIR_CondBranch2.getClearCond1(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Cond1 from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static IA32ConditionOperand |
MIR_CondBranch2.getClearCond2(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Cond2 from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static RegisterOperand |
MIR_RDTSC.getClearDest1(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Dest1 from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static RegisterOperand |
MIR_RDTSC.getClearDest2(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Dest2 from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand |
MIR_FSave.getClearDestination(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Destination from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand |
MIR_Divide.getClearGuard(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Guard from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static RegisterOperand |
MIR_Trap.getClearGuardResult(Instruction i)
Get the operand called GuardResult from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static RegisterOperand |
MIR_TrapIf.getClearGuardResult(Instruction i)
Get the operand called GuardResult from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static RegisterOperand |
MIR_LowTableSwitch.getClearIndex(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Index from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static IntConstantOperand |
MIR_CaseLabel.getClearIndex(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Index from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static MemoryOperand |
MIR_CompareExchange8B.getClearMemAddr(Instruction i)
Get the operand called MemAddr from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static MemoryOperand |
MIR_CompareExchange.getClearMemAddr(Instruction i)
Get the operand called MemAddr from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static MethodOperand |
MIR_Call.getClearMethod(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Method from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static RegisterOperand |
MIR_LowTableSwitch.getClearMethodStart(Instruction i)
Get the operand called MethodStart from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static RegisterOperand |
MIR_CompareExchange.getClearNewValue(Instruction i)
Get the operand called NewValue from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static RegisterOperand |
MIR_CompareExchange8B.getClearNewValueHigh(Instruction i)
Get the operand called NewValueHigh from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static RegisterOperand |
MIR_CompareExchange8B.getClearNewValueLow(Instruction i)
Get the operand called NewValueLow from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static RegisterOperand |
MIR_CompareExchange.getClearOldValue(Instruction i)
Get the operand called OldValue from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static RegisterOperand |
MIR_CompareExchange8B.getClearOldValueHigh(Instruction i)
Get the operand called OldValueHigh from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static RegisterOperand |
MIR_CompareExchange8B.getClearOldValueLow(Instruction i)
Get the operand called OldValueLow from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand |
MIR_Call.getClearParam(Instruction i,
int k)
Get the k'th operand called Param from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static IntConstantOperand |
MIR_Return.getClearPopBytes(Instruction i)
Get the operand called PopBytes from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand |
MIR_Unary.getClearResult(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Result from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand |
MIR_CondMove.getClearResult(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Result from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand |
MIR_DoubleShift.getClearResult(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Result from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand |
MIR_Move.getClearResult(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Result from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand |
MIR_BinaryAcc.getClearResult(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Result from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand |
MIR_UnaryAcc.getClearResult(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Result from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand |
MIR_Nullary.getClearResult(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Result from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static RegisterOperand |
MIR_Call.getClearResult(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Result from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static RegisterOperand |
MIR_Lea.getClearResult(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Result from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand |
MIR_Set.getClearResult(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Result from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand |
MIR_Multiply.getClearResult1(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Result1 from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand |
MIR_ConvertDW2QW.getClearResult1(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Result1 from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand |
MIR_Divide.getClearResult1(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Result1 from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand |
MIR_Multiply.getClearResult2(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Result2 from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static RegisterOperand |
MIR_Call.getClearResult2(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Result2 from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand |
MIR_ConvertDW2QW.getClearResult2(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Result2 from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand |
MIR_Divide.getClearResult2(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Result2 from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static RegisterOperand |
MIR_DoubleShift.getClearSource(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Source from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static BranchOperand |
MIR_Branch.getClearTarget(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Target from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand |
MIR_Call.getClearTarget(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Target from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand |
MIR_CaseLabel.getClearTarget(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Target from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static BranchOperand |
MIR_CondBranch.getClearTarget(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Target from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static BranchOperand |
MIR_LowTableSwitch.getClearTarget(Instruction i,
int k)
Get the k'th operand called Target from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static BranchOperand |
MIR_CondBranch2.getClearTarget1(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Target1 from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static BranchOperand |
MIR_CondBranch2.getClearTarget2(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Target2 from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static TrapCodeOperand |
MIR_Trap.getClearTrapCode(Instruction i)
Get the operand called TrapCode from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static TrapCodeOperand |
MIR_TrapIf.getClearTrapCode(Instruction i)
Get the operand called TrapCode from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand |
MIR_Unary.getClearVal(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Val from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand |
MIR_Return.getClearVal(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Val from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand |
MIR_UnaryNoRes.getClearVal(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Val from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand |
MIR_Test.getClearVal1(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Val1 from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand |
MIR_Compare.getClearVal1(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Val1 from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand |
MIR_TrapIf.getClearVal1(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Val1 from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand |
MIR_XChng.getClearVal1(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Val1 from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand |
MIR_Test.getClearVal2(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Val2 from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand |
MIR_Return.getClearVal2(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Val2 from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand |
MIR_Compare.getClearVal2(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Val2 from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand |
MIR_TrapIf.getClearVal2(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Val2 from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand |
MIR_XChng.getClearVal2(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Val2 from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand |
MIR_CondMove.getClearValue(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Value from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand |
MIR_Multiply.getClearValue(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Value from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand |
MIR_Move.getClearValue(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Value from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand |
MIR_BinaryAcc.getClearValue(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Value from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static MemoryOperand |
MIR_Lea.getClearValue(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Value from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand |
MIR_Divide.getClearValue(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Value from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static IA32ConditionOperand |
MIR_CondMove.getCond(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Cond from the
argument instruction.
static IA32ConditionOperand |
MIR_TrapIf.getCond(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Cond from the
argument instruction.
static IA32ConditionOperand |
MIR_Set.getCond(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Cond from the
argument instruction.
static IA32ConditionOperand |
MIR_CondBranch.getCond(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Cond from the
argument instruction.
static IA32ConditionOperand |
MIR_CondBranch2.getCond1(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Cond1 from the
argument instruction.
static IA32ConditionOperand |
MIR_CondBranch2.getCond2(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Cond2 from the
argument instruction.
static RegisterOperand |
MIR_RDTSC.getDest1(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Dest1 from the
argument instruction.
static RegisterOperand |
MIR_RDTSC.getDest2(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Dest2 from the
argument instruction.
static Operand |
MIR_FSave.getDestination(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Destination from the
argument instruction.
static Operand |
MIR_Divide.getGuard(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Guard from the
argument instruction.
static RegisterOperand |
MIR_Trap.getGuardResult(Instruction i)
Get the operand called GuardResult from the
argument instruction.
static RegisterOperand |
MIR_TrapIf.getGuardResult(Instruction i)
Get the operand called GuardResult from the
argument instruction.
static RegisterOperand |
MIR_LowTableSwitch.getIndex(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Index from the
argument instruction.
static IntConstantOperand |
MIR_CaseLabel.getIndex(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Index from the
argument instruction.
static MemoryOperand |
MIR_CompareExchange8B.getMemAddr(Instruction i)
Get the operand called MemAddr from the
argument instruction.
static MemoryOperand |
MIR_CompareExchange.getMemAddr(Instruction i)
Get the operand called MemAddr from the
argument instruction.
static MethodOperand |
MIR_Call.getMethod(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Method from the
argument instruction.
static RegisterOperand |
MIR_LowTableSwitch.getMethodStart(Instruction i)
Get the operand called MethodStart from the
argument instruction.
static RegisterOperand |
MIR_CompareExchange.getNewValue(Instruction i)
Get the operand called NewValue from the
argument instruction.
static RegisterOperand |
MIR_CompareExchange8B.getNewValueHigh(Instruction i)
Get the operand called NewValueHigh from the
argument instruction.
static RegisterOperand |
MIR_CompareExchange8B.getNewValueLow(Instruction i)
Get the operand called NewValueLow from the
argument instruction.
static int |
MIR_LowTableSwitch.getNumberOfBranchProfiles(Instruction i)
How many variable-length operands called BranchProfiles
does the argument instruction have?
static int |
MIR_Call.getNumberOfParams(Instruction i)
How many variable-length operands called Params
does the argument instruction have?
static int |
MIR_LowTableSwitch.getNumberOfTargets(Instruction i)
How many variable-length operands called Targets
does the argument instruction have?
static RegisterOperand |
MIR_CompareExchange.getOldValue(Instruction i)
Get the operand called OldValue from the
argument instruction.
static RegisterOperand |
MIR_CompareExchange8B.getOldValueHigh(Instruction i)
Get the operand called OldValueHigh from the
argument instruction.
static RegisterOperand |
MIR_CompareExchange8B.getOldValueLow(Instruction i)
Get the operand called OldValueLow from the
argument instruction.
static Operand |
MIR_Call.getParam(Instruction i,
int k)
Get the k'th operand called Param from the
argument instruction.
static IntConstantOperand |
MIR_Return.getPopBytes(Instruction i)
Get the operand called PopBytes from the
argument instruction.
static Operand |
MIR_Unary.getResult(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Result from the
argument instruction.
static Operand |
MIR_CondMove.getResult(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Result from the
argument instruction.
static Operand |
MIR_DoubleShift.getResult(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Result from the
argument instruction.
static Operand |
MIR_Move.getResult(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Result from the
argument instruction.
static Operand |
MIR_BinaryAcc.getResult(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Result from the
argument instruction.
static Operand |
MIR_UnaryAcc.getResult(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Result from the
argument instruction.
static Operand |
MIR_Nullary.getResult(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Result from the
argument instruction.
static RegisterOperand |
MIR_Call.getResult(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Result from the
argument instruction.
static RegisterOperand |
MIR_Lea.getResult(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Result from the
argument instruction.
static Operand |
MIR_Set.getResult(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Result from the
argument instruction.
static Operand |
MIR_Multiply.getResult1(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Result1 from the
argument instruction.
static Operand |
MIR_ConvertDW2QW.getResult1(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Result1 from the
argument instruction.
static Operand |
MIR_Divide.getResult1(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Result1 from the
argument instruction.
static Operand |
MIR_Multiply.getResult2(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Result2 from the
argument instruction.
static RegisterOperand |
MIR_Call.getResult2(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Result2 from the
argument instruction.
static Operand |
MIR_ConvertDW2QW.getResult2(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Result2 from the
argument instruction.
static Operand |
MIR_Divide.getResult2(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Result2 from the
argument instruction.
static RegisterOperand |
MIR_DoubleShift.getSource(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Source from the
argument instruction.
static BranchOperand |
MIR_Branch.getTarget(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Target from the
argument instruction.
static Operand |
MIR_Call.getTarget(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Target from the
argument instruction.
static Operand |
MIR_CaseLabel.getTarget(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Target from the
argument instruction.
static BranchOperand |
MIR_CondBranch.getTarget(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Target from the
argument instruction.
static BranchOperand |
MIR_LowTableSwitch.getTarget(Instruction i,
int k)
Get the k'th operand called Target from the
argument instruction.
static BranchOperand |
MIR_CondBranch2.getTarget1(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Target1 from the
argument instruction.
static BranchOperand |
MIR_CondBranch2.getTarget2(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Target2 from the
argument instruction.
static TrapCodeOperand |
MIR_Trap.getTrapCode(Instruction i)
Get the operand called TrapCode from the
argument instruction.
static TrapCodeOperand |
MIR_TrapIf.getTrapCode(Instruction i)
Get the operand called TrapCode from the
argument instruction.
static Operand |
MIR_Unary.getVal(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Val from the
argument instruction.
static Operand |
MIR_Return.getVal(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Val from the
argument instruction.
static Operand |
MIR_UnaryNoRes.getVal(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Val from the
argument instruction.
static Operand |
MIR_Test.getVal1(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Val1 from the
argument instruction.
static Operand |
MIR_Compare.getVal1(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Val1 from the
argument instruction.
static Operand |
MIR_TrapIf.getVal1(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Val1 from the
argument instruction.
static Operand |
MIR_XChng.getVal1(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Val1 from the
argument instruction.
static Operand |
MIR_Test.getVal2(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Val2 from the
argument instruction.
static Operand |
MIR_Return.getVal2(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Val2 from the
argument instruction.
static Operand |
MIR_Compare.getVal2(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Val2 from the
argument instruction.
static Operand |
MIR_TrapIf.getVal2(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Val2 from the
argument instruction.
static Operand |
MIR_XChng.getVal2(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Val2 from the
argument instruction.
static Operand |
MIR_CondMove.getValue(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Value from the
argument instruction.
static Operand |
MIR_Multiply.getValue(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Value from the
argument instruction.
static Operand |
MIR_Move.getValue(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Value from the
argument instruction.
static Operand |
MIR_BinaryAcc.getValue(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Value from the
argument instruction.
static MemoryOperand |
MIR_Lea.getValue(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Value from the
argument instruction.
static Operand |
MIR_Divide.getValue(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Value from the
argument instruction.
static boolean |
MIR_CacheOp.hasAddress(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Address?
static boolean |
MIR_DoubleShift.hasBitsToShift(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named BitsToShift?
static boolean |
MIR_CondBranch.hasBranchProfile(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named BranchProfile?
static boolean |
MIR_LowTableSwitch.hasBranchProfile(Instruction i,
int k)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
k'th operand named BranchProfile?
static boolean |
MIR_CondBranch2.hasBranchProfile1(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named BranchProfile1?
static boolean |
MIR_CondBranch2.hasBranchProfile2(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named BranchProfile2?
static boolean |
MIR_LowTableSwitch.hasBranchProfiles(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have any operands
named BranchProfile?
static boolean |
MIR_CondMove.hasCond(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Cond?
static boolean |
MIR_TrapIf.hasCond(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Cond?
static boolean |
MIR_Set.hasCond(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Cond?
static boolean |
MIR_CondBranch.hasCond(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Cond?
static boolean |
MIR_CondBranch2.hasCond1(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Cond1?
static boolean |
MIR_CondBranch2.hasCond2(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Cond2?
static boolean |
MIR_RDTSC.hasDest1(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Dest1?
static boolean |
MIR_RDTSC.hasDest2(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Dest2?
static boolean |
MIR_FSave.hasDestination(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Destination?
static boolean |
MIR_Divide.hasGuard(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Guard?
static boolean |
MIR_Trap.hasGuardResult(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named GuardResult?
static boolean |
MIR_TrapIf.hasGuardResult(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named GuardResult?
static boolean |
MIR_LowTableSwitch.hasIndex(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Index?
static boolean |
MIR_CaseLabel.hasIndex(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Index?
static boolean |
MIR_CompareExchange8B.hasMemAddr(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named MemAddr?
static boolean |
MIR_CompareExchange.hasMemAddr(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named MemAddr?
static boolean |
MIR_Call.hasMethod(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Method?
static boolean |
MIR_LowTableSwitch.hasMethodStart(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named MethodStart?
static boolean |
MIR_CompareExchange.hasNewValue(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named NewValue?
static boolean |
MIR_CompareExchange8B.hasNewValueHigh(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named NewValueHigh?
static boolean |
MIR_CompareExchange8B.hasNewValueLow(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named NewValueLow?
static boolean |
MIR_CompareExchange.hasOldValue(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named OldValue?
static boolean |
MIR_CompareExchange8B.hasOldValueHigh(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named OldValueHigh?
static boolean |
MIR_CompareExchange8B.hasOldValueLow(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named OldValueLow?
static boolean |
MIR_Call.hasParam(Instruction i,
int k)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
k'th operand named Param?
static boolean |
MIR_Call.hasParams(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have any operands
named Param?
static boolean |
MIR_Return.hasPopBytes(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named PopBytes?
static boolean |
MIR_Unary.hasResult(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Result?
static boolean |
MIR_CondMove.hasResult(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Result?
static boolean |
MIR_DoubleShift.hasResult(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Result?
static boolean |
MIR_Move.hasResult(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Result?
static boolean |
MIR_BinaryAcc.hasResult(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Result?
static boolean |
MIR_UnaryAcc.hasResult(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Result?
static boolean |
MIR_Nullary.hasResult(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Result?
static boolean |
MIR_Call.hasResult(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Result?
static boolean |
MIR_Lea.hasResult(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Result?
static boolean |
MIR_Set.hasResult(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Result?
static boolean |
MIR_Multiply.hasResult1(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Result1?
static boolean |
MIR_ConvertDW2QW.hasResult1(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Result1?
static boolean |
MIR_Divide.hasResult1(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Result1?
static boolean |
MIR_Multiply.hasResult2(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Result2?
static boolean |
MIR_Call.hasResult2(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Result2?
static boolean |
MIR_ConvertDW2QW.hasResult2(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Result2?
static boolean |
MIR_Divide.hasResult2(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Result2?
static boolean |
MIR_DoubleShift.hasSource(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Source?
static boolean |
MIR_Branch.hasTarget(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Target?
static boolean |
MIR_Call.hasTarget(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Target?
static boolean |
MIR_CaseLabel.hasTarget(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Target?
static boolean |
MIR_CondBranch.hasTarget(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Target?
static boolean |
MIR_LowTableSwitch.hasTarget(Instruction i,
int k)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
k'th operand named Target?
static boolean |
MIR_CondBranch2.hasTarget1(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Target1?
static boolean |
MIR_CondBranch2.hasTarget2(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Target2?
static boolean |
MIR_LowTableSwitch.hasTargets(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have any operands
named Target?
static boolean |
MIR_Trap.hasTrapCode(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named TrapCode?
static boolean |
MIR_TrapIf.hasTrapCode(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named TrapCode?
static boolean |
MIR_Unary.hasVal(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Val?
static boolean |
MIR_Return.hasVal(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Val?
static boolean |
MIR_UnaryNoRes.hasVal(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Val?
static boolean |
MIR_Test.hasVal1(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Val1?
static boolean |
MIR_Compare.hasVal1(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Val1?
static boolean |
MIR_TrapIf.hasVal1(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Val1?
static boolean |
MIR_XChng.hasVal1(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Val1?
static boolean |
MIR_Test.hasVal2(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Val2?
static boolean |
MIR_Return.hasVal2(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Val2?
static boolean |
MIR_Compare.hasVal2(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Val2?
static boolean |
MIR_TrapIf.hasVal2(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Val2?
static boolean |
MIR_XChng.hasVal2(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Val2?
static boolean |
MIR_CondMove.hasValue(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Value?
static boolean |
MIR_Multiply.hasValue(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Value?
static boolean |
MIR_Move.hasValue(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Value?
static boolean |
MIR_BinaryAcc.hasValue(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Value?
static boolean |
MIR_Lea.hasValue(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Value?
static boolean |
MIR_Divide.hasValue(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Value?
static int |
MIR_CacheOp.indexOfAddress(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Address
in the argument instruction.
static int |
MIR_DoubleShift.indexOfBitsToShift(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called BitsToShift
in the argument instruction.
static int |
MIR_CondBranch.indexOfBranchProfile(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called BranchProfile
in the argument instruction.
static int |
MIR_LowTableSwitch.indexOfBranchProfile(Instruction i,
int k)
Return the index of the k'th operand called BranchProfile
in the argument instruction.
static int |
MIR_CondBranch2.indexOfBranchProfile1(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called BranchProfile1
in the argument instruction.
static int |
MIR_CondBranch2.indexOfBranchProfile2(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called BranchProfile2
in the argument instruction.
static int |
MIR_LowTableSwitch.indexOfBranchProfiles(Instruction i)
Return the index of the first operand called BranchProfile
in the argument instruction.
static int |
MIR_CondMove.indexOfCond(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Cond
in the argument instruction.
static int |
MIR_TrapIf.indexOfCond(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Cond
in the argument instruction.
static int |
MIR_Set.indexOfCond(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Cond
in the argument instruction.
static int |
MIR_CondBranch.indexOfCond(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Cond
in the argument instruction.
static int |
MIR_CondBranch2.indexOfCond1(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Cond1
in the argument instruction.
static int |
MIR_CondBranch2.indexOfCond2(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Cond2
in the argument instruction.
static int |
MIR_RDTSC.indexOfDest1(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Dest1
in the argument instruction.
static int |
MIR_RDTSC.indexOfDest2(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Dest2
in the argument instruction.
static int |
MIR_FSave.indexOfDestination(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Destination
in the argument instruction.
static int |
MIR_Divide.indexOfGuard(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Guard
in the argument instruction.
static int |
MIR_Trap.indexOfGuardResult(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called GuardResult
in the argument instruction.
static int |
MIR_TrapIf.indexOfGuardResult(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called GuardResult
in the argument instruction.
static int |
MIR_LowTableSwitch.indexOfIndex(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Index
in the argument instruction.
static int |
MIR_CaseLabel.indexOfIndex(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Index
in the argument instruction.
static int |
MIR_CompareExchange8B.indexOfMemAddr(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called MemAddr
in the argument instruction.
static int |
MIR_CompareExchange.indexOfMemAddr(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called MemAddr
in the argument instruction.
static int |
MIR_Call.indexOfMethod(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Method
in the argument instruction.
static int |
MIR_LowTableSwitch.indexOfMethodStart(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called MethodStart
in the argument instruction.
static int |
MIR_CompareExchange.indexOfNewValue(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called NewValue
in the argument instruction.
static int |
MIR_CompareExchange8B.indexOfNewValueHigh(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called NewValueHigh
in the argument instruction.
static int |
MIR_CompareExchange8B.indexOfNewValueLow(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called NewValueLow
in the argument instruction.
static int |
MIR_CompareExchange.indexOfOldValue(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called OldValue
in the argument instruction.
static int |
MIR_CompareExchange8B.indexOfOldValueHigh(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called OldValueHigh
in the argument instruction.
static int |
MIR_CompareExchange8B.indexOfOldValueLow(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called OldValueLow
in the argument instruction.
static int |
MIR_Call.indexOfParam(Instruction i,
int k)
Return the index of the k'th operand called Param
in the argument instruction.
static int |
MIR_Call.indexOfParams(Instruction i)
Return the index of the first operand called Param
in the argument instruction.
static int |
MIR_Return.indexOfPopBytes(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called PopBytes
in the argument instruction.
static int |
MIR_Unary.indexOfResult(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Result
in the argument instruction.
static int |
MIR_CondMove.indexOfResult(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Result
in the argument instruction.
static int |
MIR_DoubleShift.indexOfResult(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Result
in the argument instruction.
static int |
MIR_Move.indexOfResult(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Result
in the argument instruction.
static int |
MIR_BinaryAcc.indexOfResult(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Result
in the argument instruction.
static int |
MIR_UnaryAcc.indexOfResult(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Result
in the argument instruction.
static int |
MIR_Nullary.indexOfResult(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Result
in the argument instruction.
static int |
MIR_Call.indexOfResult(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Result
in the argument instruction.
static int |
MIR_Lea.indexOfResult(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Result
in the argument instruction.
static int |
MIR_Set.indexOfResult(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Result
in the argument instruction.
static int |
MIR_Multiply.indexOfResult1(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Result1
in the argument instruction.
static int |
MIR_ConvertDW2QW.indexOfResult1(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Result1
in the argument instruction.
static int |
MIR_Divide.indexOfResult1(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Result1
in the argument instruction.
