002 *  This file is part of the Jikes RVM project (http://jikesrvm.org).
003 *
004 *  This file is licensed to You under the Eclipse Public License (EPL);
005 *  You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You
006 *  may obtain a copy of the License at
007 *
008 *      http://www.opensource.org/licenses/eclipse-1.0.php
009 *
010 *  See the COPYRIGHT.txt file distributed with this work for information
011 *  regarding copyright ownership.
012 */
013package org.mmtk.policy;
015import static org.mmtk.utility.Constants.*;
017import org.mmtk.plan.Plan;
018import org.mmtk.plan.TransitiveClosure;
019import org.mmtk.utility.heap.Map;
020import org.mmtk.utility.heap.Mmapper;
021import org.mmtk.utility.heap.PageResource;
022import org.mmtk.utility.heap.SpaceDescriptor;
023import org.mmtk.utility.heap.VMRequest;
024import org.mmtk.utility.options.Options;
025import org.mmtk.utility.Log;
027import org.mmtk.vm.VM;
029import org.vmmagic.pragma.*;
030import org.vmmagic.unboxed.*;
033 * This class defines and manages spaces.  Each policy is an instance
034 * of a space.  A space is a region of virtual memory (contiguous or
035 * discontigous) which is subject to the same memory management
036 * regime.  Multiple spaces (instances of this class or its
037 * descendants) may have the same policy (eg there could be numerous
038 * instances of CopySpace, each with different roles). Spaces are
039 * defined in terms of a unique region of virtual memory, so no two
040 * space instances ever share any virtual memory.<p>
041 *
042 * In addition to tracking virtual memory use and the mapping to
043 * policy, spaces also manage memory consumption (<i>used</i> virtual
044 * memory).
045 *
046 */
048public abstract class Space {
050  /****************************************************************************
051   *
052   * Class variables
053   */
055  /**
056   *
057   */
058  private static boolean DEBUG = false;
060  // the following is somewhat arbitrary for the 64 bit system at this stage
061  public static final int LOG_ADDRESS_SPACE = (BYTES_IN_ADDRESS == 4) ? 32 : 40;
062  public static final int LOG_BYTES_IN_CHUNK = 22;
063  public static final int BYTES_IN_CHUNK = 1 << LOG_BYTES_IN_CHUNK;
064  public static final int PAGES_IN_CHUNK = 1 << (LOG_BYTES_IN_CHUNK - LOG_BYTES_IN_PAGE);
065  private static final int LOG_MAX_CHUNKS = LOG_ADDRESS_SPACE - LOG_BYTES_IN_CHUNK;
066  public static final int MAX_CHUNKS = 1 << LOG_MAX_CHUNKS;
067  public static final int MAX_SPACES = 20; // quite arbitrary
069  public static final Address HEAP_START = chunkAlign(VM.HEAP_START, true);
070  public static final Address AVAILABLE_START = chunkAlign(VM.AVAILABLE_START, false);
071  public static final Address AVAILABLE_END = chunkAlign(VM.AVAILABLE_END, true);
072  public static final Extent AVAILABLE_BYTES = AVAILABLE_END.toWord().minus(AVAILABLE_START.toWord()).toExtent();
073  public static final int AVAILABLE_PAGES = AVAILABLE_BYTES.toWord().rshl(LOG_BYTES_IN_PAGE).toInt();
074  public static final Address HEAP_END = chunkAlign(VM.HEAP_END, false);
076  private static final boolean FORCE_SLOW_MAP_LOOKUP = false;
078  private static final int PAGES = 0;
079  private static final int MB = 1;
080  private static final int PAGES_MB = 2;
081  private static final int MB_PAGES = 3;
083  private static int spaceCount = 0;
084  private static Space[] spaces = new Space[MAX_SPACES];
085  private static Address heapCursor = HEAP_START;
086  private static Address heapLimit = HEAP_END;
088  /****************************************************************************
089   *
090   * Instance variables
091   */
093  /**
094   *
095   */
096  private final String name;
097  private final int nameLength;
098  protected final int descriptor;
099  private final int index;
100  private final VMRequest vmRequest;
102  protected final boolean immortal;
103  protected final boolean movable;
104  protected final boolean contiguous;
105  protected final boolean zeroed;
107  protected PageResource pr;
108  protected final Address start;
109  protected final Extent extent;
110  protected Address headDiscontiguousRegion;
112  /****************************************************************************
113   *
114   * Initialization
115   */
117  {
118    if (VM.VERIFY_ASSERTIONS) VM.assertions._assert(PAGES_IN_CHUNK > 1);
119  }
121  /**
122   * This is the base constructor for <i>all</i> spaces.<p>
123   *
124   * @param name The name of this space (used when printing error messages etc)
125   * @param movable Are objects in this space movable?
