002 *  This file is part of the Jikes RVM project (http://jikesrvm.org).
003 *
004 *  This file is licensed to You under the Eclipse Public License (EPL);
005 *  You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You
006 *  may obtain a copy of the License at
007 *
008 *      http://www.opensource.org/licenses/eclipse-1.0.php
009 *
010 *  See the COPYRIGHT.txt file distributed with this work for information
011 *  regarding copyright ownership.
012 */
013package org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.lir2mir.ia32_64;
015import static org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.Operators.*;
016import static org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.ia32.ArchOperators.*;
017import static org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.lir2mir.ia32_64.BURS_Definitions.*;
018import static org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.IRTools.*;
020import org.jikesrvm.*;
021import org.jikesrvm.classloader.*;
022import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.*;
023import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.ia32.*;
024import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.operand.*;
025import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.operand.ia32.*;
026import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.lir2mir.ia32.BURS_Helpers;
027import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.lir2mir.ia32_64.BURS_TreeNode;
028import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.lir2mir.AbstractBURS_TreeNode;
029import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.lir2mir.BURS;
030import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.lir2mir.BURS_StateCoder;
031import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.OptimizingCompilerException;
032import org.jikesrvm.runtime.ArchEntrypoints;
033import org.jikesrvm.util.Bits; //NOPMD
035import org.vmmagic.unboxed.*;
036import org.vmmagic.pragma.Inline;
037import org.vmmagic.pragma.Pure;
040 * Machine-specific instruction selection rules.  Program generated.
041 *
042 * Note: some of the functions have been taken and modified
043 * from the file gen.c, from the LCC compiler.
044 * See $RVM_ROOT/rvm/src-generated/opt-burs/jburg/COPYRIGHT file for copyright restrictions.
045 *
046 * @see BURS
047 *
048 * NOTE: Program generated file, do not edit!
049 */
050@SuppressWarnings("unused") // Machine generated code is hard to get perfect
051public class BURS_STATE extends BURS_Helpers implements BURS_StateCoder {
053   public BURS_STATE(BURS b) {
054      super(b);
055   }
058/*                                                               */
059/*  BURS TEMPLATE                                                */
060/*                                                               */
063   /**
064    * Gets the state of a BURS node. This accessor is used by BURS.
065    *
066    * @param a the node
067    *
068    * @return the node's state
069    */
070   private static AbstractBURS_TreeNode STATE(AbstractBURS_TreeNode a) { return a; }
072   /***********************************************************************
073    *
074    *   This file contains BURG utilities
075    *
076    *   Note: some of the functions have been taken and modified
077    *    from the file gen.c, from the LCC compiler.
078    *
079    ************************************************************************/
081   /**
082    * Prints a debug message. No-op if debugging is disabled.
083    *
084    * @param p the BURS node
085    * @param rule the rule
086    * @param cost the rule's cost
087    * @param bestcost the best cost seen so far
088    */
089   private static void trace(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p, int rule, int cost, int bestcost) {
090     if (BURS.DEBUG) {
091       VM.sysWriteln(p + " matched " + BURS_Debug.string[rule] + " with cost " +
092                     cost + " vs. " + bestcost);
093     }
094   }
096   /**
097    * Dumps the whole tree starting at the given node. No-op if
098    * debugging is disabled.
099    *
100    * @param p the node to start at
101    */
102   public static void dumpTree(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
103     if (BURS.DEBUG) {
104       VM.sysWrite(dumpTree("\n",p,1));
105     }
106   }
108   public static String dumpTree(String out, AbstractBURS_TreeNode p, int indent) {
109     if (p == null) return out;
110     StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(out);
111     for (int i=0; i<indent; i++)
112       result.append("   ");
113     result.append(p);
114     result.append('\n');
115     if (p.getChild1() != null) {
116       indent++;
117       result.append(dumpTree("",p.getChild1(),indent));
118       if (p.getChild2() != null) {
119         result.append(dumpTree("",p.getChild2(),indent));
120       }
121     }
122     return result.toString();
123   }
125   /**
126    * Dumps the cover of a tree, i.e. the rules
127    * that cover the tree with a minimal cost. No-op if debugging is
128    * disabled.
129    *
130    * @param p the tree's root
131    * @param goalnt the non-terminal that is a goal. This is an external rule number
132    * @param indent number of spaces to use for indentation
133    */
134   public static void dumpCover(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p, byte goalnt, int indent){
135      if (BURS.DEBUG) {
136      if (p == null) return;
137      int rule = STATE(p).rule(goalnt);
138      VM.sysWrite(STATE(p).getCost(goalnt)+"\t");
139      for (int i = 0; i < indent; i++)
140        VM.sysWrite(' ');
141      VM.sysWrite(BURS_Debug.string[rule]+"\n");
142      for (int i = 0; i < nts[rule].length; i++)
143        dumpCover(kids(p,rule,i), nts[rule][i], indent + 1);
144      }
145   }
147   // caution: MARK should be used in single threaded mode,
148   @Inline
149   public static void mark(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p, byte goalnt) {
150     if (p == null) return;
151     int rule = STATE(p).rule(goalnt);
152     byte act = action(rule);
153     if ((act & EMIT_INSTRUCTION) != 0) {
154       p.setNonTerminal(goalnt);
155     }
156     if (rule == 0) {
157       if (BURS.DEBUG) {
158         VM.sysWrite("marking " + p + " with a goalnt of " + goalnt + " failed as the rule " + rule + " has no action");
159       }
160       throw new OptimizingCompilerException("BURS", "rule missing in ",
161         p.getInstructionString(), dumpTree("", p, 1));
162     }
163     mark_kids(p,rule);
164   }
166 *  This file is part of the Jikes RVM project (http://jikesrvm.org).
167 *
168 *  This file is licensed to You under the Eclipse Public License (EPL);
169 *  You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You
170 *  may obtain a copy of the License at
171 *
172 *      http://www.opensource.org/licenses/eclipse-1.0.php
173 *
174 *  See the COPYRIGHT.txt file distributed with this work for information
175 *  regarding copyright ownership.
176 */
179  /**
180   * Generate from ir.template and assembled rules files.
181   */
182  /** Sorted rule number to unsorted rule number map */
183  private static int[] unsortedErnMap = {
184    0, /* 0 - no rule */
185    1, /* 1 - stm: r */
186    3, /* 2 - r: czr */
187    4, /* 3 - cz: czr */
188    5, /* 4 - r: szpr */
189    6, /* 5 - szp: szpr */
190    7, /* 6 - riv: r */
191    9, /* 7 - rlv: r */
192    12, /* 8 - any: riv */
193    82, /* 9 - address1scaledreg: address1reg */
194    83, /* 10 - address: address1scaledreg */
195    386, /* 11 - load8: sload8 */
196    387, /* 12 - load8: uload8 */
197    398, /* 13 - load16: sload16 */
198    399, /* 14 - load16: uload16 */
199    402, /* 15 - load16_32: load16 */
200    403, /* 16 - load16_32: load32 */
201    404, /* 17 - load8_16_32: load16_32 */
202    405, /* 18 - load8_16_32: load8 */
203    409, /* 19 - load8_16_32_64: load64 */
204    410, /* 20 - load8_16_32_64: load8_16_32 */
205    2, /* 21 - r: REGISTER */
206    8, /* 22 - riv: INT_CONSTANT */
207    10, /* 23 - rlv: LONG_CONSTANT */
208    11, /* 24 - any: NULL */
209    13, /* 25 - any: ADDRESS_CONSTANT */
210    14, /* 26 - any: LONG_CONSTANT */
211    16, /* 27 - stm: IG_PATCH_POINT */
212    17, /* 28 - stm: UNINT_BEGIN */
213    18, /* 29 - stm: UNINT_END */
214    19, /* 30 - stm: YIELDPOINT_PROLOGUE */
215    20, /* 31 - stm: YIELDPOINT_EPILOGUE */
216    21, /* 32 - stm: YIELDPOINT_BACKEDGE */
217    23, /* 33 - stm: RESOLVE */
218    24, /* 34 - stm: NOP */
219    25, /* 35 - r: GUARD_MOVE */
220    26, /* 36 - r: GUARD_COMBINE */
221    28, /* 37 - stm: IR_PROLOGUE */
222    29, /* 38 - r: GET_CAUGHT_EXCEPTION */
223    31, /* 39 - stm: SET_CAUGHT_EXCEPTION(INT_CONSTANT) */
224    32, /* 40 - stm: TRAP */
225    62, /* 41 - stm: GOTO */
226    64, /* 42 - stm: WRITE_FLOOR */
227    65, /* 43 - stm: READ_CEILING */
228    66, /* 44 - stm: FENCE */
229    67, /* 45 - stm: PAUSE */
230    68, /* 46 - stm: RETURN(NULL) */
231    69, /* 47 - stm: RETURN(INT_CONSTANT) */
232    71, /* 48 - stm: RETURN(LONG_CONSTANT) */
233    80, /* 49 - r: GET_TIME_BASE */
234    614, /* 50 - stm: CLEAR_FLOATING_POINT_STATE */
235    15, /* 51 - any: OTHER_OPERAND(any,any) */
236    35, /* 52 - stm: TRAP_IF(r,r) */
237    36, /* 53 - stm: TRAP_IF(load32,riv) */
238    37, /* 54 - stm: TRAP_IF(riv,load32) */
239    61, /* 55 - r: LONG_CMP(rlv,rlv) */
240    72, /* 56 - r: CALL(r,any) */
241    77, /* 57 - r: SYSCALL(r,any) */
242    81, /* 58 - stm: YIELDPOINT_OSR(any,any) */
243    87, /* 59 - address: INT_ADD(r,r) */
244    90, /* 60 - address: INT_ADD(r,address1scaledreg) */
245    91, /* 61 - address: INT_ADD(address1scaledreg,r) */
246    93, /* 62 - address: INT_ADD(address1scaledreg,address1reg) */
247    94, /* 63 - address: INT_ADD(address1reg,address1scaledreg) */
248    98, /* 64 - address: LONG_ADD(r,r) */
249    101, /* 65 - address: LONG_ADD(r,address1scaledreg) */
250    102, /* 66 - address: LONG_ADD(address1scaledreg,r) */
251    104, /* 67 - address: LONG_ADD(address1scaledreg,address1reg) */
252    105, /* 68 - address: LONG_ADD(address1reg,address1scaledreg) */
253    160, /* 69 - r: BOOLEAN_CMP_INT(r,riv) */
254    161, /* 70 - boolcmp: BOOLEAN_CMP_INT(r,riv) */
255    178, /* 71 - r: BOOLEAN_CMP_INT(load32,riv) */
256    179, /* 72 - boolcmp: BOOLEAN_CMP_INT(load32,riv) */
257    180, /* 73 - r: BOOLEAN_CMP_INT(r,load32) */
258    181, /* 74 - boolcmp: BOOLEAN_CMP_INT(riv,load32) */
259    184, /* 75 - r: BOOLEAN_CMP_LONG(r,rlv) */
260    185, /* 76 - boolcmp: BOOLEAN_CMP_LONG(r,rlv) */
261    193, /* 77 - r: BOOLEAN_CMP_LONG(load64,rlv) */
262    194, /* 78 - boolcmp: BOOLEAN_CMP_LONG(load64,rlv) */
263    195, /* 79 - r: BOOLEAN_CMP_LONG(r,load64) */
264    196, /* 80 - boolcmp: BOOLEAN_CMP_LONG(rlv,load64) */
265    240, /* 81 - czr: INT_ADD(r,riv) */
266    241, /* 82 - r: INT_ADD(r,riv) */
267    242, /* 83 - czr: INT_ADD(r,load32) */
268    243, /* 84 - czr: INT_ADD(load32,riv) */
269    248, /* 85 - szpr: INT_AND(r,riv) */
270    249, /* 86 - szp: INT_AND(r,riv) */
271    250, /* 87 - szpr: INT_AND(r,load32) */
272    251, /* 88 - szpr: INT_AND(load32,riv) */
273    252, /* 89 - szp: INT_AND(load8_16_32,riv) */
274    253, /* 90 - szp: INT_AND(r,load8_16_32) */
275    258, /* 91 - r: INT_DIV(riv,riv) */
276    259, /* 92 - r: INT_DIV(riv,load32) */
277    260, /* 93 - stm: INT_IFCMP(r,riv) */
278    263, /* 94 - stm: INT_IFCMP(uload8,r) */
279    264, /* 95 - stm: INT_IFCMP(r,uload8) */
280    266, /* 96 - stm: INT_IFCMP(load32,riv) */
281    267, /* 97 - stm: INT_IFCMP(r,load32) */
282    273, /* 98 - stm: INT_IFCMP2(r,riv) */
283    274, /* 99 - stm: INT_IFCMP2(load32,riv) */
284    275, /* 100 - stm: INT_IFCMP2(riv,load32) */
285    276, /* 101 - r: INT_LOAD(rlv,rlv) */
286    277, /* 102 - r: INT_LOAD(rlv,address1scaledreg) */
287    278, /* 103 - r: INT_LOAD(address1scaledreg,rlv) */
288    279, /* 104 - r: INT_LOAD(address1scaledreg,address1reg) */
289    280, /* 105 - r: INT_LOAD(address1reg,address1scaledreg) */
290    282, /* 106 - r: INT_ALOAD(rlv,riv) */
291    295, /* 107 - r: INT_MUL(r,riv) */
292    296, /* 108 - r: INT_MUL(r,load32) */
293    297, /* 109 - r: INT_MUL(load32,riv) */
294    304, /* 110 - szpr: INT_OR(r,riv) */
295    305, /* 111 - szpr: INT_OR(r,load32) */
296    306, /* 112 - szpr: INT_OR(load32,riv) */
297    311, /* 113 - r: INT_REM(riv,riv) */
298    312, /* 114 - r: INT_REM(riv,load32) */
299    322, /* 115 - szpr: INT_SHL(riv,riv) */
300    331, /* 116 - szpr: INT_SHR(riv,riv) */
301    343, /* 117 - czr: INT_SUB(riv,r) */
302    344, /* 118 - r: INT_SUB(riv,r) */
303    345, /* 119 - r: INT_SUB(load32,r) */
304    346, /* 120 - czr: INT_SUB(riv,load32) */
305    347, /* 121 - czr: INT_SUB(load32,riv) */
306    353, /* 122 - szpr: INT_USHR(riv,riv) */
307    359, /* 123 - szpr: INT_XOR(r,riv) */
308    360, /* 124 - szpr: INT_XOR(r,load32) */
309    361, /* 125 - szpr: INT_XOR(load32,riv) */
310    370, /* 126 - r: LONG_ADD(address1scaledreg,r) */
311    371, /* 127 - r: LONG_ADD(r,address1scaledreg) */
312    372, /* 128 - r: LONG_ADD(address1scaledreg,address1reg) */
313    373, /* 129 - r: LONG_ADD(address1reg,address1scaledreg) */
314    376, /* 130 - r: BYTE_LOAD(rlv,rlv) */
315    377, /* 131 - sload8: BYTE_LOAD(rlv,rlv) */
316    378, /* 132 - r: BYTE_ALOAD(rlv,riv) */
317    379, /* 133 - r: BYTE_ALOAD(rlv,r) */
318    380, /* 134 - sload8: BYTE_ALOAD(rlv,riv) */
319    381, /* 135 - r: UBYTE_LOAD(rlv,rlv) */
320    382, /* 136 - uload8: UBYTE_LOAD(rlv,rlv) */
321    383, /* 137 - r: UBYTE_ALOAD(rlv,riv) */
322    384, /* 138 - r: UBYTE_ALOAD(rlv,r) */
323    385, /* 139 - uload8: UBYTE_ALOAD(rlv,riv) */
324    388, /* 140 - r: SHORT_LOAD(rlv,rlv) */
325    389, /* 141 - sload16: SHORT_LOAD(rlv,rlv) */
326    390, /* 142 - r: SHORT_ALOAD(rlv,riv) */
327    391, /* 143 - r: SHORT_ALOAD(rlv,r) */
328    392, /* 144 - sload16: SHORT_ALOAD(rlv,riv) */
329    393, /* 145 - r: USHORT_LOAD(rlv,rlv) */
330    394, /* 146 - uload16: USHORT_LOAD(rlv,rlv) */
331    395, /* 147 - r: USHORT_ALOAD(rlv,riv) */
332    396, /* 148 - r: USHORT_ALOAD(rlv,r) */
333    397, /* 149 - uload16: USHORT_ALOAD(rlv,riv) */
334    400, /* 150 - load32: INT_LOAD(rlv,rlv) */
335    401, /* 151 - load32: INT_ALOAD(rlv,riv) */
336    406, /* 152 - load64: LONG_LOAD(rlv,rlv) */
337    407, /* 153 - load64: LONG_ALOAD(rlv,rlv) */
338    408, /* 154 - load64: LONG_ALOAD(rlv,r) */
339    422, /* 155 - czr: LONG_ADD(r,rlv) */
340    423, /* 156 - czr: LONG_ADD(r,riv) */
341    424, /* 157 - czr: LONG_ADD(r,r) */
342    425, /* 158 - r: LONG_ADD(r,rlv) */
343    426, /* 159 - czr: LONG_ADD(rlv,load64) */
344    427, /* 160 - czr: LONG_ADD(load64,rlv) */
345    432, /* 161 - szpr: LONG_AND(r,rlv) */
346    433, /* 162 - szpr: LONG_AND(r,r) */
347    434, /* 163 - szp: LONG_AND(r,rlv) */
348    435, /* 164 - szpr: LONG_AND(rlv,load64) */
349    436, /* 165 - szpr: LONG_AND(load64,rlv) */
350    437, /* 166 - szp: LONG_AND(load8_16_32_64,rlv) */
351    438, /* 167 - szp: LONG_AND(r,load8_16_32_64) */
352    443, /* 168 - r: LONG_DIV(rlv,rlv) */
353    444, /* 169 - r: LONG_DIV(rlv,riv) */
354    445, /* 170 - r: LONG_DIV(riv,rlv) */
355    446, /* 171 - r: LONG_DIV(rlv,load64) */
356    447, /* 172 - r: LONG_DIV(load64,rlv) */
357    448, /* 173 - stm: LONG_IFCMP(rlv,rlv) */
358    450, /* 174 - r: LONG_LOAD(rlv,rlv) */
359    451, /* 175 - r: LONG_LOAD(rlv,address1scaledreg) */
360    452, /* 176 - r: LONG_LOAD(address1scaledreg,rlv) */
361    453, /* 177 - r: LONG_LOAD(address1scaledreg,address1reg) */
362    454, /* 178 - r: LONG_LOAD(address1reg,address1scaledreg) */
363    456, /* 179 - r: LONG_ALOAD(rlv,riv) */
364    457, /* 180 - r: LONG_ALOAD(rlv,r) */
365    461, /* 181 - r: LONG_MUL(r,rlv) */
366    462, /* 182 - r: INT_MUL(r,load64) */
367    463, /* 183 - r: INT_MUL(load64,rlv) */
368    470, /* 184 - szpr: LONG_OR(r,rlv) */
369    471, /* 185 - szpr: LONG_OR(r,load64) */
370    472, /* 186 - szpr: LONG_OR(load64,rlv) */
371    477, /* 187 - r: LONG_REM(rlv,rlv) */
372    478, /* 188 - r: LONG_REM(rlv,riv) */
373    479, /* 189 - r: LONG_REM(riv,rlv) */
374    480, /* 190 - r: LONG_REM(rlv,load64) */
375    481, /* 191 - r: LONG_REM(load64,rlv) */
376    483, /* 192 - szpr: LONG_SHL(rlv,riv) */
377    492, /* 193 - szpr: LONG_SHR(rlv,riv) */
378    504, /* 194 - czr: LONG_SUB(rlv,r) */
379    505, /* 195 - r: LONG_SUB(rlv,r) */
380    506, /* 196 - r: LONG_SUB(load64,r) */
381    507, /* 197 - czr: LONG_SUB(rlv,load64) */
382    508, /* 198 - czr: LONG_SUB(load64,rlv) */
383    514, /* 199 - szpr: LONG_USHR(rlv,riv) */
384    520, /* 200 - szpr: LONG_XOR(r,rlv) */
385    521, /* 201 - szpr: LONG_XOR(r,load64) */
386    522, /* 202 - szpr: LONG_XOR(load64,rlv) */
387    527, /* 203 - r: FLOAT_ADD(r,r) */
388    528, /* 204 - r: FLOAT_ADD(r,float_load) */
389    529, /* 205 - r: FLOAT_ADD(float_load,r) */
390    530, /* 206 - r: DOUBLE_ADD(r,r) */
391    531, /* 207 - r: DOUBLE_ADD(r,double_load) */
392    532, /* 208 - r: DOUBLE_ADD(double_load,r) */
393    533, /* 209 - r: FLOAT_SUB(r,r) */
394    534, /* 210 - r: FLOAT_SUB(r,float_load) */
395    535, /* 211 - r: DOUBLE_SUB(r,r) */
396    536, /* 212 - r: DOUBLE_SUB(r,double_load) */
397    537, /* 213 - r: FLOAT_MUL(r,r) */
398    538, /* 214 - r: FLOAT_MUL(r,float_load) */
399    539, /* 215 - r: FLOAT_MUL(float_load,r) */
400    540, /* 216 - r: DOUBLE_MUL(r,r) */
401    541, /* 217 - r: DOUBLE_MUL(r,double_load) */
402    542, /* 218 - r: DOUBLE_MUL(double_load,r) */
403    543, /* 219 - r: FLOAT_DIV(r,r) */
404    544, /* 220 - r: FLOAT_DIV(r,float_load) */
405    545, /* 221 - r: DOUBLE_DIV(r,r) */
406    546, /* 222 - r: DOUBLE_DIV(r,double_load) */
407    551, /* 223 - r: FLOAT_REM(r,r) */
408    552, /* 224 - r: DOUBLE_REM(r,r) */
409    557, /* 225 - r: DOUBLE_LOAD(riv,riv) */
410    558, /* 226 - r: DOUBLE_LOAD(riv,rlv) */
411    559, /* 227 - r: DOUBLE_LOAD(rlv,rlv) */
412    560, /* 228 - double_load: DOUBLE_LOAD(riv,riv) */
413    561, /* 229 - r: DOUBLE_ALOAD(riv,riv) */
414    562, /* 230 - double_load: DOUBLE_LOAD(rlv,rlv) */
415    563, /* 231 - r: DOUBLE_ALOAD(riv,r) */
416    564, /* 232 - r: DOUBLE_ALOAD(rlv,rlv) */
417    565, /* 233 - double_load: DOUBLE_ALOAD(riv,riv) */
418    566, /* 234 - r: FLOAT_LOAD(riv,riv) */
419    567, /* 235 - r: FLOAT_LOAD(rlv,rlv) */
420    568, /* 236 - float_load: FLOAT_LOAD(riv,riv) */
421    569, /* 237 - r: FLOAT_ALOAD(riv,riv) */
422    570, /* 238 - r: FLOAT_ALOAD(riv,r) */
423    571, /* 239 - r: FLOAT_ALOAD(rlv,rlv) */
424    572, /* 240 - float_load: FLOAT_ALOAD(riv,riv) */
425    615, /* 241 - stm: FLOAT_IFCMP(r,r) */
426    616, /* 242 - stm: FLOAT_IFCMP(r,float_load) */
427    617, /* 243 - stm: FLOAT_IFCMP(float_load,r) */
428    618, /* 244 - stm: DOUBLE_IFCMP(r,r) */
429    619, /* 245 - stm: DOUBLE_IFCMP(r,double_load) */
430    620, /* 246 - stm: DOUBLE_IFCMP(double_load,r) */
431    22, /* 247 - stm: LOWTABLESWITCH(r) */
432    27, /* 248 - stm: NULL_CHECK(riv) */
433    30, /* 249 - stm: SET_CAUGHT_EXCEPTION(r) */
434    33, /* 250 - stm: TRAP_IF(r,INT_CONSTANT) */
435    34, /* 251 - stm: TRAP_IF(r,LONG_CONSTANT) */
436    38, /* 252 - uload8: INT_AND(load8_16_32,INT_CONSTANT) */
437    39, /* 253 - r: INT_AND(load8_16_32,INT_CONSTANT) */
438    40, /* 254 - r: INT_2BYTE(load8_16_32) */
439    42, /* 255 - r: INT_AND(load16_32,INT_CONSTANT) */
440    63, /* 256 - stm: PREFETCH(r) */
441    70, /* 257 - stm: RETURN(r) */
442    84, /* 258 - address1scaledreg: INT_SHL(r,INT_CONSTANT) */
443    85, /* 259 - address1reg: INT_ADD(r,LONG_CONSTANT) */
444    86, /* 260 - address1reg: INT_MOVE(r) */
445    88, /* 261 - address1reg: INT_ADD(address1reg,LONG_CONSTANT) */
446    89, /* 262 - address1scaledreg: INT_ADD(address1scaledreg,LONG_CONSTANT) */
447    92, /* 263 - address: INT_ADD(address1scaledreg,LONG_CONSTANT) */
448    95, /* 264 - address1scaledreg: LONG_SHL(r,INT_CONSTANT) */
449    96, /* 265 - address1reg: LONG_ADD(r,LONG_CONSTANT) */
450    97, /* 266 - address1reg: LONG_MOVE(r) */
451    99, /* 267 - address1reg: LONG_ADD(address1reg,LONG_CONSTANT) */
452    100, /* 268 - address1scaledreg: LONG_ADD(address1scaledreg,LONG_CONSTANT) */
453    103, /* 269 - address: LONG_ADD(address1scaledreg,LONG_CONSTANT) */
454    162, /* 270 - r: BOOLEAN_CMP_INT(r,INT_CONSTANT) */
455    163, /* 271 - boolcmp: BOOLEAN_CMP_INT(r,INT_CONSTANT) */
456    164, /* 272 - r: BOOLEAN_CMP_INT(r,INT_CONSTANT) */
457    165, /* 273 - r: BOOLEAN_CMP_INT(load32,INT_CONSTANT) */
458    166, /* 274 - r: BOOLEAN_CMP_INT(r,INT_CONSTANT) */
459    167, /* 275 - r: BOOLEAN_CMP_INT(load32,INT_CONSTANT) */
460    168, /* 276 - r: BOOLEAN_CMP_INT(cz,INT_CONSTANT) */
461    169, /* 277 - boolcmp: BOOLEAN_CMP_INT(cz,INT_CONSTANT) */
462    170, /* 278 - r: BOOLEAN_CMP_INT(szp,INT_CONSTANT) */
463    171, /* 279 - boolcmp: BOOLEAN_CMP_INT(szp,INT_CONSTANT) */
464    172, /* 280 - r: BOOLEAN_CMP_INT(bittest,INT_CONSTANT) */
465    173, /* 281 - boolcmp: BOOLEAN_CMP_INT(bittest,INT_CONSTANT) */
466    174, /* 282 - r: BOOLEAN_CMP_INT(boolcmp,INT_CONSTANT) */
467    175, /* 283 - boolcmp: BOOLEAN_CMP_INT(boolcmp,INT_CONSTANT) */
468    176, /* 284 - r: BOOLEAN_CMP_INT(boolcmp,INT_CONSTANT) */
469    177, /* 285 - boolcmp: BOOLEAN_CMP_INT(boolcmp,INT_CONSTANT) */
470    186, /* 286 - r: BOOLEAN_CMP_LONG(r,LONG_CONSTANT) */
471    187, /* 287 - boolcmp: BOOLEAN_CMP_LONG(r,LONG_CONSTANT) */
472    188, /* 288 - r: BOOLEAN_CMP_LONG(r,LONG_CONSTANT) */
473    189, /* 289 - r: BOOLEAN_CMP_LONG(load64,LONG_CONSTANT) */
474    190, /* 290 - r: BOOLEAN_CMP_LONG(r,LONG_CONSTANT) */
475    191, /* 291 - r: BOOLEAN_CMP_LONG(load64,LONG_CONSTANT) */
476    192, /* 292 - r: BOOLEAN_CMP_LONG(cz,LONG_CONSTANT) */
477    197, /* 293 - r: BOOLEAN_NOT(r) */
482    221, /* 298 - r: INT_2BYTE(r) */
483    222, /* 299 - r: INT_2BYTE(load8_16_32) */
484    225, /* 300 - r: INT_2LONG(r) */
485    226, /* 301 - r: INT_2LONG(load32) */
486    229, /* 302 - r: INT_2ADDRZerExt(r) */
487    230, /* 303 - r: INT_2SHORT(r) */
488    231, /* 304 - r: INT_2SHORT(load16_32) */
489    232, /* 305 - sload16: INT_2SHORT(load16_32) */
490    235, /* 306 - szpr: INT_2USHORT(r) */
491    236, /* 307 - uload16: INT_2USHORT(load16_32) */
492    237, /* 308 - r: INT_2USHORT(load16_32) */
493    261, /* 309 - stm: INT_IFCMP(r,INT_CONSTANT) */
494    262, /* 310 - stm: INT_IFCMP(load8,INT_CONSTANT) */
495    265, /* 311 - stm: INT_IFCMP(sload16,INT_CONSTANT) */
496    268, /* 312 - stm: INT_IFCMP(boolcmp,INT_CONSTANT) */
497    269, /* 313 - stm: INT_IFCMP(boolcmp,INT_CONSTANT) */
498    270, /* 314 - stm: INT_IFCMP(cz,INT_CONSTANT) */
499    271, /* 315 - stm: INT_IFCMP(szp,INT_CONSTANT) */
500    272, /* 316 - stm: INT_IFCMP(bittest,INT_CONSTANT) */
501    281, /* 317 - r: INT_LOAD(address,LONG_CONSTANT) */
502    283, /* 318 - r: INT_MOVE(riv) */
503    284, /* 319 - czr: INT_MOVE(czr) */
504    285, /* 320 - cz: INT_MOVE(cz) */
505    286, /* 321 - szpr: INT_MOVE(szpr) */
506    287, /* 322 - szp: INT_MOVE(szp) */
507    288, /* 323 - sload8: INT_MOVE(sload8) */
508    289, /* 324 - uload8: INT_MOVE(uload8) */
509    290, /* 325 - load8: INT_MOVE(load8) */
510    291, /* 326 - sload16: INT_MOVE(sload16) */
511    292, /* 327 - uload16: INT_MOVE(uload16) */
512    293, /* 328 - load16: INT_MOVE(load16) */
513    294, /* 329 - load32: INT_MOVE(load32) */
514    298, /* 330 - szpr: INT_NEG(r) */
515    301, /* 331 - r: INT_NOT(r) */
516    323, /* 332 - szpr: INT_SHL(r,INT_CONSTANT) */
517    324, /* 333 - r: INT_SHL(r,INT_CONSTANT) */
518    332, /* 334 - szpr: INT_SHR(riv,INT_CONSTANT) */
519    354, /* 335 - szpr: INT_USHR(riv,INT_CONSTANT) */
520    374, /* 336 - r: LONG_ADD(address,LONG_CONSTANT) */
521    375, /* 337 - r: LONG_MOVE(address) */
522    411, /* 338 - r: LONG_2INT(r) */
523    414, /* 339 - r: LONG_2INT(load64) */
524    415, /* 340 - load32: LONG_2INT(load64) */
525    449, /* 341 - stm: LONG_IFCMP(r,LONG_CONSTANT) */
526    455, /* 342 - r: LONG_LOAD(address,LONG_CONSTANT) */
527    458, /* 343 - r: LONG_MOVE(rlv) */
528    459, /* 344 - r: LONG_MOVE(riv) */
529    460, /* 345 - load64: LONG_MOVE(load64) */
530    464, /* 346 - szpr: LONG_NEG(r) */
531    467, /* 347 - r: LONG_NOT(r) */
532    484, /* 348 - szpr: LONG_SHL(r,INT_CONSTANT) */
533    485, /* 349 - r: LONG_SHL(r,INT_CONSTANT) */
534    493, /* 350 - szpr: LONG_SHR(rlv,LONG_CONSTANT) */
535    515, /* 351 - szpr: LONG_USHR(rlv,LONG_CONSTANT) */
536    547, /* 352 - r: FLOAT_NEG(r) */
537    548, /* 353 - r: DOUBLE_NEG(r) */
538    549, /* 354 - r: FLOAT_SQRT(r) */
539    550, /* 355 - r: DOUBLE_SQRT(r) */
540    553, /* 356 - r: LONG_2FLOAT(r) */
541    554, /* 357 - r: LONG_2DOUBLE(r) */
542    555, /* 358 - r: FLOAT_MOVE(r) */
543    556, /* 359 - r: DOUBLE_MOVE(r) */
544    591, /* 360 - r: INT_2FLOAT(riv) */
545    592, /* 361 - r: INT_2FLOAT(load32) */
546    593, /* 362 - r: INT_2DOUBLE(riv) */
547    594, /* 363 - r: INT_2DOUBLE(load32) */
548    595, /* 364 - r: FLOAT_2DOUBLE(r) */
549    596, /* 365 - r: FLOAT_2DOUBLE(float_load) */
550    597, /* 366 - r: DOUBLE_2FLOAT(r) */
551    598, /* 367 - r: DOUBLE_2FLOAT(double_load) */
552    599, /* 368 - r: FLOAT_2INT(r) */
553    600, /* 369 - r: FLOAT_2LONG(r) */
554    601, /* 370 - r: DOUBLE_2INT(r) */
555    602, /* 371 - r: DOUBLE_2LONG(r) */
556    603, /* 372 - r: FLOAT_AS_INT_BITS(r) */
557    604, /* 373 - load32: FLOAT_AS_INT_BITS(float_load) */
558    605, /* 374 - r: DOUBLE_AS_LONG_BITS(r) */
559    606, /* 375 - load64: DOUBLE_AS_LONG_BITS(double_load) */
560    607, /* 376 - r: INT_BITS_AS_FLOAT(riv) */
561    608, /* 377 - float_load: INT_BITS_AS_FLOAT(load32) */
562    609, /* 378 - r: LONG_BITS_AS_DOUBLE(rlv) */
563    610, /* 379 - double_load: LONG_BITS_AS_DOUBLE(load64) */
564    611, /* 380 - r: MATERIALIZE_FP_CONSTANT(any) */
565    612, /* 381 - float_load: MATERIALIZE_FP_CONSTANT(any) */
566    613, /* 382 - double_load: MATERIALIZE_FP_CONSTANT(any) */
567    41, /* 383 - r: INT_USHR(INT_SHL(load8_16_32,INT_CONSTANT),INT_CONSTANT) */
568    43, /* 384 - r: INT_USHR(INT_SHL(load16_32,INT_CONSTANT),INT_CONSTANT) */
569    152, /* 385 - bittest: INT_AND(INT_USHR(r,INT_CONSTANT),INT_CONSTANT) */
570    155, /* 386 - bittest: INT_AND(INT_SHR(r,INT_CONSTANT),INT_CONSTANT) */
571    227, /* 387 - r: LONG_AND(INT_2LONG(r),LONG_CONSTANT) */
572    228, /* 388 - r: LONG_AND(INT_2LONG(load32),LONG_CONSTANT) */
573    325, /* 389 - szpr: INT_SHL(INT_SHR(r,INT_CONSTANT),INT_CONSTANT) */
574    416, /* 390 - r: LONG_2INT(LONG_USHR(r,INT_CONSTANT)) */
575    417, /* 391 - r: LONG_2INT(LONG_SHR(r,INT_CONSTANT)) */
576    418, /* 392 - r: LONG_2INT(LONG_USHR(load64,INT_CONSTANT)) */
577    419, /* 393 - r: LONG_2INT(LONG_SHR(load64,INT_CONSTANT)) */
578    420, /* 394 - load32: LONG_2INT(LONG_USHR(load64,INT_CONSTANT)) */
579    421, /* 395 - load32: LONG_2INT(LONG_SHR(load64,INT_CONSTANT)) */
580    486, /* 396 - szpr: LONG_SHL(LONG_SHR(r,INT_CONSTANT),INT_CONSTANT) */
581    44, /* 397 - stm: SHORT_STORE(riv,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv)) */
582    45, /* 398 - stm: SHORT_STORE(load16,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv)) */
583    46, /* 399 - stm: SHORT_STORE(rlv,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv)) */
584    47, /* 400 - stm: SHORT_STORE(riv,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv)) */
585    48, /* 401 - stm: SHORT_ASTORE(riv,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv)) */
586    49, /* 402 - stm: SHORT_ASTORE(load16,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv)) */
587    50, /* 403 - stm: SHORT_ASTORE(riv,OTHER_OPERAND(r,r)) */
588    51, /* 404 - stm: INT_ASTORE(riv,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv)) */
589    52, /* 405 - stm: INT_ASTORE(riv,OTHER_OPERAND(r,r)) */
590    53, /* 406 - stm: INT_ASTORE(riv,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv)) */
591    54, /* 407 - stm: INT_ASTORE(riv,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,riv)) */
592    55, /* 408 - stm: INT_ASTORE(riv,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,rlv)) */
593    56, /* 409 - stm: LONG_ASTORE(r,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv)) */
594    57, /* 410 - stm: LONG_ASTORE(r,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv)) */
595    58, /* 411 - stm: LONG_ASTORE(r,OTHER_OPERAND(r,r)) */
596    182, /* 412 - stm: BYTE_STORE(boolcmp,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv)) */
597    183, /* 413 - stm: BYTE_ASTORE(boolcmp,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv)) */
598    200, /* 414 - stm: BYTE_STORE(riv,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv)) */
599    201, /* 415 - stm: BYTE_STORE(load8,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv)) */
600    202, /* 416 - stm: BYTE_ASTORE(riv,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,riv)) */
601    203, /* 417 - stm: BYTE_ASTORE(load8,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,riv)) */
602    204, /* 418 - r: CMP_CMOV(r,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,any)) */
603    211, /* 419 - r: CMP_CMOV(uload8,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,any)) */
604    212, /* 420 - r: CMP_CMOV(riv,OTHER_OPERAND(uload8,any)) */
605    214, /* 421 - r: CMP_CMOV(load32,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,any)) */
606    215, /* 422 - r: CMP_CMOV(riv,OTHER_OPERAND(load32,any)) */
607    337, /* 423 - stm: INT_STORE(riv,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv)) */
608    338, /* 424 - stm: INT_STORE(riv,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,address1scaledreg)) */
609    339, /* 425 - stm: INT_STORE(riv,OTHER_OPERAND(address1scaledreg,rlv)) */
610    340, /* 426 - stm: INT_STORE(riv,OTHER_OPERAND(address1scaledreg,address1reg)) */
611    341, /* 427 - stm: INT_STORE(riv,OTHER_OPERAND(address1reg,address1scaledreg)) */
612    366, /* 428 - r: LCMP_CMOV(r,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,any)) */
613    368, /* 429 - r: LCMP_CMOV(load64,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,any)) */
614    369, /* 430 - r: LCMP_CMOV(rlv,OTHER_OPERAND(load64,any)) */
615    498, /* 431 - stm: LONG_STORE(rlv,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv)) */
616    499, /* 432 - stm: LONG_STORE(rlv,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,address1scaledreg)) */
617    500, /* 433 - stm: LONG_STORE(rlv,OTHER_OPERAND(address1scaledreg,rlv)) */
618    501, /* 434 - stm: LONG_STORE(rlv,OTHER_OPERAND(address1scaledreg,address1reg)) */
619    502, /* 435 - stm: LONG_STORE(rlv,OTHER_OPERAND(address1reg,address1scaledreg)) */
620    573, /* 436 - stm: DOUBLE_STORE(r,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv)) */
621    574, /* 437 - stm: DOUBLE_STORE(r,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,rlv)) */
622    575, /* 438 - stm: DOUBLE_STORE(r,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,riv)) */
623    576, /* 439 - stm: DOUBLE_STORE(r,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv)) */
624    577, /* 440 - stm: DOUBLE_ASTORE(r,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv)) */
625    578, /* 441 - stm: DOUBLE_ASTORE(r,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,riv)) */
626    579, /* 442 - stm: DOUBLE_ASTORE(r,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,rlv)) */
627    580, /* 443 - stm: DOUBLE_ASTORE(r,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv)) */
628    581, /* 444 - stm: DOUBLE_ASTORE(r,OTHER_OPERAND(r,r)) */
629    582, /* 445 - stm: FLOAT_STORE(r,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv)) */
630    583, /* 446 - stm: FLOAT_STORE(r,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv)) */
631    584, /* 447 - stm: FLOAT_STORE(r,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,riv)) */
632    585, /* 448 - stm: FLOAT_STORE(r,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,rlv)) */
633    586, /* 449 - stm: FLOAT_ASTORE(r,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv)) */
634    587, /* 450 - stm: FLOAT_ASTORE(r,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,riv)) */
635    588, /* 451 - stm: FLOAT_ASTORE(r,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,rlv)) */
636    589, /* 452 - stm: FLOAT_ASTORE(r,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv)) */
637    590, /* 453 - stm: FLOAT_ASTORE(r,OTHER_OPERAND(r,r)) */
638    621, /* 454 - r: FCMP_CMOV(r,OTHER_OPERAND(r,any)) */
639    622, /* 455 - r: FCMP_CMOV(r,OTHER_OPERAND(float_load,any)) */
640    623, /* 456 - r: FCMP_CMOV(r,OTHER_OPERAND(double_load,any)) */
641    624, /* 457 - r: FCMP_CMOV(float_load,OTHER_OPERAND(r,any)) */
642    625, /* 458 - r: FCMP_CMOV(double_load,OTHER_OPERAND(r,any)) */
643    626, /* 459 - r: FCMP_FCMOV(r,OTHER_OPERAND(r,any)) */
644    631, /* 460 - r: FCMP_FCMOV(r,OTHER_OPERAND(float_load,any)) */
645    632, /* 461 - r: FCMP_FCMOV(r,OTHER_OPERAND(double_load,any)) */
646    649, /* 462 - stm: LONG_ASTORE(load64,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv)) */
647    650, /* 463 - stm: LONG_ASTORE(load64,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,riv)) */
648    651, /* 464 - stm: LONG_STORE(load64,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv)) */
649    652, /* 465 - stm: LONG_STORE(load64,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,riv)) */
650    59, /* 466 - stm: LONG_ASTORE(LONG_CONSTANT,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv)) */
651    60, /* 467 - stm: LONG_ASTORE(LONG_CONSTANT,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,riv)) */
652    73, /* 468 - r: CALL(BRANCH_TARGET,any) */
653    75, /* 469 - r: CALL(INT_CONSTANT,any) */
654    79, /* 470 - r: SYSCALL(INT_CONSTANT,any) */
655    74, /* 471 - r: CALL(INT_LOAD(riv,riv),any) */
656    76, /* 472 - r: CALL(LONG_LOAD(rlv,rlv),any) */
657    78, /* 473 - r: SYSCALL(INT_LOAD(riv,riv),any) */
658    106, /* 474 - r: ATTEMPT_INT(riv,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))) */
659    107, /* 475 - r: ATTEMPT_INT(riv,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))) */
660    108, /* 476 - r: ATTEMPT_INT(rlv,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))) */
661    109, /* 477 - r: ATTEMPT_INT(r,OTHER_OPERAND(address1scaledreg,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))) */
662    110, /* 478 - r: ATTEMPT_INT(address1scaledreg,OTHER_OPERAND(r,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))) */
663    111, /* 479 - r: ATTEMPT_INT(address1scaledreg,OTHER_OPERAND(address1reg,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))) */
664    112, /* 480 - r: ATTEMPT_INT(address1reg,OTHER_OPERAND(address1scaledreg,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))) */
665    129, /* 481 - r: ATTEMPT_LONG(rlv,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))) */
666    130, /* 482 - r: ATTEMPT_LONG(r,OTHER_OPERAND(address1scaledreg,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))) */
667    131, /* 483 - r: ATTEMPT_LONG(address1scaledreg,OTHER_OPERAND(r,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))) */
668    132, /* 484 - r: ATTEMPT_LONG(address1scaledreg,OTHER_OPERAND(address1reg,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))) */
669    133, /* 485 - r: ATTEMPT_LONG(address1reg,OTHER_OPERAND(address1scaledreg,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))) */
670    627, /* 486 - r: FCMP_FCMOV(r,OTHER_OPERAND(r,OTHER_OPERAND(r,float_load))) */
671    628, /* 487 - r: FCMP_FCMOV(r,OTHER_OPERAND(r,OTHER_OPERAND(r,double_load))) */
672    629, /* 488 - r: FCMP_FCMOV(r,OTHER_OPERAND(r,OTHER_OPERAND(float_load,r))) */
673    630, /* 489 - r: FCMP_FCMOV(r,OTHER_OPERAND(r,OTHER_OPERAND(double_load,r))) */
674    113, /* 490 - r: ATTEMPT_INT(address,OTHER_OPERAND(INT_CONSTANT,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))) */
675    134, /* 491 - r: ATTEMPT_LONG(address,OTHER_OPERAND(LONG_CONSTANT,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))) */
676    114, /* 492 - r: ATTEMPT_INT(INT_CONSTANT,OTHER_OPERAND(address,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))) */
677    135, /* 493 - r: ATTEMPT_LONG(LONG_CONSTANT,OTHER_OPERAND(address,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))) */
678    115, /* 494 - stm: INT_IFCMP(ATTEMPT_INT(riv,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))),INT_CONSTANT) */
679    116, /* 495 - stm: INT_IFCMP(ATTEMPT_INT(r,OTHER_OPERAND(address1scaledreg,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))),INT_CONSTANT) */
680    117, /* 496 - stm: INT_IFCMP(ATTEMPT_INT(address1scaledreg,OTHER_OPERAND(r,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))),INT_CONSTANT) */
681    118, /* 497 - stm: INT_IFCMP(ATTEMPT_INT(address1scaledreg,OTHER_OPERAND(address1reg,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))),INT_CONSTANT) */
682    119, /* 498 - stm: INT_IFCMP(ATTEMPT_INT(address1reg,OTHER_OPERAND(address1scaledreg,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))),INT_CONSTANT) */
683    122, /* 499 - stm: INT_IFCMP(ATTEMPT_INT(riv,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))),INT_CONSTANT) */
684    123, /* 500 - stm: INT_IFCMP(ATTEMPT_INT(r,OTHER_OPERAND(address1scaledreg,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))),INT_CONSTANT) */
685    124, /* 501 - stm: INT_IFCMP(ATTEMPT_INT(address1scaledreg,OTHER_OPERAND(r,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))),INT_CONSTANT) */
686    125, /* 502 - stm: INT_IFCMP(ATTEMPT_INT(address1scaledreg,OTHER_OPERAND(address1reg,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))),INT_CONSTANT) */
687    126, /* 503 - stm: INT_IFCMP(ATTEMPT_INT(address1reg,OTHER_OPERAND(address1scaledreg,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))),INT_CONSTANT) */
688    136, /* 504 - stm: INT_IFCMP(ATTEMPT_LONG(rlv,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))),INT_CONSTANT) */
689    137, /* 505 - stm: INT_IFCMP(ATTEMPT_LONG(r,OTHER_OPERAND(address1scaledreg,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))),INT_CONSTANT) */
690    138, /* 506 - stm: INT_IFCMP(ATTEMPT_LONG(address1scaledreg,OTHER_OPERAND(r,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))),INT_CONSTANT) */
691    139, /* 507 - stm: INT_IFCMP(ATTEMPT_LONG(address1scaledreg,OTHER_OPERAND(address1reg,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))),INT_CONSTANT) */
692    140, /* 508 - stm: INT_IFCMP(ATTEMPT_LONG(address1reg,OTHER_OPERAND(address1scaledreg,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))),INT_CONSTANT) */
693    143, /* 509 - stm: INT_IFCMP(ATTEMPT_LONG(rlv,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))),INT_CONSTANT) */
694    144, /* 510 - stm: INT_IFCMP(ATTEMPT_LONG(r,OTHER_OPERAND(address1scaledreg,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))),INT_CONSTANT) */
695    145, /* 511 - stm: INT_IFCMP(ATTEMPT_LONG(address1scaledreg,OTHER_OPERAND(r,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))),INT_CONSTANT) */
696    146, /* 512 - stm: INT_IFCMP(ATTEMPT_LONG(address1scaledreg,OTHER_OPERAND(address1reg,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))),INT_CONSTANT) */
697    147, /* 513 - stm: INT_IFCMP(ATTEMPT_LONG(address1reg,OTHER_OPERAND(address1scaledreg,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))),INT_CONSTANT) */
706    150, /* 522 - bittest: INT_AND(INT_USHR(r,INT_AND(r,INT_CONSTANT)),INT_CONSTANT) */
707    151, /* 523 - bittest: INT_AND(INT_USHR(load32,INT_AND(r,INT_CONSTANT)),INT_CONSTANT) */
708    153, /* 524 - bittest: INT_AND(INT_SHR(r,INT_AND(r,INT_CONSTANT)),INT_CONSTANT) */
709    154, /* 525 - bittest: INT_AND(INT_SHR(load32,INT_AND(r,INT_CONSTANT)),INT_CONSTANT) */
710    156, /* 526 - bittest: INT_AND(INT_SHL(INT_CONSTANT,INT_AND(riv,INT_CONSTANT)),r) */
711    157, /* 527 - bittest: INT_AND(INT_SHL(INT_CONSTANT,INT_AND(r,INT_CONSTANT)),load32) */
712    158, /* 528 - bittest: INT_AND(r,INT_SHL(INT_CONSTANT,INT_AND(r,INT_CONSTANT))) */
713    159, /* 529 - bittest: INT_AND(load32,INT_SHL(INT_CONSTANT,INT_AND(r,INT_CONSTANT))) */
714    198, /* 530 - stm: BYTE_STORE(BOOLEAN_NOT(UBYTE_LOAD(rlv,rlv)),OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv)) */
715    199, /* 531 - stm: BYTE_ASTORE(BOOLEAN_NOT(UBYTE_ALOAD(rlv,riv)),OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,riv)) */
716    299, /* 532 - stm: INT_STORE(INT_NEG(INT_LOAD(riv,riv)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv)) */
717    300, /* 533 - stm: INT_ASTORE(INT_NEG(INT_ALOAD(riv,riv)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv)) */
718    302, /* 534 - stm: INT_STORE(INT_NOT(INT_LOAD(riv,riv)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv)) */
719    303, /* 535 - stm: INT_ASTORE(INT_NOT(INT_ALOAD(riv,riv)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv)) */
720    327, /* 536 - stm: INT_STORE(INT_SHL(INT_LOAD(riv,riv),INT_CONSTANT),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv)) */
721    329, /* 537 - stm: INT_ASTORE(INT_SHL(INT_ALOAD(riv,riv),INT_CONSTANT),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv)) */
722    334, /* 538 - stm: INT_STORE(INT_SHR(INT_LOAD(riv,riv),INT_CONSTANT),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv)) */
723    336, /* 539 - stm: INT_ASTORE(INT_SHR(INT_ALOAD(riv,riv),INT_CONSTANT),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv)) */
724    356, /* 540 - stm: INT_STORE(INT_USHR(INT_LOAD(riv,riv),INT_CONSTANT),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv)) */
725    358, /* 541 - stm: INT_ASTORE(INT_USHR(INT_ALOAD(riv,riv),INT_CONSTANT),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv)) */
726    465, /* 542 - stm: LONG_STORE(LONG_NEG(LONG_LOAD(riv,riv)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv)) */
727    466, /* 543 - stm: LONG_ASTORE(LONG_NEG(LONG_ALOAD(riv,riv)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv)) */
728    468, /* 544 - stm: LONG_STORE(LONG_NOT(LONG_LOAD(riv,riv)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv)) */
729    469, /* 545 - stm: LONG_ASTORE(LONG_NOT(LONG_ALOAD(riv,riv)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv)) */
730    488, /* 546 - stm: LONG_STORE(LONG_SHL(LONG_LOAD(riv,riv),INT_CONSTANT),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv)) */
731    490, /* 547 - stm: LONG_ASTORE(LONG_SHL(LONG_ALOAD(riv,riv),INT_CONSTANT),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv)) */
732    495, /* 548 - stm: LONG_STORE(LONG_SHR(LONG_LOAD(riv,riv),LONG_CONSTANT),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv)) */
733    497, /* 549 - stm: LONG_ASTORE(LONG_SHR(LONG_ALOAD(riv,riv),LONG_CONSTANT),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv)) */
734    517, /* 550 - stm: LONG_STORE(LONG_USHR(LONG_LOAD(riv,riv),LONG_CONSTANT),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv)) */
735    519, /* 551 - stm: LONG_ASTORE(LONG_USHR(LONG_ALOAD(riv,riv),LONG_CONSTANT),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv)) */
736    205, /* 552 - r: CMP_CMOV(r,OTHER_OPERAND(INT_CONSTANT,any)) */
737    210, /* 553 - r: CMP_CMOV(load8,OTHER_OPERAND(INT_CONSTANT,any)) */
738    213, /* 554 - r: CMP_CMOV(sload16,OTHER_OPERAND(INT_CONSTANT,any)) */
739    216, /* 555 - r: CMP_CMOV(boolcmp,OTHER_OPERAND(INT_CONSTANT,any)) */
740    217, /* 556 - r: CMP_CMOV(boolcmp,OTHER_OPERAND(INT_CONSTANT,any)) */
741    218, /* 557 - r: CMP_CMOV(bittest,OTHER_OPERAND(INT_CONSTANT,any)) */
742    219, /* 558 - r: CMP_CMOV(cz,OTHER_OPERAND(INT_CONSTANT,any)) */
743    220, /* 559 - r: CMP_CMOV(szp,OTHER_OPERAND(INT_CONSTANT,any)) */
744    367, /* 560 - r: LCMP_CMOV(r,OTHER_OPERAND(INT_CONSTANT,any)) */
745    223, /* 561 - stm: BYTE_STORE(INT_2BYTE(r),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv)) */
746    224, /* 562 - stm: BYTE_ASTORE(INT_2BYTE(r),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv)) */
747    233, /* 563 - stm: SHORT_STORE(INT_2SHORT(r),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv)) */
748    234, /* 564 - stm: SHORT_ASTORE(INT_2SHORT(r),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv)) */
749    238, /* 565 - stm: SHORT_STORE(INT_2USHORT(r),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv)) */
750    239, /* 566 - stm: SHORT_ASTORE(INT_2USHORT(r),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv)) */
751    412, /* 567 - stm: INT_STORE(LONG_2INT(r),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv)) */
752    413, /* 568 - stm: INT_ASTORE(LONG_2INT(r),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv)) */
753    244, /* 569 - stm: INT_STORE(INT_ADD(INT_LOAD(riv,riv),riv),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv)) */
754    246, /* 570 - stm: INT_ASTORE(INT_ADD(INT_ALOAD(riv,riv),riv),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv)) */
755    254, /* 571 - stm: INT_STORE(INT_AND(INT_LOAD(riv,riv),riv),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv)) */
756    256, /* 572 - stm: INT_ASTORE(INT_AND(INT_ALOAD(riv,riv),riv),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv)) */
757    307, /* 573 - stm: INT_STORE(INT_OR(INT_LOAD(riv,riv),riv),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv)) */
758    309, /* 574 - stm: INT_ASTORE(INT_OR(INT_ALOAD(riv,riv),riv),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv)) */
759    348, /* 575 - stm: INT_STORE(INT_SUB(INT_LOAD(riv,riv),riv),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv)) */
760    350, /* 576 - stm: INT_ASTORE(INT_SUB(INT_ALOAD(riv,riv),riv),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv)) */
761    362, /* 577 - stm: INT_STORE(INT_XOR(INT_LOAD(riv,riv),riv),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv)) */
762    364, /* 578 - stm: INT_ASTORE(INT_XOR(INT_ALOAD(riv,riv),riv),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv)) */
763    428, /* 579 - stm: LONG_STORE(LONG_ADD(LONG_LOAD(rlv,rlv),rlv),OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv)) */
764    430, /* 580 - stm: LONG_ASTORE(LONG_ADD(LONG_ALOAD(rlv,rlv),rlv),OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv)) */
765    439, /* 581 - stm: LONG_STORE(LONG_AND(LONG_LOAD(rlv,rlv),rlv),OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv)) */
766    441, /* 582 - stm: LONG_ASTORE(LONG_AND(LONG_ALOAD(rlv,rlv),rlv),OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv)) */
767    473, /* 583 - stm: LONG_STORE(LONG_OR(LONG_LOAD(rlv,rlv),rlv),OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv)) */
768    475, /* 584 - stm: LONG_ASTORE(LONG_OR(LONG_ALOAD(rlv,rlv),rlv),OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv)) */
769    509, /* 585 - stm: LONG_STORE(LONG_SUB(LONG_LOAD(rlv,rlv),rlv),OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv)) */
770    511, /* 586 - stm: LONG_ASTORE(LONG_SUB(LONG_ALOAD(rlv,rlv),rlv),OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv)) */
771    523, /* 587 - stm: LONG_STORE(LONG_XOR(LONG_LOAD(rlv,rlv),rlv),OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv)) */
772    525, /* 588 - stm: LONG_ASTORE(LONG_XOR(LONG_ALOAD(rlv,rlv),rlv),OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv)) */
773    245, /* 589 - stm: INT_STORE(INT_ADD(riv,INT_LOAD(riv,riv)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv)) */
774    247, /* 590 - stm: INT_ASTORE(INT_ADD(riv,INT_ALOAD(riv,riv)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv)) */
775    255, /* 591 - stm: INT_STORE(INT_AND(r,INT_LOAD(riv,riv)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv)) */
776    257, /* 592 - stm: INT_ASTORE(INT_AND(r,INT_ALOAD(riv,riv)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv)) */
777    308, /* 593 - stm: INT_STORE(INT_OR(r,INT_LOAD(riv,riv)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv)) */
778    310, /* 594 - stm: INT_ASTORE(INT_OR(r,INT_ALOAD(riv,riv)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv)) */
779    349, /* 595 - stm: INT_STORE(INT_SUB(riv,INT_LOAD(riv,riv)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv)) */
780    351, /* 596 - stm: INT_ASTORE(INT_SUB(riv,INT_ALOAD(riv,riv)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv)) */
781    363, /* 597 - stm: INT_STORE(INT_XOR(r,INT_LOAD(riv,riv)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv)) */
782    365, /* 598 - stm: INT_ASTORE(INT_XOR(r,INT_ALOAD(riv,riv)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv)) */
783    429, /* 599 - stm: LONG_STORE(LONG_ADD(rlv,LONG_LOAD(rlv,rlv)),OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv)) */
784    431, /* 600 - stm: LONG_ASTORE(LONG_ADD(rlv,LONG_ALOAD(rlv,rlv)),OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv)) */
785    440, /* 601 - stm: LONG_STORE(LONG_AND(r,LONG_LOAD(rlv,rlv)),OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv)) */
786    442, /* 602 - stm: LONG_ASTORE(LONG_AND(r,LONG_ALOAD(rlv,rlv)),OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv)) */
787    474, /* 603 - stm: LONG_STORE(LONG_OR(r,LONG_LOAD(rlv,rlv)),OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv)) */
788    476, /* 604 - stm: LONG_ASTORE(LONG_OR(r,LONG_ALOAD(rlv,rlv)),OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv)) */
789    510, /* 605 - stm: LONG_STORE(LONG_SUB(rlv,LONG_LOAD(rlv,rlv)),OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv)) */
790    512, /* 606 - stm: LONG_ASTORE(LONG_SUB(rlv,LONG_ALOAD(rlv,rlv)),OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv)) */
791    524, /* 607 - stm: LONG_STORE(LONG_XOR(r,LONG_LOAD(rlv,rlv)),OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv)) */
792    526, /* 608 - stm: LONG_ASTORE(LONG_XOR(r,LONG_ALOAD(rlv,rlv)),OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv)) */
793    313, /* 609 - r: INT_OR(INT_SHL(r,INT_CONSTANT),INT_USHR(r,INT_CONSTANT)) */
794    314, /* 610 - r: INT_OR(INT_USHR(r,INT_CONSTANT),INT_SHL(r,INT_CONSTANT)) */
795    315, /* 611 - r: INT_OR(INT_SHL(r,INT_CONSTANT),INT_USHR(r,INT_CONSTANT)) */
796    316, /* 612 - r: INT_OR(INT_USHR(r,INT_CONSTANT),INT_SHL(r,INT_CONSTANT)) */
801    321, /* 617 - szpr: INT_SHL(riv,INT_AND(r,INT_CONSTANT)) */
802    330, /* 618 - szpr: INT_SHR(riv,INT_AND(r,INT_CONSTANT)) */
803    342, /* 619 - stm: INT_STORE(riv,OTHER_OPERAND(address,LONG_CONSTANT)) */
804    352, /* 620 - szpr: INT_USHR(riv,INT_AND(r,INT_CONSTANT)) */
805    482, /* 621 - szpr: LONG_SHL(rlv,INT_AND(r,INT_CONSTANT)) */
806    491, /* 622 - szpr: LONG_SHR(rlv,INT_AND(r,LONG_CONSTANT)) */
807    503, /* 623 - stm: LONG_STORE(rlv,OTHER_OPERAND(address,LONG_CONSTANT)) */
808    513, /* 624 - szpr: LONG_USHR(rlv,LONG_AND(r,LONG_CONSTANT)) */
809    326, /* 625 - stm: INT_STORE(INT_SHL(INT_LOAD(riv,riv),INT_AND(r,INT_CONSTANT)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv)) */
810    328, /* 626 - stm: INT_ASTORE(INT_SHL(INT_ALOAD(riv,riv),INT_AND(r,INT_CONSTANT)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv)) */
811    333, /* 627 - stm: INT_STORE(INT_SHR(INT_LOAD(riv,riv),INT_AND(r,INT_CONSTANT)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv)) */
812    335, /* 628 - stm: INT_ASTORE(INT_SHR(INT_ALOAD(riv,riv),INT_AND(r,INT_CONSTANT)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv)) */
813    355, /* 629 - stm: INT_STORE(INT_USHR(INT_LOAD(riv,riv),INT_AND(r,INT_CONSTANT)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv)) */
814    357, /* 630 - stm: INT_ASTORE(INT_USHR(INT_ALOAD(riv,riv),INT_AND(r,INT_CONSTANT)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv)) */
815    487, /* 631 - stm: LONG_STORE(LONG_SHL(LONG_LOAD(riv,riv),INT_AND(r,INT_CONSTANT)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv)) */
816    489, /* 632 - stm: LONG_ASTORE(LONG_SHL(LONG_ALOAD(riv,riv),INT_AND(r,INT_CONSTANT)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv)) */
817    494, /* 633 - stm: LONG_STORE(LONG_SHR(LONG_LOAD(riv,riv),INT_AND(r,LONG_CONSTANT)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv)) */
818    496, /* 634 - stm: LONG_ASTORE(LONG_SHR(LONG_ALOAD(riv,riv),INT_AND(r,LONG_CONSTANT)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv)) */
819    516, /* 635 - stm: LONG_STORE(LONG_USHR(LONG_LOAD(riv,riv),LONG_AND(r,LONG_CONSTANT)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv)) */
820    518, /* 636 - stm: LONG_ASTORE(LONG_USHR(LONG_ALOAD(riv,riv),LONG_AND(r,LONG_CONSTANT)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv)) */
836  };
838  /** Ragged array for non-terminal leaves of r_NT,  */
839  private static final byte[] nts_0 = { r_NT,  };
840  /** Ragged array for non-terminal leaves of czr_NT,  */
841  private static final byte[] nts_1 = { czr_NT,  };
842  /** Ragged array for non-terminal leaves of szpr_NT,  */
843  private static final byte[] nts_2 = { szpr_NT,  };
844  /** Ragged array for non-terminal leaves of riv_NT,  */
845  private static final byte[] nts_3 = { riv_NT,  };
846  /** Ragged array for non-terminal leaves of address1reg_NT,  */
847  private static final byte[] nts_4 = { address1reg_NT,  };
848  /** Ragged array for non-terminal leaves of address1scaledreg_NT,  */
849  private static final byte[] nts_5 = { address1scaledreg_NT,  };
850  /** Ragged array for non-terminal leaves of sload8_NT,  */
851  private static final byte[] nts_6 = { sload8_NT,  };
852  /** Ragged array for non-terminal leaves of uload8_NT,  */
853  private static final byte[] nts_7 = { uload8_NT,  };
854  /** Ragged array for non-terminal leaves of sload16_NT,  */
855  private static final byte[] nts_8 = { sload16_NT,  };
856  /** Ragged array for non-terminal leaves of uload16_NT,  */
857  private static final byte[] nts_9 = { uload16_NT,  };
858  /** Ragged array for non-terminal leaves of load16_NT,  */
859  private static final byte[] nts_10 = { load16_NT,  };
860  /** Ragged array for non-terminal leaves of load32_NT,  */
861  private static final byte[] nts_11 = { load32_NT,  };
862  /** Ragged array for non-terminal leaves of load16_32_NT,  */
863  private static final byte[] nts_12 = { load16_32_NT,  };
864  /** Ragged array for non-terminal leaves of load8_NT,  */
865  private static final byte[] nts_13 = { load8_NT,  };
866  /** Ragged array for non-terminal leaves of load64_NT,  */
867  private static final byte[] nts_14 = { load64_NT,  };
868  /** Ragged array for non-terminal leaves of load8_16_32_NT,  */
869  private static final byte[] nts_15 = { load8_16_32_NT,  };
870  /** Ragged array for non-terminal leaves of  */
871  private static final byte[] nts_16 = {  };
872  /** Ragged array for non-terminal leaves of any_NT, any_NT,  */
873  private static final byte[] nts_17 = { any_NT, any_NT,  };
874  /** Ragged array for non-terminal leaves of r_NT, r_NT,  */
875  private static final byte[] nts_18 = { r_NT, r_NT,  };
876  /** Ragged array for non-terminal leaves of load32_NT, riv_NT,  */
877  private static final byte[] nts_19 = { load32_NT, riv_NT,  };
878  /** Ragged array for non-terminal leaves of riv_NT, load32_NT,  */
879  private static final byte[] nts_20 = { riv_NT, load32_NT,  };
880  /** Ragged array for non-terminal leaves of rlv_NT, rlv_NT,  */
881  private static final byte[] nts_21 = { rlv_NT, rlv_NT,  };
882  /** Ragged array for non-terminal leaves of r_NT, any_NT,  */
883  private static final byte[] nts_22 = { r_NT, any_NT,  };
884  /** Ragged array for non-terminal leaves of r_NT, address1scaledreg_NT,  */
885  private static final byte[] nts_23 = { r_NT, address1scaledreg_NT,  };
886  /** Ragged array for non-terminal leaves of address1scaledreg_NT, r_NT,  */
887  private static final byte[] nts_24 = { address1scaledreg_NT, r_NT,  };
888  /** Ragged array for non-terminal leaves of address1scaledreg_NT, address1reg_NT,  */
889  private static final byte[] nts_25 = { address1scaledreg_NT, address1reg_NT,  };
890  /** Ragged array for non-terminal leaves of address1reg_NT, address1scaledreg_NT,  */
891  private static final byte[] nts_26 = { address1reg_NT, address1scaledreg_NT,  };
892  /** Ragged array for non-terminal leaves of r_NT, riv_NT,  */
893  private static final byte[] nts_27 = { r_NT, riv_NT,  };
894  /** Ragged array for non-terminal leaves of r_NT, load32_NT,  */
895  private static final byte[] nts_28 = { r_NT, load32_NT,  };
896  /** Ragged array for non-terminal leaves of r_NT, rlv_NT,  */
897  private static final byte[] nts_29 = { r_NT, rlv_NT,  };
898  /** Ragged array for non-terminal leaves of load64_NT, rlv_NT,  */
899  private static final byte[] nts_30 = { load64_NT, rlv_NT,  };
900  /** Ragged array for non-terminal leaves of r_NT, load64_NT,  */
901  private static final byte[] nts_31 = { r_NT, load64_NT,  };
902  /** Ragged array for non-terminal leaves of rlv_NT, load64_NT,  */
903  private static final byte[] nts_32 = { rlv_NT, load64_NT,  };
904  /** Ragged array for non-terminal leaves of load8_16_32_NT, riv_NT,  */
905  private static final byte[] nts_33 = { load8_16_32_NT, riv_NT,  };
906  /** Ragged array for non-terminal leaves of r_NT, load8_16_32_NT,  */
907  private static final byte[] nts_34 = { r_NT, load8_16_32_NT,  };
908  /** Ragged array for non-terminal leaves of riv_NT, riv_NT,  */
909  private static final byte[] nts_35 = { riv_NT, riv_NT,  };
910  /** Ragged array for non-terminal leaves of uload8_NT, r_NT,  */
911  private static final byte[] nts_36 = { uload8_NT, r_NT,  };
912  /** Ragged array for non-terminal leaves of r_NT, uload8_NT,  */
913  private static final byte[] nts_37 = { r_NT, uload8_NT,  };
914  /** Ragged array for non-terminal leaves of rlv_NT, address1scaledreg_NT,  */
915  private static final byte[] nts_38 = { rlv_NT, address1scaledreg_NT,  };
916  /** Ragged array for non-terminal leaves of address1scaledreg_NT, rlv_NT,  */
917  private static final byte[] nts_39 = { address1scaledreg_NT, rlv_NT,  };
918  /** Ragged array for non-terminal leaves of rlv_NT, riv_NT,  */
919  private static final byte[] nts_40 = { rlv_NT, riv_NT,  };
920  /** Ragged array for non-terminal leaves of riv_NT, r_NT,  */
921  private static final byte[] nts_41 = { riv_NT, r_NT,  };
922  /** Ragged array for non-terminal leaves of load32_NT, r_NT,  */
923  private static final byte[] nts_42 = { load32_NT, r_NT,  };
924  /** Ragged array for non-terminal leaves of rlv_NT, r_NT,  */
925  private static final byte[] nts_43 = { rlv_NT, r_NT,  };
926  /** Ragged array for non-terminal leaves of load8_16_32_64_NT, rlv_NT,  */
927  private static final byte[] nts_44 = { load8_16_32_64_NT, rlv_NT,  };
928  /** Ragged array for non-terminal leaves of r_NT, load8_16_32_64_NT,  */
929  private static final byte[] nts_45 = { r_NT, load8_16_32_64_NT,  };
930  /** Ragged array for non-terminal leaves of riv_NT, rlv_NT,  */
931  private static final byte[] nts_46 = { riv_NT, rlv_NT,  };
932  /** Ragged array for non-terminal leaves of load64_NT, r_NT,  */
933  private static final byte[] nts_47 = { load64_NT, r_NT,  };
934  /** Ragged array for non-terminal leaves of r_NT, float_load_NT,  */
935  private static final byte[] nts_48 = { r_NT, float_load_NT,  };
936  /** Ragged array for non-terminal leaves of float_load_NT, r_NT,  */
937  private static final byte[] nts_49 = { float_load_NT, r_NT,  };
938  /** Ragged array for non-terminal leaves of r_NT, double_load_NT,  */
939  private static final byte[] nts_50 = { r_NT, double_load_NT,  };
940  /** Ragged array for non-terminal leaves of double_load_NT, r_NT,  */
941  private static final byte[] nts_51 = { double_load_NT, r_NT,  };
942  /** Ragged array for non-terminal leaves of cz_NT,  */
943  private static final byte[] nts_52 = { cz_NT,  };
944  /** Ragged array for non-terminal leaves of szp_NT,  */
945  private static final byte[] nts_53 = { szp_NT,  };
946  /** Ragged array for non-terminal leaves of bittest_NT,  */
947  private static final byte[] nts_54 = { bittest_NT,  };
948  /** Ragged array for non-terminal leaves of boolcmp_NT,  */
949  private static final byte[] nts_55 = { boolcmp_NT,  };
950  /** Ragged array for non-terminal leaves of address_NT,  */
951  private static final byte[] nts_56 = { address_NT,  };
952  /** Ragged array for non-terminal leaves of rlv_NT,  */
953  private static final byte[] nts_57 = { rlv_NT,  };
954  /** Ragged array for non-terminal leaves of float_load_NT,  */
955  private static final byte[] nts_58 = { float_load_NT,  };
956  /** Ragged array for non-terminal leaves of double_load_NT,  */
957  private static final byte[] nts_59 = { double_load_NT,  };
958  /** Ragged array for non-terminal leaves of any_NT,  */
959  private static final byte[] nts_60 = { any_NT,  };
960  /** Ragged array for non-terminal leaves of riv_NT, riv_NT, riv_NT,  */
961  private static final byte[] nts_61 = { riv_NT, riv_NT, riv_NT,  };
962  /** Ragged array for non-terminal leaves of load16_NT, riv_NT, riv_NT,  */
963  private static final byte[] nts_62 = { load16_NT, riv_NT, riv_NT,  };
964  /** Ragged array for non-terminal leaves of rlv_NT, rlv_NT, rlv_NT,  */
965  private static final byte[] nts_63 = { rlv_NT, rlv_NT, rlv_NT,  };
966  /** Ragged array for non-terminal leaves of riv_NT, rlv_NT, rlv_NT,  */
967  private static final byte[] nts_64 = { riv_NT, rlv_NT, rlv_NT,  };
968  /** Ragged array for non-terminal leaves of riv_NT, r_NT, r_NT,  */
969  private static final byte[] nts_65 = { riv_NT, r_NT, r_NT,  };
970  /** Ragged array for non-terminal leaves of riv_NT, rlv_NT, riv_NT,  */
971  private static final byte[] nts_66 = { riv_NT, rlv_NT, riv_NT,  };
972  /** Ragged array for non-terminal leaves of riv_NT, riv_NT, rlv_NT,  */
973  private static final byte[] nts_67 = { riv_NT, riv_NT, rlv_NT,  };
974  /** Ragged array for non-terminal leaves of r_NT, riv_NT, riv_NT,  */
975  private static final byte[] nts_68 = { r_NT, riv_NT, riv_NT,  };
976  /** Ragged array for non-terminal leaves of r_NT, rlv_NT, rlv_NT,  */
977  private static final byte[] nts_69 = { r_NT, rlv_NT, rlv_NT,  };
978  /** Ragged array for non-terminal leaves of r_NT, r_NT, r_NT,  */
979  private static final byte[] nts_70 = { r_NT, r_NT, r_NT,  };
980  /** Ragged array for non-terminal leaves of boolcmp_NT, riv_NT, riv_NT,  */
981  private static final byte[] nts_71 = { boolcmp_NT, riv_NT, riv_NT,  };
982  /** Ragged array for non-terminal leaves of load8_NT, rlv_NT, rlv_NT,  */
983  private static final byte[] nts_72 = { load8_NT, rlv_NT, rlv_NT,  };
984  /** Ragged array for non-terminal leaves of load8_NT, rlv_NT, riv_NT,  */
985  private static final byte[] nts_73 = { load8_NT, rlv_NT, riv_NT,  };
986  /** Ragged array for non-terminal leaves of r_NT, riv_NT, any_NT,  */
987  private static final byte[] nts_74 = { r_NT, riv_NT, any_NT,  };
988  /** Ragged array for non-terminal leaves of uload8_NT, riv_NT, any_NT,  */
989  private static final byte[] nts_75 = { uload8_NT, riv_NT, any_NT,  };
990  /** Ragged array for non-terminal leaves of riv_NT, uload8_NT, any_NT,  */
991  private static final byte[] nts_76 = { riv_NT, uload8_NT, any_NT,  };
992  /** Ragged array for non-terminal leaves of load32_NT, riv_NT, any_NT,  */
993  private static final byte[] nts_77 = { load32_NT, riv_NT, any_NT,  };
994  /** Ragged array for non-terminal leaves of riv_NT, load32_NT, any_NT,  */
995  private static final byte[] nts_78 = { riv_NT, load32_NT, any_NT,  };
996  /** Ragged array for non-terminal leaves of riv_NT, rlv_NT, address1scaledreg_NT,  */
997  private static final byte[] nts_79 = { riv_NT, rlv_NT, address1scaledreg_NT,  };
998  /** Ragged array for non-terminal leaves of riv_NT, address1scaledreg_NT, rlv_NT,  */
999  private static final byte[] nts_80 = { riv_NT, address1scaledreg_NT, rlv_NT,  };
1000  /** Ragged array for non-terminal leaves of riv_NT, address1scaledreg_NT, address1reg_NT,  */
1001  private static final byte[] nts_81 = { riv_NT, address1scaledreg_NT, address1reg_NT,  };
1002  /** Ragged array for non-terminal leaves of riv_NT, address1reg_NT, address1scaledreg_NT,  */
1003  private static final byte[] nts_82 = { riv_NT, address1reg_NT, address1scaledreg_NT,  };
1004  /** Ragged array for non-terminal leaves of r_NT, rlv_NT, any_NT,  */
1005  private static final byte[] nts_83 = { r_NT, rlv_NT, any_NT,  };
1006  /** Ragged array for non-terminal leaves of load64_NT, rlv_NT, any_NT,  */
1007  private static final byte[] nts_84 = { load64_NT, rlv_NT, any_NT,  };
1008  /** Ragged array for non-terminal leaves of rlv_NT, load64_NT, any_NT,  */
1009  private static final byte[] nts_85 = { rlv_NT, load64_NT, any_NT,  };
1010  /** Ragged array for non-terminal leaves of rlv_NT, rlv_NT, address1scaledreg_NT,  */
1011  private static final byte[] nts_86 = { rlv_NT, rlv_NT, address1scaledreg_NT,  };
1012  /** Ragged array for non-terminal leaves of rlv_NT, address1scaledreg_NT, rlv_NT,  */
1013  private static final byte[] nts_87 = { rlv_NT, address1scaledreg_NT, rlv_NT,  };
1014  /** Ragged array for non-terminal leaves of rlv_NT, address1scaledreg_NT, address1reg_NT,  */
1015  private static final byte[] nts_88 = { rlv_NT, address1scaledreg_NT, address1reg_NT,  };
1016  /** Ragged array for non-terminal leaves of rlv_NT, address1reg_NT, address1scaledreg_NT,  */
1017  private static final byte[] nts_89 = { rlv_NT, address1reg_NT, address1scaledreg_NT,  };
1018  /** Ragged array for non-terminal leaves of r_NT, riv_NT, rlv_NT,  */
1019  private static final byte[] nts_90 = { r_NT, riv_NT, rlv_NT,  };
1020  /** Ragged array for non-terminal leaves of r_NT, rlv_NT, riv_NT,  */
1021  private static final byte[] nts_91 = { r_NT, rlv_NT, riv_NT,  };
1022  /** Ragged array for non-terminal leaves of r_NT, r_NT, any_NT,  */
1023  private static final byte[] nts_92 = { r_NT, r_NT, any_NT,  };
1024  /** Ragged array for non-terminal leaves of r_NT, float_load_NT, any_NT,  */
1025  private static final byte[] nts_93 = { r_NT, float_load_NT, any_NT,  };
1026  /** Ragged array for non-terminal leaves of r_NT, double_load_NT, any_NT,  */
1027  private static final byte[] nts_94 = { r_NT, double_load_NT, any_NT,  };
1028  /** Ragged array for non-terminal leaves of float_load_NT, r_NT, any_NT,  */
1029  private static final byte[] nts_95 = { float_load_NT, r_NT, any_NT,  };
1030  /** Ragged array for non-terminal leaves of double_load_NT, r_NT, any_NT,  */
1031  private static final byte[] nts_96 = { double_load_NT, r_NT, any_NT,  };
1032  /** Ragged array for non-terminal leaves of load64_NT, riv_NT, riv_NT,  */
1033  private static final byte[] nts_97 = { load64_NT, riv_NT, riv_NT,  };
1034  /** Ragged array for non-terminal leaves of load64_NT, rlv_NT, riv_NT,  */
1035  private static final byte[] nts_98 = { load64_NT, rlv_NT, riv_NT,  };
1036  /** Ragged array for non-terminal leaves of riv_NT, riv_NT, any_NT,  */
1037  private static final byte[] nts_99 = { riv_NT, riv_NT, any_NT,  };
1038  /** Ragged array for non-terminal leaves of rlv_NT, rlv_NT, any_NT,  */
1039  private static final byte[] nts_100 = { rlv_NT, rlv_NT, any_NT,  };
1040  /** Ragged array for non-terminal leaves of riv_NT, riv_NT, riv_NT, riv_NT,  */
1041  private static final byte[] nts_101 = { riv_NT, riv_NT, riv_NT, riv_NT,  };
1042  /** Ragged array for non-terminal leaves of riv_NT, rlv_NT, riv_NT, riv_NT,  */
1043  private static final byte[] nts_102 = { riv_NT, rlv_NT, riv_NT, riv_NT,  };
1044  /** Ragged array for non-terminal leaves of rlv_NT, rlv_NT, riv_NT, riv_NT,  */
1045  private static final byte[] nts_103 = { rlv_NT, rlv_NT, riv_NT, riv_NT,  };
1046  /** Ragged array for non-terminal leaves of r_NT, address1scaledreg_NT, riv_NT, riv_NT,  */
1047  private static final byte[] nts_104 = { r_NT, address1scaledreg_NT, riv_NT, riv_NT,  };
1048  /** Ragged array for non-terminal leaves of address1scaledreg_NT, r_NT, riv_NT, riv_NT,  */
1049  private static final byte[] nts_105 = { address1scaledreg_NT, r_NT, riv_NT, riv_NT,  };
1050  /** Ragged array for non-terminal leaves of address1scaledreg_NT, address1reg_NT, riv_NT, riv_NT,  */
1051  private static final byte[] nts_106 = { address1scaledreg_NT, address1reg_NT, riv_NT, riv_NT,  };
1052  /** Ragged array for non-terminal leaves of address1reg_NT, address1scaledreg_NT, riv_NT, riv_NT,  */
1053  private static final byte[] nts_107 = { address1reg_NT, address1scaledreg_NT, riv_NT, riv_NT,  };
1054  /** Ragged array for non-terminal leaves of rlv_NT, rlv_NT, rlv_NT, rlv_NT,  */
1055  private static final byte[] nts_108 = { rlv_NT, rlv_NT, rlv_NT, rlv_NT,  };
1056  /** Ragged array for non-terminal leaves of r_NT, address1scaledreg_NT, rlv_NT, rlv_NT,  */
1057  private static final byte[] nts_109 = { r_NT, address1scaledreg_NT, rlv_NT, rlv_NT,  };
1058  /** Ragged array for non-terminal leaves of address1scaledreg_NT, r_NT, rlv_NT, rlv_NT,  */
1059  private static final byte[] nts_110 = { address1scaledreg_NT, r_NT, rlv_NT, rlv_NT,  };
1060  /** Ragged array for non-terminal leaves of address1scaledreg_NT, address1reg_NT, rlv_NT, rlv_NT,  */
1061  private static final byte[] nts_111 = { address1scaledreg_NT, address1reg_NT, rlv_NT, rlv_NT,  };
1062  /** Ragged array for non-terminal leaves of address1reg_NT, address1scaledreg_NT, rlv_NT, rlv_NT,  */
1063  private static final byte[] nts_112 = { address1reg_NT, address1scaledreg_NT, rlv_NT, rlv_NT,  };
1064  /** Ragged array for non-terminal leaves of r_NT, r_NT, r_NT, float_load_NT,  */
1065  private static final byte[] nts_113 = { r_NT, r_NT, r_NT, float_load_NT,  };
1066  /** Ragged array for non-terminal leaves of r_NT, r_NT, r_NT, double_load_NT,  */
1067  private static final byte[] nts_114 = { r_NT, r_NT, r_NT, double_load_NT,  };
1068  /** Ragged array for non-terminal leaves of r_NT, r_NT, float_load_NT, r_NT,  */
1069  private static final byte[] nts_115 = { r_NT, r_NT, float_load_NT, r_NT,  };
1070  /** Ragged array for non-terminal leaves of r_NT, r_NT, double_load_NT, r_NT,  */
1071  private static final byte[] nts_116 = { r_NT, r_NT, double_load_NT, r_NT,  };
1072  /** Ragged array for non-terminal leaves of address_NT, riv_NT, riv_NT,  */
1073  private static final byte[] nts_117 = { address_NT, riv_NT, riv_NT,  };
1074  /** Ragged array for non-terminal leaves of address_NT, rlv_NT, rlv_NT,  */
1075  private static final byte[] nts_118 = { address_NT, rlv_NT, rlv_NT,  };
1076  /** Ragged array for non-terminal leaves of rlv_NT, riv_NT, rlv_NT, riv_NT,  */
1077  private static final byte[] nts_119 = { rlv_NT, riv_NT, rlv_NT, riv_NT,  };
1078  /** Ragged array for non-terminal leaves of load8_NT, any_NT,  */
1079  private static final byte[] nts_120 = { load8_NT, any_NT,  };
1080  /** Ragged array for non-terminal leaves of sload16_NT, any_NT,  */
1081  private static final byte[] nts_121 = { sload16_NT, any_NT,  };
1082  /** Ragged array for non-terminal leaves of boolcmp_NT, any_NT,  */
1083  private static final byte[] nts_122 = { boolcmp_NT, any_NT,  };
1084  /** Ragged array for non-terminal leaves of bittest_NT, any_NT,  */
1085  private static final byte[] nts_123 = { bittest_NT, any_NT,  };
1086  /** Ragged array for non-terminal leaves of cz_NT, any_NT,  */
1087  private static final byte[] nts_124 = { cz_NT, any_NT,  };
1088  /** Ragged array for non-terminal leaves of szp_NT, any_NT,  */
1089  private static final byte[] nts_125 = { szp_NT, any_NT,  };
1090  /** Ragged array for non-terminal leaves of riv_NT, riv_NT, riv_NT, riv_NT, riv_NT,  */
1091  private static final byte[] nts_126 = { riv_NT, riv_NT, riv_NT, riv_NT, riv_NT,  };
1092  /** Ragged array for non-terminal leaves of rlv_NT, rlv_NT, rlv_NT, rlv_NT, rlv_NT,  */
1093  private static final byte[] nts_127 = { rlv_NT, rlv_NT, rlv_NT, rlv_NT, rlv_NT,  };
1094  /** Ragged array for non-terminal leaves of r_NT, riv_NT, riv_NT, riv_NT, riv_NT,  */
1095  private static final byte[] nts_128 = { r_NT, riv_NT, riv_NT, riv_NT, riv_NT,  };
1096  /** Ragged array for non-terminal leaves of r_NT, rlv_NT, rlv_NT, rlv_NT, rlv_NT,  */
1097  private static final byte[] nts_129 = { r_NT, rlv_NT, rlv_NT, rlv_NT, rlv_NT,  };
1098  /** Ragged array for non-terminal leaves of r_NT, r_NT, r_NT, r_NT,  */
1099  private static final byte[] nts_130 = { r_NT, r_NT, r_NT, r_NT,  };
1100  /** Ragged array for non-terminal leaves of riv_NT, address_NT,  */
1101  private static final byte[] nts_131 = { riv_NT, address_NT,  };
1102  /** Ragged array for non-terminal leaves of rlv_NT, address_NT,  */
1103  private static final byte[] nts_132 = { rlv_NT, address_NT,  };
1104  /** Ragged array for non-terminal leaves of riv_NT, riv_NT, r_NT, riv_NT, riv_NT,  */
1105  private static final byte[] nts_133 = { riv_NT, riv_NT, r_NT, riv_NT, riv_NT,  };
1107  /** Map non-terminal to non-terminal leaves */
1108  private static final byte[][] nts = {
1109    null, /* 0 */
1110    nts_0,  // 1 - stm: r 
1111    nts_1,  // 2 - r: czr 
1112    nts_1,  // 3 - cz: czr 
1113    nts_2,  // 4 - r: szpr 
1114    nts_2,  // 5 - szp: szpr 
1115    nts_0,  // 6 - riv: r 
1116    nts_0,  // 7 - rlv: r 
1117    nts_3,  // 8 - any: riv 
1118    nts_4,  // 9 - address1scaledreg: address1reg 
1119    nts_5,  // 10 - address: address1scaledreg 
1120    nts_6,  // 11 - load8: sload8 
1121    nts_7,  // 12 - load8: uload8 
1122    nts_8,  // 13 - load16: sload16 
1123    nts_9,  // 14 - load16: uload16 
1124    nts_10, // 15 - load16_32: load16 
1125    nts_11, // 16 - load16_32: load32 
1126    nts_12, // 17 - load8_16_32: load16_32 
1127    nts_13, // 18 - load8_16_32: load8 
1128    nts_14, // 19 - load8_16_32_64: load64 
1129    nts_15, // 20 - load8_16_32_64: load8_16_32 
1130    nts_16, // 21 - r: REGISTER 
1131    nts_16, // 22 - riv: INT_CONSTANT 
1132    nts_16, // 23 - rlv: LONG_CONSTANT 
1133    nts_16, // 24 - any: NULL 
1134    nts_16, // 25 - any: ADDRESS_CONSTANT 
1135    nts_16, // 26 - any: LONG_CONSTANT 
1136    nts_16, // 27 - stm: IG_PATCH_POINT 
1137    nts_16, // 28 - stm: UNINT_BEGIN 
1138    nts_16, // 29 - stm: UNINT_END 
1139    nts_16, // 30 - stm: YIELDPOINT_PROLOGUE 
1140    nts_16, // 31 - stm: YIELDPOINT_EPILOGUE 
1141    nts_16, // 32 - stm: YIELDPOINT_BACKEDGE 
1142    nts_16, // 33 - stm: RESOLVE 
1143    nts_16, // 34 - stm: NOP 
1144    nts_16, // 35 - r: GUARD_MOVE 
1145    nts_16, // 36 - r: GUARD_COMBINE 
1146    nts_16, // 37 - stm: IR_PROLOGUE 
1147    nts_16, // 38 - r: GET_CAUGHT_EXCEPTION 
1148    nts_16, // 39 - stm: SET_CAUGHT_EXCEPTION(INT_CONSTANT) 
1149    nts_16, // 40 - stm: TRAP 
1150    nts_16, // 41 - stm: GOTO 
1151    nts_16, // 42 - stm: WRITE_FLOOR 
1152    nts_16, // 43 - stm: READ_CEILING 
1153    nts_16, // 44 - stm: FENCE 
1154    nts_16, // 45 - stm: PAUSE 
1155    nts_16, // 46 - stm: RETURN(NULL) 
1156    nts_16, // 47 - stm: RETURN(INT_CONSTANT) 
1157    nts_16, // 48 - stm: RETURN(LONG_CONSTANT) 
1158    nts_16, // 49 - r: GET_TIME_BASE 
1159    nts_16, // 50 - stm: CLEAR_FLOATING_POINT_STATE 
1160    nts_17, // 51 - any: OTHER_OPERAND(any,any) 
1161    nts_18, // 52 - stm: TRAP_IF(r,r) 
1162    nts_19, // 53 - stm: TRAP_IF(load32,riv) 
1163    nts_20, // 54 - stm: TRAP_IF(riv,load32) 
1164    nts_21, // 55 - r: LONG_CMP(rlv,rlv) 
1165    nts_22, // 56 - r: CALL(r,any) 
1166    nts_22, // 57 - r: SYSCALL(r,any) 
1167    nts_17, // 58 - stm: YIELDPOINT_OSR(any,any) 
1168    nts_18, // 59 - address: INT_ADD(r,r) 
1169    nts_23, // 60 - address: INT_ADD(r,address1scaledreg) 
1170    nts_24, // 61 - address: INT_ADD(address1scaledreg,r) 
1171    nts_25, // 62 - address: INT_ADD(address1scaledreg,address1reg) 
1172    nts_26, // 63 - address: INT_ADD(address1reg,address1scaledreg) 
1173    nts_18, // 64 - address: LONG_ADD(r,r) 
1174    nts_23, // 65 - address: LONG_ADD(r,address1scaledreg) 
1175    nts_24, // 66 - address: LONG_ADD(address1scaledreg,r) 
1176    nts_25, // 67 - address: LONG_ADD(address1scaledreg,address1reg) 
1177    nts_26, // 68 - address: LONG_ADD(address1reg,address1scaledreg) 
1178    nts_27, // 69 - r: BOOLEAN_CMP_INT(r,riv) 
1179    nts_27, // 70 - boolcmp: BOOLEAN_CMP_INT(r,riv) 
1180    nts_19, // 71 - r: BOOLEAN_CMP_INT(load32,riv) 
1181    nts_19, // 72 - boolcmp: BOOLEAN_CMP_INT(load32,riv) 
1182    nts_28, // 73 - r: BOOLEAN_CMP_INT(r,load32) 
1183    nts_20, // 74 - boolcmp: BOOLEAN_CMP_INT(riv,load32) 
1184    nts_29, // 75 - r: BOOLEAN_CMP_LONG(r,rlv) 
1185    nts_29, // 76 - boolcmp: BOOLEAN_CMP_LONG(r,rlv) 
1186    nts_30, // 77 - r: BOOLEAN_CMP_LONG(load64,rlv) 
1187    nts_30, // 78 - boolcmp: BOOLEAN_CMP_LONG(load64,rlv) 
1188    nts_31, // 79 - r: BOOLEAN_CMP_LONG(r,load64) 
1189    nts_32, // 80 - boolcmp: BOOLEAN_CMP_LONG(rlv,load64) 
1190    nts_27, // 81 - czr: INT_ADD(r,riv) 
1191    nts_27, // 82 - r: INT_ADD(r,riv) 
1192    nts_28, // 83 - czr: INT_ADD(r,load32) 
1193    nts_19, // 84 - czr: INT_ADD(load32,riv) 
1194    nts_27, // 85 - szpr: INT_AND(r,riv) 
1195    nts_27, // 86 - szp: INT_AND(r,riv) 
1196    nts_28, // 87 - szpr: INT_AND(r,load32) 
1197    nts_19, // 88 - szpr: INT_AND(load32,riv) 
1198    nts_33, // 89 - szp: INT_AND(load8_16_32,riv) 
1199    nts_34, // 90 - szp: INT_AND(r,load8_16_32) 
1200    nts_35, // 91 - r: INT_DIV(riv,riv) 
1201    nts_20, // 92 - r: INT_DIV(riv,load32) 
1202    nts_27, // 93 - stm: INT_IFCMP(r,riv) 
1203    nts_36, // 94 - stm: INT_IFCMP(uload8,r) 
1204    nts_37, // 95 - stm: INT_IFCMP(r,uload8) 
1205    nts_19, // 96 - stm: INT_IFCMP(load32,riv) 
1206    nts_28, // 97 - stm: INT_IFCMP(r,load32) 
1207    nts_27, // 98 - stm: INT_IFCMP2(r,riv) 
1208    nts_19, // 99 - stm: INT_IFCMP2(load32,riv) 
1209    nts_20, // 100 - stm: INT_IFCMP2(riv,load32) 
1210    nts_21, // 101 - r: INT_LOAD(rlv,rlv) 
1211    nts_38, // 102 - r: INT_LOAD(rlv,address1scaledreg) 
1212    nts_39, // 103 - r: INT_LOAD(address1scaledreg,rlv) 
1213    nts_25, // 104 - r: INT_LOAD(address1scaledreg,address1reg) 
1214    nts_26, // 105 - r: INT_LOAD(address1reg,address1scaledreg) 
1215    nts_40, // 106 - r: INT_ALOAD(rlv,riv) 
1216    nts_27, // 107 - r: INT_MUL(r,riv) 
1217    nts_28, // 108 - r: INT_MUL(r,load32) 
1218    nts_19, // 109 - r: INT_MUL(load32,riv) 
1219    nts_27, // 110 - szpr: INT_OR(r,riv) 
1220    nts_28, // 111 - szpr: INT_OR(r,load32) 
1221    nts_19, // 112 - szpr: INT_OR(load32,riv) 
1222    nts_35, // 113 - r: INT_REM(riv,riv) 
1223    nts_20, // 114 - r: INT_REM(riv,load32) 
1224    nts_35, // 115 - szpr: INT_SHL(riv,riv) 
1225    nts_35, // 116 - szpr: INT_SHR(riv,riv) 
1226    nts_41, // 117 - czr: INT_SUB(riv,r) 
1227    nts_41, // 118 - r: INT_SUB(riv,r) 
1228    nts_42, // 119 - r: INT_SUB(load32,r) 
1229    nts_20, // 120 - czr: INT_SUB(riv,load32) 
1230    nts_19, // 121 - czr: INT_SUB(load32,riv) 
1231    nts_35, // 122 - szpr: INT_USHR(riv,riv) 
1232    nts_27, // 123 - szpr: INT_XOR(r,riv) 
1233    nts_28, // 124 - szpr: INT_XOR(r,load32) 
1234    nts_19, // 125 - szpr: INT_XOR(load32,riv) 
1235    nts_24, // 126 - r: LONG_ADD(address1scaledreg,r) 
1236    nts_23, // 127 - r: LONG_ADD(r,address1scaledreg) 
1237    nts_25, // 128 - r: LONG_ADD(address1scaledreg,address1reg) 
1238    nts_26, // 129 - r: LONG_ADD(address1reg,address1scaledreg) 
1239    nts_21, // 130 - r: BYTE_LOAD(rlv,rlv) 
1240    nts_21, // 131 - sload8: BYTE_LOAD(rlv,rlv) 
1241    nts_40, // 132 - r: BYTE_ALOAD(rlv,riv) 
1242    nts_43, // 133 - r: BYTE_ALOAD(rlv,r) 
1243    nts_40, // 134 - sload8: BYTE_ALOAD(rlv,riv) 
1244    nts_21, // 135 - r: UBYTE_LOAD(rlv,rlv) 
1245    nts_21, // 136 - uload8: UBYTE_LOAD(rlv,rlv) 
1246    nts_40, // 137 - r: UBYTE_ALOAD(rlv,riv) 
1247    nts_43, // 138 - r: UBYTE_ALOAD(rlv,r) 
1248    nts_40, // 139 - uload8: UBYTE_ALOAD(rlv,riv) 
1249    nts_21, // 140 - r: SHORT_LOAD(rlv,rlv) 
1250    nts_21, // 141 - sload16: SHORT_LOAD(rlv,rlv) 
1251    nts_40, // 142 - r: SHORT_ALOAD(rlv,riv) 
1252    nts_43, // 143 - r: SHORT_ALOAD(rlv,r) 
1253    nts_40, // 144 - sload16: SHORT_ALOAD(rlv,riv) 
1254    nts_21, // 145 - r: USHORT_LOAD(rlv,rlv) 
1255    nts_21, // 146 - uload16: USHORT_LOAD(rlv,rlv) 
1256    nts_40, // 147 - r: USHORT_ALOAD(rlv,riv) 
1257    nts_43, // 148 - r: USHORT_ALOAD(rlv,r) 
1258    nts_40, // 149 - uload16: USHORT_ALOAD(rlv,riv) 
1259    nts_21, // 150 - load32: INT_LOAD(rlv,rlv) 
1260    nts_40, // 151 - load32: INT_ALOAD(rlv,riv) 
1261    nts_21, // 152 - load64: LONG_LOAD(rlv,rlv) 
1262    nts_21, // 153 - load64: LONG_ALOAD(rlv,rlv) 
1263    nts_43, // 154 - load64: LONG_ALOAD(rlv,r) 
1264    nts_29, // 155 - czr: LONG_ADD(r,rlv) 
1265    nts_27, // 156 - czr: LONG_ADD(r,riv) 
1266    nts_18, // 157 - czr: LONG_ADD(r,r) 
1267    nts_29, // 158 - r: LONG_ADD(r,rlv) 
1268    nts_32, // 159 - czr: LONG_ADD(rlv,load64) 
1269    nts_30, // 160 - czr: LONG_ADD(load64,rlv) 
1270    nts_29, // 161 - szpr: LONG_AND(r,rlv) 
1271    nts_18, // 162 - szpr: LONG_AND(r,r) 
1272    nts_29, // 163 - szp: LONG_AND(r,rlv) 
1273    nts_32, // 164 - szpr: LONG_AND(rlv,load64) 
1274    nts_30, // 165 - szpr: LONG_AND(load64,rlv) 
1275    nts_44, // 166 - szp: LONG_AND(load8_16_32_64,rlv) 
1276    nts_45, // 167 - szp: LONG_AND(r,load8_16_32_64) 
1277    nts_21, // 168 - r: LONG_DIV(rlv,rlv) 
