002 *  This file is part of the Jikes RVM project (http://jikesrvm.org).
003 *
004 *  This file is licensed to You under the Eclipse Public License (EPL);
005 *  You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You
006 *  may obtain a copy of the License at
007 *
008 *      http://www.opensource.org/licenses/eclipse-1.0.php
009 *
010 *  See the COPYRIGHT.txt file distributed with this work for information
011 *  regarding copyright ownership.
012 */
013package org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.runtimesupport;
015import static org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.driver.OptConstants.INSTRUMENTATION_BCI;
016import static org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.driver.OptConstants.UNKNOWN_BCI;
017import static org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.Operators.IR_PROLOGUE_opcode;
019import java.util.ArrayList;
021import org.jikesrvm.VM;
022import org.jikesrvm.adaptive.database.callgraph.CallSite;
023import org.jikesrvm.architecture.ArchConstants;
024import org.jikesrvm.classloader.MemberReference;
025import org.jikesrvm.classloader.NormalMethod;
026import org.jikesrvm.classloader.RVMArray;
027import org.jikesrvm.classloader.RVMMethod;
028import org.jikesrvm.classloader.TypeReference;
029import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.OptimizingCompilerException;
030import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.inlining.CallSiteTree;
031import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.GCIRMap;
032import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.GCIRMapElement;
033import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.IR;
034import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.Instruction;
035import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.operand.MethodOperand;
036import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.mir2mc.MachineCodeOffsets;
037import org.vmmagic.pragma.Inline;
038import org.vmmagic.pragma.Uninterruptible;
039import org.vmmagic.unboxed.Offset;
042 * A class that encapsulates mapping information about generated machine code.
043 * Since there will be an instance of this class with every OptCompiledMethod,
044 * we attempt to pack the data into a reasonably small number of bits.
045 *
046 * <p> The supported functions are:
047 * <ul>
048 *  <li> (1) Map from a machine code offset to a GC map (register &amp; stack map).
049 *  <li> (2) Map from machinecode offset to &lt;method, bcIndex&gt; pair.
050 *        Used for:
051 *                  <ul>
052 *                  <li> dynamic linking
053 *                  <li> lazy compilation
054 *                  <li> adaptive system profiling
055 *                  </ul>
056 *  <li> (3) Map from a machine code offset to a tree of &lt;method, bcIndex&gt; pairs
057 *      that encodes the inlining sequence.
058 *        Used for:
059 *                  <ul>
060 *                  <li> IPA
061 *                  <li> stack inspection (print stack trace,
062 *                                         security manager, etc).
063 *                  <li> general debugging support.
064 *                  <li> adaptive system profiling
065 *                  </ul>
066 *</ul>
067 *<p>
068 *  Note: This file contains two types of methods
069 *  <ul>
070 *       <li>1) methods called during compilation to create the maps
071 *       <li>2) methods called at GC time (no allocation allowed!)
072 *  </ul>
073 */
074public final class OptMachineCodeMap {
076  private OptMachineCodeMap(int[] _MCInformation, int[] _gcMaps, int[] _inlineEncoding) {
077    MCInformation = _MCInformation;
078    gcMaps = _gcMaps;
079    inlineEncoding = _inlineEncoding;
080  }
082  /**
083   * Creates the map, called during compilation
084   * @param ir   the ir object for this method
085   * @param machineCodeSize the number of machine code instructions generated.
086   * @return the created map
087   */
088  static OptMachineCodeMap create(IR ir, int machineCodeSize) {
089    /** Dump maps as methods are compiled */
090    final boolean DUMP_MAPS =
091      ir.options.PRINT_GC_MAPS &&
092         (!ir.options.hasMETHOD_TO_PRINT() ||
093          (ir.options.hasMETHOD_TO_PRINT() && ir.options.fuzzyMatchMETHOD_TO_PRINT(ir.method.toString()))
094          );
095    /** Dump stats on map size as maps are compiled */
096    final boolean DUMP_MAP_SIZES = false;
097    if (DUMP_MAPS) {
098      VM.sysWrite("Creating final machine code map for " + ir.method + "\n");
099    }
101    // create all machine code maps
102    MachineCodeOffsets mcOffsets = ir.MIRInfo.mcOffsets;
103    final OptMachineCodeMap map = generateMCInformation(ir.MIRInfo.gcIRMap, DUMP_MAPS, mcOffsets);
105    if (DUMP_MAP_SIZES) {
106      map.recordStats(ir.method,
107                      map.size(),
108                      machineCodeSize << ArchConstants.getLogInstructionWidth(), DUMP_MAP_SIZES);
109    }
111    if (DUMP_MAPS) {
112      VM.sysWrite("Final Machine code information:\n");
113      map.dumpMCInformation(DUMP_MAPS);
114      for (Instruction i = ir.firstInstructionInCodeOrder(); i != null; i = i.nextInstructionInCodeOrder()) {
115        VM.sysWriteln(mcOffsets.getMachineCodeOffset(i) + "\t" + i);
116      }
117    }
118    return map;
119  }
121  /**
122   * Get the bytecode index for a machine instruction offset.