126   * @param immortal Are objects in this space immortal (uncollected)?
127   * @param zeroed if it is {@code true}, allocated memory is zeroed.
128   * @param vmRequest An object describing the virtual memory requested.
129   */
130  protected Space(String name, boolean movable, boolean immortal, boolean zeroed, VMRequest vmRequest) {
131    this.name = name;
132    this.nameLength = name.length();  // necessary to avoid calling length() in uninterruptible code
133    this.movable = movable;
134    this.immortal = immortal;
135    this.zeroed = zeroed;
136    this.vmRequest = vmRequest;
137    this.index = spaceCount++;
138    spaces[index] = this;
140    if (vmRequest.type == VMRequest.REQUEST_DISCONTIGUOUS) {
141      this.contiguous = false;
142      this.descriptor = SpaceDescriptor.createDescriptor();
143      this.start = Address.zero();
144      this.extent = Extent.zero();
145      this.headDiscontiguousRegion = Address.zero();
146      VM.memory.setHeapRange(index, HEAP_START, HEAP_END); // this should really be refined!  Once we have a code space, we can be a lot more specific about what is a valid code heap area
147      return;
148    }
150    Address start;
151    Extent extent;
153    if (vmRequest.type == VMRequest.REQUEST_FRACTION) {
154      extent = getFracAvailable(vmRequest.frac);
155    } else {
156      extent = vmRequest.extent;
157    }
159    if (extent.NE(chunkAlign(extent, false))) {
160      VM.assertions.fail(name + " requested non-aligned extent: " + extent.toLong() + " bytes");
161    }
163    if (vmRequest.type == VMRequest.REQUEST_FIXED) {
164      start = vmRequest.start;
165      if (start.NE(chunkAlign(start, false))) {
166        VM.assertions.fail(name + " starting on non-aligned boundary: " + start.toLong() + " bytes");
167      }
168    } else if (vmRequest.top) {
169      if (Map.isFinalized()) VM.assertions.fail("heap is narrowed after regionMap is finalized: " + name);
170      heapLimit = heapLimit.minus(extent);
171      start = heapLimit;
172    } else {
173      start = heapCursor;
174      heapCursor = heapCursor.plus(extent);
175    }
177    if (heapCursor.GT(heapLimit)) {
178      Log.write("Out of virtual address space allocating \"");
179      Log.write(name); Log.write("\" at ");
180      Log.write(heapCursor.minus(extent)); Log.write(" (");
181      Log.write(heapCursor); Log.write(" > ");
182      Log.write(heapLimit); Log.writeln(")");
183      VM.assertions.fail("exiting");
184    }
186    this.contiguous = true;
187    this.start = start;
188    this.extent = extent;
189    this.descriptor = SpaceDescriptor.createDescriptor(start, start.plus(extent));
191    VM.memory.setHeapRange(index, start, start.plus(extent));
192    Map.insert(start, extent, descriptor, this);
194    if (DEBUG) {
195      Log.write(name); Log.write(" ");
196      Log.write(start); Log.write(" ");
197      Log.write(start.plus(extent)); Log.write(" ");
198      Log.writeln(extent.toWord());
199    }
200  }
202  /****************************************************************************
203   *
204   * Accessor methods
205   */
207  /** @return The start of the discontiguous space */
208  public static Address getDiscontigStart() {
209    return heapCursor;
210  }
212  /** @return The end of the discontiguous space */
213  public static Address getDiscontigEnd() {
214    return heapLimit.minus(1);
215  }
217  /** @return The name of this space */
218  public final String getName() {
219    return name;
220  }
222  /** @return The start address of this space */
223  public final Address getStart() {
224    return start;
225  }
227  /** @return The size (extent) of this space */
228  public final Extent getExtent() {
229    return extent;
230  }
232  /** @return The integer descriptor for this space */
233  public final int getDescriptor() {