1278    nts_40, // 169 - r: LONG_DIV(rlv,riv) 
1279    nts_46, // 170 - r: LONG_DIV(riv,rlv) 
1280    nts_32, // 171 - r: LONG_DIV(rlv,load64) 
1281    nts_30, // 172 - r: LONG_DIV(load64,rlv) 
1282    nts_21, // 173 - stm: LONG_IFCMP(rlv,rlv) 
1283    nts_21, // 174 - r: LONG_LOAD(rlv,rlv) 
1284    nts_38, // 175 - r: LONG_LOAD(rlv,address1scaledreg) 
1285    nts_39, // 176 - r: LONG_LOAD(address1scaledreg,rlv) 
1286    nts_25, // 177 - r: LONG_LOAD(address1scaledreg,address1reg) 
1287    nts_26, // 178 - r: LONG_LOAD(address1reg,address1scaledreg) 
1288    nts_40, // 179 - r: LONG_ALOAD(rlv,riv) 
1289    nts_43, // 180 - r: LONG_ALOAD(rlv,r) 
1290    nts_29, // 181 - r: LONG_MUL(r,rlv) 
1291    nts_31, // 182 - r: INT_MUL(r,load64) 
1292    nts_30, // 183 - r: INT_MUL(load64,rlv) 
1293    nts_29, // 184 - szpr: LONG_OR(r,rlv) 
1294    nts_31, // 185 - szpr: LONG_OR(r,load64) 
1295    nts_30, // 186 - szpr: LONG_OR(load64,rlv) 
1296    nts_21, // 187 - r: LONG_REM(rlv,rlv) 
1297    nts_40, // 188 - r: LONG_REM(rlv,riv) 
1298    nts_46, // 189 - r: LONG_REM(riv,rlv) 
1299    nts_32, // 190 - r: LONG_REM(rlv,load64) 
1300    nts_30, // 191 - r: LONG_REM(load64,rlv) 
1301    nts_40, // 192 - szpr: LONG_SHL(rlv,riv) 
1302    nts_40, // 193 - szpr: LONG_SHR(rlv,riv) 
1303    nts_43, // 194 - czr: LONG_SUB(rlv,r) 
1304    nts_43, // 195 - r: LONG_SUB(rlv,r) 
1305    nts_47, // 196 - r: LONG_SUB(load64,r) 
1306    nts_32, // 197 - czr: LONG_SUB(rlv,load64) 
1307    nts_30, // 198 - czr: LONG_SUB(load64,rlv) 
1308    nts_40, // 199 - szpr: LONG_USHR(rlv,riv) 
1309    nts_29, // 200 - szpr: LONG_XOR(r,rlv) 
1310    nts_31, // 201 - szpr: LONG_XOR(r,load64) 
1311    nts_30, // 202 - szpr: LONG_XOR(load64,rlv) 
1312    nts_18, // 203 - r: FLOAT_ADD(r,r) 
1313    nts_48, // 204 - r: FLOAT_ADD(r,float_load) 
1314    nts_49, // 205 - r: FLOAT_ADD(float_load,r) 
1315    nts_18, // 206 - r: DOUBLE_ADD(r,r) 
1316    nts_50, // 207 - r: DOUBLE_ADD(r,double_load) 
1317    nts_51, // 208 - r: DOUBLE_ADD(double_load,r) 
1318    nts_18, // 209 - r: FLOAT_SUB(r,r) 
1319    nts_48, // 210 - r: FLOAT_SUB(r,float_load) 
1320    nts_18, // 211 - r: DOUBLE_SUB(r,r) 
1321    nts_50, // 212 - r: DOUBLE_SUB(r,double_load) 
1322    nts_18, // 213 - r: FLOAT_MUL(r,r) 
1323    nts_48, // 214 - r: FLOAT_MUL(r,float_load) 
1324    nts_49, // 215 - r: FLOAT_MUL(float_load,r) 
1325    nts_18, // 216 - r: DOUBLE_MUL(r,r) 
1326    nts_50, // 217 - r: DOUBLE_MUL(r,double_load) 
1327    nts_51, // 218 - r: DOUBLE_MUL(double_load,r) 
1328    nts_18, // 219 - r: FLOAT_DIV(r,r) 
1329    nts_48, // 220 - r: FLOAT_DIV(r,float_load) 
1330    nts_18, // 221 - r: DOUBLE_DIV(r,r) 
1331    nts_50, // 222 - r: DOUBLE_DIV(r,double_load) 
1332    nts_18, // 223 - r: FLOAT_REM(r,r) 
1333    nts_18, // 224 - r: DOUBLE_REM(r,r) 
1334    nts_35, // 225 - r: DOUBLE_LOAD(riv,riv) 
1335    nts_46, // 226 - r: DOUBLE_LOAD(riv,rlv) 
1336    nts_21, // 227 - r: DOUBLE_LOAD(rlv,rlv) 
1337    nts_35, // 228 - double_load: DOUBLE_LOAD(riv,riv) 
1338    nts_35, // 229 - r: DOUBLE_ALOAD(riv,riv) 
1339    nts_21, // 230 - double_load: DOUBLE_LOAD(rlv,rlv) 
1340    nts_41, // 231 - r: DOUBLE_ALOAD(riv,r) 
1341    nts_21, // 232 - r: DOUBLE_ALOAD(rlv,rlv) 
1342    nts_35, // 233 - double_load: DOUBLE_ALOAD(riv,riv) 
1343    nts_35, // 234 - r: FLOAT_LOAD(riv,riv) 
1344    nts_21, // 235 - r: FLOAT_LOAD(rlv,rlv) 
1345    nts_35, // 236 - float_load: FLOAT_LOAD(riv,riv) 
1346    nts_35, // 237 - r: FLOAT_ALOAD(riv,riv) 
1347    nts_41, // 238 - r: FLOAT_ALOAD(riv,r) 
1348    nts_21, // 239 - r: FLOAT_ALOAD(rlv,rlv) 
1349    nts_35, // 240 - float_load: FLOAT_ALOAD(riv,riv) 
1350    nts_18, // 241 - stm: FLOAT_IFCMP(r,r) 
1351    nts_48, // 242 - stm: FLOAT_IFCMP(r,float_load) 
1352    nts_49, // 243 - stm: FLOAT_IFCMP(float_load,r) 
1353    nts_18, // 244 - stm: DOUBLE_IFCMP(r,r) 
1354    nts_50, // 245 - stm: DOUBLE_IFCMP(r,double_load) 
1355    nts_51, // 246 - stm: DOUBLE_IFCMP(double_load,r) 
1356    nts_0,  // 247 - stm: LOWTABLESWITCH(r) 
1357    nts_3,  // 248 - stm: NULL_CHECK(riv) 
1358    nts_0,  // 249 - stm: SET_CAUGHT_EXCEPTION(r) 
1359    nts_0,  // 250 - stm: TRAP_IF(r,INT_CONSTANT) 
1360    nts_0,  // 251 - stm: TRAP_IF(r,LONG_CONSTANT) 
1361    nts_15, // 252 - uload8: INT_AND(load8_16_32,INT_CONSTANT) 
1362    nts_15, // 253 - r: INT_AND(load8_16_32,INT_CONSTANT) 
1363    nts_15, // 254 - r: INT_2BYTE(load8_16_32) 
1364    nts_12, // 255 - r: INT_AND(load16_32,INT_CONSTANT) 
1365    nts_0,  // 256 - stm: PREFETCH(r) 
1366    nts_0,  // 257 - stm: RETURN(r) 
1367    nts_0,  // 258 - address1scaledreg: INT_SHL(r,INT_CONSTANT) 
1368    nts_0,  // 259 - address1reg: INT_ADD(r,LONG_CONSTANT) 
1369    nts_0,  // 260 - address1reg: INT_MOVE(r) 
1370    nts_4,  // 261 - address1reg: INT_ADD(address1reg,LONG_CONSTANT) 
1371    nts_5,  // 262 - address1scaledreg: INT_ADD(address1scaledreg,LONG_CONSTANT) 
1372    nts_5,  // 263 - address: INT_ADD(address1scaledreg,LONG_CONSTANT) 
1373    nts_0,  // 264 - address1scaledreg: LONG_SHL(r,INT_CONSTANT) 
1374    nts_0,  // 265 - address1reg: LONG_ADD(r,LONG_CONSTANT) 
1375    nts_0,  // 266 - address1reg: LONG_MOVE(r) 
1376    nts_4,  // 267 - address1reg: LONG_ADD(address1reg,LONG_CONSTANT) 
1377    nts_5,  // 268 - address1scaledreg: LONG_ADD(address1scaledreg,LONG_CONSTANT) 
1378    nts_5,  // 269 - address: LONG_ADD(address1scaledreg,LONG_CONSTANT) 
1379    nts_0,  // 270 - r: BOOLEAN_CMP_INT(r,INT_CONSTANT) 
1380    nts_0,  // 271 - boolcmp: BOOLEAN_CMP_INT(r,INT_CONSTANT) 
1381    nts_0,  // 272 - r: BOOLEAN_CMP_INT(r,INT_CONSTANT) 
1382    nts_11, // 273 - r: BOOLEAN_CMP_INT(load32,INT_CONSTANT) 
1383    nts_0,  // 274 - r: BOOLEAN_CMP_INT(r,INT_CONSTANT) 
1384    nts_11, // 275 - r: BOOLEAN_CMP_INT(load32,INT_CONSTANT) 
1385    nts_52, // 276 - r: BOOLEAN_CMP_INT(cz,INT_CONSTANT) 
1386    nts_52, // 277 - boolcmp: BOOLEAN_CMP_INT(cz,INT_CONSTANT) 
1387    nts_53, // 278 - r: BOOLEAN_CMP_INT(szp,INT_CONSTANT) 
1388    nts_53, // 279 - boolcmp: BOOLEAN_CMP_INT(szp,INT_CONSTANT) 
1389    nts_54, // 280 - r: BOOLEAN_CMP_INT(bittest,INT_CONSTANT) 
1390    nts_54, // 281 - boolcmp: BOOLEAN_CMP_INT(bittest,INT_CONSTANT) 
1391    nts_55, // 282 - r: BOOLEAN_CMP_INT(boolcmp,INT_CONSTANT) 
1392    nts_55, // 283 - boolcmp: BOOLEAN_CMP_INT(boolcmp,INT_CONSTANT) 
1393    nts_55, // 284 - r: BOOLEAN_CMP_INT(boolcmp,INT_CONSTANT) 
1394    nts_55, // 285 - boolcmp: BOOLEAN_CMP_INT(boolcmp,INT_CONSTANT) 
1395    nts_0,  // 286 - r: BOOLEAN_CMP_LONG(r,LONG_CONSTANT) 
1396    nts_0,  // 287 - boolcmp: BOOLEAN_CMP_LONG(r,LONG_CONSTANT) 
1397    nts_0,  // 288 - r: BOOLEAN_CMP_LONG(r,LONG_CONSTANT) 
1398    nts_14, // 289 - r: BOOLEAN_CMP_LONG(load64,LONG_CONSTANT) 
1399    nts_0,  // 290 - r: BOOLEAN_CMP_LONG(r,LONG_CONSTANT) 
1400    nts_14, // 291 - r: BOOLEAN_CMP_LONG(load64,LONG_CONSTANT) 
1401    nts_52, // 292 - r: BOOLEAN_CMP_LONG(cz,LONG_CONSTANT) 
1402    nts_0,  // 293 - r: BOOLEAN_NOT(r) 
1407    nts_0,  // 298 - r: INT_2BYTE(r) 
1408    nts_15, // 299 - r: INT_2BYTE(load8_16_32) 
1409    nts_0,  // 300 - r: INT_2LONG(r) 
1410    nts_11, // 301 - r: INT_2LONG(load32) 
1411    nts_0,  // 302 - r: INT_2ADDRZerExt(r) 
1412    nts_0,  // 303 - r: INT_2SHORT(r) 
1413    nts_12, // 304 - r: INT_2SHORT(load16_32) 
1414    nts_12, // 305 - sload16: INT_2SHORT(load16_32) 
1415    nts_0,  // 306 - szpr: INT_2USHORT(r) 
1416    nts_12, // 307 - uload16: INT_2USHORT(load16_32) 
1417    nts_12, // 308 - r: INT_2USHORT(load16_32) 
1418    nts_0,  // 309 - stm: INT_IFCMP(r,INT_CONSTANT) 
1419    nts_13, // 310 - stm: INT_IFCMP(load8,INT_CONSTANT) 
1420    nts_8,  // 311 - stm: INT_IFCMP(sload16,INT_CONSTANT) 
1421    nts_55, // 312 - stm: INT_IFCMP(boolcmp,INT_CONSTANT) 
1422    nts_55, // 313 - stm: INT_IFCMP(boolcmp,INT_CONSTANT) 
1423    nts_52, // 314 - stm: INT_IFCMP(cz,INT_CONSTANT) 
1424    nts_53, // 315 - stm: INT_IFCMP(szp,INT_CONSTANT) 
1425    nts_54, // 316 - stm: INT_IFCMP(bittest,INT_CONSTANT) 
1426    nts_56, // 317 - r: INT_LOAD(address,LONG_CONSTANT) 
1427    nts_3,  // 318 - r: INT_MOVE(riv) 
1428    nts_1,  // 319 - czr: INT_MOVE(czr) 
1429    nts_52, // 320 - cz: INT_MOVE(cz) 
1430    nts_2,  // 321 - szpr: INT_MOVE(szpr) 
1431    nts_53, // 322 - szp: INT_MOVE(szp) 
1432    nts_6,  // 323 - sload8: INT_MOVE(sload8) 
1433    nts_7,  // 324 - uload8: INT_MOVE(uload8) 
1434    nts_13, // 325 - load8: INT_MOVE(load8) 
1435    nts_8,  // 326 - sload16: INT_MOVE(sload16) 
1436    nts_9,  // 327 - uload16: INT_MOVE(uload16) 
1437    nts_10, // 328 - load16: INT_MOVE(load16) 
1438    nts_11, // 329 - load32: INT_MOVE(load32) 
1439    nts_0,  // 330 - szpr: INT_NEG(r) 
1440    nts_0,  // 331 - r: INT_NOT(r) 
1441    nts_0,  // 332 - szpr: INT_SHL(r,INT_CONSTANT) 
1442    nts_0,  // 333 - r: INT_SHL(r,INT_CONSTANT) 
1443    nts_3,  // 334 - szpr: INT_SHR(riv,INT_CONSTANT) 
1444    nts_3,  // 335 - szpr: INT_USHR(riv,INT_CONSTANT) 
1445    nts_56, // 336 - r: LONG_ADD(address,LONG_CONSTANT) 
1446    nts_56, // 337 - r: LONG_MOVE(address) 
1447    nts_0,  // 338 - r: LONG_2INT(r) 
1448    nts_14, // 339 - r: LONG_2INT(load64) 
1449    nts_14, // 340 - load32: LONG_2INT(load64) 
1450    nts_0,  // 341 - stm: LONG_IFCMP(r,LONG_CONSTANT) 
1451    nts_56, // 342 - r: LONG_LOAD(address,LONG_CONSTANT) 
1452    nts_57, // 343 - r: LONG_MOVE(rlv) 
1453    nts_3,  // 344 - r: LONG_MOVE(riv) 
1454    nts_14, // 345 - load64: LONG_MOVE(load64) 
1455    nts_0,  // 346 - szpr: LONG_NEG(r) 
1456    nts_0,  // 347 - r: LONG_NOT(r) 
1457    nts_0,  // 348 - szpr: LONG_SHL(r,INT_CONSTANT) 
1458    nts_0,  // 349 - r: LONG_SHL(r,INT_CONSTANT) 
1459    nts_57, // 350 - szpr: LONG_SHR(rlv,LONG_CONSTANT) 
1460    nts_57, // 351 - szpr: LONG_USHR(rlv,LONG_CONSTANT) 
1461    nts_0,  // 352 - r: FLOAT_NEG(r) 
1462    nts_0,  // 353 - r: DOUBLE_NEG(r) 
1463    nts_0,  // 354 - r: FLOAT_SQRT(r) 
1464    nts_0,  // 355 - r: DOUBLE_SQRT(r) 
1465    nts_0,  // 356 - r: LONG_2FLOAT(r) 
1466    nts_0,  // 357 - r: LONG_2DOUBLE(r) 
1467    nts_0,  // 358 - r: FLOAT_MOVE(r) 
1468    nts_0,  // 359 - r: DOUBLE_MOVE(r) 
1469    nts_3,  // 360 - r: INT_2FLOAT(riv) 
1470    nts_11, // 361 - r: INT_2FLOAT(load32) 
1471    nts_3,  // 362 - r: INT_2DOUBLE(riv) 
1472    nts_11, // 363 - r: INT_2DOUBLE(load32) 
1473    nts_0,  // 364 - r: FLOAT_2DOUBLE(r) 
1474    nts_58, // 365 - r: FLOAT_2DOUBLE(float_load) 
1475    nts_0,  // 366 - r: DOUBLE_2FLOAT(r) 
1476    nts_59, // 367 - r: DOUBLE_2FLOAT(double_load) 
1477    nts_0,  // 368 - r: FLOAT_2INT(r) 
1478    nts_0,  // 369 - r: FLOAT_2LONG(r) 
1479    nts_0,  // 370 - r: DOUBLE_2INT(r) 
1480    nts_0,  // 371 - r: DOUBLE_2LONG(r) 
1481    nts_0,  // 372 - r: FLOAT_AS_INT_BITS(r) 
1482    nts_58, // 373 - load32: FLOAT_AS_INT_BITS(float_load) 
1483    nts_0,  // 374 - r: DOUBLE_AS_LONG_BITS(r) 
1484    nts_59, // 375 - load64: DOUBLE_AS_LONG_BITS(double_load) 
1485    nts_3,  // 376 - r: INT_BITS_AS_FLOAT(riv) 
1486    nts_11, // 377 - float_load: INT_BITS_AS_FLOAT(load32) 
1487    nts_57, // 378 - r: LONG_BITS_AS_DOUBLE(rlv) 
1488    nts_14, // 379 - double_load: LONG_BITS_AS_DOUBLE(load64) 
1489    nts_60, // 380 - r: MATERIALIZE_FP_CONSTANT(any) 
1490    nts_60, // 381 - float_load: MATERIALIZE_FP_CONSTANT(any) 
1491    nts_60, // 382 - double_load: MATERIALIZE_FP_CONSTANT(any) 
1492    nts_15, // 383 - r: INT_USHR(INT_SHL(load8_16_32,INT_CONSTANT),INT_CONSTANT) 
1493    nts_12, // 384 - r: INT_USHR(INT_SHL(load16_32,INT_CONSTANT),INT_CONSTANT) 
1494    nts_0,  // 385 - bittest: INT_AND(INT_USHR(r,INT_CONSTANT),INT_CONSTANT) 
1495    nts_0,  // 386 - bittest: INT_AND(INT_SHR(r,INT_CONSTANT),INT_CONSTANT) 
1496    nts_0,  // 387 - r: LONG_AND(INT_2LONG(r),LONG_CONSTANT) 
1497    nts_11, // 388 - r: LONG_AND(INT_2LONG(load32),LONG_CONSTANT) 
1498    nts_0,  // 389 - szpr: INT_SHL(INT_SHR(r,INT_CONSTANT),INT_CONSTANT) 
1499    nts_0,  // 390 - r: LONG_2INT(LONG_USHR(r,INT_CONSTANT)) 
1500    nts_0,  // 391 - r: LONG_2INT(LONG_SHR(r,INT_CONSTANT)) 
1501    nts_14, // 392 - r: LONG_2INT(LONG_USHR(load64,INT_CONSTANT)) 
1502    nts_14, // 393 - r: LONG_2INT(LONG_SHR(load64,INT_CONSTANT)) 
1503    nts_14, // 394 - load32: LONG_2INT(LONG_USHR(load64,INT_CONSTANT)) 
1504    nts_14, // 395 - load32: LONG_2INT(LONG_SHR(load64,INT_CONSTANT)) 
1505    nts_0,  // 396 - szpr: LONG_SHL(LONG_SHR(r,INT_CONSTANT),INT_CONSTANT) 
1506    nts_61, // 397 - stm: SHORT_STORE(riv,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv)) 
1507    nts_62, // 398 - stm: SHORT_STORE(load16,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv)) 
1508    nts_63, // 399 - stm: SHORT_STORE(rlv,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv)) 
1509    nts_64, // 400 - stm: SHORT_STORE(riv,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv)) 
1510    nts_61, // 401 - stm: SHORT_ASTORE(riv,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv)) 
1511    nts_62, // 402 - stm: SHORT_ASTORE(load16,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv)) 
1512    nts_65, // 403 - stm: SHORT_ASTORE(riv,OTHER_OPERAND(r,r)) 
1513    nts_61, // 404 - stm: INT_ASTORE(riv,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv)) 
1514    nts_65, // 405 - stm: INT_ASTORE(riv,OTHER_OPERAND(r,r)) 
1515    nts_64, // 406 - stm: INT_ASTORE(riv,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv)) 
1516    nts_66, // 407 - stm: INT_ASTORE(riv,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,riv)) 
1517    nts_67, // 408 - stm: INT_ASTORE(riv,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,rlv)) 
1518    nts_68, // 409 - stm: LONG_ASTORE(r,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv)) 
1519    nts_69, // 410 - stm: LONG_ASTORE(r,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv)) 
1520    nts_70, // 411 - stm: LONG_ASTORE(r,OTHER_OPERAND(r,r)) 
1521    nts_71, // 412 - stm: BYTE_STORE(boolcmp,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv)) 
1522    nts_71, // 413 - stm: BYTE_ASTORE(boolcmp,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv)) 
1523    nts_64, // 414 - stm: BYTE_STORE(riv,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv)) 
1524    nts_72, // 415 - stm: BYTE_STORE(load8,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv)) 
1525    nts_66, // 416 - stm: BYTE_ASTORE(riv,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,riv)) 
1526    nts_73, // 417 - stm: BYTE_ASTORE(load8,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,riv)) 
1527    nts_74, // 418 - r: CMP_CMOV(r,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,any)) 
1528    nts_75, // 419 - r: CMP_CMOV(uload8,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,any)) 
1529    nts_76, // 420 - r: CMP_CMOV(riv,OTHER_OPERAND(uload8,any)) 
1530    nts_77, // 421 - r: CMP_CMOV(load32,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,any)) 
1531    nts_78, // 422 - r: CMP_CMOV(riv,OTHER_OPERAND(load32,any)) 
1532    nts_64, // 423 - stm: INT_STORE(riv,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv)) 
1533    nts_79, // 424 - stm: INT_STORE(riv,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,address1scaledreg)) 
1534    nts_80, // 425 - stm: INT_STORE(riv,OTHER_OPERAND(address1scaledreg,rlv)) 
1535    nts_81, // 426 - stm: INT_STORE(riv,OTHER_OPERAND(address1scaledreg,address1reg)) 
1536    nts_82, // 427 - stm: INT_STORE(riv,OTHER_OPERAND(address1reg,address1scaledreg)) 
1537    nts_83, // 428 - r: LCMP_CMOV(r,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,any)) 
1538    nts_84, // 429 - r: LCMP_CMOV(load64,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,any)) 
1539    nts_85, // 430 - r: LCMP_CMOV(rlv,OTHER_OPERAND(load64,any)) 
1540    nts_63, // 431 - stm: LONG_STORE(rlv,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv)) 
1541    nts_86, // 432 - stm: LONG_STORE(rlv,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,address1scaledreg)) 
1542    nts_87, // 433 - stm: LONG_STORE(rlv,OTHER_OPERAND(address1scaledreg,rlv)) 
1543    nts_88, // 434 - stm: LONG_STORE(rlv,OTHER_OPERAND(address1scaledreg,address1reg)) 
1544    nts_89, // 435 - stm: LONG_STORE(rlv,OTHER_OPERAND(address1reg,address1scaledreg)) 
1545    nts_68, // 436 - stm: DOUBLE_STORE(r,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv)) 
1546    nts_90, // 437 - stm: DOUBLE_STORE(r,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,rlv)) 
1547    nts_91, // 438 - stm: DOUBLE_STORE(r,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,riv)) 
1548    nts_69, // 439 - stm: DOUBLE_STORE(r,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv)) 
1549    nts_68, // 440 - stm: DOUBLE_ASTORE(r,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv)) 
1550    nts_91, // 441 - stm: DOUBLE_ASTORE(r,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,riv)) 
1551    nts_90, // 442 - stm: DOUBLE_ASTORE(r,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,rlv)) 
1552    nts_69, // 443 - stm: DOUBLE_ASTORE(r,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv)) 
1553    nts_70, // 444 - stm: DOUBLE_ASTORE(r,OTHER_OPERAND(r,r)) 
1554    nts_68, // 445 - stm: FLOAT_STORE(r,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv)) 
1555    nts_69, // 446 - stm: FLOAT_STORE(r,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv)) 
1556    nts_91, // 447 - stm: FLOAT_STORE(r,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,riv)) 
1557    nts_90, // 448 - stm: FLOAT_STORE(r,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,rlv)) 
1558    nts_68, // 449 - stm: FLOAT_ASTORE(r,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv)) 
1559    nts_91, // 450 - stm: FLOAT_ASTORE(r,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,riv)) 
1560    nts_90, // 451 - stm: FLOAT_ASTORE(r,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,rlv)) 
1561    nts_69, // 452 - stm: FLOAT_ASTORE(r,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv)) 
1562    nts_70, // 453 - stm: FLOAT_ASTORE(r,OTHER_OPERAND(r,r)) 
1563    nts_92, // 454 - r: FCMP_CMOV(r,OTHER_OPERAND(r,any)) 
1564    nts_93, // 455 - r: FCMP_CMOV(r,OTHER_OPERAND(float_load,any)) 
1565    nts_94, // 456 - r: FCMP_CMOV(r,OTHER_OPERAND(double_load,any)) 
1566    nts_95, // 457 - r: FCMP_CMOV(float_load,OTHER_OPERAND(r,any)) 
1567    nts_96, // 458 - r: FCMP_CMOV(double_load,OTHER_OPERAND(r,any)) 
1568    nts_92, // 459 - r: FCMP_FCMOV(r,OTHER_OPERAND(r,any)) 
1569    nts_93, // 460 - r: FCMP_FCMOV(r,OTHER_OPERAND(float_load,any)) 
1570    nts_94, // 461 - r: FCMP_FCMOV(r,OTHER_OPERAND(double_load,any)) 
1571    nts_97, // 462 - stm: LONG_ASTORE(load64,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv)) 
1572    nts_98, // 463 - stm: LONG_ASTORE(load64,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,riv)) 
1573    nts_97, // 464 - stm: LONG_STORE(load64,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv)) 
1574    nts_98, // 465 - stm: LONG_STORE(load64,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,riv)) 
1575    nts_35, // 466 - stm: LONG_ASTORE(LONG_CONSTANT,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv)) 
1576    nts_40, // 467 - stm: LONG_ASTORE(LONG_CONSTANT,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,riv)) 
1577    nts_60, // 468 - r: CALL(BRANCH_TARGET,any) 
1578    nts_60, // 469 - r: CALL(INT_CONSTANT,any) 
1579    nts_60, // 470 - r: SYSCALL(INT_CONSTANT,any) 
1580    nts_99, // 471 - r: CALL(INT_LOAD(riv,riv),any) 
1581    nts_100, // 472 - r: CALL(LONG_LOAD(rlv,rlv),any) 
1582    nts_99, // 473 - r: SYSCALL(INT_LOAD(riv,riv),any) 
1583    nts_101, // 474 - r: ATTEMPT_INT(riv,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))) 
1584    nts_102, // 475 - r: ATTEMPT_INT(riv,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))) 
1585    nts_103, // 476 - r: ATTEMPT_INT(rlv,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))) 
1586    nts_104, // 477 - r: ATTEMPT_INT(r,OTHER_OPERAND(address1scaledreg,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))) 
1587    nts_105, // 478 - r: ATTEMPT_INT(address1scaledreg,OTHER_OPERAND(r,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))) 
1588    nts_106, // 479 - r: ATTEMPT_INT(address1scaledreg,OTHER_OPERAND(address1reg,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))) 
1589    nts_107, // 480 - r: ATTEMPT_INT(address1reg,OTHER_OPERAND(address1scaledreg,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))) 
1590    nts_108, // 481 - r: ATTEMPT_LONG(rlv,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))) 
1591    nts_109, // 482 - r: ATTEMPT_LONG(r,OTHER_OPERAND(address1scaledreg,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))) 
1592    nts_110, // 483 - r: ATTEMPT_LONG(address1scaledreg,OTHER_OPERAND(r,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))) 
1593    nts_111, // 484 - r: ATTEMPT_LONG(address1scaledreg,OTHER_OPERAND(address1reg,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))) 
1594    nts_112, // 485 - r: ATTEMPT_LONG(address1reg,OTHER_OPERAND(address1scaledreg,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))) 
1595    nts_113, // 486 - r: FCMP_FCMOV(r,OTHER_OPERAND(r,OTHER_OPERAND(r,float_load))) 
1596    nts_114, // 487 - r: FCMP_FCMOV(r,OTHER_OPERAND(r,OTHER_OPERAND(r,double_load))) 
1597    nts_115, // 488 - r: FCMP_FCMOV(r,OTHER_OPERAND(r,OTHER_OPERAND(float_load,r))) 
1598    nts_116, // 489 - r: FCMP_FCMOV(r,OTHER_OPERAND(r,OTHER_OPERAND(double_load,r))) 
1599    nts_117, // 490 - r: ATTEMPT_INT(address,OTHER_OPERAND(INT_CONSTANT,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))) 
1600    nts_118, // 491 - r: ATTEMPT_LONG(address,OTHER_OPERAND(LONG_CONSTANT,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))) 
1601    nts_117, // 492 - r: ATTEMPT_INT(INT_CONSTANT,OTHER_OPERAND(address,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))) 
1602    nts_118, // 493 - r: ATTEMPT_LONG(LONG_CONSTANT,OTHER_OPERAND(address,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))) 
1603    nts_101, // 494 - stm: INT_IFCMP(ATTEMPT_INT(riv,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))),INT_CONSTANT) 
1604    nts_104, // 495 - stm: INT_IFCMP(ATTEMPT_INT(r,OTHER_OPERAND(address1scaledreg,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))),INT_CONSTANT) 
1605    nts_105, // 496 - stm: INT_IFCMP(ATTEMPT_INT(address1scaledreg,OTHER_OPERAND(r,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))),INT_CONSTANT) 
1606    nts_106, // 497 - stm: INT_IFCMP(ATTEMPT_INT(address1scaledreg,OTHER_OPERAND(address1reg,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))),INT_CONSTANT) 
1607    nts_107, // 498 - stm: INT_IFCMP(ATTEMPT_INT(address1reg,OTHER_OPERAND(address1scaledreg,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))),INT_CONSTANT) 
1608    nts_101, // 499 - stm: INT_IFCMP(ATTEMPT_INT(riv,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))),INT_CONSTANT) 
1609    nts_104, // 500 - stm: INT_IFCMP(ATTEMPT_INT(r,OTHER_OPERAND(address1scaledreg,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))),INT_CONSTANT) 
1610    nts_105, // 501 - stm: INT_IFCMP(ATTEMPT_INT(address1scaledreg,OTHER_OPERAND(r,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))),INT_CONSTANT) 
1611    nts_106, // 502 - stm: INT_IFCMP(ATTEMPT_INT(address1scaledreg,OTHER_OPERAND(address1reg,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))),INT_CONSTANT) 
1612    nts_107, // 503 - stm: INT_IFCMP(ATTEMPT_INT(address1reg,OTHER_OPERAND(address1scaledreg,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))),INT_CONSTANT) 
1613    nts_108, // 504 - stm: INT_IFCMP(ATTEMPT_LONG(rlv,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))),INT_CONSTANT) 
1614    nts_109, // 505 - stm: INT_IFCMP(ATTEMPT_LONG(r,OTHER_OPERAND(address1scaledreg,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))),INT_CONSTANT) 
1615    nts_110, // 506 - stm: INT_IFCMP(ATTEMPT_LONG(address1scaledreg,OTHER_OPERAND(r,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))),INT_CONSTANT) 
1616    nts_111, // 507 - stm: INT_IFCMP(ATTEMPT_LONG(address1scaledreg,OTHER_OPERAND(address1reg,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))),INT_CONSTANT) 
1617    nts_112, // 508 - stm: INT_IFCMP(ATTEMPT_LONG(address1reg,OTHER_OPERAND(address1scaledreg,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))),INT_CONSTANT) 
1618    nts_108, // 509 - stm: INT_IFCMP(ATTEMPT_LONG(rlv,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))),INT_CONSTANT) 
1619    nts_109, // 510 - stm: INT_IFCMP(ATTEMPT_LONG(r,OTHER_OPERAND(address1scaledreg,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))),INT_CONSTANT) 
1620    nts_110, // 511 - stm: INT_IFCMP(ATTEMPT_LONG(address1scaledreg,OTHER_OPERAND(r,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))),INT_CONSTANT) 
1621    nts_111, // 512 - stm: INT_IFCMP(ATTEMPT_LONG(address1scaledreg,OTHER_OPERAND(address1reg,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))),INT_CONSTANT) 
1622    nts_112, // 513 - stm: INT_IFCMP(ATTEMPT_LONG(address1reg,OTHER_OPERAND(address1scaledreg,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))),INT_CONSTANT) 
1631    nts_18, // 522 - bittest: INT_AND(INT_USHR(r,INT_AND(r,INT_CONSTANT)),INT_CONSTANT) 
1632    nts_42, // 523 - bittest: INT_AND(INT_USHR(load32,INT_AND(r,INT_CONSTANT)),INT_CONSTANT) 
1633    nts_18, // 524 - bittest: INT_AND(INT_SHR(r,INT_AND(r,INT_CONSTANT)),INT_CONSTANT) 
1634    nts_42, // 525 - bittest: INT_AND(INT_SHR(load32,INT_AND(r,INT_CONSTANT)),INT_CONSTANT) 
1635    nts_41, // 526 - bittest: INT_AND(INT_SHL(INT_CONSTANT,INT_AND(riv,INT_CONSTANT)),r) 
1636    nts_28, // 527 - bittest: INT_AND(INT_SHL(INT_CONSTANT,INT_AND(r,INT_CONSTANT)),load32) 
1637    nts_18, // 528 - bittest: INT_AND(r,INT_SHL(INT_CONSTANT,INT_AND(r,INT_CONSTANT))) 
1638    nts_42, // 529 - bittest: INT_AND(load32,INT_SHL(INT_CONSTANT,INT_AND(r,INT_CONSTANT))) 
1639    nts_108, // 530 - stm: BYTE_STORE(BOOLEAN_NOT(UBYTE_LOAD(rlv,rlv)),OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv)) 
1640    nts_119, // 531 - stm: BYTE_ASTORE(BOOLEAN_NOT(UBYTE_ALOAD(rlv,riv)),OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,riv)) 
1641    nts_101, // 532 - stm: INT_STORE(INT_NEG(INT_LOAD(riv,riv)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv)) 
1642    nts_101, // 533 - stm: INT_ASTORE(INT_NEG(INT_ALOAD(riv,riv)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv)) 
1643    nts_101, // 534 - stm: INT_STORE(INT_NOT(INT_LOAD(riv,riv)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv)) 
1644    nts_101, // 535 - stm: INT_ASTORE(INT_NOT(INT_ALOAD(riv,riv)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv)) 
1645    nts_101, // 536 - stm: INT_STORE(INT_SHL(INT_LOAD(riv,riv),INT_CONSTANT),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv)) 
1646    nts_101, // 537 - stm: INT_ASTORE(INT_SHL(INT_ALOAD(riv,riv),INT_CONSTANT),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv)) 
1647    nts_101, // 538 - stm: INT_STORE(INT_SHR(INT_LOAD(riv,riv),INT_CONSTANT),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv)) 
1648    nts_101, // 539 - stm: INT_ASTORE(INT_SHR(INT_ALOAD(riv,riv),INT_CONSTANT),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv)) 
1649    nts_101, // 540 - stm: INT_STORE(INT_USHR(INT_LOAD(riv,riv),INT_CONSTANT),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv)) 
1650    nts_101, // 541 - stm: INT_ASTORE(INT_USHR(INT_ALOAD(riv,riv),INT_CONSTANT),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv)) 
1651    nts_101, // 542 - stm: LONG_STORE(LONG_NEG(LONG_LOAD(riv,riv)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv)) 
1652    nts_101, // 543 - stm: LONG_ASTORE(LONG_NEG(LONG_ALOAD(riv,riv)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv)) 
1653    nts_101, // 544 - stm: LONG_STORE(LONG_NOT(LONG_LOAD(riv,riv)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv)) 
1654    nts_101, // 545 - stm: LONG_ASTORE(LONG_NOT(LONG_ALOAD(riv,riv)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv)) 
1655    nts_101, // 546 - stm: LONG_STORE(LONG_SHL(LONG_LOAD(riv,riv),INT_CONSTANT),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv)) 
1656    nts_101, // 547 - stm: LONG_ASTORE(LONG_SHL(LONG_ALOAD(riv,riv),INT_CONSTANT),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv)) 
1657    nts_101, // 548 - stm: LONG_STORE(LONG_SHR(LONG_LOAD(riv,riv),LONG_CONSTANT),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv)) 
1658    nts_101, // 549 - stm: LONG_ASTORE(LONG_SHR(LONG_ALOAD(riv,riv),LONG_CONSTANT),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv)) 
1659    nts_101, // 550 - stm: LONG_STORE(LONG_USHR(LONG_LOAD(riv,riv),LONG_CONSTANT),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv)) 
1660    nts_101, // 551 - stm: LONG_ASTORE(LONG_USHR(LONG_ALOAD(riv,riv),LONG_CONSTANT),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv)) 
1661    nts_22, // 552 - r: CMP_CMOV(r,OTHER_OPERAND(INT_CONSTANT,any)) 
1662    nts_120, // 553 - r: CMP_CMOV(load8,OTHER_OPERAND(INT_CONSTANT,any)) 
1663    nts_121, // 554 - r: CMP_CMOV(sload16,OTHER_OPERAND(INT_CONSTANT,any)) 
1664    nts_122, // 555 - r: CMP_CMOV(boolcmp,OTHER_OPERAND(INT_CONSTANT,any)) 
1665    nts_122, // 556 - r: CMP_CMOV(boolcmp,OTHER_OPERAND(INT_CONSTANT,any)) 
1666    nts_123, // 557 - r: CMP_CMOV(bittest,OTHER_OPERAND(INT_CONSTANT,any)) 
1667    nts_124, // 558 - r: CMP_CMOV(cz,OTHER_OPERAND(INT_CONSTANT,any)) 
1668    nts_125, // 559 - r: CMP_CMOV(szp,OTHER_OPERAND(INT_CONSTANT,any)) 
1669    nts_22, // 560 - r: LCMP_CMOV(r,OTHER_OPERAND(INT_CONSTANT,any)) 
1670    nts_68, // 561 - stm: BYTE_STORE(INT_2BYTE(r),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv)) 
1671    nts_68, // 562 - stm: BYTE_ASTORE(INT_2BYTE(r),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv)) 
1672    nts_68, // 563 - stm: SHORT_STORE(INT_2SHORT(r),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv)) 
1673    nts_68, // 564 - stm: SHORT_ASTORE(INT_2SHORT(r),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv)) 
1674    nts_68, // 565 - stm: SHORT_STORE(INT_2USHORT(r),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv)) 
1675    nts_68, // 566 - stm: SHORT_ASTORE(INT_2USHORT(r),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv)) 
1676    nts_68, // 567 - stm: INT_STORE(LONG_2INT(r),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv)) 
1677    nts_68, // 568 - stm: INT_ASTORE(LONG_2INT(r),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv)) 
1678    nts_126, // 569 - stm: INT_STORE(INT_ADD(INT_LOAD(riv,riv),riv),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv)) 
1679    nts_126, // 570 - stm: INT_ASTORE(INT_ADD(INT_ALOAD(riv,riv),riv),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv)) 
1680    nts_126, // 571 - stm: INT_STORE(INT_AND(INT_LOAD(riv,riv),riv),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv)) 
1681    nts_126, // 572 - stm: INT_ASTORE(INT_AND(INT_ALOAD(riv,riv),riv),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv)) 
1682    nts_126, // 573 - stm: INT_STORE(INT_OR(INT_LOAD(riv,riv),riv),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv)) 
1683    nts_126, // 574 - stm: INT_ASTORE(INT_OR(INT_ALOAD(riv,riv),riv),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv)) 
1684    nts_126, // 575 - stm: INT_STORE(INT_SUB(INT_LOAD(riv,riv),riv),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv)) 
1685    nts_126, // 576 - stm: INT_ASTORE(INT_SUB(INT_ALOAD(riv,riv),riv),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv)) 
1686    nts_126, // 577 - stm: INT_STORE(INT_XOR(INT_LOAD(riv,riv),riv),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv)) 
1687    nts_126, // 578 - stm: INT_ASTORE(INT_XOR(INT_ALOAD(riv,riv),riv),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv)) 
1688    nts_127, // 579 - stm: LONG_STORE(LONG_ADD(LONG_LOAD(rlv,rlv),rlv),OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv)) 
1689    nts_127, // 580 - stm: LONG_ASTORE(LONG_ADD(LONG_ALOAD(rlv,rlv),rlv),OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv)) 
1690    nts_127, // 581 - stm: LONG_STORE(LONG_AND(LONG_LOAD(rlv,rlv),rlv),OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv)) 
1691    nts_127, // 582 - stm: LONG_ASTORE(LONG_AND(LONG_ALOAD(rlv,rlv),rlv),OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv)) 
1692    nts_127, // 583 - stm: LONG_STORE(LONG_OR(LONG_LOAD(rlv,rlv),rlv),OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv)) 
1693    nts_127, // 584 - stm: LONG_ASTORE(LONG_OR(LONG_ALOAD(rlv,rlv),rlv),OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv)) 
1694    nts_127, // 585 - stm: LONG_STORE(LONG_SUB(LONG_LOAD(rlv,rlv),rlv),OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv)) 
1695    nts_127, // 586 - stm: LONG_ASTORE(LONG_SUB(LONG_ALOAD(rlv,rlv),rlv),OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv)) 
1696    nts_127, // 587 - stm: LONG_STORE(LONG_XOR(LONG_LOAD(rlv,rlv),rlv),OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv)) 
1697    nts_127, // 588 - stm: LONG_ASTORE(LONG_XOR(LONG_ALOAD(rlv,rlv),rlv),OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv)) 
1698    nts_126, // 589 - stm: INT_STORE(INT_ADD(riv,INT_LOAD(riv,riv)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv)) 
1699    nts_126, // 590 - stm: INT_ASTORE(INT_ADD(riv,INT_ALOAD(riv,riv)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv)) 
1700    nts_128, // 591 - stm: INT_STORE(INT_AND(r,INT_LOAD(riv,riv)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv)) 
1701    nts_128, // 592 - stm: INT_ASTORE(INT_AND(r,INT_ALOAD(riv,riv)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv)) 
1702    nts_128, // 593 - stm: INT_STORE(INT_OR(r,INT_LOAD(riv,riv)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv)) 
1703    nts_128, // 594 - stm: INT_ASTORE(INT_OR(r,INT_ALOAD(riv,riv)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv)) 
1704    nts_126, // 595 - stm: INT_STORE(INT_SUB(riv,INT_LOAD(riv,riv)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv)) 
1705    nts_126, // 596 - stm: INT_ASTORE(INT_SUB(riv,INT_ALOAD(riv,riv)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv)) 
1706    nts_128, // 597 - stm: INT_STORE(INT_XOR(r,INT_LOAD(riv,riv)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv)) 
1707    nts_128, // 598 - stm: INT_ASTORE(INT_XOR(r,INT_ALOAD(riv,riv)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv)) 
1708    nts_127, // 599 - stm: LONG_STORE(LONG_ADD(rlv,LONG_LOAD(rlv,rlv)),OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv)) 
1709    nts_127, // 600 - stm: LONG_ASTORE(LONG_ADD(rlv,LONG_ALOAD(rlv,rlv)),OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv)) 
1710    nts_129, // 601 - stm: LONG_STORE(LONG_AND(r,LONG_LOAD(rlv,rlv)),OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv)) 
1711    nts_129, // 602 - stm: LONG_ASTORE(LONG_AND(r,LONG_ALOAD(rlv,rlv)),OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv)) 
1712    nts_129, // 603 - stm: LONG_STORE(LONG_OR(r,LONG_LOAD(rlv,rlv)),OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv)) 
1713    nts_129, // 604 - stm: LONG_ASTORE(LONG_OR(r,LONG_ALOAD(rlv,rlv)),OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv)) 
1714    nts_127, // 605 - stm: LONG_STORE(LONG_SUB(rlv,LONG_LOAD(rlv,rlv)),OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv)) 
1715    nts_127, // 606 - stm: LONG_ASTORE(LONG_SUB(rlv,LONG_ALOAD(rlv,rlv)),OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv)) 
1716    nts_129, // 607 - stm: LONG_STORE(LONG_XOR(r,LONG_LOAD(rlv,rlv)),OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv)) 
1717    nts_129, // 608 - stm: LONG_ASTORE(LONG_XOR(r,LONG_ALOAD(rlv,rlv)),OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv)) 
1718    nts_18, // 609 - r: INT_OR(INT_SHL(r,INT_CONSTANT),INT_USHR(r,INT_CONSTANT)) 
1719    nts_18, // 610 - r: INT_OR(INT_USHR(r,INT_CONSTANT),INT_SHL(r,INT_CONSTANT)) 
1720    nts_18, // 611 - r: INT_OR(INT_SHL(r,INT_CONSTANT),INT_USHR(r,INT_CONSTANT)) 
1721    nts_18, // 612 - r: INT_OR(INT_USHR(r,INT_CONSTANT),INT_SHL(r,INT_CONSTANT)) 
1722    nts_130, // 613 - r: INT_OR(INT_SHL(r,INT_AND(r,INT_CONSTANT)),INT_USHR(r,INT_AND(INT_NEG(r),INT_CONSTANT))) 
1723    nts_130, // 614 - r: INT_OR(INT_USHR(r,INT_AND(r,INT_CONSTANT)),INT_SHL(r,INT_AND(INT_NEG(r),INT_CONSTANT))) 
1724    nts_130, // 615 - r: INT_OR(INT_USHR(r,INT_AND(INT_NEG(r),INT_CONSTANT)),INT_SHL(r,INT_AND(r,INT_CONSTANT))) 
1725    nts_130, // 616 - r: INT_OR(INT_SHL(r,INT_AND(INT_NEG(r),INT_CONSTANT)),INT_USHR(r,INT_AND(r,INT_CONSTANT))) 
1726    nts_41, // 617 - szpr: INT_SHL(riv,INT_AND(r,INT_CONSTANT)) 
1727    nts_41, // 618 - szpr: INT_SHR(riv,INT_AND(r,INT_CONSTANT)) 
1728    nts_131, // 619 - stm: INT_STORE(riv,OTHER_OPERAND(address,LONG_CONSTANT)) 
1729    nts_41, // 620 - szpr: INT_USHR(riv,INT_AND(r,INT_CONSTANT)) 
1730    nts_43, // 621 - szpr: LONG_SHL(rlv,INT_AND(r,INT_CONSTANT)) 
1731    nts_43, // 622 - szpr: LONG_SHR(rlv,INT_AND(r,LONG_CONSTANT)) 
1732    nts_132, // 623 - stm: LONG_STORE(rlv,OTHER_OPERAND(address,LONG_CONSTANT)) 
1733    nts_43, // 624 - szpr: LONG_USHR(rlv,LONG_AND(r,LONG_CONSTANT)) 
1734    nts_133, // 625 - stm: INT_STORE(INT_SHL(INT_LOAD(riv,riv),INT_AND(r,INT_CONSTANT)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv)) 
1735    nts_133, // 626 - stm: INT_ASTORE(INT_SHL(INT_ALOAD(riv,riv),INT_AND(r,INT_CONSTANT)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv)) 
1736    nts_133, // 627 - stm: INT_STORE(INT_SHR(INT_LOAD(riv,riv),INT_AND(r,INT_CONSTANT)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv)) 
1737    nts_133, // 628 - stm: INT_ASTORE(INT_SHR(INT_ALOAD(riv,riv),INT_AND(r,INT_CONSTANT)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv)) 
1738    nts_133, // 629 - stm: INT_STORE(INT_USHR(INT_LOAD(riv,riv),INT_AND(r,INT_CONSTANT)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv)) 
1739    nts_133, // 630 - stm: INT_ASTORE(INT_USHR(INT_ALOAD(riv,riv),INT_AND(r,INT_CONSTANT)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv)) 
1740    nts_133, // 631 - stm: LONG_STORE(LONG_SHL(LONG_LOAD(riv,riv),INT_AND(r,INT_CONSTANT)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv)) 
1741    nts_133, // 632 - stm: LONG_ASTORE(LONG_SHL(LONG_ALOAD(riv,riv),INT_AND(r,INT_CONSTANT)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv)) 
1742    nts_133, // 633 - stm: LONG_STORE(LONG_SHR(LONG_LOAD(riv,riv),INT_AND(r,LONG_CONSTANT)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv)) 
1743    nts_133, // 634 - stm: LONG_ASTORE(LONG_SHR(LONG_ALOAD(riv,riv),INT_AND(r,LONG_CONSTANT)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv)) 
1744    nts_133, // 635 - stm: LONG_STORE(LONG_USHR(LONG_LOAD(riv,riv),LONG_AND(r,LONG_CONSTANT)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv)) 
1745    nts_133, // 636 - stm: LONG_ASTORE(LONG_USHR(LONG_ALOAD(riv,riv),LONG_AND(r,LONG_CONSTANT)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv)) 
1762  };
1764  /* private static final byte arity[] = {
1765    0,  // 0 - GET_CAUGHT_EXCEPTION
1766    1,  // 1 - SET_CAUGHT_EXCEPTION
1767    -1, // 2 - NEW
1768    -1, // 3 - NEW_UNRESOLVED
1769    -1, // 4 - NEWARRAY
1770    -1, // 5 - NEWARRAY_UNRESOLVED
1771    -1, // 6 - ATHROW
1772    -1, // 7 - CHECKCAST
1773    -1, // 8 - CHECKCAST_NOTNULL
1774    -1, // 9 - CHECKCAST_UNRESOLVED
1775    -1, // 10 - MUST_IMPLEMENT_INTERFACE
1776    -1, // 11 - INSTANCEOF
1777    -1, // 12 - INSTANCEOF_NOTNULL
1778    -1, // 13 - INSTANCEOF_UNRESOLVED
1779    -1, // 14 - MONITORENTER
1780    -1, // 15 - MONITOREXIT
1781    -1, // 16 - NEWOBJMULTIARRAY
1782    -1, // 17 - GETSTATIC
1783    -1, // 18 - PUTSTATIC
1784    -1, // 19 - GETFIELD
1785    -1, // 20 - PUTFIELD
1786    -1, // 21 - INT_ZERO_CHECK
1787    -1, // 22 - LONG_ZERO_CHECK
1788    -1, // 23 - BOUNDS_CHECK
1789    -1, // 24 - OBJARRAY_STORE_CHECK
1791    0,  // 26 - IG_PATCH_POINT
1792    -1, // 27 - IG_CLASS_TEST
1793    -1, // 28 - IG_METHOD_TEST
1794    -1, // 29 - TABLESWITCH
1795    -1, // 30 - LOOKUPSWITCH
1796    2,  // 31 - INT_ALOAD
1797    2,  // 32 - LONG_ALOAD
1798    2,  // 33 - FLOAT_ALOAD
1799    2,  // 34 - DOUBLE_ALOAD
1800    -1, // 35 - REF_ALOAD
1801    2,  // 36 - UBYTE_ALOAD
1802    2,  // 37 - BYTE_ALOAD
1803    2,  // 38 - USHORT_ALOAD
1804    2,  // 39 - SHORT_ALOAD
1805    2,  // 40 - INT_ASTORE
1806    2,  // 41 - LONG_ASTORE
1807    2,  // 42 - FLOAT_ASTORE
1808    2,  // 43 - DOUBLE_ASTORE
1809    -1, // 44 - REF_ASTORE
1810    2,  // 45 - BYTE_ASTORE
1811    2,  // 46 - SHORT_ASTORE
1812    2,  // 47 - INT_IFCMP
1813    2,  // 48 - INT_IFCMP2
1814    2,  // 49 - LONG_IFCMP
1815    2,  // 50 - FLOAT_IFCMP
1816    2,  // 51 - DOUBLE_IFCMP
1817    -1, // 52 - REF_IFCMP
1818    -1, // 53 - LABEL
1819    -1, // 54 - BBEND
1820    0,  // 55 - UNINT_BEGIN
1821    0,  // 56 - UNINT_END
1822    0,  // 57 - FENCE
1823    0,  // 58 - READ_CEILING
1824    0,  // 59 - WRITE_FLOOR
1825    -1, // 60 - PHI
1826    -1, // 61 - SPLIT
1827    -1, // 62 - PI
1828    0,  // 63 - NOP
1829    1,  // 64 - INT_MOVE
1830    1,  // 65 - LONG_MOVE
1831    1,  // 66 - FLOAT_MOVE
1832    1,  // 67 - DOUBLE_MOVE
1833    -1, // 68 - REF_MOVE
1834    0,  // 69 - GUARD_MOVE
1835    -1, // 70 - INT_COND_MOVE
1836    -1, // 71 - LONG_COND_MOVE
1837    -1, // 72 - FLOAT_COND_MOVE
1838    -1, // 73 - DOUBLE_COND_MOVE
1839    -1, // 74 - REF_COND_MOVE
1840    -1, // 75 - GUARD_COND_MOVE
1841    0,  // 76 - GUARD_COMBINE
1842    -1, // 77 - REF_ADD
1843    2,  // 78 - INT_ADD
1844    2,  // 79 - LONG_ADD
1845    2,  // 80 - FLOAT_ADD
1846    2,  // 81 - DOUBLE_ADD
1847    -1, // 82 - REF_SUB
1848    2,  // 83 - INT_SUB
1849    2,  // 84 - LONG_SUB
1850    2,  // 85 - FLOAT_SUB
1851    2,  // 86 - DOUBLE_SUB
1852    2,  // 87 - INT_MUL
1853    2,  // 88 - LONG_MUL
1854    2,  // 89 - FLOAT_MUL
1855    2,  // 90 - DOUBLE_MUL
1856    2,  // 91 - INT_DIV
1857    2,  // 92 - LONG_DIV
1858    2,  // 93 - FLOAT_DIV
1859    2,  // 94 - DOUBLE_DIV
1860    2,  // 95 - INT_REM
1861    2,  // 96 - LONG_REM
1862    2,  // 97 - FLOAT_REM
1863    2,  // 98 - DOUBLE_REM
1864    -1, // 99 - REF_NEG
1865    1,  // 100 - INT_NEG
1866    1,  // 101 - LONG_NEG
1867    1,  // 102 - FLOAT_NEG
1868    1,  // 103 - DOUBLE_NEG
1869    1,  // 104 - FLOAT_SQRT
1870    1,  // 105 - DOUBLE_SQRT
1871    -1, // 106 - REF_SHL
1872    2,  // 107 - INT_SHL
1873    2,  // 108 - LONG_SHL
1874    -1, // 109 - REF_SHR
1875    2,  // 110 - INT_SHR
1876    2,  // 111 - LONG_SHR
1877    -1, // 112 - REF_USHR
1878    2,  // 113 - INT_USHR
1879    2,  // 114 - LONG_USHR
1880    -1, // 115 - REF_AND
1881    2,  // 116 - INT_AND
1882    2,  // 117 - LONG_AND
1883    -1, // 118 - REF_OR
1884    2,  // 119 - INT_OR
1885    2,  // 120 - LONG_OR
1886    -1, // 121 - REF_XOR
1887    2,  // 122 - INT_XOR
1888    -1, // 123 - REF_NOT
1889    1,  // 124 - INT_NOT
1890    1,  // 125 - LONG_NOT
1891    2,  // 126 - LONG_XOR
1892    -1, // 127 - INT_2ADDRSigExt
1893    1,  // 128 - INT_2ADDRZerExt
1894    -1, // 129 - LONG_2ADDR
1895    -1, // 130 - ADDR_2INT
1896    -1, // 131 - ADDR_2LONG
1897    1,  // 132 - INT_2LONG
1898    1,  // 133 - INT_2FLOAT
1899    1,  // 134 - INT_2DOUBLE
1900    1,  // 135 - LONG_2INT
1901    1,  // 136 - LONG_2FLOAT
1902    1,  // 137 - LONG_2DOUBLE
1903    1,  // 138 - FLOAT_2INT
1904    1,  // 139 - FLOAT_2LONG
1905    1,  // 140 - FLOAT_2DOUBLE
1906    1,  // 141 - DOUBLE_2INT
1907    1,  // 142 - DOUBLE_2LONG
1908    1,  // 143 - DOUBLE_2FLOAT
1909    1,  // 144 - INT_2BYTE
1910    1,  // 145 - INT_2USHORT
1911    1,  // 146 - INT_2SHORT
1912    2,  // 147 - LONG_CMP
1913    -1, // 148 - FLOAT_CMPL
1914    -1, // 149 - FLOAT_CMPG
1915    -1, // 150 - DOUBLE_CMPL
1916    -1, // 151 - DOUBLE_CMPG
1917    1,  // 152 - RETURN
1918    1,  // 153 - NULL_CHECK
1919    0,  // 154 - GOTO
1920    1,  // 155 - BOOLEAN_NOT
1921    2,  // 156 - BOOLEAN_CMP_INT
1922    -1, // 157 - BOOLEAN_CMP_ADDR
1923    2,  // 158 - BOOLEAN_CMP_LONG
1924    -1, // 159 - BOOLEAN_CMP_FLOAT
1925    -1, // 160 - BOOLEAN_CMP_DOUBLE
1926    2,  // 161 - BYTE_LOAD
1927    2,  // 162 - UBYTE_LOAD
1928    2,  // 163 - SHORT_LOAD
1929    2,  // 164 - USHORT_LOAD
1930    -1, // 165 - REF_LOAD
1931    -1, // 166 - REF_STORE
1932    2,  // 167 - INT_LOAD
1933    2,  // 168 - LONG_LOAD
1934    2,  // 169 - FLOAT_LOAD
1935    2,  // 170 - DOUBLE_LOAD
1936    2,  // 171 - BYTE_STORE
1937    2,  // 172 - SHORT_STORE
1938    2,  // 173 - INT_STORE
1939    2,  // 174 - LONG_STORE
1940    2,  // 175 - FLOAT_STORE
1941    2,  // 176 - DOUBLE_STORE
1942    -1, // 177 - PREPARE_INT
1943    -1, // 178 - PREPARE_ADDR
1944    -1, // 179 - PREPARE_LONG
1945    2,  // 180 - ATTEMPT_INT
1946    -1, // 181 - ATTEMPT_ADDR
1947    2,  // 182 - ATTEMPT_LONG
1948    2,  // 183 - CALL
1949    2,  // 184 - SYSCALL
1950    0,  // 185 - YIELDPOINT_PROLOGUE
1951    0,  // 186 - YIELDPOINT_EPILOGUE
1952    0,  // 187 - YIELDPOINT_BACKEDGE
1953    2,  // 188 - YIELDPOINT_OSR
1954    -1, // 189 - OSR_BARRIER
1955    0,  // 190 - IR_PROLOGUE
1956    0,  // 191 - RESOLVE
1957    -1, // 192 - RESOLVE_MEMBER
1958    0,  // 193 - GET_TIME_BASE
1960    2,  // 195 - TRAP_IF
1961    0,  // 196 - TRAP
1962    1,  // 197 - FLOAT_AS_INT_BITS
1963    1,  // 198 - INT_BITS_AS_FLOAT
1964    1,  // 199 - DOUBLE_AS_LONG_BITS
1965    1,  // 200 - LONG_BITS_AS_DOUBLE
1966    -1, // 201 - ARRAYLENGTH
1967    -1, // 202 - GET_OBJ_TIB
1968    -1, // 203 - GET_CLASS_TIB
1969    -1, // 204 - GET_TYPE_FROM_TIB
1970    -1, // 205 - GET_SUPERCLASS_IDS_FROM_TIB
1971    -1, // 206 - GET_DOES_IMPLEMENT_FROM_TIB
1972    -1, // 207 - GET_ARRAY_ELEMENT_TIB_FROM_TIB
1973    1,  // 208 - LOWTABLESWITCH
1974    0,  // 209 - ADDRESS_CONSTANT
1975    0,  // 210 - INT_CONSTANT
1976    0,  // 211 - LONG_CONSTANT
1977    0,  // 212 - REGISTER
1978    2,  // 213 - OTHER_OPERAND
1979    0,  // 214 - NULL
1980    0,  // 215 - BRANCH_TARGET
1981    1,  // 216 - MATERIALIZE_FP_CONSTANT
1982    -1, // 217 - ROUND_TO_ZERO
1983    0,  // 218 - CLEAR_FLOATING_POINT_STATE
1984    1,  // 219 - PREFETCH
1985    0,  // 220 - PAUSE
1986    -1, // 221 - FP_ADD
1987    -1, // 222 - FP_SUB
1988    -1, // 223 - FP_MUL
1989    -1, // 224 - FP_DIV
1990    -1, // 225 - FP_NEG
1991    -1, // 226 - FP_REM
1992    -1, // 227 - INT_2FP
1993    -1, // 228 - LONG_2FP
1994    2,  // 229 - CMP_CMOV
1995    2,  // 230 - FCMP_CMOV
1996    2,  // 231 - LCMP_CMOV
1997    -1, // 232 - CMP_FCMOV
1998    2,  // 233 - FCMP_FCMOV
1999    -1, // 234 - CALL_SAVE_VOLATILE
2000    -1, // 235 - MIR_START
2001    -1, // 236 - REQUIRE_ESP
2002    -1, // 237 - ADVISE_ESP
2003    -1, // 238 - MIR_LOWTABLESWITCH
2004    -1, // 239 - IA32_METHODSTART
2005    -1, // 240 - IA32_FCLEAR
2006    -1, // 241 - DUMMY_DEF
2007    -1, // 242 - DUMMY_USE
2008    -1, // 243 - IMMQ_MOV
2009    -1, // 244 - IA32_FMOV_ENDING_LIVE_RANGE
2010    -1, // 245 - IA32_FMOV
2011    -1, // 246 - IA32_TRAPIF
2012    -1, // 247 - IA32_OFFSET
2013    -1, // 248 - IA32_LOCK_CMPXCHG
2014    -1, // 249 - IA32_LOCK_CMPXCHG8B
2015    -1, // 250 - IA32_ADC
2016    -1, // 251 - IA32_ADD
2017    -1, // 252 - IA32_AND
2018    -1, // 253 - IA32_BSWAP
2019    -1, // 254 - IA32_BT
2020    -1, // 255 - IA32_BTC
2021    -1, // 256 - IA32_BTR
2022    -1, // 257 - IA32_BTS
2023    -1, // 258 - IA32_SYSCALL
2024    -1, // 259 - IA32_CALL
2025    -1, // 260 - IA32_CDQ
2026    -1, // 261 - IA32_CDO
2027    -1, // 262 - IA32_CDQE
2028    -1, // 263 - IA32_CMOV
2029    -1, // 264 - IA32_CMP
2030    -1, // 265 - IA32_CMPXCHG
2031    -1, // 266 - IA32_CMPXCHG8B
2032    -1, // 267 - IA32_DEC
2033    -1, // 268 - IA32_DIV
2034    -1, // 269 - IA32_FADD
2035    -1, // 270 - IA32_FADDP
2036    -1, // 271 - IA32_FCHS
2037    -1, // 272 - IA32_FCMOV
2038    -1, // 273 - IA32_FCOMI
2039    -1, // 274 - IA32_FCOMIP
2040    -1, // 275 - IA32_FDIV
2041    -1, // 276 - IA32_FDIVP
2042    -1, // 277 - IA32_FDIVR
2043    -1, // 278 - IA32_FDIVRP
2044    -1, // 279 - IA32_FEXAM
2045    -1, // 280 - IA32_FXCH
2046    -1, // 281 - IA32_FFREE
2047    -1, // 282 - IA32_FFREEP
2048    -1, // 283 - IA32_FIADD
2049    -1, // 284 - IA32_FIDIV
2050    -1, // 285 - IA32_FIDIVR
2051    -1, // 286 - IA32_FILD
2052    -1, // 287 - IA32_FIMUL
2053    -1, // 288 - IA32_FINIT
2054    -1, // 289 - IA32_FIST
2055    -1, // 290 - IA32_FISTP
2056    -1, // 291 - IA32_FISUB
2057    -1, // 292 - IA32_FISUBR
2058    -1, // 293 - IA32_FLD
2059    -1, // 294 - IA32_FLDCW
2060    -1, // 295 - IA32_FLD1
2061    -1, // 296 - IA32_FLDL2T
2062    -1, // 297 - IA32_FLDL2E
2063    -1, // 298 - IA32_FLDPI
2064    -1, // 299 - IA32_FLDLG2
2065    -1, // 300 - IA32_FLDLN2
2066    -1, // 301 - IA32_FLDZ
2067    -1, // 302 - IA32_FMUL
2068    -1, // 303 - IA32_FMULP
2069    -1, // 304 - IA32_FNSTCW
2070    -1, // 305 - IA32_FNSTSW
2071    -1, // 306 - IA32_FNINIT
2072    -1, // 307 - IA32_FNSAVE
2073    -1, // 308 - IA32_FPREM
2074    -1, // 309 - IA32_FRSTOR
2075    -1, // 310 - IA32_FST
2076    -1, // 311 - IA32_FSTCW
2077    -1, // 312 - IA32_FSTSW
2078    -1, // 313 - IA32_FSTP
2079    -1, // 314 - IA32_FSUB
2080    -1, // 315 - IA32_FSUBP
2081    -1, // 316 - IA32_FSUBR
2082    -1, // 317 - IA32_FSUBRP
2083    -1, // 318 - IA32_FUCOMI
2084    -1, // 319 - IA32_FUCOMIP
2085    -1, // 320 - IA32_IDIV
2086    -1, // 321 - IA32_IMUL1
2087    -1, // 322 - IA32_IMUL2
2088    -1, // 323 - IA32_INC
2089    -1, // 324 - IA32_INT
2090    -1, // 325 - IA32_JCC
2091    -1, // 326 - IA32_JCC2
2092    -1, // 327 - IA32_JMP
2093    -1, // 328 - IA32_LEA
2094    -1, // 329 - IA32_LOCK
2095    -1, // 330 - IA32_MOV
2096    -1, // 331 - IA32_MOVZX__B
2097    -1, // 332 - IA32_MOVSX__B
2098    -1, // 333 - IA32_MOVZX__W
2099    -1, // 334 - IA32_MOVSX__W
2100    -1, // 335 - IA32_MOVZXQ__B
2101    -1, // 336 - IA32_MOVSXQ__B
2102    -1, // 337 - IA32_MOVZXQ__W
2103    -1, // 338 - IA32_MOVSXQ__W
2104    -1, // 339 - IA32_MOVSXDQ
2105    -1, // 340 - IA32_MUL
2106    -1, // 341 - IA32_NEG
2107    -1, // 342 - IA32_NOT
2108    -1, // 343 - IA32_OR
2109    -1, // 344 - IA32_MFENCE
2110    -1, // 345 - IA32_PAUSE
2111    -1, // 346 - IA32_PREFETCHNTA
2112    -1, // 347 - IA32_POP
2113    -1, // 348 - IA32_PUSH
2114    -1, // 349 - IA32_RCL
2115    -1, // 350 - IA32_RCR
2116    -1, // 351 - IA32_ROL
2117    -1, // 352 - IA32_ROR
2118    -1, // 353 - IA32_RET
2119    -1, // 354 - IA32_SAL
2120    -1, // 355 - IA32_SAR
2121    -1, // 356 - IA32_SHL
2122    -1, // 357 - IA32_SHR
2123    -1, // 358 - IA32_SBB
2124    -1, // 359 - IA32_SET__B
2125    -1, // 360 - IA32_SHLD
2126    -1, // 361 - IA32_SHRD
2127    -1, // 362 - IA32_SUB
2128    -1, // 363 - IA32_TEST
2129    -1, // 364 - IA32_XOR
2130    -1, // 365 - IA32_RDTSC
2131    -1, // 366 - IA32_ADDSS
2132    -1, // 367 - IA32_SUBSS
2133    -1, // 368 - IA32_MULSS
2134    -1, // 369 - IA32_DIVSS
2135    -1, // 370 - IA32_ADDSD
2136    -1, // 371 - IA32_SUBSD
2137    -1, // 372 - IA32_MULSD
2138    -1, // 373 - IA32_DIVSD
2139    -1, // 374 - IA32_ANDPS
2140    -1, // 375 - IA32_ANDPD
2141    -1, // 376 - IA32_ANDNPS
2142    -1, // 377 - IA32_ANDNPD
2143    -1, // 378 - IA32_ORPS
2144    -1, // 379 - IA32_ORPD
2145    -1, // 380 - IA32_XORPS
2146    -1, // 381 - IA32_XORPD
2147    -1, // 382 - IA32_UCOMISS
2148    -1, // 383 - IA32_UCOMISD
2149    -1, // 384 - IA32_CMPEQSS
2150    -1, // 385 - IA32_CMPLTSS
2151    -1, // 386 - IA32_CMPLESS
2152    -1, // 387 - IA32_CMPUNORDSS
2153    -1, // 388 - IA32_CMPNESS
2154    -1, // 389 - IA32_CMPNLTSS
2155    -1, // 390 - IA32_CMPNLESS
2156    -1, // 391 - IA32_CMPORDSS
2157    -1, // 392 - IA32_CMPEQSD
2158    -1, // 393 - IA32_CMPLTSD
2159    -1, // 394 - IA32_CMPLESD
2160    -1, // 395 - IA32_CMPUNORDSD
2161    -1, // 396 - IA32_CMPNESD
2162    -1, // 397 - IA32_CMPNLTSD
2163    -1, // 398 - IA32_CMPNLESD
2164    -1, // 399 - IA32_CMPORDSD
2165    -1, // 400 - IA32_MOVAPD
2166    -1, // 401 - IA32_MOVAPS
2167    -1, // 402 - IA32_MOVLPD
2168    -1, // 403 - IA32_MOVLPS
2169    -1, // 404 - IA32_MOVSS
2170    -1, // 405 - IA32_MOVSD
2171    -1, // 406 - IA32_MOVD
2172    -1, // 407 - IA32_MOVQ
2173    -1, // 408 - IA32_PSLLQ
2174    -1, // 409 - IA32_PSRLQ
2175    -1, // 410 - IA32_SQRTSS
2176    -1, // 411 - IA32_SQRTSD
2177    -1, // 412 - IA32_CVTSI2SS
2178    -1, // 413 - IA32_CVTSS2SD
2179    -1, // 414 - IA32_CVTSS2SI
2180    -1, // 415 - IA32_CVTTSS2SI
2181    -1, // 416 - IA32_CVTSI2SD
2182    -1, // 417 - IA32_CVTSD2SS
2183    -1, // 418 - IA32_CVTSD2SI
2184    -1, // 419 - IA32_CVTTSD2SI
2185    -1, // 420 - IA32_CVTSI2SDQ
2186    -1, // 421 - IA32_CVTSD2SIQ
2187    -1, // 422 - IA32_CVTTSD2SIQ
2188    -1, // 423 - MIR_END
2189  };*/
2191  /**
2192   * Decoding table. Translate the target non-terminal and minimal cost covering state encoding
2193   * non-terminal into the rule that produces the non-terminal.
2194   * The first index is the non-terminal that we wish to produce.
2195   * The second index is the state non-terminal associated with covering a tree
2196   * with minimal cost and is computed by jburg based on the non-terminal to be produced.
2197   * The value in the array is the rule number
2198   */
2199  private static final char[][] decode = {
2200    null, // [0][0]
2201    { // stm_NT
2202      0, // [1][0]
2203      1, // [1][1] - stm: r
2204      27, // [1][2] - stm: IG_PATCH_POINT
2205      28, // [1][3] - stm: UNINT_BEGIN
2206      29, // [1][4] - stm: UNINT_END
2207      30, // [1][5] - stm: YIELDPOINT_PROLOGUE
2208      31, // [1][6] - stm: YIELDPOINT_EPILOGUE
2209      32, // [1][7] - stm: YIELDPOINT_BACKEDGE
2210      247, // [1][8] - stm: LOWTABLESWITCH(r)
2211      33, // [1][9] - stm: RESOLVE
2212      34, // [1][10] - stm: NOP
2213      248, // [1][11] - stm: NULL_CHECK(riv)
2214      37, // [1][12] - stm: IR_PROLOGUE
2215      249, // [1][13] - stm: SET_CAUGHT_EXCEPTION(r)
2216      39, // [1][14] - stm: SET_CAUGHT_EXCEPTION(INT_CONSTANT)
2217      40, // [1][15] - stm: TRAP
2218      250, // [1][16] - stm: TRAP_IF(r,INT_CONSTANT)
2219      251, // [1][17] - stm: TRAP_IF(r,LONG_CONSTANT)
2220      52, // [1][18] - stm: TRAP_IF(r,r)
2221      53, // [1][19] - stm: TRAP_IF(load32,riv)
2222      54, // [1][20] - stm: TRAP_IF(riv,load32)
2223      397, // [1][21] - stm: SHORT_STORE(riv,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
2224      398, // [1][22] - stm: SHORT_STORE(load16,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
2225      399, // [1][23] - stm: SHORT_STORE(rlv,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))
2226      400, // [1][24] - stm: SHORT_STORE(riv,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))
2227      401, // [1][25] - stm: SHORT_ASTORE(riv,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
2228      402, // [1][26] - stm: SHORT_ASTORE(load16,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
2229      403, // [1][27] - stm: SHORT_ASTORE(riv,OTHER_OPERAND(r,r))
2230      404, // [1][28] - stm: INT_ASTORE(riv,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
2231      405, // [1][29] - stm: INT_ASTORE(riv,OTHER_OPERAND(r,r))
2232      406, // [1][30] - stm: INT_ASTORE(riv,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))
2233      407, // [1][31] - stm: INT_ASTORE(riv,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,riv))
2234      408, // [1][32] - stm: INT_ASTORE(riv,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,rlv))
2235      409, // [1][33] - stm: LONG_ASTORE(r,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
2236      410, // [1][34] - stm: LONG_ASTORE(r,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))
2237      411, // [1][35] - stm: LONG_ASTORE(r,OTHER_OPERAND(r,r))
2238      466, // [1][36] - stm: LONG_ASTORE(LONG_CONSTANT,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
2239      467, // [1][37] - stm: LONG_ASTORE(LONG_CONSTANT,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,riv))
2240      41, // [1][38] - stm: GOTO
2241      256, // [1][39] - stm: PREFETCH(r)
2242      42, // [1][40] - stm: WRITE_FLOOR
2243      43, // [1][41] - stm: READ_CEILING
2244      44, // [1][42] - stm: FENCE
2245      45, // [1][43] - stm: PAUSE
2246      46, // [1][44] - stm: RETURN(NULL)
2247      47, // [1][45] - stm: RETURN(INT_CONSTANT)
2248      257, // [1][46] - stm: RETURN(r)
2249      48, // [1][47] - stm: RETURN(LONG_CONSTANT)
2250      58, // [1][48] - stm: YIELDPOINT_OSR(any,any)
2251      494, // [1][49] - stm: INT_IFCMP(ATTEMPT_INT(riv,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))),INT_CONSTANT)
2252      495, // [1][50] - stm: INT_IFCMP(ATTEMPT_INT(r,OTHER_OPERAND(address1scaledreg,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))),INT_CONSTANT)
2253      496, // [1][51] - stm: INT_IFCMP(ATTEMPT_INT(address1scaledreg,OTHER_OPERAND(r,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))),INT_CONSTANT)
2254      497, // [1][52] - stm: INT_IFCMP(ATTEMPT_INT(address1scaledreg,OTHER_OPERAND(address1reg,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))),INT_CONSTANT)
2255      498, // [1][53] - stm: INT_IFCMP(ATTEMPT_INT(address1reg,OTHER_OPERAND(address1scaledreg,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))),INT_CONSTANT)
2256      514, // [1][54] - stm: INT_IFCMP(ATTEMPT_INT(address,OTHER_OPERAND(INT_CONSTANT,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))),INT_CONSTANT)
2257      518, // [1][55] - stm: INT_IFCMP(ATTEMPT_INT(INT_CONSTANT,OTHER_OPERAND(address,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))),INT_CONSTANT)
2258      499, // [1][56] - stm: INT_IFCMP(ATTEMPT_INT(riv,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))),INT_CONSTANT)
2259      500, // [1][57] - stm: INT_IFCMP(ATTEMPT_INT(r,OTHER_OPERAND(address1scaledreg,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))),INT_CONSTANT)
2260      501, // [1][58] - stm: INT_IFCMP(ATTEMPT_INT(address1scaledreg,OTHER_OPERAND(r,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))),INT_CONSTANT)
2261      502, // [1][59] - stm: INT_IFCMP(ATTEMPT_INT(address1scaledreg,OTHER_OPERAND(address1reg,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))),INT_CONSTANT)
2262      503, // [1][60] - stm: INT_IFCMP(ATTEMPT_INT(address1reg,OTHER_OPERAND(address1scaledreg,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))),INT_CONSTANT)
2263      515, // [1][61] - stm: INT_IFCMP(ATTEMPT_INT(address,OTHER_OPERAND(INT_CONSTANT,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))),INT_CONSTANT)
2264      519, // [1][62] - stm: INT_IFCMP(ATTEMPT_INT(INT_CONSTANT,OTHER_OPERAND(address,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))),INT_CONSTANT)
2265      504, // [1][63] - stm: INT_IFCMP(ATTEMPT_LONG(rlv,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))),INT_CONSTANT)
2266      505, // [1][64] - stm: INT_IFCMP(ATTEMPT_LONG(r,OTHER_OPERAND(address1scaledreg,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))),INT_CONSTANT)
2267      506, // [1][65] - stm: INT_IFCMP(ATTEMPT_LONG(address1scaledreg,OTHER_OPERAND(r,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))),INT_CONSTANT)
2268      507, // [1][66] - stm: INT_IFCMP(ATTEMPT_LONG(address1scaledreg,OTHER_OPERAND(address1reg,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))),INT_CONSTANT)
2269      508, // [1][67] - stm: INT_IFCMP(ATTEMPT_LONG(address1reg,OTHER_OPERAND(address1scaledreg,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))),INT_CONSTANT)
2272      509, // [1][70] - stm: INT_IFCMP(ATTEMPT_LONG(rlv,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))),INT_CONSTANT)
2273      510, // [1][71] - stm: INT_IFCMP(ATTEMPT_LONG(r,OTHER_OPERAND(address1scaledreg,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))),INT_CONSTANT)
2274      511, // [1][72] - stm: INT_IFCMP(ATTEMPT_LONG(address1scaledreg,OTHER_OPERAND(r,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))),INT_CONSTANT)
2275      512, // [1][73] - stm: INT_IFCMP(ATTEMPT_LONG(address1scaledreg,OTHER_OPERAND(address1reg,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))),INT_CONSTANT)
2276      513, // [1][74] - stm: INT_IFCMP(ATTEMPT_LONG(address1reg,OTHER_OPERAND(address1scaledreg,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))),INT_CONSTANT)
2279      412, // [1][77] - stm: BYTE_STORE(boolcmp,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
2280      413, // [1][78] - stm: BYTE_ASTORE(boolcmp,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
2281      530, // [1][79] - stm: BYTE_STORE(BOOLEAN_NOT(UBYTE_LOAD(rlv,rlv)),OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))
2282      531, // [1][80] - stm: BYTE_ASTORE(BOOLEAN_NOT(UBYTE_ALOAD(rlv,riv)),OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,riv))
2283      414, // [1][81] - stm: BYTE_STORE(riv,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))
2284      415, // [1][82] - stm: BYTE_STORE(load8,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))
2285      416, // [1][83] - stm: BYTE_ASTORE(riv,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,riv))
2286      417, // [1][84] - stm: BYTE_ASTORE(load8,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,riv))
2287      561, // [1][85] - stm: BYTE_STORE(INT_2BYTE(r),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
2288      562, // [1][86] - stm: BYTE_ASTORE(INT_2BYTE(r),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
2289      563, // [1][87] - stm: SHORT_STORE(INT_2SHORT(r),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
2290      564, // [1][88] - stm: SHORT_ASTORE(INT_2SHORT(r),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
2291      565, // [1][89] - stm: SHORT_STORE(INT_2USHORT(r),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
2292      566, // [1][90] - stm: SHORT_ASTORE(INT_2USHORT(r),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
2293      569, // [1][91] - stm: INT_STORE(INT_ADD(INT_LOAD(riv,riv),riv),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
2294      589, // [1][92] - stm: INT_STORE(INT_ADD(riv,INT_LOAD(riv,riv)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
2295      570, // [1][93] - stm: INT_ASTORE(INT_ADD(INT_ALOAD(riv,riv),riv),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
2296      590, // [1][94] - stm: INT_ASTORE(INT_ADD(riv,INT_ALOAD(riv,riv)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
2297      571, // [1][95] - stm: INT_STORE(INT_AND(INT_LOAD(riv,riv),riv),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
2298      591, // [1][96] - stm: INT_STORE(INT_AND(r,INT_LOAD(riv,riv)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
2299      572, // [1][97] - stm: INT_ASTORE(INT_AND(INT_ALOAD(riv,riv),riv),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
2300      592, // [1][98] - stm: INT_ASTORE(INT_AND(r,INT_ALOAD(riv,riv)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
2301      93, // [1][99] - stm: INT_IFCMP(r,riv)
2302      309, // [1][100] - stm: INT_IFCMP(r,INT_CONSTANT)
2303      310, // [1][101] - stm: INT_IFCMP(load8,INT_CONSTANT)
2304      94, // [1][102] - stm: INT_IFCMP(uload8,r)
2305      95, // [1][103] - stm: INT_IFCMP(r,uload8)
2306      311, // [1][104] - stm: INT_IFCMP(sload16,INT_CONSTANT)
2307      96, // [1][105] - stm: INT_IFCMP(load32,riv)
2308      97, // [1][106] - stm: INT_IFCMP(r,load32)
2309      312, // [1][107] - stm: INT_IFCMP(boolcmp,INT_CONSTANT)
2310      313, // [1][108] - stm: INT_IFCMP(boolcmp,INT_CONSTANT)
2311      314, // [1][109] - stm: INT_IFCMP(cz,INT_CONSTANT)
2312      315, // [1][110] - stm: INT_IFCMP(szp,INT_CONSTANT)
2313      316, // [1][111] - stm: INT_IFCMP(bittest,INT_CONSTANT)
2314      98, // [1][112] - stm: INT_IFCMP2(r,riv)
2315      99, // [1][113] - stm: INT_IFCMP2(load32,riv)
2316      100, // [1][114] - stm: INT_IFCMP2(riv,load32)
2317      532, // [1][115] - stm: INT_STORE(INT_NEG(INT_LOAD(riv,riv)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
2318      533, // [1][116] - stm: INT_ASTORE(INT_NEG(INT_ALOAD(riv,riv)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
2319      534, // [1][117] - stm: INT_STORE(INT_NOT(INT_LOAD(riv,riv)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
2320      535, // [1][118] - stm: INT_ASTORE(INT_NOT(INT_ALOAD(riv,riv)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
2321      573, // [1][119] - stm: INT_STORE(INT_OR(INT_LOAD(riv,riv),riv),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
2322      593, // [1][120] - stm: INT_STORE(INT_OR(r,INT_LOAD(riv,riv)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
2323      574, // [1][121] - stm: INT_ASTORE(INT_OR(INT_ALOAD(riv,riv),riv),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
2324      594, // [1][122] - stm: INT_ASTORE(INT_OR(r,INT_ALOAD(riv,riv)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
2325      625, // [1][123] - stm: INT_STORE(INT_SHL(INT_LOAD(riv,riv),INT_AND(r,INT_CONSTANT)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
2326      536, // [1][124] - stm: INT_STORE(INT_SHL(INT_LOAD(riv,riv),INT_CONSTANT),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
2327      626, // [1][125] - stm: INT_ASTORE(INT_SHL(INT_ALOAD(riv,riv),INT_AND(r,INT_CONSTANT)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
2328      537, // [1][126] - stm: INT_ASTORE(INT_SHL(INT_ALOAD(riv,riv),INT_CONSTANT),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
2329      627, // [1][127] - stm: INT_STORE(INT_SHR(INT_LOAD(riv,riv),INT_AND(r,INT_CONSTANT)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
2330      538, // [1][128] - stm: INT_STORE(INT_SHR(INT_LOAD(riv,riv),INT_CONSTANT),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
2331      628, // [1][129] - stm: INT_ASTORE(INT_SHR(INT_ALOAD(riv,riv),INT_AND(r,INT_CONSTANT)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
2332      539, // [1][130] - stm: INT_ASTORE(INT_SHR(INT_ALOAD(riv,riv),INT_CONSTANT),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
2333      423, // [1][131] - stm: INT_STORE(riv,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))
2334      424, // [1][132] - stm: INT_STORE(riv,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,address1scaledreg))
2335      425, // [1][133] - stm: INT_STORE(riv,OTHER_OPERAND(address1scaledreg,rlv))
2336      426, // [1][134] - stm: INT_STORE(riv,OTHER_OPERAND(address1scaledreg,address1reg))
2337      427, // [1][135] - stm: INT_STORE(riv,OTHER_OPERAND(address1reg,address1scaledreg))
2338      619, // [1][136] - stm: INT_STORE(riv,OTHER_OPERAND(address,LONG_CONSTANT))
2339      575, // [1][137] - stm: INT_STORE(INT_SUB(INT_LOAD(riv,riv),riv),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
2340      595, // [1][138] - stm: INT_STORE(INT_SUB(riv,INT_LOAD(riv,riv)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
2341      576, // [1][139] - stm: INT_ASTORE(INT_SUB(INT_ALOAD(riv,riv),riv),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
2342      596, // [1][140] - stm: INT_ASTORE(INT_SUB(riv,INT_ALOAD(riv,riv)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
2343      629, // [1][141] - stm: INT_STORE(INT_USHR(INT_LOAD(riv,riv),INT_AND(r,INT_CONSTANT)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
2344      540, // [1][142] - stm: INT_STORE(INT_USHR(INT_LOAD(riv,riv),INT_CONSTANT),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
2345      630, // [1][143] - stm: INT_ASTORE(INT_USHR(INT_ALOAD(riv,riv),INT_AND(r,INT_CONSTANT)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
2346      541, // [1][144] - stm: INT_ASTORE(INT_USHR(INT_ALOAD(riv,riv),INT_CONSTANT),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
2347      577, // [1][145] - stm: INT_STORE(INT_XOR(INT_LOAD(riv,riv),riv),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
2348      597, // [1][146] - stm: INT_STORE(INT_XOR(r,INT_LOAD(riv,riv)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
2349      578, // [1][147] - stm: INT_ASTORE(INT_XOR(INT_ALOAD(riv,riv),riv),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
2350      598, // [1][148] - stm: INT_ASTORE(INT_XOR(r,INT_ALOAD(riv,riv)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
2351      567, // [1][149] - stm: INT_STORE(LONG_2INT(r),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
2352      568, // [1][150] - stm: INT_ASTORE(LONG_2INT(r),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
2353      579, // [1][151] - stm: LONG_STORE(LONG_ADD(LONG_LOAD(rlv,rlv),rlv),OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))
2354      599, // [1][152] - stm: LONG_STORE(LONG_ADD(rlv,LONG_LOAD(rlv,rlv)),OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))
2355      580, // [1][153] - stm: LONG_ASTORE(LONG_ADD(LONG_ALOAD(rlv,rlv),rlv),OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))
2356      600, // [1][154] - stm: LONG_ASTORE(LONG_ADD(rlv,LONG_ALOAD(rlv,rlv)),OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))
2357      581, // [1][155] - stm: LONG_STORE(LONG_AND(LONG_LOAD(rlv,rlv),rlv),OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))
2358      601, // [1][156] - stm: LONG_STORE(LONG_AND(r,LONG_LOAD(rlv,rlv)),OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))
2359      582, // [1][157] - stm: LONG_ASTORE(LONG_AND(LONG_ALOAD(rlv,rlv),rlv),OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))
2360      602, // [1][158] - stm: LONG_ASTORE(LONG_AND(r,LONG_ALOAD(rlv,rlv)),OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))
2361      173, // [1][159] - stm: LONG_IFCMP(rlv,rlv)
2362      341, // [1][160] - stm: LONG_IFCMP(r,LONG_CONSTANT)
2363      542, // [1][161] - stm: LONG_STORE(LONG_NEG(LONG_LOAD(riv,riv)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
2364      543, // [1][162] - stm: LONG_ASTORE(LONG_NEG(LONG_ALOAD(riv,riv)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
2365      544, // [1][163] - stm: LONG_STORE(LONG_NOT(LONG_LOAD(riv,riv)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
2366      545, // [1][164] - stm: LONG_ASTORE(LONG_NOT(LONG_ALOAD(riv,riv)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
2367      583, // [1][165] - stm: LONG_STORE(LONG_OR(LONG_LOAD(rlv,rlv),rlv),OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))
2368      603, // [1][166] - stm: LONG_STORE(LONG_OR(r,LONG_LOAD(rlv,rlv)),OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))
2369      584, // [1][167] - stm: LONG_ASTORE(LONG_OR(LONG_ALOAD(rlv,rlv),rlv),OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))
2370      604, // [1][168] - stm: LONG_ASTORE(LONG_OR(r,LONG_ALOAD(rlv,rlv)),OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))
2371      631, // [1][169] - stm: LONG_STORE(LONG_SHL(LONG_LOAD(riv,riv),INT_AND(r,INT_CONSTANT)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
2372      546, // [1][170] - stm: LONG_STORE(LONG_SHL(LONG_LOAD(riv,riv),INT_CONSTANT),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
2373      632, // [1][171] - stm: LONG_ASTORE(LONG_SHL(LONG_ALOAD(riv,riv),INT_AND(r,INT_CONSTANT)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
2374      547, // [1][172] - stm: LONG_ASTORE(LONG_SHL(LONG_ALOAD(riv,riv),INT_CONSTANT),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
2375      633, // [1][173] - stm: LONG_STORE(LONG_SHR(LONG_LOAD(riv,riv),INT_AND(r,LONG_CONSTANT)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
2376      548, // [1][174] - stm: LONG_STORE(LONG_SHR(LONG_LOAD(riv,riv),LONG_CONSTANT),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
2377      634, // [1][175] - stm: LONG_ASTORE(LONG_SHR(LONG_ALOAD(riv,riv),INT_AND(r,LONG_CONSTANT)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
2378      549, // [1][176] - stm: LONG_ASTORE(LONG_SHR(LONG_ALOAD(riv,riv),LONG_CONSTANT),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
2379      431, // [1][177] - stm: LONG_STORE(rlv,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))
2380      432, // [1][178] - stm: LONG_STORE(rlv,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,address1scaledreg))
2381      433, // [1][179] - stm: LONG_STORE(rlv,OTHER_OPERAND(address1scaledreg,rlv))
2382      434, // [1][180] - stm: LONG_STORE(rlv,OTHER_OPERAND(address1scaledreg,address1reg))
2383      435, // [1][181] - stm: LONG_STORE(rlv,OTHER_OPERAND(address1reg,address1scaledreg))
2384      623, // [1][182] - stm: LONG_STORE(rlv,OTHER_OPERAND(address,LONG_CONSTANT))
2385      585, // [1][183] - stm: LONG_STORE(LONG_SUB(LONG_LOAD(rlv,rlv),rlv),OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))
2386      605, // [1][184] - stm: LONG_STORE(LONG_SUB(rlv,LONG_LOAD(rlv,rlv)),OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))
2387      586, // [1][185] - stm: LONG_ASTORE(LONG_SUB(LONG_ALOAD(rlv,rlv),rlv),OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))
2388      606, // [1][186] - stm: LONG_ASTORE(LONG_SUB(rlv,LONG_ALOAD(rlv,rlv)),OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))
2389      635, // [1][187] - stm: LONG_STORE(LONG_USHR(LONG_LOAD(riv,riv),LONG_AND(r,LONG_CONSTANT)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
2390      550, // [1][188] - stm: LONG_STORE(LONG_USHR(LONG_LOAD(riv,riv),LONG_CONSTANT),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
2391      636, // [1][189] - stm: LONG_ASTORE(LONG_USHR(LONG_ALOAD(riv,riv),LONG_AND(r,LONG_CONSTANT)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
2392      551, // [1][190] - stm: LONG_ASTORE(LONG_USHR(LONG_ALOAD(riv,riv),LONG_CONSTANT),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
2393      587, // [1][191] - stm: LONG_STORE(LONG_XOR(LONG_LOAD(rlv,rlv),rlv),OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))
2394      607, // [1][192] - stm: LONG_STORE(LONG_XOR(r,LONG_LOAD(rlv,rlv)),OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))
2395      588, // [1][193] - stm: LONG_ASTORE(LONG_XOR(LONG_ALOAD(rlv,rlv),rlv),OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))
2396      608, // [1][194] - stm: LONG_ASTORE(LONG_XOR(r,LONG_ALOAD(rlv,rlv)),OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))
2397      436, // [1][195] - stm: DOUBLE_STORE(r,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
2398      437, // [1][196] - stm: DOUBLE_STORE(r,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,rlv))
2399      438, // [1][197] - stm: DOUBLE_STORE(r,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,riv))
2400      439, // [1][198] - stm: DOUBLE_STORE(r,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))
2401      440, // [1][199] - stm: DOUBLE_ASTORE(r,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
2402      441, // [1][200] - stm: DOUBLE_ASTORE(r,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,riv))
2403      442, // [1][201] - stm: DOUBLE_ASTORE(r,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,rlv))
2404      443, // [1][202] - stm: DOUBLE_ASTORE(r,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))
2405      444, // [1][203] - stm: DOUBLE_ASTORE(r,OTHER_OPERAND(r,r))
2406      445, // [1][204] - stm: FLOAT_STORE(r,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
2407      446, // [1][205] - stm: FLOAT_STORE(r,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))
2408      447, // [1][206] - stm: FLOAT_STORE(r,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,riv))
2409      448, // [1][207] - stm: FLOAT_STORE(r,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,rlv))
2410      449, // [1][208] - stm: FLOAT_ASTORE(r,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
2411      450, // [1][209] - stm: FLOAT_ASTORE(r,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,riv))
2412      451, // [1][210] - stm: FLOAT_ASTORE(r,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,rlv))
2413      452, // [1][211] - stm: FLOAT_ASTORE(r,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))
2414      453, // [1][212] - stm: FLOAT_ASTORE(r,OTHER_OPERAND(r,r))
2415      50, // [1][213] - stm: CLEAR_FLOATING_POINT_STATE
2416      241, // [1][214] - stm: FLOAT_IFCMP(r,r)
2417      242, // [1][215] - stm: FLOAT_IFCMP(r,float_load)
2418      243, // [1][216] - stm: FLOAT_IFCMP(float_load,r)
2419      244, // [1][217] - stm: DOUBLE_IFCMP(r,r)
2420      245, // [1][218] - stm: DOUBLE_IFCMP(r,double_load)
2421      246, // [1][219] - stm: DOUBLE_IFCMP(double_load,r)
2422      462, // [1][220] - stm: LONG_ASTORE(load64,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
2423      463, // [1][221] - stm: LONG_ASTORE(load64,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,riv))
2424      464, // [1][222] - stm: LONG_STORE(load64,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
2425      465, // [1][223] - stm: LONG_STORE(load64,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,riv))
2426    },
2427    { // r_NT
2428      0, // [2][0]
2429      21, // [2][1] - r: REGISTER
2430      2, // [2][2] - r: czr
2431      4, // [2][3] - r: szpr
2432      35, // [2][4] - r: GUARD_MOVE
2433      36, // [2][5] - r: GUARD_COMBINE
2434      38, // [2][6] - r: GET_CAUGHT_EXCEPTION
2435      253, // [2][7] - r: INT_AND(load8_16_32,INT_CONSTANT)
2436      254, // [2][8] - r: INT_2BYTE(load8_16_32)
2437      383, // [2][9] - r: INT_USHR(INT_SHL(load8_16_32,INT_CONSTANT),INT_CONSTANT)
2438      255, // [2][10] - r: INT_AND(load16_32,INT_CONSTANT)
2439      384, // [2][11] - r: INT_USHR(INT_SHL(load16_32,INT_CONSTANT),INT_CONSTANT)
2440      55, // [2][12] - r: LONG_CMP(rlv,rlv)
2441      56, // [2][13] - r: CALL(r,any)
2442      468, // [2][14] - r: CALL(BRANCH_TARGET,any)
2443      471, // [2][15] - r: CALL(INT_LOAD(riv,riv),any)
2444      469, // [2][16] - r: CALL(INT_CONSTANT,any)
2445      472, // [2][17] - r: CALL(LONG_LOAD(rlv,rlv),any)
2446      57, // [2][18] - r: SYSCALL(r,any)
2447      473, // [2][19] - r: SYSCALL(INT_LOAD(riv,riv),any)
2448      470, // [2][20] - r: SYSCALL(INT_CONSTANT,any)
2449      49, // [2][21] - r: GET_TIME_BASE
2450      474, // [2][22] - r: ATTEMPT_INT(riv,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv)))
2451      475, // [2][23] - r: ATTEMPT_INT(riv,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv)))
2452      476, // [2][24] - r: ATTEMPT_INT(rlv,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv)))
2453      477, // [2][25] - r: ATTEMPT_INT(r,OTHER_OPERAND(address1scaledreg,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv)))
2454      478, // [2][26] - r: ATTEMPT_INT(address1scaledreg,OTHER_OPERAND(r,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv)))
2455      479, // [2][27] - r: ATTEMPT_INT(address1scaledreg,OTHER_OPERAND(address1reg,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv)))
2456      480, // [2][28] - r: ATTEMPT_INT(address1reg,OTHER_OPERAND(address1scaledreg,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv)))
2457      490, // [2][29] - r: ATTEMPT_INT(address,OTHER_OPERAND(INT_CONSTANT,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv)))
2458      492, // [2][30] - r: ATTEMPT_INT(INT_CONSTANT,OTHER_OPERAND(address,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv)))
2459      481, // [2][31] - r: ATTEMPT_LONG(rlv,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv)))
2460      482, // [2][32] - r: ATTEMPT_LONG(r,OTHER_OPERAND(address1scaledreg,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv)))
2461      483, // [2][33] - r: ATTEMPT_LONG(address1scaledreg,OTHER_OPERAND(r,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv)))
2462      484, // [2][34] - r: ATTEMPT_LONG(address1scaledreg,OTHER_OPERAND(address1reg,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv)))
2463      485, // [2][35] - r: ATTEMPT_LONG(address1reg,OTHER_OPERAND(address1scaledreg,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv)))
2464      491, // [2][36] - r: ATTEMPT_LONG(address,OTHER_OPERAND(LONG_CONSTANT,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv)))
2465      493, // [2][37] - r: ATTEMPT_LONG(LONG_CONSTANT,OTHER_OPERAND(address,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv)))
2466      69, // [2][38] - r: BOOLEAN_CMP_INT(r,riv)
2467      270, // [2][39] - r: BOOLEAN_CMP_INT(r,INT_CONSTANT)
2468      272, // [2][40] - r: BOOLEAN_CMP_INT(r,INT_CONSTANT)
2469      273, // [2][41] - r: BOOLEAN_CMP_INT(load32,INT_CONSTANT)
2470      274, // [2][42] - r: BOOLEAN_CMP_INT(r,INT_CONSTANT)
2471      275, // [2][43] - r: BOOLEAN_CMP_INT(load32,INT_CONSTANT)
2472      276, // [2][44] - r: BOOLEAN_CMP_INT(cz,INT_CONSTANT)
2473      278, // [2][45] - r: BOOLEAN_CMP_INT(szp,INT_CONSTANT)
2474      280, // [2][46] - r: BOOLEAN_CMP_INT(bittest,INT_CONSTANT)
2475      282, // [2][47] - r: BOOLEAN_CMP_INT(boolcmp,INT_CONSTANT)
2476      284, // [2][48] - r: BOOLEAN_CMP_INT(boolcmp,INT_CONSTANT)
2477      71, // [2][49] - r: BOOLEAN_CMP_INT(load32,riv)
2478      73, // [2][50] - r: BOOLEAN_CMP_INT(r,load32)
2479      75, // [2][51] - r: BOOLEAN_CMP_LONG(r,rlv)
2480      286, // [2][52] - r: BOOLEAN_CMP_LONG(r,LONG_CONSTANT)
2481      288, // [2][53] - r: BOOLEAN_CMP_LONG(r,LONG_CONSTANT)
2482      289, // [2][54] - r: BOOLEAN_CMP_LONG(load64,LONG_CONSTANT)