123   *
124   * @param MCOffset the machine code offset of interest
125   * @return -1 if unknown.
126   */
127  @Uninterruptible
128  public int getBytecodeIndexForMCOffset(Offset MCOffset) {
129    int entry = findMCEntry(MCOffset);
130    if (entry == -1) {
131      return -1;
132    }
133    return getBytecodeIndex(entry);
134  }
136  /**
137   * Get the RVMMethod for a machine instruction offset.
138   * This method is the source method that the instruction came from.
139   *
140   * @param MCOffset the machine code offset of interest
141   * @return {@code null} if unknown
142   */
143  @Uninterruptible
144  public NormalMethod getMethodForMCOffset(Offset MCOffset) {
145    int entry = findMCEntry(MCOffset);
146    if (entry == -1) {
147      return null;
148    }
149    int iei = getInlineEncodingIndex(entry);
150    if (iei == -1) {
151      return null;
152    }
153    int mid = OptEncodedCallSiteTree.getMethodID(iei, inlineEncoding);
154    return (NormalMethod) MemberReference.getMethodRef(mid).getResolvedMember();
155  }
157  /**
158   * Return the inlining encoding index for the machine instruction offset.
159   *
160   * @param MCOffset the machine code offset of interest
161   * @return -1 if unknown.
162   */
163  @Uninterruptible
164  public int getInlineEncodingForMCOffset(Offset MCOffset) {
165    int entry = findMCEntry(MCOffset);
166    if (entry == -1) {
167      return -1;
168    }
169    return getInlineEncodingIndex(entry);
170  }
172  /**
173   *  This method searches for the GC map corresponding to the
174   *  passed machine code offset.
175   *  If no map is present, an error has occurred and OptGCMap.ERROR
176   *  is returned.
177   *
178   *  @param MCOffset the machine code offset to look for
179   *  @return the GC map index or OptGCMap.ERROR
180   */
181  @Uninterruptible
182  public int findGCMapIndex(Offset MCOffset) {
183    int entry = findMCEntry(MCOffset);
184    if (entry == -1) return OptGCMap.ERROR;
185    return getGCMapIndex(entry);
186  }
188  /**
189   * @return an arraylist of CallSite objects representing all non-inlined
190   *         callsites in the method. Returns null if there are no such callsites.
191   */
192  public ArrayList<CallSite> getNonInlinedCallSites() {
193    ArrayList<CallSite> ans = null;
194    if (MCInformation == null) return ans;
195    for (int entry = 0; entry < MCInformation.length;) {
196      int callInfo = getCallInfo(entry);
197      if (callInfo == IS_UNGUARDED_CALL) {
198        int bcIndex = getBytecodeIndex(entry);
199        if (bcIndex != -1) {
200          int iei = getInlineEncodingIndex(entry);
201          if (iei != -1) {
202            int mid = OptEncodedCallSiteTree.getMethodID(iei, inlineEncoding);
203            RVMMethod caller = MemberReference.getMemberRef(mid).asMethodReference().peekResolvedMethod();
204            if (caller != null) {
205              if (ans == null) ans = new ArrayList<CallSite>();
206              ans.add(new CallSite(caller, bcIndex));
207            }
208          }
209        }
210      }
211      entry = nextEntry(entry);
212    }
213    return ans;
214  }
216  /**
217   * This method searches the machine code maps and determines if
218   * the given call edge is definitely inlined into the method.
219   * NOTE: This current implementation may return false even if the
220   * edge actually was inlined.  This happens when no GC point occurs within
221   * the inlined body.  This is less than ideal; we need to fix this at some point.
222   * @param caller caller RVMMethod
223   * @param bcIndex bytecode index of the caller method
224   * @param callee callee RVMMethod
225   * @return {@code true} if the call edge is <em>definitely</em> inlined in this compiled method.
226   */
227  public boolean hasInlinedEdge(RVMMethod caller, int bcIndex, RVMMethod callee) {
228    if (MCInformation == null) return false;
229    if (inlineEncoding == null) return false;
230    return OptEncodedCallSiteTree.edgePresent(caller.getId(), bcIndex, callee.getId(), inlineEncoding);
231  }
233  @Uninterruptible
234  public int gcMapInformation(int index) {
235    return OptGCMap.gcMapInformation(index, gcMaps);
236  }
238  @Uninterruptible
239  public boolean registerIsSet(int entry, int registerNumber) {
240    return OptGCMap.registerIsSet(entry, registerNumber, gcMaps);
241  }
243  /**
244   * @param currentIndex index for current location
245   * @return the next (relative) location or -1 for no more locations
246   */
247  @Uninterruptible
248  public int nextLocation(int currentIndex) {
249    return OptGCMap.nextLocation(currentIndex, gcMaps);
250  }
252  ///////////////////////////////////////
253  // Implementation
254  ///////////////////////////////////////
256  /**
257   * Does a binary search of the machine code maps to find the index
258   * in MCInformation where the entry for the argument machine code
259   * offset starts. Will return -1 if the entry doesn't exist.