234    return descriptor;
235  }
237  /** @return The index (ordinal number) of this space */
238  public final int getIndex() {
239    return index;
240  }
242  /** @return {@code true} if this space is never collected */
243  public final boolean isImmortal() {
244    return immortal;
245  }
247  /** @return {@code true} if objects in this space may move */
248  public boolean isMovable() {
249    return movable;
250  }
252  /** @return The number of reserved pages */
253  public final int reservedPages() {
254    return pr.reservedPages();
255  }
257  /** @return The number of committed pages */
258  public final int committedPages() {
259    return pr.committedPages();
260  }
262  /** @return The number of pages available for allocation */
263  public final int availablePhysicalPages() {
264    return pr.getAvailablePhysicalPages();
265  }
267  /** @return Cumulative committed pages. */
268  public static long cumulativeCommittedPages() {
269    return PageResource.cumulativeCommittedPages();
270  }
272  /****************************************************************************
273   *
274   * Object and address tests / accessors
275   */
277  /**
278   * Return {@code true} if the given object is in an immortal (uncollected) space.
279   *
280   * @param object The object in question
281   * @return {@code true} if the given object is in an immortal (uncollected) space.
282   */
283  public static boolean isImmortal(ObjectReference object) {
284    Space space = getSpaceForObject(object);
285    if (space == null)
286      return true;
287    else
288      return space.isImmortal();
289  }
291  /**
292   * Return {@code true} if the given object is in space that moves objects.
293   *
294   * @param object The object in question
295   * @return {@code true} if the given object is in space that moves objects.
296   */
297  @Inline
298  public static boolean isMovable(ObjectReference object) {
299    Space space = getSpaceForObject(object);
300    if (space == null)
301      return true;
302    else
303      return space.isMovable();
304  }
306  /**
307   * Return {@code true} if the given object is in a space managed by MMTk.
308   *
309   * @param object The object in question
310   * @return {@code true} if the given object is in a space managed by MMTk.
311   */
312  @Inline
313  public static boolean isMappedObject(ObjectReference object) {
314    return !object.isNull() && (getSpaceForObject(object) != null) && Mmapper.objectIsMapped(object);
315  }
317  /**
318   * Return {@code true} if the given address is in a space managed by MMTk.
319   *
320   * @param address The address in question
321   * @return {@code true} if the given address is in a space managed by MMTk.
322   */
323  @Inline
324  public static boolean isMappedAddress(Address address) {
325    return Map.getSpaceForAddress(address) != null && Mmapper.addressIsMapped(address);
326  }
328  /**
329   * Return {@code true} if the given object is the space associated with the
330   * given descriptor.
331   *
332   * @param descriptor The descriptor for a space
333   * @param object The object in question
334   * @return {@code true} if the given object is in the space associated with
335   * the descriptor.
336   */
337  @Inline
338  public static boolean isInSpace(int descriptor, ObjectReference object) {
339    if (VM.VERIFY_ASSERTIONS) VM.assertions._assert(!object.isNull());
340    return isInSpace(descriptor, VM.objectModel.refToAddress(object));
341  }
343  /**
344   * Return {@code true} if the given address is the space associated with the
345   * given descriptor.
346   *
347   * @param descriptor The descriptor for a space
348   * @param address The address in question.
349   * @return {@code true} if the given address is in the space associated with
350   * the descriptor.