2483      290, // [2][55] - r: BOOLEAN_CMP_LONG(r,LONG_CONSTANT)
2484      291, // [2][56] - r: BOOLEAN_CMP_LONG(load64,LONG_CONSTANT)
2485      292, // [2][57] - r: BOOLEAN_CMP_LONG(cz,LONG_CONSTANT)
2486      77, // [2][58] - r: BOOLEAN_CMP_LONG(load64,rlv)
2487      79, // [2][59] - r: BOOLEAN_CMP_LONG(r,load64)
2488      293, // [2][60] - r: BOOLEAN_NOT(r)
2489      418, // [2][61] - r: CMP_CMOV(r,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,any))
2490      552, // [2][62] - r: CMP_CMOV(r,OTHER_OPERAND(INT_CONSTANT,any))
2495      553, // [2][67] - r: CMP_CMOV(load8,OTHER_OPERAND(INT_CONSTANT,any))
2496      419, // [2][68] - r: CMP_CMOV(uload8,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,any))
2497      420, // [2][69] - r: CMP_CMOV(riv,OTHER_OPERAND(uload8,any))
2498      554, // [2][70] - r: CMP_CMOV(sload16,OTHER_OPERAND(INT_CONSTANT,any))
2499      421, // [2][71] - r: CMP_CMOV(load32,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,any))
2500      422, // [2][72] - r: CMP_CMOV(riv,OTHER_OPERAND(load32,any))
2501      555, // [2][73] - r: CMP_CMOV(boolcmp,OTHER_OPERAND(INT_CONSTANT,any))
2502      556, // [2][74] - r: CMP_CMOV(boolcmp,OTHER_OPERAND(INT_CONSTANT,any))
2503      557, // [2][75] - r: CMP_CMOV(bittest,OTHER_OPERAND(INT_CONSTANT,any))
2504      558, // [2][76] - r: CMP_CMOV(cz,OTHER_OPERAND(INT_CONSTANT,any))
2505      559, // [2][77] - r: CMP_CMOV(szp,OTHER_OPERAND(INT_CONSTANT,any))
2506      298, // [2][78] - r: INT_2BYTE(r)
2507      299, // [2][79] - r: INT_2BYTE(load8_16_32)
2508      300, // [2][80] - r: INT_2LONG(r)
2509      301, // [2][81] - r: INT_2LONG(load32)
2510      387, // [2][82] - r: LONG_AND(INT_2LONG(r),LONG_CONSTANT)
2511      388, // [2][83] - r: LONG_AND(INT_2LONG(load32),LONG_CONSTANT)
2512      302, // [2][84] - r: INT_2ADDRZerExt(r)
2513      303, // [2][85] - r: INT_2SHORT(r)
2514      304, // [2][86] - r: INT_2SHORT(load16_32)
2515      308, // [2][87] - r: INT_2USHORT(load16_32)
2516      82, // [2][88] - r: INT_ADD(r,riv)
2517      91, // [2][89] - r: INT_DIV(riv,riv)
2518      92, // [2][90] - r: INT_DIV(riv,load32)
2519      101, // [2][91] - r: INT_LOAD(rlv,rlv)
2520      102, // [2][92] - r: INT_LOAD(rlv,address1scaledreg)
2521      103, // [2][93] - r: INT_LOAD(address1scaledreg,rlv)
2522      104, // [2][94] - r: INT_LOAD(address1scaledreg,address1reg)
2523      105, // [2][95] - r: INT_LOAD(address1reg,address1scaledreg)
2524      317, // [2][96] - r: INT_LOAD(address,LONG_CONSTANT)
2525      106, // [2][97] - r: INT_ALOAD(rlv,riv)
2526      318, // [2][98] - r: INT_MOVE(riv)
2527      107, // [2][99] - r: INT_MUL(r,riv)
2528      108, // [2][100] - r: INT_MUL(r,load32)
2529      109, // [2][101] - r: INT_MUL(load32,riv)
2530      331, // [2][102] - r: INT_NOT(r)
2531      113, // [2][103] - r: INT_REM(riv,riv)
2532      114, // [2][104] - r: INT_REM(riv,load32)
2533      609, // [2][105] - r: INT_OR(INT_SHL(r,INT_CONSTANT),INT_USHR(r,INT_CONSTANT))
2534      610, // [2][106] - r: INT_OR(INT_USHR(r,INT_CONSTANT),INT_SHL(r,INT_CONSTANT))
2535      611, // [2][107] - r: INT_OR(INT_SHL(r,INT_CONSTANT),INT_USHR(r,INT_CONSTANT))
2536      612, // [2][108] - r: INT_OR(INT_USHR(r,INT_CONSTANT),INT_SHL(r,INT_CONSTANT))
2537      613, // [2][109] - r: INT_OR(INT_SHL(r,INT_AND(r,INT_CONSTANT)),INT_USHR(r,INT_AND(INT_NEG(r),INT_CONSTANT)))
2538      615, // [2][110] - r: INT_OR(INT_USHR(r,INT_AND(INT_NEG(r),INT_CONSTANT)),INT_SHL(r,INT_AND(r,INT_CONSTANT)))
2539      616, // [2][111] - r: INT_OR(INT_SHL(r,INT_AND(INT_NEG(r),INT_CONSTANT)),INT_USHR(r,INT_AND(r,INT_CONSTANT)))
2540      614, // [2][112] - r: INT_OR(INT_USHR(r,INT_AND(r,INT_CONSTANT)),INT_SHL(r,INT_AND(INT_NEG(r),INT_CONSTANT)))
2541      333, // [2][113] - r: INT_SHL(r,INT_CONSTANT)
2542      118, // [2][114] - r: INT_SUB(riv,r)
2543      119, // [2][115] - r: INT_SUB(load32,r)
2544      428, // [2][116] - r: LCMP_CMOV(r,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,any))
2545      560, // [2][117] - r: LCMP_CMOV(r,OTHER_OPERAND(INT_CONSTANT,any))
2546      429, // [2][118] - r: LCMP_CMOV(load64,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,any))
2547      430, // [2][119] - r: LCMP_CMOV(rlv,OTHER_OPERAND(load64,any))
2548      126, // [2][120] - r: LONG_ADD(address1scaledreg,r)
2549      127, // [2][121] - r: LONG_ADD(r,address1scaledreg)
2550      128, // [2][122] - r: LONG_ADD(address1scaledreg,address1reg)
2551      129, // [2][123] - r: LONG_ADD(address1reg,address1scaledreg)
2552      336, // [2][124] - r: LONG_ADD(address,LONG_CONSTANT)
2553      337, // [2][125] - r: LONG_MOVE(address)
2554      130, // [2][126] - r: BYTE_LOAD(rlv,rlv)
2555      132, // [2][127] - r: BYTE_ALOAD(rlv,riv)
2556      133, // [2][128] - r: BYTE_ALOAD(rlv,r)
2557      135, // [2][129] - r: UBYTE_LOAD(rlv,rlv)
2558      137, // [2][130] - r: UBYTE_ALOAD(rlv,riv)
2559      138, // [2][131] - r: UBYTE_ALOAD(rlv,r)
2560      140, // [2][132] - r: SHORT_LOAD(rlv,rlv)
2561      142, // [2][133] - r: SHORT_ALOAD(rlv,riv)
2562      143, // [2][134] - r: SHORT_ALOAD(rlv,r)
2563      145, // [2][135] - r: USHORT_LOAD(rlv,rlv)
2564      147, // [2][136] - r: USHORT_ALOAD(rlv,riv)
2565      148, // [2][137] - r: USHORT_ALOAD(rlv,r)
2566      338, // [2][138] - r: LONG_2INT(r)
2567      339, // [2][139] - r: LONG_2INT(load64)
2568      390, // [2][140] - r: LONG_2INT(LONG_USHR(r,INT_CONSTANT))
2569      391, // [2][141] - r: LONG_2INT(LONG_SHR(r,INT_CONSTANT))
2570      392, // [2][142] - r: LONG_2INT(LONG_USHR(load64,INT_CONSTANT))
2571      393, // [2][143] - r: LONG_2INT(LONG_SHR(load64,INT_CONSTANT))
2572      158, // [2][144] - r: LONG_ADD(r,rlv)
2573      168, // [2][145] - r: LONG_DIV(rlv,rlv)
2574      169, // [2][146] - r: LONG_DIV(rlv,riv)
2575      170, // [2][147] - r: LONG_DIV(riv,rlv)
2576      171, // [2][148] - r: LONG_DIV(rlv,load64)
2577      172, // [2][149] - r: LONG_DIV(load64,rlv)
2578      174, // [2][150] - r: LONG_LOAD(rlv,rlv)
2579      175, // [2][151] - r: LONG_LOAD(rlv,address1scaledreg)
2580      176, // [2][152] - r: LONG_LOAD(address1scaledreg,rlv)
2581      177, // [2][153] - r: LONG_LOAD(address1scaledreg,address1reg)
2582      178, // [2][154] - r: LONG_LOAD(address1reg,address1scaledreg)
2583      342, // [2][155] - r: LONG_LOAD(address,LONG_CONSTANT)
2584      179, // [2][156] - r: LONG_ALOAD(rlv,riv)
2585      180, // [2][157] - r: LONG_ALOAD(rlv,r)
2586      343, // [2][158] - r: LONG_MOVE(rlv)
2587      344, // [2][159] - r: LONG_MOVE(riv)
2588      181, // [2][160] - r: LONG_MUL(r,rlv)
2589      182, // [2][161] - r: INT_MUL(r,load64)
2590      183, // [2][162] - r: INT_MUL(load64,rlv)
2591      347, // [2][163] - r: LONG_NOT(r)
2592      187, // [2][164] - r: LONG_REM(rlv,rlv)
2593      188, // [2][165] - r: LONG_REM(rlv,riv)
2594      189, // [2][166] - r: LONG_REM(riv,rlv)
2595      190, // [2][167] - r: LONG_REM(rlv,load64)
2596      191, // [2][168] - r: LONG_REM(load64,rlv)
2597      349, // [2][169] - r: LONG_SHL(r,INT_CONSTANT)
2598      195, // [2][170] - r: LONG_SUB(rlv,r)
2599      196, // [2][171] - r: LONG_SUB(load64,r)
2600      203, // [2][172] - r: FLOAT_ADD(r,r)
2601      204, // [2][173] - r: FLOAT_ADD(r,float_load)
2602      205, // [2][174] - r: FLOAT_ADD(float_load,r)
2603      206, // [2][175] - r: DOUBLE_ADD(r,r)
2604      207, // [2][176] - r: DOUBLE_ADD(r,double_load)
2605      208, // [2][177] - r: DOUBLE_ADD(double_load,r)
2606      209, // [2][178] - r: FLOAT_SUB(r,r)
2607      210, // [2][179] - r: FLOAT_SUB(r,float_load)
2608      211, // [2][180] - r: DOUBLE_SUB(r,r)
2609      212, // [2][181] - r: DOUBLE_SUB(r,double_load)
2610      213, // [2][182] - r: FLOAT_MUL(r,r)
2611      214, // [2][183] - r: FLOAT_MUL(r,float_load)
2612      215, // [2][184] - r: FLOAT_MUL(float_load,r)
2613      216, // [2][185] - r: DOUBLE_MUL(r,r)
2614      217, // [2][186] - r: DOUBLE_MUL(r,double_load)
2615      218, // [2][187] - r: DOUBLE_MUL(double_load,r)
2616      219, // [2][188] - r: FLOAT_DIV(r,r)
2617      220, // [2][189] - r: FLOAT_DIV(r,float_load)
2618      221, // [2][190] - r: DOUBLE_DIV(r,r)
2619      222, // [2][191] - r: DOUBLE_DIV(r,double_load)
2620      352, // [2][192] - r: FLOAT_NEG(r)
2621      353, // [2][193] - r: DOUBLE_NEG(r)
2622      354, // [2][194] - r: FLOAT_SQRT(r)
2623      355, // [2][195] - r: DOUBLE_SQRT(r)
2624      223, // [2][196] - r: FLOAT_REM(r,r)
2625      224, // [2][197] - r: DOUBLE_REM(r,r)
2626      356, // [2][198] - r: LONG_2FLOAT(r)
2627      357, // [2][199] - r: LONG_2DOUBLE(r)
2628      358, // [2][200] - r: FLOAT_MOVE(r)
2629      359, // [2][201] - r: DOUBLE_MOVE(r)
2630      225, // [2][202] - r: DOUBLE_LOAD(riv,riv)
2631      226, // [2][203] - r: DOUBLE_LOAD(riv,rlv)
2632      227, // [2][204] - r: DOUBLE_LOAD(rlv,rlv)
2633      229, // [2][205] - r: DOUBLE_ALOAD(riv,riv)
2634      231, // [2][206] - r: DOUBLE_ALOAD(riv,r)
2635      232, // [2][207] - r: DOUBLE_ALOAD(rlv,rlv)
2636      234, // [2][208] - r: FLOAT_LOAD(riv,riv)
2637      235, // [2][209] - r: FLOAT_LOAD(rlv,rlv)
2638      237, // [2][210] - r: FLOAT_ALOAD(riv,riv)
2639      238, // [2][211] - r: FLOAT_ALOAD(riv,r)
2640      239, // [2][212] - r: FLOAT_ALOAD(rlv,rlv)
2641      360, // [2][213] - r: INT_2FLOAT(riv)
2642      361, // [2][214] - r: INT_2FLOAT(load32)
2643      362, // [2][215] - r: INT_2DOUBLE(riv)
2644      363, // [2][216] - r: INT_2DOUBLE(load32)
2645      364, // [2][217] - r: FLOAT_2DOUBLE(r)
2646      365, // [2][218] - r: FLOAT_2DOUBLE(float_load)
2647      366, // [2][219] - r: DOUBLE_2FLOAT(r)
2648      367, // [2][220] - r: DOUBLE_2FLOAT(double_load)
2649      368, // [2][221] - r: FLOAT_2INT(r)
2650      369, // [2][222] - r: FLOAT_2LONG(r)
2651      370, // [2][223] - r: DOUBLE_2INT(r)
2652      371, // [2][224] - r: DOUBLE_2LONG(r)
2653      372, // [2][225] - r: FLOAT_AS_INT_BITS(r)
2654      374, // [2][226] - r: DOUBLE_AS_LONG_BITS(r)
2655      376, // [2][227] - r: INT_BITS_AS_FLOAT(riv)
2656      378, // [2][228] - r: LONG_BITS_AS_DOUBLE(rlv)
2657      380, // [2][229] - r: MATERIALIZE_FP_CONSTANT(any)
2658      454, // [2][230] - r: FCMP_CMOV(r,OTHER_OPERAND(r,any))
2659      455, // [2][231] - r: FCMP_CMOV(r,OTHER_OPERAND(float_load,any))
2660      456, // [2][232] - r: FCMP_CMOV(r,OTHER_OPERAND(double_load,any))
2661      457, // [2][233] - r: FCMP_CMOV(float_load,OTHER_OPERAND(r,any))
2662      458, // [2][234] - r: FCMP_CMOV(double_load,OTHER_OPERAND(r,any))
2663      459, // [2][235] - r: FCMP_FCMOV(r,OTHER_OPERAND(r,any))
2664      486, // [2][236] - r: FCMP_FCMOV(r,OTHER_OPERAND(r,OTHER_OPERAND(r,float_load)))
2665      487, // [2][237] - r: FCMP_FCMOV(r,OTHER_OPERAND(r,OTHER_OPERAND(r,double_load)))
2666      488, // [2][238] - r: FCMP_FCMOV(r,OTHER_OPERAND(r,OTHER_OPERAND(float_load,r)))
2667      489, // [2][239] - r: FCMP_FCMOV(r,OTHER_OPERAND(r,OTHER_OPERAND(double_load,r)))
2668      460, // [2][240] - r: FCMP_FCMOV(r,OTHER_OPERAND(float_load,any))
2669      461, // [2][241] - r: FCMP_FCMOV(r,OTHER_OPERAND(double_load,any))
2686    },
2687    { // czr_NT
2688      0, // [3][0]
2689      81, // [3][1] - czr: INT_ADD(r,riv)
2690      83, // [3][2] - czr: INT_ADD(r,load32)
2691      84, // [3][3] - czr: INT_ADD(load32,riv)
2692      319, // [3][4] - czr: INT_MOVE(czr)
2693      117, // [3][5] - czr: INT_SUB(riv,r)
2694      120, // [3][6] - czr: INT_SUB(riv,load32)
2695      121, // [3][7] - czr: INT_SUB(load32,riv)
2696      155, // [3][8] - czr: LONG_ADD(r,rlv)
2697      156, // [3][9] - czr: LONG_ADD(r,riv)
2698      157, // [3][10] - czr: LONG_ADD(r,r)
2699      159, // [3][11] - czr: LONG_ADD(rlv,load64)
2700      160, // [3][12] - czr: LONG_ADD(load64,rlv)
2701      194, // [3][13] - czr: LONG_SUB(rlv,r)
2702      197, // [3][14] - czr: LONG_SUB(rlv,load64)
2703      198, // [3][15] - czr: LONG_SUB(load64,rlv)
2704    },
2705    { // cz_NT
2706      0, // [4][0]
2707      3, // [4][1] - cz: czr
2708      320, // [4][2] - cz: INT_MOVE(cz)
2709    },
2710    { // szpr_NT
2711      0, // [5][0]
2712      306, // [5][1] - szpr: INT_2USHORT(r)
2713      85, // [5][2] - szpr: INT_AND(r,riv)
2714      87, // [5][3] - szpr: INT_AND(r,load32)
2715      88, // [5][4] - szpr: INT_AND(load32,riv)
2716      321, // [5][5] - szpr: INT_MOVE(szpr)
2717      330, // [5][6] - szpr: INT_NEG(r)
2718      110, // [5][7] - szpr: INT_OR(r,riv)
2719      111, // [5][8] - szpr: INT_OR(r,load32)
2720      112, // [5][9] - szpr: INT_OR(load32,riv)
2721      617, // [5][10] - szpr: INT_SHL(riv,INT_AND(r,INT_CONSTANT))
2722      115, // [5][11] - szpr: INT_SHL(riv,riv)
2723      332, // [5][12] - szpr: INT_SHL(r,INT_CONSTANT)
2724      389, // [5][13] - szpr: INT_SHL(INT_SHR(r,INT_CONSTANT),INT_CONSTANT)
2725      618, // [5][14] - szpr: INT_SHR(riv,INT_AND(r,INT_CONSTANT))
2726      116, // [5][15] - szpr: INT_SHR(riv,riv)
2727      334, // [5][16] - szpr: INT_SHR(riv,INT_CONSTANT)
2728      620, // [5][17] - szpr: INT_USHR(riv,INT_AND(r,INT_CONSTANT))
2729      122, // [5][18] - szpr: INT_USHR(riv,riv)
2730      335, // [5][19] - szpr: INT_USHR(riv,INT_CONSTANT)
2731      123, // [5][20] - szpr: INT_XOR(r,riv)
2732      124, // [5][21] - szpr: INT_XOR(r,load32)
2733      125, // [5][22] - szpr: INT_XOR(load32,riv)
2734      161, // [5][23] - szpr: LONG_AND(r,rlv)
2735      162, // [5][24] - szpr: LONG_AND(r,r)
2736      164, // [5][25] - szpr: LONG_AND(rlv,load64)
2737      165, // [5][26] - szpr: LONG_AND(load64,rlv)
2738      346, // [5][27] - szpr: LONG_NEG(r)
2739      184, // [5][28] - szpr: LONG_OR(r,rlv)
2740      185, // [5][29] - szpr: LONG_OR(r,load64)
2741      186, // [5][30] - szpr: LONG_OR(load64,rlv)
2742      621, // [5][31] - szpr: LONG_SHL(rlv,INT_AND(r,INT_CONSTANT))
2743      192, // [5][32] - szpr: LONG_SHL(rlv,riv)
2744      348, // [5][33] - szpr: LONG_SHL(r,INT_CONSTANT)
2745      396, // [5][34] - szpr: LONG_SHL(LONG_SHR(r,INT_CONSTANT),INT_CONSTANT)
2746      622, // [5][35] - szpr: LONG_SHR(rlv,INT_AND(r,LONG_CONSTANT))
2747      193, // [5][36] - szpr: LONG_SHR(rlv,riv)
2748      350, // [5][37] - szpr: LONG_SHR(rlv,LONG_CONSTANT)
2749      624, // [5][38] - szpr: LONG_USHR(rlv,LONG_AND(r,LONG_CONSTANT))
2750      199, // [5][39] - szpr: LONG_USHR(rlv,riv)
2751      351, // [5][40] - szpr: LONG_USHR(rlv,LONG_CONSTANT)
2752      200, // [5][41] - szpr: LONG_XOR(r,rlv)
2753      201, // [5][42] - szpr: LONG_XOR(r,load64)
2754      202, // [5][43] - szpr: LONG_XOR(load64,rlv)
2755    },
2756    { // szp_NT
2757      0, // [6][0]
2758      5, // [6][1] - szp: szpr
2759      86, // [6][2] - szp: INT_AND(r,riv)
2760      89, // [6][3] - szp: INT_AND(load8_16_32,riv)
2761      90, // [6][4] - szp: INT_AND(r,load8_16_32)
2762      322, // [6][5] - szp: INT_MOVE(szp)
2763      163, // [6][6] - szp: LONG_AND(r,rlv)
2764      166, // [6][7] - szp: LONG_AND(load8_16_32_64,rlv)
2765      167, // [6][8] - szp: LONG_AND(r,load8_16_32_64)
2766    },
2767    { // riv_NT
2768      0, // [7][0]
2769      6, // [7][1] - riv: r
2770      22, // [7][2] - riv: INT_CONSTANT
2771    },
2772    { // rlv_NT
2773      0, // [8][0]
2774      7, // [8][1] - rlv: r
2775      23, // [8][2] - rlv: LONG_CONSTANT
2776    },
2777    { // any_NT
2778      0, // [9][0]
2779      24, // [9][1] - any: NULL
2780      8, // [9][2] - any: riv
2781      25, // [9][3] - any: ADDRESS_CONSTANT
2782      26, // [9][4] - any: LONG_CONSTANT
2783      51, // [9][5] - any: OTHER_OPERAND(any,any)
2784    },
2785    { // load32_NT
2786      0, // [10][0]
2787      329, // [10][1] - load32: INT_MOVE(load32)
2788      150, // [10][2] - load32: INT_LOAD(rlv,rlv)
2789      151, // [10][3] - load32: INT_ALOAD(rlv,riv)
2790      340, // [10][4] - load32: LONG_2INT(load64)
2791      394, // [10][5] - load32: LONG_2INT(LONG_USHR(load64,INT_CONSTANT))
2792      395, // [10][6] - load32: LONG_2INT(LONG_SHR(load64,INT_CONSTANT))
2793      373, // [10][7] - load32: FLOAT_AS_INT_BITS(float_load)
2794    },
2795    { // uload8_NT
2796      0, // [11][0]
2797      252, // [11][1] - uload8: INT_AND(load8_16_32,INT_CONSTANT)
2798      324, // [11][2] - uload8: INT_MOVE(uload8)
2799      136, // [11][3] - uload8: UBYTE_LOAD(rlv,rlv)
2800      139, // [11][4] - uload8: UBYTE_ALOAD(rlv,riv)
2801    },
2802    { // load8_16_32_NT
2803      0, // [12][0]
2804      17, // [12][1] - load8_16_32: load16_32
2805      18, // [12][2] - load8_16_32: load8
2806    },
2807    { // load16_32_NT
2808      0, // [13][0]
2809      15, // [13][1] - load16_32: load16
2810      16, // [13][2] - load16_32: load32
2811    },
2812    { // load16_NT
2813      0, // [14][0]
2814      328, // [14][1] - load16: INT_MOVE(load16)
2815      13, // [14][2] - load16: sload16
2816      14, // [14][3] - load16: uload16
2817    },
2818    { // address1scaledreg_NT
2819      0, // [15][0]
2820      9, // [15][1] - address1scaledreg: address1reg
2821      258, // [15][2] - address1scaledreg: INT_SHL(r,INT_CONSTANT)
2822      262, // [15][3] - address1scaledreg: INT_ADD(address1scaledreg,LONG_CONSTANT)
2823      264, // [15][4] - address1scaledreg: LONG_SHL(r,INT_CONSTANT)
2824      268, // [15][5] - address1scaledreg: LONG_ADD(address1scaledreg,LONG_CONSTANT)
2825    },
2826    { // address1reg_NT
2827      0, // [16][0]
2828      259, // [16][1] - address1reg: INT_ADD(r,LONG_CONSTANT)
2829      260, // [16][2] - address1reg: INT_MOVE(r)
2830      261, // [16][3] - address1reg: INT_ADD(address1reg,LONG_CONSTANT)
2831      265, // [16][4] - address1reg: LONG_ADD(r,LONG_CONSTANT)
2832      266, // [16][5] - address1reg: LONG_MOVE(r)
2833      267, // [16][6] - address1reg: LONG_ADD(address1reg,LONG_CONSTANT)
2834    },
2835    { // address_NT
2836      0, // [17][0]
2837      10, // [17][1] - address: address1scaledreg
2838      59, // [17][2] - address: INT_ADD(r,r)
2839      60, // [17][3] - address: INT_ADD(r,address1scaledreg)
2840      61, // [17][4] - address: INT_ADD(address1scaledreg,r)
2841      263, // [17][5] - address: INT_ADD(address1scaledreg,LONG_CONSTANT)
2842      62, // [17][6] - address: INT_ADD(address1scaledreg,address1reg)
2843      63, // [17][7] - address: INT_ADD(address1reg,address1scaledreg)
2844      64, // [17][8] - address: LONG_ADD(r,r)
2845      65, // [17][9] - address: LONG_ADD(r,address1scaledreg)
2846      66, // [17][10] - address: LONG_ADD(address1scaledreg,r)
2847      269, // [17][11] - address: LONG_ADD(address1scaledreg,LONG_CONSTANT)
2848      67, // [17][12] - address: LONG_ADD(address1scaledreg,address1reg)
2849      68, // [17][13] - address: LONG_ADD(address1reg,address1scaledreg)
2850    },
2851    { // bittest_NT
2852      0, // [18][0]
2853      522, // [18][1] - bittest: INT_AND(INT_USHR(r,INT_AND(r,INT_CONSTANT)),INT_CONSTANT)
2854      523, // [18][2] - bittest: INT_AND(INT_USHR(load32,INT_AND(r,INT_CONSTANT)),INT_CONSTANT)
2855      385, // [18][3] - bittest: INT_AND(INT_USHR(r,INT_CONSTANT),INT_CONSTANT)
2856      524, // [18][4] - bittest: INT_AND(INT_SHR(r,INT_AND(r,INT_CONSTANT)),INT_CONSTANT)
2857      525, // [18][5] - bittest: INT_AND(INT_SHR(load32,INT_AND(r,INT_CONSTANT)),INT_CONSTANT)
2858      386, // [18][6] - bittest: INT_AND(INT_SHR(r,INT_CONSTANT),INT_CONSTANT)
2859      526, // [18][7] - bittest: INT_AND(INT_SHL(INT_CONSTANT,INT_AND(riv,INT_CONSTANT)),r)
2860      527, // [18][8] - bittest: INT_AND(INT_SHL(INT_CONSTANT,INT_AND(r,INT_CONSTANT)),load32)
2861      528, // [18][9] - bittest: INT_AND(r,INT_SHL(INT_CONSTANT,INT_AND(r,INT_CONSTANT)))
2862      529, // [18][10] - bittest: INT_AND(load32,INT_SHL(INT_CONSTANT,INT_AND(r,INT_CONSTANT)))
2863    },
2864    { // boolcmp_NT
2865      0, // [19][0]
2866      70, // [19][1] - boolcmp: BOOLEAN_CMP_INT(r,riv)
2867      271, // [19][2] - boolcmp: BOOLEAN_CMP_INT(r,INT_CONSTANT)
2868      277, // [19][3] - boolcmp: BOOLEAN_CMP_INT(cz,INT_CONSTANT)
2869      279, // [19][4] - boolcmp: BOOLEAN_CMP_INT(szp,INT_CONSTANT)
2870      281, // [19][5] - boolcmp: BOOLEAN_CMP_INT(bittest,INT_CONSTANT)
2871      283, // [19][6] - boolcmp: BOOLEAN_CMP_INT(boolcmp,INT_CONSTANT)
2872      285, // [19][7] - boolcmp: BOOLEAN_CMP_INT(boolcmp,INT_CONSTANT)
2873      72, // [19][8] - boolcmp: BOOLEAN_CMP_INT(load32,riv)
2874      74, // [19][9] - boolcmp: BOOLEAN_CMP_INT(riv,load32)
2875      76, // [19][10] - boolcmp: BOOLEAN_CMP_LONG(r,rlv)
2876      287, // [19][11] - boolcmp: BOOLEAN_CMP_LONG(r,LONG_CONSTANT)
2877      78, // [19][12] - boolcmp: BOOLEAN_CMP_LONG(load64,rlv)
2878      80, // [19][13] - boolcmp: BOOLEAN_CMP_LONG(rlv,load64)
2879    },
2880    { // load64_NT
2881      0, // [20][0]
2882      152, // [20][1] - load64: LONG_LOAD(rlv,rlv)
2883      153, // [20][2] - load64: LONG_ALOAD(rlv,rlv)
2884      154, // [20][3] - load64: LONG_ALOAD(rlv,r)
2885      345, // [20][4] - load64: LONG_MOVE(load64)
2886      375, // [20][5] - load64: DOUBLE_AS_LONG_BITS(double_load)
2887    },
2888    { // load8_NT
2889      0, // [21][0]
2890      325, // [21][1] - load8: INT_MOVE(load8)
2891      11, // [21][2] - load8: sload8
2892      12, // [21][3] - load8: uload8
2893    },
2894    { // sload16_NT
2895      0, // [22][0]
2896      305, // [22][1] - sload16: INT_2SHORT(load16_32)
2897      326, // [22][2] - sload16: INT_MOVE(sload16)
2898      141, // [22][3] - sload16: SHORT_LOAD(rlv,rlv)
2899      144, // [22][4] - sload16: SHORT_ALOAD(rlv,riv)
2900    },
2901    { // uload16_NT
2902      0, // [23][0]
2903      307, // [23][1] - uload16: INT_2USHORT(load16_32)
2904      327, // [23][2] - uload16: INT_MOVE(uload16)
2905      146, // [23][3] - uload16: USHORT_LOAD(rlv,rlv)
2906      149, // [23][4] - uload16: USHORT_ALOAD(rlv,riv)
2907    },
2908    { // sload8_NT
2909      0, // [24][0]
2910      323, // [24][1] - sload8: INT_MOVE(sload8)
2911      131, // [24][2] - sload8: BYTE_LOAD(rlv,rlv)
2912      134, // [24][3] - sload8: BYTE_ALOAD(rlv,riv)
2913    },
2914    { // load8_16_32_64_NT
2915      0, // [25][0]
2916      19, // [25][1] - load8_16_32_64: load64
2917      20, // [25][2] - load8_16_32_64: load8_16_32
2918    },
2919    { // float_load_NT
2920      0, // [26][0]
2921      236, // [26][1] - float_load: FLOAT_LOAD(riv,riv)
2922      240, // [26][2] - float_load: FLOAT_ALOAD(riv,riv)
2923      377, // [26][3] - float_load: INT_BITS_AS_FLOAT(load32)
2924      381, // [26][4] - float_load: MATERIALIZE_FP_CONSTANT(any)
2925    },
2926    { // double_load_NT
2927      0, // [27][0]
2928      228, // [27][1] - double_load: DOUBLE_LOAD(riv,riv)
2929      230, // [27][2] - double_load: DOUBLE_LOAD(rlv,rlv)
2930      233, // [27][3] - double_load: DOUBLE_ALOAD(riv,riv)
2931      379, // [27][4] - double_load: LONG_BITS_AS_DOUBLE(load64)
2932      382, // [27][5] - double_load: MATERIALIZE_FP_CONSTANT(any)
2933    },
2934  };
2936  /**
2937   * Create closure for r
2938   * @param p the node
2939   * @param c the cost
2940   */
2941  @Inline
2942  private static void closure_r(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p, int c) {
2943    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 7, c + 0, p.getCost(8) /* rlv */);
2944    if (c < p.getCost(8) /* rlv */) {
2945      p.setCost(8 /* rlv */, (char)(c));
2946      p.writePacked(1, 0xFFFFFF3F, 0x40); // p.rlv = 1
2947    }
2948    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 6, c + 0, p.getCost(7) /* riv */);
2949    if (c < p.getCost(7) /* riv */) {
2950      p.setCost(7 /* riv */, (char)(c));
2951      p.writePacked(1, 0xFFFFFFCF, 0x10); // p.riv = 1
2952      closure_riv(p, c);
2953    }
2954    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 1, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
2955    if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
2956      p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
2957      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0x1); // p.stm = 1
2958    }
2959  }
2961  /**
2962   * Create closure for czr
2963   * @param p the node
2964   * @param c the cost
2965   */
2966  @Inline
2967  private static void closure_czr(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p, int c) {
2968    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 3, c + 0, p.getCost(4) /* cz */);
2969    if (c < p.getCost(4) /* cz */) {
2970      p.setCost(4 /* cz */, (char)(c));
2971      p.writePacked(0, 0xFF9FFFFF, 0x200000); // p.cz = 1
2972    }
2973    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 2, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
2974    if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
2975      p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
2976      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0x200); // p.r = 2
2977      closure_r(p, c);
2978    }
2979  }
2981  /**
2982   * Create closure for szpr
2983   * @param p the node
2984   * @param c the cost
2985   */
2986  @Inline
2987  private static void closure_szpr(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p, int c) {
2988    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 5, c + 0, p.getCost(6) /* szp */);
2989    if (c < p.getCost(6) /* szp */) {
2990      p.setCost(6 /* szp */, (char)(c));
2991      p.writePacked(1, 0xFFFFFFF0, 0x1); // p.szp = 1
2992    }
2993    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 4, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
2994    if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
2995      p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
2996      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0x300); // p.r = 3
2997      closure_r(p, c);
2998    }
2999  }
3001  /**
3002   * Create closure for riv
3003   * @param p the node
3004   * @param c the cost
3005   */
3006  @Inline
3007  private static void closure_riv(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p, int c) {
3008    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 8, c + 0, p.getCost(9) /* any */);
3009    if (c < p.getCost(9) /* any */) {
3010      p.setCost(9 /* any */, (char)(c));
3011      p.writePacked(1, 0xFFFFF8FF, 0x200); // p.any = 2
3012    }
3013  }
3015  /**
3016   * Create closure for load32
3017   * @param p the node
3018   * @param c the cost
3019   */
3020  @Inline
3021  private static void closure_load32(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p, int c) {
3022    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 16, c + 0, p.getCost(13) /* load16_32 */);
3023    if (c < p.getCost(13) /* load16_32 */) {
3024      p.setCost(13 /* load16_32 */, (char)(c));
3025      p.writePacked(1, 0xFFE7FFFF, 0x100000); // p.load16_32 = 2
3026      closure_load16_32(p, c);
3027    }
3028  }
3030  /**
3031   * Create closure for uload8
3032   * @param p the node
3033   * @param c the cost
3034   */
3035  @Inline
3036  private static void closure_uload8(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p, int c) {
3037    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 12, c + 0, p.getCost(21) /* load8 */);
3038    if (c < p.getCost(21) /* load8 */) {
3039      p.setCost(21 /* load8 */, (char)(c));
3040      p.writePacked(2, 0xFFFE7FFF, 0x18000); // p.load8 = 3
3041      closure_load8(p, c);
3042    }
3043  }
3045  /**
3046   * Create closure for load8_16_32
3047   * @param p the node
3048   * @param c the cost
3049   */
3050  @Inline
3051  private static void closure_load8_16_32(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p, int c) {
3052    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 20, c + 0, p.getCost(25) /* load8_16_32_64 */);
3053    if (c < p.getCost(25) /* load8_16_32_64 */) {
3054      p.setCost(25 /* load8_16_32_64 */, (char)(c));
3055      p.writePacked(2, 0xF9FFFFFF, 0x4000000); // p.load8_16_32_64 = 2
3056    }
3057  }
3059  /**
3060   * Create closure for load16_32
3061   * @param p the node
3062   * @param c the cost
3063   */
3064  @Inline
3065  private static void closure_load16_32(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p, int c) {
3066    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 17, c + 0, p.getCost(12) /* load8_16_32 */);
3067    if (c < p.getCost(12) /* load8_16_32 */) {
3068      p.setCost(12 /* load8_16_32 */, (char)(c));
3069      p.writePacked(1, 0xFFF9FFFF, 0x20000); // p.load8_16_32 = 1
3070      closure_load8_16_32(p, c);
3071    }
3072  }
3074  /**
3075   * Create closure for load16
3076   * @param p the node
3077   * @param c the cost
3078   */
3079  @Inline
3080  private static void closure_load16(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p, int c) {
3081    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 15, c + 0, p.getCost(13) /* load16_32 */);
3082    if (c < p.getCost(13) /* load16_32 */) {
3083      p.setCost(13 /* load16_32 */, (char)(c));
3084      p.writePacked(1, 0xFFE7FFFF, 0x80000); // p.load16_32 = 1
3085      closure_load16_32(p, c);
3086    }
3087  }
3089  /**
3090   * Create closure for address1scaledreg
3091   * @param p the node
3092   * @param c the cost
3093   */
3094  @Inline
3095  private static void closure_address1scaledreg(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p, int c) {
3096    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 10, c + 0, p.getCost(17) /* address */);
3097    if (c < p.getCost(17) /* address */) {
3098      p.setCost(17 /* address */, (char)(c));
3099      p.writePacked(2, 0xFFFFFFF0, 0x1); // p.address = 1
3100    }
3101  }
3103  /**
3104   * Create closure for address1reg
3105   * @param p the node
3106   * @param c the cost
3107   */
3108  @Inline
3109  private static void closure_address1reg(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p, int c) {
3110    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 9, c + 0, p.getCost(15) /* address1scaledreg */);
3111    if (c < p.getCost(15) /* address1scaledreg */) {
3112      p.setCost(15 /* address1scaledreg */, (char)(c));
3113      p.writePacked(1, 0xFC7FFFFF, 0x800000); // p.address1scaledreg = 1
3114      closure_address1scaledreg(p, c);
3115    }
3116  }
3118  /**
3119   * Create closure for load64
3120   * @param p the node
3121   * @param c the cost
3122   */
3123  @Inline
3124  private static void closure_load64(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p, int c) {
3125    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 19, c + 0, p.getCost(25) /* load8_16_32_64 */);
3126    if (c < p.getCost(25) /* load8_16_32_64 */) {
3127      p.setCost(25 /* load8_16_32_64 */, (char)(c));
3128      p.writePacked(2, 0xF9FFFFFF, 0x2000000); // p.load8_16_32_64 = 1
3129    }
3130  }
3132  /**
3133   * Create closure for load8
3134   * @param p the node
3135   * @param c the cost
3136   */
3137  @Inline
3138  private static void closure_load8(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p, int c) {
3139    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 18, c + 0, p.getCost(12) /* load8_16_32 */);
3140    if (c < p.getCost(12) /* load8_16_32 */) {
3141      p.setCost(12 /* load8_16_32 */, (char)(c));
3142      p.writePacked(1, 0xFFF9FFFF, 0x40000); // p.load8_16_32 = 2
3143      closure_load8_16_32(p, c);
3144    }
3145  }
3147  /**
3148   * Create closure for sload16
3149   * @param p the node
3150   * @param c the cost
3151   */
3152  @Inline
3153  private static void closure_sload16(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p, int c) {
3154    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 13, c + 0, p.getCost(14) /* load16 */);
3155    if (c < p.getCost(14) /* load16 */) {
3156      p.setCost(14 /* load16 */, (char)(c));
3157      p.writePacked(1, 0xFF9FFFFF, 0x400000); // p.load16 = 2
3158      closure_load16(p, c);
3159    }
3160  }
3162  /**
3163   * Create closure for uload16
3164   * @param p the node
3165   * @param c the cost
3166   */
3167  @Inline
3168  private static void closure_uload16(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p, int c) {
3169    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 14, c + 0, p.getCost(14) /* load16 */);
3170    if (c < p.getCost(14) /* load16 */) {
3171      p.setCost(14 /* load16 */, (char)(c));
3172      p.writePacked(1, 0xFF9FFFFF, 0x600000); // p.load16 = 3
3173      closure_load16(p, c);
3174    }
3175  }
3177  /**
3178   * Create closure for sload8
3179   * @param p the node
3180   * @param c the cost
3181   */
3182  @Inline
3183  private static void closure_sload8(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p, int c) {
3184    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 11, c + 0, p.getCost(21) /* load8 */);
3185    if (c < p.getCost(21) /* load8 */) {
3186      p.setCost(21 /* load8 */, (char)(c));
3187      p.writePacked(2, 0xFFFE7FFF, 0x10000); // p.load8 = 2
3188      closure_load8(p, c);
3189    }
3190  }
3192  /**
3193  /** Recursively labels the tree/
3194   * @param p node to label
3195   */
3196  public static void label(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
3197    switch (p.getOpcode()) {
3198    case GET_CAUGHT_EXCEPTION_opcode:
3199      label_GET_CAUGHT_EXCEPTION(p);
3200      break;
3201    case SET_CAUGHT_EXCEPTION_opcode:
3202      label_SET_CAUGHT_EXCEPTION(p);
3203      break;
3204    case IG_PATCH_POINT_opcode:
3205      label_IG_PATCH_POINT(p);
3206      break;
3207    case INT_ALOAD_opcode:
3208      label_INT_ALOAD(p);
3209      break;
3210    case LONG_ALOAD_opcode:
3211      label_LONG_ALOAD(p);
3212      break;
3213    case FLOAT_ALOAD_opcode:
3214      label_FLOAT_ALOAD(p);
3215      break;
3216    case DOUBLE_ALOAD_opcode:
3217      label_DOUBLE_ALOAD(p);
3218      break;
3219    case UBYTE_ALOAD_opcode:
3220      label_UBYTE_ALOAD(p);
3221      break;
3222    case BYTE_ALOAD_opcode:
3223      label_BYTE_ALOAD(p);
3224      break;
3225    case USHORT_ALOAD_opcode:
3226      label_USHORT_ALOAD(p);
3227      break;
3228    case SHORT_ALOAD_opcode:
3229      label_SHORT_ALOAD(p);
3230      break;
3231    case INT_ASTORE_opcode:
3232      label_INT_ASTORE(p);
3233      break;
3234    case LONG_ASTORE_opcode:
3235      label_LONG_ASTORE(p);
3236      break;
3237    case FLOAT_ASTORE_opcode:
3238      label_FLOAT_ASTORE(p);
3239      break;
3240    case DOUBLE_ASTORE_opcode:
3241      label_DOUBLE_ASTORE(p);
3242      break;
3243    case BYTE_ASTORE_opcode:
3244      label_BYTE_ASTORE(p);
3245      break;
3246    case SHORT_ASTORE_opcode:
3247      label_SHORT_ASTORE(p);
3248      break;
3249    case INT_IFCMP_opcode:
3250      label_INT_IFCMP(p);
3251      break;
3252    case INT_IFCMP2_opcode:
3253      label_INT_IFCMP2(p);
3254      break;
3255    case LONG_IFCMP_opcode:
3256      label_LONG_IFCMP(p);
3257      break;
3258    case FLOAT_IFCMP_opcode:
3259      label_FLOAT_IFCMP(p);
3260      break;
3261    case DOUBLE_IFCMP_opcode:
3262      label_DOUBLE_IFCMP(p);
3263      break;
3264    case UNINT_BEGIN_opcode:
3265      label_UNINT_BEGIN(p);
3266      break;
3267    case UNINT_END_opcode:
3268      label_UNINT_END(p);
3269      break;
3270    case FENCE_opcode:
3271      label_FENCE(p);
3272      break;
3273    case READ_CEILING_opcode:
3274      label_READ_CEILING(p);
3275      break;
3276    case WRITE_FLOOR_opcode:
3277      label_WRITE_FLOOR(p);
3278      break;
3279    case NOP_opcode:
3280      label_NOP(p);
3281      break;
3282    case INT_MOVE_opcode:
3283      label_INT_MOVE(p);
3284      break;
3285    case LONG_MOVE_opcode:
3286      label_LONG_MOVE(p);
3287      break;
3288    case FLOAT_MOVE_opcode:
3289      label_FLOAT_MOVE(p);
3290      break;
3291    case DOUBLE_MOVE_opcode:
3292      label_DOUBLE_MOVE(p);
3293      break;
3294    case GUARD_MOVE_opcode:
3295      label_GUARD_MOVE(p);
3296      break;
3297    case GUARD_COMBINE_opcode:
3298      label_GUARD_COMBINE(p);
3299      break;
3300    case INT_ADD_opcode:
3301      label_INT_ADD(p);
3302      break;
3303    case LONG_ADD_opcode:
3304      label_LONG_ADD(p);
3305      break;
3306    case FLOAT_ADD_opcode:
3307      label_FLOAT_ADD(p);
3308      break;
3309    case DOUBLE_ADD_opcode:
3310      label_DOUBLE_ADD(p);
3311      break;
3312    case INT_SUB_opcode:
3313      label_INT_SUB(p);
3314      break;
3315    case LONG_SUB_opcode:
3316      label_LONG_SUB(p);
3317      break;
3318    case FLOAT_SUB_opcode:
3319      label_FLOAT_SUB(p);
3320      break;
3321    case DOUBLE_SUB_opcode:
3322      label_DOUBLE_SUB(p);
3323      break;
3324    case INT_MUL_opcode:
3325      label_INT_MUL(p);
3326      break;
3327    case LONG_MUL_opcode:
3328      label_LONG_MUL(p);
3329      break;
3330    case FLOAT_MUL_opcode:
3331      label_FLOAT_MUL(p);
3332      break;
3333    case DOUBLE_MUL_opcode:
3334      label_DOUBLE_MUL(p);
3335      break;
3336    case INT_DIV_opcode:
3337      label_INT_DIV(p);
3338      break;
3339    case LONG_DIV_opcode:
3340      label_LONG_DIV(p);
3341      break;
3342    case FLOAT_DIV_opcode:
3343      label_FLOAT_DIV(p);
3344      break;
3345    case DOUBLE_DIV_opcode:
3346      label_DOUBLE_DIV(p);
3347      break;
3348    case INT_REM_opcode:
3349      label_INT_REM(p);
3350      break;
3351    case LONG_REM_opcode:
3352      label_LONG_REM(p);
3353      break;
3354    case FLOAT_REM_opcode:
3355      label_FLOAT_REM(p);
3356      break;
3357    case DOUBLE_REM_opcode:
3358      label_DOUBLE_REM(p);
3359      break;
3360    case INT_NEG_opcode:
3361      label_INT_NEG(p);
3362      break;
3363    case LONG_NEG_opcode:
3364      label_LONG_NEG(p);
3365      break;
3366    case FLOAT_NEG_opcode:
3367      label_FLOAT_NEG(p);
3368      break;
3369    case DOUBLE_NEG_opcode:
3370      label_DOUBLE_NEG(p);
3371      break;
3372    case FLOAT_SQRT_opcode:
3373      label_FLOAT_SQRT(p);
3374      break;
3375    case DOUBLE_SQRT_opcode:
3376      label_DOUBLE_SQRT(p);
3377      break;
3378    case INT_SHL_opcode:
3379      label_INT_SHL(p);
3380      break;
3381    case LONG_SHL_opcode:
3382      label_LONG_SHL(p);
3383      break;
3384    case INT_SHR_opcode:
3385      label_INT_SHR(p);
3386      break;
3387    case LONG_SHR_opcode:
3388      label_LONG_SHR(p);
3389      break;
3390    case INT_USHR_opcode:
3391      label_INT_USHR(p);
3392      break;
3393    case LONG_USHR_opcode:
3394      label_LONG_USHR(p);
3395      break;
3396    case INT_AND_opcode:
3397      label_INT_AND(p);
3398      break;
3399    case LONG_AND_opcode:
3400      label_LONG_AND(p);
3401      break;
3402    case INT_OR_opcode:
3403      label_INT_OR(p);
3404      break;
3405    case LONG_OR_opcode:
3406      label_LONG_OR(p);
3407      break;
3408    case INT_XOR_opcode:
3409      label_INT_XOR(p);
3410      break;
3411    case INT_NOT_opcode:
3412      label_INT_NOT(p);
3413      break;
3414    case LONG_NOT_opcode:
3415      label_LONG_NOT(p);
3416      break;
3417    case LONG_XOR_opcode:
3418      label_LONG_XOR(p);
3419      break;
3420    case INT_2ADDRZerExt_opcode:
3421      label_INT_2ADDRZerExt(p);
3422      break;
3423    case INT_2LONG_opcode:
3424      label_INT_2LONG(p);
3425      break;
3426    case INT_2FLOAT_opcode:
3427      label_INT_2FLOAT(p);
3428      break;
3429    case INT_2DOUBLE_opcode:
3430      label_INT_2DOUBLE(p);
3431      break;
3432    case LONG_2INT_opcode:
3433      label_LONG_2INT(p);
3434      break;
3435    case LONG_2FLOAT_opcode:
3436      label_LONG_2FLOAT(p);
3437      break;
3438    case LONG_2DOUBLE_opcode:
3439      label_LONG_2DOUBLE(p);
3440      break;
3441    case FLOAT_2INT_opcode:
3442      label_FLOAT_2INT(p);
3443      break;
3444    case FLOAT_2LONG_opcode:
3445      label_FLOAT_2LONG(p);
3446      break;
3447    case FLOAT_2DOUBLE_opcode:
3448      label_FLOAT_2DOUBLE(p);
3449      break;
3450    case DOUBLE_2INT_opcode:
3451      label_DOUBLE_2INT(p);
3452      break;
3453    case DOUBLE_2LONG_opcode:
3454      label_DOUBLE_2LONG(p);
3455      break;
3456    case DOUBLE_2FLOAT_opcode:
3457      label_DOUBLE_2FLOAT(p);
3458      break;
3459    case INT_2BYTE_opcode:
3460      label_INT_2BYTE(p);
3461      break;
3462    case INT_2USHORT_opcode:
3463      label_INT_2USHORT(p);
3464      break;
3465    case INT_2SHORT_opcode:
3466      label_INT_2SHORT(p);
3467      break;
3468    case LONG_CMP_opcode:
3469      label_LONG_CMP(p);
3470      break;
3471    case RETURN_opcode:
3472      label_RETURN(p);
3473      break;
3474    case NULL_CHECK_opcode:
3475      label_NULL_CHECK(p);
3476      break;
3477    case GOTO_opcode:
3478      label_GOTO(p);
3479      break;
3480    case BOOLEAN_NOT_opcode:
3481      label_BOOLEAN_NOT(p);
3482      break;
3483    case BOOLEAN_CMP_INT_opcode:
3484      label_BOOLEAN_CMP_INT(p);
3485      break;
3486    case BOOLEAN_CMP_LONG_opcode:
3487      label_BOOLEAN_CMP_LONG(p);
3488      break;
3489    case BYTE_LOAD_opcode:
3490      label_BYTE_LOAD(p);
3491      break;
3492    case UBYTE_LOAD_opcode:
3493      label_UBYTE_LOAD(p);
3494      break;
3495    case SHORT_LOAD_opcode:
3496      label_SHORT_LOAD(p);
3497      break;
3498    case USHORT_LOAD_opcode:
3499      label_USHORT_LOAD(p);
3500      break;
3501    case INT_LOAD_opcode:
3502      label_INT_LOAD(p);
3503      break;
3504    case LONG_LOAD_opcode:
3505      label_LONG_LOAD(p);
3506      break;
3507    case FLOAT_LOAD_opcode:
3508      label_FLOAT_LOAD(p);
3509      break;
3510    case DOUBLE_LOAD_opcode:
3511      label_DOUBLE_LOAD(p);
3512      break;
3513    case BYTE_STORE_opcode:
3514      label_BYTE_STORE(p);
3515      break;
3516    case SHORT_STORE_opcode:
3517      label_SHORT_STORE(p);
3518      break;
3519    case INT_STORE_opcode:
3520      label_INT_STORE(p);
3521      break;
3522    case LONG_STORE_opcode:
3523      label_LONG_STORE(p);
3524      break;
3525    case FLOAT_STORE_opcode:
3526      label_FLOAT_STORE(p);
3527      break;
3528    case DOUBLE_STORE_opcode:
3529      label_DOUBLE_STORE(p);
3530      break;
3531    case ATTEMPT_INT_opcode:
3532      label_ATTEMPT_INT(p);
3533      break;
3534    case ATTEMPT_LONG_opcode:
3535      label_ATTEMPT_LONG(p);
3536      break;
3537    case CALL_opcode:
3538      label_CALL(p);
3539      break;
3540    case SYSCALL_opcode:
3541      label_SYSCALL(p);
3542      break;
3543    case YIELDPOINT_PROLOGUE_opcode:
3544      label_YIELDPOINT_PROLOGUE(p);
3545      break;
3546    case YIELDPOINT_EPILOGUE_opcode:
3547      label_YIELDPOINT_EPILOGUE(p);
3548      break;
3549    case YIELDPOINT_BACKEDGE_opcode:
3550      label_YIELDPOINT_BACKEDGE(p);
3551      break;
3552    case YIELDPOINT_OSR_opcode:
3553      label_YIELDPOINT_OSR(p);
3554      break;
3555    case IR_PROLOGUE_opcode:
3556      label_IR_PROLOGUE(p);
3557      break;
3558    case RESOLVE_opcode:
3559      label_RESOLVE(p);
3560      break;
3561    case GET_TIME_BASE_opcode:
3562      label_GET_TIME_BASE(p);
3563      break;
3564    case TRAP_IF_opcode:
3565      label_TRAP_IF(p);
3566      break;
3567    case TRAP_opcode:
3568      label_TRAP(p);
3569      break;
3570    case FLOAT_AS_INT_BITS_opcode:
3571      label_FLOAT_AS_INT_BITS(p);
3572      break;
3573    case INT_BITS_AS_FLOAT_opcode:
3574      label_INT_BITS_AS_FLOAT(p);
3575      break;
3576    case DOUBLE_AS_LONG_BITS_opcode:
3577      label_DOUBLE_AS_LONG_BITS(p);
3578      break;
3579    case LONG_BITS_AS_DOUBLE_opcode:
3580      label_LONG_BITS_AS_DOUBLE(p);
3581      break;
3582    case LOWTABLESWITCH_opcode:
3583      label_LOWTABLESWITCH(p);
3584      break;
3585    case ADDRESS_CONSTANT_opcode:
3586      label_ADDRESS_CONSTANT(p);
3587      break;
3588    case INT_CONSTANT_opcode:
3589      label_INT_CONSTANT(p);
3590      break;
3591    case LONG_CONSTANT_opcode:
3592      label_LONG_CONSTANT(p);
3593      break;
3594    case REGISTER_opcode:
3595      label_REGISTER(p);
3596      break;
3597    case OTHER_OPERAND_opcode:
3598      label_OTHER_OPERAND(p);
3599      break;
3600    case NULL_opcode:
3601      label_NULL(p);
3602      break;
3603    case BRANCH_TARGET_opcode:
3604      label_BRANCH_TARGET(p);
3605      break;
3606    case MATERIALIZE_FP_CONSTANT_opcode:
3607      label_MATERIALIZE_FP_CONSTANT(p);
3608      break;
3609    case CLEAR_FLOATING_POINT_STATE_opcode:
3610      label_CLEAR_FLOATING_POINT_STATE(p);
3611      break;
3612    case PREFETCH_opcode:
3613      label_PREFETCH(p);
3614      break;
3615    case PAUSE_opcode:
3616      label_PAUSE(p);
3617      break;
3618    case CMP_CMOV_opcode:
3619      label_CMP_CMOV(p);
3620      break;
3621    case FCMP_CMOV_opcode:
3622      label_FCMP_CMOV(p);
3623      break;
3624    case LCMP_CMOV_opcode:
3625      label_LCMP_CMOV(p);
3626      break;
3627    case FCMP_FCMOV_opcode:
3628      label_FCMP_FCMOV(p);
3629      break;
3630    default:
3631      throw new OptimizingCompilerException("BURS","terminal not in grammar:",
3632        p.toString());
3633    }
3634  }
3636  /**
3637   * Labels GET_CAUGHT_EXCEPTION tree node
3638   * @param p node to label
3639   */
3640  private static void label_GET_CAUGHT_EXCEPTION(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
3641    p.initCost();
3643    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 38, 11 + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
3644    if (11 < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
3645      p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(11));
3646      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0x600); // p.r = 6
3647      closure_r(p, 11);
3648    }
3649  }
3651  /**
3652   * Labels SET_CAUGHT_EXCEPTION tree node
3653   * @param p node to label
3654   */
3655  private static void label_SET_CAUGHT_EXCEPTION(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
3656    p.initCost();
3657    AbstractBURS_TreeNode lchild;
3658    lchild = p.getChild1();
3659    label(lchild);
3660    int c;
3661    // stm: SET_CAUGHT_EXCEPTION(r)
3662    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + 11;
3663    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 249, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
3664    if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
3665      p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
3666      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0xD); // p.stm = 13
3667    }
3669      lchild.getOpcode() == INT_CONSTANT_opcode  
3670    ) {
3671      c = 20;
3672      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 39, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
3673      if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
3674        p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
3675        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0xE); // p.stm = 14
3676      }
3677    }
3678  }
3680  /**
3681   * Labels IG_PATCH_POINT tree node
3682   * @param p node to label
3683   */
3684  private static void label_IG_PATCH_POINT(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
3685    p.initCost();
3686    // stm: IG_PATCH_POINT
3687    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 27, 10 + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
3688    if (10 < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
3689      p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(10));
3690      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0x2); // p.stm = 2
3691    }
3692  }
3694  /**
3695   * Labels INT_ALOAD tree node
3696   * @param p node to label
3697   */
3698  private static void label_INT_ALOAD(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
3699    p.initCost();
3700    AbstractBURS_TreeNode lchild, rchild;
3701    lchild = p.getChild1();
3702    rchild = p.getChild2();
3703    label(lchild);
3704    label(rchild);
3705    int c;
3706    // r: INT_ALOAD(rlv,riv)
3707    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(7 /* riv */) + 15;
3708    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 106, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
3709    if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
3710      p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
3711      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0x6100); // p.r = 97
3712      closure_r(p, c);
3713    }
3714    // load32: INT_ALOAD(rlv,riv)
3715    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(7 /* riv */) + 0;
3716    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 151, c + 0, p.getCost(10) /* load32 */);
3717    if (c < p.getCost(10) /* load32 */) {
3718      p.setCost(10 /* load32 */, (char)(c));
3719      p.writePacked(1, 0xFFFFC7FF, 0x1800); // p.load32 = 3
3720      closure_load32(p, c);
3721    }
3722  }
3724  /**
3725   * Labels LONG_ALOAD tree node
3726   * @param p node to label
3727   */
3728  private static void label_LONG_ALOAD(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
3729    p.initCost();
3730    AbstractBURS_TreeNode lchild, rchild;
3731    lchild = p.getChild1();
3732    rchild = p.getChild2();
3733    label(lchild);
3734    label(rchild);
3735    int c;
3736    // load64: LONG_ALOAD(rlv,rlv)
3737    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + 0;
3738    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 153, c + 0, p.getCost(20) /* load64 */);
3739    if (c < p.getCost(20) /* load64 */) {
3740      p.setCost(20 /* load64 */, (char)(c));
3741      p.writePacked(2, 0xFFFF8FFF, 0x2000); // p.load64 = 2
3742      closure_load64(p, c);
3743    }
3744    // load64: LONG_ALOAD(rlv,r)
3745    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + 0;
3746    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 154, c + 0, p.getCost(20) /* load64 */);
3747    if (c < p.getCost(20) /* load64 */) {
3748      p.setCost(20 /* load64 */, (char)(c));
3749      p.writePacked(2, 0xFFFF8FFF, 0x3000); // p.load64 = 3
3750      closure_load64(p, c);
3751    }
3752    // r: LONG_ALOAD(rlv,riv)
3753    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(7 /* riv */) + 30;
3754    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 179, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
3755    if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
3756      p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
3757      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0x9C00); // p.r = 156
3758      closure_r(p, c);
3759    }
3760    // r: LONG_ALOAD(rlv,r)
3761    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + 20;
3762    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 180, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
3763    if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
3764      p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
3765      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0x9D00); // p.r = 157
3766      closure_r(p, c);
3767    }
3768  }
3770  /**
3771   * Labels FLOAT_ALOAD tree node
3772   * @param p node to label
3773   */
3774  private static void label_FLOAT_ALOAD(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
3775    p.initCost();
3776    AbstractBURS_TreeNode lchild, rchild;
3777    lchild = p.getChild1();
3778    rchild = p.getChild2();
3779    label(lchild);
3780    label(rchild);
3781    int c;
3782    // r: FLOAT_ALOAD(riv,riv)
3783    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(7 /* riv */) + 15;
3784    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 237, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
3785    if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
3786      p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
3787      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0xD200); // p.r = 210
3788      closure_r(p, c);
3789    }
3790    // r: FLOAT_ALOAD(riv,r)
3791    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + 10;
3792    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 238, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
3793    if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
3794      p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
3795      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0xD300); // p.r = 211
3796      closure_r(p, c);
3797    }
3798    // r: FLOAT_ALOAD(rlv,rlv)
3799    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + 15;
3800    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 239, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
3801    if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
3802      p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
3803      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0xD400); // p.r = 212
3804      closure_r(p, c);
3805    }
3806    // float_load: FLOAT_ALOAD(riv,riv)
3807    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(7 /* riv */) + 0;
3808    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 240, c + 0, p.getCost(26) /* float_load */);
3809    if (c < p.getCost(26) /* float_load */) {
3810      p.setCost(26 /* float_load */, (char)(c));
3811      p.writePacked(2, 0xC7FFFFFF, 0x10000000); // p.float_load = 2
3812    }
3813  }
3815  /**
3816   * Labels DOUBLE_ALOAD tree node
3817   * @param p node to label
3818   */
3819  private static void label_DOUBLE_ALOAD(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
3820    p.initCost();
3821    AbstractBURS_TreeNode lchild, rchild;
3822    lchild = p.getChild1();
3823    rchild = p.getChild2();
3824    label(lchild);
3825    label(rchild);
3826    int c;
3827    // r: DOUBLE_ALOAD(riv,riv)
3828    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(7 /* riv */) + 15;
3829    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 229, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
3830    if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
3831      p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
3832      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0xCD00); // p.r = 205
3833      closure_r(p, c);
3834    }
3835    // r: DOUBLE_ALOAD(riv,r)
3836    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + 10;
3837    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 231, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
3838    if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
3839      p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
3840      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0xCE00); // p.r = 206
3841      closure_r(p, c);
3842    }
3843    // r: DOUBLE_ALOAD(rlv,rlv)
3844    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + 10;
3845    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 232, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
3846    if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
3847      p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
3848      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0xCF00); // p.r = 207
3849      closure_r(p, c);
3850    }
3851    // double_load: DOUBLE_ALOAD(riv,riv)
3852    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(7 /* riv */) + 0;
3853    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 233, c + 0, p.getCost(27) /* double_load */);
3854    if (c < p.getCost(27) /* double_load */) {
3855      p.setCost(27 /* double_load */, (char)(c));
3856      p.writePacked(3, 0xFFFFFFF8, 0x3); // p.double_load = 3
3857    }
3858  }
3860  /**
3861   * Labels UBYTE_ALOAD tree node
3862   * @param p node to label
3863   */
3864  private static void label_UBYTE_ALOAD(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
3865    p.initCost();
3866    AbstractBURS_TreeNode lchild, rchild;
3867    lchild = p.getChild1();
3868    rchild = p.getChild2();
3869    label(lchild);
3870    label(rchild);
3871    int c;
3872    // r: UBYTE_ALOAD(rlv,riv)
3873    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(7 /* riv */) + 15;
3874    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 137, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
3875    if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
3876      p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
3877      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0x8200); // p.r = 130
3878      closure_r(p, c);
3879    }
3880    // r: UBYTE_ALOAD(rlv,r)
3881    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + 10;
3882    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 138, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
3883    if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
3884      p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
3885      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0x8300); // p.r = 131
3886      closure_r(p, c);
3887    }
3888    // uload8: UBYTE_ALOAD(rlv,riv)
3889    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(7 /* riv */) + 0;
3890    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 139, c + 0, p.getCost(11) /* uload8 */);
3891    if (c < p.getCost(11) /* uload8 */) {
3892      p.setCost(11 /* uload8 */, (char)(c));
3893      p.writePacked(1, 0xFFFE3FFF, 0x10000); // p.uload8 = 4
3894      closure_uload8(p, c);
3895    }
3896  }
3898  /**
3899   * Labels BYTE_ALOAD tree node
3900   * @param p node to label
3901   */
3902  private static void label_BYTE_ALOAD(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
3903    p.initCost();
3904    AbstractBURS_TreeNode lchild, rchild;
3905    lchild = p.getChild1();
3906    rchild = p.getChild2();
3907    label(lchild);
3908    label(rchild);
3909    int c;
3910    // r: BYTE_ALOAD(rlv,riv)
3911    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(7 /* riv */) + 20;
3912    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 132, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
3913    if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
3914      p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
3915      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0x7F00); // p.r = 127
3916      closure_r(p, c);
3917    }
3918    // r: BYTE_ALOAD(rlv,r)
3919    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + 15;
3920    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 133, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
3921    if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
3922      p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
3923      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0x8000); // p.r = 128
3924      closure_r(p, c);
3925    }
3926    // sload8: BYTE_ALOAD(rlv,riv)
3927    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(7 /* riv */) + 0;
3928    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 134, c + 0, p.getCost(24) /* sload8 */);
3929    if (c < p.getCost(24) /* sload8 */) {
3930      p.setCost(24 /* sload8 */, (char)(c));
3931      p.writePacked(2, 0xFE7FFFFF, 0x1800000); // p.sload8 = 3
3932      closure_sload8(p, c);
3933    }
3934  }
3936  /**
3937   * Labels USHORT_ALOAD tree node
3938   * @param p node to label
3939   */
3940  private static void label_USHORT_ALOAD(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
3941    p.initCost();
3942    AbstractBURS_TreeNode lchild, rchild;
3943    lchild = p.getChild1();
3944    rchild = p.getChild2();
3945    label(lchild);
3946    label(rchild);
3947    int c;
3948    // r: USHORT_ALOAD(rlv,riv)
3949    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(7 /* riv */) + 15;
3950    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 147, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
3951    if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
3952      p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
3953      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0x8800); // p.r = 136
3954      closure_r(p, c);
3955    }
3956    // r: USHORT_ALOAD(rlv,r)
3957    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + 10;
3958    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 148, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
3959    if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
3960      p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
3961      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0x8900); // p.r = 137
3962      closure_r(p, c);
3963    }
3964    // uload16: USHORT_ALOAD(rlv,riv)
3965    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(7 /* riv */) + 0;
3966    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 149, c + 0, p.getCost(23) /* uload16 */);
3967    if (c < p.getCost(23) /* uload16 */) {
3968      p.setCost(23 /* uload16 */, (char)(c));
3969      p.writePacked(2, 0xFF8FFFFF, 0x400000); // p.uload16 = 4
3970      closure_uload16(p, c);
3971    }
3972  }
3974  /**
3975   * Labels SHORT_ALOAD tree node
3976   * @param p node to label
3977   */
3978  private static void label_SHORT_ALOAD(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
3979    p.initCost();
3980    AbstractBURS_TreeNode lchild, rchild;
3981    lchild = p.getChild1();
3982    rchild = p.getChild2();
3983    label(lchild);
3984    label(rchild);
3985    int c;
3986    // r: SHORT_ALOAD(rlv,riv)
3987    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(7 /* riv */) + 20;
3988    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 142, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
3989    if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
3990      p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
3991      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0x8500); // p.r = 133
3992      closure_r(p, c);
3993    }
3994    // r: SHORT_ALOAD(rlv,r)
3995    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + 15;
3996    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 143, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
3997    if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
3998      p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
3999      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0x8600); // p.r = 134
4000      closure_r(p, c);
4001    }
4002    // sload16: SHORT_ALOAD(rlv,riv)
4003    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(7 /* riv */) + 0;
4004    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 144, c + 0, p.getCost(22) /* sload16 */);
4005    if (c < p.getCost(22) /* sload16 */) {
4006      p.setCost(22 /* sload16 */, (char)(c));
4007      p.writePacked(2, 0xFFF1FFFF, 0x80000); // p.sload16 = 4
4008      closure_sload16(p, c);
4009    }
4010  }
4012  /**
4013   * Labels INT_ASTORE tree node
4014   * @param p node to label
4015   */
4016  private static void label_INT_ASTORE(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
4017    p.initCost();
4018    AbstractBURS_TreeNode lchild, rchild;
4019    lchild = p.getChild1();
4020    rchild = p.getChild2();
4021    label(lchild);
4022    label(rchild);
4023    int c;
4024    if ( // stm: INT_ASTORE(riv,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
4025      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode  
4026    ) {
4027      c = STATE(lchild).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + 15;
4028      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 404, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
4029      if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
4030        p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
4031        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0x1C); // p.stm = 28
4032      }
4033    }
4034    if ( // stm: INT_ASTORE(riv,OTHER_OPERAND(r,r))
4035      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode  
4036    ) {
4037      c = STATE(lchild).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2()).getCost(2 /* r */) + 10;
4038      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 405, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
4039      if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
4040        p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
4041        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0x1D); // p.stm = 29
4042      }
4043    }
4044    if ( // stm: INT_ASTORE(riv,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))
4045      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode  
4046    ) {
4047      c = STATE(lchild).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + 15;
4048      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 406, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
4049      if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
4050        p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
4051        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0x1E); // p.stm = 30
4052      }
4053    }
4054    if ( // stm: INT_ASTORE(riv,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,riv))
4055      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode  
4056    ) {
4057      c = STATE(lchild).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + 15;
4058      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 407, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
4059      if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
4060        p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
4061        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0x1F); // p.stm = 31
4062      }
4063    }
4064    if ( // stm: INT_ASTORE(riv,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,rlv))
4065      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode  
4066    ) {
4067      c = STATE(lchild).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + 15;
4068      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 408, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
4069      if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
4070        p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
4071        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0x20); // p.stm = 32
4072      }
4073    }
4074    if ( // stm: INT_ASTORE(INT_ADD(INT_ALOAD(riv,riv),riv),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
4075      lchild.getOpcode() == INT_ADD_opcode && 
4076      lchild.getChild1().getOpcode() == INT_ALOAD_opcode && 
4077      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode  
4078    ) {
4079      c = STATE(lchild.getChild1().getChild1()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(lchild.getChild1().getChild2()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(lchild.getChild2()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + ARRAY_ADDRESS_EQUAL(P(p), PLL(p), 17);
4080      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 570, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
4081      if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
4082        p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
4083        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0x5D); // p.stm = 93
4084      }
4085    }
4086    if ( // stm: INT_ASTORE(INT_ADD(riv,INT_ALOAD(riv,riv)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
4087      lchild.getOpcode() == INT_ADD_opcode && 
4088      lchild.getChild2().getOpcode() == INT_ALOAD_opcode && 
4089      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode  
4090    ) {
4091      c = STATE(lchild.getChild1()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(lchild.getChild2().getChild1()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(lchild.getChild2().getChild2()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + ARRAY_ADDRESS_EQUAL(P(p), PLR(p), 17);
4092      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 590, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
4093      if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
4094        p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
4095        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0x5E); // p.stm = 94
4096      }
4097    }
4098    if ( // stm: INT_ASTORE(INT_AND(INT_ALOAD(riv,riv),riv),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
4099      lchild.getOpcode() == INT_AND_opcode && 
4100      lchild.getChild1().getOpcode() == INT_ALOAD_opcode && 
4101      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode  
4102    ) {
4103      c = STATE(lchild.getChild1().getChild1()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(lchild.getChild1().getChild2()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(lchild.getChild2()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + ARRAY_ADDRESS_EQUAL(P(p), PLL(p), 17);
4104      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 572, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
4105      if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
4106        p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
4107        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0x61); // p.stm = 97
4108      }
4109    }
4110    if ( // stm: INT_ASTORE(INT_AND(r,INT_ALOAD(riv,riv)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
4111      lchild.getOpcode() == INT_AND_opcode && 
4112      lchild.getChild2().getOpcode() == INT_ALOAD_opcode && 
4113      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode  
4114    ) {
4115      c = STATE(lchild.getChild1()).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(lchild.getChild2().getChild1()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(lchild.getChild2().getChild2()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + ARRAY_ADDRESS_EQUAL(P(p), PLR(p), 17);
4116      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 592, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
4117      if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
4118        p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
4119        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0x62); // p.stm = 98
4120      }
4121    }
4122    if ( // stm: INT_ASTORE(INT_NEG(INT_ALOAD(riv,riv)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
4123      lchild.getOpcode() == INT_NEG_opcode && 
4124      lchild.getChild1().getOpcode() == INT_ALOAD_opcode && 
4125      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode  
4126    ) {
4127      c = STATE(lchild.getChild1().getChild1()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(lchild.getChild1().getChild2()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + ARRAY_ADDRESS_EQUAL(P(p), PLL(p), 17);
4128      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 533, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
4129      if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
4130        p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
4131        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0x74); // p.stm = 116
4132      }
4133    }
4134    if ( // stm: INT_ASTORE(INT_NOT(INT_ALOAD(riv,riv)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
4135      lchild.getOpcode() == INT_NOT_opcode && 
4136      lchild.getChild1().getOpcode() == INT_ALOAD_opcode && 
4137      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode  
4138    ) {
4139      c = STATE(lchild.getChild1().getChild1()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(lchild.getChild1().getChild2()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + ARRAY_ADDRESS_EQUAL(P(p), PLL(p), 17);
4140      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 535, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
4141      if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
4142        p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
4143        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0x76); // p.stm = 118
4144      }
4145    }
4146    if ( // stm: INT_ASTORE(INT_OR(INT_ALOAD(riv,riv),riv),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
4147      lchild.getOpcode() == INT_OR_opcode && 
4148      lchild.getChild1().getOpcode() == INT_ALOAD_opcode && 
4149      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode  
4150    ) {
4151      c = STATE(lchild.getChild1().getChild1()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(lchild.getChild1().getChild2()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(lchild.getChild2()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + ARRAY_ADDRESS_EQUAL(P(p), PLL(p), 17);
4152      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 574, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
4153      if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
4154        p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
4155        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0x79); // p.stm = 121
4156      }
4157    }
4158    if ( // stm: INT_ASTORE(INT_OR(r,INT_ALOAD(riv,riv)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
4159      lchild.getOpcode() == INT_OR_opcode && 
4160      lchild.getChild2().getOpcode() == INT_ALOAD_opcode && 
4161      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode  
4162    ) {
4163      c = STATE(lchild.getChild1()).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(lchild.getChild2().getChild1()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(lchild.getChild2().getChild2()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + ARRAY_ADDRESS_EQUAL(P(p), PLR(p), 17);
4164      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 594, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
4165      if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
4166        p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
4167        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0x7A); // p.stm = 122
4168      }
4169    }
4170    if ( // stm: INT_ASTORE(INT_SHL(INT_ALOAD(riv,riv),INT_AND(r,INT_CONSTANT)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
4171      lchild.getOpcode() == INT_SHL_opcode && 
4172      lchild.getChild1().getOpcode() == INT_ALOAD_opcode && 
4173      lchild.getChild2().getOpcode() == INT_AND_opcode && 
4174      lchild.getChild2().getChild2().getOpcode() == INT_CONSTANT_opcode && 
4175      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode  
4176    ) {
4177      c = STATE(lchild.getChild1().getChild1()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(lchild.getChild1().getChild2()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(lchild.getChild2().getChild1()).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + (ARRAY_ADDRESS_EQUAL(P(p), PLL(p), VLRR(p) == 31 ? 27 : INFINITE));
4178      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 626, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
4179      if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
4180        p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
4181        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0x7D); // p.stm = 125
4182      }
4183    }
4184    if ( // stm: INT_ASTORE(INT_SHL(INT_ALOAD(riv,riv),INT_CONSTANT),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
4185      lchild.getOpcode() == INT_SHL_opcode && 
4186      lchild.getChild1().getOpcode() == INT_ALOAD_opcode && 
4187      lchild.getChild2().getOpcode() == INT_CONSTANT_opcode && 
4188      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode  
4189    ) {
4190      c = STATE(lchild.getChild1().getChild1()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(lchild.getChild1().getChild2()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + (ARRAY_ADDRESS_EQUAL(P(p), PLL(p), VLR(p) == 31 ? 17 : INFINITE));
4191      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 537, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
4192      if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
4193        p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
4194        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0x7E); // p.stm = 126
4195      }
4196    }
4197    if ( // stm: INT_ASTORE(INT_SHR(INT_ALOAD(riv,riv),INT_AND(r,INT_CONSTANT)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
4198      lchild.getOpcode() == INT_SHR_opcode && 
4199      lchild.getChild1().getOpcode() == INT_ALOAD_opcode && 
4200      lchild.getChild2().getOpcode() == INT_AND_opcode && 
4201      lchild.getChild2().getChild2().getOpcode() == INT_CONSTANT_opcode && 
4202      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode  
4203    ) {
4204      c = STATE(lchild.getChild1().getChild1()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(lchild.getChild1().getChild2()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(lchild.getChild2().getChild1()).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + (ARRAY_ADDRESS_EQUAL(P(p), PLL(p), VLRR(p) == 31 ? 27 : INFINITE));
4205      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 628, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
4206      if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
4207        p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
4208        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0x81); // p.stm = 129
4209      }
4210    }
4211    if ( // stm: INT_ASTORE(INT_SHR(INT_ALOAD(riv,riv),INT_CONSTANT),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
4212      lchild.getOpcode() == INT_SHR_opcode && 
4213      lchild.getChild1().getOpcode() == INT_ALOAD_opcode && 
4214      lchild.getChild2().getOpcode() == INT_CONSTANT_opcode && 
4215      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode  
4216    ) {
4217      c = STATE(lchild.getChild1().getChild1()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(lchild.getChild1().getChild2()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + (ARRAY_ADDRESS_EQUAL(P(p), PLL(p), VLR(p) == 31 ? 17 : INFINITE));
4218      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 539, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
4219      if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
4220        p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
4221        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0x82); // p.stm = 130
4222      }
4223    }
4224    if ( // stm: INT_ASTORE(INT_SUB(INT_ALOAD(riv,riv),riv),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
4225      lchild.getOpcode() == INT_SUB_opcode && 
4226      lchild.getChild1().getOpcode() == INT_ALOAD_opcode && 
4227      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode  
4228    ) {
4229      c = STATE(lchild.getChild1().getChild1()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(lchild.getChild1().getChild2()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(lchild.getChild2()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + ARRAY_ADDRESS_EQUAL(P(p), PLL(p), 17);
4230      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 576, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
4231      if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
4232        p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
4233        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0x8B); // p.stm = 139
4234      }
4235    }
4236    if ( // stm: INT_ASTORE(INT_SUB(riv,INT_ALOAD(riv,riv)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
4237      lchild.getOpcode() == INT_SUB_opcode && 
4238      lchild.getChild2().getOpcode() == INT_ALOAD_opcode && 
4239      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode  
4240    ) {
4241      c = STATE(lchild.getChild1()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(lchild.getChild2().getChild1()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(lchild.getChild2().getChild2()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + ARRAY_ADDRESS_EQUAL(P(p), PLR(p), 27);
4242      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 596, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
4243      if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
4244        p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
4245        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0x8C); // p.stm = 140
4246      }
4247    }
4248    if ( // stm: INT_ASTORE(INT_USHR(INT_ALOAD(riv,riv),INT_AND(r,INT_CONSTANT)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
4249      lchild.getOpcode() == INT_USHR_opcode && 
4250      lchild.getChild1().getOpcode() == INT_ALOAD_opcode && 
4251      lchild.getChild2().getOpcode() == INT_AND_opcode && 
4252      lchild.getChild2().getChild2().getOpcode() == INT_CONSTANT_opcode && 
4253      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode  
4254    ) {
4255      c = STATE(lchild.getChild1().getChild1()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(lchild.getChild1().getChild2()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(lchild.getChild2().getChild1()).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + (ARRAY_ADDRESS_EQUAL(P(p), PLL(p), VLRR(p) == 31 ? 27 : INFINITE));
4256      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 630, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
4257      if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
4258        p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
4259        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0x8F); // p.stm = 143
4260      }
4261    }
4262    if ( // stm: INT_ASTORE(INT_USHR(INT_ALOAD(riv,riv),INT_CONSTANT),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
4263      lchild.getOpcode() == INT_USHR_opcode && 
4264      lchild.getChild1().getOpcode() == INT_ALOAD_opcode && 