static int |
MIR_Multiply.indexOfResult2(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Result2
in the argument instruction.
static int |
MIR_Call.indexOfResult2(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Result2
in the argument instruction.
static int |
MIR_ConvertDW2QW.indexOfResult2(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Result2
in the argument instruction.
static int |
MIR_Divide.indexOfResult2(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Result2
in the argument instruction.
static int |
MIR_DoubleShift.indexOfSource(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Source
in the argument instruction.
static int |
MIR_Branch.indexOfTarget(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Target
in the argument instruction.
static int |
MIR_Call.indexOfTarget(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Target
in the argument instruction.
static int |
MIR_CaseLabel.indexOfTarget(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Target
in the argument instruction.
static int |
MIR_CondBranch.indexOfTarget(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Target
in the argument instruction.
static int |
MIR_LowTableSwitch.indexOfTarget(Instruction i,
int k)
Return the index of the k'th operand called Target
in the argument instruction.
static int |
MIR_CondBranch2.indexOfTarget1(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Target1
in the argument instruction.
static int |
MIR_CondBranch2.indexOfTarget2(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Target2
in the argument instruction.
static int |
MIR_LowTableSwitch.indexOfTargets(Instruction i)
Return the index of the first operand called Target
in the argument instruction.
static int |
MIR_Trap.indexOfTrapCode(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called TrapCode
in the argument instruction.
static int |
MIR_TrapIf.indexOfTrapCode(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called TrapCode
in the argument instruction.
static int |
MIR_Unary.indexOfVal(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Val
in the argument instruction.
static int |
MIR_Return.indexOfVal(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Val
in the argument instruction.
static int |
MIR_UnaryNoRes.indexOfVal(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Val
in the argument instruction.
static int |
MIR_Test.indexOfVal1(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Val1
in the argument instruction.
static int |
MIR_Compare.indexOfVal1(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Val1
in the argument instruction.
static int |
MIR_TrapIf.indexOfVal1(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Val1
in the argument instruction.
static int |
MIR_XChng.indexOfVal1(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Val1
in the argument instruction.
static int |
MIR_Test.indexOfVal2(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Val2
in the argument instruction.
static int |
MIR_Return.indexOfVal2(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Val2
in the argument instruction.
static int |
MIR_Compare.indexOfVal2(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Val2
in the argument instruction.
static int |
MIR_TrapIf.indexOfVal2(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Val2
in the argument instruction.
static int |
MIR_XChng.indexOfVal2(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Val2
in the argument instruction.
static int |
MIR_CondMove.indexOfValue(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Value
in the argument instruction.
static int |
MIR_Multiply.indexOfValue(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Value
in the argument instruction.
static int |
MIR_Move.indexOfValue(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Value
in the argument instruction.
static int |
MIR_BinaryAcc.indexOfValue(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Value
in the argument instruction.
static int |
MIR_Lea.indexOfValue(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Value
in the argument instruction.
static int |
MIR_Divide.indexOfValue(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Value
in the argument instruction.
static Instruction |
MIR_Empty.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_Empty instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
MIR_Branch.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
BranchOperand Target)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_Branch instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
MIR_CondBranch.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
IA32ConditionOperand Cond,
BranchOperand Target,
BranchProfileOperand BranchProfile)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_CondBranch instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
MIR_CondBranch2.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
IA32ConditionOperand Cond1,
BranchOperand Target1,
BranchProfileOperand BranchProfile1,
IA32ConditionOperand Cond2,
BranchOperand Target2,
BranchProfileOperand BranchProfile2)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_CondBranch2 instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
MIR_CondBranch2.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
IA32ConditionOperand Cond1,
BranchOperand Target1,
BranchProfileOperand BranchProfile1,
IA32ConditionOperand Cond2,
BranchProfileOperand BranchProfile2)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_CondBranch2 instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
MIR_CondBranch.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
IA32ConditionOperand Cond,
BranchProfileOperand BranchProfile)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_CondBranch instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
MIR_CondBranch2.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
IA32ConditionOperand Cond1,
BranchProfileOperand BranchProfile1,
IA32ConditionOperand Cond2,
BranchOperand Target2,
BranchProfileOperand BranchProfile2)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_CondBranch2 instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
MIR_CondBranch2.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
IA32ConditionOperand Cond1,
BranchProfileOperand BranchProfile1,
IA32ConditionOperand Cond2,
BranchProfileOperand BranchProfile2)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_CondBranch2 instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
MIR_CaseLabel.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
IntConstantOperand Index,
Operand Target)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_CaseLabel instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
MIR_Return.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
IntConstantOperand PopBytes,
Operand Val,
Operand Val2)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_Return instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
MIR_UnaryNoRes.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
Operand Val)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_UnaryNoRes instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
MIR_UnaryAcc.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
Operand Result)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_UnaryAcc instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
MIR_Nullary.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
Operand Result)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_Nullary instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
MIR_CacheOp.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
Operand Address)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_CacheOp instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
MIR_FSave.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
Operand Destination)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_FSave instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
MIR_Set.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
Operand Result,
IA32ConditionOperand Cond)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_Set instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
MIR_Test.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
Operand Val1,
Operand Val2)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_Test instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
MIR_Unary.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
Operand Result,
Operand Val)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_Unary instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
MIR_Move.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
Operand Result,
Operand Value)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_Move instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
MIR_BinaryAcc.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
Operand Result,
Operand Value)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_BinaryAcc instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
MIR_Compare.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
Operand Val1,
Operand Val2)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_Compare instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
MIR_ConvertDW2QW.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
Operand Result1,
Operand Result2)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_ConvertDW2QW instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
MIR_XChng.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
Operand Val1,
Operand Val2)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_XChng instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
MIR_CondMove.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
Operand Result,
Operand Value,
IA32ConditionOperand Cond)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_CondMove instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
MIR_Multiply.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
Operand Result1,
Operand Result2,
Operand Value)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_Multiply instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
MIR_Divide.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
Operand Result1,
Operand Result2,
Operand Value,
Operand Guard)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_Divide instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
MIR_DoubleShift.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
Operand Result,
RegisterOperand Source,
Operand BitsToShift)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_DoubleShift instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
MIR_Lea.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
MemoryOperand Value)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_Lea instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
MIR_CompareExchange.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand OldValue,
MemoryOperand MemAddr,
RegisterOperand NewValue)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_CompareExchange instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
MIR_TrapIf.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand GuardResult,
Operand Val1,
Operand Val2,
IA32ConditionOperand Cond,
TrapCodeOperand TrapCode)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_TrapIf instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
MIR_RDTSC.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Dest1,
RegisterOperand Dest2)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_RDTSC instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
MIR_LowTableSwitch.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Index,
RegisterOperand MethodStart,
int numVarOps)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_LowTableSwitch instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
MIR_Call.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
RegisterOperand Result2,
int numVarOps)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_Call instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
MIR_CompareExchange8B.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand OldValueHigh,
RegisterOperand OldValueLow,
MemoryOperand MemAddr,
RegisterOperand NewValueHigh,
RegisterOperand NewValueLow)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_CompareExchange8B instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
MIR_Call.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
RegisterOperand Result2,
MethodOperand Method,
int numVarOps)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_Call instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
MIR_Call.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
RegisterOperand Result2,
Operand Target,
int numVarOps)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_Call instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
MIR_Call.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
RegisterOperand Result2,
Operand Target,
MethodOperand Method,
int numVarOps)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_Call instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
MIR_Trap.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand GuardResult,
TrapCodeOperand TrapCode)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_Trap instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
MIR_Call.mutate0(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
RegisterOperand Result2)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_Call instruction format having the specified
operator, operands, and number of variable-length operands.
static Instruction |
MIR_Call.mutate0(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
RegisterOperand Result2,
MethodOperand Method)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_Call instruction format having the specified
operator, operands, and number of variable-length operands.
static Instruction |
MIR_Call.mutate0(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
RegisterOperand Result2,
Operand Target)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_Call instruction format having the specified
operator, operands, and number of variable-length operands.
static Instruction |
MIR_Call.mutate0(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
RegisterOperand Result2,
Operand Target,
MethodOperand Method)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_Call instruction format having the specified
operator, operands, and number of variable-length operands.
static Instruction |
MIR_Call.mutate1(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
RegisterOperand Result2,
MethodOperand Method,
Operand Param_1)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_Call instruction format having the specified
operator, operands, and number of variable-length operands.
static Instruction |
MIR_Call.mutate1(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
RegisterOperand Result2,
Operand Param_1)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_Call instruction format having the specified
operator, operands, and number of variable-length operands.
static Instruction |
MIR_Call.mutate1(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
RegisterOperand Result2,
Operand Target,
MethodOperand Method,
Operand Param_1)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_Call instruction format having the specified
operator, operands, and number of variable-length operands.
static Instruction |
MIR_Call.mutate1(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
RegisterOperand Result2,
Operand Target,
Operand Param_1)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_Call instruction format having the specified
operator, operands, and number of variable-length operands.
static void |
MIR_LowTableSwitch.resizeNumberOfBranchProfiles(Instruction i,
int numVarOps)
Change the number of BranchProfiles that may be stored in
the argument instruction to numVarOps.
static void |
MIR_Call.resizeNumberOfParams(Instruction i,
int numVarOps)
Change the number of Params that may be stored in
the argument instruction to numVarOps.
static void |
MIR_LowTableSwitch.resizeNumberOfTargets(Instruction i,
int numVarOps)
Change the number of Targets that may be stored in
the argument instruction to numVarOps.
static void |
MIR_CacheOp.setAddress(Instruction i,
Operand Address)
Set the operand called Address in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
MIR_DoubleShift.setBitsToShift(Instruction i,
Operand BitsToShift)
Set the operand called BitsToShift in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
MIR_CondBranch.setBranchProfile(Instruction i,
BranchProfileOperand BranchProfile)
Set the operand called BranchProfile in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
MIR_LowTableSwitch.setBranchProfile(Instruction i,
int k,
BranchProfileOperand o)
Set the k'th operand called BranchProfile in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
MIR_CondBranch2.setBranchProfile1(Instruction i,
BranchProfileOperand BranchProfile1)
Set the operand called BranchProfile1 in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
MIR_CondBranch2.setBranchProfile2(Instruction i,
BranchProfileOperand BranchProfile2)
Set the operand called BranchProfile2 in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
MIR_CondMove.setCond(Instruction i,
IA32ConditionOperand Cond)
Set the operand called Cond in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
MIR_TrapIf.setCond(Instruction i,
IA32ConditionOperand Cond)
Set the operand called Cond in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
MIR_Set.setCond(Instruction i,
IA32ConditionOperand Cond)
Set the operand called Cond in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
MIR_CondBranch.setCond(Instruction i,
IA32ConditionOperand Cond)
Set the operand called Cond in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
MIR_CondBranch2.setCond1(Instruction i,
IA32ConditionOperand Cond1)
Set the operand called Cond1 in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
MIR_CondBranch2.setCond2(Instruction i,
IA32ConditionOperand Cond2)
Set the operand called Cond2 in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
MIR_RDTSC.setDest1(Instruction i,
RegisterOperand Dest1)
Set the operand called Dest1 in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
MIR_RDTSC.setDest2(Instruction i,
RegisterOperand Dest2)
Set the operand called Dest2 in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
MIR_FSave.setDestination(Instruction i,
Operand Destination)
Set the operand called Destination in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
MIR_Divide.setGuard(Instruction i,
Operand Guard)
Set the operand called Guard in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
MIR_Trap.setGuardResult(Instruction i,
RegisterOperand GuardResult)
Set the operand called GuardResult in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
MIR_TrapIf.setGuardResult(Instruction i,
RegisterOperand GuardResult)
Set the operand called GuardResult in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
MIR_CaseLabel.setIndex(Instruction i,
IntConstantOperand Index)
Set the operand called Index in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
MIR_LowTableSwitch.setIndex(Instruction i,
RegisterOperand Index)
Set the operand called Index in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
MIR_CompareExchange8B.setMemAddr(Instruction i,
MemoryOperand MemAddr)
Set the operand called MemAddr in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
MIR_CompareExchange.setMemAddr(Instruction i,
MemoryOperand MemAddr)
Set the operand called MemAddr in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
MIR_Call.setMethod(Instruction i,
MethodOperand Method)
Set the operand called Method in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
MIR_LowTableSwitch.setMethodStart(Instruction i,
RegisterOperand MethodStart)
Set the operand called MethodStart in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
MIR_CompareExchange.setNewValue(Instruction i,
RegisterOperand NewValue)
Set the operand called NewValue in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
MIR_CompareExchange8B.setNewValueHigh(Instruction i,
RegisterOperand NewValueHigh)
Set the operand called NewValueHigh in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
MIR_CompareExchange8B.setNewValueLow(Instruction i,
RegisterOperand NewValueLow)
Set the operand called NewValueLow in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
MIR_CompareExchange.setOldValue(Instruction i,
RegisterOperand OldValue)
Set the operand called OldValue in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
MIR_CompareExchange8B.setOldValueHigh(Instruction i,
RegisterOperand OldValueHigh)
Set the operand called OldValueHigh in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
MIR_CompareExchange8B.setOldValueLow(Instruction i,
RegisterOperand OldValueLow)
Set the operand called OldValueLow in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
MIR_Call.setParam(Instruction i,
int k,
Operand o)
Set the k'th operand called Param in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
MIR_Return.setPopBytes(Instruction i,
IntConstantOperand PopBytes)
Set the operand called PopBytes in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
MIR_Unary.setResult(Instruction i,
Operand Result)
Set the operand called Result in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
MIR_CondMove.setResult(Instruction i,
Operand Result)
Set the operand called Result in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
MIR_DoubleShift.setResult(Instruction i,
Operand Result)
Set the operand called Result in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
MIR_Move.setResult(Instruction i,
Operand Result)
Set the operand called Result in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
MIR_BinaryAcc.setResult(Instruction i,
Operand Result)
Set the operand called Result in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
MIR_UnaryAcc.setResult(Instruction i,
Operand Result)
Set the operand called Result in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
MIR_Nullary.setResult(Instruction i,
Operand Result)
Set the operand called Result in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
MIR_Set.setResult(Instruction i,
Operand Result)
Set the operand called Result in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
MIR_Call.setResult(Instruction i,
RegisterOperand Result)
Set the operand called Result in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
MIR_Lea.setResult(Instruction i,
RegisterOperand Result)
Set the operand called Result in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
MIR_Multiply.setResult1(Instruction i,
Operand Result1)
Set the operand called Result1 in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
MIR_ConvertDW2QW.setResult1(Instruction i,
Operand Result1)
Set the operand called Result1 in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
MIR_Divide.setResult1(Instruction i,
Operand Result1)
Set the operand called Result1 in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
MIR_Multiply.setResult2(Instruction i,
Operand Result2)
Set the operand called Result2 in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
MIR_ConvertDW2QW.setResult2(Instruction i,
Operand Result2)
Set the operand called Result2 in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
MIR_Divide.setResult2(Instruction i,
Operand Result2)
Set the operand called Result2 in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
MIR_Call.setResult2(Instruction i,
RegisterOperand Result2)
Set the operand called Result2 in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
MIR_DoubleShift.setSource(Instruction i,
RegisterOperand Source)
Set the operand called Source in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
MIR_Branch.setTarget(Instruction i,
BranchOperand Target)
Set the operand called Target in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
MIR_CondBranch.setTarget(Instruction i,
BranchOperand Target)
Set the operand called Target in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
MIR_LowTableSwitch.setTarget(Instruction i,
int k,
BranchOperand o)
Set the k'th operand called Target in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
MIR_Call.setTarget(Instruction i,
Operand Target)
Set the operand called Target in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
MIR_CaseLabel.setTarget(Instruction i,
Operand Target)
Set the operand called Target in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
MIR_CondBranch2.setTarget1(Instruction i,
BranchOperand Target1)
Set the operand called Target1 in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
MIR_CondBranch2.setTarget2(Instruction i,
BranchOperand Target2)
Set the operand called Target2 in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
MIR_Trap.setTrapCode(Instruction i,
TrapCodeOperand TrapCode)
Set the operand called TrapCode in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
MIR_TrapIf.setTrapCode(Instruction i,
TrapCodeOperand TrapCode)
Set the operand called TrapCode in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
MIR_Unary.setVal(Instruction i,
Operand Val)
Set the operand called Val in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
MIR_Return.setVal(Instruction i,
Operand Val)
Set the operand called Val in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
MIR_UnaryNoRes.setVal(Instruction i,
Operand Val)
Set the operand called Val in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
MIR_Test.setVal1(Instruction i,
Operand Val1)
Set the operand called Val1 in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
MIR_Compare.setVal1(Instruction i,
Operand Val1)
Set the operand called Val1 in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
MIR_TrapIf.setVal1(Instruction i,
Operand Val1)
Set the operand called Val1 in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
MIR_XChng.setVal1(Instruction i,
Operand Val1)
Set the operand called Val1 in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
MIR_Test.setVal2(Instruction i,
Operand Val2)
Set the operand called Val2 in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
MIR_Return.setVal2(Instruction i,
Operand Val2)
Set the operand called Val2 in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
MIR_Compare.setVal2(Instruction i,
Operand Val2)
Set the operand called Val2 in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
MIR_TrapIf.setVal2(Instruction i,
Operand Val2)
Set the operand called Val2 in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
MIR_XChng.setVal2(Instruction i,
Operand Val2)
Set the operand called Val2 in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
MIR_Lea.setValue(Instruction i,
MemoryOperand Value)
Set the operand called Value in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
MIR_CondMove.setValue(Instruction i,
Operand Value)
Set the operand called Value in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
MIR_Multiply.setValue(Instruction i,
Operand Value)
Set the operand called Value in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
MIR_Move.setValue(Instruction i,
Operand Value)
Set the operand called Value in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
MIR_BinaryAcc.setValue(Instruction i,
Operand Value)
Set the operand called Value in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
MIR_Divide.setValue(Instruction i,
Operand Value)
Set the operand called Value in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
Instruction |
Handle back to containing instruction.
Instruction |
Target of this branch.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Instruction |
Return the instruction associated with this operand.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
HeapOperand.setInstruction(Instruction s)
Associate this operand with a given instruction.
Constructor and Description |
BranchOperand(Instruction targ)
Construct a new branch operand with the given target.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static Instruction |
MIR_Branch.create(Operator o)
Create an instruction of the MIR_Branch instruction format.
static Instruction |
MIR_Empty.create(Operator o)
Create an instruction of the MIR_Empty instruction format.
static Instruction |
MIR_DataLabel.create(Operator o,
BranchOperand Target)
Create an instruction of the MIR_DataLabel instruction format.
static Instruction |
MIR_Branch.create(Operator o,
BranchOperand Target)
Create an instruction of the MIR_Branch instruction format.
static Instruction |
MIR_DataInt.create(Operator o,
IntConstantOperand Value)
Create an instruction of the MIR_DataInt instruction format.
static Instruction |
MIR_Condition.create(Operator o,
IntConstantOperand ResultBit,
IntConstantOperand Value1Bit,
IntConstantOperand Value2Bit)
Create an instruction of the MIR_Condition instruction format.
static Instruction |
MIR_Trap.create(Operator o, Cond,
RegisterOperand Value1,
Operand Value2,
TrapCodeOperand TCode)
Create an instruction of the MIR_Trap instruction format.
static Instruction |
MIR_Nullary.create(Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result)
Create an instruction of the MIR_Nullary instruction format.
static Instruction |
MIR_LowTableSwitch.create(Operator o,
RegisterOperand Index,
int numVarOps)
Create an instruction of the MIR_LowTableSwitch instruction format.
static Instruction |
MIR_Unary.create(Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
Operand Value)
Create an instruction of the MIR_Unary instruction format.
static Instruction |
MIR_CondBranch.create(Operator o,
RegisterOperand Value, Cond,
BranchOperand Target,
BranchProfileOperand BranchProfile)
Create an instruction of the MIR_CondBranch instruction format.
static Instruction |
MIR_CondBranch2.create(Operator o,
RegisterOperand Value, Cond1,
BranchOperand Target1,
BranchProfileOperand BranchProfile1, Cond2,
BranchOperand Target2,
BranchProfileOperand BranchProfile2)
Create an instruction of the MIR_CondBranch2 instruction format.
static Instruction |
MIR_CondBranch.create(Operator o,
RegisterOperand Value, Cond,
BranchProfileOperand BranchProfile)
Create an instruction of the MIR_CondBranch instruction format.
static Instruction |
MIR_Trap.create(Operator o,
RegisterOperand GuardResult, Cond,
RegisterOperand Value1,
Operand Value2,
TrapCodeOperand TCode)
Create an instruction of the MIR_Trap instruction format.
static Instruction |
MIR_Return.create(Operator o,
RegisterOperand Val,
RegisterOperand Val2)
Create an instruction of the MIR_Return instruction format.
static Instruction |
MIR_Move.create(Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
RegisterOperand Value)
Create an instruction of the MIR_Move instruction format.
static Instruction |
MIR_CacheOp.create(Operator o,
RegisterOperand Address,
RegisterOperand Offset)
Create an instruction of the MIR_CacheOp instruction format.
static Instruction |
MIR_Call.create(Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
RegisterOperand Result2,
BranchOperand Target,
int numVarOps)
Create an instruction of the MIR_Call instruction format.
static Instruction |
MIR_Call.create(Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
RegisterOperand Result2,
BranchOperand Target,
MethodOperand Method,
int numVarOps)
Create an instruction of the MIR_Call instruction format.
static Instruction |
MIR_Call.create(Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
RegisterOperand Result2,
int numVarOps)
Create an instruction of the MIR_Call instruction format.
static Instruction |
MIR_Call.create(Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
RegisterOperand Result2,
MethodOperand Method,
int numVarOps)
Create an instruction of the MIR_Call instruction format.
static Instruction |
MIR_StoreUpdate.create(Operator o,
RegisterOperand Address,
RegisterOperand Value,
Operand Offset)
Create an instruction of the MIR_StoreUpdate instruction format.
static Instruction |
MIR_Load.create(Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
RegisterOperand Address,
Operand Offset)
Create an instruction of the MIR_Load instruction format.
static Instruction |
MIR_Store.create(Operator o,
RegisterOperand Value,
RegisterOperand Address,
Operand Offset)
Create an instruction of the MIR_Store instruction format.
static Instruction |
MIR_LoadUpdate.create(Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
RegisterOperand Address,
Operand Offset)
Create an instruction of the MIR_LoadUpdate instruction format.
static Instruction |
MIR_Binary.create(Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
RegisterOperand Value1,
Operand Value2)
Create an instruction of the MIR_Binary instruction format.
static Instruction |
MIR_RotateAndMask.create(Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
RegisterOperand Value,
Operand Shift,
IntConstantOperand MaskBegin,
IntConstantOperand MaskEnd)
Create an instruction of the MIR_RotateAndMask instruction format.
static Instruction |
MIR_StoreUpdate.create(Operator o,
RegisterOperand Address,
RegisterOperand Value,
Operand Offset,
LocationOperand Location)
Create an instruction of the MIR_StoreUpdate instruction format.