351   */
352  @Inline
353  public static boolean isInSpace(int descriptor, Address address) {
354    if (VM.VERIFY_ASSERTIONS) VM.assertions._assert(!address.isZero());
355    if (FORCE_SLOW_MAP_LOOKUP || !SpaceDescriptor.isContiguous(descriptor)) {
356      return Map.getDescriptorForAddress(address) == descriptor;
357    } else {
358      Address start = SpaceDescriptor.getStart(descriptor);
359      if (!VM.VERIFY_ASSERTIONS &&
360          SpaceDescriptor.isContiguousHi(descriptor))
361        return address.GE(start);
362      else {
363        Extent size = Word.fromIntSignExtend(SpaceDescriptor.getChunks(descriptor)).lsh(LOG_BYTES_IN_CHUNK).toExtent();
364        Address end = start.plus(size);
365        return address.GE(start) && address.LT(end);
366      }
367    }
368  }
370  /**
371   * Return the space for a given object
372   *
373   * @param object The object in question
374   * @return The space containing the object
375   */
376  @Inline
377  public static Space getSpaceForObject(ObjectReference object) {
378    if (VM.VERIFY_ASSERTIONS) VM.assertions._assert(!object.isNull());
379    return Map.getSpaceForAddress(VM.objectModel.refToAddress(object));
380  }
382  /**
383   * Return the space for a given address, not necessarily the
384   * start address of an object.
385   *
386   * @param addr The address in question
387   * @return The space containing the address
388   */
389  public static Space getSpaceForAddress(Address addr) {
390    if (VM.VERIFY_ASSERTIONS) VM.assertions._assert(!addr.isZero());
391    return Map.getSpaceForAddress(addr);
392  }
394  /****************************************************************************
395   *
396   * Page management
397   */
399  /**
400   * Updates the zeroing approach for this space.
401   *
402   * @param useNT whether to use non-temporal instructions for zeroing
403   * @param concurrent whether zeroing will be done concurrently
404   */
405  @Interruptible
406  public void setZeroingApproach(boolean useNT, boolean concurrent) {
407    pr.updateZeroingApproach(useNT, concurrent);
408  }
410  /**
411   * Skip concurrent zeroing (fall back to bulk zeroing).
412   */
413  public void skipConcurrentZeroing() {
414    pr.skipConcurrentZeroing();
415  }
417  /**
418   * Trigger concurrent zeroing.
419   */
420  public void triggerConcurrentZeroing() {
421    pr.triggerConcurrentZeroing();
422  }
424  /**
425   * Acquire a number of pages from the page resource, returning
426   * either the address of the first page, or zero on failure.<p>
427   *
428   * This may trigger a GC if necessary.<p>
429   *
430   * First the page budget is checked to see whether polling the GC is
431   * necessary.  If so, the GC is polled.  If a GC is required then the
432   * request fails and zero is returned.<p>
433   *
434   * If the check of the page budget does not lead to GC being
435   * triggered, then a request is made for specific pages in virtual
436   * memory.  If the page manager cannot satisify this request, then
437   * the request fails, a GC is forced, and zero is returned.
438   * Otherwise the address of the first page is returned.<p>
439   *
440   * @param pages The number of pages requested
441   * @return The start of the first page if successful, zero on
442   * failure.
443   */
444  @LogicallyUninterruptible
445  public final Address acquire(int pages) {
446    boolean allowPoll = VM.activePlan.isMutator() && Plan.isInitialized();
448    /* Check page budget */
449    int pagesReserved = pr.reservePages(pages);
451    /* Poll, either fixing budget or requiring GC */
452    if (allowPoll && VM.activePlan.global().poll(false, this)) {
453      pr.clearRequest(pagesReserved);
454      VM.collection.blockForGC();
455      return Address.zero(); // GC required, return failure
456    }
458    /* Page budget is ok, try to acquire virtual memory */
459    Address rtn = pr.getNewPages(pagesReserved, pages, zeroed);
460    if (rtn.isZero()) {
461      /* Failed, so force a GC */
462      if (!allowPoll) VM.assertions.fail("Physical allocation failed when polling not allowed!");
463      boolean gcPerformed = VM.activePlan.global().poll(true, this);
464      if (VM.VERIFY_ASSERTIONS) VM.assertions._assert(gcPerformed, "GC not performed when forced.");
465      pr.clearRequest(pagesReserved);
466      VM.collection.blockForGC();
467      return Address.zero();
468    }
470    return rtn;
471  }
473  /**
474   * Extend the virtual memory associated with a particular discontiguous
475   * space.  This simply involves requesting a suitable number of chunks
476   * from the pool of chunks available to discontiguous spaces.