4265      lchild.getChild2().getOpcode() == INT_CONSTANT_opcode && 
4266      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode  
4267    ) {
4268      c = STATE(lchild.getChild1().getChild1()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(lchild.getChild1().getChild2()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + (ARRAY_ADDRESS_EQUAL(P(p), PLL(p), VLR(p) == 31 ? 17 : INFINITE));
4269      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 541, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
4270      if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
4271        p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
4272        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0x90); // p.stm = 144
4273      }
4274    }
4275    if ( // stm: INT_ASTORE(INT_XOR(INT_ALOAD(riv,riv),riv),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
4276      lchild.getOpcode() == INT_XOR_opcode && 
4277      lchild.getChild1().getOpcode() == INT_ALOAD_opcode && 
4278      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode  
4279    ) {
4280      c = STATE(lchild.getChild1().getChild1()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(lchild.getChild1().getChild2()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(lchild.getChild2()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + ARRAY_ADDRESS_EQUAL(P(p), PLL(p), 17);
4281      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 578, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
4282      if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
4283        p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
4284        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0x93); // p.stm = 147
4285      }
4286    }
4287    if ( // stm: INT_ASTORE(INT_XOR(r,INT_ALOAD(riv,riv)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
4288      lchild.getOpcode() == INT_XOR_opcode && 
4289      lchild.getChild2().getOpcode() == INT_ALOAD_opcode && 
4290      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode  
4291    ) {
4292      c = STATE(lchild.getChild1()).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(lchild.getChild2().getChild1()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(lchild.getChild2().getChild2()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + ARRAY_ADDRESS_EQUAL(P(p), PLR(p), 17);
4293      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 598, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
4294      if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
4295        p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
4296        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0x94); // p.stm = 148
4297      }
4298    }
4299    if ( // stm: INT_ASTORE(LONG_2INT(r),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
4300      lchild.getOpcode() == LONG_2INT_opcode && 
4301      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode  
4302    ) {
4303      c = STATE(lchild.getChild1()).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + 15;
4304      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 568, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
4305      if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
4306        p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
4307        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0x96); // p.stm = 150
4308      }
4309    }
4310  }
4312  /**
4313   * Labels LONG_ASTORE tree node
4314   * @param p node to label
4315   */
4316  private static void label_LONG_ASTORE(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
4317    p.initCost();
4318    AbstractBURS_TreeNode lchild, rchild;
4319    lchild = p.getChild1();
4320    rchild = p.getChild2();
4321    label(lchild);
4322    label(rchild);
4323    int c;
4324    if ( // stm: LONG_ASTORE(r,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
4325      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode  
4326    ) {
4327      c = STATE(lchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + 30;
4328      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 409, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
4329      if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
4330        p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
4331        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0x21); // p.stm = 33
4332      }
4333    }
4334    if ( // stm: LONG_ASTORE(r,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))
4335      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode  
4336    ) {
4337      c = STATE(lchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + 15;
4338      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 410, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
4339      if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
4340        p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
4341        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0x22); // p.stm = 34
4342      }
4343    }
4344    if ( // stm: LONG_ASTORE(r,OTHER_OPERAND(r,r))
4345      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode  
4346    ) {
4347      c = STATE(lchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2()).getCost(2 /* r */) + 10;
4348      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 411, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
4349      if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
4350        p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
4351        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0x23); // p.stm = 35
4352      }
4353    }
4354    if ( // stm: LONG_ASTORE(LONG_CONSTANT,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
4355      lchild.getOpcode() == LONG_CONSTANT_opcode && 
4356      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode  
4357    ) {
4358      c = STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + 26;
4359      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 466, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
4360      if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
4361        p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
4362        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0x24); // p.stm = 36
4363      }
4364    }
4365    if ( // stm: LONG_ASTORE(LONG_CONSTANT,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,riv))
4366      lchild.getOpcode() == LONG_CONSTANT_opcode && 
4367      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode  
4368    ) {
4369      c = STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + 26;
4370      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 467, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
4371      if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
4372        p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
4373        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0x25); // p.stm = 37
4374      }
4375    }
4376    if ( // stm: LONG_ASTORE(LONG_ADD(LONG_ALOAD(rlv,rlv),rlv),OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))
4377      lchild.getOpcode() == LONG_ADD_opcode && 
4378      lchild.getChild1().getOpcode() == LONG_ALOAD_opcode && 
4379      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode  
4380    ) {
4381      c = STATE(lchild.getChild1().getChild1()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(lchild.getChild1().getChild2()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(lchild.getChild2()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + ARRAY_ADDRESS_EQUAL(P(p), PLL(p), 17);
4382      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 580, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
4383      if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
4384        p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
4385        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0x99); // p.stm = 153
4386      }
4387    }
4388    if ( // stm: LONG_ASTORE(LONG_ADD(rlv,LONG_ALOAD(rlv,rlv)),OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))
4389      lchild.getOpcode() == LONG_ADD_opcode && 
4390      lchild.getChild2().getOpcode() == LONG_ALOAD_opcode && 
4391      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode  
4392    ) {
4393      c = STATE(lchild.getChild1()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(lchild.getChild2().getChild1()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(lchild.getChild2().getChild2()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + ARRAY_ADDRESS_EQUAL(P(p), PLR(p), 17);
4394      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 600, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
4395      if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
4396        p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
4397        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0x9A); // p.stm = 154
4398      }
4399    }
4400    if ( // stm: LONG_ASTORE(LONG_AND(LONG_ALOAD(rlv,rlv),rlv),OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))
4401      lchild.getOpcode() == LONG_AND_opcode && 
4402      lchild.getChild1().getOpcode() == LONG_ALOAD_opcode && 
4403      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode  
4404    ) {
4405      c = STATE(lchild.getChild1().getChild1()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(lchild.getChild1().getChild2()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(lchild.getChild2()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + ARRAY_ADDRESS_EQUAL(P(p), PLL(p), 17);
4406      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 582, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
4407      if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
4408        p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
4409        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0x9D); // p.stm = 157
4410      }
4411    }
4412    if ( // stm: LONG_ASTORE(LONG_AND(r,LONG_ALOAD(rlv,rlv)),OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))
4413      lchild.getOpcode() == LONG_AND_opcode && 
4414      lchild.getChild2().getOpcode() == LONG_ALOAD_opcode && 
4415      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode  
4416    ) {
4417      c = STATE(lchild.getChild1()).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(lchild.getChild2().getChild1()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(lchild.getChild2().getChild2()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + ARRAY_ADDRESS_EQUAL(P(p), PLR(p), 17);
4418      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 602, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
4419      if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
4420        p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
4421        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0x9E); // p.stm = 158
4422      }
4423    }
4424    if ( // stm: LONG_ASTORE(LONG_NEG(LONG_ALOAD(riv,riv)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
4425      lchild.getOpcode() == LONG_NEG_opcode && 
4426      lchild.getChild1().getOpcode() == LONG_ALOAD_opcode && 
4427      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode  
4428    ) {
4429      c = STATE(lchild.getChild1().getChild1()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(lchild.getChild1().getChild2()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + ARRAY_ADDRESS_EQUAL(P(p), PLL(p), 17);
4430      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 543, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
4431      if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
4432        p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
4433        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0xA2); // p.stm = 162
4434      }
4435    }
4436    if ( // stm: LONG_ASTORE(LONG_NOT(LONG_ALOAD(riv,riv)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
4437      lchild.getOpcode() == LONG_NOT_opcode && 
4438      lchild.getChild1().getOpcode() == LONG_ALOAD_opcode && 
4439      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode  
4440    ) {
4441      c = STATE(lchild.getChild1().getChild1()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(lchild.getChild1().getChild2()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + ARRAY_ADDRESS_EQUAL(P(p), PLL(p), 17);
4442      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 545, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
4443      if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
4444        p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
4445        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0xA4); // p.stm = 164
4446      }
4447    }
4448    if ( // stm: LONG_ASTORE(LONG_OR(LONG_ALOAD(rlv,rlv),rlv),OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))
4449      lchild.getOpcode() == LONG_OR_opcode && 
4450      lchild.getChild1().getOpcode() == LONG_ALOAD_opcode && 
4451      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode  
4452    ) {
4453      c = STATE(lchild.getChild1().getChild1()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(lchild.getChild1().getChild2()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(lchild.getChild2()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + ARRAY_ADDRESS_EQUAL(P(p), PLL(p), 17);
4454      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 584, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
4455      if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
4456        p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
4457        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0xA7); // p.stm = 167
4458      }
4459    }
4460    if ( // stm: LONG_ASTORE(LONG_OR(r,LONG_ALOAD(rlv,rlv)),OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))
4461      lchild.getOpcode() == LONG_OR_opcode && 
4462      lchild.getChild2().getOpcode() == LONG_ALOAD_opcode && 
4463      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode  
4464    ) {
4465      c = STATE(lchild.getChild1()).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(lchild.getChild2().getChild1()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(lchild.getChild2().getChild2()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + ARRAY_ADDRESS_EQUAL(P(p), PLR(p), 17);
4466      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 604, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
4467      if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
4468        p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
4469        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0xA8); // p.stm = 168
4470      }
4471    }
4472    if ( // stm: LONG_ASTORE(LONG_SHL(LONG_ALOAD(riv,riv),INT_AND(r,INT_CONSTANT)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
4473      lchild.getOpcode() == LONG_SHL_opcode && 
4474      lchild.getChild1().getOpcode() == LONG_ALOAD_opcode && 
4475      lchild.getChild2().getOpcode() == INT_AND_opcode && 
4476      lchild.getChild2().getChild2().getOpcode() == INT_CONSTANT_opcode && 
4477      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode  
4478    ) {
4479      c = STATE(lchild.getChild1().getChild1()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(lchild.getChild1().getChild2()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(lchild.getChild2().getChild1()).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + (ARRAY_ADDRESS_EQUAL(P(p), PLL(p), VLRR(p) == 63 ? 27 : INFINITE));
4480      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 632, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
4481      if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
4482        p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
4483        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0xAB); // p.stm = 171
4484      }
4485    }
4486    if ( // stm: LONG_ASTORE(LONG_SHL(LONG_ALOAD(riv,riv),INT_CONSTANT),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
4487      lchild.getOpcode() == LONG_SHL_opcode && 
4488      lchild.getChild1().getOpcode() == LONG_ALOAD_opcode && 
4489      lchild.getChild2().getOpcode() == INT_CONSTANT_opcode && 
4490      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode  
4491    ) {
4492      c = STATE(lchild.getChild1().getChild1()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(lchild.getChild1().getChild2()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + (ARRAY_ADDRESS_EQUAL(P(p), PLL(p), VLR(p) == 63 ? 17 : INFINITE));
4493      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 547, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
4494      if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
4495        p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
4496        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0xAC); // p.stm = 172
4497      }
4498    }
4500      lchild.getOpcode() == LONG_SHR_opcode && 
4501      lchild.getChild1().getOpcode() == LONG_ALOAD_opcode && 
4502      lchild.getChild2().getOpcode() == INT_AND_opcode && 
4503      lchild.getChild2().getChild2().getOpcode() == LONG_CONSTANT_opcode && 
4504      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode  
4505    ) {
4506      c = STATE(lchild.getChild1().getChild1()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(lchild.getChild1().getChild2()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(lchild.getChild2().getChild1()).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + (ARRAY_ADDRESS_EQUAL(P(p), PLL(p), VLRR(p) == 63 ? 27 : INFINITE));
4507      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 634, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
4508      if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
4509        p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
4510        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0xAF); // p.stm = 175
4511      }
4512    }
4513    if ( // stm: LONG_ASTORE(LONG_SHR(LONG_ALOAD(riv,riv),LONG_CONSTANT),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
4514      lchild.getOpcode() == LONG_SHR_opcode && 
4515      lchild.getChild1().getOpcode() == LONG_ALOAD_opcode && 
4516      lchild.getChild2().getOpcode() == LONG_CONSTANT_opcode && 
4517      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode  
4518    ) {
4519      c = STATE(lchild.getChild1().getChild1()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(lchild.getChild1().getChild2()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + (ARRAY_ADDRESS_EQUAL(P(p), PLL(p), VLR(p) == 63 ? 17 : INFINITE));
4520      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 549, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
4521      if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
4522        p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
4523        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0xB0); // p.stm = 176
4524      }
4525    }
4526    if ( // stm: LONG_ASTORE(LONG_SUB(LONG_ALOAD(rlv,rlv),rlv),OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))
4527      lchild.getOpcode() == LONG_SUB_opcode && 
4528      lchild.getChild1().getOpcode() == LONG_ALOAD_opcode && 
4529      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode  
4530    ) {
4531      c = STATE(lchild.getChild1().getChild1()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(lchild.getChild1().getChild2()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(lchild.getChild2()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + ARRAY_ADDRESS_EQUAL(P(p), PLL(p), 17);
4532      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 586, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
4533      if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
4534        p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
4535        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0xB9); // p.stm = 185
4536      }
4537    }
4538    if ( // stm: LONG_ASTORE(LONG_SUB(rlv,LONG_ALOAD(rlv,rlv)),OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))
4539      lchild.getOpcode() == LONG_SUB_opcode && 
4540      lchild.getChild2().getOpcode() == LONG_ALOAD_opcode && 
4541      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode  
4542    ) {
4543      c = STATE(lchild.getChild1()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(lchild.getChild2().getChild1()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(lchild.getChild2().getChild2()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + ARRAY_ADDRESS_EQUAL(P(p), PLR(p), 27);
4544      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 606, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
4545      if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
4546        p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
4547        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0xBA); // p.stm = 186
4548      }
4549    }
4551      lchild.getOpcode() == LONG_USHR_opcode && 
4552      lchild.getChild1().getOpcode() == LONG_ALOAD_opcode && 
4553      lchild.getChild2().getOpcode() == LONG_AND_opcode && 
4554      lchild.getChild2().getChild2().getOpcode() == LONG_CONSTANT_opcode && 
4555      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode  
4556    ) {
4557      c = STATE(lchild.getChild1().getChild1()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(lchild.getChild1().getChild2()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(lchild.getChild2().getChild1()).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + (ARRAY_ADDRESS_EQUAL(P(p), PLL(p), VLRR(p) == 63 ? 27 : INFINITE));
4558      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 636, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
4559      if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
4560        p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
4561        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0xBD); // p.stm = 189
4562      }
4563    }
4565      lchild.getOpcode() == LONG_USHR_opcode && 
4566      lchild.getChild1().getOpcode() == LONG_ALOAD_opcode && 
4567      lchild.getChild2().getOpcode() == LONG_CONSTANT_opcode && 
4568      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode  
4569    ) {
4570      c = STATE(lchild.getChild1().getChild1()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(lchild.getChild1().getChild2()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + (ARRAY_ADDRESS_EQUAL(P(p), PLL(p), VLR(p) == 63 ? 17 : INFINITE));
4571      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 551, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
4572      if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
4573        p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
4574        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0xBE); // p.stm = 190
4575      }
4576    }
4577    if ( // stm: LONG_ASTORE(LONG_XOR(LONG_ALOAD(rlv,rlv),rlv),OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))
4578      lchild.getOpcode() == LONG_XOR_opcode && 
4579      lchild.getChild1().getOpcode() == LONG_ALOAD_opcode && 
4580      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode  
4581    ) {
4582      c = STATE(lchild.getChild1().getChild1()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(lchild.getChild1().getChild2()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(lchild.getChild2()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + ARRAY_ADDRESS_EQUAL(P(p), PLL(p), 17);
4583      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 588, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
4584      if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
4585        p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
4586        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0xC1); // p.stm = 193
4587      }
4588    }
4589    if ( // stm: LONG_ASTORE(LONG_XOR(r,LONG_ALOAD(rlv,rlv)),OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))
4590      lchild.getOpcode() == LONG_XOR_opcode && 
4591      lchild.getChild2().getOpcode() == LONG_ALOAD_opcode && 
4592      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode  
4593    ) {
4594      c = STATE(lchild.getChild1()).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(lchild.getChild2().getChild1()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(lchild.getChild2().getChild2()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + ARRAY_ADDRESS_EQUAL(P(p), PLR(p), 17);
4595      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 608, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
4596      if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
4597        p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
4598        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0xC2); // p.stm = 194
4599      }
4600    }
4601    if ( // stm: LONG_ASTORE(load64,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
4602      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode  
4603    ) {
4604      c = STATE(lchild).getCost(20 /* load64 */) + STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + 32;
4605      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 462, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
4606      if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
4607        p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
4608        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0xDC); // p.stm = 220
4609      }
4610    }
4611    if ( // stm: LONG_ASTORE(load64,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,riv))
4612      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode  
4613    ) {
4614      c = STATE(lchild).getCost(20 /* load64 */) + STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + 32;
4615      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 463, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
4616      if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
4617        p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
4618        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0xDD); // p.stm = 221
4619      }
4620    }
4621  }
4623  /**
4624   * Labels FLOAT_ASTORE tree node
4625   * @param p node to label
4626   */
4627  private static void label_FLOAT_ASTORE(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
4628    p.initCost();
4629    AbstractBURS_TreeNode lchild, rchild;
4630    lchild = p.getChild1();
4631    rchild = p.getChild2();
4632    label(lchild);
4633    label(rchild);
4634    int c;
4635    if ( // stm: FLOAT_ASTORE(r,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
4636      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode  
4637    ) {
4638      c = STATE(lchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + 17;
4639      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 449, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
4640      if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
4641        p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
4642        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0xD0); // p.stm = 208
4643      }
4644    }
4645    if ( // stm: FLOAT_ASTORE(r,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,riv))
4646      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode  
4647    ) {
4648      c = STATE(lchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + 17;
4649      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 450, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
4650      if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
4651        p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
4652        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0xD1); // p.stm = 209
4653      }
4654    }
4655    if ( // stm: FLOAT_ASTORE(r,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,rlv))
4656      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode  
4657    ) {
4658      c = STATE(lchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + 17;
4659      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 451, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
4660      if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
4661        p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
4662        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0xD2); // p.stm = 210
4663      }
4664    }
4665    if ( // stm: FLOAT_ASTORE(r,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))
4666      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode  
4667    ) {
4668      c = STATE(lchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + 17;
4669      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 452, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
4670      if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
4671        p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
4672        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0xD3); // p.stm = 211
4673      }
4674    }
4675    if ( // stm: FLOAT_ASTORE(r,OTHER_OPERAND(r,r))
4676      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode  
4677    ) {
4678      c = STATE(lchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2()).getCost(2 /* r */) + 12;
4679      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 453, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
4680      if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
4681        p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
4682        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0xD4); // p.stm = 212
4683      }
4684    }
4685  }
4687  /**
4688   * Labels DOUBLE_ASTORE tree node
4689   * @param p node to label
4690   */
4691  private static void label_DOUBLE_ASTORE(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
4692    p.initCost();
4693    AbstractBURS_TreeNode lchild, rchild;
4694    lchild = p.getChild1();
4695    rchild = p.getChild2();
4696    label(lchild);
4697    label(rchild);
4698    int c;
4699    if ( // stm: DOUBLE_ASTORE(r,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
4700      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode  
4701    ) {
4702      c = STATE(lchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + 17;
4703      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 440, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
4704      if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
4705        p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
4706        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0xC7); // p.stm = 199
4707      }
4708    }
4709    if ( // stm: DOUBLE_ASTORE(r,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,riv))
4710      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode  
4711    ) {
4712      c = STATE(lchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + 17;
4713      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 441, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
4714      if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
4715        p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
4716        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0xC8); // p.stm = 200
4717      }
4718    }
4719    if ( // stm: DOUBLE_ASTORE(r,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,rlv))
4720      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode  
4721    ) {
4722      c = STATE(lchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + 17;
4723      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 442, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
4724      if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
4725        p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
4726        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0xC9); // p.stm = 201
4727      }
4728    }
4729    if ( // stm: DOUBLE_ASTORE(r,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))
4730      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode  
4731    ) {
4732      c = STATE(lchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + 17;
4733      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 443, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
4734      if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
4735        p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
4736        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0xCA); // p.stm = 202
4737      }
4738    }
4739    if ( // stm: DOUBLE_ASTORE(r,OTHER_OPERAND(r,r))
4740      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode  
4741    ) {
4742      c = STATE(lchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2()).getCost(2 /* r */) + 12;
4743      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 444, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
4744      if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
4745        p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
4746        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0xCB); // p.stm = 203
4747      }
4748    }
4749  }
4751  /**
4752   * Labels BYTE_ASTORE tree node
4753   * @param p node to label
4754   */
4755  private static void label_BYTE_ASTORE(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
4756    p.initCost();
4757    AbstractBURS_TreeNode lchild, rchild;
4758    lchild = p.getChild1();
4759    rchild = p.getChild2();
4760    label(lchild);
4761    label(rchild);
4762    int c;
4763    if ( // stm: BYTE_ASTORE(boolcmp,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
4764      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode  
4765    ) {
4766      c = STATE(lchild).getCost(19 /* boolcmp */) + STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + 15;
4767      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 413, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
4768      if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
4769        p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
4770        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0x4E); // p.stm = 78
4771      }
4772    }
4773    if ( // stm: BYTE_ASTORE(BOOLEAN_NOT(UBYTE_ALOAD(rlv,riv)),OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,riv))
4774      lchild.getOpcode() == BOOLEAN_NOT_opcode && 
4775      lchild.getChild1().getOpcode() == UBYTE_ALOAD_opcode && 
4776      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode  
4777    ) {
4778      c = STATE(lchild.getChild1().getChild1()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(lchild.getChild1().getChild2()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + ARRAY_ADDRESS_EQUAL(P(p), PLL(p), 17);
4779      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 531, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
4780      if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
4781        p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
4782        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0x50); // p.stm = 80
4783      }
4784    }
4785    if ( // stm: BYTE_ASTORE(riv,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,riv))
4786      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode  
4787    ) {
4788      c = STATE(lchild).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + 15;
4789      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 416, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
4790      if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
4791        p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
4792        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0x53); // p.stm = 83
4793      }
4794    }
4795    if ( // stm: BYTE_ASTORE(load8,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,riv))
4796      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode  
4797    ) {
4798      c = STATE(lchild).getCost(21 /* load8 */) + STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + 25;
4799      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 417, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
4800      if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
4801        p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
4802        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0x54); // p.stm = 84
4803      }
4804    }
4805    if ( // stm: BYTE_ASTORE(INT_2BYTE(r),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
4806      lchild.getOpcode() == INT_2BYTE_opcode && 
4807      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode  
4808    ) {
4809      c = STATE(lchild.getChild1()).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + 15;
4810      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 562, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
4811      if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
4812        p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
4813        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0x56); // p.stm = 86
4814      }
4815    }
4816  }
4818  /**
4819   * Labels SHORT_ASTORE tree node
4820   * @param p node to label
4821   */
4822  private static void label_SHORT_ASTORE(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
4823    p.initCost();
4824    AbstractBURS_TreeNode lchild, rchild;
4825    lchild = p.getChild1();
4826    rchild = p.getChild2();
4827    label(lchild);
4828    label(rchild);
4829    int c;
4830    if ( // stm: SHORT_ASTORE(riv,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
4831      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode  
4832    ) {
4833      c = STATE(lchild).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + 15;
4834      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 401, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
4835      if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
4836        p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
4837        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0x19); // p.stm = 25
4838      }
4839    }
4840    if ( // stm: SHORT_ASTORE(load16,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
4841      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode  
4842    ) {
4843      c = STATE(lchild).getCost(14 /* load16 */) + STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + 25;
4844      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 402, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
4845      if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
4846        p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
4847        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0x1A); // p.stm = 26
4848      }
4849    }
4850    if ( // stm: SHORT_ASTORE(riv,OTHER_OPERAND(r,r))
4851      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode  
4852    ) {
4853      c = STATE(lchild).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2()).getCost(2 /* r */) + 10;
4854      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 403, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
4855      if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
4856        p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
4857        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0x1B); // p.stm = 27
4858      }
4859    }
4860    if ( // stm: SHORT_ASTORE(INT_2SHORT(r),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
4861      lchild.getOpcode() == INT_2SHORT_opcode && 
4862      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode  
4863    ) {
4864      c = STATE(lchild.getChild1()).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + 15;
4865      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 564, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
4866      if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
4867        p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
4868        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0x58); // p.stm = 88
4869      }
4870    }
4871    if ( // stm: SHORT_ASTORE(INT_2USHORT(r),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
4872      lchild.getOpcode() == INT_2USHORT_opcode && 
4873      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode  
4874    ) {
4875      c = STATE(lchild.getChild1()).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + 15;
4876      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 566, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
4877      if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
4878        p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
4879        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0x5A); // p.stm = 90
4880      }
4881    }
4882  }
4884  /**
4885   * Labels INT_IFCMP tree node
4886   * @param p node to label
4887   */
4888  private static void label_INT_IFCMP(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
4889    p.initCost();
4890    AbstractBURS_TreeNode lchild, rchild;
4891    lchild = p.getChild1();
4892    rchild = p.getChild2();
4893    label(lchild);
4894    label(rchild);
4895    int c;
4897      lchild.getOpcode() == ATTEMPT_INT_opcode && 
4898      lchild.getChild2().getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode && 
4899      lchild.getChild2().getChild2().getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode && 
4900      rchild.getOpcode() == INT_CONSTANT_opcode  
4901    ) {
4902      c = STATE(lchild.getChild1()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(lchild.getChild2().getChild1()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(lchild.getChild2().getChild2().getChild1()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(lchild.getChild2().getChild2().getChild2()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + isZERO(VR(p), 54);
4903      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 494, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
4904      if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
4905        p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
4906        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0x31); // p.stm = 49
4907      }
4908    }
4909    if ( // stm: INT_IFCMP(ATTEMPT_INT(r,OTHER_OPERAND(address1scaledreg,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))),INT_CONSTANT)
4910      lchild.getOpcode() == ATTEMPT_INT_opcode && 
4911      lchild.getChild2().getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode && 
4912      lchild.getChild2().getChild2().getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode && 
4913      rchild.getOpcode() == INT_CONSTANT_opcode  
4914    ) {
4915      c = STATE(lchild.getChild1()).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(lchild.getChild2().getChild1()).getCost(15 /* address1scaledreg */) + STATE(lchild.getChild2().getChild2().getChild1()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(lchild.getChild2().getChild2().getChild2()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + isZERO(VR(p), 54);
4916      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 495, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
4917      if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
4918        p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
4919        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0x32); // p.stm = 50
4920      }
4921    }
4922    if ( // stm: INT_IFCMP(ATTEMPT_INT(address1scaledreg,OTHER_OPERAND(r,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))),INT_CONSTANT)
4923      lchild.getOpcode() == ATTEMPT_INT_opcode && 
4924      lchild.getChild2().getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode && 
4925      lchild.getChild2().getChild2().getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode && 
4926      rchild.getOpcode() == INT_CONSTANT_opcode  
4927    ) {
4928      c = STATE(lchild.getChild1()).getCost(15 /* address1scaledreg */) + STATE(lchild.getChild2().getChild1()).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(lchild.getChild2().getChild2().getChild1()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(lchild.getChild2().getChild2().getChild2()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + isZERO(VR(p), 54);
4929      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 496, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
4930      if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
4931        p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
4932        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0x33); // p.stm = 51
4933      }
4934    }
4935    if ( // stm: INT_IFCMP(ATTEMPT_INT(address1scaledreg,OTHER_OPERAND(address1reg,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))),INT_CONSTANT)
4936      lchild.getOpcode() == ATTEMPT_INT_opcode && 
4937      lchild.getChild2().getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode && 
4938      lchild.getChild2().getChild2().getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode && 
4939      rchild.getOpcode() == INT_CONSTANT_opcode  
4940    ) {
4941      c = STATE(lchild.getChild1()).getCost(15 /* address1scaledreg */) + STATE(lchild.getChild2().getChild1()).getCost(16 /* address1reg */) + STATE(lchild.getChild2().getChild2().getChild1()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(lchild.getChild2().getChild2().getChild2()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + isZERO(VR(p),54);
4942      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 497, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
4943      if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
4944        p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
4945        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0x34); // p.stm = 52
4946      }
4947    }
4948    if ( // stm: INT_IFCMP(ATTEMPT_INT(address1reg,OTHER_OPERAND(address1scaledreg,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))),INT_CONSTANT)
4949      lchild.getOpcode() == ATTEMPT_INT_opcode && 
4950      lchild.getChild2().getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode && 
4951      lchild.getChild2().getChild2().getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode && 
4952      rchild.getOpcode() == INT_CONSTANT_opcode  
4953    ) {
4954      c = STATE(lchild.getChild1()).getCost(16 /* address1reg */) + STATE(lchild.getChild2().getChild1()).getCost(15 /* address1scaledreg */) + STATE(lchild.getChild2().getChild2().getChild1()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(lchild.getChild2().getChild2().getChild2()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + isZERO(VR(p),54);
4955      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 498, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
4956      if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
4957        p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
4958        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0x35); // p.stm = 53
4959      }
4960    }
4962      lchild.getOpcode() == ATTEMPT_INT_opcode && 
4963      lchild.getChild2().getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode && 
4964      lchild.getChild2().getChild1().getOpcode() == INT_CONSTANT_opcode && 
4965      lchild.getChild2().getChild2().getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode && 
4966      rchild.getOpcode() == INT_CONSTANT_opcode  
4967    ) {
4968      c = STATE(lchild.getChild1()).getCost(17 /* address */) + STATE(lchild.getChild2().getChild2().getChild1()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(lchild.getChild2().getChild2().getChild2()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + isZERO(VR(p), 54);
4969      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 514, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
4970      if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
4971        p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
4972        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0x36); // p.stm = 54
4973      }
4974    }
4976      lchild.getOpcode() == ATTEMPT_INT_opcode && 
4977      lchild.getChild1().getOpcode() == INT_CONSTANT_opcode && 
4978      lchild.getChild2().getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode && 
4979      lchild.getChild2().getChild2().getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode && 
4980      rchild.getOpcode() == INT_CONSTANT_opcode  
4981    ) {
4982      c = STATE(lchild.getChild2().getChild1()).getCost(17 /* address */) + STATE(lchild.getChild2().getChild2().getChild1()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(lchild.getChild2().getChild2().getChild2()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + isZERO(VR(p),54);
4983      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 518, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
4984      if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
4985        p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
4986        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0x37); // p.stm = 55
4987      }
4988    }
4990      lchild.getOpcode() == ATTEMPT_INT_opcode && 
4991      lchild.getChild2().getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode && 
4992      lchild.getChild2().getChild2().getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode && 
4993      rchild.getOpcode() == INT_CONSTANT_opcode  
4994    ) {
4995      c = STATE(lchild.getChild1()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(lchild.getChild2().getChild1()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(lchild.getChild2().getChild2().getChild1()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(lchild.getChild2().getChild2().getChild2()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + isONE(VR(p), 54);
4996      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 499, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
4997      if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
4998        p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
4999        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0x38); // p.stm = 56
5000      }
5001    }
5002    if ( // stm: INT_IFCMP(ATTEMPT_INT(r,OTHER_OPERAND(address1scaledreg,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))),INT_CONSTANT)
5003      lchild.getOpcode() == ATTEMPT_INT_opcode && 
5004      lchild.getChild2().getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode && 
5005      lchild.getChild2().getChild2().getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode && 
5006      rchild.getOpcode() == INT_CONSTANT_opcode  
5007    ) {
5008      c = STATE(lchild.getChild1()).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(lchild.getChild2().getChild1()).getCost(15 /* address1scaledreg */) + STATE(lchild.getChild2().getChild2().getChild1()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(lchild.getChild2().getChild2().getChild2()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + isONE(VR(p), 54);
5009      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 500, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
5010      if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
5011        p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
5012        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0x39); // p.stm = 57
5013      }
5014    }
5015    if ( // stm: INT_IFCMP(ATTEMPT_INT(address1scaledreg,OTHER_OPERAND(r,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))),INT_CONSTANT)
5016      lchild.getOpcode() == ATTEMPT_INT_opcode && 
5017      lchild.getChild2().getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode && 
5018      lchild.getChild2().getChild2().getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode && 
5019      rchild.getOpcode() == INT_CONSTANT_opcode  
5020    ) {
5021      c = STATE(lchild.getChild1()).getCost(15 /* address1scaledreg */) + STATE(lchild.getChild2().getChild1()).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(lchild.getChild2().getChild2().getChild1()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(lchild.getChild2().getChild2().getChild2()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + isONE(VR(p), 54);
5022      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 501, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
5023      if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
5024        p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
5025        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0x3A); // p.stm = 58
5026      }
5027    }
5028    if ( // stm: INT_IFCMP(ATTEMPT_INT(address1scaledreg,OTHER_OPERAND(address1reg,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))),INT_CONSTANT)
5029      lchild.getOpcode() == ATTEMPT_INT_opcode && 
5030      lchild.getChild2().getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode && 
5031      lchild.getChild2().getChild2().getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode && 
5032      rchild.getOpcode() == INT_CONSTANT_opcode  
5033    ) {
5034      c = STATE(lchild.getChild1()).getCost(15 /* address1scaledreg */) + STATE(lchild.getChild2().getChild1()).getCost(16 /* address1reg */) + STATE(lchild.getChild2().getChild2().getChild1()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(lchild.getChild2().getChild2().getChild2()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + isONE(VR(p), 54);
5035      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 502, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
5036      if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
5037        p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
5038        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0x3B); // p.stm = 59
5039      }
5040    }
5041    if ( // stm: INT_IFCMP(ATTEMPT_INT(address1reg,OTHER_OPERAND(address1scaledreg,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))),INT_CONSTANT)
5042      lchild.getOpcode() == ATTEMPT_INT_opcode && 
5043      lchild.getChild2().getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode && 
5044      lchild.getChild2().getChild2().getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode && 
5045      rchild.getOpcode() == INT_CONSTANT_opcode  
5046    ) {
5047      c = STATE(lchild.getChild1()).getCost(16 /* address1reg */) + STATE(lchild.getChild2().getChild1()).getCost(15 /* address1scaledreg */) + STATE(lchild.getChild2().getChild2().getChild1()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(lchild.getChild2().getChild2().getChild2()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + isONE(VR(p), 54);
5048      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 503, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
5049      if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
5050        p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
5051        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0x3C); // p.stm = 60
5052      }
5053    }
5055      lchild.getOpcode() == ATTEMPT_INT_opcode && 
5056      lchild.getChild2().getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode && 
5057      lchild.getChild2().getChild1().getOpcode() == INT_CONSTANT_opcode && 
5058      lchild.getChild2().getChild2().getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode && 
5059      rchild.getOpcode() == INT_CONSTANT_opcode  
5060    ) {
5061      c = STATE(lchild.getChild1()).getCost(17 /* address */) + STATE(lchild.getChild2().getChild2().getChild1()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(lchild.getChild2().getChild2().getChild2()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + isONE(VR(p), 54);
5062      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 515, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
5063      if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
5064        p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
5065        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0x3D); // p.stm = 61
5066      }
5067    }
5069      lchild.getOpcode() == ATTEMPT_INT_opcode && 
5070      lchild.getChild1().getOpcode() == INT_CONSTANT_opcode && 
5071      lchild.getChild2().getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode && 
5072      lchild.getChild2().getChild2().getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode && 
5073      rchild.getOpcode() == INT_CONSTANT_opcode  
5074    ) {
5075      c = STATE(lchild.getChild2().getChild1()).getCost(17 /* address */) + STATE(lchild.getChild2().getChild2().getChild1()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(lchild.getChild2().getChild2().getChild2()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + isONE(VR(p), 54);
5076      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 519, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
5077      if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
5078        p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
5079        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0x3E); // p.stm = 62
5080      }
5081    }
5083      lchild.getOpcode() == ATTEMPT_LONG_opcode && 
5084      lchild.getChild2().getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode && 
5085      lchild.getChild2().getChild2().getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode && 
5086      rchild.getOpcode() == INT_CONSTANT_opcode  
5087    ) {
5088      c = STATE(lchild.getChild1()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(lchild.getChild2().getChild1()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(lchild.getChild2().getChild2().getChild1()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(lchild.getChild2().getChild2().getChild2()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + isZERO(VR(p), 54);
5089      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 504, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
5090      if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
5091        p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
5092        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0x3F); // p.stm = 63
5093      }
5094    }
5095    if ( // stm: INT_IFCMP(ATTEMPT_LONG(r,OTHER_OPERAND(address1scaledreg,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))),INT_CONSTANT)
5096      lchild.getOpcode() == ATTEMPT_LONG_opcode && 
5097      lchild.getChild2().getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode && 
5098      lchild.getChild2().getChild2().getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode && 
5099      rchild.getOpcode() == INT_CONSTANT_opcode  
5100    ) {
5101      c = STATE(lchild.getChild1()).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(lchild.getChild2().getChild1()).getCost(15 /* address1scaledreg */) + STATE(lchild.getChild2().getChild2().getChild1()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(lchild.getChild2().getChild2().getChild2()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + isZERO(VR(p), 54);
5102      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 505, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
5103      if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
5104        p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
5105        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0x40); // p.stm = 64
5106      }
5107    }
5108    if ( // stm: INT_IFCMP(ATTEMPT_LONG(address1scaledreg,OTHER_OPERAND(r,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))),INT_CONSTANT)
5109      lchild.getOpcode() == ATTEMPT_LONG_opcode && 
5110      lchild.getChild2().getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode && 
5111      lchild.getChild2().getChild2().getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode && 
5112      rchild.getOpcode() == INT_CONSTANT_opcode  
5113    ) {
5114      c = STATE(lchild.getChild1()).getCost(15 /* address1scaledreg */) + STATE(lchild.getChild2().getChild1()).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(lchild.getChild2().getChild2().getChild1()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(lchild.getChild2().getChild2().getChild2()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + isZERO(VR(p), 54);
5115      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 506, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
5116      if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
5117        p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
5118        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0x41); // p.stm = 65
5119      }
5120    }
5121    if ( // stm: INT_IFCMP(ATTEMPT_LONG(address1scaledreg,OTHER_OPERAND(address1reg,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))),INT_CONSTANT)
5122      lchild.getOpcode() == ATTEMPT_LONG_opcode && 
5123      lchild.getChild2().getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode && 
5124      lchild.getChild2().getChild2().getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode && 
5125      rchild.getOpcode() == INT_CONSTANT_opcode  
5126    ) {
5127      c = STATE(lchild.getChild1()).getCost(15 /* address1scaledreg */) + STATE(lchild.getChild2().getChild1()).getCost(16 /* address1reg */) + STATE(lchild.getChild2().getChild2().getChild1()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(lchild.getChild2().getChild2().getChild2()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + isZERO(VR(p),54);
5128      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 507, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
5129      if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
5130        p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
5131        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0x42); // p.stm = 66
5132      }
5133    }
5134    if ( // stm: INT_IFCMP(ATTEMPT_LONG(address1reg,OTHER_OPERAND(address1scaledreg,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))),INT_CONSTANT)
5135      lchild.getOpcode() == ATTEMPT_LONG_opcode && 
5136      lchild.getChild2().getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode && 
5137      lchild.getChild2().getChild2().getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode && 
5138      rchild.getOpcode() == INT_CONSTANT_opcode  
5139    ) {
5140      c = STATE(lchild.getChild1()).getCost(16 /* address1reg */) + STATE(lchild.getChild2().getChild1()).getCost(15 /* address1scaledreg */) + STATE(lchild.getChild2().getChild2().getChild1()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(lchild.getChild2().getChild2().getChild2()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + isZERO(VR(p),54);
5141      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 508, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
5142      if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
5143        p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
5144        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0x43); // p.stm = 67
5145      }
5146    }
5148      lchild.getOpcode() == ATTEMPT_LONG_opcode && 
5149      lchild.getChild2().getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode && 
5150      lchild.getChild2().getChild1().getOpcode() == LONG_CONSTANT_opcode && 
5151      lchild.getChild2().getChild2().getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode && 
5152      rchild.getOpcode() == INT_CONSTANT_opcode  
5153    ) {
5154      c = STATE(lchild.getChild1()).getCost(17 /* address */) + STATE(lchild.getChild2().getChild2().getChild1()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(lchild.getChild2().getChild2().getChild2()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + isZERO(VR(p), 54);
5155      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 516, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
5156      if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
5157        p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
5158        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0x44); // p.stm = 68
5159      }
5160    }
5162      lchild.getOpcode() == ATTEMPT_LONG_opcode && 
5163      lchild.getChild1().getOpcode() == LONG_CONSTANT_opcode && 
5164      lchild.getChild2().getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode && 
5165      lchild.getChild2().getChild2().getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode && 
5166      rchild.getOpcode() == INT_CONSTANT_opcode  
5167    ) {
5168      c = STATE(lchild.getChild2().getChild1()).getCost(17 /* address */) + STATE(lchild.getChild2().getChild2().getChild1()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(lchild.getChild2().getChild2().getChild2()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + isZERO(VR(p),54);
5169      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 520, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
5170      if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
5171        p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
5172        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0x45); // p.stm = 69
5173      }
5174    }
5176      lchild.getOpcode() == ATTEMPT_LONG_opcode && 
5177      lchild.getChild2().getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode && 
5178      lchild.getChild2().getChild2().getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode && 
5179      rchild.getOpcode() == INT_CONSTANT_opcode  
5180    ) {
5181      c = STATE(lchild.getChild1()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(lchild.getChild2().getChild1()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(lchild.getChild2().getChild2().getChild1()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(lchild.getChild2().getChild2().getChild2()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + isONE(VR(p), 54);
5182      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 509, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
5183      if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
5184        p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
5185        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0x46); // p.stm = 70
5186      }
5187    }
5188    if ( // stm: INT_IFCMP(ATTEMPT_LONG(r,OTHER_OPERAND(address1scaledreg,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))),INT_CONSTANT)
5189      lchild.getOpcode() == ATTEMPT_LONG_opcode && 
5190      lchild.getChild2().getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode && 
5191      lchild.getChild2().getChild2().getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode && 
5192      rchild.getOpcode() == INT_CONSTANT_opcode  
5193    ) {
5194      c = STATE(lchild.getChild1()).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(lchild.getChild2().getChild1()).getCost(15 /* address1scaledreg */) + STATE(lchild.getChild2().getChild2().getChild1()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(lchild.getChild2().getChild2().getChild2()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + isONE(VR(p), 54);
5195      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 510, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
5196      if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
5197        p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
5198        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0x47); // p.stm = 71
5199      }
5200    }
5201    if ( // stm: INT_IFCMP(ATTEMPT_LONG(address1scaledreg,OTHER_OPERAND(r,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))),INT_CONSTANT)
5202      lchild.getOpcode() == ATTEMPT_LONG_opcode && 
5203      lchild.getChild2().getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode && 
5204      lchild.getChild2().getChild2().getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode && 
5205      rchild.getOpcode() == INT_CONSTANT_opcode  
5206    ) {
5207      c = STATE(lchild.getChild1()).getCost(15 /* address1scaledreg */) + STATE(lchild.getChild2().getChild1()).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(lchild.getChild2().getChild2().getChild1()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(lchild.getChild2().getChild2().getChild2()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + isONE(VR(p), 54);
5208      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 511, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
5209      if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
5210        p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
5211        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0x48); // p.stm = 72
5212      }
5213    }
5214    if ( // stm: INT_IFCMP(ATTEMPT_LONG(address1scaledreg,OTHER_OPERAND(address1reg,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))),INT_CONSTANT)
5215      lchild.getOpcode() == ATTEMPT_LONG_opcode && 
5216      lchild.getChild2().getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode && 
5217      lchild.getChild2().getChild2().getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode && 
5218      rchild.getOpcode() == INT_CONSTANT_opcode  
5219    ) {
5220      c = STATE(lchild.getChild1()).getCost(15 /* address1scaledreg */) + STATE(lchild.getChild2().getChild1()).getCost(16 /* address1reg */) + STATE(lchild.getChild2().getChild2().getChild1()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(lchild.getChild2().getChild2().getChild2()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + isONE(VR(p), 54);
5221      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 512, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
5222      if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
5223        p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
5224        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0x49); // p.stm = 73
5225      }
5226    }
5227    if ( // stm: INT_IFCMP(ATTEMPT_LONG(address1reg,OTHER_OPERAND(address1scaledreg,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))),INT_CONSTANT)
5228      lchild.getOpcode() == ATTEMPT_LONG_opcode && 
5229      lchild.getChild2().getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode && 
5230      lchild.getChild2().getChild2().getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode && 
5231      rchild.getOpcode() == INT_CONSTANT_opcode  
5232    ) {
5233      c = STATE(lchild.getChild1()).getCost(16 /* address1reg */) + STATE(lchild.getChild2().getChild1()).getCost(15 /* address1scaledreg */) + STATE(lchild.getChild2().getChild2().getChild1()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(lchild.getChild2().getChild2().getChild2()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + isONE(VR(p), 54);
5234      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 513, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
5235      if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
5236        p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
5237        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0x4A); // p.stm = 74
5238      }
5239    }
5241      lchild.getOpcode() == ATTEMPT_LONG_opcode && 
5242      lchild.getChild2().getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode && 
5243      lchild.getChild2().getChild1().getOpcode() == LONG_CONSTANT_opcode && 
5244      lchild.getChild2().getChild2().getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode && 
5245      rchild.getOpcode() == INT_CONSTANT_opcode  
5246    ) {
5247      c = STATE(lchild.getChild1()).getCost(17 /* address */) + STATE(lchild.getChild2().getChild2().getChild1()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(lchild.getChild2().getChild2().getChild2()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + isONE(VR(p), 54);
5248      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 517, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
5249      if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
5250        p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
5251        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0x4B); // p.stm = 75
5252      }
5253    }
5255      lchild.getOpcode() == ATTEMPT_LONG_opcode && 
5256      lchild.getChild1().getOpcode() == LONG_CONSTANT_opcode && 
5257      lchild.getChild2().getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode && 
5258      lchild.getChild2().getChild2().getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode && 
5259      rchild.getOpcode() == INT_CONSTANT_opcode  
5260    ) {
5261      c = STATE(lchild.getChild2().getChild1()).getCost(17 /* address */) + STATE(lchild.getChild2().getChild2().getChild1()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(lchild.getChild2().getChild2().getChild2()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + isONE(VR(p), 54);
5262      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 521, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
5263      if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
5264        p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
5265        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0x4C); // p.stm = 76
5266      }
5267    }
5268    // stm: INT_IFCMP(r,riv)
5269    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(7 /* riv */) + 26;
5270    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 93, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
5271    if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
5272      p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
5273      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0x63); // p.stm = 99
5274    }
5275    if ( // stm: INT_IFCMP(r,INT_CONSTANT)
5276      rchild.getOpcode() == INT_CONSTANT_opcode  
5277    ) {
5278      c = STATE(lchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + (VR(p) == 0 && CMP_TO_TEST(IfCmp.getCond(P(p))) ? 24:INFINITE);
5279      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 309, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
5280      if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
5281        p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
5282        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0x64); // p.stm = 100
5283      }
5284    }
5285    if ( // stm: INT_IFCMP(load8,INT_CONSTANT)
5286      rchild.getOpcode() == INT_CONSTANT_opcode  
5287    ) {
5288      c = STATE(lchild).getCost(21 /* load8 */) + FITS(IfCmp.getVal2(P(p)), 8, 28);
5289      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 310, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
5290      if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
5291        p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
5292        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0x65); // p.stm = 101
5293      }
5294    }
5295    // stm: INT_IFCMP(uload8,r)
5296    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(11 /* uload8 */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + 28;
5297    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 94, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
5298    if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
5299      p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
5300      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0x66); // p.stm = 102
5301    }
5302    // stm: INT_IFCMP(r,uload8)
5303    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(11 /* uload8 */) + 28;
5304    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 95, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
5305    if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
5306      p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
5307      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0x67); // p.stm = 103
5308    }
5309    if ( // stm: INT_IFCMP(sload16,INT_CONSTANT)
5310      rchild.getOpcode() == INT_CONSTANT_opcode  
5311    ) {
5312      c = STATE(lchild).getCost(22 /* sload16 */) + FITS(IfCmp.getVal2(P(p)), 8, 28);
5313      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 311, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
5314      if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
5315        p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
5316        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0x68); // p.stm = 104
5317      }
5318    }
5319    // stm: INT_IFCMP(load32,riv)
5320    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(10 /* load32 */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(7 /* riv */) + 28;
5321    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 96, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
5322    if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
5323      p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
5324      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0x69); // p.stm = 105
5325    }
5326    // stm: INT_IFCMP(r,load32)
5327    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(10 /* load32 */) + 28;
5328    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 97, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
5329    if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
5330      p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
5331      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0x6A); // p.stm = 106
5332    }
5333    if ( // stm: INT_IFCMP(boolcmp,INT_CONSTANT)
5334      rchild.getOpcode() == INT_CONSTANT_opcode  
5335    ) {
5336      c = STATE(lchild).getCost(19 /* boolcmp */) + ((VR(p) == 0 && IfCmp.getCond(P(p)).isNOT_EQUAL()) || (VR(p) == 1 && IfCmp.getCond(P(p)).isEQUAL()) ? 13:INFINITE);
5337      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 312, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
5338      if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
5339        p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
5340        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0x6B); // p.stm = 107
5341      }
5342    }
5343    if ( // stm: INT_IFCMP(boolcmp,INT_CONSTANT)
5344      rchild.getOpcode() == INT_CONSTANT_opcode  
5345    ) {
5346      c = STATE(lchild).getCost(19 /* boolcmp */) + ((VR(p) == 0 && IfCmp.getCond(P(p)).isEQUAL()) || (VR(p) == 1 && IfCmp.getCond(P(p)).isNOT_EQUAL()) ? 13:INFINITE);
5347      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 313, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
5348      if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
5349        p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
5350        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0x6C); // p.stm = 108
5351      }
5352    }
5353    if ( // stm: INT_IFCMP(cz,INT_CONSTANT)
5354      rchild.getOpcode() == INT_CONSTANT_opcode  
5355    ) {
5356      c = STATE(lchild).getCost(4 /* cz */) + isZERO(VR(p), 11);
5357      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 314, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
5358      if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
5359        p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
5360        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0x6D); // p.stm = 109
5361      }
5362    }
5363    if ( // stm: INT_IFCMP(szp,INT_CONSTANT)
5364      rchild.getOpcode() == INT_CONSTANT_opcode  
5365    ) {
5366      c = STATE(lchild).getCost(6 /* szp */) + (VR(p) == 0 && EQ_NE(IfCmp.getCond(P(p)))?11:INFINITE);
5367      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 315, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
5368      if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
5369        p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
5370        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0x6E); // p.stm = 110
5371      }
5372    }
5373    if ( // stm: INT_IFCMP(bittest,INT_CONSTANT)
5374      rchild.getOpcode() == INT_CONSTANT_opcode  
5375    ) {
5376      c = STATE(lchild).getCost(18 /* bittest */) + ((VR(p) == 0 || VR(p) == 1) && EQ_NE(IfCmp.getCond(P(p))) ? 11 : INFINITE);
5377      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 316, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
5378      if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
5379        p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
5380        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0x6F); // p.stm = 111
5381      }
5382    }
5383  }
5385  /**
5386   * Labels INT_IFCMP2 tree node
5387   * @param p node to label
5388   */
5389  private static void label_INT_IFCMP2(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
5390    p.initCost();
5391    AbstractBURS_TreeNode lchild, rchild;
5392    lchild = p.getChild1();
5393    rchild = p.getChild2();
5394    label(lchild);
5395    label(rchild);
5396    int c;
5397    // stm: INT_IFCMP2(r,riv)
5398    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(7 /* riv */) + 26;
5399    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 98, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
5400    if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
5401      p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