static Instruction |
MIR_Load.create(Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
RegisterOperand Address,
Operand Offset,
LocationOperand Location)
Create an instruction of the MIR_Load instruction format.
static Instruction |
MIR_Store.create(Operator o,
RegisterOperand Value,
RegisterOperand Address,
Operand Offset,
LocationOperand Location)
Create an instruction of the MIR_Store instruction format.
static Instruction |
MIR_LoadUpdate.create(Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
RegisterOperand Address,
Operand Offset,
LocationOperand Location)
Create an instruction of the MIR_LoadUpdate instruction format.
static Instruction |
MIR_StoreUpdate.create(Operator o,
RegisterOperand Address,
RegisterOperand Value,
Operand Offset,
LocationOperand Location,
Operand Guard)
Create an instruction of the MIR_StoreUpdate instruction format.
static Instruction |
MIR_Load.create(Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
RegisterOperand Address,
Operand Offset,
LocationOperand Location,
Operand Guard)
Create an instruction of the MIR_Load instruction format.
static Instruction |
MIR_Store.create(Operator o,
RegisterOperand Value,
RegisterOperand Address,
Operand Offset,
LocationOperand Location,
Operand Guard)
Create an instruction of the MIR_Store instruction format.
static Instruction |
MIR_LoadUpdate.create(Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
RegisterOperand Address,
Operand Offset,
LocationOperand Location,
Operand Guard)
Create an instruction of the MIR_LoadUpdate instruction format.
static Instruction |
MIR_StoreUpdate.create(Operator o,
RegisterOperand Address,
RegisterOperand Value,
Operand Offset,
Operand Guard)
Create an instruction of the MIR_StoreUpdate instruction format.
static Instruction |
MIR_Load.create(Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
RegisterOperand Address,
Operand Offset,
Operand Guard)
Create an instruction of the MIR_Load instruction format.
static Instruction |
MIR_Store.create(Operator o,
RegisterOperand Value,
RegisterOperand Address,
Operand Offset,
Operand Guard)
Create an instruction of the MIR_Store instruction format.
static Instruction |
MIR_LoadUpdate.create(Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
RegisterOperand Address,
Operand Offset,
Operand Guard)
Create an instruction of the MIR_LoadUpdate instruction format.
static Instruction |
MIR_RotateAndMask.create(Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
RegisterOperand Source,
RegisterOperand Value,
Operand Shift,
IntConstantOperand MaskBegin,
IntConstantOperand MaskEnd)
Create an instruction of the MIR_RotateAndMask instruction format.
static Instruction |
MIR_CondCall.create(Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
RegisterOperand Result2,
RegisterOperand Value, Cond,
BranchOperand Target,
int numVarOps)
Create an instruction of the MIR_CondCall instruction format.
static Instruction |
MIR_CondCall.create(Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
RegisterOperand Result2,
RegisterOperand Value, Cond,
int numVarOps)
Create an instruction of the MIR_CondCall instruction format.
static Instruction |
MIR_Ternary.create(Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
RegisterOperand Value1,
RegisterOperand Value2,
RegisterOperand Value3)
Create an instruction of the MIR_Ternary instruction format.
static Instruction |
MIR_Call.create0(Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
RegisterOperand Result2)
Create an instruction of the MIR_Call instruction format
with 0 variable arguments.
static Instruction |
MIR_Call.create0(Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
RegisterOperand Result2,
BranchOperand Target)
Create an instruction of the MIR_Call instruction format
with 0 variable arguments.
static Instruction |
MIR_Call.create0(Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
RegisterOperand Result2,
BranchOperand Target,
MethodOperand Method)
Create an instruction of the MIR_Call instruction format
with 0 variable arguments.
static Instruction |
MIR_Call.create0(Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
RegisterOperand Result2,
MethodOperand Method)
Create an instruction of the MIR_Call instruction format
with 0 variable arguments.
static Instruction |
MIR_CondCall.create0(Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
RegisterOperand Result2,
RegisterOperand Value, Cond)
Create an instruction of the MIR_CondCall instruction format
with 0 variable arguments.
static Instruction |
MIR_CondCall.create0(Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
RegisterOperand Result2,
RegisterOperand Value, Cond,
BranchOperand Target)
Create an instruction of the MIR_CondCall instruction format
with 0 variable arguments.
static Instruction |
MIR_Branch.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_Branch instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
MIR_Empty.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_Empty instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
MIR_DataLabel.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
BranchOperand Target)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_DataLabel instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
MIR_Branch.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
BranchOperand Target)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_Branch instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
MIR_DataInt.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
IntConstantOperand Value)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_DataInt instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
MIR_Condition.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
IntConstantOperand ResultBit,
IntConstantOperand Value1Bit,
IntConstantOperand Value2Bit)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_Condition instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
MIR_Trap.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o, Cond,
RegisterOperand Value1,
Operand Value2,
TrapCodeOperand TCode)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_Trap instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
MIR_Nullary.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_Nullary instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
MIR_LowTableSwitch.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Index,
int numVarOps)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_LowTableSwitch instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
MIR_Unary.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
Operand Value)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_Unary instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
MIR_CondBranch.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Value, Cond,
BranchOperand Target,
BranchProfileOperand BranchProfile)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_CondBranch instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
MIR_CondBranch2.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Value, Cond1,
BranchOperand Target1,
BranchProfileOperand BranchProfile1, Cond2,
BranchOperand Target2,
BranchProfileOperand BranchProfile2)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_CondBranch2 instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
MIR_CondBranch.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Value, Cond,
BranchProfileOperand BranchProfile)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_CondBranch instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
MIR_Trap.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand GuardResult, Cond,
RegisterOperand Value1,
Operand Value2,
TrapCodeOperand TCode)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_Trap instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
MIR_Return.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Val,
RegisterOperand Val2)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_Return instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
MIR_Move.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
RegisterOperand Value)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_Move instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
MIR_CacheOp.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Address,
RegisterOperand Offset)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_CacheOp instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
MIR_Call.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
RegisterOperand Result2,
BranchOperand Target,
int numVarOps)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_Call instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
MIR_Call.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
RegisterOperand Result2,
BranchOperand Target,
MethodOperand Method,
int numVarOps)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_Call instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
MIR_Call.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
RegisterOperand Result2,
int numVarOps)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_Call instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
MIR_Call.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
RegisterOperand Result2,
MethodOperand Method,
int numVarOps)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_Call instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
MIR_StoreUpdate.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Address,
RegisterOperand Value,
Operand Offset)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_StoreUpdate instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
MIR_Load.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
RegisterOperand Address,
Operand Offset)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_Load instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
MIR_Store.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Value,
RegisterOperand Address,
Operand Offset)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_Store instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
MIR_LoadUpdate.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
RegisterOperand Address,
Operand Offset)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_LoadUpdate instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
MIR_Binary.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
RegisterOperand Value1,
Operand Value2)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_Binary instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
MIR_RotateAndMask.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
RegisterOperand Value,
Operand Shift,
IntConstantOperand MaskBegin,
IntConstantOperand MaskEnd)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_RotateAndMask instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
MIR_StoreUpdate.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Address,
RegisterOperand Value,
Operand Offset,
LocationOperand Location)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_StoreUpdate instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
MIR_Load.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
RegisterOperand Address,
Operand Offset,
LocationOperand Location)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_Load instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
MIR_Store.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Value,
RegisterOperand Address,
Operand Offset,
LocationOperand Location)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_Store instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
MIR_LoadUpdate.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
RegisterOperand Address,
Operand Offset,
LocationOperand Location)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_LoadUpdate instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
MIR_StoreUpdate.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Address,
RegisterOperand Value,
Operand Offset,
LocationOperand Location,
Operand Guard)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_StoreUpdate instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
MIR_Load.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
RegisterOperand Address,
Operand Offset,
LocationOperand Location,
Operand Guard)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_Load instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
MIR_Store.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Value,
RegisterOperand Address,
Operand Offset,
LocationOperand Location,
Operand Guard)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_Store instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
MIR_LoadUpdate.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
RegisterOperand Address,
Operand Offset,
LocationOperand Location,
Operand Guard)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_LoadUpdate instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
MIR_StoreUpdate.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Address,
RegisterOperand Value,
Operand Offset,
Operand Guard)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_StoreUpdate instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
MIR_Load.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
RegisterOperand Address,
Operand Offset,
Operand Guard)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_Load instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
MIR_Store.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Value,
RegisterOperand Address,
Operand Offset,
Operand Guard)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_Store instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
MIR_LoadUpdate.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
RegisterOperand Address,
Operand Offset,
Operand Guard)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_LoadUpdate instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
MIR_RotateAndMask.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
RegisterOperand Source,
RegisterOperand Value,
Operand Shift,
IntConstantOperand MaskBegin,
IntConstantOperand MaskEnd)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_RotateAndMask instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
MIR_CondCall.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
RegisterOperand Result2,
RegisterOperand Value, Cond,
BranchOperand Target,
int numVarOps)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_CondCall instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
MIR_CondCall.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
RegisterOperand Result2,
RegisterOperand Value, Cond,
int numVarOps)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_CondCall instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
MIR_Ternary.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
RegisterOperand Value1,
RegisterOperand Value2,
RegisterOperand Value3)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_Ternary instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
MIR_Call.mutate0(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
RegisterOperand Result2)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_Call instruction format having the specified
operator, operands, and number of variable-length operands.
static Instruction |
MIR_Call.mutate0(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
RegisterOperand Result2,
BranchOperand Target)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_Call instruction format having the specified
operator, operands, and number of variable-length operands.
static Instruction |
MIR_Call.mutate0(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
RegisterOperand Result2,
BranchOperand Target,
MethodOperand Method)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_Call instruction format having the specified
operator, operands, and number of variable-length operands.
static Instruction |
MIR_Call.mutate0(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
RegisterOperand Result2,
MethodOperand Method)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_Call instruction format having the specified
operator, operands, and number of variable-length operands.
static Instruction |
MIR_CondCall.mutate0(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
RegisterOperand Result2,
RegisterOperand Value, Cond)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_CondCall instruction format having the specified
operator, operands, and number of variable-length operands.
static Instruction |
MIR_CondCall.mutate0(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
RegisterOperand Result2,
RegisterOperand Value, Cond,
BranchOperand Target)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_CondCall instruction format having the specified
operator, operands, and number of variable-length operands.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static boolean |
MIR_Nullary.conforms(Instruction i)
InstructionFormat identification method for MIR_Nullary.
static boolean |
MIR_LowTableSwitch.conforms(Instruction i)
InstructionFormat identification method for MIR_LowTableSwitch.
static boolean |
MIR_Unary.conforms(Instruction i)
InstructionFormat identification method for MIR_Unary.
static boolean |
MIR_DataInt.conforms(Instruction i)
InstructionFormat identification method for MIR_DataInt.
static boolean |
MIR_CondCall.conforms(Instruction i)
InstructionFormat identification method for MIR_CondCall.
static boolean |
MIR_DataLabel.conforms(Instruction i)
InstructionFormat identification method for MIR_DataLabel.
static boolean |
MIR_Branch.conforms(Instruction i)
InstructionFormat identification method for MIR_Branch.
static boolean |
MIR_Trap.conforms(Instruction i)
InstructionFormat identification method for MIR_Trap.
static boolean |
MIR_Condition.conforms(Instruction i)
InstructionFormat identification method for MIR_Condition.
static boolean |
MIR_Return.conforms(Instruction i)
InstructionFormat identification method for MIR_Return.
static boolean |
MIR_RotateAndMask.conforms(Instruction i)
InstructionFormat identification method for MIR_RotateAndMask.
static boolean |
MIR_Move.conforms(Instruction i)
InstructionFormat identification method for MIR_Move.
static boolean |
MIR_CondBranch2.conforms(Instruction i)
InstructionFormat identification method for MIR_CondBranch2.
static boolean |
MIR_StoreUpdate.conforms(Instruction i)
InstructionFormat identification method for MIR_StoreUpdate.
static boolean |
MIR_Load.conforms(Instruction i)
InstructionFormat identification method for MIR_Load.
static boolean |
MIR_Store.conforms(Instruction i)
InstructionFormat identification method for MIR_Store.
static boolean |
MIR_LoadUpdate.conforms(Instruction i)
InstructionFormat identification method for MIR_LoadUpdate.
static boolean |
MIR_Empty.conforms(Instruction i)
InstructionFormat identification method for MIR_Empty.
static boolean |
MIR_Call.conforms(Instruction i)
InstructionFormat identification method for MIR_Call.
static boolean |
MIR_CacheOp.conforms(Instruction i)
InstructionFormat identification method for MIR_CacheOp.
static boolean |
MIR_Binary.conforms(Instruction i)
InstructionFormat identification method for MIR_Binary.
static boolean |
MIR_Ternary.conforms(Instruction i)
InstructionFormat identification method for MIR_Ternary.
static boolean |
MIR_CondBranch.conforms(Instruction i)
InstructionFormat identification method for MIR_CondBranch.
static RegisterOperand |
MIR_StoreUpdate.getAddress(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Address from the
argument instruction.
static RegisterOperand |
MIR_Load.getAddress(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Address from the
argument instruction.
static RegisterOperand |
MIR_Store.getAddress(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Address from the
argument instruction.
static RegisterOperand |
MIR_LoadUpdate.getAddress(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Address from the
argument instruction.
static RegisterOperand |
MIR_CacheOp.getAddress(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Address from the
argument instruction.
static BranchProfileOperand |
MIR_CondBranch.getBranchProfile(Instruction i)
Get the operand called BranchProfile from the
argument instruction.
static BranchProfileOperand |
MIR_LowTableSwitch.getBranchProfile(Instruction i,
int k)
Get the k'th operand called BranchProfile from the
argument instruction.
static BranchProfileOperand |
MIR_CondBranch2.getBranchProfile1(Instruction i)
Get the operand called BranchProfile1 from the
argument instruction.
static BranchProfileOperand |
MIR_CondBranch2.getBranchProfile2(Instruction i)
Get the operand called BranchProfile2 from the
argument instruction.
static RegisterOperand |
MIR_StoreUpdate.getClearAddress(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Address from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static RegisterOperand |
MIR_Load.getClearAddress(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Address from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static RegisterOperand |
MIR_Store.getClearAddress(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Address from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static RegisterOperand |
MIR_LoadUpdate.getClearAddress(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Address from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static RegisterOperand |
MIR_CacheOp.getClearAddress(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Address from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static BranchProfileOperand |
MIR_CondBranch.getClearBranchProfile(Instruction i)
Get the operand called BranchProfile from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static BranchProfileOperand |
MIR_LowTableSwitch.getClearBranchProfile(Instruction i,
int k)
Get the k'th operand called BranchProfile from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static BranchProfileOperand |
MIR_CondBranch2.getClearBranchProfile1(Instruction i)
Get the operand called BranchProfile1 from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static BranchProfileOperand |
MIR_CondBranch2.getClearBranchProfile2(Instruction i)
Get the operand called BranchProfile2 from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static |
MIR_CondCall.getClearCond(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Cond from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static |
MIR_Trap.getClearCond(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Cond from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static |
MIR_CondBranch.getClearCond(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Cond from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static |
MIR_CondBranch2.getClearCond1(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Cond1 from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static |
MIR_CondBranch2.getClearCond2(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Cond2 from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand |
MIR_StoreUpdate.getClearGuard(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Guard from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand |
MIR_Load.getClearGuard(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Guard from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand |
MIR_Store.getClearGuard(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Guard from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand |
MIR_LoadUpdate.getClearGuard(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Guard from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static RegisterOperand |
MIR_Trap.getClearGuardResult(Instruction i)
Get the operand called GuardResult from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static RegisterOperand |
MIR_LowTableSwitch.getClearIndex(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Index from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static LocationOperand |
MIR_StoreUpdate.getClearLocation(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Location from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static LocationOperand |
MIR_Load.getClearLocation(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Location from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static LocationOperand |
MIR_Store.getClearLocation(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Location from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static LocationOperand |
MIR_LoadUpdate.getClearLocation(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Location from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static IntConstantOperand |
MIR_RotateAndMask.getClearMaskBegin(Instruction i)
Get the operand called MaskBegin from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static IntConstantOperand |
MIR_RotateAndMask.getClearMaskEnd(Instruction i)
Get the operand called MaskEnd from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static MethodOperand |
MIR_Call.getClearMethod(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Method from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand |
MIR_StoreUpdate.getClearOffset(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Offset from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand |
MIR_Load.getClearOffset(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Offset from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand |
MIR_Store.getClearOffset(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Offset from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand |
MIR_LoadUpdate.getClearOffset(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Offset from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static RegisterOperand |
MIR_CacheOp.getClearOffset(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Offset from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand |
MIR_CondCall.getClearParam(Instruction i,
int k)
Get the k'th operand called Param from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand |
MIR_Call.getClearParam(Instruction i,
int k)
Get the k'th operand called Param from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static RegisterOperand |
MIR_Nullary.getClearResult(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Result from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static RegisterOperand |
MIR_Unary.getClearResult(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Result from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static RegisterOperand |
MIR_CondCall.getClearResult(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Result from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static RegisterOperand |
MIR_RotateAndMask.getClearResult(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Result from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static RegisterOperand |
MIR_Move.getClearResult(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Result from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static RegisterOperand |
MIR_Load.getClearResult(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Result from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static RegisterOperand |
MIR_LoadUpdate.getClearResult(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Result from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static RegisterOperand |
MIR_Call.getClearResult(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Result from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static RegisterOperand |
MIR_Binary.getClearResult(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Result from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static RegisterOperand |
MIR_Ternary.getClearResult(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Result from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static RegisterOperand |
MIR_CondCall.getClearResult2(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Result2 from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static RegisterOperand |
MIR_Call.getClearResult2(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Result2 from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static IntConstantOperand |
MIR_Condition.getClearResultBit(Instruction i)
Get the operand called ResultBit from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand |
MIR_RotateAndMask.getClearShift(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Shift from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static RegisterOperand |
MIR_RotateAndMask.getClearSource(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Source from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static BranchOperand |
MIR_CondCall.getClearTarget(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Target from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static BranchOperand |
MIR_DataLabel.getClearTarget(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Target from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static BranchOperand |
MIR_Branch.getClearTarget(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Target from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static BranchOperand |
MIR_Call.getClearTarget(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Target from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static BranchOperand |
MIR_CondBranch.getClearTarget(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Target from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static BranchOperand |
MIR_LowTableSwitch.getClearTarget(Instruction i,
int k)
Get the k'th operand called Target from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static BranchOperand |
MIR_CondBranch2.getClearTarget1(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Target1 from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static BranchOperand |
MIR_CondBranch2.getClearTarget2(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Target2 from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static TrapCodeOperand |
MIR_Trap.getClearTCode(Instruction i)
Get the operand called TCode from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static RegisterOperand |
MIR_Return.getClearVal(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Val from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static RegisterOperand |
MIR_Return.getClearVal2(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Val2 from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand |
MIR_Unary.getClearValue(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Value from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static IntConstantOperand |
MIR_DataInt.getClearValue(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Value from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static RegisterOperand |
MIR_CondCall.getClearValue(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Value from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static RegisterOperand |
MIR_RotateAndMask.getClearValue(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Value from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static RegisterOperand |
MIR_Move.getClearValue(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Value from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static RegisterOperand |
MIR_CondBranch2.getClearValue(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Value from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static RegisterOperand |
MIR_StoreUpdate.getClearValue(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Value from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static RegisterOperand |
MIR_Store.getClearValue(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Value from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static RegisterOperand |
MIR_CondBranch.getClearValue(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Value from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static RegisterOperand |
MIR_Trap.getClearValue1(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Value1 from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static RegisterOperand |
MIR_Binary.getClearValue1(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Value1 from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static RegisterOperand |
MIR_Ternary.getClearValue1(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Value1 from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static IntConstantOperand |
MIR_Condition.getClearValue1Bit(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Value1Bit from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand |
MIR_Trap.getClearValue2(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Value2 from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static Operand |
MIR_Binary.getClearValue2(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Value2 from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static RegisterOperand |
MIR_Ternary.getClearValue2(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Value2 from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static IntConstantOperand |
MIR_Condition.getClearValue2Bit(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Value2Bit from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static RegisterOperand |
MIR_Ternary.getClearValue3(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Value3 from the argument
instruction clearing its instruction pointer.
static |
MIR_CondCall.getCond(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Cond from the
argument instruction.
static |
MIR_Trap.getCond(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Cond from the
argument instruction.
static |
MIR_CondBranch.getCond(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Cond from the
argument instruction.
static |
MIR_CondBranch2.getCond1(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Cond1 from the
argument instruction.
static |
MIR_CondBranch2.getCond2(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Cond2 from the
argument instruction.
static Operand |
MIR_StoreUpdate.getGuard(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Guard from the
argument instruction.
static Operand |
MIR_Load.getGuard(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Guard from the
argument instruction.
static Operand |
MIR_Store.getGuard(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Guard from the
argument instruction.
static Operand |
MIR_LoadUpdate.getGuard(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Guard from the
argument instruction.
static RegisterOperand |
MIR_Trap.getGuardResult(Instruction i)
Get the operand called GuardResult from the
argument instruction.
static RegisterOperand |
MIR_LowTableSwitch.getIndex(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Index from the
argument instruction.
static LocationOperand |
MIR_StoreUpdate.getLocation(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Location from the
argument instruction.
static LocationOperand |
MIR_Load.getLocation(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Location from the
argument instruction.
static LocationOperand |
MIR_Store.getLocation(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Location from the
argument instruction.
static LocationOperand |
MIR_LoadUpdate.getLocation(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Location from the
argument instruction.
static IntConstantOperand |
MIR_RotateAndMask.getMaskBegin(Instruction i)
Get the operand called MaskBegin from the
argument instruction.
static IntConstantOperand |
MIR_RotateAndMask.getMaskEnd(Instruction i)
Get the operand called MaskEnd from the
argument instruction.
static MethodOperand |
MIR_Call.getMethod(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Method from the
argument instruction.
static int |
MIR_LowTableSwitch.getNumberOfBranchProfiles(Instruction i)
How many variable-length operands called BranchProfiles
does the argument instruction have?
static int |
MIR_CondCall.getNumberOfParams(Instruction i)
How many variable-length operands called Params
does the argument instruction have?
static int |
MIR_Call.getNumberOfParams(Instruction i)
How many variable-length operands called Params
does the argument instruction have?
static int |
MIR_LowTableSwitch.getNumberOfTargets(Instruction i)
How many variable-length operands called Targets
does the argument instruction have?
static Operand |
MIR_StoreUpdate.getOffset(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Offset from the
argument instruction.
static Operand |
MIR_Load.getOffset(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Offset from the
argument instruction.
static Operand |
MIR_Store.getOffset(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Offset from the
argument instruction.
static Operand |
MIR_LoadUpdate.getOffset(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Offset from the
argument instruction.