477   *
478   * @param chunks The number of chunks by which the space needs to be extended
479   * @return The address of the new discontiguous space.
480   */
481  public Address growDiscontiguousSpace(int chunks) {
482    Address newHead = Map.allocateContiguousChunks(descriptor, this, chunks, headDiscontiguousRegion);
483    if (newHead.isZero()) {
484      return Address.zero();
485    }
486    return headDiscontiguousRegion = newHead;
487  }
489  /**
490   * Return the number of chunks required to satisfy a request for a certain number of pages
491   *
492   * @param pages The number of pages desired
493   * @return The number of chunks needed to satisfy the request
494   */
495  public static int requiredChunks(int pages) {
496    Extent extent = chunkAlign(Extent.fromIntZeroExtend(pages << LOG_BYTES_IN_PAGE), false);
497    return extent.toWord().rshl(LOG_BYTES_IN_CHUNK).toInt();
498  }
500  /**
501   * This hook is called by page resources each time a space grows.  The space may
502   * tap into the hook to monitor heap growth.  The call is made from within the
503   * page resources' critical region, immediately before yielding the lock.
504   *
505   * @param start The start of the newly allocated space
506   * @param bytes The size of the newly allocated space
507   * @param newChunk {@code true} if the new space encroached upon or started a new chunk or chunks.
508   */
509  public void growSpace(Address start, Extent bytes, boolean newChunk) {}
511  /**
512   * Release one or more contiguous chunks associated with a discontiguous
513   * space.
514   *
515   * @param chunk The address of the start of the contiguous chunk or chunks
516   * @return The number of chunks freed
517   */
518  public int releaseDiscontiguousChunks(Address chunk) {
519    if (VM.VERIFY_ASSERTIONS) VM.assertions._assert(chunk.EQ(chunkAlign(chunk, true)));
520    if (chunk.EQ(headDiscontiguousRegion)) {
521      headDiscontiguousRegion = Map.getNextContiguousRegion(chunk);
522    }
523    return Map.freeContiguousChunks(chunk);
524  }
526  /**
527   * @return The address of the head of the discontiguous chunk map.
528   */
529  public Address getHeadDiscontiguousRegion() {
530    return headDiscontiguousRegion;
531  }
533  public void releaseAllChunks() {
534    Map.freeAllChunks(headDiscontiguousRegion);
535    headDiscontiguousRegion = Address.zero();
536  }
538  /**
539   * Release a unit of allocation (a page or pages)
540   *
541   * @param start The address of the start of the region to be released
542   */
543  public abstract void release(Address start);
545  /**
546   * Get the total number of pages reserved by all of the spaces
547   *
548   * @return the total number of pages reserved by all of the spaces
549   */
550  private static int getPagesReserved() {
551    int pages = 0;
552    for (int i = 0; i < spaceCount; i++) {
553      pages += spaces[i].reservedPages();
554    }
555    return pages;
556  }
558  /****************************************************************************
559   *
560   * Debugging / printing
561   */
563  /**
564   * Print out the memory used by all spaces, in megabytes
565   */
566  public static void printUsageMB() {
567    printUsage(MB);
568  }
570  /**
571   * Print out the memory used by all spaces, in megabytes
572   */
573  public static void printUsagePages() {
574    printUsage(PAGES);
575  }
577  /**
578   * Print out a map of virtual memory useage by all spaces
579   */
580  public static void printVMMap() {
581    Log.writeln("Key: (I)mmortal (N)onmoving (D)iscontiguous (E)xtent (F)raction");
582    Log.write("     HEAP_START "); Log.writeln(HEAP_START);
583    Log.write("AVAILABLE_START "); Log.writeln(AVAILABLE_START);
584    for (int i = 0; i < spaceCount; i++) {
585      Space space = spaces[i];
587      for (int s = 0; s < 11 - space.nameLength; s++)
588        Log.write(" ");
589      Log.write(space.name); Log.write(" ");
590      Log.write(space.immortal ? "I" : " ");
591      Log.write(space.movable ? " " : "N");
593      if (space.contiguous) {
594        Log.write("  ");
595        Log.write(space.start); Log.write("->");
596        Log.write(space.start.plus(space.extent.minus(1)));
597        if (space.vmRequest.type == VMRequest.REQUEST_EXTENT) {
598          Log.write(" E "); Log.write(space.vmRequest.extent);
599        } else if (space.vmRequest.type == VMRequest.REQUEST_FRACTION) {
600          Log.write(" F "); Log.write(space.vmRequest.frac);
601        }
602        Log.writeln();
603      } else {
604        Log.write("D [");
605        for (Address a = space.headDiscontiguousRegion; !a.isZero(); a = Map.getNextContiguousRegion(a)) {
606          Log.write(a); Log.write("->");
607          Log.write(a.plus(Map.getContiguousRegionSize(a).minus(1)));
608          if (!Map.getNextContiguousRegion(a).isZero())
609            Log.write(", ");
610        }
611        Log.writeln("]");
612      }
613    }
614    Log.write("  AVAILABLE_END "); Log.writeln(AVAILABLE_END);
615    Log.write("       HEAP_END "); Log.writeln(HEAP_END);
616  }
618  /**
619   * Interface to use to implement the Visitor Pattern for Spaces.