5402      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0x70); // p.stm = 112
5403    }
5404    // stm: INT_IFCMP2(load32,riv)
5405    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(10 /* load32 */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(7 /* riv */) + 28;
5406    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 99, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
5407    if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
5408      p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
5409      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0x71); // p.stm = 113
5410    }
5411    // stm: INT_IFCMP2(riv,load32)
5412    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(10 /* load32 */) + 28;
5413    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 100, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
5414    if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
5415      p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
5416      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0x72); // p.stm = 114
5417    }
5418  }
5420  /**
5421   * Labels LONG_IFCMP tree node
5422   * @param p node to label
5423   */
5424  private static void label_LONG_IFCMP(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
5425    p.initCost();
5426    AbstractBURS_TreeNode lchild, rchild;
5427    lchild = p.getChild1();
5428    rchild = p.getChild2();
5429    label(lchild);
5430    label(rchild);
5431    int c;
5432    // stm: LONG_IFCMP(rlv,rlv)
5433    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + 26;
5434    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 173, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
5435    if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
5436      p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
5437      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0x9F); // p.stm = 159
5438    }
5439    if ( // stm: LONG_IFCMP(r,LONG_CONSTANT)
5440      rchild.getOpcode() == LONG_CONSTANT_opcode  
5441    ) {
5442      c = STATE(lchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + (LV(IfCmp.getVal2(P(p))) == 0 && CMP_TO_TEST(IfCmp.getCond(P(p))) ? 24:INFINITE);
5443      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 341, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
5444      if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
5445        p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
5446        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0xA0); // p.stm = 160
5447      }
5448    }
5449  }
5451  /**
5452   * Labels FLOAT_IFCMP tree node
5453   * @param p node to label
5454   */
5455  private static void label_FLOAT_IFCMP(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
5456    p.initCost();
5457    AbstractBURS_TreeNode lchild, rchild;
5458    lchild = p.getChild1();
5459    rchild = p.getChild2();
5460    label(lchild);
5461    label(rchild);
5462    int c;
5463    // stm: FLOAT_IFCMP(r,r)
5464    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + 13;
5465    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 241, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
5466    if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
5467      p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
5468      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0xD6); // p.stm = 214
5469    }
5470    // stm: FLOAT_IFCMP(r,float_load)
5471    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(26 /* float_load */) + 15;
5472    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 242, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
5473    if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
5474      p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
5475      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0xD7); // p.stm = 215
5476    }
5477    // stm: FLOAT_IFCMP(float_load,r)
5478    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(26 /* float_load */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + 15;
5479    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 243, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
5480    if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
5481      p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
5482      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0xD8); // p.stm = 216
5483    }
5484  }
5486  /**
5487   * Labels DOUBLE_IFCMP tree node
5488   * @param p node to label
5489   */
5490  private static void label_DOUBLE_IFCMP(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
5491    p.initCost();
5492    AbstractBURS_TreeNode lchild, rchild;
5493    lchild = p.getChild1();
5494    rchild = p.getChild2();
5495    label(lchild);
5496    label(rchild);
5497    int c;
5498    // stm: DOUBLE_IFCMP(r,r)
5499    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + 13;
5500    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 244, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
5501    if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
5502      p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
5503      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0xD9); // p.stm = 217
5504    }
5505    // stm: DOUBLE_IFCMP(r,double_load)
5506    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(27 /* double_load */) + 15;
5507    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 245, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
5508    if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
5509      p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
5510      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0xDA); // p.stm = 218
5511    }
5512    // stm: DOUBLE_IFCMP(double_load,r)
5513    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(27 /* double_load */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + 15;
5514    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 246, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
5515    if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
5516      p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
5517      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0xDB); // p.stm = 219
5518    }
5519  }
5521  /**
5522   * Labels UNINT_BEGIN tree node
5523   * @param p node to label
5524   */
5525  private static void label_UNINT_BEGIN(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
5526    p.initCost();
5527    // stm: UNINT_BEGIN
5528    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 28, 10 + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
5529    if (10 < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
5530      p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(10));
5531      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0x3); // p.stm = 3
5532    }
5533  }
5535  /**
5536   * Labels UNINT_END tree node
5537   * @param p node to label
5538   */
5539  private static void label_UNINT_END(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
5540    p.initCost();
5541    // stm: UNINT_END
5542    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 29, 10 + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
5543    if (10 < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
5544      p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(10));
5545      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0x4); // p.stm = 4
5546    }
5547  }
5549  /**
5550   * Labels FENCE tree node
5551   * @param p node to label
5552   */
5553  private static void label_FENCE(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
5554    p.initCost();
5555    // stm: FENCE
5556    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 44, 11 + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
5557    if (11 < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
5558      p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(11));
5559      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0x2A); // p.stm = 42
5560    }
5561  }
5563  /**
5564   * Labels READ_CEILING tree node
5565   * @param p node to label
5566   */
5567  private static void label_READ_CEILING(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
5568    p.initCost();
5569    // stm: READ_CEILING
5570    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 43, 11 + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
5571    if (11 < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
5572      p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(11));
5573      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0x29); // p.stm = 41
5574    }
5575  }
5577  /**
5578   * Labels WRITE_FLOOR tree node
5579   * @param p node to label
5580   */
5581  private static void label_WRITE_FLOOR(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
5582    p.initCost();
5583    // stm: WRITE_FLOOR
5584    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 42, 11 + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
5585    if (11 < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
5586      p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(11));
5587      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0x28); // p.stm = 40
5588    }
5589  }
5591  /**
5592   * Labels NOP tree node
5593   * @param p node to label
5594   */
5595  private static void label_NOP(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
5596    p.initCost();
5597    // stm: NOP
5598    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 34, 10 + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
5599    if (10 < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
5600      p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(10));
5601      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0xA); // p.stm = 10
5602    }
5603  }
5605  /**
5606   * Labels INT_MOVE tree node
5607   * @param p node to label
5608   */
5609  private static void label_INT_MOVE(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
5610    p.initCost();
5611    AbstractBURS_TreeNode lchild;
5612    lchild = p.getChild1();
5613    label(lchild);
5614    int c;
5615    // address1reg: INT_MOVE(r)
5616    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + 0;
5617    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 260, c + 0, p.getCost(16) /* address1reg */);
5618    if (c < p.getCost(16) /* address1reg */) {
5619      p.setCost(16 /* address1reg */, (char)(c));
5620      p.writePacked(1, 0xE3FFFFFF, 0x8000000); // p.address1reg = 2
5621      closure_address1reg(p, c);
5622    }
5623    // r: INT_MOVE(riv)
5624    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(7 /* riv */) + 13;
5625    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 318, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
5626    if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
5627      p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
5628      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0x6200); // p.r = 98
5629      closure_r(p, c);
5630    }
5631    // czr: INT_MOVE(czr)
5632    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(3 /* czr */) + 11;
5633    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 319, c + 0, p.getCost(3) /* czr */);
5634    if (c < p.getCost(3) /* czr */) {
5635      p.setCost(3 /* czr */, (char)(c));
5636      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFE1FFFF, 0x80000); // p.czr = 4
5637      closure_czr(p, c);
5638    }
5639    // cz: INT_MOVE(cz)
5640    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(4 /* cz */) + 0;
5641    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 320, c + 0, p.getCost(4) /* cz */);
5642    if (c < p.getCost(4) /* cz */) {
5643      p.setCost(4 /* cz */, (char)(c));
5644      p.writePacked(0, 0xFF9FFFFF, 0x400000); // p.cz = 2
5645    }
5646    // szpr: INT_MOVE(szpr)
5647    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(5 /* szpr */) + 11;
5648    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 321, c + 0, p.getCost(5) /* szpr */);
5649    if (c < p.getCost(5) /* szpr */) {
5650      p.setCost(5 /* szpr */, (char)(c));
5651      p.writePacked(0, 0xE07FFFFF, 0x2800000); // p.szpr = 5
5652      closure_szpr(p, c);
5653    }
5654    // szp: INT_MOVE(szp)
5655    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(6 /* szp */) + 0;
5656    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 322, c + 0, p.getCost(6) /* szp */);
5657    if (c < p.getCost(6) /* szp */) {
5658      p.setCost(6 /* szp */, (char)(c));
5659      p.writePacked(1, 0xFFFFFFF0, 0x5); // p.szp = 5
5660    }
5661    // sload8: INT_MOVE(sload8)
5662    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(24 /* sload8 */) + 0;
5663    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 323, c + 0, p.getCost(24) /* sload8 */);
5664    if (c < p.getCost(24) /* sload8 */) {
5665      p.setCost(24 /* sload8 */, (char)(c));
5666      p.writePacked(2, 0xFE7FFFFF, 0x800000); // p.sload8 = 1
5667      closure_sload8(p, c);
5668    }
5669    // uload8: INT_MOVE(uload8)
5670    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(11 /* uload8 */) + 0;
5671    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 324, c + 0, p.getCost(11) /* uload8 */);
5672    if (c < p.getCost(11) /* uload8 */) {
5673      p.setCost(11 /* uload8 */, (char)(c));
5674      p.writePacked(1, 0xFFFE3FFF, 0x8000); // p.uload8 = 2
5675      closure_uload8(p, c);
5676    }
5677    // load8: INT_MOVE(load8)
5678    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(21 /* load8 */) + 0;
5679    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 325, c + 0, p.getCost(21) /* load8 */);
5680    if (c < p.getCost(21) /* load8 */) {
5681      p.setCost(21 /* load8 */, (char)(c));
5682      p.writePacked(2, 0xFFFE7FFF, 0x8000); // p.load8 = 1
5683      closure_load8(p, c);
5684    }
5685    // sload16: INT_MOVE(sload16)
5686    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(22 /* sload16 */) + 0;
5687    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 326, c + 0, p.getCost(22) /* sload16 */);
5688    if (c < p.getCost(22) /* sload16 */) {
5689      p.setCost(22 /* sload16 */, (char)(c));
5690      p.writePacked(2, 0xFFF1FFFF, 0x40000); // p.sload16 = 2
5691      closure_sload16(p, c);
5692    }
5693    // uload16: INT_MOVE(uload16)
5694    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(23 /* uload16 */) + 0;
5695    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 327, c + 0, p.getCost(23) /* uload16 */);
5696    if (c < p.getCost(23) /* uload16 */) {
5697      p.setCost(23 /* uload16 */, (char)(c));
5698      p.writePacked(2, 0xFF8FFFFF, 0x200000); // p.uload16 = 2
5699      closure_uload16(p, c);
5700    }
5701    // load16: INT_MOVE(load16)
5702    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(14 /* load16 */) + 0;
5703    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 328, c + 0, p.getCost(14) /* load16 */);
5704    if (c < p.getCost(14) /* load16 */) {
5705      p.setCost(14 /* load16 */, (char)(c));
5706      p.writePacked(1, 0xFF9FFFFF, 0x200000); // p.load16 = 1
5707      closure_load16(p, c);
5708    }
5709    // load32: INT_MOVE(load32)
5710    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(10 /* load32 */) + 0;
5711    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 329, c + 0, p.getCost(10) /* load32 */);
5712    if (c < p.getCost(10) /* load32 */) {
5713      p.setCost(10 /* load32 */, (char)(c));
5714      p.writePacked(1, 0xFFFFC7FF, 0x800); // p.load32 = 1
5715      closure_load32(p, c);
5716    }
5717  }
5719  /**
5720   * Labels LONG_MOVE tree node
5721   * @param p node to label
5722   */
5723  private static void label_LONG_MOVE(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
5724    p.initCost();
5725    AbstractBURS_TreeNode lchild;
5726    lchild = p.getChild1();
5727    label(lchild);
5728    int c;
5729    // address1reg: LONG_MOVE(r)
5730    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + 0;
5731    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 266, c + 0, p.getCost(16) /* address1reg */);
5732    if (c < p.getCost(16) /* address1reg */) {
5733      p.setCost(16 /* address1reg */, (char)(c));
5734      p.writePacked(1, 0xE3FFFFFF, 0x14000000); // p.address1reg = 5
5735      closure_address1reg(p, c);
5736    }
5737    // r: LONG_MOVE(address)
5738    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(17 /* address */) + 20;
5739    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 337, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
5740    if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
5741      p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
5742      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0x7D00); // p.r = 125
5743      closure_r(p, c);
5744    }
5745    // r: LONG_MOVE(rlv)
5746    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + 13;
5747    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 343, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
5748    if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
5749      p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
5750      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0x9E00); // p.r = 158
5751      closure_r(p, c);
5752    }
5753    // r: LONG_MOVE(riv)
5754    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(7 /* riv */) + 13;
5755    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 344, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
5756    if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
5757      p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
5758      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0x9F00); // p.r = 159
5759      closure_r(p, c);
5760    }
5761    // load64: LONG_MOVE(load64)
5762    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(20 /* load64 */) + 0;
5763    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 345, c + 0, p.getCost(20) /* load64 */);
5764    if (c < p.getCost(20) /* load64 */) {
5765      p.setCost(20 /* load64 */, (char)(c));
5766      p.writePacked(2, 0xFFFF8FFF, 0x4000); // p.load64 = 4
5767      closure_load64(p, c);
5768    }
5769  }
5771  /**
5772   * Labels FLOAT_MOVE tree node
5773   * @param p node to label
5774   */
5775  private static void label_FLOAT_MOVE(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
5776    p.initCost();
5777    AbstractBURS_TreeNode lchild;
5778    lchild = p.getChild1();
5779    label(lchild);
5780    int c;
5781    // r: FLOAT_MOVE(r)
5782    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + 13;
5783    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 358, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
5784    if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
5785      p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
5786      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0xC800); // p.r = 200
5787      closure_r(p, c);
5788    }
5789  }
5791  /**
5792   * Labels DOUBLE_MOVE tree node
5793   * @param p node to label
5794   */
5795  private static void label_DOUBLE_MOVE(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
5796    p.initCost();
5797    AbstractBURS_TreeNode lchild;
5798    lchild = p.getChild1();
5799    label(lchild);
5800    int c;
5801    // r: DOUBLE_MOVE(r)
5802    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + 13;
5803    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 359, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
5804    if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
5805      p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
5806      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0xC900); // p.r = 201
5807      closure_r(p, c);
5808    }
5809  }
5811  /**
5812   * Labels GUARD_MOVE tree node
5813   * @param p node to label
5814   */
5815  private static void label_GUARD_MOVE(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
5816    p.initCost();
5817    // r: GUARD_MOVE
5818    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 35, 11 + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
5819    if (11 < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
5820      p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(11));
5821      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0x400); // p.r = 4
5822      closure_r(p, 11);
5823    }
5824  }
5826  /**
5827   * Labels GUARD_COMBINE tree node
5828   * @param p node to label
5829   */
5830  private static void label_GUARD_COMBINE(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
5831    p.initCost();
5832    // r: GUARD_COMBINE
5833    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 36, 11 + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
5834    if (11 < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
5835      p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(11));
5836      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0x500); // p.r = 5
5837      closure_r(p, 11);
5838    }
5839  }
5841  /**
5842   * Labels INT_ADD tree node
5843   * @param p node to label
5844   */
5845  private static void label_INT_ADD(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
5846    p.initCost();
5847    AbstractBURS_TreeNode lchild, rchild;
5848    lchild = p.getChild1();
5849    rchild = p.getChild2();
5850    label(lchild);
5851    label(rchild);
5852    int c;
5853    if ( // address1reg: INT_ADD(r,LONG_CONSTANT)
5854      rchild.getOpcode() == LONG_CONSTANT_opcode  
5855    ) {
5856      c = STATE(lchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + 0;
5857      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 259, c + 0, p.getCost(16) /* address1reg */);
5858      if (c < p.getCost(16) /* address1reg */) {
5859        p.setCost(16 /* address1reg */, (char)(c));
5860        p.writePacked(1, 0xE3FFFFFF, 0x4000000); // p.address1reg = 1
5861        closure_address1reg(p, c);
5862      }
5863    }
5864    // address: INT_ADD(r,r)
5865    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + 0;
5866    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 59, c + 0, p.getCost(17) /* address */);
5867    if (c < p.getCost(17) /* address */) {
5868      p.setCost(17 /* address */, (char)(c));
5869      p.writePacked(2, 0xFFFFFFF0, 0x2); // p.address = 2
5870    }
5871    if ( // address1reg: INT_ADD(address1reg,LONG_CONSTANT)
5872      rchild.getOpcode() == LONG_CONSTANT_opcode  
5873    ) {
5874      c = STATE(lchild).getCost(16 /* address1reg */) + 0;
5875      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 261, c + 0, p.getCost(16) /* address1reg */);
5876      if (c < p.getCost(16) /* address1reg */) {
5877        p.setCost(16 /* address1reg */, (char)(c));
5878        p.writePacked(1, 0xE3FFFFFF, 0xC000000); // p.address1reg = 3
5879        closure_address1reg(p, c);
5880      }
5881    }
5882    if ( // address1scaledreg: INT_ADD(address1scaledreg,LONG_CONSTANT)
5883      rchild.getOpcode() == LONG_CONSTANT_opcode  
5884    ) {
5885      c = STATE(lchild).getCost(15 /* address1scaledreg */) + 0;
5886      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 262, c + 0, p.getCost(15) /* address1scaledreg */);
5887      if (c < p.getCost(15) /* address1scaledreg */) {
5888        p.setCost(15 /* address1scaledreg */, (char)(c));
5889        p.writePacked(1, 0xFC7FFFFF, 0x1800000); // p.address1scaledreg = 3
5890        closure_address1scaledreg(p, c);
5891      }
5892    }
5893    // address: INT_ADD(r,address1scaledreg)
5894    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(15 /* address1scaledreg */) + 0;
5895    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 60, c + 0, p.getCost(17) /* address */);
5896    if (c < p.getCost(17) /* address */) {
5897      p.setCost(17 /* address */, (char)(c));
5898      p.writePacked(2, 0xFFFFFFF0, 0x3); // p.address = 3
5899    }
5900    // address: INT_ADD(address1scaledreg,r)
5901    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(15 /* address1scaledreg */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + 0;
5902    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 61, c + 0, p.getCost(17) /* address */);
5903    if (c < p.getCost(17) /* address */) {
5904      p.setCost(17 /* address */, (char)(c));
5905      p.writePacked(2, 0xFFFFFFF0, 0x4); // p.address = 4
5906    }
5907    if ( // address: INT_ADD(address1scaledreg,LONG_CONSTANT)
5908      rchild.getOpcode() == LONG_CONSTANT_opcode  
5909    ) {
5910      c = STATE(lchild).getCost(15 /* address1scaledreg */) + 0;
5911      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 263, c + 0, p.getCost(17) /* address */);
5912      if (c < p.getCost(17) /* address */) {
5913        p.setCost(17 /* address */, (char)(c));
5914        p.writePacked(2, 0xFFFFFFF0, 0x5); // p.address = 5
5915      }
5916    }
5917    // address: INT_ADD(address1scaledreg,address1reg)
5918    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(15 /* address1scaledreg */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(16 /* address1reg */) + 0;
5919    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 62, c + 0, p.getCost(17) /* address */);
5920    if (c < p.getCost(17) /* address */) {
5921      p.setCost(17 /* address */, (char)(c));
5922      p.writePacked(2, 0xFFFFFFF0, 0x6); // p.address = 6
5923    }
5924    // address: INT_ADD(address1reg,address1scaledreg)
5925    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(16 /* address1reg */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(15 /* address1scaledreg */) + 0;
5926    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 63, c + 0, p.getCost(17) /* address */);
5927    if (c < p.getCost(17) /* address */) {
5928      p.setCost(17 /* address */, (char)(c));
5929      p.writePacked(2, 0xFFFFFFF0, 0x7); // p.address = 7
5930    }
5931    // czr: INT_ADD(r,riv)
5932    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(7 /* riv */) + 13;
5933    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 81, c + 0, p.getCost(3) /* czr */);
5934    if (c < p.getCost(3) /* czr */) {
5935      p.setCost(3 /* czr */, (char)(c));
5936      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFE1FFFF, 0x20000); // p.czr = 1
5937      closure_czr(p, c);
5938    }
5939    // r: INT_ADD(r,riv)
5940    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(7 /* riv */) + 11;
5941    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 82, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
5942    if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
5943      p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
5944      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0x5800); // p.r = 88
5945      closure_r(p, c);
5946    }
5947    // czr: INT_ADD(r,load32)
5948    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(10 /* load32 */) + 15;
5949    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 83, c + 0, p.getCost(3) /* czr */);
5950    if (c < p.getCost(3) /* czr */) {
5951      p.setCost(3 /* czr */, (char)(c));
5952      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFE1FFFF, 0x40000); // p.czr = 2
5953      closure_czr(p, c);
5954    }
5955    // czr: INT_ADD(load32,riv)
5956    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(10 /* load32 */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(7 /* riv */) + 15;
5957    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 84, c + 0, p.getCost(3) /* czr */);
5958    if (c < p.getCost(3) /* czr */) {
5959      p.setCost(3 /* czr */, (char)(c));
5960      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFE1FFFF, 0x60000); // p.czr = 3
5961      closure_czr(p, c);
5962    }
5963  }
5965  /**
5966   * Labels LONG_ADD tree node
5967   * @param p node to label
5968   */
5969  private static void label_LONG_ADD(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
5970    p.initCost();
5971    AbstractBURS_TreeNode lchild, rchild;
5972    lchild = p.getChild1();
5973    rchild = p.getChild2();
5974    label(lchild);
5975    label(rchild);
5976    int c;
5977    if ( // address1reg: LONG_ADD(r,LONG_CONSTANT)
5978      rchild.getOpcode() == LONG_CONSTANT_opcode  
5979    ) {
5980      c = STATE(lchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + 0;
5981      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 265, c + 0, p.getCost(16) /* address1reg */);
5982      if (c < p.getCost(16) /* address1reg */) {
5983        p.setCost(16 /* address1reg */, (char)(c));
5984        p.writePacked(1, 0xE3FFFFFF, 0x10000000); // p.address1reg = 4
5985        closure_address1reg(p, c);
5986      }
5987    }
5988    // address: LONG_ADD(r,r)
5989    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + 0;
5990    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 64, c + 0, p.getCost(17) /* address */);
5991    if (c < p.getCost(17) /* address */) {
5992      p.setCost(17 /* address */, (char)(c));
5993      p.writePacked(2, 0xFFFFFFF0, 0x8); // p.address = 8
5994    }
5995    if ( // address1reg: LONG_ADD(address1reg,LONG_CONSTANT)
5996      rchild.getOpcode() == LONG_CONSTANT_opcode  
5997    ) {
5998      c = STATE(lchild).getCost(16 /* address1reg */) + 0;
5999      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 267, c + 0, p.getCost(16) /* address1reg */);
6000      if (c < p.getCost(16) /* address1reg */) {
6001        p.setCost(16 /* address1reg */, (char)(c));
6002        p.writePacked(1, 0xE3FFFFFF, 0x18000000); // p.address1reg = 6
6003        closure_address1reg(p, c);
6004      }
6005    }
6006    if ( // address1scaledreg: LONG_ADD(address1scaledreg,LONG_CONSTANT)
6007      rchild.getOpcode() == LONG_CONSTANT_opcode  
6008    ) {
6009      c = STATE(lchild).getCost(15 /* address1scaledreg */) + 0;
6010      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 268, c + 0, p.getCost(15) /* address1scaledreg */);
6011      if (c < p.getCost(15) /* address1scaledreg */) {
6012        p.setCost(15 /* address1scaledreg */, (char)(c));
6013        p.writePacked(1, 0xFC7FFFFF, 0x2800000); // p.address1scaledreg = 5
6014        closure_address1scaledreg(p, c);
6015      }
6016    }
6017    // address: LONG_ADD(r,address1scaledreg)
6018    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(15 /* address1scaledreg */) + 0;
6019    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 65, c + 0, p.getCost(17) /* address */);
6020    if (c < p.getCost(17) /* address */) {
6021      p.setCost(17 /* address */, (char)(c));
6022      p.writePacked(2, 0xFFFFFFF0, 0x9); // p.address = 9
6023    }
6024    // address: LONG_ADD(address1scaledreg,r)
6025    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(15 /* address1scaledreg */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + 0;
6026    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 66, c + 0, p.getCost(17) /* address */);
6027    if (c < p.getCost(17) /* address */) {
6028      p.setCost(17 /* address */, (char)(c));
6029      p.writePacked(2, 0xFFFFFFF0, 0xA); // p.address = 10
6030    }
6031    if ( // address: LONG_ADD(address1scaledreg,LONG_CONSTANT)
6032      rchild.getOpcode() == LONG_CONSTANT_opcode  
6033    ) {
6034      c = STATE(lchild).getCost(15 /* address1scaledreg */) + 0;
6035      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 269, c + 0, p.getCost(17) /* address */);
6036      if (c < p.getCost(17) /* address */) {
6037        p.setCost(17 /* address */, (char)(c));
6038        p.writePacked(2, 0xFFFFFFF0, 0xB); // p.address = 11
6039      }
6040    }
6041    // address: LONG_ADD(address1scaledreg,address1reg)
6042    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(15 /* address1scaledreg */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(16 /* address1reg */) + 0;
6043    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 67, c + 0, p.getCost(17) /* address */);
6044    if (c < p.getCost(17) /* address */) {
6045      p.setCost(17 /* address */, (char)(c));
6046      p.writePacked(2, 0xFFFFFFF0, 0xC); // p.address = 12
6047    }
6048    // address: LONG_ADD(address1reg,address1scaledreg)
6049    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(16 /* address1reg */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(15 /* address1scaledreg */) + 0;
6050    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 68, c + 0, p.getCost(17) /* address */);
6051    if (c < p.getCost(17) /* address */) {
6052      p.setCost(17 /* address */, (char)(c));
6053      p.writePacked(2, 0xFFFFFFF0, 0xD); // p.address = 13
6054    }
6055    // r: LONG_ADD(address1scaledreg,r)
6056    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(15 /* address1scaledreg */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + 11;
6057    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 126, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
6058    if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
6059      p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
6060      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0x7800); // p.r = 120
6061      closure_r(p, c);
6062    }
6063    // r: LONG_ADD(r,address1scaledreg)
6064    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(15 /* address1scaledreg */) + 11;
6065    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 127, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
6066    if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
6067      p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
6068      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0x7900); // p.r = 121
6069      closure_r(p, c);
6070    }
6071    // r: LONG_ADD(address1scaledreg,address1reg)
6072    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(15 /* address1scaledreg */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(16 /* address1reg */) + 11;
6073    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 128, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
6074    if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
6075      p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
6076      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0x7A00); // p.r = 122
6077      closure_r(p, c);
6078    }
6079    // r: LONG_ADD(address1reg,address1scaledreg)
6080    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(16 /* address1reg */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(15 /* address1scaledreg */) + 11;
6081    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 129, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
6082    if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
6083      p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
6084      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0x7B00); // p.r = 123
6085      closure_r(p, c);
6086    }
6087    if ( // r: LONG_ADD(address,LONG_CONSTANT)
6088      rchild.getOpcode() == LONG_CONSTANT_opcode  
6089    ) {
6090      c = STATE(lchild).getCost(17 /* address */) + 11;
6091      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 336, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
6092      if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
6093        p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
6094        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0x7C00); // p.r = 124
6095        closure_r(p, c);
6096      }
6097    }
6098    // czr: LONG_ADD(r,rlv)
6099    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + 11;
6100    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 155, c + 0, p.getCost(3) /* czr */);
6101    if (c < p.getCost(3) /* czr */) {
6102      p.setCost(3 /* czr */, (char)(c));
6103      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFE1FFFF, 0x100000); // p.czr = 8
6104      closure_czr(p, c);
6105    }
6106    // czr: LONG_ADD(r,riv)
6107    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(7 /* riv */) + 11;
6108    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 156, c + 0, p.getCost(3) /* czr */);
6109    if (c < p.getCost(3) /* czr */) {
6110      p.setCost(3 /* czr */, (char)(c));
6111      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFE1FFFF, 0x120000); // p.czr = 9
6112      closure_czr(p, c);
6113    }
6114    // czr: LONG_ADD(r,r)
6115    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + 9;
6116    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 157, c + 0, p.getCost(3) /* czr */);
6117    if (c < p.getCost(3) /* czr */) {
6118      p.setCost(3 /* czr */, (char)(c));
6119      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFE1FFFF, 0x140000); // p.czr = 10
6120      closure_czr(p, c);
6121    }
6122    // r: LONG_ADD(r,rlv)
6123    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + 13;
6124    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 158, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
6125    if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
6126      p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
6127      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0x9000); // p.r = 144
6128      closure_r(p, c);
6129    }
6130    // czr: LONG_ADD(rlv,load64)
6131    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(20 /* load64 */) + 15;
6132    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 159, c + 0, p.getCost(3) /* czr */);
6133    if (c < p.getCost(3) /* czr */) {
6134      p.setCost(3 /* czr */, (char)(c));
6135      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFE1FFFF, 0x160000); // p.czr = 11
6136      closure_czr(p, c);
6137    }
6138    // czr: LONG_ADD(load64,rlv)
6139    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(20 /* load64 */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + 15;
6140    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 160, c + 0, p.getCost(3) /* czr */);
6141    if (c < p.getCost(3) /* czr */) {
6142      p.setCost(3 /* czr */, (char)(c));
6143      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFE1FFFF, 0x180000); // p.czr = 12
6144      closure_czr(p, c);
6145    }
6146  }
6148  /**
6149   * Labels FLOAT_ADD tree node
6150   * @param p node to label
6151   */
6152  private static void label_FLOAT_ADD(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
6153    p.initCost();
6154    AbstractBURS_TreeNode lchild, rchild;
6155    lchild = p.getChild1();
6156    rchild = p.getChild2();
6157    label(lchild);
6158    label(rchild);
6159    int c;
6160    // r: FLOAT_ADD(r,r)
6161    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + 13;
6162    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 203, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
6163    if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
6164      p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
6165      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0xAC00); // p.r = 172
6166      closure_r(p, c);
6167    }
6168    // r: FLOAT_ADD(r,float_load)
6169    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(26 /* float_load */) + 15;
6170    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 204, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
6171    if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
6172      p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
6173      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0xAD00); // p.r = 173
6174      closure_r(p, c);
6175    }
6176    // r: FLOAT_ADD(float_load,r)
6177    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(26 /* float_load */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + 15;
6178    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 205, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
6179    if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
6180      p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
6181      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0xAE00); // p.r = 174
6182      closure_r(p, c);
6183    }
6184  }
6186  /**
6187   * Labels DOUBLE_ADD tree node
6188   * @param p node to label
6189   */
6190  private static void label_DOUBLE_ADD(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
6191    p.initCost();
6192    AbstractBURS_TreeNode lchild, rchild;
6193    lchild = p.getChild1();
6194    rchild = p.getChild2();
6195    label(lchild);
6196    label(rchild);
6197    int c;
6198    // r: DOUBLE_ADD(r,r)
6199    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + 13;
6200    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 206, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
6201    if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
6202      p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
6203      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0xAF00); // p.r = 175
6204      closure_r(p, c);
6205    }
6206    // r: DOUBLE_ADD(r,double_load)
6207    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(27 /* double_load */) + 15;
6208    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 207, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
6209    if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
6210      p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
6211      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0xB000); // p.r = 176
6212      closure_r(p, c);
6213    }
6214    // r: DOUBLE_ADD(double_load,r)
6215    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(27 /* double_load */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + 15;
6216    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 208, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
6217    if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
6218      p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
6219      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0xB100); // p.r = 177
6220      closure_r(p, c);
6221    }
6222  }
6224  /**
6225   * Labels INT_SUB tree node
6226   * @param p node to label
6227   */
6228  private static void label_INT_SUB(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
6229    p.initCost();
6230    AbstractBURS_TreeNode lchild, rchild;
6231    lchild = p.getChild1();
6232    rchild = p.getChild2();
6233    label(lchild);
6234    label(rchild);
6235    int c;
6236    // czr: INT_SUB(riv,r)
6237    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + 13;
6238    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 117, c + 0, p.getCost(3) /* czr */);
6239    if (c < p.getCost(3) /* czr */) {
6240      p.setCost(3 /* czr */, (char)(c));
6241      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFE1FFFF, 0xA0000); // p.czr = 5
6242      closure_czr(p, c);
6243    }
6244    // r: INT_SUB(riv,r)
6245    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + (Binary.getResult(P(p)).similar(Binary.getVal2(P(p))) ? 13-2 : INFINITE);
6246    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 118, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
6247    if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
6248      p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
6249      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0x7200); // p.r = 114
6250      closure_r(p, c);
6251    }
6252    // r: INT_SUB(load32,r)
6253    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(10 /* load32 */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + (Binary.getResult(P(p)).similar(Binary.getVal2(P(p))) ? 15-2 : INFINITE);
6254    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 119, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
6255    if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
6256      p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
6257      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0x7300); // p.r = 115
6258      closure_r(p, c);
6259    }
6260    // czr: INT_SUB(riv,load32)
6261    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(10 /* load32 */) + 15;
6262    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 120, c + 0, p.getCost(3) /* czr */);
6263    if (c < p.getCost(3) /* czr */) {
6264      p.setCost(3 /* czr */, (char)(c));
6265      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFE1FFFF, 0xC0000); // p.czr = 6
6266      closure_czr(p, c);
6267    }
6268    // czr: INT_SUB(load32,riv)
6269    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(10 /* load32 */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(7 /* riv */) + 15;
6270    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 121, c + 0, p.getCost(3) /* czr */);
6271    if (c < p.getCost(3) /* czr */) {
6272      p.setCost(3 /* czr */, (char)(c));
6273      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFE1FFFF, 0xE0000); // p.czr = 7
6274      closure_czr(p, c);
6275    }
6276  }
6278  /**
6279   * Labels LONG_SUB tree node
6280   * @param p node to label
6281   */
6282  private static void label_LONG_SUB(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
6283    p.initCost();
6284    AbstractBURS_TreeNode lchild, rchild;
6285    lchild = p.getChild1();
6286    rchild = p.getChild2();
6287    label(lchild);
6288    label(rchild);
6289    int c;
6290    // czr: LONG_SUB(rlv,r)
6291    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + 13;
6292    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 194, c + 0, p.getCost(3) /* czr */);
6293    if (c < p.getCost(3) /* czr */) {
6294      p.setCost(3 /* czr */, (char)(c));
6295      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFE1FFFF, 0x1A0000); // p.czr = 13
6296      closure_czr(p, c);
6297    }
6298    // r: LONG_SUB(rlv,r)
6299    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + (Binary.getResult(P(p)).similar(Binary.getVal2(P(p))) ? 13-2 : INFINITE);
6300    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 195, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
6301    if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
6302      p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
6303      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0xAA00); // p.r = 170
6304      closure_r(p, c);
6305    }
6306    // r: LONG_SUB(load64,r)
6307    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(20 /* load64 */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + (Binary.getResult(P(p)).similar(Binary.getVal2(P(p))) ? 15-2 : INFINITE);
6308    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 196, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
6309    if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
6310      p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
6311      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0xAB00); // p.r = 171
6312      closure_r(p, c);
6313    }
6314    // czr: LONG_SUB(rlv,load64)
6315    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(20 /* load64 */) + 15;
6316    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 197, c + 0, p.getCost(3) /* czr */);
6317    if (c < p.getCost(3) /* czr */) {
6318      p.setCost(3 /* czr */, (char)(c));
6319      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFE1FFFF, 0x1C0000); // p.czr = 14
6320      closure_czr(p, c);
6321    }
6322    // czr: LONG_SUB(load64,rlv)
6323    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(20 /* load64 */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + 15;
6324    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 198, c + 0, p.getCost(3) /* czr */);
6325    if (c < p.getCost(3) /* czr */) {
6326      p.setCost(3 /* czr */, (char)(c));
6327      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFE1FFFF, 0x1E0000); // p.czr = 15
6328      closure_czr(p, c);
6329    }
6330  }
6332  /**
6333   * Labels FLOAT_SUB tree node
6334   * @param p node to label
6335   */
6336  private static void label_FLOAT_SUB(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
6337    p.initCost();
6338    AbstractBURS_TreeNode lchild, rchild;
6339    lchild = p.getChild1();
6340    rchild = p.getChild2();
6341    label(lchild);
6342    label(rchild);
6343    int c;
6344    // r: FLOAT_SUB(r,r)
6345    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + 13;
6346    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 209, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
6347    if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
6348      p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
6349      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0xB200); // p.r = 178
6350      closure_r(p, c);
6351    }
6352    // r: FLOAT_SUB(r,float_load)
6353    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(26 /* float_load */) + 15;
6354    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 210, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
6355    if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
6356      p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
6357      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0xB300); // p.r = 179
6358      closure_r(p, c);
6359    }
6360  }
6362  /**
6363   * Labels DOUBLE_SUB tree node
6364   * @param p node to label
6365   */
6366  private static void label_DOUBLE_SUB(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
6367    p.initCost();
6368    AbstractBURS_TreeNode lchild, rchild;
6369    lchild = p.getChild1();
6370    rchild = p.getChild2();
6371    label(lchild);
6372    label(rchild);
6373    int c;
6374    // r: DOUBLE_SUB(r,r)
6375    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + 13;
6376    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 211, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
6377    if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
6378      p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
6379      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0xB400); // p.r = 180
6380      closure_r(p, c);
6381    }
6382    // r: DOUBLE_SUB(r,double_load)
6383    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(27 /* double_load */) + 15;
6384    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 212, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
6385    if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
6386      p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
6387      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0xB500); // p.r = 181
6388      closure_r(p, c);
6389    }
6390  }
6392  /**
6393   * Labels INT_MUL tree node
6394   * @param p node to label
6395   */
6396  private static void label_INT_MUL(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
6397    p.initCost();
6398    AbstractBURS_TreeNode lchild, rchild;
6399    lchild = p.getChild1();
6400    rchild = p.getChild2();
6401    label(lchild);
6402    label(rchild);
6403    int c;
6404    // r: INT_MUL(r,riv)
6405    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(7 /* riv */) + 13;
6406    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 107, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
6407    if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
6408      p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
6409      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0x6300); // p.r = 99
6410      closure_r(p, c);
6411    }
6412    // r: INT_MUL(r,load32)
6413    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(10 /* load32 */) + 15;
6414    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 108, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
6415    if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
6416      p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
6417      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0x6400); // p.r = 100
6418      closure_r(p, c);
6419    }
6420    // r: INT_MUL(load32,riv)
6421    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(10 /* load32 */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(7 /* riv */) + 15;
6422    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 109, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
6423    if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
6424      p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
6425      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0x6500); // p.r = 101
6426      closure_r(p, c);
6427    }
6428    // r: INT_MUL(r,load64)
6429    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(20 /* load64 */) + 15;
6430    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 182, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
6431    if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
6432      p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
6433      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0xA100); // p.r = 161
6434      closure_r(p, c);
6435    }
6436    // r: INT_MUL(load64,rlv)
6437    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(20 /* load64 */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + 15;
6438    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 183, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
6439    if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
6440      p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
6441      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0xA200); // p.r = 162
6442      closure_r(p, c);
6443    }
6444  }
6446  /**
6447   * Labels LONG_MUL tree node
6448   * @param p node to label
6449   */
6450  private static void label_LONG_MUL(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
6451    p.initCost();
6452    AbstractBURS_TreeNode lchild, rchild;
6453    lchild = p.getChild1();
6454    rchild = p.getChild2();
6455    label(lchild);
6456    label(rchild);
6457    int c;
6458    // r: LONG_MUL(r,rlv)
6459    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + 13;
6460    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 181, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
6461    if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
6462      p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
6463      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0xA000); // p.r = 160
6464      closure_r(p, c);
6465    }
6466  }
6468  /**
6469   * Labels FLOAT_MUL tree node
6470   * @param p node to label
6471   */
6472  private static void label_FLOAT_MUL(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
6473    p.initCost();
6474    AbstractBURS_TreeNode lchild, rchild;
6475    lchild = p.getChild1();
6476    rchild = p.getChild2();
6477    label(lchild);
6478    label(rchild);
6479    int c;
6480    // r: FLOAT_MUL(r,r)
6481    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + 13;
6482    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 213, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
6483    if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
6484      p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
6485      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0xB600); // p.r = 182
6486      closure_r(p, c);
6487    }
6488    // r: FLOAT_MUL(r,float_load)
6489    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(26 /* float_load */) + 15;
6490    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 214, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
6491    if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
6492      p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
6493      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0xB700); // p.r = 183
6494      closure_r(p, c);
6495    }
6496    // r: FLOAT_MUL(float_load,r)
6497    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(26 /* float_load */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + 15;
6498    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 215, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
6499    if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
6500      p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
6501      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0xB800); // p.r = 184
6502      closure_r(p, c);
6503    }
6504  }
6506  /**
6507   * Labels DOUBLE_MUL tree node
6508   * @param p node to label
6509   */
6510  private static void label_DOUBLE_MUL(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
6511    p.initCost();
6512    AbstractBURS_TreeNode lchild, rchild;
6513    lchild = p.getChild1();
6514    rchild = p.getChild2();
6515    label(lchild);
6516    label(rchild);
6517    int c;
6518    // r: DOUBLE_MUL(r,r)
6519    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + 13;
6520    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 216, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
6521    if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
6522      p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
6523      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0xB900); // p.r = 185
6524      closure_r(p, c);
6525    }
6526    // r: DOUBLE_MUL(r,double_load)
6527    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(27 /* double_load */) + 15;
6528    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 217, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
6529    if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
6530      p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
6531      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0xBA00); // p.r = 186
6532      closure_r(p, c);
6533    }
6534    // r: DOUBLE_MUL(double_load,r)
6535    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(27 /* double_load */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + 15;
6536    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 218, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
6537    if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
6538      p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
6539      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0xBB00); // p.r = 187
6540      closure_r(p, c);
6541    }
6542  }
6544  /**
6545   * Labels INT_DIV tree node
6546   * @param p node to label
6547   */
6548  private static void label_INT_DIV(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
6549    p.initCost();
6550    AbstractBURS_TreeNode lchild, rchild;
6551    lchild = p.getChild1();
6552    rchild = p.getChild2();
6553    label(lchild);
6554    label(rchild);
6555    int c;
6556    // r: INT_DIV(riv,riv)
6557    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(7 /* riv */) + 52;
6558    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 91, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
6559    if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
6560      p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
6561      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0x5900); // p.r = 89
6562      closure_r(p, c);
6563    }
6564    // r: INT_DIV(riv,load32)
6565    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(10 /* load32 */) + 55;
6566    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 92, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
6567    if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
6568      p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
6569      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0x5A00); // p.r = 90
6570      closure_r(p, c);
6571    }
6572  }
6574  /**
6575   * Labels LONG_DIV tree node
6576   * @param p node to label
6577   */
6578  private static void label_LONG_DIV(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
6579    p.initCost();
6580    AbstractBURS_TreeNode lchild, rchild;
6581    lchild = p.getChild1();
6582    rchild = p.getChild2();
6583    label(lchild);
6584    label(rchild);
6585    int c;
6586    // r: LONG_DIV(rlv,rlv)
6587    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + 52;
6588    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 168, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
6589    if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
6590      p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
6591      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0x9100); // p.r = 145
6592      closure_r(p, c);
6593    }
6594    // r: LONG_DIV(rlv,riv)
6595    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(7 /* riv */) + 52;
6596    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 169, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
6597    if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
6598      p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
6599      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0x9200); // p.r = 146
6600      closure_r(p, c);
6601    }
6602    // r: LONG_DIV(riv,rlv)
6603    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + 52;
6604    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 170, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
6605    if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
6606      p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
6607      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0x9300); // p.r = 147
6608      closure_r(p, c);
6609    }
6610    // r: LONG_DIV(rlv,load64)
6611    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(20 /* load64 */) + 55;
6612    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 171, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
6613    if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
6614      p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
6615      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0x9400); // p.r = 148
6616      closure_r(p, c);
6617    }
6618    // r: LONG_DIV(load64,rlv)
6619    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(20 /* load64 */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + 55;
6620    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 172, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
6621    if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
6622      p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
6623      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0x9500); // p.r = 149
6624      closure_r(p, c);
6625    }
6626  }
6628  /**
6629   * Labels FLOAT_DIV tree node
6630   * @param p node to label
6631   */
6632  private static void label_FLOAT_DIV(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
6633    p.initCost();
6634    AbstractBURS_TreeNode lchild, rchild;
6635    lchild = p.getChild1();
6636    rchild = p.getChild2();
6637    label(lchild);
6638    label(rchild);
6639    int c;
6640    // r: FLOAT_DIV(r,r)
6641    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + 13;
6642    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 219, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
6643    if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
6644      p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
6645      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0xBC00); // p.r = 188
6646      closure_r(p, c);
6647    }
6648    // r: FLOAT_DIV(r,float_load)
6649    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(26 /* float_load */) + 15;
6650    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 220, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
6651    if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
6652      p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
6653      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0xBD00); // p.r = 189
6654      closure_r(p, c);
6655    }
6656  }
6658  /**
6659   * Labels DOUBLE_DIV tree node
6660   * @param p node to label
6661   */
6662  private static void label_DOUBLE_DIV(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
6663    p.initCost();
6664    AbstractBURS_TreeNode lchild, rchild;
6665    lchild = p.getChild1();
6666    rchild = p.getChild2();
6667    label(lchild);
6668    label(rchild);
6669    int c;
6670    // r: DOUBLE_DIV(r,r)
6671    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + 13;
6672    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 221, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
6673    if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
6674      p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
6675      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0xBE00); // p.r = 190
6676      closure_r(p, c);
6677    }
6678    // r: DOUBLE_DIV(r,double_load)
6679    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(27 /* double_load */) + 15;
6680    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 222, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
6681    if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
6682      p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
6683      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0xBF00); // p.r = 191
6684      closure_r(p, c);
6685    }
6686  }
6688  /**
6689   * Labels INT_REM tree node
6690   * @param p node to label
6691   */
6692  private static void label_INT_REM(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
6693    p.initCost();
6694    AbstractBURS_TreeNode lchild, rchild;
6695    lchild = p.getChild1();
6696    rchild = p.getChild2();
6697    label(lchild);
6698    label(rchild);
6699    int c;
6700    // r: INT_REM(riv,riv)
6701    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(7 /* riv */) + 52;
6702    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 113, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
6703    if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
6704      p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
6705      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0x6700); // p.r = 103
6706      closure_r(p, c);
6707    }
6708    // r: INT_REM(riv,load32)
6709    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(10 /* load32 */) + 55;
6710    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 114, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
6711    if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
6712      p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
6713      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0x6800); // p.r = 104
6714      closure_r(p, c);
6715    }
6716  }
6718  /**
6719   * Labels LONG_REM tree node
6720   * @param p node to label
6721   */
6722  private static void label_LONG_REM(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
6723    p.initCost();
6724    AbstractBURS_TreeNode lchild, rchild;
6725    lchild = p.getChild1();
6726    rchild = p.getChild2();
6727    label(lchild);
6728    label(rchild);
6729    int c;
6730    // r: LONG_REM(rlv,rlv)
6731    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + 52;
6732    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 187, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
6733    if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
6734      p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
6735      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0xA400); // p.r = 164
6736      closure_r(p, c);
6737    }
6738    // r: LONG_REM(rlv,riv)
6739    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(7 /* riv */) + 52;
6740    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 188, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
6741    if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
6742      p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
6743      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0xA500); // p.r = 165
6744      closure_r(p, c);
6745    }
6746    // r: LONG_REM(riv,rlv)
6747    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + 52;
6748    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 189, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
6749    if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
6750      p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
6751      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0xA600); // p.r = 166
6752      closure_r(p, c);
6753    }
6754    // r: LONG_REM(rlv,load64)
6755    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(20 /* load64 */) + 55;
6756    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 190, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
6757    if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
6758      p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
6759      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0xA700); // p.r = 167
6760      closure_r(p, c);
6761    }
6762    // r: LONG_REM(load64,rlv)
6763    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(20 /* load64 */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + 55;
6764    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 191, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
6765    if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
6766      p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
6767      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0xA800); // p.r = 168
6768      closure_r(p, c);
6769    }
6770  }
6772  /**
6773   * Labels FLOAT_REM tree node
6774   * @param p node to label
6775   */
6776  private static void label_FLOAT_REM(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
6777    p.initCost();
6778    AbstractBURS_TreeNode lchild, rchild;
6779    lchild = p.getChild1();
6780    rchild = p.getChild2();
6781    label(lchild);
6782    label(rchild);
6783    int c;
6784    // r: FLOAT_REM(r,r)
6785    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + 13;
6786    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 223, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
6787    if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
6788      p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
6789      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0xC400); // p.r = 196
6790      closure_r(p, c);
6791    }
6792  }
6794  /**
6795   * Labels DOUBLE_REM tree node
6796   * @param p node to label
6797   */
6798  private static void label_DOUBLE_REM(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
6799    p.initCost();
6800    AbstractBURS_TreeNode lchild, rchild;
6801    lchild = p.getChild1();
6802    rchild = p.getChild2();
6803    label(lchild);
6804    label(rchild);
6805    int c;
6806    // r: DOUBLE_REM(r,r)
6807    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + 13;
6808    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 224, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
6809    if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
6810      p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
6811      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0xC500); // p.r = 197
6812      closure_r(p, c);
6813    }
6814  }
6816  /**
6817   * Labels INT_NEG tree node
6818   * @param p node to label
6819   */
6820  private static void label_INT_NEG(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
6821    p.initCost();
6822    AbstractBURS_TreeNode lchild;
6823    lchild = p.getChild1();
6824    label(lchild);
6825    int c;
6826    // szpr: INT_NEG(r)
6827    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + 13;
6828    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 330, c + 0, p.getCost(5) /* szpr */);
6829    if (c < p.getCost(5) /* szpr */) {
6830      p.setCost(5 /* szpr */, (char)(c));
6831      p.writePacked(0, 0xE07FFFFF, 0x3000000); // p.szpr = 6
6832      closure_szpr(p, c);
6833    }
6834  }
6836  /**
6837   * Labels LONG_NEG tree node
6838   * @param p node to label
6839   */
6840  private static void label_LONG_NEG(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
6841    p.initCost();
6842    AbstractBURS_TreeNode lchild;
6843    lchild = p.getChild1();
6844    label(lchild);
6845    int c;
6846    // szpr: LONG_NEG(r)
6847    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + 13;
6848    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 346, c + 0, p.getCost(5) /* szpr */);
6849    if (c < p.getCost(5) /* szpr */) {
6850      p.setCost(5 /* szpr */, (char)(c));
6851      p.writePacked(0, 0xE07FFFFF, 0xD800000); // p.szpr = 27
6852      closure_szpr(p, c);
6853    }
6854  }
6856  /**
6857   * Labels FLOAT_NEG tree node
6858   * @param p node to label
6859   */
6860  private static void label_FLOAT_NEG(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
6861    p.initCost();
6862    AbstractBURS_TreeNode lchild;
6863    lchild = p.getChild1();
6864    label(lchild);
6865    int c;
6866    // r: FLOAT_NEG(r)
6867    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + 26;
6868    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 352, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
6869    if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
6870      p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
6871      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0xC000); // p.r = 192
6872      closure_r(p, c);
6873    }
6874  }
6876  /**
6877   * Labels DOUBLE_NEG tree node
6878   * @param p node to label
6879   */
6880  private static void label_DOUBLE_NEG(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
6881    p.initCost();
6882    AbstractBURS_TreeNode lchild;
6883    lchild = p.getChild1();
6884    label(lchild);
6885    int c;
6886    // r: DOUBLE_NEG(r)
6887    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + 26;
6888    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 353, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
6889    if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
6890      p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
6891      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0xC100); // p.r = 193
6892      closure_r(p, c);
6893    }
6894  }
6896  /**
6897   * Labels FLOAT_SQRT tree node
6898   * @param p node to label
6899   */
6900  private static void label_FLOAT_SQRT(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
6901    p.initCost();
6902    AbstractBURS_TreeNode lchild;
6903    lchild = p.getChild1();
6904    label(lchild);
6905    int c;
6906    // r: FLOAT_SQRT(r)
6907    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + 13;
6908    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 354, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
6909    if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
6910      p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
6911      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0xC200); // p.r = 194
6912      closure_r(p, c);
6913    }
6914  }
6916  /**
6917   * Labels DOUBLE_SQRT tree node
6918   * @param p node to label
6919   */
6920  private static void label_DOUBLE_SQRT(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
6921    p.initCost();
6922    AbstractBURS_TreeNode lchild;
6923    lchild = p.getChild1();
6924    label(lchild);
6925    int c;
6926    // r: DOUBLE_SQRT(r)
6927    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + 13;
6928    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 355, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
6929    if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
6930      p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
6931      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0xC300); // p.r = 195
6932      closure_r(p, c);
6933    }
6934  }
6936  /**
6937   * Labels INT_SHL tree node
6938   * @param p node to label
6939   */
6940  private static void label_INT_SHL(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
6941    p.initCost();
6942    AbstractBURS_TreeNode lchild, rchild;
6943    lchild = p.getChild1();
6944    rchild = p.getChild2();
6945    label(lchild);
6946    label(rchild);
6947    int c;
6948    if ( // address1scaledreg: INT_SHL(r,INT_CONSTANT)
6949      rchild.getOpcode() == INT_CONSTANT_opcode  
6950    ) {
6951      c = STATE(lchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + LEA_SHIFT(Binary.getVal2(P(p)), 0);
6952      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 258, c + 0, p.getCost(15) /* address1scaledreg */);
6953      if (c < p.getCost(15) /* address1scaledreg */) {
6954        p.setCost(15 /* address1scaledreg */, (char)(c));
6955        p.writePacked(1, 0xFC7FFFFF, 0x1000000); // p.address1scaledreg = 2
6956        closure_address1scaledreg(p, c);
6957      }
6958    }
6959    if ( // szpr: INT_SHL(riv,INT_AND(r,INT_CONSTANT))
6960      rchild.getOpcode() == INT_AND_opcode && 
6961      rchild.getChild2().getOpcode() == INT_CONSTANT_opcode  
6962    ) {
6963      c = STATE(lchild).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(2 /* r */) + (VRR(p) == 31 ? 23 : INFINITE);
6964      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 617, c + 0, p.getCost(5) /* szpr */);
6965      if (c < p.getCost(5) /* szpr */) {
6966        p.setCost(5 /* szpr */, (char)(c));
6967        p.writePacked(0, 0xE07FFFFF, 0x5000000); // p.szpr = 10
6968        closure_szpr(p, c);
6969      }
6970    }
6971    // szpr: INT_SHL(riv,riv)
6972    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(7 /* riv */) + 23;
6973    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 115, c + 0, p.getCost(5) /* szpr */);
6974    if (c < p.getCost(5) /* szpr */) {
6975      p.setCost(5 /* szpr */, (char)(c));
6976      p.writePacked(0, 0xE07FFFFF, 0x5800000); // p.szpr = 11
6977      closure_szpr(p, c);
6978    }
6979    if ( // szpr: INT_SHL(r,INT_CONSTANT)
6980      rchild.getOpcode() == INT_CONSTANT_opcode  
6981    ) {
6982      c = STATE(lchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + 13;
6983      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 332, c + 0, p.getCost(5) /* szpr */);
6984      if (c < p.getCost(5) /* szpr */) {
6985        p.setCost(5 /* szpr */, (char)(c));
6986        p.writePacked(0, 0xE07FFFFF, 0x6000000); // p.szpr = 12
6987        closure_szpr(p, c);
6988      }
6989    }
6990    if ( // r: INT_SHL(r,INT_CONSTANT)
6991      rchild.getOpcode() == INT_CONSTANT_opcode  
6992    ) {
6993      c = STATE(lchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + (!Binary.getResult(P(p)).similar(Binary.getVal1(P(p))) && (Binary.getVal2(P(p)).asIntConstant().value & 0x1f) <= 3 ? 11 : INFINITE);
6994      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 333, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
6995      if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
6996        p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
6997        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0x7100); // p.r = 113
6998        closure_r(p, c);
6999      }
7000    }
7002      lchild.getOpcode() == INT_SHR_opcode && 
7003      lchild.getChild2().getOpcode() == INT_CONSTANT_opcode && 
7004      rchild.getOpcode() == INT_CONSTANT_opcode  
7005    ) {
7006      c = STATE(lchild.getChild1()).getCost(2 /* r */) + ((VR(p) == VLR(p)) ? 23 : INFINITE);
7007      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 389, c + 0, p.getCost(5) /* szpr */);
7008      if (c < p.getCost(5) /* szpr */) {
7009        p.setCost(5 /* szpr */, (char)(c));
7010        p.writePacked(0, 0xE07FFFFF, 0x6800000); // p.szpr = 13
7011        closure_szpr(p, c);
7012      }
7013    }
7014  }
7016  /**
7017   * Labels LONG_SHL tree node
7018   * @param p node to label
7019   */
7020  private static void label_LONG_SHL(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
7021    p.initCost();
7022    AbstractBURS_TreeNode lchild, rchild;
7023    lchild = p.getChild1();
7024    rchild = p.getChild2();
7025    label(lchild);
7026    label(rchild);
7027    int c;
7028    if ( // address1scaledreg: LONG_SHL(r,INT_CONSTANT)
7029      rchild.getOpcode() == INT_CONSTANT_opcode  
7030    ) {
7031      c = STATE(lchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + LEA_SHIFT(Binary.getVal2(P(p)), 0);
7032      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 264, c + 0, p.getCost(15) /* address1scaledreg */);
7033      if (c < p.getCost(15) /* address1scaledreg */) {
7034        p.setCost(15 /* address1scaledreg */, (char)(c));
7035        p.writePacked(1, 0xFC7FFFFF, 0x2000000); // p.address1scaledreg = 4
7036        closure_address1scaledreg(p, c);
7037      }
7038    }
7039    if ( // szpr: LONG_SHL(rlv,INT_AND(r,INT_CONSTANT))
7040      rchild.getOpcode() == INT_AND_opcode && 
7041      rchild.getChild2().getOpcode() == INT_CONSTANT_opcode  
7042    ) {
7043      c = STATE(lchild).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(2 /* r */) + (VRR(p) == 63 ? 23 : INFINITE);
7044      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 621, c + 0, p.getCost(5) /* szpr */);
7045      if (c < p.getCost(5) /* szpr */) {
7046        p.setCost(5 /* szpr */, (char)(c));
7047        p.writePacked(0, 0xE07FFFFF, 0xF800000); // p.szpr = 31
7048        closure_szpr(p, c);
7049      }
7050    }
7051    // szpr: LONG_SHL(rlv,riv)
7052    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(7 /* riv */) + 23;
7053    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 192, c + 0, p.getCost(5) /* szpr */);
7054    if (c < p.getCost(5) /* szpr */) {
7055      p.setCost(5 /* szpr */, (char)(c));