260   *
261   * @param MCOffset the machine code offset of interest
262   * @return -1 if no entry exists, the index of the matching entry otherwise
263   */
264  @Uninterruptible
265  private int findMCEntry(Offset MCOffset) {
266    // Given a machine code instruction MCOffset, find the corresponding entry
267    if (MCInformation == null) return -1;
268    if (MCInformation.length == 0) return -1;
270    int left = 0;
271    int right = MCInformation.length - 1;
272    while (left <= right) {
273      int middle = (left + right) >> 1;         // take the average
274      while ((MCInformation[middle] & START_OF_ENTRY) != START_OF_ENTRY) {
275        // if necessary, step backwards to beginning of entry.
276        middle--;
277      }
278      Offset offset = Offset.fromIntSignExtend(getMCOffset(middle));
279      if (MCOffset.EQ(offset)) {
280        return middle;
281      } else if (MCOffset.sGT(offset)) {
282        // middle is too small, shift interval to the right
283        left = middle + 1;
284        if (left >= MCInformation.length) return -1;
285        while ((MCInformation[left] & START_OF_ENTRY) != START_OF_ENTRY) {
286          // if necessary, step forward to find next entry, but not passed end
287          // Need to do this to avoid finding middle again
288          left++;
289          if (left >= MCInformation.length) {
290            return -1;
291          }
292        }
293      } else {
294        // middle is too small, shift interval to the left
295        right = middle - 1;
296        // Note no need to adjust as, we won't chance finding middle again
297      }
298    }
299    return -1;
300  }
302  private int nextEntry(int entry) {
303    if (isBigEntry(entry)) return entry + SIZEOF_BIG_ENTRY;
304    if (isHugeEntry(entry)) return entry + SIZEOF_HUGE_ENTRY;
305    return entry + SIZEOF_ENTRY;
306  }
308  ////////////////////////////////////////////
309  // Create the map (at compile time)
310  ////////////////////////////////////////////
312  /**
313   *  This method walks the IR map, and for each entry it creates
314   *  the machine code mapping information for the entry.
315   *  It is called during the compilation of the method, not at GC time.
316   *  @param irMap  the irmap to translate from
317   *  @param DUMP_MAPS dump while we work
318   *  @param mcOffsets machine code offset information
319   *  @return the machine code map
320   */
321  private static OptMachineCodeMap generateMCInformation(GCIRMap irMap, boolean DUMP_MAPS, MachineCodeOffsets mcOffsets) {
322    CallSiteTree inliningMap = new CallSiteTree();
323    int numEntries = 0;
325    // (1) Count how many entries we are going to have and
326    //     construct and encode the inlining information for those entries.
327    for (GCIRMapElement irMapElem : irMap) {
328      numEntries++;
329      Instruction instr = irMapElem.getInstruction();
330      if (instr.position == null && instr.bcIndex != INSTRUMENTATION_BCI) {
331        if ((VM.BuildForIA32 &&
332            org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.ia32.MIR_Call.conforms(instr) &&
333            org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.ia32.MIR_Call.hasMethod(instr)) ||
334            (VM.BuildForPowerPC &&
335             org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.ppc.MIR_Call.conforms(instr) &&
336             org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.ppc.MIR_Call.hasMethod(instr))) {
337          throw new OptimizingCompilerException("position required for all call instructions " + instr);
338        }
339      } else {
340        inliningMap.addLocation(instr.position);
341      }
342    }
344    if (numEntries == 0) return emptyMachineCodeMap; // if no entries, then we are done.
346    int[] inlineEncoding = OptEncodedCallSiteTree.getEncoding(inliningMap);
348    // (2) Encode the primary machine code mapping information and the GCMaps.