620   */
621  public interface SpaceVisitor {
622    void visit(Space s);
623  }
625  /**
626   * Implement the Visitor Pattern for Spaces.
627   * @param v The visitor to perform on each Space instance
628   */
629  @Interruptible
630  public static void visitSpaces(SpaceVisitor v) {
631    for (int i = 0; i < spaceCount; i++) {
632      v.visit(spaces[i]);
633    }
634  }
637  /**
638   * Ensure that all MMTk spaces (all spaces aside from the VM space)
639   * are mapped. Demand zero map all of them if they are not already
640   * mapped.
641   */
642  @Interruptible
643  public static void eagerlyMmapMMTkSpaces() {
644    eagerlyMmapMMTkContiguousSpaces();
645    eagerlyMmapMMTkDiscontiguousSpaces();
646  }
649  /**
650   * Ensure that all contiguous MMTk spaces are mapped. Demand zero map
651   * all of them if they are not already mapped.
652   */
653  @Interruptible
654  public static void eagerlyMmapMMTkContiguousSpaces() {
655    for (int i = 0; i < spaceCount; i++) {
656      Space space = spaces[i];
657      if (space != VM.memory.getVMSpace()) {
658        if (Options.verbose.getValue() > 2) {
659          Log.write("Mapping ");
660          Log.write(space.name);
661          Log.write(" ");
662          Log.write(space.start);
663          Log.write("->");
664          Log.writeln(space.start.plus(space.extent.minus(1)));
665        }
666        Mmapper.ensureMapped(space.start, space.extent.toInt() >> LOG_BYTES_IN_PAGE);
667      }
668    }
669  }
671  /**
672   * Ensure that all discontiguous MMTk spaces are mapped. Demand zero map
673   * all of them if they are not already mapped.
674   */
675  @Interruptible
676  public static void eagerlyMmapMMTkDiscontiguousSpaces() {
677    Address regionStart = Space.getDiscontigStart();
678    Address regionEnd = Space.getDiscontigEnd();
679    int pages = regionEnd.diff(regionStart).toInt() >> LOG_BYTES_IN_PAGE;
680    if (Options.verbose.getValue() > 2) {
681      Log.write("Mapping discontiguous spaces ");
682      Log.write(regionStart);
683      Log.write("->");
684      Log.writeln(regionEnd.minus(1));
685    }
686    Mmapper.ensureMapped(getDiscontigStart(), pages);
687  }
689  /**
690   * Print out the memory used by all spaces in either megabytes or
691   * pages.
692   *
693   * @param mode An enumeration type that specifies the format for the
694   * prining (PAGES, MB, PAGES_MB, or MB_PAGES).
695   */
696  private static void printUsage(int mode) {
697    Log.write("used = ");
698    printPages(getPagesReserved(), mode);
699    boolean first = true;
700    for (int i = 0; i < spaceCount; i++) {
701      Space space = spaces[i];
702      Log.write(first ? " = " : " + ");
703      first = false;
704      Log.write(space.name); Log.write(" ");
705      printPages(space.reservedPages(), mode);
706    }
707    Log.writeln();
708  }
710  /**
711   * Print out the number of pages and or megabytes, depending on the mode.