7056      p.writePacked(0, 0xE07FFFFF, 0x10000000); // p.szpr = 32
7057      closure_szpr(p, c);
7058    }
7059    if ( // szpr: LONG_SHL(r,INT_CONSTANT)
7060      rchild.getOpcode() == INT_CONSTANT_opcode  
7061    ) {
7062      c = STATE(lchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + 13;
7063      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 348, c + 0, p.getCost(5) /* szpr */);
7064      if (c < p.getCost(5) /* szpr */) {
7065        p.setCost(5 /* szpr */, (char)(c));
7066        p.writePacked(0, 0xE07FFFFF, 0x10800000); // p.szpr = 33
7067        closure_szpr(p, c);
7068      }
7069    }
7070    if ( // r: LONG_SHL(r,INT_CONSTANT)
7071      rchild.getOpcode() == INT_CONSTANT_opcode  
7072    ) {
7073      c = STATE(lchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + (!Binary.getResult(P(p)).similar(Binary.getVal1(P(p))) && (Binary.getVal2(P(p)).asIntConstant().value & 0x3f) <= 3 ? 11 : INFINITE);
7074      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 349, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
7075      if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
7076        p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
7077        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0xA900); // p.r = 169
7078        closure_r(p, c);
7079      }
7080    }
7082      lchild.getOpcode() == LONG_SHR_opcode && 
7083      lchild.getChild2().getOpcode() == INT_CONSTANT_opcode && 
7084      rchild.getOpcode() == INT_CONSTANT_opcode  
7085    ) {
7086      c = STATE(lchild.getChild1()).getCost(2 /* r */) + (((VR(p) == VLR(p)) && (VR(p) < 32)) ? 23 : INFINITE);
7087      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 396, c + 0, p.getCost(5) /* szpr */);
7088      if (c < p.getCost(5) /* szpr */) {
7089        p.setCost(5 /* szpr */, (char)(c));
7090        p.writePacked(0, 0xE07FFFFF, 0x11000000); // p.szpr = 34
7091        closure_szpr(p, c);
7092      }
7093    }
7094  }
7096  /**
7097   * Labels INT_SHR tree node
7098   * @param p node to label
7099   */
7100  private static void label_INT_SHR(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
7101    p.initCost();
7102    AbstractBURS_TreeNode lchild, rchild;
7103    lchild = p.getChild1();
7104    rchild = p.getChild2();
7105    label(lchild);
7106    label(rchild);
7107    int c;
7108    if ( // szpr: INT_SHR(riv,INT_AND(r,INT_CONSTANT))
7109      rchild.getOpcode() == INT_AND_opcode && 
7110      rchild.getChild2().getOpcode() == INT_CONSTANT_opcode  
7111    ) {
7112      c = STATE(lchild).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(2 /* r */) + (VRR(p) == 31 ? 23 : INFINITE);
7113      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 618, c + 0, p.getCost(5) /* szpr */);
7114      if (c < p.getCost(5) /* szpr */) {
7115        p.setCost(5 /* szpr */, (char)(c));
7116        p.writePacked(0, 0xE07FFFFF, 0x7000000); // p.szpr = 14
7117        closure_szpr(p, c);
7118      }
7119    }
7120    // szpr: INT_SHR(riv,riv)
7121    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(7 /* riv */) + 23;
7122    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 116, c + 0, p.getCost(5) /* szpr */);
7123    if (c < p.getCost(5) /* szpr */) {
7124      p.setCost(5 /* szpr */, (char)(c));
7125      p.writePacked(0, 0xE07FFFFF, 0x7800000); // p.szpr = 15
7126      closure_szpr(p, c);
7127    }
7128    if ( // szpr: INT_SHR(riv,INT_CONSTANT)
7129      rchild.getOpcode() == INT_CONSTANT_opcode  
7130    ) {
7131      c = STATE(lchild).getCost(7 /* riv */) + 13;
7132      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 334, c + 0, p.getCost(5) /* szpr */);
7133      if (c < p.getCost(5) /* szpr */) {
7134        p.setCost(5 /* szpr */, (char)(c));
7135        p.writePacked(0, 0xE07FFFFF, 0x8000000); // p.szpr = 16
7136        closure_szpr(p, c);
7137      }
7138    }
7139  }
7141  /**
7142   * Labels LONG_SHR tree node
7143   * @param p node to label
7144   */
7145  private static void label_LONG_SHR(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
7146    p.initCost();
7147    AbstractBURS_TreeNode lchild, rchild;
7148    lchild = p.getChild1();
7149    rchild = p.getChild2();
7150    label(lchild);
7151    label(rchild);
7152    int c;
7153    if ( // szpr: LONG_SHR(rlv,INT_AND(r,LONG_CONSTANT))
7154      rchild.getOpcode() == INT_AND_opcode && 
7155      rchild.getChild2().getOpcode() == LONG_CONSTANT_opcode  
7156    ) {
7157      c = STATE(lchild).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(2 /* r */) + (VRR(p) == 63 ? 23 : INFINITE);
7158      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 622, c + 0, p.getCost(5) /* szpr */);
7159      if (c < p.getCost(5) /* szpr */) {
7160        p.setCost(5 /* szpr */, (char)(c));
7161        p.writePacked(0, 0xE07FFFFF, 0x11800000); // p.szpr = 35
7162        closure_szpr(p, c);
7163      }
7164    }
7165    // szpr: LONG_SHR(rlv,riv)
7166    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(7 /* riv */) + 23;
7167    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 193, c + 0, p.getCost(5) /* szpr */);
7168    if (c < p.getCost(5) /* szpr */) {
7169      p.setCost(5 /* szpr */, (char)(c));
7170      p.writePacked(0, 0xE07FFFFF, 0x12000000); // p.szpr = 36
7171      closure_szpr(p, c);
7172    }
7173    if ( // szpr: LONG_SHR(rlv,LONG_CONSTANT)
7174      rchild.getOpcode() == LONG_CONSTANT_opcode  
7175    ) {
7176      c = STATE(lchild).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + 13;
7177      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 350, c + 0, p.getCost(5) /* szpr */);
7178      if (c < p.getCost(5) /* szpr */) {
7179        p.setCost(5 /* szpr */, (char)(c));
7180        p.writePacked(0, 0xE07FFFFF, 0x12800000); // p.szpr = 37
7181        closure_szpr(p, c);
7182      }
7183    }
7184  }
7186  /**
7187   * Labels INT_USHR tree node
7188   * @param p node to label
7189   */
7190  private static void label_INT_USHR(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
7191    p.initCost();
7192    AbstractBURS_TreeNode lchild, rchild;
7193    lchild = p.getChild1();
7194    rchild = p.getChild2();
7195    label(lchild);
7196    label(rchild);
7197    int c;
7198    if ( // r: INT_USHR(INT_SHL(load8_16_32,INT_CONSTANT),INT_CONSTANT)
7199      lchild.getOpcode() == INT_SHL_opcode && 
7200      lchild.getChild2().getOpcode() == INT_CONSTANT_opcode && 
7201      rchild.getOpcode() == INT_CONSTANT_opcode  
7202    ) {
7203      c = STATE(lchild.getChild1()).getCost(12 /* load8_16_32 */) + (VR(p) == 24 && VLLR(p) == 24 ? 15 : INFINITE);
7204      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 383, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
7205      if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
7206        p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
7207        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0x900); // p.r = 9
7208        closure_r(p, c);
7209      }
7210    }
7211    if ( // r: INT_USHR(INT_SHL(load16_32,INT_CONSTANT),INT_CONSTANT)
7212      lchild.getOpcode() == INT_SHL_opcode && 
7213      lchild.getChild2().getOpcode() == INT_CONSTANT_opcode && 
7214      rchild.getOpcode() == INT_CONSTANT_opcode  
7215    ) {
7216      c = STATE(lchild.getChild1()).getCost(13 /* load16_32 */) + (VR(p) == 16 && VLR(p) == 16 ? 15 : INFINITE);
7217      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 384, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
7218      if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
7219        p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
7220        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0xB00); // p.r = 11
7221        closure_r(p, c);
7222      }
7223    }
7224    if ( // szpr: INT_USHR(riv,INT_AND(r,INT_CONSTANT))
7225      rchild.getOpcode() == INT_AND_opcode && 
7226      rchild.getChild2().getOpcode() == INT_CONSTANT_opcode  
7227    ) {
7228      c = STATE(lchild).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(2 /* r */) + (VRR(p) == 31 ? 23 : INFINITE);
7229      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 620, c + 0, p.getCost(5) /* szpr */);
7230      if (c < p.getCost(5) /* szpr */) {
7231        p.setCost(5 /* szpr */, (char)(c));
7232        p.writePacked(0, 0xE07FFFFF, 0x8800000); // p.szpr = 17
7233        closure_szpr(p, c);
7234      }
7235    }
7236    // szpr: INT_USHR(riv,riv)
7237    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(7 /* riv */) + 23;
7238    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 122, c + 0, p.getCost(5) /* szpr */);
7239    if (c < p.getCost(5) /* szpr */) {
7240      p.setCost(5 /* szpr */, (char)(c));
7241      p.writePacked(0, 0xE07FFFFF, 0x9000000); // p.szpr = 18
7242      closure_szpr(p, c);
7243    }
7244    if ( // szpr: INT_USHR(riv,INT_CONSTANT)
7245      rchild.getOpcode() == INT_CONSTANT_opcode  
7246    ) {
7247      c = STATE(lchild).getCost(7 /* riv */) + 13;
7248      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 335, c + 0, p.getCost(5) /* szpr */);
7249      if (c < p.getCost(5) /* szpr */) {
7250        p.setCost(5 /* szpr */, (char)(c));
7251        p.writePacked(0, 0xE07FFFFF, 0x9800000); // p.szpr = 19
7252        closure_szpr(p, c);
7253      }
7254    }
7255  }
7257  /**
7258   * Labels LONG_USHR tree node
7259   * @param p node to label
7260   */
7261  private static void label_LONG_USHR(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
7262    p.initCost();
7263    AbstractBURS_TreeNode lchild, rchild;
7264    lchild = p.getChild1();
7265    rchild = p.getChild2();
7266    label(lchild);
7267    label(rchild);
7268    int c;
7269    if ( // szpr: LONG_USHR(rlv,LONG_AND(r,LONG_CONSTANT))
7270      rchild.getOpcode() == LONG_AND_opcode && 
7271      rchild.getChild2().getOpcode() == LONG_CONSTANT_opcode  
7272    ) {
7273      c = STATE(lchild).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(2 /* r */) + (VRR(p) == 63 ? 23 : INFINITE);
7274      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 624, c + 0, p.getCost(5) /* szpr */);
7275      if (c < p.getCost(5) /* szpr */) {
7276        p.setCost(5 /* szpr */, (char)(c));
7277        p.writePacked(0, 0xE07FFFFF, 0x13000000); // p.szpr = 38
7278        closure_szpr(p, c);
7279      }
7280    }
7281    // szpr: LONG_USHR(rlv,riv)
7282    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(7 /* riv */) + 23;
7283    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 199, c + 0, p.getCost(5) /* szpr */);
7284    if (c < p.getCost(5) /* szpr */) {
7285      p.setCost(5 /* szpr */, (char)(c));
7286      p.writePacked(0, 0xE07FFFFF, 0x13800000); // p.szpr = 39
7287      closure_szpr(p, c);
7288    }
7289    if ( // szpr: LONG_USHR(rlv,LONG_CONSTANT)
7290      rchild.getOpcode() == LONG_CONSTANT_opcode  
7291    ) {
7292      c = STATE(lchild).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + 13;
7293      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 351, c + 0, p.getCost(5) /* szpr */);
7294      if (c < p.getCost(5) /* szpr */) {
7295        p.setCost(5 /* szpr */, (char)(c));
7296        p.writePacked(0, 0xE07FFFFF, 0x14000000); // p.szpr = 40
7297        closure_szpr(p, c);
7298      }
7299    }
7300  }
7302  /**
7303   * Labels INT_AND tree node
7304   * @param p node to label
7305   */
7306  private static void label_INT_AND(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
7307    p.initCost();
7308    AbstractBURS_TreeNode lchild, rchild;
7309    lchild = p.getChild1();
7310    rchild = p.getChild2();
7311    label(lchild);
7312    label(rchild);
7313    int c;
7314    if ( // uload8: INT_AND(load8_16_32,INT_CONSTANT)
7315      rchild.getOpcode() == INT_CONSTANT_opcode  
7316    ) {
7317      c = STATE(lchild).getCost(12 /* load8_16_32 */) + (VR(p) == 0xff ? 0 : INFINITE);
7318      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 252, c + 0, p.getCost(11) /* uload8 */);
7319      if (c < p.getCost(11) /* uload8 */) {
7320        p.setCost(11 /* uload8 */, (char)(c));
7321        p.writePacked(1, 0xFFFE3FFF, 0x4000); // p.uload8 = 1
7322        closure_uload8(p, c);
7323      }
7324    }
7325    if ( // r: INT_AND(load8_16_32,INT_CONSTANT)
7326      rchild.getOpcode() == INT_CONSTANT_opcode  
7327    ) {
7328      c = STATE(lchild).getCost(12 /* load8_16_32 */) + (VR(p) == 0xff ? 15 : INFINITE);
7329      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 253, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
7330      if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
7331        p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
7332        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0x700); // p.r = 7
7333        closure_r(p, c);
7334      }
7335    }
7336    if ( // r: INT_AND(load16_32,INT_CONSTANT)
7337      rchild.getOpcode() == INT_CONSTANT_opcode  
7338    ) {
7339      c = STATE(lchild).getCost(13 /* load16_32 */) + (VR(p) == 0xffff ? 15 : INFINITE);
7340      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 255, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
7341      if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
7342        p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
7343        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0xA00); // p.r = 10
7344        closure_r(p, c);
7345      }
7346    }
7347    if ( // bittest: INT_AND(INT_USHR(r,INT_AND(r,INT_CONSTANT)),INT_CONSTANT)
7348      lchild.getOpcode() == INT_USHR_opcode && 
7349      lchild.getChild2().getOpcode() == INT_AND_opcode && 
7350      lchild.getChild2().getChild2().getOpcode() == INT_CONSTANT_opcode && 
7351      rchild.getOpcode() == INT_CONSTANT_opcode  
7352    ) {
7353      c = STATE(lchild.getChild1()).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(lchild.getChild2().getChild1()).getCost(2 /* r */) + ((VR(p) == 1) && (VLRR(p) == 31) ? 13:INFINITE);
7354      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 522, c + 0, p.getCost(18) /* bittest */);
7355      if (c < p.getCost(18) /* bittest */) {
7356        p.setCost(18 /* bittest */, (char)(c));
7357        p.writePacked(2, 0xFFFFFF0F, 0x10); // p.bittest = 1
7358      }
7359    }
7360    if ( // bittest: INT_AND(INT_USHR(load32,INT_AND(r,INT_CONSTANT)),INT_CONSTANT)
7361      lchild.getOpcode() == INT_USHR_opcode && 
7362      lchild.getChild2().getOpcode() == INT_AND_opcode && 
7363      lchild.getChild2().getChild2().getOpcode() == INT_CONSTANT_opcode && 
7364      rchild.getOpcode() == INT_CONSTANT_opcode  
7365    ) {
7366      c = STATE(lchild.getChild1()).getCost(10 /* load32 */) + STATE(lchild.getChild2().getChild1()).getCost(2 /* r */) + (VR(p) == 1 ? 31:INFINITE);
7367      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 523, c + 0, p.getCost(18) /* bittest */);
7368      if (c < p.getCost(18) /* bittest */) {
7369        p.setCost(18 /* bittest */, (char)(c));
7370        p.writePacked(2, 0xFFFFFF0F, 0x20); // p.bittest = 2
7371      }
7372    }
7373    if ( // bittest: INT_AND(INT_USHR(r,INT_CONSTANT),INT_CONSTANT)
7374      lchild.getOpcode() == INT_USHR_opcode && 
7375      lchild.getChild2().getOpcode() == INT_CONSTANT_opcode && 
7376      rchild.getOpcode() == INT_CONSTANT_opcode  
7377    ) {
7378      c = STATE(lchild.getChild1()).getCost(2 /* r */) + ((VR(p) == 1) && (VLR(p) <= 31) ? 13:INFINITE);
7379      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 385, c + 0, p.getCost(18) /* bittest */);
7380      if (c < p.getCost(18) /* bittest */) {
7381        p.setCost(18 /* bittest */, (char)(c));
7382        p.writePacked(2, 0xFFFFFF0F, 0x30); // p.bittest = 3
7383      }
7384    }
7385    if ( // bittest: INT_AND(INT_SHR(r,INT_AND(r,INT_CONSTANT)),INT_CONSTANT)
7386      lchild.getOpcode() == INT_SHR_opcode && 
7387      lchild.getChild2().getOpcode() == INT_AND_opcode && 
7388      lchild.getChild2().getChild2().getOpcode() == INT_CONSTANT_opcode && 
7389      rchild.getOpcode() == INT_CONSTANT_opcode  
7390    ) {
7391      c = STATE(lchild.getChild1()).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(lchild.getChild2().getChild1()).getCost(2 /* r */) + ((VR(p) == 1) && (VLRR(p) == 31) ? 13:INFINITE);
7392      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 524, c + 0, p.getCost(18) /* bittest */);
7393      if (c < p.getCost(18) /* bittest */) {
7394        p.setCost(18 /* bittest */, (char)(c));
7395        p.writePacked(2, 0xFFFFFF0F, 0x40); // p.bittest = 4
7396      }
7397    }
7398    if ( // bittest: INT_AND(INT_SHR(load32,INT_AND(r,INT_CONSTANT)),INT_CONSTANT)
7399      lchild.getOpcode() == INT_SHR_opcode && 
7400      lchild.getChild2().getOpcode() == INT_AND_opcode && 
7401      lchild.getChild2().getChild2().getOpcode() == INT_CONSTANT_opcode && 
7402      rchild.getOpcode() == INT_CONSTANT_opcode  
7403    ) {
7404      c = STATE(lchild.getChild1()).getCost(10 /* load32 */) + STATE(lchild.getChild2().getChild1()).getCost(2 /* r */) + (VR(p) == 1 ? 31:INFINITE);
7405      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 525, c + 0, p.getCost(18) /* bittest */);
7406      if (c < p.getCost(18) /* bittest */) {
7407        p.setCost(18 /* bittest */, (char)(c));
7408        p.writePacked(2, 0xFFFFFF0F, 0x50); // p.bittest = 5
7409      }
7410    }
7411    if ( // bittest: INT_AND(INT_SHR(r,INT_CONSTANT),INT_CONSTANT)
7412      lchild.getOpcode() == INT_SHR_opcode && 
7413      lchild.getChild2().getOpcode() == INT_CONSTANT_opcode && 
7414      rchild.getOpcode() == INT_CONSTANT_opcode  
7415    ) {
7416      c = STATE(lchild.getChild1()).getCost(2 /* r */) + ((VR(p) == 1) && (VLR(p) <= 31) ? 13:INFINITE);
7417      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 386, c + 0, p.getCost(18) /* bittest */);
7418      if (c < p.getCost(18) /* bittest */) {
7419        p.setCost(18 /* bittest */, (char)(c));
7420        p.writePacked(2, 0xFFFFFF0F, 0x60); // p.bittest = 6
7421      }
7422    }
7423    if ( // bittest: INT_AND(INT_SHL(INT_CONSTANT,INT_AND(riv,INT_CONSTANT)),r)
7424      lchild.getOpcode() == INT_SHL_opcode && 
7425      lchild.getChild1().getOpcode() == INT_CONSTANT_opcode && 
7426      lchild.getChild2().getOpcode() == INT_AND_opcode && 
7427      lchild.getChild2().getChild2().getOpcode() == INT_CONSTANT_opcode  
7428    ) {
7429      c = STATE(lchild.getChild2().getChild1()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + ((VLL(p) == 1) && (VLRR(p) == 31)? 13:INFINITE);
7430      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 526, c + 0, p.getCost(18) /* bittest */);
7431      if (c < p.getCost(18) /* bittest */) {
7432        p.setCost(18 /* bittest */, (char)(c));
7433        p.writePacked(2, 0xFFFFFF0F, 0x70); // p.bittest = 7
7434      }
7435    }
7436    if ( // bittest: INT_AND(INT_SHL(INT_CONSTANT,INT_AND(r,INT_CONSTANT)),load32)
7437      lchild.getOpcode() == INT_SHL_opcode && 
7438      lchild.getChild1().getOpcode() == INT_CONSTANT_opcode && 
7439      lchild.getChild2().getOpcode() == INT_AND_opcode && 
7440      lchild.getChild2().getChild2().getOpcode() == INT_CONSTANT_opcode  
7441    ) {
7442      c = STATE(lchild.getChild2().getChild1()).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(10 /* load32 */) + (VLL(p) == 1 ? 31:INFINITE);
7443      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 527, c + 0, p.getCost(18) /* bittest */);
7444      if (c < p.getCost(18) /* bittest */) {
7445        p.setCost(18 /* bittest */, (char)(c));
7446        p.writePacked(2, 0xFFFFFF0F, 0x80); // p.bittest = 8
7447      }
7448    }
7449    if ( // bittest: INT_AND(r,INT_SHL(INT_CONSTANT,INT_AND(r,INT_CONSTANT)))
7450      rchild.getOpcode() == INT_SHL_opcode && 
7451      rchild.getChild1().getOpcode() == INT_CONSTANT_opcode && 
7452      rchild.getChild2().getOpcode() == INT_AND_opcode && 
7453      rchild.getChild2().getChild2().getOpcode() == INT_CONSTANT_opcode  
7454    ) {
7455      c = STATE(lchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2().getChild1()).getCost(2 /* r */) + ((VRL(p) == 1) && (VRRR(p) == 31) ? 13:INFINITE);
7456      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 528, c + 0, p.getCost(18) /* bittest */);
7457      if (c < p.getCost(18) /* bittest */) {
7458        p.setCost(18 /* bittest */, (char)(c));
7459        p.writePacked(2, 0xFFFFFF0F, 0x90); // p.bittest = 9
7460      }
7461    }
7462    if ( // bittest: INT_AND(load32,INT_SHL(INT_CONSTANT,INT_AND(r,INT_CONSTANT)))
7463      rchild.getOpcode() == INT_SHL_opcode && 
7464      rchild.getChild1().getOpcode() == INT_CONSTANT_opcode && 
7465      rchild.getChild2().getOpcode() == INT_AND_opcode && 
7466      rchild.getChild2().getChild2().getOpcode() == INT_CONSTANT_opcode  
7467    ) {
7468      c = STATE(lchild).getCost(10 /* load32 */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2().getChild1()).getCost(2 /* r */) + (VRL(p) == 1 ? 31:INFINITE);
7469      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 529, c + 0, p.getCost(18) /* bittest */);
7470      if (c < p.getCost(18) /* bittest */) {
7471        p.setCost(18 /* bittest */, (char)(c));
7472        p.writePacked(2, 0xFFFFFF0F, 0xA0); // p.bittest = 10
7473      }
7474    }
7475    // szpr: INT_AND(r,riv)
7476    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(7 /* riv */) + 13;
7477    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 85, c + 0, p.getCost(5) /* szpr */);
7478    if (c < p.getCost(5) /* szpr */) {
7479      p.setCost(5 /* szpr */, (char)(c));
7480      p.writePacked(0, 0xE07FFFFF, 0x1000000); // p.szpr = 2
7481      closure_szpr(p, c);
7482    }
7483    // szp: INT_AND(r,riv)
7484    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(7 /* riv */) + 11;
7485    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 86, c + 0, p.getCost(6) /* szp */);
7486    if (c < p.getCost(6) /* szp */) {
7487      p.setCost(6 /* szp */, (char)(c));
7488      p.writePacked(1, 0xFFFFFFF0, 0x2); // p.szp = 2
7489    }
7490    // szpr: INT_AND(r,load32)
7491    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(10 /* load32 */) + 15;
7492    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 87, c + 0, p.getCost(5) /* szpr */);
7493    if (c < p.getCost(5) /* szpr */) {
7494      p.setCost(5 /* szpr */, (char)(c));
7495      p.writePacked(0, 0xE07FFFFF, 0x1800000); // p.szpr = 3
7496      closure_szpr(p, c);
7497    }
7498    // szpr: INT_AND(load32,riv)
7499    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(10 /* load32 */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(7 /* riv */) + 15;
7500    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 88, c + 0, p.getCost(5) /* szpr */);
7501    if (c < p.getCost(5) /* szpr */) {
7502      p.setCost(5 /* szpr */, (char)(c));
7503      p.writePacked(0, 0xE07FFFFF, 0x2000000); // p.szpr = 4
7504      closure_szpr(p, c);
7505    }
7506    // szp: INT_AND(load8_16_32,riv)
7507    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(12 /* load8_16_32 */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(7 /* riv */) + 11;
7508    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 89, c + 0, p.getCost(6) /* szp */);
7509    if (c < p.getCost(6) /* szp */) {
7510      p.setCost(6 /* szp */, (char)(c));
7511      p.writePacked(1, 0xFFFFFFF0, 0x3); // p.szp = 3
7512    }
7513    // szp: INT_AND(r,load8_16_32)
7514    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(12 /* load8_16_32 */) + 11;
7515    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 90, c + 0, p.getCost(6) /* szp */);
7516    if (c < p.getCost(6) /* szp */) {
7517      p.setCost(6 /* szp */, (char)(c));
7518      p.writePacked(1, 0xFFFFFFF0, 0x4); // p.szp = 4
7519    }
7520  }
7522  /**
7523   * Labels LONG_AND tree node
7524   * @param p node to label
7525   */
7526  private static void label_LONG_AND(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
7527    p.initCost();
7528    AbstractBURS_TreeNode lchild, rchild;
7529    lchild = p.getChild1();
7530    rchild = p.getChild2();
7531    label(lchild);
7532    label(rchild);
7533    int c;
7534    if ( // r: LONG_AND(INT_2LONG(r),LONG_CONSTANT)
7535      lchild.getOpcode() == INT_2LONG_opcode && 
7536      rchild.getOpcode() == LONG_CONSTANT_opcode  
7537    ) {
7538      c = STATE(lchild.getChild1()).getCost(2 /* r */) + ((Binary.getVal2(P(p)).asLongConstant().upper32() == 0) && (Binary.getVal2(P(p)).asLongConstant().lower32() == -1)? 11 : INFINITE);
7539      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 387, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
7540      if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
7541        p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
7542        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0x5200); // p.r = 82
7543        closure_r(p, c);
7544      }
7545    }
7546    if ( // r: LONG_AND(INT_2LONG(load32),LONG_CONSTANT)
7547      lchild.getOpcode() == INT_2LONG_opcode && 
7548      rchild.getOpcode() == LONG_CONSTANT_opcode  
7549    ) {
7550      c = STATE(lchild.getChild1()).getCost(10 /* load32 */) + ((Binary.getVal2(P(p)).asLongConstant().upper32() == 0) && (Binary.getVal2(P(p)).asLongConstant().lower32() == -1)? 13 : INFINITE);
7551      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 388, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
7552      if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
7553        p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
7554        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0x5300); // p.r = 83
7555        closure_r(p, c);
7556      }
7557    }
7558    // szpr: LONG_AND(r,rlv)
7559    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + 13;
7560    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 161, c + 0, p.getCost(5) /* szpr */);
7561    if (c < p.getCost(5) /* szpr */) {
7562      p.setCost(5 /* szpr */, (char)(c));
7563      p.writePacked(0, 0xE07FFFFF, 0xB800000); // p.szpr = 23
7564      closure_szpr(p, c);
7565    }
7566    // szpr: LONG_AND(r,r)
7567    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + 9;
7568    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 162, c + 0, p.getCost(5) /* szpr */);
7569    if (c < p.getCost(5) /* szpr */) {
7570      p.setCost(5 /* szpr */, (char)(c));
7571      p.writePacked(0, 0xE07FFFFF, 0xC000000); // p.szpr = 24
7572      closure_szpr(p, c);
7573    }
7574    // szp: LONG_AND(r,rlv)
7575    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + 11;
7576    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 163, c + 0, p.getCost(6) /* szp */);
7577    if (c < p.getCost(6) /* szp */) {
7578      p.setCost(6 /* szp */, (char)(c));
7579      p.writePacked(1, 0xFFFFFFF0, 0x6); // p.szp = 6
7580    }
7581    // szpr: LONG_AND(rlv,load64)
7582    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(20 /* load64 */) + 15;
7583    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 164, c + 0, p.getCost(5) /* szpr */);
7584    if (c < p.getCost(5) /* szpr */) {
7585      p.setCost(5 /* szpr */, (char)(c));
7586      p.writePacked(0, 0xE07FFFFF, 0xC800000); // p.szpr = 25
7587      closure_szpr(p, c);
7588    }
7589    // szpr: LONG_AND(load64,rlv)
7590    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(20 /* load64 */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + 15;
7591    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 165, c + 0, p.getCost(5) /* szpr */);
7592    if (c < p.getCost(5) /* szpr */) {
7593      p.setCost(5 /* szpr */, (char)(c));
7594      p.writePacked(0, 0xE07FFFFF, 0xD000000); // p.szpr = 26
7595      closure_szpr(p, c);
7596    }
7597    // szp: LONG_AND(load8_16_32_64,rlv)
7598    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(25 /* load8_16_32_64 */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + 11;
7599    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 166, c + 0, p.getCost(6) /* szp */);
7600    if (c < p.getCost(6) /* szp */) {
7601      p.setCost(6 /* szp */, (char)(c));
7602      p.writePacked(1, 0xFFFFFFF0, 0x7); // p.szp = 7
7603    }
7604    // szp: LONG_AND(r,load8_16_32_64)
7605    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(25 /* load8_16_32_64 */) + 11;
7606    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 167, c + 0, p.getCost(6) /* szp */);
7607    if (c < p.getCost(6) /* szp */) {
7608      p.setCost(6 /* szp */, (char)(c));
7609      p.writePacked(1, 0xFFFFFFF0, 0x8); // p.szp = 8
7610    }
7611  }
7613  /**
7614   * Labels INT_OR tree node
7615   * @param p node to label
7616   */
7617  private static void label_INT_OR(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
7618    p.initCost();
7619    AbstractBURS_TreeNode lchild, rchild;
7620    lchild = p.getChild1();
7621    rchild = p.getChild2();
7622    label(lchild);
7623    label(rchild);
7624    int c;
7625    // szpr: INT_OR(r,riv)
7626    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(7 /* riv */) + 13;
7627    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 110, c + 0, p.getCost(5) /* szpr */);
7628    if (c < p.getCost(5) /* szpr */) {
7629      p.setCost(5 /* szpr */, (char)(c));
7630      p.writePacked(0, 0xE07FFFFF, 0x3800000); // p.szpr = 7
7631      closure_szpr(p, c);
7632    }
7633    // szpr: INT_OR(r,load32)
7634    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(10 /* load32 */) + 15;
7635    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 111, c + 0, p.getCost(5) /* szpr */);
7636    if (c < p.getCost(5) /* szpr */) {
7637      p.setCost(5 /* szpr */, (char)(c));
7638      p.writePacked(0, 0xE07FFFFF, 0x4000000); // p.szpr = 8
7639      closure_szpr(p, c);
7640    }
7641    // szpr: INT_OR(load32,riv)
7642    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(10 /* load32 */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(7 /* riv */) + 15;
7643    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 112, c + 0, p.getCost(5) /* szpr */);
7644    if (c < p.getCost(5) /* szpr */) {
7645      p.setCost(5 /* szpr */, (char)(c));
7646      p.writePacked(0, 0xE07FFFFF, 0x4800000); // p.szpr = 9
7647      closure_szpr(p, c);
7648    }
7650      lchild.getOpcode() == INT_SHL_opcode && 
7651      lchild.getChild2().getOpcode() == INT_CONSTANT_opcode && 
7652      rchild.getOpcode() == INT_USHR_opcode && 
7653      rchild.getChild2().getOpcode() == INT_CONSTANT_opcode  
7654    ) {
7655      c = STATE(lchild.getChild1()).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(2 /* r */) + (Binary.getVal1(PL(p)).similar(Binary.getVal1(PR(p))) && ((-VLR(p)) & 0x1f) == (VRR(p)&0x1f) ? 13 : INFINITE);
7656      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 609, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
7657      if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
7658        p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
7659        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0x6900); // p.r = 105
7660        closure_r(p, c);
7661      }
7662    }
7664      lchild.getOpcode() == INT_USHR_opcode && 
7665      lchild.getChild2().getOpcode() == INT_CONSTANT_opcode && 
7666      rchild.getOpcode() == INT_SHL_opcode && 
7667      rchild.getChild2().getOpcode() == INT_CONSTANT_opcode  
7668    ) {
7669      c = STATE(lchild.getChild1()).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(2 /* r */) + (Binary.getVal1(PL(p)).similar(Binary.getVal1(PR(p))) && ((-VRR(p)) & 0x1f) == (VLR(p)&0x1f) ? 13 : INFINITE);
7670      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 610, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
7671      if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
7672        p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
7673        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0x6A00); // p.r = 106
7674        closure_r(p, c);
7675      }
7676    }
7678      lchild.getOpcode() == INT_SHL_opcode && 
7679      lchild.getChild2().getOpcode() == INT_CONSTANT_opcode && 
7680      rchild.getOpcode() == INT_USHR_opcode && 
7681      rchild.getChild2().getOpcode() == INT_CONSTANT_opcode  
7682    ) {
7683      c = STATE(lchild.getChild1()).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(2 /* r */) + (Binary.getVal1(PL(p)).similar(Binary.getVal1(PR(p))) && ((-VLR(p)) & 0x1f) == (VRR(p)&0x1f) && ((VLR(p)&0x1f) == 31) ? 11 : INFINITE);
7684      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 611, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
7685      if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
7686        p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
7687        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0x6B00); // p.r = 107
7688        closure_r(p, c);
7689      }
7690    }
7692      lchild.getOpcode() == INT_USHR_opcode && 
7693      lchild.getChild2().getOpcode() == INT_CONSTANT_opcode && 
7694      rchild.getOpcode() == INT_SHL_opcode && 
7695      rchild.getChild2().getOpcode() == INT_CONSTANT_opcode  
7696    ) {
7697      c = STATE(lchild.getChild1()).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(2 /* r */) + (Binary.getVal1(PL(p)).similar(Binary.getVal1(PR(p))) && ((-VRR(p)) & 0x1f) == (VLR(p)&0x1f) && ((VRR(p)&0x1f) == 31) ? 11 : INFINITE);
7698      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 612, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
7699      if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
7700        p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
7701        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0x6C00); // p.r = 108
7702        closure_r(p, c);
7703      }
7704    }
7706      lchild.getOpcode() == INT_SHL_opcode && 
7707      lchild.getChild2().getOpcode() == INT_AND_opcode && 
7708      lchild.getChild2().getChild2().getOpcode() == INT_CONSTANT_opcode && 
7709      rchild.getOpcode() == INT_USHR_opcode && 
7710      rchild.getChild2().getOpcode() == INT_AND_opcode && 
7711      rchild.getChild2().getChild1().getOpcode() == INT_NEG_opcode && 
7712      rchild.getChild2().getChild2().getOpcode() == INT_CONSTANT_opcode  
7713    ) {
7714      c = STATE(lchild.getChild1()).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(lchild.getChild2().getChild1()).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2().getChild1().getChild1()).getCost(2 /* r */) + (Binary.getVal1(PL(p)).similar(Binary.getVal1(PR(p))) && (VLRR(p) == 31) && (VRRR(p) == 31) && Binary.getVal1(PLR(p)).similar(Unary.getVal(PRRL(p))) ? 23 : INFINITE);
7715      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 613, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
7716      if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
7717        p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
7718        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0x6D00); // p.r = 109
7719        closure_r(p, c);
7720      }
7721    }
7723      lchild.getOpcode() == INT_USHR_opcode && 
7724      lchild.getChild2().getOpcode() == INT_AND_opcode && 
7725      lchild.getChild2().getChild1().getOpcode() == INT_NEG_opcode && 
7726      lchild.getChild2().getChild2().getOpcode() == INT_CONSTANT_opcode && 
7727      rchild.getOpcode() == INT_SHL_opcode && 
7728      rchild.getChild2().getOpcode() == INT_AND_opcode && 
7729      rchild.getChild2().getChild2().getOpcode() == INT_CONSTANT_opcode  
7730    ) {
7731      c = STATE(lchild.getChild1()).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(lchild.getChild2().getChild1().getChild1()).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2().getChild1()).getCost(2 /* r */) + (Binary.getVal1(PL(p)).similar(Binary.getVal1(PR(p))) && (VLRR(p) == 31) && (VRRR(p) == 31) && Binary.getVal1(PRR(p)).similar(Unary.getVal(PLRL(p))) ? 23 : INFINITE);
7732      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 615, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
7733      if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
7734        p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
7735        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0x6E00); // p.r = 110
7736        closure_r(p, c);
7737      }
7738    }
7740      lchild.getOpcode() == INT_SHL_opcode && 
7741      lchild.getChild2().getOpcode() == INT_AND_opcode && 
7742      lchild.getChild2().getChild1().getOpcode() == INT_NEG_opcode && 
7743      lchild.getChild2().getChild2().getOpcode() == INT_CONSTANT_opcode && 
7744      rchild.getOpcode() == INT_USHR_opcode && 
7745      rchild.getChild2().getOpcode() == INT_AND_opcode && 
7746      rchild.getChild2().getChild2().getOpcode() == INT_CONSTANT_opcode  
7747    ) {
7748      c = STATE(lchild.getChild1()).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(lchild.getChild2().getChild1().getChild1()).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2().getChild1()).getCost(2 /* r */) + (Binary.getVal1(PL(p)).similar(Binary.getVal1(PR(p))) && (VLRR(p) == 31) && (VRRR(p) == 31) && Binary.getVal1(PRR(p)).similar(Unary.getVal(PLRL(p))) ? 23 : INFINITE);
7749      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 616, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
7750      if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
7751        p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
7752        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0x6F00); // p.r = 111
7753        closure_r(p, c);
7754      }
7755    }
7757      lchild.getOpcode() == INT_USHR_opcode && 
7758      lchild.getChild2().getOpcode() == INT_AND_opcode && 
7759      lchild.getChild2().getChild2().getOpcode() == INT_CONSTANT_opcode && 
7760      rchild.getOpcode() == INT_SHL_opcode && 
7761      rchild.getChild2().getOpcode() == INT_AND_opcode && 
7762      rchild.getChild2().getChild1().getOpcode() == INT_NEG_opcode && 
7763      rchild.getChild2().getChild2().getOpcode() == INT_CONSTANT_opcode  
7764    ) {
7765      c = STATE(lchild.getChild1()).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(lchild.getChild2().getChild1()).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2().getChild1().getChild1()).getCost(2 /* r */) + (Binary.getVal1(PL(p)).similar(Binary.getVal1(PR(p))) && (VLRR(p) == 31) && (VRRR(p) == 31) && Binary.getVal1(PLR(p)).similar(Unary.getVal(PRRL(p))) ? 23 : INFINITE);
7766      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 614, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
7767      if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
7768        p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
7769        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0x7000); // p.r = 112
7770        closure_r(p, c);
7771      }
7772    }
7773  }
7775  /**
7776   * Labels LONG_OR tree node
7777   * @param p node to label
7778   */
7779  private static void label_LONG_OR(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
7780    p.initCost();
7781    AbstractBURS_TreeNode lchild, rchild;
7782    lchild = p.getChild1();
7783    rchild = p.getChild2();
7784    label(lchild);
7785    label(rchild);
7786    int c;
7787    // szpr: LONG_OR(r,rlv)
7788    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + 13;
7789    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 184, c + 0, p.getCost(5) /* szpr */);
7790    if (c < p.getCost(5) /* szpr */) {
7791      p.setCost(5 /* szpr */, (char)(c));
7792      p.writePacked(0, 0xE07FFFFF, 0xE000000); // p.szpr = 28
7793      closure_szpr(p, c);
7794    }
7795    // szpr: LONG_OR(r,load64)
7796    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(20 /* load64 */) + 15;
7797    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 185, c + 0, p.getCost(5) /* szpr */);
7798    if (c < p.getCost(5) /* szpr */) {
7799      p.setCost(5 /* szpr */, (char)(c));
7800      p.writePacked(0, 0xE07FFFFF, 0xE800000); // p.szpr = 29
7801      closure_szpr(p, c);
7802    }
7803    // szpr: LONG_OR(load64,rlv)
7804    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(20 /* load64 */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + 15;
7805    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 186, c + 0, p.getCost(5) /* szpr */);
7806    if (c < p.getCost(5) /* szpr */) {
7807      p.setCost(5 /* szpr */, (char)(c));
7808      p.writePacked(0, 0xE07FFFFF, 0xF000000); // p.szpr = 30
7809      closure_szpr(p, c);
7810    }
7811  }
7813  /**
7814   * Labels INT_XOR tree node
7815   * @param p node to label
7816   */
7817  private static void label_INT_XOR(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
7818    p.initCost();
7819    AbstractBURS_TreeNode lchild, rchild;
7820    lchild = p.getChild1();
7821    rchild = p.getChild2();
7822    label(lchild);
7823    label(rchild);
7824    int c;
7825    // szpr: INT_XOR(r,riv)
7826    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(7 /* riv */) + 13;
7827    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 123, c + 0, p.getCost(5) /* szpr */);
7828    if (c < p.getCost(5) /* szpr */) {
7829      p.setCost(5 /* szpr */, (char)(c));
7830      p.writePacked(0, 0xE07FFFFF, 0xA000000); // p.szpr = 20
7831      closure_szpr(p, c);
7832    }
7833    // szpr: INT_XOR(r,load32)
7834    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(10 /* load32 */) + 15;
7835    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 124, c + 0, p.getCost(5) /* szpr */);
7836    if (c < p.getCost(5) /* szpr */) {
7837      p.setCost(5 /* szpr */, (char)(c));
7838      p.writePacked(0, 0xE07FFFFF, 0xA800000); // p.szpr = 21
7839      closure_szpr(p, c);
7840    }
7841    // szpr: INT_XOR(load32,riv)
7842    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(10 /* load32 */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(7 /* riv */) + 15;
7843    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 125, c + 0, p.getCost(5) /* szpr */);
7844    if (c < p.getCost(5) /* szpr */) {
7845      p.setCost(5 /* szpr */, (char)(c));
7846      p.writePacked(0, 0xE07FFFFF, 0xB000000); // p.szpr = 22
7847      closure_szpr(p, c);
7848    }
7849  }
7851  /**
7852   * Labels INT_NOT tree node
7853   * @param p node to label
7854   */
7855  private static void label_INT_NOT(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
7856    p.initCost();
7857    AbstractBURS_TreeNode lchild;
7858    lchild = p.getChild1();
7859    label(lchild);
7860    int c;
7861    // r: INT_NOT(r)
7862    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + 13;
7863    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 331, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
7864    if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
7865      p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
7866      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0x6600); // p.r = 102
7867      closure_r(p, c);
7868    }
7869  }
7871  /**
7872   * Labels LONG_NOT tree node
7873   * @param p node to label
7874   */
7875  private static void label_LONG_NOT(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
7876    p.initCost();
7877    AbstractBURS_TreeNode lchild;
7878    lchild = p.getChild1();
7879    label(lchild);
7880    int c;
7881    // r: LONG_NOT(r)
7882    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + 13;
7883    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 347, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
7884    if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
7885      p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
7886      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0xA300); // p.r = 163
7887      closure_r(p, c);
7888    }
7889  }
7891  /**
7892   * Labels LONG_XOR tree node
7893   * @param p node to label
7894   */
7895  private static void label_LONG_XOR(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
7896    p.initCost();
7897    AbstractBURS_TreeNode lchild, rchild;
7898    lchild = p.getChild1();
7899    rchild = p.getChild2();
7900    label(lchild);
7901    label(rchild);
7902    int c;
7903    // szpr: LONG_XOR(r,rlv)
7904    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + 13;
7905    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 200, c + 0, p.getCost(5) /* szpr */);
7906    if (c < p.getCost(5) /* szpr */) {
7907      p.setCost(5 /* szpr */, (char)(c));
7908      p.writePacked(0, 0xE07FFFFF, 0x14800000); // p.szpr = 41
7909      closure_szpr(p, c);
7910    }
7911    // szpr: LONG_XOR(r,load64)
7912    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(20 /* load64 */) + 15;
7913    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 201, c + 0, p.getCost(5) /* szpr */);
7914    if (c < p.getCost(5) /* szpr */) {
7915      p.setCost(5 /* szpr */, (char)(c));
7916      p.writePacked(0, 0xE07FFFFF, 0x15000000); // p.szpr = 42
7917      closure_szpr(p, c);
7918    }
7919    // szpr: LONG_XOR(load64,rlv)
7920    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(20 /* load64 */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + 15;
7921    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 202, c + 0, p.getCost(5) /* szpr */);
7922    if (c < p.getCost(5) /* szpr */) {
7923      p.setCost(5 /* szpr */, (char)(c));
7924      p.writePacked(0, 0xE07FFFFF, 0x15800000); // p.szpr = 43
7925      closure_szpr(p, c);
7926    }
7927  }
7929  /**
7930   * Labels INT_2ADDRZerExt tree node
7931   * @param p node to label
7932   */
7933  private static void label_INT_2ADDRZerExt(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
7934    p.initCost();
7935    AbstractBURS_TreeNode lchild;
7936    lchild = p.getChild1();
7937    label(lchild);
7938    int c;
7939    // r: INT_2ADDRZerExt(r)
7940    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + 15;
7941    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 302, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
7942    if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
7943      p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
7944      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0x5400); // p.r = 84
7945      closure_r(p, c);
7946    }
7947  }
7949  /**
7950   * Labels INT_2LONG tree node
7951   * @param p node to label
7952   */
7953  private static void label_INT_2LONG(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
7954    p.initCost();
7955    AbstractBURS_TreeNode lchild;
7956    lchild = p.getChild1();
7957    label(lchild);
7958    int c;
7959    // r: INT_2LONG(r)
7960    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + 15;
7961    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 300, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
7962    if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
7963      p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
7964      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0x5000); // p.r = 80
7965      closure_r(p, c);
7966    }
7967    // r: INT_2LONG(load32)
7968    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(10 /* load32 */) + 13;
7969    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 301, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
7970    if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
7971      p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
7972      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0x5100); // p.r = 81
7973      closure_r(p, c);
7974    }
7975  }
7977  /**
7978   * Labels INT_2FLOAT tree node
7979   * @param p node to label
7980   */
7981  private static void label_INT_2FLOAT(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
7982    p.initCost();
7983    AbstractBURS_TreeNode lchild;
7984    lchild = p.getChild1();
7985    label(lchild);
7986    int c;
7987    // r: INT_2FLOAT(riv)
7988    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(7 /* riv */) + 13;
7989    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 360, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
7990    if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
7991      p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
7992      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0xD500); // p.r = 213
7993      closure_r(p, c);
7994    }
7995    // r: INT_2FLOAT(load32)
7996    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(10 /* load32 */) + 15;
7997    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 361, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
7998    if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
7999      p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
8000      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0xD600); // p.r = 214
8001      closure_r(p, c);
8002    }
8003  }
8005  /**
8006   * Labels INT_2DOUBLE tree node
8007   * @param p node to label
8008   */
8009  private static void label_INT_2DOUBLE(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
8010    p.initCost();
8011    AbstractBURS_TreeNode lchild;
8012    lchild = p.getChild1();
8013    label(lchild);
8014    int c;
8015    // r: INT_2DOUBLE(riv)
8016    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(7 /* riv */) + 13;
8017    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 362, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
8018    if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
8019      p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
8020      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0xD700); // p.r = 215
8021      closure_r(p, c);
8022    }
8023    // r: INT_2DOUBLE(load32)
8024    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(10 /* load32 */) + 15;
8025    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 363, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
8026    if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
8027      p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
8028      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0xD800); // p.r = 216
8029      closure_r(p, c);
8030    }
8031  }
8033  /**
8034   * Labels LONG_2INT tree node
8035   * @param p node to label
8036   */
8037  private static void label_LONG_2INT(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
8038    p.initCost();
8039    AbstractBURS_TreeNode lchild;
8040    lchild = p.getChild1();
8041    label(lchild);
8042    int c;
8043    // r: LONG_2INT(r)
8044    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + 13;
8045    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 338, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
8046    if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
8047      p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
8048      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0x8A00); // p.r = 138
8049      closure_r(p, c);
8050    }
8051    // r: LONG_2INT(load64)
8052    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(20 /* load64 */) + 15;
8053    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 339, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
8054    if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
8055      p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
8056      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0x8B00); // p.r = 139
8057      closure_r(p, c);
8058    }
8059    // load32: LONG_2INT(load64)
8060    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(20 /* load64 */) + 0;
8061    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 340, c + 0, p.getCost(10) /* load32 */);
8062    if (c < p.getCost(10) /* load32 */) {
8063      p.setCost(10 /* load32 */, (char)(c));
8064      p.writePacked(1, 0xFFFFC7FF, 0x2000); // p.load32 = 4
8065      closure_load32(p, c);
8066    }
8067    if ( // r: LONG_2INT(LONG_USHR(r,INT_CONSTANT))
8068      lchild.getOpcode() == LONG_USHR_opcode && 
8069      lchild.getChild2().getOpcode() == INT_CONSTANT_opcode  
8070    ) {
8071      c = STATE(lchild.getChild1()).getCost(2 /* r */) + (VLR(p) == 32 ? 13 : INFINITE);
8072      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 390, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
8073      if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
8074        p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
8075        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0x8C00); // p.r = 140
8076        closure_r(p, c);
8077      }
8078    }
8079    if ( // r: LONG_2INT(LONG_SHR(r,INT_CONSTANT))
8080      lchild.getOpcode() == LONG_SHR_opcode && 
8081      lchild.getChild2().getOpcode() == INT_CONSTANT_opcode  
8082    ) {
8083      c = STATE(lchild.getChild1()).getCost(2 /* r */) + (VLR(p) == 32 ? 13 : INFINITE);
8084      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 391, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
8085      if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
8086        p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
8087        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0x8D00); // p.r = 141
8088        closure_r(p, c);
8089      }
8090    }
8091    if ( // r: LONG_2INT(LONG_USHR(load64,INT_CONSTANT))
8092      lchild.getOpcode() == LONG_USHR_opcode && 
8093      lchild.getChild2().getOpcode() == INT_CONSTANT_opcode  
8094    ) {
8095      c = STATE(lchild.getChild1()).getCost(20 /* load64 */) + (VLR(p) == 32 ? 15 : INFINITE);
8096      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 392, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
8097      if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
8098        p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
8099        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0x8E00); // p.r = 142
8100        closure_r(p, c);
8101      }
8102    }
8103    if ( // r: LONG_2INT(LONG_SHR(load64,INT_CONSTANT))
8104      lchild.getOpcode() == LONG_SHR_opcode && 
8105      lchild.getChild2().getOpcode() == INT_CONSTANT_opcode  
8106    ) {
8107      c = STATE(lchild.getChild1()).getCost(20 /* load64 */) + (VLR(p) == 32 ? 15 : INFINITE);
8108      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 393, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
8109      if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
8110        p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
8111        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0x8F00); // p.r = 143
8112        closure_r(p, c);
8113      }
8114    }
8115    if ( // load32: LONG_2INT(LONG_USHR(load64,INT_CONSTANT))
8116      lchild.getOpcode() == LONG_USHR_opcode && 
8117      lchild.getChild2().getOpcode() == INT_CONSTANT_opcode  
8118    ) {
8119      c = STATE(lchild.getChild1()).getCost(20 /* load64 */) + (VLR(p) == 32 ? 0 : INFINITE);
8120      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 394, c + 0, p.getCost(10) /* load32 */);
8121      if (c < p.getCost(10) /* load32 */) {
8122        p.setCost(10 /* load32 */, (char)(c));
8123        p.writePacked(1, 0xFFFFC7FF, 0x2800); // p.load32 = 5
8124        closure_load32(p, c);
8125      }
8126    }
8127    if ( // load32: LONG_2INT(LONG_SHR(load64,INT_CONSTANT))
8128      lchild.getOpcode() == LONG_SHR_opcode && 
8129      lchild.getChild2().getOpcode() == INT_CONSTANT_opcode  
8130    ) {
8131      c = STATE(lchild.getChild1()).getCost(20 /* load64 */) + (VLR(p) == 32 ? 0 : INFINITE);
8132      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 395, c + 0, p.getCost(10) /* load32 */);
8133      if (c < p.getCost(10) /* load32 */) {
8134        p.setCost(10 /* load32 */, (char)(c));
8135        p.writePacked(1, 0xFFFFC7FF, 0x3000); // p.load32 = 6
8136        closure_load32(p, c);
8137      }
8138    }
8139  }
8141  /**
8142   * Labels LONG_2FLOAT tree node
8143   * @param p node to label
8144   */
8145  private static void label_LONG_2FLOAT(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
8146    p.initCost();
8147    AbstractBURS_TreeNode lchild;
8148    lchild = p.getChild1();
8149    label(lchild);
8150    int c;
8151    // r: LONG_2FLOAT(r)
8152    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + 13;
8153    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 356, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
8154    if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
8155      p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
8156      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0xC600); // p.r = 198
8157      closure_r(p, c);
8158    }
8159  }
8161  /**
8162   * Labels LONG_2DOUBLE tree node
8163   * @param p node to label
8164   */
8165  private static void label_LONG_2DOUBLE(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
8166    p.initCost();
8167    AbstractBURS_TreeNode lchild;
8168    lchild = p.getChild1();
8169    label(lchild);
8170    int c;
8171    // r: LONG_2DOUBLE(r)
8172    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + 13;
8173    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 357, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
8174    if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
8175      p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
8176      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0xC700); // p.r = 199
8177      closure_r(p, c);
8178    }
8179  }
8181  /**
8182   * Labels FLOAT_2INT tree node
8183   * @param p node to label
8184   */
8185  private static void label_FLOAT_2INT(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
8186    p.initCost();
8187    AbstractBURS_TreeNode lchild;
8188    lchild = p.getChild1();
8189    label(lchild);
8190    int c;
8191    // r: FLOAT_2INT(r)
8192    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + 13;
8193    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 368, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
8194    if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
8195      p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
8196      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0xDD00); // p.r = 221
8197      closure_r(p, c);
8198    }
8199  }
8201  /**
8202   * Labels FLOAT_2LONG tree node
8203   * @param p node to label
8204   */
8205  private static void label_FLOAT_2LONG(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
8206    p.initCost();
8207    AbstractBURS_TreeNode lchild;
8208    lchild = p.getChild1();
8209    label(lchild);
8210    int c;
8211    // r: FLOAT_2LONG(r)
8212    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + 13;
8213    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 369, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
8214    if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
8215      p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
8216      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0xDE00); // p.r = 222
8217      closure_r(p, c);
8218    }
8219  }
8221  /**
8222   * Labels FLOAT_2DOUBLE tree node
8223   * @param p node to label
8224   */
8225  private static void label_FLOAT_2DOUBLE(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
8226    p.initCost();
8227    AbstractBURS_TreeNode lchild;
8228    lchild = p.getChild1();
8229    label(lchild);
8230    int c;
8231    // r: FLOAT_2DOUBLE(r)
8232    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + 13;
8233    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 364, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
8234    if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
8235      p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
8236      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0xD900); // p.r = 217
8237      closure_r(p, c);
8238    }
8239    // r: FLOAT_2DOUBLE(float_load)
8240    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(26 /* float_load */) + 15;
8241    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 365, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
8242    if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
8243      p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
8244      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0xDA00); // p.r = 218
8245      closure_r(p, c);
8246    }
8247  }
8249  /**
8250   * Labels DOUBLE_2INT tree node
8251   * @param p node to label
8252   */
8253  private static void label_DOUBLE_2INT(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
8254    p.initCost();
8255    AbstractBURS_TreeNode lchild;
8256    lchild = p.getChild1();
8257    label(lchild);
8258    int c;
8259    // r: DOUBLE_2INT(r)
8260    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + 13;
8261    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 370, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
8262    if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
8263      p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
8264      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0xDF00); // p.r = 223
8265      closure_r(p, c);
8266    }
8267  }
8269  /**
8270   * Labels DOUBLE_2LONG tree node
8271   * @param p node to label
8272   */
8273  private static void label_DOUBLE_2LONG(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
8274    p.initCost();
8275    AbstractBURS_TreeNode lchild;
8276    lchild = p.getChild1();
8277    label(lchild);
8278    int c;
8279    // r: DOUBLE_2LONG(r)
8280    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + 13;
8281    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 371, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
8282    if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
8283      p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
8284      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0xE000); // p.r = 224
8285      closure_r(p, c);
8286    }
8287  }
8289  /**
8290   * Labels DOUBLE_2FLOAT tree node
8291   * @param p node to label
8292   */
8293  private static void label_DOUBLE_2FLOAT(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
8294    p.initCost();
8295    AbstractBURS_TreeNode lchild;
8296    lchild = p.getChild1();
8297    label(lchild);
8298    int c;
8299    // r: DOUBLE_2FLOAT(r)
8300    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + 13;
8301    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 366, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
8302    if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
8303      p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
8304      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0xDB00); // p.r = 219
8305      closure_r(p, c);
8306    }
8307    // r: DOUBLE_2FLOAT(double_load)
8308    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(27 /* double_load */) + 15;
8309    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 367, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
8310    if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
8311      p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
8312      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0xDC00); // p.r = 220
8313      closure_r(p, c);
8314    }
8315  }
8317  /**
8318   * Labels INT_2BYTE tree node
8319   * @param p node to label
8320   */
8321  private static void label_INT_2BYTE(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
8322    p.initCost();
8323    AbstractBURS_TreeNode lchild;
8324    lchild = p.getChild1();
8325    label(lchild);
8326    int c;
8327    // r: INT_2BYTE(load8_16_32)
8328    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(12 /* load8_16_32 */) + 20;
8329    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 254, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
8330    if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
8331      p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
8332      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0x800); // p.r = 8
8333      closure_r(p, c);
8334    }
8335    // r: INT_2BYTE(r)
8336    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + 15;
8337    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 298, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
8338    if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
8339      p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
8340      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0x4E00); // p.r = 78
8341      closure_r(p, c);
8342    }
8343    // r: INT_2BYTE(load8_16_32)
8344    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(12 /* load8_16_32 */) + 17;
8345    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 299, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
8346    if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
8347      p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
8348      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0x4F00); // p.r = 79
8349      closure_r(p, c);
8350    }
8351  }
8353  /**
8354   * Labels INT_2USHORT tree node
8355   * @param p node to label
8356   */
8357  private static void label_INT_2USHORT(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
8358    p.initCost();
8359    AbstractBURS_TreeNode lchild;
8360    lchild = p.getChild1();
8361    label(lchild);
8362    int c;
8363    // szpr: INT_2USHORT(r)
8364    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + 23;
8365    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 306, c + 0, p.getCost(5) /* szpr */);
8366    if (c < p.getCost(5) /* szpr */) {
8367      p.setCost(5 /* szpr */, (char)(c));
8368      p.writePacked(0, 0xE07FFFFF, 0x800000); // p.szpr = 1
8369      closure_szpr(p, c);
8370    }
8371    // uload16: INT_2USHORT(load16_32)
8372    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(13 /* load16_32 */) + 0;
8373    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 307, c + 0, p.getCost(23) /* uload16 */);
8374    if (c < p.getCost(23) /* uload16 */) {
8375      p.setCost(23 /* uload16 */, (char)(c));
8376      p.writePacked(2, 0xFF8FFFFF, 0x100000); // p.uload16 = 1
8377      closure_uload16(p, c);
8378    }
8379    // r: INT_2USHORT(load16_32)
8380    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(13 /* load16_32 */) + 15;
8381    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 308, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
8382    if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
8383      p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
8384      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0x5700); // p.r = 87
8385      closure_r(p, c);
8386    }
8387  }
8389  /**
8390   * Labels INT_2SHORT tree node
8391   * @param p node to label
8392   */
8393  private static void label_INT_2SHORT(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
8394    p.initCost();
8395    AbstractBURS_TreeNode lchild;
8396    lchild = p.getChild1();
8397    label(lchild);
8398    int c;
8399    // r: INT_2SHORT(r)
8400    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + 15;
8401    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 303, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
8402    if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
8403      p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
8404      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0x5500); // p.r = 85
8405      closure_r(p, c);
8406    }
8407    // r: INT_2SHORT(load16_32)
8408    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(13 /* load16_32 */) + 17;
8409    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 304, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
8410    if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
8411      p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
8412      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0x5600); // p.r = 86
8413      closure_r(p, c);
8414    }
8415    // sload16: INT_2SHORT(load16_32)
8416    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(13 /* load16_32 */) + 0;
8417    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 305, c + 0, p.getCost(22) /* sload16 */);
8418    if (c < p.getCost(22) /* sload16 */) {
8419      p.setCost(22 /* sload16 */, (char)(c));
8420      p.writePacked(2, 0xFFF1FFFF, 0x20000); // p.sload16 = 1
8421      closure_sload16(p, c);
8422    }
8423  }
8425  /**
8426   * Labels LONG_CMP tree node
8427   * @param p node to label
8428   */
8429  private static void label_LONG_CMP(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
8430    p.initCost();
8431    AbstractBURS_TreeNode lchild, rchild;
8432    lchild = p.getChild1();
8433    rchild = p.getChild2();
8434    label(lchild);
8435    label(rchild);
8436    int c;
8437    // r: LONG_CMP(rlv,rlv)
8438    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + 10*13;
8439    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 55, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
8440    if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
8441      p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
8442      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0xC00); // p.r = 12
8443      closure_r(p, c);
8444    }
8445  }
8447  /**
8448   * Labels RETURN tree node
8449   * @param p node to label
8450   */
8451  private static void label_RETURN(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
8452    p.initCost();
8453    AbstractBURS_TreeNode lchild;
8454    lchild = p.getChild1();
8455    label(lchild);
8456    int c;
8457    if ( // stm: RETURN(NULL)
8458      lchild.getOpcode() == NULL_opcode  
8459    ) {
8460      c = 13;
8461      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 46, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
8462      if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
8463        p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
8464        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0x2C); // p.stm = 44
8465      }
8466    }
8467    if ( // stm: RETURN(INT_CONSTANT)
8468      lchild.getOpcode() == INT_CONSTANT_opcode  
8469    ) {
8470      c = 11;
8471      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 47, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
8472      if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
8473        p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
8474        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0x2D); // p.stm = 45
8475      }
8476    }
8477    // stm: RETURN(r)
8478    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + 13;
8479    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 257, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
8480    if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
8481      p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
8482      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0x2E); // p.stm = 46
8483    }
8484    if ( // stm: RETURN(LONG_CONSTANT)
8485      lchild.getOpcode() == LONG_CONSTANT_opcode  
8486    ) {
8487      c = 11;
8488      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 48, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
8489      if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
8490        p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
8491        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0x2F); // p.stm = 47
8492      }
8493    }
8494  }
8496  /**
8497   * Labels NULL_CHECK tree node
8498   * @param p node to label
8499   */
8500  private static void label_NULL_CHECK(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
8501    p.initCost();
8502    AbstractBURS_TreeNode lchild;
8503    lchild = p.getChild1();
8504    label(lchild);
8505    int c;
8506    // stm: NULL_CHECK(riv)
8507    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(7 /* riv */) + 11;
8508    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 248, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
8509    if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
8510      p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
8511      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0xB); // p.stm = 11
8512    }
8513  }
8515  /**
8516   * Labels GOTO tree node
8517   * @param p node to label
8518   */
8519  private static void label_GOTO(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
8520    p.initCost();
8521    // stm: GOTO
8522    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 41, 11 + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
8523    if (11 < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
8524      p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(11));
8525      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0x26); // p.stm = 38
8526    }
8527  }
8529  /**
8530   * Labels BOOLEAN_NOT tree node
8531   * @param p node to label
8532   */
8533  private static void label_BOOLEAN_NOT(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
8534    p.initCost();
8535    AbstractBURS_TreeNode lchild;
8536    lchild = p.getChild1();
8537    label(lchild);
8538    int c;
8539    // r: BOOLEAN_NOT(r)
8540    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + 13;
8541    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 293, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
8542    if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
8543      p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
8544      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0x3C00); // p.r = 60
8545      closure_r(p, c);
8546    }
8547  }
8549  /**
8550   * Labels BOOLEAN_CMP_INT tree node
8551   * @param p node to label
8552   */
8553  private static void label_BOOLEAN_CMP_INT(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
8554    p.initCost();
8555    AbstractBURS_TreeNode lchild, rchild;
8556    lchild = p.getChild1();
8557    rchild = p.getChild2();
8558    label(lchild);
8559    label(rchild);
8560    int c;
8561    // r: BOOLEAN_CMP_INT(r,riv)
8562    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(7 /* riv */) + 39;
8563    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 69, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
8564    if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
8565      p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
8566      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0x2600); // p.r = 38
8567      closure_r(p, c);
8568    }
8569    // boolcmp: BOOLEAN_CMP_INT(r,riv)
8570    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(7 /* riv */) + 13;
8571    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 70, c + 0, p.getCost(19) /* boolcmp */);
8572    if (c < p.getCost(19) /* boolcmp */) {
8573      p.setCost(19 /* boolcmp */, (char)(c));
8574      p.writePacked(2, 0xFFFFF0FF, 0x100); // p.boolcmp = 1
8575    }
8576    if ( // r: BOOLEAN_CMP_INT(r,INT_CONSTANT)
8577      rchild.getOpcode() == INT_CONSTANT_opcode  
8578    ) {
8579      c = STATE(lchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + (VR(p) == 0 && CMP_TO_TEST(BooleanCmp.getCond(P(p))) ? 37:INFINITE);
8580      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 270, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
8581      if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
8582        p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
8583        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0x2700); // p.r = 39
8584        closure_r(p, c);
8585      }
8586    }
8587    if ( // boolcmp: BOOLEAN_CMP_INT(r,INT_CONSTANT)
8588      rchild.getOpcode() == INT_CONSTANT_opcode  
8589    ) {
8590      c = STATE(lchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + (VR(p) == 0 && CMP_TO_TEST(BooleanCmp.getCond(P(p))) ? 11:INFINITE);
8591      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 271, c + 0, p.getCost(19) /* boolcmp */);
8592      if (c < p.getCost(19) /* boolcmp */) {
8593        p.setCost(19 /* boolcmp */, (char)(c));
8594        p.writePacked(2, 0xFFFFF0FF, 0x200); // p.boolcmp = 2
8595      }
8596    }
8597    if ( // r: BOOLEAN_CMP_INT(r,INT_CONSTANT)
8598      rchild.getOpcode() == INT_CONSTANT_opcode  
8599    ) {
8600      c = STATE(lchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + (VR(p) == 0 && BooleanCmp.getCond(P(p)).isLESS() ? 11 : INFINITE);
8601      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 272, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
8602      if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
8603        p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
8604        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0x2800); // p.r = 40
8605        closure_r(p, c);
8606      }
8607    }
8608    if ( // r: BOOLEAN_CMP_INT(load32,INT_CONSTANT)
8609      rchild.getOpcode() == INT_CONSTANT_opcode  
8610    ) {
8611      c = STATE(lchild).getCost(10 /* load32 */) + (VR(p) == 0 && BooleanCmp.getCond(P(p)).isLESS() ? 16 : INFINITE);
8612      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 273, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
8613      if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
8614        p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
8615        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0x2900); // p.r = 41
8616        closure_r(p, c);
8617      }
8618    }
8619    if ( // r: BOOLEAN_CMP_INT(r,INT_CONSTANT)
8620      rchild.getOpcode() == INT_CONSTANT_opcode  
8621    ) {
8622      c = STATE(lchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + (VR(p) == 0 && BooleanCmp.getCond(P(p)).isGREATER_EQUAL() ? 22 : INFINITE);
8623      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 274, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
8624      if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
8625        p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
8626        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0x2A00); // p.r = 42
8627        closure_r(p, c);
8628      }
8629    }
8630    if ( // r: BOOLEAN_CMP_INT(load32,INT_CONSTANT)
8631      rchild.getOpcode() == INT_CONSTANT_opcode  
8632    ) {
8633      c = STATE(lchild).getCost(10 /* load32 */) + (VR(p) == 0 && BooleanCmp.getCond(P(p)).isGREATER_EQUAL() ? 27 : INFINITE);
8634      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 275, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
8635      if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
8636        p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
8637        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0x2B00); // p.r = 43
8638        closure_r(p, c);
8639      }
8640    }
8641    if ( // r: BOOLEAN_CMP_INT(cz,INT_CONSTANT)
8642      rchild.getOpcode() == INT_CONSTANT_opcode  
8643    ) {
8644      c = STATE(lchild).getCost(4 /* cz */) + isZERO(VR(p), 26);
8645      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 276, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
8646      if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
8647        p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
8648        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0x2C00); // p.r = 44
8649        closure_r(p, c);
8650      }
8651    }
8652    if ( // boolcmp: BOOLEAN_CMP_INT(cz,INT_CONSTANT)
8653      rchild.getOpcode() == INT_CONSTANT_opcode  
8654    ) {
8655      c = STATE(lchild).getCost(4 /* cz */) + isZERO(VR(p), 0);
8656      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 277, c + 0, p.getCost(19) /* boolcmp */);
8657      if (c < p.getCost(19) /* boolcmp */) {
8658        p.setCost(19 /* boolcmp */, (char)(c));
8659        p.writePacked(2, 0xFFFFF0FF, 0x300); // p.boolcmp = 3
8660      }
8661    }
8662    if ( // r: BOOLEAN_CMP_INT(szp,INT_CONSTANT)
8663      rchild.getOpcode() == INT_CONSTANT_opcode  
8664    ) {
8665      c = STATE(lchild).getCost(6 /* szp */) + (VR(p) == 0 && EQ_NE(BooleanCmp.getCond(P(p)))?26:INFINITE);
8666      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 278, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
8667      if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
8668        p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
8669        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0x2D00); // p.r = 45
8670        closure_r(p, c);
8671      }
8672    }
8673    if ( // boolcmp: BOOLEAN_CMP_INT(szp,INT_CONSTANT)
8674      rchild.getOpcode() == INT_CONSTANT_opcode  
8675    ) {
8676      c = STATE(lchild).getCost(6 /* szp */) + (VR(p) == 0 && EQ_NE(BooleanCmp.getCond(P(p)))?0:INFINITE);
8677      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 279, c + 0, p.getCost(19) /* boolcmp */);
8678      if (c < p.getCost(19) /* boolcmp */) {
8679        p.setCost(19 /* boolcmp */, (char)(c));
8680        p.writePacked(2, 0xFFFFF0FF, 0x400); // p.boolcmp = 4
8681      }
8682    }
8683    if ( // r: BOOLEAN_CMP_INT(bittest,INT_CONSTANT)
8684      rchild.getOpcode() == INT_CONSTANT_opcode  
8685    ) {
8686      c = STATE(lchild).getCost(18 /* bittest */) + ((VR(p) == 0 || VR(p) == 1) && EQ_NE(BooleanCmp.getCond(P(p))) ? 26 : INFINITE);
8687      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 280, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
8688      if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
8689        p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
8690        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0x2E00); // p.r = 46