static RegisterOperand |
MIR_CacheOp.getOffset(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Offset from the
argument instruction.
static Operand |
MIR_CondCall.getParam(Instruction i,
int k)
Get the k'th operand called Param from the
argument instruction.
static Operand |
MIR_Call.getParam(Instruction i,
int k)
Get the k'th operand called Param from the
argument instruction.
static RegisterOperand |
MIR_Nullary.getResult(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Result from the
argument instruction.
static RegisterOperand |
MIR_Unary.getResult(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Result from the
argument instruction.
static RegisterOperand |
MIR_CondCall.getResult(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Result from the
argument instruction.
static RegisterOperand |
MIR_RotateAndMask.getResult(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Result from the
argument instruction.
static RegisterOperand |
MIR_Move.getResult(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Result from the
argument instruction.
static RegisterOperand |
MIR_Load.getResult(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Result from the
argument instruction.
static RegisterOperand |
MIR_LoadUpdate.getResult(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Result from the
argument instruction.
static RegisterOperand |
MIR_Call.getResult(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Result from the
argument instruction.
static RegisterOperand |
MIR_Binary.getResult(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Result from the
argument instruction.
static RegisterOperand |
MIR_Ternary.getResult(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Result from the
argument instruction.
static RegisterOperand |
MIR_CondCall.getResult2(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Result2 from the
argument instruction.
static RegisterOperand |
MIR_Call.getResult2(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Result2 from the
argument instruction.
static IntConstantOperand |
MIR_Condition.getResultBit(Instruction i)
Get the operand called ResultBit from the
argument instruction.
static Operand |
MIR_RotateAndMask.getShift(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Shift from the
argument instruction.
static RegisterOperand |
MIR_RotateAndMask.getSource(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Source from the
argument instruction.
static BranchOperand |
MIR_CondCall.getTarget(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Target from the
argument instruction.
static BranchOperand |
MIR_DataLabel.getTarget(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Target from the
argument instruction.
static BranchOperand |
MIR_Branch.getTarget(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Target from the
argument instruction.
static BranchOperand |
MIR_Call.getTarget(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Target from the
argument instruction.
static BranchOperand |
MIR_CondBranch.getTarget(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Target from the
argument instruction.
static BranchOperand |
MIR_LowTableSwitch.getTarget(Instruction i,
int k)
Get the k'th operand called Target from the
argument instruction.
static BranchOperand |
MIR_CondBranch2.getTarget1(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Target1 from the
argument instruction.
static BranchOperand |
MIR_CondBranch2.getTarget2(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Target2 from the
argument instruction.
static TrapCodeOperand |
MIR_Trap.getTCode(Instruction i)
Get the operand called TCode from the
argument instruction.
static RegisterOperand |
MIR_Return.getVal(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Val from the
argument instruction.
static RegisterOperand |
MIR_Return.getVal2(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Val2 from the
argument instruction.
static Operand |
MIR_Unary.getValue(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Value from the
argument instruction.
static IntConstantOperand |
MIR_DataInt.getValue(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Value from the
argument instruction.
static RegisterOperand |
MIR_CondCall.getValue(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Value from the
argument instruction.
static RegisterOperand |
MIR_RotateAndMask.getValue(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Value from the
argument instruction.
static RegisterOperand |
MIR_Move.getValue(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Value from the
argument instruction.
static RegisterOperand |
MIR_CondBranch2.getValue(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Value from the
argument instruction.
static RegisterOperand |
MIR_StoreUpdate.getValue(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Value from the
argument instruction.
static RegisterOperand |
MIR_Store.getValue(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Value from the
argument instruction.
static RegisterOperand |
MIR_CondBranch.getValue(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Value from the
argument instruction.
static RegisterOperand |
MIR_Trap.getValue1(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Value1 from the
argument instruction.
static RegisterOperand |
MIR_Binary.getValue1(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Value1 from the
argument instruction.
static RegisterOperand |
MIR_Ternary.getValue1(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Value1 from the
argument instruction.
static IntConstantOperand |
MIR_Condition.getValue1Bit(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Value1Bit from the
argument instruction.
static Operand |
MIR_Trap.getValue2(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Value2 from the
argument instruction.
static Operand |
MIR_Binary.getValue2(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Value2 from the
argument instruction.
static RegisterOperand |
MIR_Ternary.getValue2(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Value2 from the
argument instruction.
static IntConstantOperand |
MIR_Condition.getValue2Bit(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Value2Bit from the
argument instruction.
static RegisterOperand |
MIR_Ternary.getValue3(Instruction i)
Get the operand called Value3 from the
argument instruction.
static boolean |
MIR_StoreUpdate.hasAddress(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Address?
static boolean |
MIR_Load.hasAddress(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Address?
static boolean |
MIR_Store.hasAddress(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Address?
static boolean |
MIR_LoadUpdate.hasAddress(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Address?
static boolean |
MIR_CacheOp.hasAddress(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Address?
static boolean |
MIR_CondBranch.hasBranchProfile(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named BranchProfile?
static boolean |
MIR_LowTableSwitch.hasBranchProfile(Instruction i,
int k)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
k'th operand named BranchProfile?
static boolean |
MIR_CondBranch2.hasBranchProfile1(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named BranchProfile1?
static boolean |
MIR_CondBranch2.hasBranchProfile2(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named BranchProfile2?
static boolean |
MIR_LowTableSwitch.hasBranchProfiles(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have any operands
named BranchProfile?
static boolean |
MIR_CondCall.hasCond(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Cond?
static boolean |
MIR_Trap.hasCond(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Cond?
static boolean |
MIR_CondBranch.hasCond(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Cond?
static boolean |
MIR_CondBranch2.hasCond1(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Cond1?
static boolean |
MIR_CondBranch2.hasCond2(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Cond2?
static boolean |
MIR_StoreUpdate.hasGuard(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Guard?
static boolean |
MIR_Load.hasGuard(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Guard?
static boolean |
MIR_Store.hasGuard(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Guard?
static boolean |
MIR_LoadUpdate.hasGuard(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Guard?
static boolean |
MIR_Trap.hasGuardResult(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named GuardResult?
static boolean |
MIR_LowTableSwitch.hasIndex(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Index?
static boolean |
MIR_StoreUpdate.hasLocation(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Location?
static boolean |
MIR_Load.hasLocation(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Location?
static boolean |
MIR_Store.hasLocation(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Location?
static boolean |
MIR_LoadUpdate.hasLocation(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Location?
static boolean |
MIR_RotateAndMask.hasMaskBegin(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named MaskBegin?
static boolean |
MIR_RotateAndMask.hasMaskEnd(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named MaskEnd?
static boolean |
MIR_Call.hasMethod(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Method?
static boolean |
MIR_StoreUpdate.hasOffset(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Offset?
static boolean |
MIR_Load.hasOffset(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Offset?
static boolean |
MIR_Store.hasOffset(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Offset?
static boolean |
MIR_LoadUpdate.hasOffset(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Offset?
static boolean |
MIR_CacheOp.hasOffset(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Offset?
static boolean |
MIR_CondCall.hasParam(Instruction i,
int k)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
k'th operand named Param?
static boolean |
MIR_Call.hasParam(Instruction i,
int k)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
k'th operand named Param?
static boolean |
MIR_CondCall.hasParams(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have any operands
named Param?
static boolean |
MIR_Call.hasParams(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have any operands
named Param?
static boolean |
MIR_Nullary.hasResult(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Result?
static boolean |
MIR_Unary.hasResult(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Result?
static boolean |
MIR_CondCall.hasResult(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Result?
static boolean |
MIR_RotateAndMask.hasResult(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Result?
static boolean |
MIR_Move.hasResult(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Result?
static boolean |
MIR_Load.hasResult(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Result?
static boolean |
MIR_LoadUpdate.hasResult(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Result?
static boolean |
MIR_Call.hasResult(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Result?
static boolean |
MIR_Binary.hasResult(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Result?
static boolean |
MIR_Ternary.hasResult(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Result?
static boolean |
MIR_CondCall.hasResult2(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Result2?
static boolean |
MIR_Call.hasResult2(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Result2?
static boolean |
MIR_Condition.hasResultBit(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named ResultBit?
static boolean |
MIR_RotateAndMask.hasShift(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Shift?
static boolean |
MIR_RotateAndMask.hasSource(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Source?
static boolean |
MIR_CondCall.hasTarget(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Target?
static boolean |
MIR_DataLabel.hasTarget(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Target?
static boolean |
MIR_Branch.hasTarget(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Target?
static boolean |
MIR_Call.hasTarget(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Target?
static boolean |
MIR_CondBranch.hasTarget(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Target?
static boolean |
MIR_LowTableSwitch.hasTarget(Instruction i,
int k)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
k'th operand named Target?
static boolean |
MIR_CondBranch2.hasTarget1(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Target1?
static boolean |
MIR_CondBranch2.hasTarget2(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Target2?
static boolean |
MIR_LowTableSwitch.hasTargets(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have any operands
named Target?
static boolean |
MIR_Trap.hasTCode(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named TCode?
static boolean |
MIR_Return.hasVal(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Val?
static boolean |
MIR_Return.hasVal2(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Val2?
static boolean |
MIR_Unary.hasValue(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Value?
static boolean |
MIR_DataInt.hasValue(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Value?
static boolean |
MIR_CondCall.hasValue(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Value?
static boolean |
MIR_RotateAndMask.hasValue(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Value?
static boolean |
MIR_Move.hasValue(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Value?
static boolean |
MIR_CondBranch2.hasValue(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Value?
static boolean |
MIR_StoreUpdate.hasValue(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Value?
static boolean |
MIR_Store.hasValue(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Value?
static boolean |
MIR_CondBranch.hasValue(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Value?
static boolean |
MIR_Trap.hasValue1(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Value1?
static boolean |
MIR_Binary.hasValue1(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Value1?
static boolean |
MIR_Ternary.hasValue1(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Value1?
static boolean |
MIR_Condition.hasValue1Bit(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Value1Bit?
static boolean |
MIR_Trap.hasValue2(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Value2?
static boolean |
MIR_Binary.hasValue2(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Value2?
static boolean |
MIR_Ternary.hasValue2(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Value2?
static boolean |
MIR_Condition.hasValue2Bit(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Value2Bit?
static boolean |
MIR_Ternary.hasValue3(Instruction i)
Does the argument instruction have a non-null
operand named Value3?
static int |
MIR_StoreUpdate.indexOfAddress(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Address
in the argument instruction.
static int |
MIR_Load.indexOfAddress(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Address
in the argument instruction.
static int |
MIR_Store.indexOfAddress(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Address
in the argument instruction.
static int |
MIR_LoadUpdate.indexOfAddress(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Address
in the argument instruction.
static int |
MIR_CacheOp.indexOfAddress(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Address
in the argument instruction.
static int |
MIR_CondBranch.indexOfBranchProfile(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called BranchProfile
in the argument instruction.
static int |
MIR_LowTableSwitch.indexOfBranchProfile(Instruction i,
int k)
Return the index of the k'th operand called BranchProfile
in the argument instruction.
static int |
MIR_CondBranch2.indexOfBranchProfile1(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called BranchProfile1
in the argument instruction.
static int |
MIR_CondBranch2.indexOfBranchProfile2(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called BranchProfile2
in the argument instruction.
static int |
MIR_LowTableSwitch.indexOfBranchProfiles(Instruction i)
Return the index of the first operand called BranchProfile
in the argument instruction.
static int |
MIR_CondCall.indexOfCond(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Cond
in the argument instruction.
static int |
MIR_Trap.indexOfCond(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Cond
in the argument instruction.
static int |
MIR_CondBranch.indexOfCond(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Cond
in the argument instruction.
static int |
MIR_CondBranch2.indexOfCond1(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Cond1
in the argument instruction.
static int |
MIR_CondBranch2.indexOfCond2(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Cond2
in the argument instruction.
static int |
MIR_StoreUpdate.indexOfGuard(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Guard
in the argument instruction.
static int |
MIR_Load.indexOfGuard(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Guard
in the argument instruction.
static int |
MIR_Store.indexOfGuard(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Guard
in the argument instruction.
static int |
MIR_LoadUpdate.indexOfGuard(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Guard
in the argument instruction.
static int |
MIR_Trap.indexOfGuardResult(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called GuardResult
in the argument instruction.
static int |
MIR_LowTableSwitch.indexOfIndex(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Index
in the argument instruction.
static int |
MIR_StoreUpdate.indexOfLocation(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Location
in the argument instruction.
static int |
MIR_Load.indexOfLocation(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Location
in the argument instruction.
static int |
MIR_Store.indexOfLocation(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Location
in the argument instruction.
static int |
MIR_LoadUpdate.indexOfLocation(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Location
in the argument instruction.
static int |
MIR_RotateAndMask.indexOfMaskBegin(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called MaskBegin
in the argument instruction.
static int |
MIR_RotateAndMask.indexOfMaskEnd(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called MaskEnd
in the argument instruction.
static int |
MIR_Call.indexOfMethod(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Method
in the argument instruction.
static int |
MIR_StoreUpdate.indexOfOffset(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Offset
in the argument instruction.
static int |
MIR_Load.indexOfOffset(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Offset
in the argument instruction.
static int |
MIR_Store.indexOfOffset(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Offset
in the argument instruction.
static int |
MIR_LoadUpdate.indexOfOffset(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Offset
in the argument instruction.
static int |
MIR_CacheOp.indexOfOffset(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Offset
in the argument instruction.
static int |
MIR_CondCall.indexOfParam(Instruction i,
int k)
Return the index of the k'th operand called Param
in the argument instruction.
static int |
MIR_Call.indexOfParam(Instruction i,
int k)
Return the index of the k'th operand called Param
in the argument instruction.
static int |
MIR_CondCall.indexOfParams(Instruction i)
Return the index of the first operand called Param
in the argument instruction.
static int |
MIR_Call.indexOfParams(Instruction i)
Return the index of the first operand called Param
in the argument instruction.
static int |
MIR_Nullary.indexOfResult(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Result
in the argument instruction.
static int |
MIR_Unary.indexOfResult(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Result
in the argument instruction.
static int |
MIR_CondCall.indexOfResult(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Result
in the argument instruction.
static int |
MIR_RotateAndMask.indexOfResult(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Result
in the argument instruction.
static int |
MIR_Move.indexOfResult(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Result
in the argument instruction.
static int |
MIR_Load.indexOfResult(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Result
in the argument instruction.
static int |
MIR_LoadUpdate.indexOfResult(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Result
in the argument instruction.
static int |
MIR_Call.indexOfResult(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Result
in the argument instruction.
static int |
MIR_Binary.indexOfResult(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Result
in the argument instruction.
static int |
MIR_Ternary.indexOfResult(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Result
in the argument instruction.
static int |
MIR_CondCall.indexOfResult2(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Result2
in the argument instruction.
static int |
MIR_Call.indexOfResult2(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Result2
in the argument instruction.
static int |
MIR_Condition.indexOfResultBit(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called ResultBit
in the argument instruction.
static int |
MIR_RotateAndMask.indexOfShift(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Shift
in the argument instruction.
static int |
MIR_RotateAndMask.indexOfSource(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Source
in the argument instruction.
static int |
MIR_CondCall.indexOfTarget(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Target
in the argument instruction.
static int |
MIR_DataLabel.indexOfTarget(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Target
in the argument instruction.
static int |
MIR_Branch.indexOfTarget(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Target
in the argument instruction.
static int |
MIR_Call.indexOfTarget(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Target
in the argument instruction.
static int |
MIR_CondBranch.indexOfTarget(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Target
in the argument instruction.
static int |
MIR_LowTableSwitch.indexOfTarget(Instruction i,
int k)
Return the index of the k'th operand called Target
in the argument instruction.
static int |
MIR_CondBranch2.indexOfTarget1(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Target1
in the argument instruction.
static int |
MIR_CondBranch2.indexOfTarget2(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Target2
in the argument instruction.
static int |
MIR_LowTableSwitch.indexOfTargets(Instruction i)
Return the index of the first operand called Target
in the argument instruction.
static int |
MIR_Trap.indexOfTCode(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called TCode
in the argument instruction.
static int |
MIR_Return.indexOfVal(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Val
in the argument instruction.
static int |
MIR_Return.indexOfVal2(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Val2
in the argument instruction.
static int |
MIR_Unary.indexOfValue(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Value
in the argument instruction.
static int |
MIR_DataInt.indexOfValue(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Value
in the argument instruction.
static int |
MIR_CondCall.indexOfValue(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Value
in the argument instruction.
static int |
MIR_RotateAndMask.indexOfValue(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Value
in the argument instruction.
static int |
MIR_Move.indexOfValue(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Value
in the argument instruction.
static int |
MIR_CondBranch2.indexOfValue(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Value
in the argument instruction.
static int |
MIR_StoreUpdate.indexOfValue(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Value
in the argument instruction.
static int |
MIR_Store.indexOfValue(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Value
in the argument instruction.
static int |
MIR_CondBranch.indexOfValue(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Value
in the argument instruction.
static int |
MIR_Trap.indexOfValue1(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Value1
in the argument instruction.
static int |
MIR_Binary.indexOfValue1(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Value1
in the argument instruction.
static int |
MIR_Ternary.indexOfValue1(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Value1
in the argument instruction.
static int |
MIR_Condition.indexOfValue1Bit(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Value1Bit
in the argument instruction.
static int |
MIR_Trap.indexOfValue2(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Value2
in the argument instruction.
static int |
MIR_Binary.indexOfValue2(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Value2
in the argument instruction.
static int |
MIR_Ternary.indexOfValue2(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Value2
in the argument instruction.
static int |
MIR_Condition.indexOfValue2Bit(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Value2Bit
in the argument instruction.
static int |
MIR_Ternary.indexOfValue3(Instruction i)
Return the index of the operand called Value3
in the argument instruction.
static Instruction |
MIR_Branch.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_Branch instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
MIR_Empty.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_Empty instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
MIR_DataLabel.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
BranchOperand Target)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_DataLabel instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
MIR_Branch.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
BranchOperand Target)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_Branch instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
MIR_DataInt.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
IntConstantOperand Value)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_DataInt instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
MIR_Condition.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
IntConstantOperand ResultBit,
IntConstantOperand Value1Bit,
IntConstantOperand Value2Bit)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_Condition instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
MIR_Trap.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o, Cond,
RegisterOperand Value1,
Operand Value2,
TrapCodeOperand TCode)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_Trap instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
MIR_Nullary.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_Nullary instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
MIR_LowTableSwitch.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Index,
int numVarOps)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_LowTableSwitch instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
MIR_Unary.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
Operand Value)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_Unary instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
MIR_CondBranch.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Value, Cond,
BranchOperand Target,
BranchProfileOperand BranchProfile)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_CondBranch instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
MIR_CondBranch2.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Value, Cond1,
BranchOperand Target1,
BranchProfileOperand BranchProfile1, Cond2,
BranchOperand Target2,
BranchProfileOperand BranchProfile2)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_CondBranch2 instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
MIR_CondBranch.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Value, Cond,
BranchProfileOperand BranchProfile)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_CondBranch instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
MIR_Trap.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand GuardResult, Cond,
RegisterOperand Value1,
Operand Value2,
TrapCodeOperand TCode)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_Trap instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
MIR_Return.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Val,
RegisterOperand Val2)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_Return instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
MIR_Move.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
RegisterOperand Value)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_Move instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
MIR_CacheOp.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Address,
RegisterOperand Offset)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_CacheOp instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
MIR_Call.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
RegisterOperand Result2,
BranchOperand Target,
int numVarOps)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_Call instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
MIR_Call.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
RegisterOperand Result2,
BranchOperand Target,
MethodOperand Method,
int numVarOps)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_Call instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
MIR_Call.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
RegisterOperand Result2,
int numVarOps)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_Call instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
MIR_Call.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
RegisterOperand Result2,
MethodOperand Method,
int numVarOps)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_Call instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
MIR_StoreUpdate.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Address,
RegisterOperand Value,
Operand Offset)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_StoreUpdate instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
MIR_Load.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
RegisterOperand Address,
Operand Offset)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_Load instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
MIR_Store.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Value,
RegisterOperand Address,
Operand Offset)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_Store instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
MIR_LoadUpdate.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
RegisterOperand Address,
Operand Offset)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_LoadUpdate instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
MIR_Binary.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
RegisterOperand Value1,
Operand Value2)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_Binary instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
MIR_RotateAndMask.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
RegisterOperand Value,
Operand Shift,
IntConstantOperand MaskBegin,
IntConstantOperand MaskEnd)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_RotateAndMask instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
MIR_StoreUpdate.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Address,
RegisterOperand Value,
Operand Offset,
LocationOperand Location)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_StoreUpdate instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
MIR_Load.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
RegisterOperand Address,
Operand Offset,
LocationOperand Location)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_Load instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
MIR_Store.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Value,
RegisterOperand Address,
Operand Offset,
LocationOperand Location)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_Store instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
MIR_LoadUpdate.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
RegisterOperand Address,
Operand Offset,
LocationOperand Location)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_LoadUpdate instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
MIR_StoreUpdate.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Address,
RegisterOperand Value,
Operand Offset,
LocationOperand Location,
Operand Guard)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_StoreUpdate instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
MIR_Load.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
RegisterOperand Address,
Operand Offset,
LocationOperand Location,
Operand Guard)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_Load instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
MIR_Store.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Value,
RegisterOperand Address,
Operand Offset,
LocationOperand Location,
Operand Guard)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_Store instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
MIR_LoadUpdate.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
RegisterOperand Address,
Operand Offset,
LocationOperand Location,
Operand Guard)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_LoadUpdate instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
MIR_StoreUpdate.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Address,
RegisterOperand Value,
Operand Offset,
Operand Guard)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_StoreUpdate instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
MIR_Load.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
RegisterOperand Address,
Operand Offset,
Operand Guard)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_Load instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
MIR_Store.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Value,
RegisterOperand Address,
Operand Offset,
Operand Guard)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_Store instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
MIR_LoadUpdate.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
RegisterOperand Address,
Operand Offset,
Operand Guard)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_LoadUpdate instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
MIR_RotateAndMask.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
RegisterOperand Source,
RegisterOperand Value,
Operand Shift,
IntConstantOperand MaskBegin,
IntConstantOperand MaskEnd)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_RotateAndMask instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
MIR_CondCall.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
RegisterOperand Result2,
RegisterOperand Value, Cond,
BranchOperand Target,
int numVarOps)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_CondCall instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
MIR_CondCall.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
RegisterOperand Result2,
RegisterOperand Value, Cond,
int numVarOps)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_CondCall instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
MIR_Ternary.mutate(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
RegisterOperand Value1,
RegisterOperand Value2,
RegisterOperand Value3)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_Ternary instruction format having the specified
operator and operands.
static Instruction |
MIR_Call.mutate0(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
RegisterOperand Result2)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_Call instruction format having the specified
operator, operands, and number of variable-length operands.