712   *
713   * @param pages The number of pages
714   * @param mode An enumeration type that specifies the format for the
715   * printing (PAGES, MB, PAGES_MB, or MB_PAGES).
716   */
717  private static void printPages(int pages, int mode) {
718    double mb = (double) (pages << LOG_BYTES_IN_PAGE) / (double) (1 << 20);
719    switch (mode) {
720    case PAGES: Log.write(pages); Log.write(" pgs"); break;
721    case MB:    Log.write(mb); Log.write(" Mb"); break;
722    case PAGES_MB: Log.write(pages); Log.write(" pgs ("); Log.write(mb); Log.write(" Mb)"); break;
723    case MB_PAGES: Log.write(mb); Log.write(" Mb ("); Log.write(pages); Log.write(" pgs)"); break;
724      default: VM.assertions.fail("writePages passed illegal printing mode");
725    }
726  }
728  /****************************************************************************
729   *
730   * Miscellaneous
731   */
733  /**
734   * Trace an object as part of a collection and return the object,
735   * which may have been forwarded (if a copying collector).
736   *
737   * @param trace The trace being conducted.
738   * @param object The object to trace
739   * @return The object, forwarded, if appropriate
740   */
741  public abstract ObjectReference traceObject(TransitiveClosure trace, ObjectReference object);
744  /**
745   * Has the object in this space been reached during the current collection.
746   * This is used for GC Tracing.
747   *
748   * @param object The object reference.
749   * @return {@code true} if the object is reachable.
750   */
751  public boolean isReachable(ObjectReference object) {
752    return isLive(object);
753  }
756  /**
757   * Is the object in this space alive?
758   *
759   * @param object The object reference.
760   * @return {@code true} if the object is live.
761   */
762  public abstract boolean isLive(ObjectReference object);
764  /**
765   * Align an address to a space chunk
766   *
767   * @param addr The address to be aligned
768   * @param down If {@code true} the address will be rounded down, otherwise
769   * it will rounded up.
770   * @return The chunk-aligned address
771   */
772  public static Address chunkAlign(Address addr, boolean down) {
773    if (!down) addr = addr.plus(BYTES_IN_CHUNK - 1);
774    return addr.toWord().rshl(LOG_BYTES_IN_CHUNK).lsh(LOG_BYTES_IN_CHUNK).toAddress();
775  }
777  /**
778   * Align an extent to a space chunk
779   *
780   * @param bytes The extent to be aligned
781   * @param down If {@code true} the extent will be rounded down, otherwise
782   * it will rounded up.
783   * @return The chunk-aligned extent
784   */
785  public static Extent chunkAlign(Extent bytes, boolean down) {
786    if (!down) bytes = bytes.plus(BYTES_IN_CHUNK - 1);
787    return bytes.toWord().rshl(LOG_BYTES_IN_CHUNK).lsh(LOG_BYTES_IN_CHUNK).toExtent();
788  }
790  /**
791   * Convert a fraction into a number of bytes according to the
792   * fraction of available bytes.
793   *
794   * @param frac The fraction of available virtual memory desired
795   * @return The corresponding number of bytes, chunk-aligned.
796   */
797  public static Extent getFracAvailable(float frac) {
798    long bytes = (long) (frac * AVAILABLE_BYTES.toLong());
799    Word mb = Word.fromIntSignExtend((int) (bytes >> LOG_BYTES_IN_MBYTE));
800    Extent rtn = mb.lsh(LOG_BYTES_IN_MBYTE).toExtent();
801    return chunkAlign(rtn, false);
802  }
804  /** @return the actual number of spaces in the space array */
805  public static int getSpaceCount() {
806    return spaceCount;
807  }
809  /**
810   * @return the spaces array. Note that the array is partially empty:
811   * use {@link #getSpaceCount()} to determine the maximum index that
812   * is still filled.
813   */
814  public static Space[] getSpaces() {
815    return spaces;
816  }