8691        closure_r(p, c);
8692      }
8693    }
8694    if ( // boolcmp: BOOLEAN_CMP_INT(bittest,INT_CONSTANT)
8695      rchild.getOpcode() == INT_CONSTANT_opcode  
8696    ) {
8697      c = STATE(lchild).getCost(18 /* bittest */) + ((VR(p) == 0 || VR(p) == 1) && EQ_NE(BooleanCmp.getCond(P(p))) ? 0 : INFINITE);
8698      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 281, c + 0, p.getCost(19) /* boolcmp */);
8699      if (c < p.getCost(19) /* boolcmp */) {
8700        p.setCost(19 /* boolcmp */, (char)(c));
8701        p.writePacked(2, 0xFFFFF0FF, 0x500); // p.boolcmp = 5
8702      }
8703    }
8704    if ( // r: BOOLEAN_CMP_INT(boolcmp,INT_CONSTANT)
8705      rchild.getOpcode() == INT_CONSTANT_opcode  
8706    ) {
8707      c = STATE(lchild).getCost(19 /* boolcmp */) + ((VR(p) == 0 && BooleanCmp.getCond(P(p)).isNOT_EQUAL()) || (VR(p) == 1 && BooleanCmp.getCond(P(p)).isEQUAL()) ? 26 : INFINITE);
8708      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 282, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
8709      if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
8710        p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
8711        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0x2F00); // p.r = 47
8712        closure_r(p, c);
8713      }
8714    }
8715    if ( // boolcmp: BOOLEAN_CMP_INT(boolcmp,INT_CONSTANT)
8716      rchild.getOpcode() == INT_CONSTANT_opcode  
8717    ) {
8718      c = STATE(lchild).getCost(19 /* boolcmp */) + ((VR(p) == 0 && BooleanCmp.getCond(P(p)).isNOT_EQUAL()) || (VR(p) == 1 && BooleanCmp.getCond(P(p)).isEQUAL()) ? 0 : INFINITE);
8719      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 283, c + 0, p.getCost(19) /* boolcmp */);
8720      if (c < p.getCost(19) /* boolcmp */) {
8721        p.setCost(19 /* boolcmp */, (char)(c));
8722        p.writePacked(2, 0xFFFFF0FF, 0x600); // p.boolcmp = 6
8723      }
8724    }
8725    if ( // r: BOOLEAN_CMP_INT(boolcmp,INT_CONSTANT)
8726      rchild.getOpcode() == INT_CONSTANT_opcode  
8727    ) {
8728      c = STATE(lchild).getCost(19 /* boolcmp */) + ((VR(p) == 1 && BooleanCmp.getCond(P(p)).isNOT_EQUAL()) || (VR(p) == 0 && BooleanCmp.getCond(P(p)).isEQUAL()) ? 26 : INFINITE);
8729      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 284, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
8730      if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
8731        p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
8732        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0x3000); // p.r = 48
8733        closure_r(p, c);
8734      }
8735    }
8736    if ( // boolcmp: BOOLEAN_CMP_INT(boolcmp,INT_CONSTANT)
8737      rchild.getOpcode() == INT_CONSTANT_opcode  
8738    ) {
8739      c = STATE(lchild).getCost(19 /* boolcmp */) + ((VR(p) == 1 && BooleanCmp.getCond(P(p)).isNOT_EQUAL()) || (VR(p) == 0 && BooleanCmp.getCond(P(p)).isEQUAL()) ? 0 : INFINITE);
8740      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 285, c + 0, p.getCost(19) /* boolcmp */);
8741      if (c < p.getCost(19) /* boolcmp */) {
8742        p.setCost(19 /* boolcmp */, (char)(c));
8743        p.writePacked(2, 0xFFFFF0FF, 0x700); // p.boolcmp = 7
8744      }
8745    }
8746    // r: BOOLEAN_CMP_INT(load32,riv)
8747    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(10 /* load32 */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(7 /* riv */) + 41;
8748    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 71, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
8749    if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
8750      p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
8751      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0x3100); // p.r = 49
8752      closure_r(p, c);
8753    }
8754    // boolcmp: BOOLEAN_CMP_INT(load32,riv)
8755    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(10 /* load32 */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(7 /* riv */) + 15;
8756    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 72, c + 0, p.getCost(19) /* boolcmp */);
8757    if (c < p.getCost(19) /* boolcmp */) {
8758      p.setCost(19 /* boolcmp */, (char)(c));
8759      p.writePacked(2, 0xFFFFF0FF, 0x800); // p.boolcmp = 8
8760    }
8761    // r: BOOLEAN_CMP_INT(r,load32)
8762    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(10 /* load32 */) + 41;
8763    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 73, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
8764    if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
8765      p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
8766      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0x3200); // p.r = 50
8767      closure_r(p, c);
8768    }
8769    // boolcmp: BOOLEAN_CMP_INT(riv,load32)
8770    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(10 /* load32 */) + 15;
8771    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 74, c + 0, p.getCost(19) /* boolcmp */);
8772    if (c < p.getCost(19) /* boolcmp */) {
8773      p.setCost(19 /* boolcmp */, (char)(c));
8774      p.writePacked(2, 0xFFFFF0FF, 0x900); // p.boolcmp = 9
8775    }
8776  }
8778  /**
8779   * Labels BOOLEAN_CMP_LONG tree node
8780   * @param p node to label
8781   */
8782  private static void label_BOOLEAN_CMP_LONG(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
8783    p.initCost();
8784    AbstractBURS_TreeNode lchild, rchild;
8785    lchild = p.getChild1();
8786    rchild = p.getChild2();
8787    label(lchild);
8788    label(rchild);
8789    int c;
8790    // r: BOOLEAN_CMP_LONG(r,rlv)
8791    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + 39;
8792    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 75, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
8793    if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
8794      p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
8795      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0x3300); // p.r = 51
8796      closure_r(p, c);
8797    }
8798    // boolcmp: BOOLEAN_CMP_LONG(r,rlv)
8799    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + 13;
8800    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 76, c + 0, p.getCost(19) /* boolcmp */);
8801    if (c < p.getCost(19) /* boolcmp */) {
8802      p.setCost(19 /* boolcmp */, (char)(c));
8803      p.writePacked(2, 0xFFFFF0FF, 0xA00); // p.boolcmp = 10
8804    }
8805    if ( // r: BOOLEAN_CMP_LONG(r,LONG_CONSTANT)
8806      rchild.getOpcode() == LONG_CONSTANT_opcode  
8807    ) {
8808      c = STATE(lchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + ((LV(BooleanCmp.getVal2(P(p))) == 0) && CMP_TO_TEST(BooleanCmp.getCond(P(p))) ? 37:INFINITE);
8809      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 286, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
8810      if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
8811        p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
8812        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0x3400); // p.r = 52
8813        closure_r(p, c);
8814      }
8815    }
8816    if ( // boolcmp: BOOLEAN_CMP_LONG(r,LONG_CONSTANT)
8817      rchild.getOpcode() == LONG_CONSTANT_opcode  
8818    ) {
8819      c = STATE(lchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + ((LV(BooleanCmp.getVal2(P(p))) == 0) && CMP_TO_TEST(BooleanCmp.getCond(P(p))) ? 11:INFINITE);
8820      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 287, c + 0, p.getCost(19) /* boolcmp */);
8821      if (c < p.getCost(19) /* boolcmp */) {
8822        p.setCost(19 /* boolcmp */, (char)(c));
8823        p.writePacked(2, 0xFFFFF0FF, 0xB00); // p.boolcmp = 11
8824      }
8825    }
8826    if ( // r: BOOLEAN_CMP_LONG(r,LONG_CONSTANT)
8827      rchild.getOpcode() == LONG_CONSTANT_opcode  
8828    ) {
8829      c = STATE(lchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + ((LV(BooleanCmp.getVal2(P(p))) == 0) && BooleanCmp.getCond(P(p)).isLESS() ? 11 : INFINITE);
8830      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 288, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
8831      if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
8832        p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
8833        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0x3500); // p.r = 53
8834        closure_r(p, c);
8835      }
8836    }
8837    if ( // r: BOOLEAN_CMP_LONG(load64,LONG_CONSTANT)
8838      rchild.getOpcode() == LONG_CONSTANT_opcode  
8839    ) {
8840      c = STATE(lchild).getCost(20 /* load64 */) + ((LV(BooleanCmp.getVal2(P(p))) == 0) && BooleanCmp.getCond(P(p)).isLESS() ? 16 : INFINITE);
8841      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 289, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
8842      if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
8843        p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
8844        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0x3600); // p.r = 54
8845        closure_r(p, c);
8846      }
8847    }
8848    if ( // r: BOOLEAN_CMP_LONG(r,LONG_CONSTANT)
8849      rchild.getOpcode() == LONG_CONSTANT_opcode  
8850    ) {
8851      c = STATE(lchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + ((LV(BooleanCmp.getVal2(P(p))) == 0) && BooleanCmp.getCond(P(p)).isGREATER_EQUAL() ? 22 : INFINITE);
8852      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 290, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
8853      if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
8854        p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
8855        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0x3700); // p.r = 55
8856        closure_r(p, c);
8857      }
8858    }
8859    if ( // r: BOOLEAN_CMP_LONG(load64,LONG_CONSTANT)
8860      rchild.getOpcode() == LONG_CONSTANT_opcode  
8861    ) {
8862      c = STATE(lchild).getCost(20 /* load64 */) + ((LV(BooleanCmp.getVal2(P(p))) == 0) && BooleanCmp.getCond(P(p)).isGREATER_EQUAL() ? 27 : INFINITE);
8863      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 291, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
8864      if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
8865        p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
8866        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0x3800); // p.r = 56
8867        closure_r(p, c);
8868      }
8869    }
8870    if ( // r: BOOLEAN_CMP_LONG(cz,LONG_CONSTANT)
8871      rchild.getOpcode() == LONG_CONSTANT_opcode  
8872    ) {
8873      c = STATE(lchild).getCost(4 /* cz */) + ((LV(BooleanCmp.getVal2(P(p))) == 0) ? 26 : INFINITE);
8874      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 292, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
8875      if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
8876        p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
8877        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0x3900); // p.r = 57
8878        closure_r(p, c);
8879      }
8880    }
8881    // r: BOOLEAN_CMP_LONG(load64,rlv)
8882    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(20 /* load64 */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + 41;
8883    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 77, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
8884    if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
8885      p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
8886      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0x3A00); // p.r = 58
8887      closure_r(p, c);
8888    }
8889    // boolcmp: BOOLEAN_CMP_LONG(load64,rlv)
8890    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(20 /* load64 */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + 15;
8891    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 78, c + 0, p.getCost(19) /* boolcmp */);
8892    if (c < p.getCost(19) /* boolcmp */) {
8893      p.setCost(19 /* boolcmp */, (char)(c));
8894      p.writePacked(2, 0xFFFFF0FF, 0xC00); // p.boolcmp = 12
8895    }
8896    // r: BOOLEAN_CMP_LONG(r,load64)
8897    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(20 /* load64 */) + 41;
8898    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 79, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
8899    if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
8900      p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
8901      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0x3B00); // p.r = 59
8902      closure_r(p, c);
8903    }
8904    // boolcmp: BOOLEAN_CMP_LONG(rlv,load64)
8905    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(20 /* load64 */) + 15;
8906    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 80, c + 0, p.getCost(19) /* boolcmp */);
8907    if (c < p.getCost(19) /* boolcmp */) {
8908      p.setCost(19 /* boolcmp */, (char)(c));
8909      p.writePacked(2, 0xFFFFF0FF, 0xD00); // p.boolcmp = 13
8910    }
8911  }
8913  /**
8914   * Labels BYTE_LOAD tree node
8915   * @param p node to label
8916   */
8917  private static void label_BYTE_LOAD(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
8918    p.initCost();
8919    AbstractBURS_TreeNode lchild, rchild;
8920    lchild = p.getChild1();
8921    rchild = p.getChild2();
8922    label(lchild);
8923    label(rchild);
8924    int c;
8925    // r: BYTE_LOAD(rlv,rlv)
8926    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + 20;
8927    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 130, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
8928    if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
8929      p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
8930      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0x7E00); // p.r = 126
8931      closure_r(p, c);
8932    }
8933    // sload8: BYTE_LOAD(rlv,rlv)
8934    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + 0;
8935    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 131, c + 0, p.getCost(24) /* sload8 */);
8936    if (c < p.getCost(24) /* sload8 */) {
8937      p.setCost(24 /* sload8 */, (char)(c));
8938      p.writePacked(2, 0xFE7FFFFF, 0x1000000); // p.sload8 = 2
8939      closure_sload8(p, c);
8940    }
8941  }
8943  /**
8944   * Labels UBYTE_LOAD tree node
8945   * @param p node to label
8946   */
8947  private static void label_UBYTE_LOAD(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
8948    p.initCost();
8949    AbstractBURS_TreeNode lchild, rchild;
8950    lchild = p.getChild1();
8951    rchild = p.getChild2();
8952    label(lchild);
8953    label(rchild);
8954    int c;
8955    // r: UBYTE_LOAD(rlv,rlv)
8956    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + 15;
8957    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 135, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
8958    if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
8959      p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
8960      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0x8100); // p.r = 129
8961      closure_r(p, c);
8962    }
8963    // uload8: UBYTE_LOAD(rlv,rlv)
8964    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + 0;
8965    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 136, c + 0, p.getCost(11) /* uload8 */);
8966    if (c < p.getCost(11) /* uload8 */) {
8967      p.setCost(11 /* uload8 */, (char)(c));
8968      p.writePacked(1, 0xFFFE3FFF, 0xC000); // p.uload8 = 3
8969      closure_uload8(p, c);
8970    }
8971  }
8973  /**
8974   * Labels SHORT_LOAD tree node
8975   * @param p node to label
8976   */
8977  private static void label_SHORT_LOAD(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
8978    p.initCost();
8979    AbstractBURS_TreeNode lchild, rchild;
8980    lchild = p.getChild1();
8981    rchild = p.getChild2();
8982    label(lchild);
8983    label(rchild);
8984    int c;
8985    // r: SHORT_LOAD(rlv,rlv)
8986    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + 20;
8987    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 140, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
8988    if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
8989      p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
8990      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0x8400); // p.r = 132
8991      closure_r(p, c);
8992    }
8993    // sload16: SHORT_LOAD(rlv,rlv)
8994    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + 0;
8995    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 141, c + 0, p.getCost(22) /* sload16 */);
8996    if (c < p.getCost(22) /* sload16 */) {
8997      p.setCost(22 /* sload16 */, (char)(c));
8998      p.writePacked(2, 0xFFF1FFFF, 0x60000); // p.sload16 = 3
8999      closure_sload16(p, c);
9000    }
9001  }
9003  /**
9004   * Labels USHORT_LOAD tree node
9005   * @param p node to label
9006   */
9007  private static void label_USHORT_LOAD(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
9008    p.initCost();
9009    AbstractBURS_TreeNode lchild, rchild;
9010    lchild = p.getChild1();
9011    rchild = p.getChild2();
9012    label(lchild);
9013    label(rchild);
9014    int c;
9015    // r: USHORT_LOAD(rlv,rlv)
9016    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + 15;
9017    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 145, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
9018    if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
9019      p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
9020      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0x8700); // p.r = 135
9021      closure_r(p, c);
9022    }
9023    // uload16: USHORT_LOAD(rlv,rlv)
9024    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + 0;
9025    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 146, c + 0, p.getCost(23) /* uload16 */);
9026    if (c < p.getCost(23) /* uload16 */) {
9027      p.setCost(23 /* uload16 */, (char)(c));
9028      p.writePacked(2, 0xFF8FFFFF, 0x300000); // p.uload16 = 3
9029      closure_uload16(p, c);
9030    }
9031  }
9033  /**
9034   * Labels INT_LOAD tree node
9035   * @param p node to label
9036   */
9037  private static void label_INT_LOAD(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
9038    p.initCost();
9039    AbstractBURS_TreeNode lchild, rchild;
9040    lchild = p.getChild1();
9041    rchild = p.getChild2();
9042    label(lchild);
9043    label(rchild);
9044    int c;
9045    // r: INT_LOAD(rlv,rlv)
9046    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + 15;
9047    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 101, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
9048    if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
9049      p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
9050      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0x5B00); // p.r = 91
9051      closure_r(p, c);
9052    }
9053    // r: INT_LOAD(rlv,address1scaledreg)
9054    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(15 /* address1scaledreg */) + 15;
9055    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 102, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
9056    if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
9057      p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
9058      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0x5C00); // p.r = 92
9059      closure_r(p, c);
9060    }
9061    // r: INT_LOAD(address1scaledreg,rlv)
9062    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(15 /* address1scaledreg */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + 15;
9063    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 103, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
9064    if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
9065      p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
9066      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0x5D00); // p.r = 93
9067      closure_r(p, c);
9068    }
9069    // r: INT_LOAD(address1scaledreg,address1reg)
9070    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(15 /* address1scaledreg */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(16 /* address1reg */) + 15;
9071    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 104, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
9072    if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
9073      p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
9074      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0x5E00); // p.r = 94
9075      closure_r(p, c);
9076    }
9077    // r: INT_LOAD(address1reg,address1scaledreg)
9078    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(16 /* address1reg */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(15 /* address1scaledreg */) + 15;
9079    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 105, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
9080    if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
9081      p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
9082      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0x5F00); // p.r = 95
9083      closure_r(p, c);
9084    }
9085    if ( // r: INT_LOAD(address,LONG_CONSTANT)
9086      rchild.getOpcode() == LONG_CONSTANT_opcode  
9087    ) {
9088      c = STATE(lchild).getCost(17 /* address */) + 15;
9089      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 317, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
9090      if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
9091        p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
9092        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0x6000); // p.r = 96
9093        closure_r(p, c);
9094      }
9095    }
9096    // load32: INT_LOAD(rlv,rlv)
9097    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + 0;
9098    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 150, c + 0, p.getCost(10) /* load32 */);
9099    if (c < p.getCost(10) /* load32 */) {
9100      p.setCost(10 /* load32 */, (char)(c));
9101      p.writePacked(1, 0xFFFFC7FF, 0x1000); // p.load32 = 2
9102      closure_load32(p, c);
9103    }
9104  }
9106  /**
9107   * Labels LONG_LOAD tree node
9108   * @param p node to label
9109   */
9110  private static void label_LONG_LOAD(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
9111    p.initCost();
9112    AbstractBURS_TreeNode lchild, rchild;
9113    lchild = p.getChild1();
9114    rchild = p.getChild2();
9115    label(lchild);
9116    label(rchild);
9117    int c;
9118    // load64: LONG_LOAD(rlv,rlv)
9119    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + 0;
9120    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 152, c + 0, p.getCost(20) /* load64 */);
9121    if (c < p.getCost(20) /* load64 */) {
9122      p.setCost(20 /* load64 */, (char)(c));
9123      p.writePacked(2, 0xFFFF8FFF, 0x1000); // p.load64 = 1
9124      closure_load64(p, c);
9125    }
9126    // r: LONG_LOAD(rlv,rlv)
9127    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + 15;
9128    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 174, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
9129    if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
9130      p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
9131      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0x9600); // p.r = 150
9132      closure_r(p, c);
9133    }
9134    // r: LONG_LOAD(rlv,address1scaledreg)
9135    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(15 /* address1scaledreg */) + 15;
9136    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 175, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
9137    if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
9138      p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
9139      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0x9700); // p.r = 151
9140      closure_r(p, c);
9141    }
9142    // r: LONG_LOAD(address1scaledreg,rlv)
9143    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(15 /* address1scaledreg */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + 15;
9144    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 176, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
9145    if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
9146      p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
9147      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0x9800); // p.r = 152
9148      closure_r(p, c);
9149    }
9150    // r: LONG_LOAD(address1scaledreg,address1reg)
9151    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(15 /* address1scaledreg */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(16 /* address1reg */) + 15;
9152    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 177, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
9153    if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
9154      p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
9155      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0x9900); // p.r = 153
9156      closure_r(p, c);
9157    }
9158    // r: LONG_LOAD(address1reg,address1scaledreg)
9159    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(16 /* address1reg */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(15 /* address1scaledreg */) + 15;
9160    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 178, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
9161    if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
9162      p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
9163      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0x9A00); // p.r = 154
9164      closure_r(p, c);
9165    }
9166    if ( // r: LONG_LOAD(address,LONG_CONSTANT)
9167      rchild.getOpcode() == LONG_CONSTANT_opcode  
9168    ) {
9169      c = STATE(lchild).getCost(17 /* address */) + 15;
9170      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 342, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
9171      if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
9172        p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
9173        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0x9B00); // p.r = 155
9174        closure_r(p, c);
9175      }
9176    }
9177  }
9179  /**
9180   * Labels FLOAT_LOAD tree node
9181   * @param p node to label
9182   */
9183  private static void label_FLOAT_LOAD(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
9184    p.initCost();
9185    AbstractBURS_TreeNode lchild, rchild;
9186    lchild = p.getChild1();
9187    rchild = p.getChild2();
9188    label(lchild);
9189    label(rchild);
9190    int c;
9191    // r: FLOAT_LOAD(riv,riv)
9192    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(7 /* riv */) + 15;
9193    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 234, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
9194    if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
9195      p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
9196      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0xD000); // p.r = 208
9197      closure_r(p, c);
9198    }
9199    // r: FLOAT_LOAD(rlv,rlv)
9200    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + 15;
9201    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 235, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
9202    if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
9203      p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
9204      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0xD100); // p.r = 209
9205      closure_r(p, c);
9206    }
9207    // float_load: FLOAT_LOAD(riv,riv)
9208    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(7 /* riv */) + 0;
9209    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 236, c + 0, p.getCost(26) /* float_load */);
9210    if (c < p.getCost(26) /* float_load */) {
9211      p.setCost(26 /* float_load */, (char)(c));
9212      p.writePacked(2, 0xC7FFFFFF, 0x8000000); // p.float_load = 1
9213    }
9214  }
9216  /**
9217   * Labels DOUBLE_LOAD tree node
9218   * @param p node to label
9219   */
9220  private static void label_DOUBLE_LOAD(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
9221    p.initCost();
9222    AbstractBURS_TreeNode lchild, rchild;
9223    lchild = p.getChild1();
9224    rchild = p.getChild2();
9225    label(lchild);
9226    label(rchild);
9227    int c;
9228    // r: DOUBLE_LOAD(riv,riv)
9229    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(7 /* riv */) + 15;
9230    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 225, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
9231    if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
9232      p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
9233      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0xCA00); // p.r = 202
9234      closure_r(p, c);
9235    }
9236    // r: DOUBLE_LOAD(riv,rlv)
9237    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + 15;
9238    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 226, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
9239    if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
9240      p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
9241      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0xCB00); // p.r = 203
9242      closure_r(p, c);
9243    }
9244    // r: DOUBLE_LOAD(rlv,rlv)
9245    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + 15;
9246    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 227, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
9247    if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
9248      p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
9249      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0xCC00); // p.r = 204
9250      closure_r(p, c);
9251    }
9252    // double_load: DOUBLE_LOAD(riv,riv)
9253    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(7 /* riv */) + 0;
9254    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 228, c + 0, p.getCost(27) /* double_load */);
9255    if (c < p.getCost(27) /* double_load */) {
9256      p.setCost(27 /* double_load */, (char)(c));
9257      p.writePacked(3, 0xFFFFFFF8, 0x1); // p.double_load = 1
9258    }
9259    // double_load: DOUBLE_LOAD(rlv,rlv)
9260    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + 0;
9261    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 230, c + 0, p.getCost(27) /* double_load */);
9262    if (c < p.getCost(27) /* double_load */) {
9263      p.setCost(27 /* double_load */, (char)(c));
9264      p.writePacked(3, 0xFFFFFFF8, 0x2); // p.double_load = 2
9265    }
9266  }
9268  /**
9269   * Labels BYTE_STORE tree node
9270   * @param p node to label
9271   */
9272  private static void label_BYTE_STORE(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
9273    p.initCost();
9274    AbstractBURS_TreeNode lchild, rchild;
9275    lchild = p.getChild1();
9276    rchild = p.getChild2();
9277    label(lchild);
9278    label(rchild);
9279    int c;
9280    if ( // stm: BYTE_STORE(boolcmp,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
9281      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode  
9282    ) {
9283      c = STATE(lchild).getCost(19 /* boolcmp */) + STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + 15;
9284      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 412, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
9285      if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
9286        p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
9287        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0x4D); // p.stm = 77
9288      }
9289    }
9290    if ( // stm: BYTE_STORE(BOOLEAN_NOT(UBYTE_LOAD(rlv,rlv)),OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))
9291      lchild.getOpcode() == BOOLEAN_NOT_opcode && 
9292      lchild.getChild1().getOpcode() == UBYTE_LOAD_opcode && 
9293      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode  
9294    ) {
9295      c = STATE(lchild.getChild1().getChild1()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(lchild.getChild1().getChild2()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + ADDRESS_EQUAL(P(p), PLL(p), 17);
9296      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 530, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
9297      if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
9298        p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
9299        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0x4F); // p.stm = 79
9300      }
9301    }
9302    if ( // stm: BYTE_STORE(riv,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))
9303      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode  
9304    ) {
9305      c = STATE(lchild).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + 15;
9306      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 414, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
9307      if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
9308        p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
9309        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0x51); // p.stm = 81
9310      }
9311    }
9312    if ( // stm: BYTE_STORE(load8,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))
9313      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode  
9314    ) {
9315      c = STATE(lchild).getCost(21 /* load8 */) + STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + 25;
9316      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 415, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
9317      if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
9318        p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
9319        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0x52); // p.stm = 82
9320      }
9321    }
9322    if ( // stm: BYTE_STORE(INT_2BYTE(r),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
9323      lchild.getOpcode() == INT_2BYTE_opcode && 
9324      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode  
9325    ) {
9326      c = STATE(lchild.getChild1()).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + 15;
9327      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 561, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
9328      if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
9329        p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
9330        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0x55); // p.stm = 85
9331      }
9332    }
9333  }
9335  /**
9336   * Labels SHORT_STORE tree node
9337   * @param p node to label
9338   */
9339  private static void label_SHORT_STORE(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
9340    p.initCost();
9341    AbstractBURS_TreeNode lchild, rchild;
9342    lchild = p.getChild1();
9343    rchild = p.getChild2();
9344    label(lchild);
9345    label(rchild);
9346    int c;
9347    if ( // stm: SHORT_STORE(riv,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
9348      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode  
9349    ) {
9350      c = STATE(lchild).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + 15;
9351      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 397, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
9352      if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
9353        p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
9354        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0x15); // p.stm = 21
9355      }
9356    }
9357    if ( // stm: SHORT_STORE(load16,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
9358      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode  
9359    ) {
9360      c = STATE(lchild).getCost(14 /* load16 */) + STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + 25;
9361      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 398, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
9362      if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
9363        p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
9364        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0x16); // p.stm = 22
9365      }
9366    }
9367    if ( // stm: SHORT_STORE(rlv,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))
9368      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode  
9369    ) {
9370      c = STATE(lchild).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + 15;
9371      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 399, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
9372      if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
9373        p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
9374        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0x17); // p.stm = 23
9375      }
9376    }
9377    if ( // stm: SHORT_STORE(riv,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))
9378      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode  
9379    ) {
9380      c = STATE(lchild).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + 15;
9381      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 400, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
9382      if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
9383        p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
9384        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0x18); // p.stm = 24
9385      }
9386    }
9387    if ( // stm: SHORT_STORE(INT_2SHORT(r),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
9388      lchild.getOpcode() == INT_2SHORT_opcode && 
9389      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode  
9390    ) {
9391      c = STATE(lchild.getChild1()).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + 15;
9392      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 563, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
9393      if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
9394        p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
9395        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0x57); // p.stm = 87
9396      }
9397    }
9398    if ( // stm: SHORT_STORE(INT_2USHORT(r),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
9399      lchild.getOpcode() == INT_2USHORT_opcode && 
9400      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode  
9401    ) {
9402      c = STATE(lchild.getChild1()).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + 15;
9403      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 565, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
9404      if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
9405        p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
9406        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0x59); // p.stm = 89
9407      }
9408    }
9409  }
9411  /**
9412   * Labels INT_STORE tree node
9413   * @param p node to label
9414   */
9415  private static void label_INT_STORE(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
9416    p.initCost();
9417    AbstractBURS_TreeNode lchild, rchild;
9418    lchild = p.getChild1();
9419    rchild = p.getChild2();
9420    label(lchild);
9421    label(rchild);
9422    int c;
9423    if ( // stm: INT_STORE(INT_ADD(INT_LOAD(riv,riv),riv),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
9424      lchild.getOpcode() == INT_ADD_opcode && 
9425      lchild.getChild1().getOpcode() == INT_LOAD_opcode && 
9426      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode  
9427    ) {
9428      c = STATE(lchild.getChild1().getChild1()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(lchild.getChild1().getChild2()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(lchild.getChild2()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + ADDRESS_EQUAL(P(p), PLL(p), 17);
9429      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 569, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
9430      if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
9431        p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
9432        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0x5B); // p.stm = 91
9433      }
9434    }
9435    if ( // stm: INT_STORE(INT_ADD(riv,INT_LOAD(riv,riv)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
9436      lchild.getOpcode() == INT_ADD_opcode && 
9437      lchild.getChild2().getOpcode() == INT_LOAD_opcode && 
9438      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode  
9439    ) {
9440      c = STATE(lchild.getChild1()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(lchild.getChild2().getChild1()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(lchild.getChild2().getChild2()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + ADDRESS_EQUAL(P(p), PLR(p), 17);
9441      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 589, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
9442      if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
9443        p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
9444        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0x5C); // p.stm = 92
9445      }
9446    }
9447    if ( // stm: INT_STORE(INT_AND(INT_LOAD(riv,riv),riv),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
9448      lchild.getOpcode() == INT_AND_opcode && 
9449      lchild.getChild1().getOpcode() == INT_LOAD_opcode && 
9450      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode  
9451    ) {
9452      c = STATE(lchild.getChild1().getChild1()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(lchild.getChild1().getChild2()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(lchild.getChild2()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + ADDRESS_EQUAL(P(p), PLL(p), 17);
9453      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 571, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
9454      if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
9455        p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
9456        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0x5F); // p.stm = 95
9457      }
9458    }
9459    if ( // stm: INT_STORE(INT_AND(r,INT_LOAD(riv,riv)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
9460      lchild.getOpcode() == INT_AND_opcode && 
9461      lchild.getChild2().getOpcode() == INT_LOAD_opcode && 
9462      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode  
9463    ) {
9464      c = STATE(lchild.getChild1()).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(lchild.getChild2().getChild1()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(lchild.getChild2().getChild2()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + ADDRESS_EQUAL(P(p), PLR(p), 17);
9465      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 591, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
9466      if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
9467        p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
9468        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0x60); // p.stm = 96
9469      }
9470    }
9471    if ( // stm: INT_STORE(INT_NEG(INT_LOAD(riv,riv)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
9472      lchild.getOpcode() == INT_NEG_opcode && 
9473      lchild.getChild1().getOpcode() == INT_LOAD_opcode && 
9474      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode  
9475    ) {
9476      c = STATE(lchild.getChild1().getChild1()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(lchild.getChild1().getChild2()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + ADDRESS_EQUAL(P(p), PLL(p), 17);
9477      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 532, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
9478      if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
9479        p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
9480        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0x73); // p.stm = 115
9481      }
9482    }
9483    if ( // stm: INT_STORE(INT_NOT(INT_LOAD(riv,riv)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
9484      lchild.getOpcode() == INT_NOT_opcode && 
9485      lchild.getChild1().getOpcode() == INT_LOAD_opcode && 
9486      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode  
9487    ) {
9488      c = STATE(lchild.getChild1().getChild1()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(lchild.getChild1().getChild2()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + ADDRESS_EQUAL(P(p), PLL(p), 17);
9489      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 534, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
9490      if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
9491        p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
9492        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0x75); // p.stm = 117
9493      }
9494    }
9495    if ( // stm: INT_STORE(INT_OR(INT_LOAD(riv,riv),riv),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
9496      lchild.getOpcode() == INT_OR_opcode && 
9497      lchild.getChild1().getOpcode() == INT_LOAD_opcode && 
9498      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode  
9499    ) {
9500      c = STATE(lchild.getChild1().getChild1()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(lchild.getChild1().getChild2()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(lchild.getChild2()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + ADDRESS_EQUAL(P(p), PLL(p), 17);
9501      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 573, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
9502      if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
9503        p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
9504        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0x77); // p.stm = 119
9505      }
9506    }
9507    if ( // stm: INT_STORE(INT_OR(r,INT_LOAD(riv,riv)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
9508      lchild.getOpcode() == INT_OR_opcode && 
9509      lchild.getChild2().getOpcode() == INT_LOAD_opcode && 
9510      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode  
9511    ) {
9512      c = STATE(lchild.getChild1()).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(lchild.getChild2().getChild1()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(lchild.getChild2().getChild2()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + ADDRESS_EQUAL(P(p), PLR(p), 17);
9513      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 593, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
9514      if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
9515        p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
9516        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0x78); // p.stm = 120
9517      }
9518    }
9519    if ( // stm: INT_STORE(INT_SHL(INT_LOAD(riv,riv),INT_AND(r,INT_CONSTANT)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
9520      lchild.getOpcode() == INT_SHL_opcode && 
9521      lchild.getChild1().getOpcode() == INT_LOAD_opcode && 
9522      lchild.getChild2().getOpcode() == INT_AND_opcode && 
9523      lchild.getChild2().getChild2().getOpcode() == INT_CONSTANT_opcode && 
9524      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode  
9525    ) {
9526      c = STATE(lchild.getChild1().getChild1()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(lchild.getChild1().getChild2()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(lchild.getChild2().getChild1()).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + (ADDRESS_EQUAL(P(p), PLL(p), VLRR(p) == 31 ? 27 : INFINITE));
9527      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 625, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
9528      if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
9529        p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
9530        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0x7B); // p.stm = 123
9531      }
9532    }
9533    if ( // stm: INT_STORE(INT_SHL(INT_LOAD(riv,riv),INT_CONSTANT),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
9534      lchild.getOpcode() == INT_SHL_opcode && 
9535      lchild.getChild1().getOpcode() == INT_LOAD_opcode && 
9536      lchild.getChild2().getOpcode() == INT_CONSTANT_opcode && 
9537      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode  
9538    ) {
9539      c = STATE(lchild.getChild1().getChild1()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(lchild.getChild1().getChild2()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + ADDRESS_EQUAL(P(p), PLL(p), 17);
9540      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 536, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
9541      if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
9542        p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
9543        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0x7C); // p.stm = 124
9544      }
9545    }
9546    if ( // stm: INT_STORE(INT_SHR(INT_LOAD(riv,riv),INT_AND(r,INT_CONSTANT)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
9547      lchild.getOpcode() == INT_SHR_opcode && 
9548      lchild.getChild1().getOpcode() == INT_LOAD_opcode && 
9549      lchild.getChild2().getOpcode() == INT_AND_opcode && 
9550      lchild.getChild2().getChild2().getOpcode() == INT_CONSTANT_opcode && 
9551      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode  
9552    ) {
9553      c = STATE(lchild.getChild1().getChild1()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(lchild.getChild1().getChild2()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(lchild.getChild2().getChild1()).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + (ADDRESS_EQUAL(P(p), PLL(p), VLRR(p) == 31 ? 27 : INFINITE));
9554      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 627, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
9555      if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
9556        p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
9557        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0x7F); // p.stm = 127
9558      }
9559    }
9560    if ( // stm: INT_STORE(INT_SHR(INT_LOAD(riv,riv),INT_CONSTANT),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
9561      lchild.getOpcode() == INT_SHR_opcode && 
9562      lchild.getChild1().getOpcode() == INT_LOAD_opcode && 
9563      lchild.getChild2().getOpcode() == INT_CONSTANT_opcode && 
9564      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode  
9565    ) {
9566      c = STATE(lchild.getChild1().getChild1()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(lchild.getChild1().getChild2()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + ADDRESS_EQUAL(P(p), PLL(p), 17);
9567      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 538, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
9568      if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
9569        p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
9570        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0x80); // p.stm = 128
9571      }
9572    }
9573    if ( // stm: INT_STORE(riv,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))
9574      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode  
9575    ) {
9576      c = STATE(lchild).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + 15;
9577      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 423, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
9578      if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
9579        p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
9580        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0x83); // p.stm = 131
9581      }
9582    }
9583    if ( // stm: INT_STORE(riv,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,address1scaledreg))
9584      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode  
9585    ) {
9586      c = STATE(lchild).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2()).getCost(15 /* address1scaledreg */) + 15;
9587      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 424, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
9588      if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
9589        p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
9590        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0x84); // p.stm = 132
9591      }
9592    }
9593    if ( // stm: INT_STORE(riv,OTHER_OPERAND(address1scaledreg,rlv))
9594      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode  
9595    ) {
9596      c = STATE(lchild).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(15 /* address1scaledreg */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + 15;
9597      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 425, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
9598      if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
9599        p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
9600        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0x85); // p.stm = 133
9601      }
9602    }
9603    if ( // stm: INT_STORE(riv,OTHER_OPERAND(address1scaledreg,address1reg))
9604      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode  
9605    ) {
9606      c = STATE(lchild).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(15 /* address1scaledreg */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2()).getCost(16 /* address1reg */) + 15;
9607      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 426, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
9608      if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
9609        p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
9610        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0x86); // p.stm = 134
9611      }
9612    }
9613    if ( // stm: INT_STORE(riv,OTHER_OPERAND(address1reg,address1scaledreg))
9614      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode  
9615    ) {
9616      c = STATE(lchild).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(16 /* address1reg */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2()).getCost(15 /* address1scaledreg */) + 15;
9617      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 427, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
9618      if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
9619        p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
9620        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0x87); // p.stm = 135
9621      }
9622    }
9623    if ( // stm: INT_STORE(riv,OTHER_OPERAND(address,LONG_CONSTANT))
9624      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode && 
9625      rchild.getChild2().getOpcode() == LONG_CONSTANT_opcode  
9626    ) {
9627      c = STATE(lchild).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(17 /* address */) + 15;
9628      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 619, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
9629      if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
9630        p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
9631        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0x88); // p.stm = 136
9632      }
9633    }
9634    if ( // stm: INT_STORE(INT_SUB(INT_LOAD(riv,riv),riv),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
9635      lchild.getOpcode() == INT_SUB_opcode && 
9636      lchild.getChild1().getOpcode() == INT_LOAD_opcode && 
9637      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode  
9638    ) {
9639      c = STATE(lchild.getChild1().getChild1()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(lchild.getChild1().getChild2()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(lchild.getChild2()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + ADDRESS_EQUAL(P(p), PLL(p), 17);
9640      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 575, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
9641      if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
9642        p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
9643        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0x89); // p.stm = 137
9644      }
9645    }
9646    if ( // stm: INT_STORE(INT_SUB(riv,INT_LOAD(riv,riv)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
9647      lchild.getOpcode() == INT_SUB_opcode && 
9648      lchild.getChild2().getOpcode() == INT_LOAD_opcode && 
9649      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode  
9650    ) {
9651      c = STATE(lchild.getChild1()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(lchild.getChild2().getChild1()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(lchild.getChild2().getChild2()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + ADDRESS_EQUAL(P(p), PLR(p), 27);
9652      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 595, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
9653      if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
9654        p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
9655        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0x8A); // p.stm = 138
9656      }
9657    }
9658    if ( // stm: INT_STORE(INT_USHR(INT_LOAD(riv,riv),INT_AND(r,INT_CONSTANT)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
9659      lchild.getOpcode() == INT_USHR_opcode && 
9660      lchild.getChild1().getOpcode() == INT_LOAD_opcode && 
9661      lchild.getChild2().getOpcode() == INT_AND_opcode && 
9662      lchild.getChild2().getChild2().getOpcode() == INT_CONSTANT_opcode && 
9663      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode  
9664    ) {
9665      c = STATE(lchild.getChild1().getChild1()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(lchild.getChild1().getChild2()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(lchild.getChild2().getChild1()).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + (ADDRESS_EQUAL(P(p), PLL(p), VLRR(p) == 31 ? 27 : INFINITE));
9666      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 629, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
9667      if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
9668        p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
9669        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0x8D); // p.stm = 141
9670      }
9671    }
9672    if ( // stm: INT_STORE(INT_USHR(INT_LOAD(riv,riv),INT_CONSTANT),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
9673      lchild.getOpcode() == INT_USHR_opcode && 
9674      lchild.getChild1().getOpcode() == INT_LOAD_opcode && 
9675      lchild.getChild2().getOpcode() == INT_CONSTANT_opcode && 
9676      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode  
9677    ) {
9678      c = STATE(lchild.getChild1().getChild1()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(lchild.getChild1().getChild2()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + ADDRESS_EQUAL(P(p), PLL(p), 17);
9679      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 540, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
9680      if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
9681        p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
9682        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0x8E); // p.stm = 142
9683      }
9684    }
9685    if ( // stm: INT_STORE(INT_XOR(INT_LOAD(riv,riv),riv),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
9686      lchild.getOpcode() == INT_XOR_opcode && 
9687      lchild.getChild1().getOpcode() == INT_LOAD_opcode && 
9688      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode  
9689    ) {
9690      c = STATE(lchild.getChild1().getChild1()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(lchild.getChild1().getChild2()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(lchild.getChild2()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + ADDRESS_EQUAL(P(p), PLL(p), 17);
9691      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 577, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
9692      if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
9693        p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
9694        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0x91); // p.stm = 145
9695      }
9696    }
9697    if ( // stm: INT_STORE(INT_XOR(r,INT_LOAD(riv,riv)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
9698      lchild.getOpcode() == INT_XOR_opcode && 
9699      lchild.getChild2().getOpcode() == INT_LOAD_opcode && 
9700      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode  
9701    ) {
9702      c = STATE(lchild.getChild1()).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(lchild.getChild2().getChild1()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(lchild.getChild2().getChild2()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + ADDRESS_EQUAL(P(p), PLR(p), 17);
9703      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 597, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
9704      if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
9705        p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
9706        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0x92); // p.stm = 146
9707      }
9708    }
9709    if ( // stm: INT_STORE(LONG_2INT(r),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
9710      lchild.getOpcode() == LONG_2INT_opcode && 
9711      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode  
9712    ) {
9713      c = STATE(lchild.getChild1()).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + 15;
9714      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 567, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
9715      if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
9716        p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
9717        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0x95); // p.stm = 149
9718      }
9719    }
9720  }
9722  /**
9723   * Labels LONG_STORE tree node
9724   * @param p node to label
9725   */
9726  private static void label_LONG_STORE(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
9727    p.initCost();
9728    AbstractBURS_TreeNode lchild, rchild;
9729    lchild = p.getChild1();
9730    rchild = p.getChild2();
9731    label(lchild);
9732    label(rchild);
9733    int c;
9734    if ( // stm: LONG_STORE(LONG_ADD(LONG_LOAD(rlv,rlv),rlv),OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))
9735      lchild.getOpcode() == LONG_ADD_opcode && 
9736      lchild.getChild1().getOpcode() == LONG_LOAD_opcode && 
9737      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode  
9738    ) {
9739      c = STATE(lchild.getChild1().getChild1()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(lchild.getChild1().getChild2()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(lchild.getChild2()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + ADDRESS_EQUAL(P(p), PLL(p), 17);
9740      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 579, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
9741      if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
9742        p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
9743        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0x97); // p.stm = 151
9744      }
9745    }
9746    if ( // stm: LONG_STORE(LONG_ADD(rlv,LONG_LOAD(rlv,rlv)),OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))
9747      lchild.getOpcode() == LONG_ADD_opcode && 
9748      lchild.getChild2().getOpcode() == LONG_LOAD_opcode && 
9749      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode  
9750    ) {
9751      c = STATE(lchild.getChild1()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(lchild.getChild2().getChild1()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(lchild.getChild2().getChild2()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + ADDRESS_EQUAL(P(p), PLR(p), 17);
9752      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 599, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
9753      if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
9754        p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
9755        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0x98); // p.stm = 152
9756      }
9757    }
9758    if ( // stm: LONG_STORE(LONG_AND(LONG_LOAD(rlv,rlv),rlv),OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))
9759      lchild.getOpcode() == LONG_AND_opcode && 
9760      lchild.getChild1().getOpcode() == LONG_LOAD_opcode && 
9761      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode  
9762    ) {
9763      c = STATE(lchild.getChild1().getChild1()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(lchild.getChild1().getChild2()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(lchild.getChild2()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + ADDRESS_EQUAL(P(p), PLL(p), 17);
9764      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 581, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
9765      if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
9766        p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
9767        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0x9B); // p.stm = 155
9768      }
9769    }
9770    if ( // stm: LONG_STORE(LONG_AND(r,LONG_LOAD(rlv,rlv)),OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))
9771      lchild.getOpcode() == LONG_AND_opcode && 
9772      lchild.getChild2().getOpcode() == LONG_LOAD_opcode && 
9773      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode  
9774    ) {
9775      c = STATE(lchild.getChild1()).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(lchild.getChild2().getChild1()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(lchild.getChild2().getChild2()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + ADDRESS_EQUAL(P(p), PLR(p), 17);
9776      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 601, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
9777      if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
9778        p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
9779        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0x9C); // p.stm = 156
9780      }
9781    }
9782    if ( // stm: LONG_STORE(LONG_NEG(LONG_LOAD(riv,riv)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
9783      lchild.getOpcode() == LONG_NEG_opcode && 
9784      lchild.getChild1().getOpcode() == LONG_LOAD_opcode && 
9785      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode  
9786    ) {
9787      c = STATE(lchild.getChild1().getChild1()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(lchild.getChild1().getChild2()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + ADDRESS_EQUAL(P(p), PLL(p), 17);
9788      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 542, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
9789      if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
9790        p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
9791        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0xA1); // p.stm = 161
9792      }
9793    }
9794    if ( // stm: LONG_STORE(LONG_NOT(LONG_LOAD(riv,riv)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
9795      lchild.getOpcode() == LONG_NOT_opcode && 
9796      lchild.getChild1().getOpcode() == LONG_LOAD_opcode && 
9797      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode  
9798    ) {
9799      c = STATE(lchild.getChild1().getChild1()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(lchild.getChild1().getChild2()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + ADDRESS_EQUAL(P(p), PLL(p), 17);
9800      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 544, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
9801      if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
9802        p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
9803        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0xA3); // p.stm = 163
9804      }
9805    }
9806    if ( // stm: LONG_STORE(LONG_OR(LONG_LOAD(rlv,rlv),rlv),OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))
9807      lchild.getOpcode() == LONG_OR_opcode && 
9808      lchild.getChild1().getOpcode() == LONG_LOAD_opcode && 
9809      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode  
9810    ) {
9811      c = STATE(lchild.getChild1().getChild1()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(lchild.getChild1().getChild2()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(lchild.getChild2()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + ADDRESS_EQUAL(P(p), PLL(p), 17);
9812      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 583, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
9813      if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
9814        p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
9815        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0xA5); // p.stm = 165
9816      }
9817    }
9818    if ( // stm: LONG_STORE(LONG_OR(r,LONG_LOAD(rlv,rlv)),OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))
9819      lchild.getOpcode() == LONG_OR_opcode && 
9820      lchild.getChild2().getOpcode() == LONG_LOAD_opcode && 
9821      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode  
9822    ) {
9823      c = STATE(lchild.getChild1()).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(lchild.getChild2().getChild1()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(lchild.getChild2().getChild2()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + ADDRESS_EQUAL(P(p), PLR(p), 17);
9824      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 603, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
9825      if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
9826        p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
9827        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0xA6); // p.stm = 166
9828      }
9829    }
9830    if ( // stm: LONG_STORE(LONG_SHL(LONG_LOAD(riv,riv),INT_AND(r,INT_CONSTANT)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
9831      lchild.getOpcode() == LONG_SHL_opcode && 
9832      lchild.getChild1().getOpcode() == LONG_LOAD_opcode && 
9833      lchild.getChild2().getOpcode() == INT_AND_opcode && 
9834      lchild.getChild2().getChild2().getOpcode() == INT_CONSTANT_opcode && 
9835      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode  
9836    ) {
9837      c = STATE(lchild.getChild1().getChild1()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(lchild.getChild1().getChild2()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(lchild.getChild2().getChild1()).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + (ADDRESS_EQUAL(P(p), PLL(p), VLRR(p) == 63 ? 27 : INFINITE));
9838      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 631, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
9839      if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
9840        p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
9841        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0xA9); // p.stm = 169
9842      }
9843    }
9844    if ( // stm: LONG_STORE(LONG_SHL(LONG_LOAD(riv,riv),INT_CONSTANT),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
9845      lchild.getOpcode() == LONG_SHL_opcode && 
9846      lchild.getChild1().getOpcode() == LONG_LOAD_opcode && 
9847      lchild.getChild2().getOpcode() == INT_CONSTANT_opcode && 
9848      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode  
9849    ) {
9850      c = STATE(lchild.getChild1().getChild1()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(lchild.getChild1().getChild2()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + ADDRESS_EQUAL(P(p), PLL(p), 17);
9851      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 546, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
9852      if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
9853        p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
9854        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0xAA); // p.stm = 170
9855      }
9856    }
9857    if ( // stm: LONG_STORE(LONG_SHR(LONG_LOAD(riv,riv),INT_AND(r,LONG_CONSTANT)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
9858      lchild.getOpcode() == LONG_SHR_opcode && 
9859      lchild.getChild1().getOpcode() == LONG_LOAD_opcode && 
9860      lchild.getChild2().getOpcode() == INT_AND_opcode && 
9861      lchild.getChild2().getChild2().getOpcode() == LONG_CONSTANT_opcode && 
9862      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode  
9863    ) {
9864      c = STATE(lchild.getChild1().getChild1()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(lchild.getChild1().getChild2()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(lchild.getChild2().getChild1()).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + (ADDRESS_EQUAL(P(p), PLL(p), VLRR(p) == 63 ? 27 : INFINITE));
9865      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 633, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
9866      if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
9867        p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
9868        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0xAD); // p.stm = 173
9869      }
9870    }
9871    if ( // stm: LONG_STORE(LONG_SHR(LONG_LOAD(riv,riv),LONG_CONSTANT),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
9872      lchild.getOpcode() == LONG_SHR_opcode && 
9873      lchild.getChild1().getOpcode() == LONG_LOAD_opcode && 
9874      lchild.getChild2().getOpcode() == LONG_CONSTANT_opcode && 
9875      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode  
9876    ) {
9877      c = STATE(lchild.getChild1().getChild1()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(lchild.getChild1().getChild2()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + ADDRESS_EQUAL(P(p), PLL(p), 17);
9878      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 548, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
9879      if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
9880        p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
9881        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0xAE); // p.stm = 174
9882      }
9883    }
9884    if ( // stm: LONG_STORE(rlv,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))
9885      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode  
9886    ) {
9887      c = STATE(lchild).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + 15;
9888      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 431, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
9889      if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
9890        p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
9891        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0xB1); // p.stm = 177
9892      }
9893    }
9894    if ( // stm: LONG_STORE(rlv,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,address1scaledreg))
9895      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode  
9896    ) {
9897      c = STATE(lchild).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2()).getCost(15 /* address1scaledreg */) + 15;
9898      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 432, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
9899      if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
9900        p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
9901        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0xB2); // p.stm = 178
9902      }
9903    }
9904    if ( // stm: LONG_STORE(rlv,OTHER_OPERAND(address1scaledreg,rlv))
9905      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode  
9906    ) {
9907      c = STATE(lchild).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(15 /* address1scaledreg */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + 15;
9908      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 433, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
9909      if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
9910        p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
9911        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0xB3); // p.stm = 179
9912      }
9913    }
9914    if ( // stm: LONG_STORE(rlv,OTHER_OPERAND(address1scaledreg,address1reg))
9915      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode  
9916    ) {
9917      c = STATE(lchild).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(15 /* address1scaledreg */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2()).getCost(16 /* address1reg */) + 15;
9918      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 434, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
9919      if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
9920        p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
9921        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0xB4); // p.stm = 180
9922      }
9923    }
9924    if ( // stm: LONG_STORE(rlv,OTHER_OPERAND(address1reg,address1scaledreg))
9925      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode  
9926    ) {
9927      c = STATE(lchild).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(16 /* address1reg */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2()).getCost(15 /* address1scaledreg */) + 15;
9928      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 435, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
9929      if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
9930        p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
9931        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0xB5); // p.stm = 181
9932      }
9933    }
9934    if ( // stm: LONG_STORE(rlv,OTHER_OPERAND(address,LONG_CONSTANT))
9935      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode && 
9936      rchild.getChild2().getOpcode() == LONG_CONSTANT_opcode  
9937    ) {
9938      c = STATE(lchild).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(17 /* address */) + 15;
9939      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 623, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
9940      if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
9941        p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
9942        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0xB6); // p.stm = 182
9943      }
9944    }
9945    if ( // stm: LONG_STORE(LONG_SUB(LONG_LOAD(rlv,rlv),rlv),OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))
9946      lchild.getOpcode() == LONG_SUB_opcode && 
9947      lchild.getChild1().getOpcode() == LONG_LOAD_opcode && 
9948      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode  
9949    ) {
9950      c = STATE(lchild.getChild1().getChild1()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(lchild.getChild1().getChild2()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(lchild.getChild2()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + ADDRESS_EQUAL(P(p), PLL(p), 17);
9951      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 585, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
9952      if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
9953        p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
9954        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0xB7); // p.stm = 183
9955      }
9956    }
9957    if ( // stm: LONG_STORE(LONG_SUB(rlv,LONG_LOAD(rlv,rlv)),OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))
9958      lchild.getOpcode() == LONG_SUB_opcode && 
9959      lchild.getChild2().getOpcode() == LONG_LOAD_opcode && 
9960      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode  
9961    ) {
9962      c = STATE(lchild.getChild1()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(lchild.getChild2().getChild1()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(lchild.getChild2().getChild2()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + ADDRESS_EQUAL(P(p), PLR(p), 27);
9963      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 605, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
9964      if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
9965        p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
9966        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0xB8); // p.stm = 184
9967      }
9968    }
9970      lchild.getOpcode() == LONG_USHR_opcode && 
9971      lchild.getChild1().getOpcode() == LONG_LOAD_opcode && 
9972      lchild.getChild2().getOpcode() == LONG_AND_opcode && 
9973      lchild.getChild2().getChild2().getOpcode() == LONG_CONSTANT_opcode && 
9974      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode  
9975    ) {
9976      c = STATE(lchild.getChild1().getChild1()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(lchild.getChild1().getChild2()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(lchild.getChild2().getChild1()).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + (ADDRESS_EQUAL(P(p), PLL(p), VLRR(p) == 63 ? 27 : INFINITE));