static Instruction |
MIR_Call.mutate0(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
RegisterOperand Result2,
BranchOperand Target)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_Call instruction format having the specified
operator, operands, and number of variable-length operands.
static Instruction |
MIR_Call.mutate0(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
RegisterOperand Result2,
BranchOperand Target,
MethodOperand Method)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_Call instruction format having the specified
operator, operands, and number of variable-length operands.
static Instruction |
MIR_Call.mutate0(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
RegisterOperand Result2,
MethodOperand Method)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_Call instruction format having the specified
operator, operands, and number of variable-length operands.
static Instruction |
MIR_CondCall.mutate0(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
RegisterOperand Result2,
RegisterOperand Value, Cond)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_CondCall instruction format having the specified
operator, operands, and number of variable-length operands.
static Instruction |
MIR_CondCall.mutate0(Instruction i,
Operator o,
RegisterOperand Result,
RegisterOperand Result2,
RegisterOperand Value, Cond,
BranchOperand Target)
Mutate the argument instruction into an instruction of the
MIR_CondCall instruction format having the specified
operator, operands, and number of variable-length operands.
static void |
MIR_LowTableSwitch.resizeNumberOfBranchProfiles(Instruction i,
int numVarOps)
Change the number of BranchProfiles that may be stored in
the argument instruction to numVarOps.
static void |
MIR_CondCall.resizeNumberOfParams(Instruction i,
int numVarOps)
Change the number of Params that may be stored in
the argument instruction to numVarOps.
static void |
MIR_Call.resizeNumberOfParams(Instruction i,
int numVarOps)
Change the number of Params that may be stored in
the argument instruction to numVarOps.
static void |
MIR_LowTableSwitch.resizeNumberOfTargets(Instruction i,
int numVarOps)
Change the number of Targets that may be stored in
the argument instruction to numVarOps.
static void |
MIR_StoreUpdate.setAddress(Instruction i,
RegisterOperand Address)
Set the operand called Address in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
MIR_Load.setAddress(Instruction i,
RegisterOperand Address)
Set the operand called Address in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
MIR_Store.setAddress(Instruction i,
RegisterOperand Address)
Set the operand called Address in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
MIR_LoadUpdate.setAddress(Instruction i,
RegisterOperand Address)
Set the operand called Address in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
MIR_CacheOp.setAddress(Instruction i,
RegisterOperand Address)
Set the operand called Address in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
MIR_CondBranch.setBranchProfile(Instruction i,
BranchProfileOperand BranchProfile)
Set the operand called BranchProfile in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
MIR_LowTableSwitch.setBranchProfile(Instruction i,
int k,
BranchProfileOperand o)
Set the k'th operand called BranchProfile in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
MIR_CondBranch2.setBranchProfile1(Instruction i,
BranchProfileOperand BranchProfile1)
Set the operand called BranchProfile1 in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
MIR_CondBranch2.setBranchProfile2(Instruction i,
BranchProfileOperand BranchProfile2)
Set the operand called BranchProfile2 in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
MIR_CondCall.setCond(Instruction i, Cond)
Set the operand called Cond in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
MIR_CondBranch.setCond(Instruction i, Cond)
Set the operand called Cond in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
MIR_Trap.setCond(Instruction i, Cond)
Set the operand called Cond in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
MIR_CondBranch2.setCond1(Instruction i, Cond1)
Set the operand called Cond1 in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
MIR_CondBranch2.setCond2(Instruction i, Cond2)
Set the operand called Cond2 in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
MIR_StoreUpdate.setGuard(Instruction i,
Operand Guard)
Set the operand called Guard in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
MIR_Load.setGuard(Instruction i,
Operand Guard)
Set the operand called Guard in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
MIR_Store.setGuard(Instruction i,
Operand Guard)
Set the operand called Guard in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
MIR_LoadUpdate.setGuard(Instruction i,
Operand Guard)
Set the operand called Guard in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
MIR_Trap.setGuardResult(Instruction i,
RegisterOperand GuardResult)
Set the operand called GuardResult in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
MIR_LowTableSwitch.setIndex(Instruction i,
RegisterOperand Index)
Set the operand called Index in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
MIR_StoreUpdate.setLocation(Instruction i,
LocationOperand Location)
Set the operand called Location in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
MIR_Load.setLocation(Instruction i,
LocationOperand Location)
Set the operand called Location in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
MIR_Store.setLocation(Instruction i,
LocationOperand Location)
Set the operand called Location in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
MIR_LoadUpdate.setLocation(Instruction i,
LocationOperand Location)
Set the operand called Location in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
MIR_RotateAndMask.setMaskBegin(Instruction i,
IntConstantOperand MaskBegin)
Set the operand called MaskBegin in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
MIR_RotateAndMask.setMaskEnd(Instruction i,
IntConstantOperand MaskEnd)
Set the operand called MaskEnd in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
MIR_Call.setMethod(Instruction i,
MethodOperand Method)
Set the operand called Method in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
MIR_StoreUpdate.setOffset(Instruction i,
Operand Offset)
Set the operand called Offset in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
MIR_Load.setOffset(Instruction i,
Operand Offset)
Set the operand called Offset in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
MIR_Store.setOffset(Instruction i,
Operand Offset)
Set the operand called Offset in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
MIR_LoadUpdate.setOffset(Instruction i,
Operand Offset)
Set the operand called Offset in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
MIR_CacheOp.setOffset(Instruction i,
RegisterOperand Offset)
Set the operand called Offset in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
MIR_CondCall.setParam(Instruction i,
int k,
Operand o)
Set the k'th operand called Param in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
MIR_Call.setParam(Instruction i,
int k,
Operand o)
Set the k'th operand called Param in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
MIR_Nullary.setResult(Instruction i,
RegisterOperand Result)
Set the operand called Result in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
MIR_Unary.setResult(Instruction i,
RegisterOperand Result)
Set the operand called Result in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
MIR_CondCall.setResult(Instruction i,
RegisterOperand Result)
Set the operand called Result in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
MIR_RotateAndMask.setResult(Instruction i,
RegisterOperand Result)
Set the operand called Result in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
MIR_Move.setResult(Instruction i,
RegisterOperand Result)
Set the operand called Result in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
MIR_Load.setResult(Instruction i,
RegisterOperand Result)
Set the operand called Result in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
MIR_LoadUpdate.setResult(Instruction i,
RegisterOperand Result)
Set the operand called Result in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
MIR_Call.setResult(Instruction i,
RegisterOperand Result)
Set the operand called Result in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
MIR_Binary.setResult(Instruction i,
RegisterOperand Result)
Set the operand called Result in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
MIR_Ternary.setResult(Instruction i,
RegisterOperand Result)
Set the operand called Result in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
MIR_CondCall.setResult2(Instruction i,
RegisterOperand Result2)
Set the operand called Result2 in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
MIR_Call.setResult2(Instruction i,
RegisterOperand Result2)
Set the operand called Result2 in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
MIR_Condition.setResultBit(Instruction i,
IntConstantOperand ResultBit)
Set the operand called ResultBit in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
MIR_RotateAndMask.setShift(Instruction i,
Operand Shift)
Set the operand called Shift in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
MIR_RotateAndMask.setSource(Instruction i,
RegisterOperand Source)
Set the operand called Source in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
MIR_CondCall.setTarget(Instruction i,
BranchOperand Target)
Set the operand called Target in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
MIR_DataLabel.setTarget(Instruction i,
BranchOperand Target)
Set the operand called Target in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
MIR_Branch.setTarget(Instruction i,
BranchOperand Target)
Set the operand called Target in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
MIR_Call.setTarget(Instruction i,
BranchOperand Target)
Set the operand called Target in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
MIR_CondBranch.setTarget(Instruction i,
BranchOperand Target)
Set the operand called Target in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
MIR_LowTableSwitch.setTarget(Instruction i,
int k,
BranchOperand o)
Set the k'th operand called Target in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
MIR_CondBranch2.setTarget1(Instruction i,
BranchOperand Target1)
Set the operand called Target1 in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
MIR_CondBranch2.setTarget2(Instruction i,
BranchOperand Target2)
Set the operand called Target2 in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
MIR_Trap.setTCode(Instruction i,
TrapCodeOperand TCode)
Set the operand called TCode in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
MIR_Return.setVal(Instruction i,
RegisterOperand Val)
Set the operand called Val in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
MIR_Return.setVal2(Instruction i,
RegisterOperand Val2)
Set the operand called Val2 in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
MIR_DataInt.setValue(Instruction i,
IntConstantOperand Value)
Set the operand called Value in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
MIR_Unary.setValue(Instruction i,
Operand Value)
Set the operand called Value in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
MIR_CondCall.setValue(Instruction i,
RegisterOperand Value)
Set the operand called Value in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
MIR_RotateAndMask.setValue(Instruction i,
RegisterOperand Value)
Set the operand called Value in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
MIR_Move.setValue(Instruction i,
RegisterOperand Value)
Set the operand called Value in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
MIR_CondBranch2.setValue(Instruction i,
RegisterOperand Value)
Set the operand called Value in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
MIR_StoreUpdate.setValue(Instruction i,
RegisterOperand Value)
Set the operand called Value in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
MIR_Store.setValue(Instruction i,
RegisterOperand Value)
Set the operand called Value in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
MIR_CondBranch.setValue(Instruction i,
RegisterOperand Value)
Set the operand called Value in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
MIR_Trap.setValue1(Instruction i,
RegisterOperand Value1)
Set the operand called Value1 in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
MIR_Binary.setValue1(Instruction i,
RegisterOperand Value1)
Set the operand called Value1 in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
MIR_Ternary.setValue1(Instruction i,
RegisterOperand Value1)
Set the operand called Value1 in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
MIR_Condition.setValue1Bit(Instruction i,
IntConstantOperand Value1Bit)
Set the operand called Value1Bit in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
MIR_Trap.setValue2(Instruction i,
Operand Value2)
Set the operand called Value2 in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
MIR_Binary.setValue2(Instruction i,
Operand Value2)
Set the operand called Value2 in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
MIR_Ternary.setValue2(Instruction i,
RegisterOperand Value2)
Set the operand called Value2 in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
MIR_Condition.setValue2Bit(Instruction i,
IntConstantOperand Value2Bit)
Set the operand called Value2Bit in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
static void |
MIR_Ternary.setValue3(Instruction i,
RegisterOperand Value3)
Set the operand called Value3 in the argument
instruction to the argument operand.
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
protected Instruction |
BURS.lastInstr |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Instruction |
AbstractBURS_TreeNode.getInstruction() |
protected static Instruction |
BURS_Common_Helpers.P(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) |
protected static Instruction |
BURS_Common_Helpers.PL(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) |
protected static Instruction |
BURS_Common_Helpers.PLL(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) |
protected static Instruction |
BURS_Common_Helpers.PLLL(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) |
protected static Instruction |
BURS_Common_Helpers.PLLLL(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) |
protected static Instruction |
BURS_Common_Helpers.PLLLLLL(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) |
protected static Instruction |
BURS_Common_Helpers.PLLLLLLL(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) |
protected static Instruction |
BURS_Common_Helpers.PLLLRL(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) |
protected static Instruction |
BURS_Common_Helpers.PLLLRLL(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) |
protected static Instruction |
BURS_Common_Helpers.PLLLRLLL(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) |
protected static Instruction |
BURS_Common_Helpers.PLLR(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) |
protected static Instruction |
BURS_Common_Helpers.PLLRL(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) |
protected static Instruction |
BURS_Common_Helpers.PLLRLL(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) |
protected static Instruction |
BURS_Common_Helpers.PLLRLLL(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) |
protected static Instruction |
BURS_Common_Helpers.PLLRLLR(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) |
protected static Instruction |
BURS_Common_Helpers.PLR(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) |
protected static Instruction |
BURS_Common_Helpers.PLRL(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) |
protected static Instruction |
BURS_Common_Helpers.PLRLL(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) |
protected static Instruction |
BURS_Common_Helpers.PLRLLRL(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) |
protected static Instruction |
BURS_Common_Helpers.PLRR(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) |
protected static Instruction |
BURS_Common_Helpers.PR(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) |
protected static Instruction |
BURS_Common_Helpers.PRL(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) |
protected static Instruction |
BURS_Common_Helpers.PRLL(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) |
protected static Instruction |
BURS_Common_Helpers.PRLLL(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) |
protected static Instruction |
BURS_Common_Helpers.PRLLLL(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) |
protected static Instruction |
BURS_Common_Helpers.PRLLR(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) |
protected static Instruction |
BURS_Common_Helpers.PRLLRLLL(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) |
protected static Instruction |
BURS_Common_Helpers.PRLR(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) |
protected static Instruction |
BURS_Common_Helpers.PRLRL(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) |
protected static Instruction |
BURS_Common_Helpers.PRR(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) |
protected static Instruction |
BURS_Common_Helpers.PRRL(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) |
protected static Instruction |
BURS_Common_Helpers.PRRR(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected static int |
BURS_MemOp_Helpers.ADDRESS_EQUAL(Instruction store,
Instruction load,
int trueCost) |
protected static int |
BURS_MemOp_Helpers.ADDRESS_EQUAL(Instruction store,
Instruction load,
int trueCost,
int falseCost) |
void |
BURS.append(Instruction instruction)
Appends an instruction, i.e. emits an MIR instruction.
protected static int |
BURS_MemOp_Helpers.ARRAY_ADDRESS_EQUAL(Instruction store,
Instruction load,
int trueCost) |
protected static int |
BURS_MemOp_Helpers.ARRAY_ADDRESS_EQUAL(Instruction store,
Instruction load,
int trueCost,
int falseCost) |
private AbstractBURS_TreeNode |
MinimalBURS.buildTree(Instruction s)
Build a BURS Tree for each Instruction.
DepGraphNode |
NormalBURS_DepGraph.createDepGraphNode(Instruction inst) |
protected void |
BURS_Common_Helpers.EMIT(Instruction s) |
private void |
ConvertLIRtoMIR.ReduceOperators.expandSysCall(Instruction s,
IR ir) |
protected MemoryOperand |
BURS_MemOp_Helpers.MO_AL(Instruction s,
byte scale,
byte size) |
protected MemoryOperand |
BURS_MemOp_Helpers.MO_AL(Instruction s,
byte scale,
byte size,
int disp) |
protected MemoryOperand |
BURS_MemOp_Helpers.MO_AS(Instruction s,
byte scale,
byte size) |
protected MemoryOperand |
BURS_MemOp_Helpers.MO_AS(Instruction s,
byte scale,
byte size,
int disp) |
protected MemoryOperand |
BURS_MemOp_Helpers.MO_L(Instruction s,
byte size) |
protected MemoryOperand |
BURS_MemOp_Helpers.MO_L(Instruction s,
byte size,
int disp) |
protected MemoryOperand |
BURS_MemOp_Helpers.MO_MC(Instruction s) |
protected MemoryOperand |
BURS_MemOp_Helpers.MO_S(Instruction s,
byte size) |
protected MemoryOperand |
BURS_MemOp_Helpers.MO_S(Instruction s,
byte size,
int disp) |
Constructor and Description |
NormalBURS_DepGraph(IR ir,
Instruction start,
Instruction end,
BasicBlock currentBlock) |
NormalBURS_DepGraphNode(Instruction instr) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
private static Instruction |
ComplexLIR2MIRExpansion.double_2int(Instruction s,
IR ir) |
private static Instruction |
ComplexLIR2MIRExpansion.double_2long(Instruction s,
IR ir) |
private static Instruction |
ComplexLIR2MIRExpansion.float_2int(Instruction s,
IR ir) |
private static Instruction |
ComplexLIR2MIRExpansion.float_2long(Instruction s,
IR ir) |
private static Instruction |
ComplexLIR2MIRExpansion.fp_ifcmp(Instruction s) |
private static Instruction |
ComplexLIR2MIRExpansion.long_ifcmp_imm(Instruction s,
IR ir) |
private static Instruction |
ComplexLIR2MIRExpansion.long_ifcmp(Instruction s,
IR ir) |
private static Instruction |
ComplexLIR2MIRExpansion.long_mul(Instruction s,
IR ir) |
private static Instruction |
ComplexLIR2MIRExpansion.long_shl(Instruction s,
IR ir) |
private static Instruction |
ComplexLIR2MIRExpansion.long_shr(Instruction s,
IR ir) |
private static Instruction |
ComplexLIR2MIRExpansion.long_ushr(Instruction s,
IR ir) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
private Operand |
BURS_Helpers.asReg(Instruction s,
Operator movop,
Operand op)
Emits code to move the operand into a register operand if it
isn't one already.
private static void |
ComplexLIR2MIRExpansion.basic_long_ifcmp(Instruction s,
IR ir,
ConditionOperand cond,
Register xh,
Register xl,
Operand yh,
Operand yl) |
protected void |
BURS_Helpers.BOOLEAN_CMP_DOUBLE(Instruction s,
RegisterOperand res,
ConditionOperand cond,
Operand val1,
Operand val2)
protected void |
BURS_Helpers.BOOLEAN_CMP_INT(Instruction s,
RegisterOperand res,
ConditionOperand cond)
Expansion of a special case of BOOLEAN_CMP_INT when the condition registers
have already been set by the previous ALU op.
protected void |
BURS_Helpers.BOOLEAN_CMP_INT(Instruction s,
RegisterOperand res,
Operand val1,
Operand val2,
ConditionOperand cond)
Expansion of BOOLEAN_CMP_INT
protected void |
BURS_Helpers.BOOLEAN_CMP_LONG(Instruction s,
RegisterOperand res,
Operand val1,
Operand val2,
ConditionOperand cond)
protected void |
BURS_Helpers.CALL(Instruction s,
Operand address)
Expansion of CALL.
protected void |
BURS_Helpers.CMOV_FMOV(Instruction s,
RegisterOperand result,
ConditionOperand cond,
Operand trueValue,
Operand falseValue)
Generate a floating point move portion of a conditional move.
protected void |
BURS_Helpers.CMOV_MOV(Instruction s,
RegisterOperand result,
ConditionOperand cond,
Operand trueValue,
Operand falseValue)
Generate an integer move portion of a conditional move.
private static Instruction |
ComplexLIR2MIRExpansion.double_2int(Instruction s,
IR ir) |
private static Instruction |
ComplexLIR2MIRExpansion.double_2long(Instruction s,
IR ir) |
protected void |
BURS_Helpers.EMIT_Commutative(Operator operator,
Instruction s,
Operand result,
Operand val1,
Operand val2)
Create the MIR instruction given by operator from the Binary LIR operands
protected void |
BURS_Helpers.EMIT_Compare(Instruction s,
ConditionOperand cond,
Operand val1,
Operand val2)
Gives the MIR condition operator appropriate for the given condition
protected void |
BURS_Helpers.EMIT_Lea(Instruction s,
RegisterOperand result,
MemoryOperand mo)
Create the MIR LEA instruction performing a few simplifications if possible
protected void |
BURS_Helpers.EMIT_LongBinary(Operator operator1,
Operator operator2,
Instruction s,
Operand result,
Operand value1,
Operand value2,
boolean commutative)
Creates the MIR instruction given by the operators from the Binary LIR operands
protected void |
BURS_Helpers.EMIT_LongUnary(Instruction s,
Operand result,
Operand value1,
boolean negOrNot)
Creates the MIR instruction for LONG_NEG or LONG_NOT
protected void |
BURS_Helpers.EMIT_NonCommutative(Operator operator,
Instruction s,
Operand result,
Operand val1,
Operand val2)
Create the MIR instruction given by operator from the Binary LIR operands
protected void |
BURS_Helpers.EMIT_Unary(Operator operator,
Instruction s,
Operand result,
Operand value)
Create the MIR instruction given by operator from the Binary LIR operands
private static Instruction |
ComplexLIR2MIRExpansion.float_2int(Instruction s,
IR ir) |
private static Instruction |
ComplexLIR2MIRExpansion.float_2long(Instruction s,
IR ir) |
private static Instruction |
ComplexLIR2MIRExpansion.fp_ifcmp(Instruction s) |
protected void |
BURS_Helpers.FP_MOV_OP_MOV(Instruction s,
Operator op,
Operand result,
Operand val1,
Operand val2)
protected void |
BURS_Helpers.FP_REM(Instruction s,
Operand val1,
Operand val2)
Expansion of FP_REM
protected void |
BURS_Helpers.FPR_2INT(Instruction s,
RegisterOperand result,
Operand value)
Expansion of FLOAT_2INT and DOUBLE_2INT, using the FIST instruction.
protected void |
BURS_Helpers.FPR2GPR_64(Instruction s)
Emits code to move 64 bits from FPRs to GPRs
protected void |
BURS_Helpers.GET_EXCEPTION_OBJECT(Instruction s)
Emit code to get a caught exception object into a register
protected void |
BURS_Helpers.GET_TIME_BASE(Instruction s,
RegisterOperand result)
Expansion of RDTSC (called GET_TIME_BASE for consistency with PPC)
protected Operator |
BURS_Helpers.get387_FPC(Instruction s) |
protected void |
BURS_Helpers.GPR2FPR_64(Instruction s)
Emits code to move 64 bits from GPRs to FPRs.
protected void |
BURS_Helpers.IFCMP(Instruction s,
RegisterOperand guardResult,
Operand val1,
Operand val2,
ConditionOperand cond)
Generate a compare and branch sequence.
protected void |
BURS_Helpers.INT_2LONG(Instruction s,
RegisterOperand result,
Operand value,
boolean signExtend)
Expansion of INT_2LONG
protected void |
BURS_Helpers.INT_DIVIDES(Instruction s,
RegisterOperand result,
Operand val1,
Operand val2,
boolean isDiv,
boolean signed)
Expansion of INT_DIV, SIGNED_DIV_64_32, UNSIGNED_DIV_64_32 and INT_REM
protected void |
BURS_Helpers.INT_TO_LONG_MUL(Instruction s,
RegisterOperand result,
Operand value1,
Operand value2,
boolean signed)
Expansion of LONG_MULs whose operands are ints
protected static boolean |
BURS_Helpers.IS_MATERIALIZE_ZERO(Instruction s) |
protected static int |
BURS_Helpers.is387_FPC(Instruction s,
int trueCost)
Is the given instruction's constant operand a x87 floating point constant
protected void |
BURS_Helpers.LCMP_CMOV(Instruction s,
RegisterOperand result,
Operand val1,
Operand val2,
ConditionOperand cond,
Operand trueValue,
Operand falseValue)
Generate a long compare and cmov
protected void |
BURS_Helpers.LONG_CMP(Instruction s,
RegisterOperand res,
Operand val1,
Operand val2)
Expansion of LONG_CMP: compare to values and set result to -1, 0, 1 for <, =, >,
protected void |
BURS_Helpers.LONG_DIVIDES(Instruction s,
RegisterOperand result,
Operand val1,
Operand val2,
boolean isDiv,
boolean signed)
Expansion of LONG_DIV and LONG_REM
private static Instruction |
ComplexLIR2MIRExpansion.long_ifcmp_imm(Instruction s,
IR ir) |
private static Instruction |
ComplexLIR2MIRExpansion.long_ifcmp(Instruction s,
IR ir) |
private static Instruction |
ComplexLIR2MIRExpansion.long_mul(Instruction s,
IR ir) |
protected void |
BURS_Helpers.LONG_MUL(Instruction s,
RegisterOperand result,
Operand value1,
Operand value2)
Expansion of LONG_MUL
private static Instruction |
ComplexLIR2MIRExpansion.long_shl(Instruction s,
IR ir) |
protected void |
BURS_Helpers.LONG_SHL(Instruction s,
Operand result,
Operand val1,
Operand val2,
boolean maskWith3f)
Expansion of LONG_SHL
private static Instruction |
ComplexLIR2MIRExpansion.long_shr(Instruction s,
IR ir) |
protected void |
BURS_Helpers.LONG_SHR(Instruction s,
Operand result,
Operand val1,
Operand val2,
boolean maskWith3f)
Expansion of LONG_SHR
private static Instruction |
ComplexLIR2MIRExpansion.long_ushr(Instruction s,
IR ir) |
protected void |
BURS_Helpers.LONG_USHR(Instruction s,
Operand result,
Operand val1,
Operand val2,
boolean maskWith3f)
Expansion of LONG_USHR
protected void |
BURS_Helpers.LOWTABLESWITCH(Instruction s)
protected void |
BURS_Helpers.OSR(BURS burs,
Instruction s)
special case handling OSR instructions expand long type variables to two
protected void |
BURS_Helpers.PROLOGUE(Instruction s)
Expand a prologue by expanding out longs into pairs of ints
protected void |
BURS_Helpers.RESOLVE(Instruction s)
Expansion of RESOLVE.