349    OptGCMap gcMapBuilder = new OptGCMap();
350    int[] tmpMC = new int[numEntries * SIZEOF_HUGE_ENTRY];
351    int lastMCInfoEntry = 0;
352    for (GCIRMapElement irMapElem : irMap) {
353      Instruction instr = irMapElem.getInstruction();
354      if (DUMP_MAPS) VM.sysWrite("IR Map for " + instr + "\n\t" + irMapElem);
356      // retrieve the machine code offset (in bytes) from the instruction,
357      ensureCorrectMapConstruction(mcOffsets, instr);
358      int mco = mcOffsets.getMachineCodeOffset(instr);
360      if (mco < 0) {
361        VM.sysWrite("Negative machine code MCOffset found:" + mco);
362        Instruction i = irMapElem.getInstruction();
363        int machineCodeOffsetForI = mcOffsets.getMachineCodeOffset(i);
364        VM.sysWrite(i.bcIndex + ", " + i + ", " + machineCodeOffsetForI + "\n");
365        throw new OptimizingCompilerException("Negative machine code MCOffset found");
366      }
367      // create GC map and get GCI
368      int gci = gcMapBuilder.generateGCMapEntry(irMapElem);
369      // get bci information
370      int bci = instr.getBytecodeIndex();
371      if (bci < 0) {
372        if ((bci == UNKNOWN_BCI) &&
373            ((VM.BuildForIA32 &&
374              org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.ia32.MIR_Call.conforms(instr) &&
375              org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.ia32.MIR_Call.hasMethod(instr)) ||
376             (VM.BuildForPowerPC &&
377              org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.ppc.MIR_Call.conforms(instr) &&
378              org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.ppc.MIR_Call.hasMethod(instr)))) {
379          throw new OptimizingCompilerException("valid bytecode index required for all calls " + instr);
380        }
381        bci = -1;
382      }
383      // get index into inline encoding
384      int iei = -1;
385      if (instr.position != null) {
386        iei = inliningMap.find(instr.position).encodedOffset;
387      }
388      // set the call info
389      int cm = 0;
390      if ((VM.BuildForIA32 && org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.ia32.MIR_Call.conforms(instr)) ||
391          (VM.BuildForPowerPC && org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.ppc.MIR_Call.conforms(instr))) {
392        MethodOperand mo;
393        if (VM.BuildForIA32) {
394          mo = org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.ia32.MIR_Call.getMethod(instr);
395        } else {
396          if (VM.VerifyAssertions) VM._assert(VM.BuildForPowerPC);
397          mo = org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.ppc.MIR_Call.getMethod(instr);
398        }
399        if (mo != null && mo.isGuardedInlineOffBranch()) {
400          cm = IS_GUARDED_CALL;
401        } else {
402          cm = IS_UNGUARDED_CALL;
403        }
404      }
406      // Encode this entry into MCInformation
407      if (bci < INVALID_BCI && iei < INVALID_IEI && gci < INVALID_GCI && mco < (OFFSET_MASK >>> OFFSET_SHIFT)) {
408        // use a small entry
409        if (bci == -1) bci = INVALID_BCI;
410        if (iei == -1) iei = INVALID_IEI;
411        if (gci == -1) gci = INVALID_GCI;
412        if (VM.VerifyAssertions) {
413          VM._assert((cm & (CALL_MASK >>> CALL_SHIFT)) == cm);
414          VM._assert((bci & (BCI_MASK >>> BCI_SHIFT)) == bci);
415          VM._assert((iei & (IEI_MASK >>> IEI_SHIFT)) == iei);
416          VM._assert((gci & (GCI_MASK >>> GCI_SHIFT)) == gci);
417          VM._assert((mco & (OFFSET_MASK >>> OFFSET_SHIFT)) == mco);
418        }
419        int t = START_OF_ENTRY;
420        t |= (cm << CALL_SHIFT);
421        t |= (bci << BCI_SHIFT);
422        t |= (iei << IEI_SHIFT);
423        t |= (gci << GCI_SHIFT);
424        t |= (mco << OFFSET_SHIFT);
425        tmpMC[lastMCInfoEntry++] = t;
426      } else if (bci < BIG_INVALID_BCI &&
427                 iei < BIG_INVALID_IEI &&
428                 gci < BIG_INVALID_GCI &&
429                 mco < (BIG_OFFSET_MASK >>> BIG_OFFSET_SHIFT)) {
430        // use a big entry
431        if (bci == -1) bci = BIG_INVALID_BCI;
432        if (iei == -1) iei = BIG_INVALID_IEI;