protected void |
BURS_Helpers.SET_EXCEPTION_OBJECT(Instruction s)
Emit code to move a value in a register to the stack location where a
caught exception object is expected to be.
protected void |
BURS_Helpers.SSE2_ABS(boolean single,
Instruction s,
Operand result,
Operand value) |
protected void |
BURS_Helpers.SSE2_CONV(Operator op,
Instruction s,
Operand result,
Operand value)
Expansion of SSE2 conversions double <-> float
protected void |
BURS_Helpers.SSE2_COP(Operator operator,
Instruction s,
Operand result,
Operand val1,
Operand val2)
BURS expansion of a commutative SSE2 operation.
protected void |
BURS_Helpers.SSE2_FCMP_FCMOV(Instruction s,
RegisterOperand result,
Operand lhsCmp,
Operand rhsCmp,
ConditionOperand cond,
Operand trueValue,
Operand falseValue) |
protected void |
BURS_Helpers.SSE2_FPCONSTANT(Instruction s)
Expansion of SSE2 floating point constant loads
protected void |
BURS_Helpers.SSE2_FPR2GPR_32(Instruction s)
Emits code to move 32 bits from FPRs to GPRs.
protected void |
BURS_Helpers.SSE2_FPR2GPR_64(Instruction s)
Emits code to move 64 bits from SSE2 FPRs to GPRs
protected void |
BURS_Helpers.SSE2_GPR2FPR_32(Instruction s)
Emits code to move 32 bits from GPRs to FPRs.
protected void |
BURS_Helpers.SSE2_GPR2FPR_64(Instruction s)
Emits code to move 64 bits from GPRs to SSE2 FPRs
protected void |
BURS_Helpers.SSE2_IFCMP(Operator op,
Instruction s,
Operand val1,
Operand val2)
Expansion of SSE2 comparison operations
protected void |
BURS_Helpers.SSE2_NCOP(Operator operator,
Instruction s,
Operand result,
Operand val1,
Operand val2)
BURS expansion of a non commutative SSE2 operation.
protected void |
BURS_Helpers.SSE2_NEG(boolean single,
Instruction s,
Operand result,
Operand value)
Expansion of SSE2 negation ops.
protected void |
BURS_Helpers.SSE2_X87_FROMLONG(Instruction s)
Performs a long -> double/float conversion using x87 and
marshalls back to XMMs.
protected void |
BURS_Helpers.SSE2_X87_REM(Instruction s)
Performs a long -> double/float conversion using x87 and
marshalls between to XMMs.
protected void |
BURS_Helpers.SYSCALL(Instruction s,
Operand address)
Expansion of SYSCALL.
protected void |
BURS_Helpers.threeValueFPCmp(Instruction s)
Expansion for [DF]CMP[GL] compare to values and set result to -1, 0, 1 for <, =, >
protected void |
BURS_Helpers.TRAP_IF_IMM(Instruction s,
boolean longConstant)
Expansion of TRAP_IF, with an int constant as the second value.
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
private Instruction |
LiveAnalysis.MapElement.inst |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Instruction |
LiveAnalysis.MapElement.getInst() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
private void |
LiveAnalysis.collectOsrInfo(Instruction inst,
LiveSet lives) |
void |
LiveInterval.createEndLiveRange(LiveSet set,
BasicBlock block,
Instruction inst)
This method iterates over each element in the the passed live set.
void |
LiveInterval.createEndLiveRange(Register reg,
BasicBlock block,
Instruction inst)
This method checks if an existing unresolved live interval node, i.e.,
one that has an end instruction, but no beginning instruction, is present
for the register and basic block passed.
void |
LiveInterval.setStartLiveRange(Register reg,
Instruction inst,
BasicBlock block)
This method finds the LiveInterval node for the register and basic block
Constructor and Description |
MapElement(Instruction inst,
List<RegSpillListElement> list) |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
private Map<Instruction,Integer> |
MachineCodeOffsets.mcOffsets |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
MachineCodeOffsets.fabricateMachineCodeOffsetForPrologueInstruction(Instruction instr)
Fabricates an offset for prologue instructions in methods that are not
interruptible to deal with an oddity.
int |
MachineCodeOffsets.getMachineCodeOffset(Instruction inst)
Gets the offset into the machine code array (in bytes) that
corresponds to the first byte after this instruction.
boolean |
MachineCodeOffsets.lacksMachineCodeOffset(Instruction inst)
Checks whether a machine code offset is missing for the instruction.
void |
MachineCodeOffsets.setMachineCodeOffset(Instruction inst,
int mcOffset)
This method is only for use by opt assemblers to generate code.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
private void |
AssemblerOpt.doADC(Instruction inst)
Emit the given instruction, assuming that
it is a MIR_BinaryAcc instruction
and has a ADC operator
private void |
AssemblerOpt.doADD(Instruction inst)
Emit the given instruction, assuming that
it is a MIR_BinaryAcc instruction
and has a ADD operator
private void |
AssemblerOpt.doADDSD(Instruction inst)
Emit the given instruction, assuming that
it is a MIR_BinaryAcc instruction
and has a ADDSD operator
private void |
AssemblerOpt.doADDSS(Instruction inst)
Emit the given instruction, assuming that
it is a MIR_BinaryAcc instruction
and has a ADDSS operator
private void |
AssemblerOpt.doAND(Instruction inst)
Emit the given instruction, assuming that
it is a MIR_BinaryAcc instruction
and has a AND operator
private void |
AssemblerOpt.doANDNPD(Instruction inst)
Emit the given instruction, assuming that
it is a MIR_BinaryAcc instruction
and has a ANDNPD operator
private void |
AssemblerOpt.doANDNPS(Instruction inst)
Emit the given instruction, assuming that
it is a MIR_BinaryAcc instruction
and has a ANDNPS operator
private void |
AssemblerOpt.doANDPD(Instruction inst)
Emit the given instruction, assuming that
it is a MIR_BinaryAcc instruction
and has a ANDPD operator
private void |
AssemblerOpt.doANDPS(Instruction inst)
Emit the given instruction, assuming that
it is a MIR_BinaryAcc instruction
and has a ANDPS operator
private void |
AssemblerOpt.doBSWAP(Instruction inst)
Emit the given instruction, assuming that
it is a MIR_UnaryAcc instruction
and has a BSWAP operator
private void |
AssemblerOpt.doBT(Instruction inst)
Emit the given instruction, assuming that
it is a MIR_Test instruction
and has a BT operator
private void |
AssemblerOpt.doBTC(Instruction inst)
Emit the given instruction, assuming that
it is a MIR_Test instruction
and has a BTC operator
private void |
AssemblerOpt.doBTR(Instruction inst)
Emit the given instruction, assuming that
it is a MIR_Test instruction
and has a BTR operator
private void |
AssemblerOpt.doBTS(Instruction inst)
Emit the given instruction, assuming that
it is a MIR_Test instruction
and has a BTS operator
private void |
AssemblerOpt.doCALL(Instruction inst)
Emit the given instruction, assuming that
it is a MIR_Call instruction
and has a CALL operator
private void |
AssemblerOpt.doCDO(Instruction inst)
Emit the given instruction, assuming that
it is a MIR_ConvertDW2QW instruction
and has a CDO operator
private void |
AssemblerOpt.doCDQ(Instruction inst)
Emit the given instruction, assuming that
it is a MIR_ConvertDW2QW instruction
and has a CDQ operator
private void |
AssemblerOpt.doCDQE(Instruction inst)
Emit the given instruction, assuming that
it is a MIR_ConvertDW2QW instruction
and has a CDQE operator
private void |
AssemblerOpt.doCMOV(Instruction inst)
Emit the given instruction, assuming that
it is a MIR_CondMove instruction
and has a CMOV operator
private void |
AssemblerOpt.doCMP(Instruction inst)
Emit the given instruction, assuming that
it is a MIR_Compare instruction
and has a CMP operator
private void |
AssemblerOpt.doCMPEQSD(Instruction inst)
Emit the given instruction, assuming that
it is a MIR_BinaryAcc instruction
and has a CMPEQSD operator
private void |
AssemblerOpt.doCMPEQSS(Instruction inst)
Emit the given instruction, assuming that
it is a MIR_BinaryAcc instruction
and has a CMPEQSS operator
private void |
AssemblerOpt.doCMPLESD(Instruction inst)
Emit the given instruction, assuming that
it is a MIR_BinaryAcc instruction
and has a CMPLESD operator
private void |
AssemblerOpt.doCMPLESS(Instruction inst)
Emit the given instruction, assuming that
it is a MIR_BinaryAcc instruction
and has a CMPLESS operator
private void |
AssemblerOpt.doCMPLTSD(Instruction inst)
Emit the given instruction, assuming that
it is a MIR_BinaryAcc instruction
and has a CMPLTSD operator
private void |
AssemblerOpt.doCMPLTSS(Instruction inst)
Emit the given instruction, assuming that
it is a MIR_BinaryAcc instruction
and has a CMPLTSS operator
private void |
AssemblerOpt.doCMPNESD(Instruction inst)
Emit the given instruction, assuming that
it is a MIR_BinaryAcc instruction
and has a CMPNESD operator
private void |
AssemblerOpt.doCMPNESS(Instruction inst)
Emit the given instruction, assuming that
it is a MIR_BinaryAcc instruction
and has a CMPNESS operator
private void |
AssemblerOpt.doCMPNLESD(Instruction inst)
Emit the given instruction, assuming that
it is a MIR_BinaryAcc instruction
and has a CMPNLESD operator
private void |
AssemblerOpt.doCMPNLESS(Instruction inst)
Emit the given instruction, assuming that
it is a MIR_BinaryAcc instruction
and has a CMPNLESS operator
private void |
AssemblerOpt.doCMPNLTSD(Instruction inst)
Emit the given instruction, assuming that
it is a MIR_BinaryAcc instruction
and has a CMPNLTSD operator
private void |
AssemblerOpt.doCMPNLTSS(Instruction inst)
Emit the given instruction, assuming that
it is a MIR_BinaryAcc instruction
and has a CMPNLTSS operator
private void |
AssemblerOpt.doCMPORDSD(Instruction inst)
Emit the given instruction, assuming that
it is a MIR_BinaryAcc instruction
and has a CMPORDSD operator
private void |
AssemblerOpt.doCMPORDSS(Instruction inst)
Emit the given instruction, assuming that
it is a MIR_BinaryAcc instruction
and has a CMPORDSS operator
private void |
AssemblerOpt.doCMPUNORDSD(Instruction inst)
Emit the given instruction, assuming that
it is a MIR_BinaryAcc instruction
and has a CMPUNORDSD operator
private void |
AssemblerOpt.doCMPUNORDSS(Instruction inst)
Emit the given instruction, assuming that
it is a MIR_BinaryAcc instruction
and has a CMPUNORDSS operator
private void |
AssemblerOpt.doCMPXCHG(Instruction inst)
Emit the given instruction, assuming that
it is a MIR_CompareExchange instruction
and has a CMPXCHG operator
private void |
AssemblerOpt.doCMPXCHG8B(Instruction inst)
Emit the given instruction, assuming that
it is a MIR_CompareExchange8B instruction
and has a CMPXCHG8B operator
private void |
AssemblerOpt.doCVTSD2SI(Instruction inst)
Emit the given instruction, assuming that
it is a MIR_Unary instruction
and has a CVTSD2SI operator
private void |
AssemblerOpt.doCVTSD2SIQ(Instruction inst)
Emit the given instruction, assuming that
it is a MIR_Unary instruction
and has a CVTSD2SIQ operator
private void |
AssemblerOpt.doCVTSD2SS(Instruction inst)
Emit the given instruction, assuming that
it is a MIR_Unary instruction
and has a CVTSD2SS operator
private void |
AssemblerOpt.doCVTSI2SD(Instruction inst)
Emit the given instruction, assuming that
it is a MIR_Unary instruction
and has a CVTSI2SD operator
private void |
AssemblerOpt.doCVTSI2SDQ(Instruction inst)
Emit the given instruction, assuming that
it is a MIR_Unary instruction
and has a CVTSI2SDQ operator
private void |
AssemblerOpt.doCVTSI2SS(Instruction inst)
Emit the given instruction, assuming that
it is a MIR_Unary instruction
and has a CVTSI2SS operator
private void |
AssemblerOpt.doCVTSS2SD(Instruction inst)
Emit the given instruction, assuming that
it is a MIR_Unary instruction
and has a CVTSS2SD operator
private void |
AssemblerOpt.doCVTSS2SI(Instruction inst)
Emit the given instruction, assuming that
it is a MIR_Unary instruction
and has a CVTSS2SI operator
private void |
AssemblerOpt.doCVTTSD2SI(Instruction inst)
Emit the given instruction, assuming that
it is a MIR_Unary instruction
and has a CVTTSD2SI operator
private void |
AssemblerOpt.doCVTTSD2SIQ(Instruction inst)
Emit the given instruction, assuming that
it is a MIR_Unary instruction
and has a CVTTSD2SIQ operator
private void |
AssemblerOpt.doCVTTSS2SI(Instruction inst)
Emit the given instruction, assuming that
it is a MIR_Unary instruction
and has a CVTTSS2SI operator
private void |
AssemblerOpt.doDEC(Instruction inst)
Emit the given instruction, assuming that
it is a MIR_UnaryAcc instruction
and has a DEC operator
private void |
AssemblerOpt.doDIV(Instruction inst)
Emit the given instruction, assuming that
it is a MIR_Divide instruction
and has a DIV operator
private void |
AssemblerOpt.doDIVSD(Instruction inst)
Emit the given instruction, assuming that
it is a MIR_BinaryAcc instruction
and has a DIVSD operator
private void |
AssemblerOpt.doDIVSS(Instruction inst)
Emit the given instruction, assuming that
it is a MIR_BinaryAcc instruction
and has a DIVSS operator
private void |
AssemblerOpt.doFADD(Instruction inst)
Emit the given instruction, assuming that
it is a MIR_BinaryAcc instruction
and has a FADD operator
private void |
AssemblerOpt.doFADDP(Instruction inst)
Emit the given instruction, assuming that
it is a MIR_BinaryAcc instruction
and has a FADDP operator
private void |
AssemblerOpt.doFCHS(Instruction inst)
Emit the given instruction, assuming that
it is a MIR_UnaryAcc instruction
and has a FCHS operator
private void |
AssemblerOpt.doFCMOV(Instruction inst)
Emit the given instruction, assuming that
it is a MIR_CondMove instruction
and has a FCMOV operator
private void |
AssemblerOpt.doFCOMI(Instruction inst)
Emit the given instruction, assuming that
it is a MIR_Compare instruction
and has a FCOMI operator
private void |
AssemblerOpt.doFCOMIP(Instruction inst)
Emit the given instruction, assuming that
it is a MIR_Compare instruction
and has a FCOMIP operator
private void |
AssemblerOpt.doFDIV(Instruction inst)
Emit the given instruction, assuming that
it is a MIR_BinaryAcc instruction
and has a FDIV operator
private void |
AssemblerOpt.doFDIVP(Instruction inst)
Emit the given instruction, assuming that
it is a MIR_BinaryAcc instruction
and has a FDIVP operator
private void |
AssemblerOpt.doFDIVR(Instruction inst)
Emit the given instruction, assuming that
it is a MIR_BinaryAcc instruction
and has a FDIVR operator
private void |
AssemblerOpt.doFDIVRP(Instruction inst)
Emit the given instruction, assuming that
it is a MIR_BinaryAcc instruction
and has a FDIVRP operator
private void |
AssemblerOpt.doFFREE(Instruction inst)
Emit the given instruction, assuming that
it is a MIR_Nullary instruction
and has a FFREE operator
private void |
AssemblerOpt.doFFREEP(Instruction inst)
Emit the given instruction, assuming that
it is a MIR_Nullary instruction
and has a FFREEP operator
private void |
AssemblerOpt.doFIADD(Instruction inst)
Emit the given instruction, assuming that
it is a MIR_BinaryAcc instruction
and has a FIADD operator
private void |
AssemblerOpt.doFIDIV(Instruction inst)
Emit the given instruction, assuming that
it is a MIR_BinaryAcc instruction
and has a FIDIV operator
private void |
AssemblerOpt.doFIDIVR(Instruction inst)
Emit the given instruction, assuming that
it is a MIR_BinaryAcc instruction
and has a FIDIVR operator
private void |
AssemblerOpt.doFILD(Instruction inst)
Emit the given instruction, assuming that
it is a MIR_Move instruction
and has a FILD operator
private void |
AssemblerOpt.doFIMUL(Instruction inst)
Emit the given instruction, assuming that
it is a MIR_BinaryAcc instruction
and has a FIMUL operator
private void |
AssemblerOpt.doFINIT(Instruction inst)
Emit the given instruction, assuming that
it is a MIR_Empty instruction
and has a FINIT operator
private void |
AssemblerOpt.doFIST(Instruction inst)
Emit the given instruction, assuming that
it is a MIR_Move instruction
and has a FIST operator
private void |
AssemblerOpt.doFISTP(Instruction inst)
Emit the given instruction, assuming that
it is a MIR_Move instruction
and has a FISTP operator
private void |
AssemblerOpt.doFISUB(Instruction inst)
Emit the given instruction, assuming that
it is a MIR_BinaryAcc instruction
and has a FISUB operator
private void |
AssemblerOpt.doFISUBR(Instruction inst)
Emit the given instruction, assuming that
it is a MIR_BinaryAcc instruction
and has a FISUBR operator
private void |
AssemblerOpt.doFLD(Instruction inst)
Emit the given instruction, assuming that
it is a MIR_Move instruction
and has a FLD operator
private void |
AssemblerOpt.doFLD1(Instruction inst)
Emit the given instruction, assuming that
it is a MIR_Nullary instruction
and has a FLD1 operator
private void |
AssemblerOpt.doFLDCW(Instruction inst)
Emit the given instruction, assuming that
it is a MIR_UnaryNoRes instruction
and has a FLDCW operator
private void |
AssemblerOpt.doFLDL2E(Instruction inst)
Emit the given instruction, assuming that
it is a MIR_Nullary instruction
and has a FLDL2E operator
private void |
AssemblerOpt.doFLDL2T(Instruction inst)
Emit the given instruction, assuming that
it is a MIR_Nullary instruction
and has a FLDL2T operator
private void |
AssemblerOpt.doFLDLG2(Instruction inst)
Emit the given instruction, assuming that
it is a MIR_Nullary instruction
and has a FLDLG2 operator
private void |
AssemblerOpt.doFLDLN2(Instruction inst)
Emit the given instruction, assuming that
it is a MIR_Nullary instruction
and has a FLDLN2 operator
private void |
AssemblerOpt.doFLDPI(Instruction inst)
Emit the given instruction, assuming that
it is a MIR_Nullary instruction
and has a FLDPI operator
private void |
AssemblerOpt.doFLDZ(Instruction inst)
Emit the given instruction, assuming that
it is a MIR_Nullary instruction
and has a FLDZ operator
private void |
AssemblerOpt.doFMUL(Instruction inst)
Emit the given instruction, assuming that
it is a MIR_BinaryAcc instruction
and has a FMUL operator
private void |
AssemblerOpt.doFMULP(Instruction inst)
Emit the given instruction, assuming that
it is a MIR_BinaryAcc instruction
and has a FMULP operator
private void |
AssemblerOpt.doFNINIT(Instruction inst)
Emit the given instruction, assuming that
it is a MIR_Empty instruction
and has a FNINIT operator
private void |
AssemblerOpt.doFNSAVE(Instruction inst)
Emit the given instruction, assuming that
it is a MIR_FSave instruction
and has a FNSAVE operator
private void |
AssemblerOpt.doFNSTCW(Instruction inst)
Emit the given instruction, assuming that
it is a MIR_UnaryNoRes instruction
and has a FNSTCW operator
private void |
AssemblerOpt.doFPREM(Instruction inst)
Emit the given instruction, assuming that
it is a MIR_BinaryAcc instruction
and has a FPREM operator
private void |
AssemblerOpt.doFRSTOR(Instruction inst)
Emit the given instruction, assuming that
it is a MIR_FSave instruction
and has a FRSTOR operator
private void |
AssemblerOpt.doFST(Instruction inst)
Emit the given instruction, assuming that
it is a MIR_Move instruction
and has a FST operator
private void |
AssemblerOpt.doFSTCW(Instruction inst)
Emit the given instruction, assuming that
it is a MIR_UnaryNoRes instruction
and has a FSTCW operator
private void |
AssemblerOpt.doFSTP(Instruction inst)
Emit the given instruction, assuming that
it is a MIR_Move instruction
and has a FSTP operator
private void |
AssemblerOpt.doFSTSW(Instruction inst)
Emit the given instruction, assuming that
it is a MIR_Unary instruction
and has a FSTSW operator
private void |
AssemblerOpt.doFSUB(Instruction inst)
Emit the given instruction, assuming that
it is a MIR_BinaryAcc instruction
and has a FSUB operator
private void |
AssemblerOpt.doFSUBP(Instruction inst)
Emit the given instruction, assuming that
it is a MIR_BinaryAcc instruction
and has a FSUBP operator
private void |
AssemblerOpt.doFSUBR(Instruction inst)
Emit the given instruction, assuming that
it is a MIR_BinaryAcc instruction
and has a FSUBR operator
private void |
AssemblerOpt.doFSUBRP(Instruction inst)
Emit the given instruction, assuming that
it is a MIR_BinaryAcc instruction
and has a FSUBRP operator
private void |
AssemblerOpt.doFUCOMI(Instruction inst)
Emit the given instruction, assuming that
it is a MIR_Compare instruction
and has a FUCOMI operator
private void |
AssemblerOpt.doFUCOMIP(Instruction inst)
Emit the given instruction, assuming that
it is a MIR_Compare instruction
and has a FUCOMIP operator
private void |
AssemblerOpt.doFXCH(Instruction inst)
Emit the given instruction, assuming that
it is a MIR_XChng instruction
and has a FXCH operator
private void |
AssemblerOpt.doIDIV(Instruction inst)
Emit the given instruction, assuming that
it is a MIR_Divide instruction
and has a IDIV operator
protected void |
AssemblerBase.doIMMQ_MOV(Instruction inst) |
private void |
AssemblerOpt.doIMUL1(Instruction inst)
Emit the given instruction, assuming that
it is a MIR_Multiply instruction
and has a IMUL1 operator
private void |
AssemblerOpt.doIMUL2(Instruction inst)
Emit the given instruction, assuming that
it is a MIR_BinaryAcc instruction
and has a IMUL2 operator
private void |
AssemblerOpt.doINC(Instruction inst)
Emit the given instruction, assuming that
it is a MIR_UnaryAcc instruction
and has a INC operator
abstract void |
AssemblerBase.doInst(Instruction inst)
Assembles the given instruction.
void |
AssemblerOpt.doInst(Instruction inst) |
private void |
AssemblerOpt.doINT(Instruction inst)
Emit the given instruction, assuming that
it is a MIR_Trap instruction
and has a INT operator
protected void |
AssemblerBase.doJCC(Instruction inst)
Emit the given instruction, assuming that
it is a MIR_CondBranch instruction
and has a JCC operator
protected void |
AssemblerBase.doJMP(Instruction inst)
Emit the given instruction, assuming that
it is a MIR_Branch instruction
and has a JMP operator
private void |
AssemblerOpt.doLEA(Instruction inst)
Emit the given instruction, assuming that
it is a MIR_Lea instruction
and has a LEA operator
protected void |
AssemblerBase.doLOWTABLESWITCH(Instruction inst)
Emit the given instruction, assuming that
it is a MIR_LowTableSwitch instruction
and has a MIR_LOWTABLESWITCH operator
private void |
AssemblerOpt.doMETHODSTART(Instruction inst)
Emit the given instruction, assuming that
it is a MIR_Nullary instruction
and has a METHODSTART operator
private void |
AssemblerOpt.doMFENCE(Instruction inst)
Emit the given instruction, assuming that
it is a MIR_Empty instruction
and has a MFENCE operator
private void |
AssemblerOpt.doMOV(Instruction inst)
Emit the given instruction, assuming that
it is a MIR_Move instruction
and has a MOV operator
private void |
AssemblerOpt.doMOVAPD(Instruction inst)
Emit the given instruction, assuming that
it is a MIR_Move instruction
and has a MOVAPD operator
private void |
AssemblerOpt.doMOVAPS(Instruction inst)
Emit the given instruction, assuming that
it is a MIR_Move instruction
and has a MOVAPS operator
private void |
AssemblerOpt.doMOVD(Instruction inst)
Emit the given instruction, assuming that
it is a MIR_Move instruction
and has a MOVD operator
private void |
AssemblerOpt.doMOVLPD(Instruction inst)
Emit the given instruction, assuming that
it is a MIR_Move instruction
and has a MOVLPD operator
private void |
AssemblerOpt.doMOVLPS(Instruction inst)
Emit the given instruction, assuming that
it is a MIR_Move instruction
and has a MOVLPS operator
private void |
AssemblerOpt.doMOVQ(Instruction inst)
Emit the given instruction, assuming that
it is a MIR_Move instruction
and has a MOVQ operator
private void |
AssemblerOpt.doMOVSD(Instruction inst)
Emit the given instruction, assuming that
it is a MIR_Move instruction
and has a MOVSD operator
private void |
AssemblerOpt.doMOVSS(Instruction inst)
Emit the given instruction, assuming that
it is a MIR_Move instruction
and has a MOVSS operator
private void |
AssemblerOpt.doMOVSX(Instruction inst)
Emit the given instruction, assuming that
it is a MIR_Unary instruction
and has a MOVSX operator
private void |
AssemblerOpt.doMOVSXDQ(Instruction inst)
Emit the given instruction, assuming that
it is a MIR_Unary instruction
and has a MOVSXDQ operator
private void |
AssemblerOpt.doMOVSXQ(Instruction inst)
Emit the given instruction, assuming that
it is a MIR_Unary instruction
and has a MOVSXQ operator
private void |
AssemblerOpt.doMOVZX(Instruction inst)
Emit the given instruction, assuming that
it is a MIR_Unary instruction
and has a MOVZX operator
private void |
AssemblerOpt.doMOVZXQ(Instruction inst)
Emit the given instruction, assuming that
it is a MIR_Unary instruction
and has a MOVZXQ operator
private void |
AssemblerOpt.doMUL(Instruction inst)
Emit the given instruction, assuming that
it is a MIR_Multiply instruction
and has a MUL operator
private void |
AssemblerOpt.doMULSD(Instruction inst)
Emit the given instruction, assuming that
it is a MIR_BinaryAcc instruction
and has a MULSD operator
private void |
AssemblerOpt.doMULSS(Instruction inst)
Emit the given instruction, assuming that
it is a MIR_BinaryAcc instruction
and has a MULSS operator
private void |
AssemblerOpt.doNEG(Instruction inst)
Emit the given instruction, assuming that
it is a MIR_UnaryAcc instruction
and has a NEG operator
private void |
AssemblerOpt.doNOT(Instruction inst)
Emit the given instruction, assuming that
it is a MIR_UnaryAcc instruction
and has a NOT operator
private void |
AssemblerOpt.doOFFSET(Instruction inst)
Emit the given instruction, assuming that
it is a MIR_CaseLabel instruction
and has a OFFSET operator
private void |
AssemblerOpt.doOR(Instruction inst)
Emit the given instruction, assuming that
it is a MIR_BinaryAcc instruction
and has a OR operator
private void |
AssemblerOpt.doORPD(Instruction inst)
Emit the given instruction, assuming that
it is a MIR_BinaryAcc instruction
and has a ORPD operator
private void |
AssemblerOpt.doORPS(Instruction inst)
Emit the given instruction, assuming that
it is a MIR_BinaryAcc instruction
and has a ORPS operator
private void |
AssemblerOpt.doPAUSE(Instruction inst)
Emit the given instruction, assuming that
it is a MIR_Empty instruction
and has a PAUSE operator
private void |
AssemblerOpt.doPOP(Instruction inst)
Emit the given instruction, assuming that
it is a MIR_Nullary instruction
and has a POP operator
private void |
AssemblerOpt.doPREFETCHNTA(Instruction inst)
Emit the given instruction, assuming that
it is a MIR_CacheOp instruction
and has a PREFETCHNTA operator
private void |
AssemblerOpt.doPSLLQ(Instruction inst)
Emit the given instruction, assuming that
it is a MIR_BinaryAcc instruction
and has a PSLLQ operator
private void |
AssemblerOpt.doPSRLQ(Instruction inst)
Emit the given instruction, assuming that
it is a MIR_BinaryAcc instruction
and has a PSRLQ operator
private void |
AssemblerOpt.doPUSH(Instruction inst)
Emit the given instruction, assuming that
it is a MIR_UnaryNoRes instruction
and has a PUSH operator
private void |
AssemblerOpt.doRCL(Instruction inst)
Emit the given instruction, assuming that
it is a MIR_BinaryAcc instruction
and has a RCL operator
private void |
AssemblerOpt.doRCR(Instruction inst)
Emit the given instruction, assuming that
it is a MIR_BinaryAcc instruction
and has a RCR operator
private void |
AssemblerOpt.doRDTSC(Instruction inst)
Emit the given instruction, assuming that
it is a MIR_RDTSC instruction
and has a RDTSC operator
private void |
AssemblerOpt.doRET(Instruction inst)
Emit the given instruction, assuming that
it is a MIR_Return instruction
and has a RET operator
private void |
AssemblerOpt.doROL(Instruction inst)
Emit the given instruction, assuming that
it is a MIR_BinaryAcc instruction
and has a ROL operator
private void |
AssemblerOpt.doROR(Instruction inst)
Emit the given instruction, assuming that
it is a MIR_BinaryAcc instruction
and has a ROR operator
private void |
AssemblerOpt.doSAL(Instruction inst)
Emit the given instruction, assuming that
it is a MIR_BinaryAcc instruction
and has a SAL operator
private void |
AssemblerOpt.doSAR(Instruction inst)
Emit the given instruction, assuming that
it is a MIR_BinaryAcc instruction
and has a SAR operator
private void |
AssemblerOpt.doSBB(Instruction inst)
Emit the given instruction, assuming that
it is a MIR_BinaryAcc instruction
and has a SBB operator
private void |
AssemblerOpt.doSET(Instruction inst)
Emit the given instruction, assuming that
it is a MIR_Set instruction
and has a SET operator
private void |
AssemblerOpt.doSHL(Instruction inst)
Emit the given instruction, assuming that
it is a MIR_BinaryAcc instruction
and has a SHL operator
private void |
AssemblerOpt.doSHLD(Instruction inst)
Emit the given instruction, assuming that
it is a MIR_DoubleShift instruction
and has a SHLD operator
private void |
AssemblerOpt.doSHR(Instruction inst)
Emit the given instruction, assuming that
it is a MIR_BinaryAcc instruction
and has a SHR operator
private void |
AssemblerOpt.doSHRD(Instruction inst)
Emit the given instruction, assuming that
it is a MIR_DoubleShift instruction
and has a SHRD operator
private void |
AssemblerOpt.doSQRTSD(Instruction inst)
Emit the given instruction, assuming that
it is a MIR_Unary instruction
and has a SQRTSD operator
private void |
AssemblerOpt.doSQRTSS(Instruction inst)
Emit the given instruction, assuming that
it is a MIR_Unary instruction
and has a SQRTSS operator
private void |
AssemblerOpt.doSUB(Instruction inst)
Emit the given instruction, assuming that
it is a MIR_BinaryAcc instruction
and has a SUB operator
private void |
AssemblerOpt.doSUBSD(Instruction inst)
Emit the given instruction, assuming that
it is a MIR_BinaryAcc instruction
and has a SUBSD operator
private void |
AssemblerOpt.doSUBSS(Instruction inst)
Emit the given instruction, assuming that
it is a MIR_BinaryAcc instruction
and has a SUBSS operator
private void |
AssemblerOpt.doTEST(Instruction inst)
Emit the given instruction, assuming that
it is a MIR_Test instruction
and has a TEST operator
private void |
AssemblerOpt.doUCOMISD(Instruction inst)
Emit the given instruction, assuming that
it is a MIR_Compare instruction
and has a UCOMISD operator
private void |
AssemblerOpt.doUCOMISS(Instruction inst)
Emit the given instruction, assuming that
it is a MIR_Compare instruction
and has a UCOMISS operator
private void |
AssemblerOpt.doXOR(Instruction inst)
Emit the given instruction, assuming that
it is a MIR_BinaryAcc instruction
and has a XOR operator
private void |
AssemblerOpt.doXORPD(Instruction inst)
Emit the given instruction, assuming that
it is a MIR_BinaryAcc instruction
and has a XORPD operator
private void |
AssemblerOpt.doXORPS(Instruction inst)
Emit the given instruction, assuming that
it is a MIR_BinaryAcc instruction
and has a XORPS operator
protected int |
AssemblerBase.estimateSize(Instruction inst,
int offset) |
private static void |
FinalMIRExpansion.expandFClear(Instruction s,
IR ir)
expand an FCLEAR pseudo-insruction using FFREEs.
private static void |
FinalMIRExpansion.expandFmov(Instruction s,
PhysicalRegisterSet phys)
expand an FMOV pseudo-insruction.
private static void |
FinalMIRExpansion.expandUnconditionalYieldpoint(Instruction s,
IR ir,
RVMMethod meth) |
private static void |
FinalMIRExpansion.expandYieldpoint(Instruction s,
IR ir,
RVMMethod meth,
IA32ConditionOperand ypCond) |
(package private) boolean |
AssemblerBase.isByte(Instruction inst)
Does the given instruction operate upon byte-sized data?
(package private) boolean |
AssemblerBase.isQuad(Instruction inst)
Does the given instruction operate upon quad-sized data
for the purposes of assembling the instruction?
(package private) boolean |
AssemblerBase.isWord(Instruction inst)
Does the given instruction operate upon word-sized data?
protected boolean |
AssemblerBase.targetIsClose(Instruction start,
int target)
Given a forward branch instruction and its target,
determine (conservatively) if the relative offset to the
target is less than 127 bytes
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
private Instruction |
instruction where the live interval begins
(null if alive at basic block entry)
protected Instruction |
The instruction before which the scratch range begins.
private Instruction |
instruction where the live interval ends
(null if alive at basic block exit)
protected Instruction |
The instruction before which the scratch range ends.
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
private Map<Instruction,Integer> |
RegisterAllocatorState.depthFirstNumbers |
private HashMap<Instruction,HashSet<Register>> |
For each GC Point s, a set of symbolic registers that are cached in
dirty scratch registers before s.
private Map<Instruction,Integer> |
Coalesce.instNumbers |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Instruction |
LiveIntervalElement.getBegin() |
Instruction |
LiveIntervalElement.getEnd() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
private boolean |
GenericStackManager.appearsIn(Register r,
Instruction s) |
(package private) void |
ScratchMap.beginScratchInterval(Register r,
Instruction begin)
Begin a new interval of scratch-ness for a physical register.
(package private) void |
ScratchMap.beginSymbolicInterval(Register r,
Register scratch,
Instruction begin)
Begin a new interval of scratch-ness for a symbolic register.
private GenericStackManager.ScratchRegister |
GenericStackManager.createScratchBefore(RegisterAllocatorState regAllocState,
Instruction s,
Register r,
Register symb)
Make physicals register r available to be used as a scratch register
before instruction s.
private boolean |
GenericStackManager.definesSpillLocation(int loc,
Instruction s) |
private boolean |
GenericStackManager.definesSpillLocation(Register r,
Instruction s) |
void |
ScratchMap.endScratchInterval(Register r,
Instruction end)
End an interval of scratch-ness for a physical register.
void |
ScratchMap.endSymbolicInterval(Register r,
Instruction end)
End an interval of scratch-ness for a symbolic register.
(package private) BasicInterval |
CompoundInterval.getBasicInterval(RegisterAllocatorState dfnNumbers,
Instruction s) |
(package private) BasicInterval |
ActiveSet.getBasicInterval(Register r,
Instruction s)
Finds a basic interval for a register so that the interval contains
the instruction.
private GenericStackManager.ScratchRegister |
GenericStackManager.getCurrentScratchRegister(Register r,
Instruction s)
If there is a scratch register available which currently holds the
value of symbolic register r, then return that scratch register.
int |
RegisterAllocatorState.getDFN(Instruction inst)
returns the dfn associated with the passed instruction
private GenericStackManager.ScratchRegister |
GenericStackManager.getFirstAvailableScratchRegister(Register r,
Instruction s)
Finds the first available register which can serve as a scratch
register for symbolic register r in instruction s.
private Register |
GenericStackManager.getFirstDeadFPRNotUsedIn(Register r,
Instruction s,
ArrayList<Register> reserved)
Return a FPR that does not appear in instruction s, and is dead
before instruction s, to hold symbolic register r.
private Register |
GenericStackManager.getFirstDeadGPRNotUsedIn(Register r,
Instruction s,
ArrayList<Register> reserved)
Return a GPR that does not appear in instruction s, and is dead
before instruction s, to hold symbolic register r.
private Register |
GenericStackManager.getFirstFPRNotUsedIn(Register r,
Instruction s,
ArrayList<Register> reserved)
Returns a FPR that does not appear in instruction s, to be used as a
scratch register to hold register r.
private Register |
GenericStackManager.getFirstGPRNotUsedIn(Register r,
Instruction s,
ArrayList<Register> reserved)
Return a GPR that does not appear in instruction s, to hold symbolic
register r.
private ArrayList<Register> |
GenericStackManager.getReservedScratchRegisters(Instruction s) |
private GenericStackManager.ScratchRegister |
GenericStackManager.getScratchRegister(Register symb,
Instruction s,
boolean beCheap)
Gets a scratch register to hold symbolic register symb in instruction
private GenericStackManager.ScratchRegister |
GenericStackManager.getScratchRegisterUsingIntervals(Register r,
Instruction s)
Finds a register which can serve as a scratch
register for symbolic register r in instruction s.
(package private) static boolean |
SimpleSpillCost.hasBadSizeMemoryOperand(Instruction s)
Does instruction s have a memory operand of an inconvenient size?
private GenericStackManager.ScratchRegister |
GenericStackManager.holdInScratchAfter(Instruction s,
Register symb,
boolean beCheap)
Inserts code as needed so that after instruction s, the value of
a symbolic register will be held in a particular scratch physical
void |
GenericStackManager.insertSpillAfter(Instruction s,
Register r,
byte type,
int location)
Insert a spill of a physical register after instruction s.
abstract void |
GenericStackManager.insertSpillBefore(Instruction s,
Register r,
byte type,
int location)
Insert a spill of a physical register before instruction s.
void |
GenericStackManager.insertUnspillAfter(Instruction s,
Register r,
byte type,
int location)
Insert a load of a physical register from a spill location before
instruction s.
abstract void |
GenericStackManager.insertUnspillBefore(Instruction s,
Register r,
byte type,
int location)
Insert a load of a physical register from a spill location before
instruction s.
boolean |
GenericStackManager.isDeadBefore(Register r,
Instruction s) |
boolean |
ScratchMap.isDirty(Instruction s,
Register r)
At GC point s, is the value of register r cached in a dirty scratch
abstract boolean |
GenericRegisterRestrictions.isForbidden(Register symb,
Register r,
Instruction s)
Is it forbidden to assign symbolic register symb to physical register r
in instruction s?
protected boolean |
GenericStackManager.isLegal(Register symb,
Register phys,
Instruction s) |
private boolean |
GenericStackManager.isPEIWithCatch(Instruction s,
BasicBlock instructionsBB) |
abstract boolean |
GenericStackManager.isSysCall(Instruction s) |
void |
ScratchMap.markDirty(Instruction s,
Register symb)
Records that the real value of a symbolic register is cached in
a dirty scratch register at a given instruction that is a GC point.
private void |
GenericStackManager.markDirtyScratchRegisters(Instruction s)
Walk over the currently available scratch registers.
private GenericStackManager.ScratchRegister |
GenericStackManager.moveToScratchBefore(Instruction s,
Register symb,
boolean beCheap)
Assigns symbolic register symb to a physical register, and inserts code
before instruction s to load the register from the appropriate stack
abstract boolean |
GenericStackManager.needScratch(Register r,
Instruction s)
Given symbolic register r in instruction s, do we need to ensure that
r is in a scratch register is s (as opposed to a memory operand)
protected void |
GenericStackManager.reloadScratchRegisterBefore(Instruction s,
GenericStackManager.ScratchRegister scratch)
Restores the contents of a scratch register before instruction s if
abstract void |
GenericStackManager.replaceOperandWithSpillLocation(Instruction s,
RegisterOperand symb)
In instruction s, replace all appearances of a symbolic register
operand with uses of the appropriate spill location, as cached by the
register allocator.
private void |
GenericStackManager.replaceRegisterWithScratch(Instruction s,
Register r1,
Register r2)
Replaces all occurrences of register r1 in an instruction with register
private void |
GenericStackManager.restoreAllScratchRegistersBefore(Instruction s)
Walk over the currently available scratch registers, and spill their
contents to memory before instruction s.
abstract void |
GenericStackManager.restoreScratchRegistersBefore(Instruction s)
Walk over the currently available scratch registers.
void |
LiveIntervalElement.setBegin(Instruction begin) |
(package private) void |
RegisterAllocatorState.setDFN(Instruction inst,
int dfn)
Associates the passed dfn number with the instruction
private Register |
GenericStackManager.spillLocationUse(int loc,
Instruction s)
Assuming instruction s uses the spill location loc,
return the symbolic register that embodies that use.
private Register |
GenericStackManager.spillLocationUse(Register r,
Instruction s) |
protected void |
GenericStackManager.unloadScratchRegisterBefore(Instruction s,
GenericStackManager.ScratchRegister scratch)
Spills the contents of a scratch register to memory before
instruction s.
private boolean |
GenericStackManager.usesSpillLocation(int loc,
Instruction s) |
private boolean |
GenericStackManager.usesSpillLocation(Register r,
Instruction s) |
Constructor and Description |
LiveIntervalElement(Register reg,
Instruction begin,
Instruction end)
Use this constructur when the live interval is within a basic block
Constructor and Description |
Coalesce(Map<Instruction,Integer> instNumbers) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
private static void |
CallingConvention.callExpand(Instruction call,
IR ir)
Expands the calling convention for a particular call instruction.
private boolean |
StackManager.canModifyEFLAGS(Instruction s) |
private static int |
CallingConvention.countFPRParams(Instruction call) |
private static int |
CallingConvention.countFPRParamsInPrologue(Instruction p) |
private static void |
RewriteMemoryOperandsWithOversizedDisplacements.disp64MemOperandConversion(IR ir,
Instruction inst,
MemoryOperand mo) |
private static int |
CallingConvention.expandParametersToCall(Instruction call,
IR ir)
Explicitly copy parameters to a call into the appropriate physical
registers as defined by the calling convention.
private static int |
CallingConvention.expandParametersToSysCall(Instruction call,
IR ir)
Explicitly copy parameters to a system call into the appropriate physical
registers as defined by the calling convention.
private static void |
CallingConvention.expandResultOfCall(Instruction call,
boolean isSysCall,
IR ir)
Explicitly copy the result of a call instruction from the result
register to the appropriate symbolic register,
as defined by the calling convention.
static void |
CallingConvention.expandSysCall(Instruction s,
IR ir)
Calling convention to implement calls to native (C) routines
using the Linux linkage conventions.
(package private) void |
RegisterRestrictions.handle8BitRestrictions(Instruction s)
Ensure that if an operand has an 8 bit memory operand that
all of its register operands are in 8 bit registers.