433        if (gci == -1) gci = BIG_INVALID_GCI;
434        if (VM.VerifyAssertions) {
435          VM._assert((cm & (BIG_CALL_MASK >>> BIG_CALL_SHIFT)) == cm);
436          VM._assert((bci & (BIG_BCI_MASK >>> BIG_BCI_SHIFT)) == bci);
437          VM._assert((iei & (BIG_IEI_MASK >>> BIG_IEI_SHIFT)) == iei);
438          VM._assert((gci & (BIG_GCI_MASK >>> BIG_GCI_SHIFT)) == gci);
439          VM._assert((mco & (BIG_OFFSET_MASK >>> BIG_OFFSET_SHIFT)) == mco);
440        }
441        int startIdx = lastMCInfoEntry;
442        tmpMC[startIdx] = START_OF_BIG_ENTRY;
443        tmpMC[startIdx + BIG_CALL_IDX_ADJ] |= (cm << BIG_CALL_SHIFT);
444        tmpMC[startIdx + BIG_BCI_IDX_ADJ] |= (bci << BIG_BCI_SHIFT);
445        tmpMC[startIdx + BIG_OFFSET_IDX_ADJ] |= (mco << BIG_OFFSET_SHIFT);
446        tmpMC[startIdx + BIG_GCI_IDX_ADJ] |= (gci << BIG_GCI_SHIFT);
447        tmpMC[startIdx + BIG_IEI_IDX_ADJ] |= (iei << BIG_IEI_SHIFT);
448        lastMCInfoEntry += SIZEOF_BIG_ENTRY;
449      } else {
450        // use a huge entry
451        if (bci == -1) bci = HUGE_INVALID_BCI;
452        if (iei == -1) iei = HUGE_INVALID_IEI;
453        if (gci == -1) gci = HUGE_INVALID_GCI;
454        if (VM.VerifyAssertions) {
455          VM._assert((cm & (HUGE_CALL_MASK >>> HUGE_CALL_SHIFT)) == cm);
456          VM._assert((bci & (HUGE_BCI_MASK >>> HUGE_BCI_SHIFT)) == bci);
457          VM._assert((iei & (HUGE_IEI_MASK >>> HUGE_IEI_SHIFT)) == iei);
458          VM._assert((gci & (HUGE_GCI_MASK >>> HUGE_GCI_SHIFT)) == gci);
459          VM._assert((mco & (HUGE_OFFSET_MASK >>> HUGE_OFFSET_SHIFT)) == mco);
460        }
461        int startIdx = lastMCInfoEntry;
462        tmpMC[startIdx] = START_OF_HUGE_ENTRY;
463        tmpMC[startIdx + HUGE_CALL_IDX_ADJ] |= (cm << HUGE_CALL_SHIFT);
464        tmpMC[startIdx + HUGE_BCI_IDX_ADJ] |= (bci << HUGE_BCI_SHIFT);
465        tmpMC[startIdx + HUGE_OFFSET_IDX_ADJ] |= (mco << HUGE_OFFSET_SHIFT);
466        tmpMC[startIdx + HUGE_GCI_IDX_ADJ] |= (gci << HUGE_GCI_SHIFT);
467        tmpMC[startIdx + HUGE_IEI_IDX_ADJ] |= (iei << HUGE_IEI_SHIFT);
468        lastMCInfoEntry += SIZEOF_HUGE_ENTRY;
469      }
470    }
471    int[] mcInformation = new int[lastMCInfoEntry];
472    System.arraycopy(tmpMC, 0, mcInformation, 0, mcInformation.length);
473    int[] gcMaps = gcMapBuilder.finish();
475    return new OptMachineCodeMap(mcInformation, gcMaps, inlineEncoding);
476  }
478  /**
479   * Ensures correct map construction by either correcting oddities or failing
480   * immediately in case of errors.
481   *
482   * @param mcOffsets machine code offset information
483   * @param instr the instruction to be processed
484   */
485  private static void ensureCorrectMapConstruction(
486      MachineCodeOffsets mcOffsets, Instruction instr) {
487    if (mcOffsets.lacksMachineCodeOffset(instr)) {
488      // In non-interruptible code, we may encounter an IR_PROLOGUE instruction
489      // without a machine code offset. This can happen in the following way:
490      // - GC maps are built. The prologue instruction is present at this stage.
491      // - After register allocation (and after all GC Maps have been updated),
492      //   the prologue and epilogue will be created. Because the method is
493      //   not interruptible, no stack overflow check will be inserted and the
494      //   prologue instruction will be removed.
495      // - Machine code offsets are set by the Assembler. The instruction does not
496      //   get an offset because it is no longer present in the IR.
497      // - The machine code maps are created from the GC maps via this class
498      //   which runs into the instruction with the machine code offset.
499      // This is merely an oddity and not a problem because runtime services
500      // will not query the machine code maps for non-interruptible code.
501      // Therefore, it is justified to add a special case for this.
502      if (instr.getOpcode() == IR_PROLOGUE_opcode) {
503        mcOffsets.fabricateMachineCodeOffsetForPrologueInstruction(instr);
504      } else {
505        // Unknown case, most likely an error.