(package private) boolean |
RegisterRestrictions.has8BitMemoryOperand(Instruction s) |
private void |
StackManager.insertBigFrameStackOverflowCheck(Instruction plg)
Insert an explicit stack overflow check in the prologue before
buying the stack frame.
private void |
StackManager.insertEpilogue(Instruction ret)
Insert the epilogue before a particular return instruction.
private static void |
MIRSplitRanges.insertMoveAfter(RegisterOperand r2,
RegisterOperand r1,
Instruction s)
Insert an instruction to move r1 into r2 after instruction s.
private static void |
MIRSplitRanges.insertMoveBefore(RegisterOperand r2,
RegisterOperand r1,
Instruction s)
Inserts an instruction to move r1 into r2 before instruction s.
private void |
StackManager.insertNormalStackOverflowCheck(Instruction plg)
Insert an explicit stack overflow check in the prologue after
buying the stack frame.
void |
StackManager.insertSpillBefore(Instruction s,
Register r,
byte type,
int location) |
void |
StackManager.insertUnspillBefore(Instruction s,
Register r,
byte type,
int location) |
boolean |
RegisterRestrictions.isForbidden(Register symb,
Register r,
Instruction s) |
private boolean |
StackManager.isScratchFreeMove(Instruction s) |
boolean |
StackManager.isSysCall(Instruction s) |
private void |
StackManager.moveESPBefore(Instruction s,
int desiredOffset)
Before instruction s, insert code to adjust ESP so that it lies at a
particular offset from its usual location.
static boolean |
RegisterRestrictions.mustBeInRegister(Register r,
Instruction s)
Given symbolic register r that appears in instruction s, does the
architecture demand that r be assigned to a physical register in s?
private boolean |
StackManager.mutateMoveToNop(Instruction s)
Attempt to rewrite a move instruction to a NOP.
boolean |
StackManager.needScratch(Register r,
Instruction s) |
void |
StackManager.replaceOperandWithSpillLocation(Instruction s,
RegisterOperand symb) |
private void |
StackManager.restoreFloatingPointState(Instruction inst)
Insert code into the epilogue to restore the floating point state.
private void |
StackManager.restoreNonVolatiles(Instruction inst)
Insert code before a return instruction to restore the nonvolatile
(package private) static void |
CallingConvention.restoreNonvolatilesAfterSysCall(Instruction call,
IR ir)
Restore all nonvolatile registers after a syscall.
void |
StackManager.restoreScratchRegistersBefore(Instruction s) |
private void |
StackManager.restoreVolatileRegisters(Instruction inst)
Insert code before a return instruction to restore the volatile
and volatile registers.
private static void |
CallingConvention.returnExpand(Instruction ret,
IR ir)
Expands the calling convention for a particular return instruction.
private void |
StackManager.rewriteMoveInstruction(Instruction s)
Rewrites a move instruction if it has 2 memory operands.
private void |
StackManager.saveFloatingPointState(Instruction inst)
Insert code into the prologue to save the floating point state.
private void |
StackManager.saveNonVolatiles(Instruction inst)
Insert code into the prologue to save any used non-volatile
static void |
CallingConvention.saveNonvolatilesAroundSysCall(Instruction call,
IR ir)
Save and restore all nonvolatile registers around a syscall.
(package private) static void |
CallingConvention.saveNonvolatilesBeforeSysCall(Instruction call,
IR ir)
Save all nonvolatile registers before a syscall.
private void |
StackManager.saveVolatiles(Instruction inst)
Insert code into the prologue to save all volatile
private static void |
MIRSplitRanges.splitAllLiveRanges(Instruction s,
HashMap<Register,Register> newMap,
IR ir,
boolean rootOnly)
Split the live ranges of all register operands of an instruction
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
private static void |
OptMachineCodeMap.ensureCorrectMapConstruction(MachineCodeOffsets mcOffsets,
Instruction instr)
Ensures correct map construction by either correcting oddities or failing
immediately in case of errors.
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
private Instruction[] |
LICM.earlyPos |
(package private) Instruction |
LeaveSSA.guardPhis |
private Instruction |
The label instruction for the basic block
(package private) Instruction |
The phi instruction which generated this copy instruction
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
private HashMap<Integer,Instruction> |
Available expressions.
private HashMap<Instruction,HeapOperand<Object>[]> |
A mapping from
Instruction to the set of heap
operands (an HeapOperand[] ) that this instruction
defines. |
private static ArrayList<Instruction> |
An empty vector, used for utility.
private HashSet<Instruction> |
The set of instructions which have been registered to potentially
exit the procedure
private Enumeration<Instruction> |
An enumeration of the explicit instructions in the IR for a basic
private HashSet<Instruction> |
LeaveSSA.globalRenameTable |
private HashMap<BasicBlock,ArrayList<Instruction>> |
A mapping from
BasicBlock to ArrayList
of Instruction . |
private Iterator<Instruction> |
An enumeration of the implicit instructions in the IR for a basic
private HashMap<Instruction,Instruction> |
LeaveSSA.inst2guardPhi |
private HashMap<Instruction,Instruction> |
LeaveSSA.inst2guardPhi |
private Map<Instruction,Integer> |
LICM.instructionNumbers |
private HashSet<Instruction> |
LICM.relocated |
private HashSet<Instruction> |
The set of scalar phi functions inserted
private HashMap<Instruction,HeapOperand<Object>[]> |
A mapping from
Instruction to the set of heap
operands (an HeapOperand[] ) that this instruction
uses. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
(package private) Instruction |
LICM.definingInstruction(Operand op) |
private Instruction |
LICM.dominanceSuccessor(Instruction a,
Instruction b)
return `a's successor on the path from `a' to `b' in the dominator
(package private) Instruction |
LICM.getEarlyPos(Instruction inst) |
static Instruction |
PiNodes.getGenerator(Instruction def) |
(package private) static Instruction |
SSA.makeMoveInstruction(IR ir,
Register r1,
ConstantOperand c)
Create a move instruction r1 := c.
(package private) static Instruction |
SSA.makeMoveInstruction(IR ir,
Register r1,
Register r2,
TypeReference t)
Create a move instruction r1 := r2.
private static Instruction |
SSADictionary.makePhiInstruction(HeapVariable<Object> H,
BasicBlock bb)
Create a phi-function instruction for a heap variable
private Instruction |
EnterSSA.makePhiInstruction(Register r,
BasicBlock bb)
Create a phi-function instruction
private Instruction |
LICM.maxDominatorDepth(Instruction a,
Instruction b)
Compares two instructions according to their depth in the dominator tree
and return the one with the greatest depth.
Instruction |
Get the next instruction in the enumeration
private Instruction |
LICM.scheduleEarly(Instruction inst)
Schedule this instruction as early as possible
(package private) Instruction |
LICM.scheduleHeapDefsEarly(HeapOperand<?>[] op,
Instruction earlyPos,
Instruction me)
Schedules an instruction as early as possible,
but behind the definitions of op[i] and behind earlyPos.
private Instruction |
LICM.scheduleScalarDefsEarly(Enumeration<Operand> e,
Instruction earlyPos,
Instruction inst)
Schedules an instruction as early as possible,
but behind the definitions in e and behind earlyPos
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Iterator<Instruction> |
SSADictionary.getHeapPhiInstructions(BasicBlock bb)
Return an enumeration of the control-phi functions for
Heap variables at the beginning of a basic block.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
private int |
LICM._checkLoop(Instruction inst,
HeapOperand<?> hop,
int xidx) |
(package private) static void |
SSA.addAtEnd(IR ir,
BasicBlock bb,
Instruction c,
boolean exp)
Add a move instruction at the end of a basic block, renaming
with a temporary register if needed to protect conditional branches
at the end of the block.
(package private) void |
SSADictionary.addExceptionStateToDefs(Instruction s,
BasicBlock b)
Register that an instruction defines the exception state.
(package private) void |
SSADictionary.addExceptionStateToUses(Instruction s)
Register that an instruction defines the exception state.
private void |
SSADictionary.aloadHelper(Instruction s,
BasicBlock b)
Record the effects of a aload instruction on the heap array
SSA form.
(package private) static void |
LoadElimination.appendMove(Register r,
Operand src,
Instruction store)
Append a move instruction after a store instruction that caches
value in register r.
private void |
SSADictionary.arraylengthHelper(Instruction s,
BasicBlock b)
Record the effects of an arraylength instruction on the heap array
SSA form.
private void |
SSADictionary.astoreHelper(Instruction s,
BasicBlock b)
Record the effects of an astore instruction on the heap array
SSA form.
private void |
SSADictionary.bbendHelper(Instruction s,
BasicBlock b)
Record the effects of a bbend instruction on the heap array
SSA form.
private int |
LICM.checkLoop(Instruction inst,
HeapOperand<Object> hop,
int xidx,
BasicBlock block) |
(package private) boolean |
SSADictionary.defsHeapVariable(Instruction s)
Does a particular instruction define any heap variable?
private Instruction |
LICM.dominanceSuccessor(Instruction a,
Instruction b)
return `a's successor on the path from `a' to `b' in the dominator
private BasicBlock |
LoopVersioning.generateExplicitBoundCheck(Instruction boundCheckInstr,
Operand minIndexValue,
Operand maxIndexValue,
HashMap<Register,Register> optimalRegMap,
BasicBlock block,
BasicBlock unoptimizedLoopEntry)
Generate bound check branch blocks
(package private) BasicBlock |
LICM.getBlock(Instruction inst) |
(package private) Instruction |
LICM.getEarlyPos(Instruction inst) |
private void |
SSADictionary.getFieldHelper(Instruction s,
BasicBlock b)
Record the effects of a getfield instruction on the heap array
SSA form.
static Instruction |
PiNodes.getGenerator(Instruction def) |
HeapOperand<Object>[] |
SSADictionary.getHeapDefs(Instruction s)
Return the heap operands defined by an instruction.
HeapOperand<Object>[] |
SSADictionary.getHeapUses(Instruction s)
Return the heap operands used by an instruction.
private BasicBlock |
RedundantBranchElimination.RBE.getNotTakenBlock(Instruction s) |
(package private) int |
SSADictionary.getNumberOfHeapDefs(Instruction s)
Return the number of heap operands defined by an instruction
(package private) BasicBlock |
LICM.getOrigBlock(Instruction inst) |
private RegisterOperand |
GlobalCSE.getResult(Instruction inst) |
(package private) Operand |
LICM.getResult(Instruction inst) |
(package private) int |
LICM.getState(Instruction inst)
In what state (initial, early, late, done) is this instruction
private void |
SSADictionary.getStaticHelper(Instruction s,
BasicBlock b)
Record the effects of a getstatic instruction on the heap array
SSA form.
private boolean |
LICM.inVariantLocation(Instruction inst,
BasicBlock block) |
static boolean |
PiNodes.isBoundsCheckPi(Instruction def) |
static boolean |
PiNodes.isNotTakenPi(Instruction def) |
static boolean |
PiNodes.isNullCheckPi(Instruction def) |
static boolean |
PiNodes.isTakenPi(Instruction def) |
private void |
SSADictionary.labelHelper(Instruction s,
BasicBlock b)
Record the effects of a label instruction on the heap array
SSA form.
private Instruction |
LICM.maxDominatorDepth(Instruction a,
Instruction b)
Compares two instructions according to their depth in the dominator tree
and return the one with the greatest depth.
private static TypeReference |
EnterSSA.meetPhiType(Instruction s,
Map<Instruction,EnterSSA.PhiTypeInformation> phiTypes)
Return the meet of the types on the rhs of a phi instruction
(package private) void |
LICM.move(Instruction inst,
BasicBlock to) |
private void |
SSADictionary.newArrayHelper(Instruction s,
BasicBlock b)
Update the heap array SSA form for an array allocation instruction
private void |
SSADictionary.newHelper(Instruction s,
BasicBlock b)
Update the heap array SSA form for an allocation instruction
private RegisterOperand |
LoopVersioning.nullCheckPerformedInLoopPredecessors(BasicBlock header,
Instruction instr)
Can we eliminate a null check as it has lready been performed?
private void |
SSADictionary.phiHelper(Instruction s,
BasicBlock b)
Record the effects of a phi instruction on the heap array
SSA form.
(package private) void |
IndexPropagationSystem.processALoad(Instruction s)
Update the set of dataflow equations to account for the actions
of ALoad instruction s
The load is of the form x = A[k].
private void |
ValueGraph.processALoad(Instruction s)
Update the value graph to account for a given ALOAD instruction.
(package private) void |
IndexPropagationSystem.processAStore(Instruction s)
Update the set of dataflow equations to account for the actions
of AStore instruction s
The store is of the form A[k] = val.
private void |
ValueGraph.processAStore(Instruction s)
Update the value graph to account for a given ASTORE instruction.
private void |
ValueGraph.processBinary(Instruction s)
Update the value graph to account for a given Binary instruction.
(package private) void |
IndexPropagationSystem.processCall(Instruction s)
Update the set of dataflow equations to account for the actions
of CALL instruction.
private void |
ValueGraph.processCall(Instruction s)
Update the value graph to account for a given Call instruction.
private void |
ValueGraph.processGuardedBinary(Instruction s)
Update the value graph to account for a given GuardedBinary instruction.
private void |
ValueGraph.processGuardedUnary(Instruction s)
Update the value graph to account for a given GuardedUnary instruction.
private void |
ValueGraph.processIfCmp(Instruction s)
Update the value graph to account for a given IfCmp instruction.
private void |
ValueGraph.processInlineGuard(Instruction s)
Update the value graph to account for a given InlineGuard instruction.
private void |
ValueGraph.processInstruction(Instruction s)
Update the value graph to account for a given instruction.
(package private) void |
IndexPropagationSystem.processLoad(Instruction s)
Update the set of dataflow equations to account for the actions
of a Load instruction
The load is of the form x = A[k].
private void |
ValueGraph.processMove(Instruction s)
Update the value graph to account for a given MOVE instruction.
(package private) void |
IndexPropagationSystem.processNew(Instruction s)
Update the set of dataflow equations to account for the actions
of allocation instruction s
private void |
ValueGraph.processNew(Instruction s)
Update the value graph to account for a given NEW instruction.
private void |
ValueGraph.processNewArray(Instruction s)
Update the value graph to account for a given NEWARRAY instruction.
private void |
ValueGraph.processNullCheck(Instruction s)
Update the value graph to account for a given NullCheck instruction.
(package private) void |
IndexPropagationSystem.processPhi(Instruction s)
Update the set of dataflow equations to account for the actions
of Phi instruction.
private void |
ValueGraph.processPhi(Instruction s)
Update the value graph to account for a given Phi instruction.
private void |
ValueGraph.processPi(Instruction s)
Update the value graph to account for a given PI instruction.
private void |
ValueGraph.processPrologue(Instruction s)
Update the value graph to account for an IR_PROLOGUE instruction
Prologue.conforms(s); |
private void |
ValueGraph.processPutField(Instruction s)
Update the value graph to account for a given PUTFIELD instruction.
private void |
ValueGraph.processPutStatic(Instruction s)
Update the value graph to account for a given PUTSTATIC instruction.
(package private) void |
IndexPropagationSystem.processStore(Instruction s)
Update the set of dataflow equations to account for the actions
of a Store instruction.
private void |
ValueGraph.processUnary(Instruction s)
Update the value graph to account for a given Unary instruction.
private void |
ValueGraph.processZeroCheck(Instruction s)
Update the value graph to account for a given NullCheck instruction.
private void |
SSADictionary.putFieldHelper(Instruction s,
BasicBlock b)
Record the effects of a putfield instruction on the heap array
SSA form.
private void |
SSADictionary.putStaticHelper(Instruction s,
BasicBlock b)
Record the effects of a putstatic instruction on the heap array
SSA form.
private void |
SSADictionary.registerDef(Instruction s,
BasicBlock b,
FieldReference fr)
Register that instruction
s writes a heap variable for
a given field. |
private void |
SSADictionary.registerDef(Instruction s,
BasicBlock b,
String a)
Register that the instruction
s writes a heap variable for
a given field. |
private void |
SSADictionary.registerDef(Instruction s,
BasicBlock b,
TypeReference t)
Register that an instruction writes a heap variable for a given
(package private) void |
SSADictionary.registerExit(Instruction s,
BasicBlock b)
Register that an instruction s can potentially leave the procedure.
(package private) void |
SSADictionary.registerInstruction(Instruction s,
BasicBlock b)
Record the heap variables that instruction s defines and uses.
(package private) void |
SSADictionary.registerUnknown(Instruction s,
BasicBlock b)
Register that an instruction s has unknown side effects.
private void |
SSADictionary.registerUse(Instruction s,
FieldReference fr)
Register that an instruction uses a heap variable for a given
private void |
SSADictionary.registerUse(Instruction s,
String a)
Register that an instruction uses a heap variable for a given
private void |
SSADictionary.registerUse(Instruction s,
TypeReference t)
Register that an instruction uses a heap variable of a given
private void |
RedundantBranchElimination.RBE.removeCondBranch(BasicBlock source,
Instruction cb,
IR ir,
Instruction di)
Remove cb from source, updating PHI nodes to maintain SSA form.
(package private) HeapOperand<Object>[] |
SSADictionary.replaceDefs(Instruction s,
BasicBlock b)
Replace all heap variables that an instruction defs with
new heap variables.
(package private) static void |
LoadElimination.replaceLoadWithMove(Register r,
Instruction load)
Replace a Load instruction s with a load from a scalar register r
TODO: factor this functionality out elsewhere
private boolean |
LICM.replaceUses(Instruction inst,
HeapOperand<?> replacement,
BasicBlockOperand replacementBlock,
boolean onlyPEIs) |
(package private) void |
SSADictionary.replaceUses(Instruction s,
HeapOperand<Object>[] H)
Register that an instruction now uses the set of heap operands
private Instruction |
LICM.scheduleEarly(Instruction inst)
Schedule this instruction as early as possible
(package private) Instruction |
LICM.scheduleHeapDefsEarly(HeapOperand<?>[] op,
Instruction earlyPos,
Instruction me)
Schedules an instruction as early as possible,
but behind the definitions of op[i] and behind earlyPos.
(package private) BasicBlock |
LICM.scheduleHeapUsesLate(Instruction inst,
BasicBlock lateBlock) |
(package private) BasicBlock |
LICM.scheduleLate(Instruction inst) |
private Instruction |
LICM.scheduleScalarDefsEarly(Enumeration<Operand> e,
Instruction earlyPos,
Instruction inst)
Schedules an instruction as early as possible,
but behind the definitions in e and behind earlyPos
private BasicBlock |
LICM.scheduleScalarUsesLate(Instruction inst,
BasicBlock lateBlock) |
(package private) void |
LICM.setBlock(Instruction inst,
BasicBlock b) |
(package private) void |
LICM.setEarlyPos(Instruction inst,
Instruction pos) |
(package private) void |
LICM.setOrigBlock(Instruction inst,
BasicBlock b) |
(package private) void |
LICM.setState(Instruction inst,
int s)
Set the state (initial, early, late, done) of the instruction
private boolean |
GlobalCSE.shouldCSE(Instruction inst) |
static boolean |
LICM.shouldMove(Instruction inst,
IR ir) |
private boolean |
LICM.simplify(Instruction inst,
BasicBlock block) |
private void |
RedundantBranchElimination.RBE.takeCondBranch(BasicBlock source,
Instruction cb,
IR ir)
Transforms a conditional branch into a GOTO, updating PHI nodes
to maintain SSA form.
(package private) BasicBlock |
LICM.upto(Instruction earlyPos,
BasicBlock lateBlock,
Instruction inst)
Visits the blocks between the late and the early position along
their path in the dominator tree.
(package private) BasicBlock |
LICM.useBlock(Instruction use,
Operand op) |
(package private) boolean |
SSADictionary.usesHeapVariable(Instruction s)
Does a particular instruction use any heap variable?
static boolean |
GCP.usesOrDefsPhysicalRegisterOrAddressType(Instruction inst) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
private void |
EnterSSA.copyHeapDefs(IR ir,
HashMap<Instruction,HeapOperand<?>[]> store)
Store a copy of the Heap variables each instruction defs.
private boolean |
LoopVersioning.createBranchBlocks(AnnotatedLSTNode loop,
BasicBlock block,
ArrayList<Instruction> checksToEliminate,
BasicBlock unoptimizedLoopEntry,
BasicBlock optimizedLoopEntry,
HashMap<Register,Register> optimalRegMap) |
private HashMap<BasicBlock,BasicBlock> |
LoopVersioning.createOptimizedLoop(AnnotatedLSTNode loop,
HashMap<Register,Register> regMap,
ArrayList<Instruction> instrToEliminate,
HashMap<Register,BasicBlock> regToBlockMap)
Create a clone of the loop replacing definitions in the cloned
loop with those found in the register map and eliminate
unnecessary bound checks
private void |
LoopVersioning.fixUpPhiPredecessors(ArrayList<Instruction> phiInstructions,
BasicBlock unoptimizedLoopExit,
BasicBlock optimizedLoopExit)
When phi nodes were generated the basic blocks weren't known for
the predecessors, fix this up now.
private BasicBlock |
LoopVersioning.generateNullCheckBranchBlocks(AnnotatedLSTNode loop,
ArrayList<Instruction> checksToEliminate,
HashMap<Register,Register> optimalRegMap,
BasicBlock block,
BasicBlock unoptimizedLoopEntry)
Generate null check branch blocks
private void |
LoopVersioning.generatePhiNodes(AnnotatedLSTNode loop,
ArrayList<Register> registers,
ArrayList<TypeReference> types,
ArrayList<Instruction> phiInstructions,
HashMap<Register,Register> subOptimalRegMap,
HashMap<Register,Register> optimalRegMap)
Generate into a new block phi nodes that define the original
register defined by the loop and use two newly created
private void |
LoopVersioning.getListOfChecksToEliminate(AnnotatedLSTNode loop,
ArrayList<Instruction> instrToEliminate)
Create a list of instructions to be eliminated
private void |
LoopVersioning.getRegistersDefinedInLoop(AnnotatedLSTNode loop,
ArrayList<Register> registers,
ArrayList<TypeReference> types,
ArrayList<Instruction> definingInstructions)
Get registers defined in the given loop.
private static TypeReference |
EnterSSA.meetPhiType(Instruction s,
Map<Instruction,EnterSSA.PhiTypeInformation> phiTypes)
Return the meet of the types on the rhs of a phi instruction
private void |
LoopVersioning.modifyOriginalLoop(AnnotatedLSTNode loop,
ArrayList<Instruction> phiInstructions,
ArrayList<Instruction> definingInstrInOriginalLoop,
HashMap<Register,Register> subOptimalRegMap,
HashMap<Register,Register> optimalRegMap) |
private void |
LoopVersioning.modifyOriginalLoop(AnnotatedLSTNode loop,
ArrayList<Instruction> phiInstructions,
ArrayList<Instruction> definingInstrInOriginalLoop,
HashMap<Register,Register> subOptimalRegMap,
HashMap<Register,Register> optimalRegMap) |
private void |
EnterSSA.removeAllUnreachablePhis(HashSet<Instruction> scalarPhis) |
private void |
EnterSSA.removeUnreachableOperands(HashSet<Instruction> scalarPhis) |
Constructor and Description |
Copy(Instruction phi,
int index)
Create a pending copy operation for an operand of a phi instruction
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
Instruction |
VariableMapElement.osr |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
VariableMap.insert(Instruction inst,
LinkedList<MethodVariables> mvarList)
Inserts a new entry into the GCIRMap
void |
VariableMap.insertFirst(Instruction inst,
LinkedList<MethodVariables> mvarList)
Inserts a new entry at the begin of the list.
Constructor and Description |
VariableMapElement(Instruction inst,
LinkedList<MethodVariables> methVars) |