506        throw new OptimizingCompilerException("Found instruction without valid machine code offset during " +
507            "generation of machine code information: " + instr);
508      }
509    }
510  }
512  ////////////////////////////////////////////
513  //  Accessors
514  //  NB: The accessors take an entry number, which is defined to
515  //      be the index of word I of the MCInformation entry
516  ////////////////////////////////////////////
517  /**
518   * Returns the MCOffset for the entry passed
519   * @param  entry the index of the start of the entry
520   * @return the MCOffset for this entry
521   */
522  @Uninterruptible
523  private int getMCOffset(int entry) {
524    if (isBigEntry(entry)) {
525      int t = MCInformation[entry + BIG_OFFSET_IDX_ADJ];
526      return (t & BIG_OFFSET_MASK) >>> BIG_OFFSET_SHIFT;
527    } else if (isHugeEntry(entry)) {
528      int t = MCInformation[entry + HUGE_OFFSET_IDX_ADJ];
529      return (t & HUGE_OFFSET_MASK) >>> HUGE_OFFSET_SHIFT;
530    } else {
531      int t = MCInformation[entry];
532      return (t & OFFSET_MASK) >>> OFFSET_SHIFT;
533    }
534  }
536  /**
537   * Returns the GC map index for the entry passed
538   * @param   entry the index of the start of the entry
539   * @return the GC map entry index for this entry (or -1 if none)
540   */
541  @Uninterruptible
542  private int getGCMapIndex(int entry) {
543    if (isBigEntry(entry)) {
544      int t = MCInformation[entry + BIG_GCI_IDX_ADJ];
545      int gci = (t & BIG_GCI_MASK) >>> BIG_GCI_SHIFT;
546      if (gci == BIG_INVALID_GCI) return -1;
547      return gci;
548    } else if (isHugeEntry(entry)) {
549      int t = MCInformation[entry + HUGE_GCI_IDX_ADJ];
550      int gci = (t & HUGE_GCI_MASK) >>> HUGE_GCI_SHIFT;
551      if (gci == HUGE_INVALID_GCI) return -1;
552      return gci;
553    } else {
554      int t = MCInformation[entry];
555      int gci = (t & GCI_MASK) >>> GCI_SHIFT;
556      if (gci == INVALID_GCI) return -1;
557      return gci;
558    }
559  }
561  /**
562   * Returns the Bytecode index for the entry passed
563   * @param entry the index of the start of the entry
564   * @return the bytecode index for this entry (-1 if unknown)
565   */
566  @Uninterruptible
567  private int getBytecodeIndex(int entry) {
568    if (isBigEntry(entry)) {
569      int t = MCInformation[entry + BIG_BCI_IDX_ADJ];
570      int bci = (t & BIG_BCI_MASK) >>> BIG_BCI_SHIFT;
571      if (bci == BIG_INVALID_BCI) return -1;
572      return bci;
573    } else if (isHugeEntry(entry)) {
574      int t = MCInformation[entry + HUGE_BCI_IDX_ADJ];
575      int bci = (t & HUGE_BCI_MASK) >>> HUGE_BCI_SHIFT;
576      if (bci == HUGE_INVALID_BCI) return -1;
577      return bci;
578    } else {
579      int t = MCInformation[entry];
580      int bci = (t & BCI_MASK) >>> BCI_SHIFT;
581      if (bci == INVALID_BCI) return -1;
582      return bci;
583    }
584  }
586  /**
587   * Returns the inline encoding index for the entry passed.
588   * @param entry the index of the start of the entry
589   * @return the inline encoding index for this entry (-1 if unknown)
590   */
591  @Uninterruptible
592  private int getInlineEncodingIndex(int entry) {
593    if (isBigEntry(entry)) {
594      int t = MCInformation[entry + BIG_IEI_IDX_ADJ];
595      int iei = (t & BIG_IEI_MASK) >>> BIG_IEI_SHIFT;
596      if (iei == BIG_INVALID_IEI) return -1;
597      return iei;
598    } else if (isHugeEntry(entry)) {
599      int t = MCInformation[entry + HUGE_IEI_IDX_ADJ];
600      int iei = (t & HUGE_IEI_MASK) >>> HUGE_IEI_SHIFT;
601      if (iei == HUGE_INVALID_IEI) return -1;
602      return iei;
603    } else {
604      int t = MCInformation[entry];
605      int iei = (t & IEI_MASK) >>> IEI_SHIFT;
606      if (iei == INVALID_IEI) return -1;
607      return iei;
608    }
609  }
611  /**
612   * Returns the call info for the entry passed.
613   * @param entry the index of the start of the entry
614   * @return the call info for this entry
615   */
616  @Uninterruptible
617  private int getCallInfo(int entry) {
618    if (isBigEntry(entry)) {
619      int t = MCInformation[entry + BIG_CALL_IDX_ADJ];
620      return (t & BIG_CALL_MASK) >>> BIG_CALL_SHIFT;
621    } else if (isHugeEntry(entry)) {
622      int t = MCInformation[entry + HUGE_CALL_IDX_ADJ];
623      return (t & HUGE_CALL_MASK) >>> HUGE_CALL_SHIFT;
624    } else {
625      int t = MCInformation[entry];
626      return (t & CALL_MASK) >>> CALL_SHIFT;
627    }
628  }
630  /**
631   * @param entry the entry's index
632   * @return whether the the entry is a big entry
633   */
634  @Uninterruptible
635  @Inline
636  private boolean isBigEntry(int entry) {
637    if (VM.VerifyAssertions) {
638      VM._assert((MCInformation[entry] & START_OF_ENTRY) == START_OF_ENTRY);
639    }
640    return (MCInformation[entry] & START_BITS) == START_OF_BIG_ENTRY;
641  }
643  /**
644   * @param entry the entry's index
645   * @return whether the the entry is a huge entry
646   */
647  @Uninterruptible
648  @Inline
649  private boolean isHugeEntry(int entry) {
650    if (VM.VerifyAssertions) {
651      VM._assert((MCInformation[entry] & START_OF_ENTRY) == START_OF_ENTRY);
652    }
653    return (MCInformation[entry] & START_BITS) == START_OF_HUGE_ENTRY;
654  }
656  ////////////////////////////////////////////
657  //  Debugging
658  ////////////////////////////////////////////
660  public void dumpMCInformation(boolean DUMP_MAPS) {
661    if (DUMP_MAPS) {
662      VM.sysWrite("  Dumping the MCInformation\n");
663      if (MCInformation == null) return;
664      for (int idx = 0; idx < MCInformation.length;) {
665        printMCInformationEntry(idx, DUMP_MAPS);
666        idx = nextEntry(idx);
667      }
668    }
669  }
671  private void printMCInformationEntry(int entry, boolean DUMP_MAPS) {
672    if (DUMP_MAPS) {
673      String sep = "\tMC: ";
674      if (isBigEntry(entry)) sep = "B\tMC: ";
675      if (isHugeEntry(entry)) sep = "H\tMC: ";
676      VM.sysWrite(entry + sep + getMCOffset(entry));
677      int bci = getBytecodeIndex(entry);
678      if (bci != -1) {
679        VM.sysWrite("\n\tBCI: " + bci);
680      }
681      int iei = getInlineEncodingIndex(entry);
682      if (iei != -1) {
683        VM.sysWrite("\n\tIEI: " + iei);
684      }
685      boolean first = true;
686      while (iei >= 0) {
687        int mid = OptEncodedCallSiteTree.getMethodID(iei, inlineEncoding);
688        RVMMethod meth = MemberReference.getMethodRef(mid).getResolvedMember();
689        if (first) {
690          first = false;
691          VM.sysWrite("\n\tIn method    " + meth + " at bytecode " + bci);
692        } else {
693          VM.sysWrite("\n\tInlined into " + meth + " at bytecode " + bci);
694        }
695        if (iei > 0) {
696          bci = OptEncodedCallSiteTree.getByteCodeOffset(iei, inlineEncoding);
697        }
698        iei = OptEncodedCallSiteTree.getParent(iei, inlineEncoding);
699      }
700      if (getGCMapIndex(entry) != OptGCMap.NO_MAP_ENTRY) {
701        VM.sysWrite("\n\tGC Map Idx: " + getGCMapIndex(entry) + " ");
702        OptGCMap.dumpMap(getGCMapIndex(entry), gcMaps);
703      } else {
704        VM.sysWrite("\n\tno GC map");
705      }
706      VM.sysWrite("\n");
707    }
708  }
710  private void recordStats(RVMMethod method, int mapSize, int machineCodeSize, boolean DUMP_MAP_SIZES) {
711    if (DUMP_MAP_SIZES) {
712      double mapMCPercent = (double) mapSize / machineCodeSize;
713      VM.sysWrite(method);
714      VM.sysWrite(" map is " + (int) (mapMCPercent * 100) + "% (" + mapSize + "/" + machineCodeSize + ") of MC.\n");
715      totalMCSize += machineCodeSize;
716      totalMapSize += mapSize;
717      double MCPct = (double) totalMapSize / totalMCSize;
718      VM.sysWrite("  Cumulative maps are now " +
719                  (int) (MCPct * 100) +
720                  "% (" +
721                  totalMapSize +
722                  "/" +
723                  totalMCSize +
724                  ") of MC.\n");
725    }
726  }
728  /**
729   * @return total bytes of machine code maps
730   */
731  int size() {
732    int size = TYPE.peekType().asClass().getInstanceSize();
733    if (MCInformation != null) size += RVMArray.IntArray.getInstanceSize(MCInformation.length);
734    if (inlineEncoding != null) size += RVMArray.IntArray.getInstanceSize(inlineEncoding.length);
735    if (gcMaps != null) size += RVMArray.IntArray.getInstanceSize(gcMaps.length);
736    return size;
737  }
739  ////////////////////////////////////////////
740  //
741  //  Encoding constants and backing data.
742  //
743  ////////////////////////////////////////////
744  // An entry contains the following data:
745  //   o: a machine code offset (in bytes)
746  //   g: an index into the GC maps array
747  //   b: bytecode index of the instruction
748  //   i: index into the inline encoding.
749  //   c: bits to encode one of three possibilites
750  //      (a) the instruction is not a call
751  //      (b) the instruction is a "normal" call
752  //      (c) the instruction is a call in the off-branch
753  //          of a guarded inline.
754  //   U indicates an unused bit; its value is undefined.
755  //
756  // We support three entry formats as defined below
757  //
758  private static final int START_OF_ENTRY = 0x80000000;
759  private static final int START_OF_BIG_ENTRY = 0xc0000000;
760  private static final int START_OF_HUGE_ENTRY = 0xe0000000;
761  private static final int START_BITS = 0xe0000000;
763  // A small entry is 1 int used as follows:
764  // 10cc bbbb bbii iiii iggg ggoo oooo oooo
765  private static final int CALL_MASK = 0x30000000;
766  private static final int CALL_SHIFT = 28;
767  private static final int BCI_MASK = 0x0fc00000;
768  private static final int BCI_SHIFT = 22;
769  private static final int IEI_MASK = 0x003f8000;
770  private static final int IEI_SHIFT = 15;
771  private static final int GCI_MASK = 0x00007c00;
772  private static final int GCI_SHIFT = 10;
773  private static final int OFFSET_MASK = 0x000003ff;
774  private static final int OFFSET_SHIFT = 0;
775  private static final int INVALID_GCI = (GCI_MASK >>> GCI_SHIFT);
776  private static final int INVALID_BCI = (BCI_MASK >>> BCI_SHIFT);
777  private static final int INVALID_IEI = (IEI_MASK >>> IEI_SHIFT);
778  private static final int SIZEOF_ENTRY = 1;
780  // A big entry is 2 ints used as follows:
781  // 110c cbbb bbbb bbbb biii iiii iiii iiii
782  // 0ggg gggg gggg ggoo oooo oooo oooo oooo
783  private static final int BIG_CALL_MASK = 0x18000000;
784  private static final int BIG_CALL_SHIFT = 27;
785  private static final int BIG_CALL_IDX_ADJ = 0;
786  private static final int BIG_BCI_MASK = 0x07ff8000;
787  private static final int BIG_BCI_SHIFT = 15;
788  private static final int BIG_BCI_IDX_ADJ = 0;
789  private static final int BIG_IEI_MASK = 0x00007fff;
790  private static final int BIG_IEI_SHIFT = 0;
791  private static final int BIG_IEI_IDX_ADJ = 0;
792  private static final int BIG_GCI_MASK = 0x7ffc0000;
793  private static final int BIG_GCI_SHIFT = 18;
794  private static final int BIG_GCI_IDX_ADJ = 1;
795  private static final int BIG_OFFSET_MASK = 0x0003ffff;
796  private static final int BIG_OFFSET_SHIFT = 0;
797  private static final int BIG_OFFSET_IDX_ADJ = 1;
798  private static final int BIG_INVALID_GCI = (BIG_GCI_MASK >>> BIG_GCI_SHIFT);
799  private static final int BIG_INVALID_BCI = (BIG_BCI_MASK >>> BIG_BCI_SHIFT);
800  private static final int BIG_INVALID_IEI = (BIG_IEI_MASK >>> BIG_IEI_SHIFT);
801  private static final int SIZEOF_BIG_ENTRY = 2;
803  // A huge entry is 4 ints used as follows:
804  // 111c cUUU UUUU UUUU bbbb bbbb bbbb bbbb
805  // 0iii iiii iiii iiii iiii iiii iiii iiii
806  // 0ggg gggg gggg gggg gggg gggg gggg gggg
807  // 0ooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo
808  private static final int HUGE_CALL_MASK = 0x18000000;
809  private static final int HUGE_CALL_SHIFT = 27;
810  private static final int HUGE_CALL_IDX_ADJ = 0;
811  private static final int HUGE_BCI_MASK = 0x0000ffff;
812  private static final int HUGE_BCI_SHIFT = 0;
813  private static final int HUGE_BCI_IDX_ADJ = 0;
814  private static final int HUGE_IEI_MASK = 0x7fffffff;
815  private static final int HUGE_IEI_SHIFT = 0;
816  private static final int HUGE_IEI_IDX_ADJ = 1;
817  private static final int HUGE_GCI_MASK = 0x7fffffff;
818  private static final int HUGE_GCI_SHIFT = 0;
819  private static final int HUGE_GCI_IDX_ADJ = 2;
820  private static final int HUGE_OFFSET_MASK = 0x7fffffff;
821  private static final int HUGE_OFFSET_SHIFT = 0;
822  private static final int HUGE_OFFSET_IDX_ADJ = 3;
823  private static final int HUGE_INVALID_GCI = (HUGE_GCI_MASK >>> HUGE_GCI_SHIFT);
824  private static final int HUGE_INVALID_BCI = (HUGE_BCI_MASK >>> HUGE_BCI_SHIFT);
825  private static final int HUGE_INVALID_IEI = (HUGE_IEI_MASK >>> HUGE_IEI_SHIFT);
826  private static final int SIZEOF_HUGE_ENTRY = 4;
828  // bit patterns for cc portion of machine code map */
829  private static final int IS_UNGUARDED_CALL = 0x1;
830  private static final int IS_GUARDED_CALL = 0x3;
832  /**
833   * Hold entries as defined by the constants above.
834   */
835  private final int[] MCInformation;
836  /**
837   * array of GC maps as defined by OptGCMap
838   */
839  private final int[] gcMaps;
840  /**
841   * encoded data as defined by OptEncodedCallSiteTree.
842   */
843  public final int[] inlineEncoding;
844  /**
845   * Running totals for the size of machine code and maps
846   */
847  private static int totalMCSize = 0;
848  private static int totalMapSize = 0;
849  /**
850   * A machine code map when no information is present
851   */
852  private static final OptMachineCodeMap emptyMachineCodeMap = new OptMachineCodeMap(null, null, null);
854  private static final TypeReference TYPE = TypeReference.findOrCreate(OptMachineCodeMap.class);