9977      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 635, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
9978      if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
9979        p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
9980        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0xBB); // p.stm = 187
9981      }
9982    }
9983    if ( // stm: LONG_STORE(LONG_USHR(LONG_LOAD(riv,riv),LONG_CONSTANT),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
9984      lchild.getOpcode() == LONG_USHR_opcode && 
9985      lchild.getChild1().getOpcode() == LONG_LOAD_opcode && 
9986      lchild.getChild2().getOpcode() == LONG_CONSTANT_opcode && 
9987      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode  
9988    ) {
9989      c = STATE(lchild.getChild1().getChild1()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(lchild.getChild1().getChild2()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + ADDRESS_EQUAL(P(p), PLL(p), 17);
9990      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 550, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
9991      if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
9992        p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
9993        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0xBC); // p.stm = 188
9994      }
9995    }
9996    if ( // stm: LONG_STORE(LONG_XOR(LONG_LOAD(rlv,rlv),rlv),OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))
9997      lchild.getOpcode() == LONG_XOR_opcode && 
9998      lchild.getChild1().getOpcode() == LONG_LOAD_opcode && 
9999      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode  
10000    ) {
10001      c = STATE(lchild.getChild1().getChild1()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(lchild.getChild1().getChild2()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(lchild.getChild2()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + ADDRESS_EQUAL(P(p), PLL(p), 17);
10002      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 587, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
10003      if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
10004        p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
10005        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0xBF); // p.stm = 191
10006      }
10007    }
10008    if ( // stm: LONG_STORE(LONG_XOR(r,LONG_LOAD(rlv,rlv)),OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))
10009      lchild.getOpcode() == LONG_XOR_opcode && 
10010      lchild.getChild2().getOpcode() == LONG_LOAD_opcode && 
10011      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode  
10012    ) {
10013      c = STATE(lchild.getChild1()).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(lchild.getChild2().getChild1()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(lchild.getChild2().getChild2()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + ADDRESS_EQUAL(P(p), PLR(p), 17);
10014      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 607, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
10015      if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
10016        p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
10017        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0xC0); // p.stm = 192
10018      }
10019    }
10020    if ( // stm: LONG_STORE(load64,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
10021      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode  
10022    ) {
10023      c = STATE(lchild).getCost(20 /* load64 */) + STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + 32;
10024      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 464, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
10025      if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
10026        p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
10027        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0xDE); // p.stm = 222
10028      }
10029    }
10030    if ( // stm: LONG_STORE(load64,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,riv))
10031      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode  
10032    ) {
10033      c = STATE(lchild).getCost(20 /* load64 */) + STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + 32;
10034      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 465, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
10035      if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
10036        p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
10037        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0xDF); // p.stm = 223
10038      }
10039    }
10040  }
10042  /**
10043   * Labels FLOAT_STORE tree node
10044   * @param p node to label
10045   */
10046  private static void label_FLOAT_STORE(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
10047    p.initCost();
10048    AbstractBURS_TreeNode lchild, rchild;
10049    lchild = p.getChild1();
10050    rchild = p.getChild2();
10051    label(lchild);
10052    label(rchild);
10053    int c;
10054    if ( // stm: FLOAT_STORE(r,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
10055      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode  
10056    ) {
10057      c = STATE(lchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + 17;
10058      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 445, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
10059      if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
10060        p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
10061        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0xCC); // p.stm = 204
10062      }
10063    }
10064    if ( // stm: FLOAT_STORE(r,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))
10065      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode  
10066    ) {
10067      c = STATE(lchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + 17;
10068      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 446, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
10069      if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
10070        p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
10071        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0xCD); // p.stm = 205
10072      }
10073    }
10074    if ( // stm: FLOAT_STORE(r,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,riv))
10075      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode  
10076    ) {
10077      c = STATE(lchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + 17;
10078      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 447, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
10079      if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
10080        p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
10081        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0xCE); // p.stm = 206
10082      }
10083    }
10084    if ( // stm: FLOAT_STORE(r,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,rlv))
10085      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode  
10086    ) {
10087      c = STATE(lchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + 17;
10088      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 448, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
10089      if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
10090        p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
10091        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0xCF); // p.stm = 207
10092      }
10093    }
10094  }
10096  /**
10097   * Labels DOUBLE_STORE tree node
10098   * @param p node to label
10099   */
10100  private static void label_DOUBLE_STORE(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
10101    p.initCost();
10102    AbstractBURS_TreeNode lchild, rchild;
10103    lchild = p.getChild1();
10104    rchild = p.getChild2();
10105    label(lchild);
10106    label(rchild);
10107    int c;
10108    if ( // stm: DOUBLE_STORE(r,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
10109      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode  
10110    ) {
10111      c = STATE(lchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + 17;
10112      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 436, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
10113      if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
10114        p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
10115        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0xC3); // p.stm = 195
10116      }
10117    }
10118    if ( // stm: DOUBLE_STORE(r,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,rlv))
10119      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode  
10120    ) {
10121      c = STATE(lchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + 17;
10122      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 437, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
10123      if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
10124        p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
10125        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0xC4); // p.stm = 196
10126      }
10127    }
10128    if ( // stm: DOUBLE_STORE(r,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,riv))
10129      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode  
10130    ) {
10131      c = STATE(lchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + 17;
10132      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 438, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
10133      if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
10134        p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
10135        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0xC5); // p.stm = 197
10136      }
10137    }
10138    if ( // stm: DOUBLE_STORE(r,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))
10139      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode  
10140    ) {
10141      c = STATE(lchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + 17;
10142      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 439, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
10143      if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
10144        p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
10145        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0xC6); // p.stm = 198
10146      }
10147    }
10148  }
10150  /**
10151   * Labels ATTEMPT_INT tree node
10152   * @param p node to label
10153   */
10154  private static void label_ATTEMPT_INT(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
10155    p.initCost();
10156    AbstractBURS_TreeNode lchild, rchild;
10157    lchild = p.getChild1();
10158    rchild = p.getChild2();
10159    label(lchild);
10160    label(rchild);
10161    int c;
10162    if ( // r: ATTEMPT_INT(riv,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv)))
10163      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode && 
10164      rchild.getChild2().getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode  
10165    ) {
10166      c = STATE(lchild).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2().getChild1()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2().getChild2()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + 67;
10167      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 474, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
10168      if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
10169        p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
10170        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0x1600); // p.r = 22
10171        closure_r(p, c);
10172      }
10173    }
10174    if ( // r: ATTEMPT_INT(riv,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv)))
10175      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode && 
10176      rchild.getChild2().getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode  
10177    ) {
10178      c = STATE(lchild).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2().getChild1()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2().getChild2()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + 67;
10179      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 475, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
10180      if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
10181        p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
10182        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0x1700); // p.r = 23
10183        closure_r(p, c);
10184      }
10185    }
10186    if ( // r: ATTEMPT_INT(rlv,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv)))
10187      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode && 
10188      rchild.getChild2().getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode  
10189    ) {
10190      c = STATE(lchild).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2().getChild1()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2().getChild2()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + 67;
10191      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 476, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
10192      if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
10193        p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
10194        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0x1800); // p.r = 24
10195        closure_r(p, c);
10196      }
10197    }
10198    if ( // r: ATTEMPT_INT(r,OTHER_OPERAND(address1scaledreg,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv)))
10199      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode && 
10200      rchild.getChild2().getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode  
10201    ) {
10202      c = STATE(lchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(15 /* address1scaledreg */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2().getChild1()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2().getChild2()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + 67;
10203      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 477, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
10204      if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
10205        p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
10206        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0x1900); // p.r = 25
10207        closure_r(p, c);
10208      }
10209    }
10210    if ( // r: ATTEMPT_INT(address1scaledreg,OTHER_OPERAND(r,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv)))
10211      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode && 
10212      rchild.getChild2().getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode  
10213    ) {
10214      c = STATE(lchild).getCost(15 /* address1scaledreg */) + STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2().getChild1()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2().getChild2()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + 67;
10215      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 478, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
10216      if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
10217        p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
10218        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0x1A00); // p.r = 26
10219        closure_r(p, c);
10220      }
10221    }
10222    if ( // r: ATTEMPT_INT(address1scaledreg,OTHER_OPERAND(address1reg,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv)))
10223      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode && 
10224      rchild.getChild2().getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode  
10225    ) {
10226      c = STATE(lchild).getCost(15 /* address1scaledreg */) + STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(16 /* address1reg */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2().getChild1()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2().getChild2()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + 67;
10227      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 479, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
10228      if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
10229        p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
10230        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0x1B00); // p.r = 27
10231        closure_r(p, c);
10232      }
10233    }
10234    if ( // r: ATTEMPT_INT(address1reg,OTHER_OPERAND(address1scaledreg,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv)))
10235      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode && 
10236      rchild.getChild2().getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode  
10237    ) {
10238      c = STATE(lchild).getCost(16 /* address1reg */) + STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(15 /* address1scaledreg */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2().getChild1()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2().getChild2()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + 67;
10239      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 480, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
10240      if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
10241        p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
10242        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0x1C00); // p.r = 28
10243        closure_r(p, c);
10244      }
10245    }
10246    if ( // r: ATTEMPT_INT(address,OTHER_OPERAND(INT_CONSTANT,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv)))
10247      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode && 
10248      rchild.getChild1().getOpcode() == INT_CONSTANT_opcode && 
10249      rchild.getChild2().getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode  
10250    ) {
10251      c = STATE(lchild).getCost(17 /* address */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2().getChild1()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2().getChild2()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + 67;
10252      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 490, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
10253      if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
10254        p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
10255        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0x1D00); // p.r = 29
10256        closure_r(p, c);
10257      }
10258    }
10259    if ( // r: ATTEMPT_INT(INT_CONSTANT,OTHER_OPERAND(address,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv)))
10260      lchild.getOpcode() == INT_CONSTANT_opcode && 
10261      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode && 
10262      rchild.getChild2().getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode  
10263    ) {
10264      c = STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(17 /* address */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2().getChild1()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2().getChild2()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + 67;
10265      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 492, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
10266      if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
10267        p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
10268        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0x1E00); // p.r = 30
10269        closure_r(p, c);
10270      }
10271    }
10272  }
10274  /**
10275   * Labels ATTEMPT_LONG tree node
10276   * @param p node to label
10277   */
10278  private static void label_ATTEMPT_LONG(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
10279    p.initCost();
10280    AbstractBURS_TreeNode lchild, rchild;
10281    lchild = p.getChild1();
10282    rchild = p.getChild2();
10283    label(lchild);
10284    label(rchild);
10285    int c;
10286    if ( // r: ATTEMPT_LONG(rlv,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv)))
10287      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode && 
10288      rchild.getChild2().getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode  
10289    ) {
10290      c = STATE(lchild).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2().getChild1()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2().getChild2()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + 67;
10291      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 481, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
10292      if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
10293        p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
10294        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0x1F00); // p.r = 31
10295        closure_r(p, c);
10296      }
10297    }
10298    if ( // r: ATTEMPT_LONG(r,OTHER_OPERAND(address1scaledreg,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv)))
10299      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode && 
10300      rchild.getChild2().getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode  
10301    ) {
10302      c = STATE(lchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(15 /* address1scaledreg */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2().getChild1()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2().getChild2()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + 67;
10303      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 482, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
10304      if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
10305        p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
10306        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0x2000); // p.r = 32
10307        closure_r(p, c);
10308      }
10309    }
10310    if ( // r: ATTEMPT_LONG(address1scaledreg,OTHER_OPERAND(r,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv)))
10311      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode && 
10312      rchild.getChild2().getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode  
10313    ) {
10314      c = STATE(lchild).getCost(15 /* address1scaledreg */) + STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2().getChild1()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2().getChild2()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + 67;
10315      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 483, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
10316      if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
10317        p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
10318        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0x2100); // p.r = 33
10319        closure_r(p, c);
10320      }
10321    }
10322    if ( // r: ATTEMPT_LONG(address1scaledreg,OTHER_OPERAND(address1reg,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv)))
10323      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode && 
10324      rchild.getChild2().getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode  
10325    ) {
10326      c = STATE(lchild).getCost(15 /* address1scaledreg */) + STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(16 /* address1reg */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2().getChild1()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2().getChild2()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + 67;
10327      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 484, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
10328      if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
10329        p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
10330        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0x2200); // p.r = 34
10331        closure_r(p, c);
10332      }
10333    }
10334    if ( // r: ATTEMPT_LONG(address1reg,OTHER_OPERAND(address1scaledreg,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv)))
10335      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode && 
10336      rchild.getChild2().getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode  
10337    ) {
10338      c = STATE(lchild).getCost(16 /* address1reg */) + STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(15 /* address1scaledreg */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2().getChild1()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2().getChild2()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + 67;
10339      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 485, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
10340      if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
10341        p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
10342        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0x2300); // p.r = 35
10343        closure_r(p, c);
10344      }
10345    }
10347      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode && 
10348      rchild.getChild1().getOpcode() == LONG_CONSTANT_opcode && 
10349      rchild.getChild2().getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode  
10350    ) {
10351      c = STATE(lchild).getCost(17 /* address */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2().getChild1()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2().getChild2()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + 67;
10352      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 491, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
10353      if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
10354        p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
10355        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0x2400); // p.r = 36
10356        closure_r(p, c);
10357      }
10358    }
10360      lchild.getOpcode() == LONG_CONSTANT_opcode && 
10361      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode && 
10362      rchild.getChild2().getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode  
10363    ) {
10364      c = STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(17 /* address */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2().getChild1()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2().getChild2()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + 67;
10365      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 493, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
10366      if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
10367        p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
10368        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0x2500); // p.r = 37
10369        closure_r(p, c);
10370      }
10371    }
10372  }
10374  /**
10375   * Labels CALL tree node
10376   * @param p node to label
10377   */
10378  private static void label_CALL(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
10379    p.initCost();
10380    AbstractBURS_TreeNode lchild, rchild;
10381    lchild = p.getChild1();
10382    rchild = p.getChild2();
10383    label(lchild);
10384    label(rchild);
10385    int c;
10386    // r: CALL(r,any)
10387    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(9 /* any */) + 13;
10388    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 56, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
10389    if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
10390      p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
10391      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0xD00); // p.r = 13
10392      closure_r(p, c);
10393    }
10394    if ( // r: CALL(BRANCH_TARGET,any)
10395      lchild.getOpcode() == BRANCH_TARGET_opcode  
10396    ) {
10397      c = STATE(rchild).getCost(9 /* any */) + 13;
10398      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 468, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
10399      if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
10400        p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
10401        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0xE00); // p.r = 14
10402        closure_r(p, c);
10403      }
10404    }
10405    if ( // r: CALL(INT_LOAD(riv,riv),any)
10406      lchild.getOpcode() == INT_LOAD_opcode  
10407    ) {
10408      c = STATE(lchild.getChild1()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(lchild.getChild2()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(9 /* any */) + 11;
10409      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 471, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
10410      if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
10411        p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
10412        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0xF00); // p.r = 15
10413        closure_r(p, c);
10414      }
10415    }
10416    if ( // r: CALL(INT_CONSTANT,any)
10417      lchild.getOpcode() == INT_CONSTANT_opcode  
10418    ) {
10419      c = STATE(rchild).getCost(9 /* any */) + 23;
10420      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 469, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
10421      if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
10422        p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
10423        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0x1000); // p.r = 16
10424        closure_r(p, c);
10425      }
10426    }
10427    if ( // r: CALL(LONG_LOAD(rlv,rlv),any)
10428      lchild.getOpcode() == LONG_LOAD_opcode  
10429    ) {
10430      c = STATE(lchild.getChild1()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(lchild.getChild2()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(9 /* any */) + 11;
10431      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 472, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
10432      if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
10433        p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
10434        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0x1100); // p.r = 17
10435        closure_r(p, c);
10436      }
10437    }
10438  }
10440  /**
10441   * Labels SYSCALL tree node
10442   * @param p node to label
10443   */
10444  private static void label_SYSCALL(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
10445    p.initCost();
10446    AbstractBURS_TreeNode lchild, rchild;
10447    lchild = p.getChild1();
10448    rchild = p.getChild2();
10449    label(lchild);
10450    label(rchild);
10451    int c;
10452    // r: SYSCALL(r,any)
10453    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(9 /* any */) + 13;
10454    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 57, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
10455    if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
10456      p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
10457      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0x1200); // p.r = 18
10458      closure_r(p, c);
10459    }
10460    if ( // r: SYSCALL(INT_LOAD(riv,riv),any)
10461      lchild.getOpcode() == INT_LOAD_opcode  
10462    ) {
10463      c = STATE(lchild.getChild1()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(lchild.getChild2()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(9 /* any */) + 11;
10464      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 473, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
10465      if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
10466        p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
10467        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0x1300); // p.r = 19
10468        closure_r(p, c);
10469      }
10470    }
10471    if ( // r: SYSCALL(INT_CONSTANT,any)
10472      lchild.getOpcode() == INT_CONSTANT_opcode  
10473    ) {
10474      c = STATE(rchild).getCost(9 /* any */) + 23;
10475      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 470, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
10476      if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
10477        p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
10478        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0x1400); // p.r = 20
10479        closure_r(p, c);
10480      }
10481    }
10482  }
10484  /**
10485   * Labels YIELDPOINT_PROLOGUE tree node
10486   * @param p node to label
10487   */
10488  private static void label_YIELDPOINT_PROLOGUE(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
10489    p.initCost();
10490    // stm: YIELDPOINT_PROLOGUE
10491    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 30, 10 + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
10492    if (10 < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
10493      p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(10));
10494      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0x5); // p.stm = 5
10495    }
10496  }
10498  /**
10499   * Labels YIELDPOINT_EPILOGUE tree node
10500   * @param p node to label
10501   */
10502  private static void label_YIELDPOINT_EPILOGUE(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
10503    p.initCost();
10504    // stm: YIELDPOINT_EPILOGUE
10505    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 31, 10 + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
10506    if (10 < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
10507      p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(10));
10508      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0x6); // p.stm = 6
10509    }
10510  }
10512  /**
10513   * Labels YIELDPOINT_BACKEDGE tree node
10514   * @param p node to label
10515   */
10516  private static void label_YIELDPOINT_BACKEDGE(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
10517    p.initCost();
10518    // stm: YIELDPOINT_BACKEDGE
10519    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 32, 10 + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
10520    if (10 < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
10521      p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(10));
10522      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0x7); // p.stm = 7
10523    }
10524  }
10526  /**
10527   * Labels YIELDPOINT_OSR tree node
10528   * @param p node to label
10529   */
10530  private static void label_YIELDPOINT_OSR(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
10531    p.initCost();
10532    AbstractBURS_TreeNode lchild, rchild;
10533    lchild = p.getChild1();
10534    rchild = p.getChild2();
10535    label(lchild);
10536    label(rchild);
10537    int c;
10538    // stm: YIELDPOINT_OSR(any,any)
10539    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(9 /* any */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(9 /* any */) + 10;
10540    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 58, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
10541    if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
10542      p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
10543      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0x30); // p.stm = 48
10544    }
10545  }
10547  /**
10548   * Labels IR_PROLOGUE tree node
10549   * @param p node to label
10550   */
10551  private static void label_IR_PROLOGUE(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
10552    p.initCost();
10553    // stm: IR_PROLOGUE
10554    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 37, 11 + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
10555    if (11 < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
10556      p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(11));
10557      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0xC); // p.stm = 12
10558    }
10559  }
10561  /**
10562   * Labels RESOLVE tree node
10563   * @param p node to label
10564   */
10565  private static void label_RESOLVE(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
10566    p.initCost();
10567    // stm: RESOLVE
10568    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 33, 10 + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
10569    if (10 < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
10570      p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(10));
10571      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0x9); // p.stm = 9
10572    }
10573  }
10575  /**
10576   * Labels GET_TIME_BASE tree node
10577   * @param p node to label
10578   */
10579  private static void label_GET_TIME_BASE(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
10580    p.initCost();
10581    // r: GET_TIME_BASE
10582    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 49, 15 + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
10583    if (15 < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
10584      p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(15));
10585      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0x1500); // p.r = 21
10586      closure_r(p, 15);
10587    }
10588  }
10590  /**
10591   * Labels TRAP_IF tree node
10592   * @param p node to label
10593   */
10594  private static void label_TRAP_IF(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
10595    p.initCost();
10596    AbstractBURS_TreeNode lchild, rchild;
10597    lchild = p.getChild1();
10598    rchild = p.getChild2();
10599    label(lchild);
10600    label(rchild);
10601    int c;
10602    if ( // stm: TRAP_IF(r,INT_CONSTANT)
10603      rchild.getOpcode() == INT_CONSTANT_opcode  
10604    ) {
10605      c = STATE(lchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + 10;
10606      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 250, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
10607      if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
10608        p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
10609        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0x10); // p.stm = 16
10610      }
10611    }
10612    if ( // stm: TRAP_IF(r,LONG_CONSTANT)
10613      rchild.getOpcode() == LONG_CONSTANT_opcode  
10614    ) {
10615      c = STATE(lchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + 10;
10616      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 251, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
10617      if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
10618        p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
10619        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0x11); // p.stm = 17
10620      }
10621    }
10622    // stm: TRAP_IF(r,r)
10623    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + 10;
10624    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 52, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
10625    if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
10626      p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
10627      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0x12); // p.stm = 18
10628    }
10629    // stm: TRAP_IF(load32,riv)
10630    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(10 /* load32 */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(7 /* riv */) + 15;
10631    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 53, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
10632    if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
10633      p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
10634      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0x13); // p.stm = 19
10635    }
10636    // stm: TRAP_IF(riv,load32)
10637    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(10 /* load32 */) + 15;
10638    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 54, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
10639    if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
10640      p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
10641      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0x14); // p.stm = 20
10642    }
10643  }
10645  /**
10646   * Labels TRAP tree node
10647   * @param p node to label
10648   */
10649  private static void label_TRAP(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
10650    p.initCost();
10651    // stm: TRAP
10652    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 40, 10 + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
10653    if (10 < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
10654      p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(10));
10655      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0xF); // p.stm = 15
10656    }
10657  }
10659  /**
10660   * Labels FLOAT_AS_INT_BITS tree node
10661   * @param p node to label
10662   */
10663  private static void label_FLOAT_AS_INT_BITS(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
10664    p.initCost();
10665    AbstractBURS_TreeNode lchild;
10666    lchild = p.getChild1();
10667    label(lchild);
10668    int c;
10669    // r: FLOAT_AS_INT_BITS(r)
10670    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + 13;
10671    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 372, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
10672    if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
10673      p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
10674      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0xE100); // p.r = 225
10675      closure_r(p, c);
10676    }
10677    // load32: FLOAT_AS_INT_BITS(float_load)
10678    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(26 /* float_load */) + 0;
10679    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 373, c + 0, p.getCost(10) /* load32 */);
10680    if (c < p.getCost(10) /* load32 */) {
10681      p.setCost(10 /* load32 */, (char)(c));
10682      p.writePacked(1, 0xFFFFC7FF, 0x3800); // p.load32 = 7
10683      closure_load32(p, c);
10684    }
10685  }
10687  /**
10688   * Labels INT_BITS_AS_FLOAT tree node
10689   * @param p node to label
10690   */
10691  private static void label_INT_BITS_AS_FLOAT(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
10692    p.initCost();
10693    AbstractBURS_TreeNode lchild;
10694    lchild = p.getChild1();
10695    label(lchild);
10696    int c;
10697    // r: INT_BITS_AS_FLOAT(riv)
10698    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(7 /* riv */) + 13;
10699    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 376, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
10700    if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
10701      p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
10702      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0xE300); // p.r = 227
10703      closure_r(p, c);
10704    }
10705    // float_load: INT_BITS_AS_FLOAT(load32)
10706    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(10 /* load32 */) + 0;
10707    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 377, c + 0, p.getCost(26) /* float_load */);
10708    if (c < p.getCost(26) /* float_load */) {
10709      p.setCost(26 /* float_load */, (char)(c));
10710      p.writePacked(2, 0xC7FFFFFF, 0x18000000); // p.float_load = 3
10711    }
10712  }
10714  /**
10715   * Labels DOUBLE_AS_LONG_BITS tree node
10716   * @param p node to label
10717   */
10718  private static void label_DOUBLE_AS_LONG_BITS(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
10719    p.initCost();
10720    AbstractBURS_TreeNode lchild;
10721    lchild = p.getChild1();
10722    label(lchild);
10723    int c;
10724    // r: DOUBLE_AS_LONG_BITS(r)
10725    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + 13;
10726    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 374, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
10727    if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
10728      p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
10729      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0xE200); // p.r = 226
10730      closure_r(p, c);
10731    }
10732    // load64: DOUBLE_AS_LONG_BITS(double_load)
10733    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(27 /* double_load */) + 0;
10734    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 375, c + 0, p.getCost(20) /* load64 */);
10735    if (c < p.getCost(20) /* load64 */) {
10736      p.setCost(20 /* load64 */, (char)(c));
10737      p.writePacked(2, 0xFFFF8FFF, 0x5000); // p.load64 = 5
10738      closure_load64(p, c);
10739    }
10740  }
10742  /**
10743   * Labels LONG_BITS_AS_DOUBLE tree node
10744   * @param p node to label
10745   */
10746  private static void label_LONG_BITS_AS_DOUBLE(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
10747    p.initCost();
10748    AbstractBURS_TreeNode lchild;
10749    lchild = p.getChild1();
10750    label(lchild);
10751    int c;
10752    // r: LONG_BITS_AS_DOUBLE(rlv)
10753    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + 13;
10754    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 378, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
10755    if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
10756      p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
10757      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0xE400); // p.r = 228
10758      closure_r(p, c);
10759    }
10760    // double_load: LONG_BITS_AS_DOUBLE(load64)
10761    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(20 /* load64 */) + 0;
10762    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 379, c + 0, p.getCost(27) /* double_load */);
10763    if (c < p.getCost(27) /* double_load */) {
10764      p.setCost(27 /* double_load */, (char)(c));
10765      p.writePacked(3, 0xFFFFFFF8, 0x4); // p.double_load = 4
10766    }
10767  }
10769  /**
10770   * Labels LOWTABLESWITCH tree node
10771   * @param p node to label
10772   */
10773  private static void label_LOWTABLESWITCH(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
10774    p.initCost();
10775    AbstractBURS_TreeNode lchild;
10776    lchild = p.getChild1();
10777    label(lchild);
10778    int c;
10779    // stm: LOWTABLESWITCH(r)
10780    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + 10;
10781    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 247, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
10782    if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
10783      p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
10784      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0x8); // p.stm = 8
10785    }
10786  }
10788  /**
10789   * Labels ADDRESS_CONSTANT tree node
10790   * @param p node to label
10791   */
10792  private static void label_ADDRESS_CONSTANT(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
10793    p.initCost();
10794    // any: ADDRESS_CONSTANT
10795    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 25, 0 + 0, p.getCost(9) /* any */);
10796    if (0 < p.getCost(9) /* any */) {
10797      p.setCost(9 /* any */, (char)(0));
10798      p.writePacked(1, 0xFFFFF8FF, 0x300); // p.any = 3
10799    }
10800  }
10802  /**
10803   * Labels INT_CONSTANT tree node
10804   * @param p node to label
10805   */
10806  private static void label_INT_CONSTANT(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
10807    p.initCost();
10808    // riv: INT_CONSTANT
10809    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 22, 0 + 0, p.getCost(7) /* riv */);
10810    if (0 < p.getCost(7) /* riv */) {
10811      p.setCost(7 /* riv */, (char)(0));
10812      p.writePacked(1, 0xFFFFFFCF, 0x20); // p.riv = 2
10813      closure_riv(p, 0);
10814    }
10815  }
10817  /**
10818   * Labels LONG_CONSTANT tree node
10819   * @param p node to label
10820   */
10821  private static void label_LONG_CONSTANT(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
10822    p.initCost();
10823    // rlv: LONG_CONSTANT
10824    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 23, 0 + 0, p.getCost(8) /* rlv */);
10825    if (0 < p.getCost(8) /* rlv */) {
10826      p.setCost(8 /* rlv */, (char)(0));
10827      p.writePacked(1, 0xFFFFFF3F, 0x80); // p.rlv = 2
10828    }
10829    // any: LONG_CONSTANT
10830    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 26, 0 + 0, p.getCost(9) /* any */);
10831    if (0 < p.getCost(9) /* any */) {
10832      p.setCost(9 /* any */, (char)(0));
10833      p.writePacked(1, 0xFFFFF8FF, 0x400); // p.any = 4
10834    }
10835  }
10837  /**
10838   * Labels REGISTER tree node
10839   * @param p node to label
10840   */
10841  private static void label_REGISTER(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
10842    p.initCost();
10843    // r: REGISTER
10844    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 21, 0 + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
10845    if (0 < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
10846      p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(0));
10847      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0x100); // p.r = 1
10848      closure_r(p, 0);
10849    }
10850  }
10852  /**
10853   * Labels OTHER_OPERAND tree node
10854   * @param p node to label
10855   */
10856  private static void label_OTHER_OPERAND(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
10857    p.initCost();
10858    AbstractBURS_TreeNode lchild, rchild;
10859    lchild = p.getChild1();
10860    rchild = p.getChild2();
10861    label(lchild);
10862    label(rchild);
10863    int c;
10864    // any: OTHER_OPERAND(any,any)
10865    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(9 /* any */) + STATE(rchild).getCost(9 /* any */) + 0;
10866    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 51, c + 0, p.getCost(9) /* any */);
10867    if (c < p.getCost(9) /* any */) {
10868      p.setCost(9 /* any */, (char)(c));
10869      p.writePacked(1, 0xFFFFF8FF, 0x500); // p.any = 5
10870    }
10871  }
10873  /**
10874   * Labels NULL tree node
10875   * @param p node to label
10876   */
10877  private static void label_NULL(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
10878    p.initCost();
10879    // any: NULL
10880    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 24, 0 + 0, p.getCost(9) /* any */);
10881    if (0 < p.getCost(9) /* any */) {
10882      p.setCost(9 /* any */, (char)(0));
10883      p.writePacked(1, 0xFFFFF8FF, 0x100); // p.any = 1
10884    }
10885  }
10887  /**
10888   * Labels BRANCH_TARGET tree node
10889   * @param p node to label
10890   */
10891  private static void label_BRANCH_TARGET(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
10892    p.initCost();
10893  }
10895  /**
10896   * Labels MATERIALIZE_FP_CONSTANT tree node
10897   * @param p node to label
10898   */
10899  private static void label_MATERIALIZE_FP_CONSTANT(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
10900    p.initCost();
10901    AbstractBURS_TreeNode lchild;
10902    lchild = p.getChild1();
10903    label(lchild);
10904    int c;
10905    // r: MATERIALIZE_FP_CONSTANT(any)
10906    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(9 /* any */) + 15;
10907    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 380, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
10908    if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
10909      p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
10910      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0xE500); // p.r = 229
10911      closure_r(p, c);
10912    }
10913    // float_load: MATERIALIZE_FP_CONSTANT(any)
10914    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(9 /* any */) + (Binary.getResult(P(p)).isFloat() ? 0 : INFINITE);
10915    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 381, c + 0, p.getCost(26) /* float_load */);
10916    if (c < p.getCost(26) /* float_load */) {
10917      p.setCost(26 /* float_load */, (char)(c));
10918      p.writePacked(2, 0xC7FFFFFF, 0x20000000); // p.float_load = 4
10919    }
10920    // double_load: MATERIALIZE_FP_CONSTANT(any)
10921    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(9 /* any */) + (Binary.getResult(P(p)).isDouble() ? 0 : INFINITE);
10922    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 382, c + 0, p.getCost(27) /* double_load */);
10923    if (c < p.getCost(27) /* double_load */) {
10924      p.setCost(27 /* double_load */, (char)(c));
10925      p.writePacked(3, 0xFFFFFFF8, 0x5); // p.double_load = 5
10926    }
10927  }
10929  /**
10930   * Labels CLEAR_FLOATING_POINT_STATE tree node
10931   * @param p node to label
10932   */
10933  private static void label_CLEAR_FLOATING_POINT_STATE(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
10934    p.initCost();
10936    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 50, 0 + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
10937    if (0 < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
10938      p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(0));
10939      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0xD5); // p.stm = 213
10940    }
10941  }
10943  /**
10944   * Labels PREFETCH tree node
10945   * @param p node to label
10946   */
10947  private static void label_PREFETCH(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
10948    p.initCost();
10949    AbstractBURS_TreeNode lchild;
10950    lchild = p.getChild1();
10951    label(lchild);
10952    int c;
10953    // stm: PREFETCH(r)
10954    c = STATE(lchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + 11;
10955    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 256, c + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
10956    if (c < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
10957      p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(c));
10958      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0x27); // p.stm = 39
10959    }
10960  }
10962  /**
10963   * Labels PAUSE tree node
10964   * @param p node to label
10965   */
10966  private static void label_PAUSE(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
10967    p.initCost();
10968    // stm: PAUSE
10969    if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 45, 11 + 0, p.getCost(1) /* stm */);
10970    if (11 < p.getCost(1) /* stm */) {
10971      p.setCost(1 /* stm */, (char)(11));
10972      p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0x2B); // p.stm = 43
10973    }
10974  }
10976  /**
10977   * Labels CMP_CMOV tree node
10978   * @param p node to label
10979   */
10980  private static void label_CMP_CMOV(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
10981    p.initCost();
10982    AbstractBURS_TreeNode lchild, rchild;
10983    lchild = p.getChild1();
10984    rchild = p.getChild2();
10985    label(lchild);
10986    label(rchild);
10987    int c;
10988    if ( // r: CMP_CMOV(r,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,any))
10989      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode  
10990    ) {
10991      c = STATE(lchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2()).getCost(9 /* any */) + (13 + 30);
10992      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 418, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
10993      if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
10994        p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
10995        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0x3D00); // p.r = 61
10996        closure_r(p, c);
10997      }
10998    }
10999    if ( // r: CMP_CMOV(r,OTHER_OPERAND(INT_CONSTANT,any))
11000      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode && 
11001      rchild.getChild1().getOpcode() == INT_CONSTANT_opcode  
11002    ) {
11003      c = STATE(lchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2()).getCost(9 /* any */) + (VRL(p) == 0 && CMP_TO_TEST(CondMove.getCond(P(p))) ? (11 + 30):INFINITE);
11004      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 552, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
11005      if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
11006        p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
11007        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0x3E00); // p.r = 62
11008        closure_r(p, c);
11009      }
11010    }
11012      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode && 
11013      rchild.getChild1().getOpcode() == INT_CONSTANT_opcode && 
11014      rchild.getChild2().getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode && 
11015      rchild.getChild2().getChild1().getOpcode() == INT_CONSTANT_opcode && 
11016      rchild.getChild2().getChild2().getOpcode() == INT_CONSTANT_opcode  
11017    ) {
11018      c = STATE(lchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + ((VRL(p) == 0 && CondMove.getCond(P(p)).isLESS() && VRRL(p) == -1 && VRRR(p) == 0) || (VRL(p) == 0 && CondMove.getCond(P(p)).isGREATER_EQUAL() && VRRL(p) == 0 && VRRR(p) == -1) ? 13 : INFINITE);
11019      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 294, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
11020      if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
11021        p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
11022        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0x3F00); // p.r = 63
11023        closure_r(p, c);
11024      }
11025    }
11027      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode && 
11028      rchild.getChild1().getOpcode() == INT_CONSTANT_opcode && 
11029      rchild.getChild2().getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode && 
11030      rchild.getChild2().getChild1().getOpcode() == INT_CONSTANT_opcode && 
11031      rchild.getChild2().getChild2().getOpcode() == INT_CONSTANT_opcode  
11032    ) {
11033      c = STATE(lchild).getCost(10 /* load32 */) + ((VRL(p) == 0 && CondMove.getCond(P(p)).isLESS() && VRRL(p) == -1 && VRRR(p) == 0) || (VRL(p) == 0 && CondMove.getCond(P(p)).isGREATER_EQUAL() && VRRL(p) == 0 && VRRR(p) == -1) ? 18 : INFINITE);
11034      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 295, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
11035      if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
11036        p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
11037        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0x4000); // p.r = 64
11038        closure_r(p, c);
11039      }
11040    }
11042      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode && 
11043      rchild.getChild1().getOpcode() == INT_CONSTANT_opcode && 
11044      rchild.getChild2().getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode && 
11045      rchild.getChild2().getChild1().getOpcode() == INT_CONSTANT_opcode && 
11046      rchild.getChild2().getChild2().getOpcode() == INT_CONSTANT_opcode  
11047    ) {
11048      c = STATE(lchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + ((VRL(p) == 0 && CondMove.getCond(P(p)).isLESS() && VRRL(p) == 0 && VRRR(p) == -1) || (VRL(p) == 0 && CondMove.getCond(P(p)).isGREATER_EQUAL() && VRRL(p) == -1 && VRRR(p) == 0) ? 26 : INFINITE);
11049      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 296, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
11050      if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
11051        p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
11052        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0x4100); // p.r = 65
11053        closure_r(p, c);
11054      }
11055    }
11057      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode && 
11058      rchild.getChild1().getOpcode() == INT_CONSTANT_opcode && 
11059      rchild.getChild2().getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode && 
11060      rchild.getChild2().getChild1().getOpcode() == INT_CONSTANT_opcode && 
11061      rchild.getChild2().getChild2().getOpcode() == INT_CONSTANT_opcode  
11062    ) {
11063      c = STATE(lchild).getCost(10 /* load32 */) + ((VRL(p) == 0 && CondMove.getCond(P(p)).isLESS() && VRRL(p) == 0 && VRRR(p) == -1) || (VRL(p) == 0 && CondMove.getCond(P(p)).isGREATER_EQUAL() && VRRL(p) == -1 && VRRR(p) == 0) ? 31 : INFINITE);
11064      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 297, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
11065      if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
11066        p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
11067        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0x4200); // p.r = 66
11068        closure_r(p, c);
11069      }
11070    }
11071    if ( // r: CMP_CMOV(load8,OTHER_OPERAND(INT_CONSTANT,any))
11072      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode && 
11073      rchild.getChild1().getOpcode() == INT_CONSTANT_opcode  
11074    ) {
11075      c = STATE(lchild).getCost(21 /* load8 */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2()).getCost(9 /* any */) + FITS(CondMove.getVal2(P(p)), 8, (15 + 30));
11076      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 553, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
11077      if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
11078        p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
11079        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0x4300); // p.r = 67
11080        closure_r(p, c);
11081      }
11082    }
11083    if ( // r: CMP_CMOV(uload8,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,any))
11084      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode  
11085    ) {
11086      c = STATE(lchild).getCost(11 /* uload8 */) + STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2()).getCost(9 /* any */) + (15 + 30);
11087      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 419, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
11088      if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
11089        p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
11090        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0x4400); // p.r = 68
11091        closure_r(p, c);
11092      }
11093    }
11094    if ( // r: CMP_CMOV(riv,OTHER_OPERAND(uload8,any))
11095      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode  
11096    ) {
11097      c = STATE(lchild).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(11 /* uload8 */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2()).getCost(9 /* any */) + (15 + 30);
11098      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 420, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
11099      if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
11100        p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
11101        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0x4500); // p.r = 69
11102        closure_r(p, c);
11103      }
11104    }
11105    if ( // r: CMP_CMOV(sload16,OTHER_OPERAND(INT_CONSTANT,any))
11106      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode && 
11107      rchild.getChild1().getOpcode() == INT_CONSTANT_opcode  
11108    ) {
11109      c = STATE(lchild).getCost(22 /* sload16 */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2()).getCost(9 /* any */) + FITS(CondMove.getVal2(P(p)), 8, (15 + 30));
11110      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 554, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
11111      if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
11112        p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
11113        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0x4600); // p.r = 70
11114        closure_r(p, c);
11115      }
11116    }
11117    if ( // r: CMP_CMOV(load32,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,any))
11118      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode  
11119    ) {
11120      c = STATE(lchild).getCost(10 /* load32 */) + STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2()).getCost(9 /* any */) + (15 + 30);
11121      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 421, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
11122      if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
11123        p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
11124        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0x4700); // p.r = 71
11125        closure_r(p, c);
11126      }
11127    }
11128    if ( // r: CMP_CMOV(riv,OTHER_OPERAND(load32,any))
11129      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode  
11130    ) {
11131      c = STATE(lchild).getCost(7 /* riv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(10 /* load32 */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2()).getCost(9 /* any */) + (15 + 30);
11132      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 422, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
11133      if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
11134        p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
11135        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0x4800); // p.r = 72
11136        closure_r(p, c);
11137      }
11138    }
11139    if ( // r: CMP_CMOV(boolcmp,OTHER_OPERAND(INT_CONSTANT,any))
11140      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode && 
11141      rchild.getChild1().getOpcode() == INT_CONSTANT_opcode  
11142    ) {
11143      c = STATE(lchild).getCost(19 /* boolcmp */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2()).getCost(9 /* any */) + ((VRL(p) == 0 && CondMove.getCond(P(p)).isNOT_EQUAL()) || (VRL(p) == 1 && CondMove.getCond(P(p)).isEQUAL()) ? 30 : INFINITE);
11144      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 555, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
11145      if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
11146        p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
11147        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0x4900); // p.r = 73
11148        closure_r(p, c);
11149      }
11150    }
11151    if ( // r: CMP_CMOV(boolcmp,OTHER_OPERAND(INT_CONSTANT,any))
11152      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode && 
11153      rchild.getChild1().getOpcode() == INT_CONSTANT_opcode  
11154    ) {
11155      c = STATE(lchild).getCost(19 /* boolcmp */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2()).getCost(9 /* any */) + ((VRL(p) == 1 && CondMove.getCond(P(p)).isNOT_EQUAL()) || (VRL(p) == 0 && CondMove.getCond(P(p)).isEQUAL()) ? 30 : INFINITE);
11156      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 556, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
11157      if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
11158        p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
11159        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0x4A00); // p.r = 74
11160        closure_r(p, c);
11161      }
11162    }
11163    if ( // r: CMP_CMOV(bittest,OTHER_OPERAND(INT_CONSTANT,any))
11164      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode && 
11165      rchild.getChild1().getOpcode() == INT_CONSTANT_opcode  
11166    ) {
11167      c = STATE(lchild).getCost(18 /* bittest */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2()).getCost(9 /* any */) + ((VRL(p) == 0 || VRL(p) == 1) && EQ_NE(CondMove.getCond(P(p))) ? 30 : INFINITE);
11168      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 557, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
11169      if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
11170        p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
11171        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0x4B00); // p.r = 75
11172        closure_r(p, c);
11173      }
11174    }
11175    if ( // r: CMP_CMOV(cz,OTHER_OPERAND(INT_CONSTANT,any))
11176      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode && 
11177      rchild.getChild1().getOpcode() == INT_CONSTANT_opcode  
11178    ) {
11179      c = STATE(lchild).getCost(4 /* cz */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2()).getCost(9 /* any */) + isZERO(VRL(p), 30);
11180      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 558, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
11181      if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
11182        p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
11183        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0x4C00); // p.r = 76
11184        closure_r(p, c);
11185      }
11186    }
11187    if ( // r: CMP_CMOV(szp,OTHER_OPERAND(INT_CONSTANT,any))
11188      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode && 
11189      rchild.getChild1().getOpcode() == INT_CONSTANT_opcode  
11190    ) {
11191      c = STATE(lchild).getCost(6 /* szp */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2()).getCost(9 /* any */) + isZERO(VRL(p), 30);
11192      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 559, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
11193      if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
11194        p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
11195        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0x4D00); // p.r = 77
11196        closure_r(p, c);
11197      }
11198    }
11199  }
11201  /**
11202   * Labels FCMP_CMOV tree node
11203   * @param p node to label
11204   */
11205  private static void label_FCMP_CMOV(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
11206    p.initCost();
11207    AbstractBURS_TreeNode lchild, rchild;
11208    lchild = p.getChild1();
11209    rchild = p.getChild2();
11210    label(lchild);
11211    label(rchild);
11212    int c;
11213    if ( // r: FCMP_CMOV(r,OTHER_OPERAND(r,any))
11214      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode  
11215    ) {
11216      c = STATE(lchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2()).getCost(9 /* any */) + 13*2;
11217      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 454, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
11218      if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
11219        p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
11220        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0xE600); // p.r = 230
11221        closure_r(p, c);
11222      }
11223    }
11224    if ( // r: FCMP_CMOV(r,OTHER_OPERAND(float_load,any))
11225      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode  
11226    ) {
11227      c = STATE(lchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(26 /* float_load */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2()).getCost(9 /* any */) + 13+15;
11228      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 455, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
11229      if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
11230        p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
11231        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0xE700); // p.r = 231
11232        closure_r(p, c);
11233      }
11234    }
11235    if ( // r: FCMP_CMOV(r,OTHER_OPERAND(double_load,any))
11236      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode  
11237    ) {
11238      c = STATE(lchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(27 /* double_load */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2()).getCost(9 /* any */) + 13+15;
11239      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 456, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
11240      if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
11241        p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
11242        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0xE800); // p.r = 232
11243        closure_r(p, c);
11244      }
11245    }
11246    if ( // r: FCMP_CMOV(float_load,OTHER_OPERAND(r,any))
11247      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode  
11248    ) {
11249      c = STATE(lchild).getCost(26 /* float_load */) + STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2()).getCost(9 /* any */) + 13+15;
11250      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 457, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
11251      if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
11252        p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
11253        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0xE900); // p.r = 233
11254        closure_r(p, c);
11255      }
11256    }
11257    if ( // r: FCMP_CMOV(double_load,OTHER_OPERAND(r,any))
11258      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode  
11259    ) {
11260      c = STATE(lchild).getCost(27 /* double_load */) + STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2()).getCost(9 /* any */) + 13+15;
11261      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 458, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
11262      if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
11263        p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
11264        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0xEA00); // p.r = 234
11265        closure_r(p, c);
11266      }
11267    }
11268  }
11270  /**
11271   * Labels LCMP_CMOV tree node
11272   * @param p node to label
11273   */
11274  private static void label_LCMP_CMOV(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
11275    p.initCost();
11276    AbstractBURS_TreeNode lchild, rchild;
11277    lchild = p.getChild1();
11278    rchild = p.getChild2();
11279    label(lchild);
11280    label(rchild);
11281    int c;
11282    if ( // r: LCMP_CMOV(r,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,any))
11283      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode  
11284    ) {
11285      c = STATE(lchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2()).getCost(9 /* any */) + (13 + 30);
11286      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 428, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
11287      if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
11288        p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
11289        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0x7400); // p.r = 116
11290        closure_r(p, c);
11291      }
11292    }
11293    if ( // r: LCMP_CMOV(r,OTHER_OPERAND(INT_CONSTANT,any))
11294      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode && 
11295      rchild.getChild1().getOpcode() == INT_CONSTANT_opcode  
11296    ) {
11297      c = STATE(lchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2()).getCost(9 /* any */) + (VRL(p) == 0 && CMP_TO_TEST(CondMove.getCond(P(p))) ? (11 + 30):INFINITE);
11298      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 560, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
11299      if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
11300        p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
11301        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0x7500); // p.r = 117
11302        closure_r(p, c);
11303      }
11304    }
11305    if ( // r: LCMP_CMOV(load64,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,any))
11306      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode  
11307    ) {
11308      c = STATE(lchild).getCost(20 /* load64 */) + STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2()).getCost(9 /* any */) + (15 + 30);
11309      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 429, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
11310      if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
11311        p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
11312        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0x7600); // p.r = 118
11313        closure_r(p, c);
11314      }
11315    }
11316    if ( // r: LCMP_CMOV(rlv,OTHER_OPERAND(load64,any))
11317      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode  
11318    ) {
11319      c = STATE(lchild).getCost(8 /* rlv */) + STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(20 /* load64 */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2()).getCost(9 /* any */) + (15 + 30);
11320      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 430, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
11321      if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
11322        p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
11323        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0x7700); // p.r = 119
11324        closure_r(p, c);
11325      }
11326    }
11327  }
11329  /**
11330   * Labels FCMP_FCMOV tree node
11331   * @param p node to label
11332   */
11333  private static void label_FCMP_FCMOV(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
11334    p.initCost();
11335    AbstractBURS_TreeNode lchild, rchild;
11336    lchild = p.getChild1();
11337    rchild = p.getChild2();
11338    label(lchild);
11339    label(rchild);
11340    int c;
11341    if ( // r: FCMP_FCMOV(r,OTHER_OPERAND(r,any))
11342      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode  
11343    ) {
11344      c = STATE(lchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2()).getCost(9 /* any */) + 13*4;
11345      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 459, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
11346      if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
11347        p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
11348        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0xEB00); // p.r = 235
11349        closure_r(p, c);
11350      }
11351    }
11352    if ( // r: FCMP_FCMOV(r,OTHER_OPERAND(r,OTHER_OPERAND(r,float_load)))
11353      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode && 
11354      rchild.getChild2().getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode  
11355    ) {
11356      c = STATE(lchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2().getChild1()).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2().getChild2()).getCost(26 /* float_load */) + 15+13*3;
11357      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 486, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
11358      if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
11359        p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
11360        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0xEC00); // p.r = 236
11361        closure_r(p, c);
11362      }
11363    }
11364    if ( // r: FCMP_FCMOV(r,OTHER_OPERAND(r,OTHER_OPERAND(r,double_load)))
11365      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode && 
11366      rchild.getChild2().getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode  
11367    ) {
11368      c = STATE(lchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2().getChild1()).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2().getChild2()).getCost(27 /* double_load */) + 15+13*3;
11369      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 487, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
11370      if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
11371        p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
11372        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0xED00); // p.r = 237
11373        closure_r(p, c);
11374      }
11375    }
11376    if ( // r: FCMP_FCMOV(r,OTHER_OPERAND(r,OTHER_OPERAND(float_load,r)))
11377      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode && 
11378      rchild.getChild2().getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode  
11379    ) {
11380      c = STATE(lchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2().getChild1()).getCost(26 /* float_load */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2().getChild2()).getCost(2 /* r */) + 15+13*3;
11381      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 488, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
11382      if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
11383        p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
11384        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0xEE00); // p.r = 238
11385        closure_r(p, c);
11386      }
11387    }
11388    if ( // r: FCMP_FCMOV(r,OTHER_OPERAND(r,OTHER_OPERAND(double_load,r)))
11389      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode && 
11390      rchild.getChild2().getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode  
11391    ) {
11392      c = STATE(lchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2().getChild1()).getCost(27 /* double_load */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2().getChild2()).getCost(2 /* r */) + 15+13*3;
11393      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 489, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
11394      if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
11395        p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
11396        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0xEF00); // p.r = 239
11397        closure_r(p, c);
11398      }
11399    }
11400    if ( // r: FCMP_FCMOV(r,OTHER_OPERAND(float_load,any))
11401      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode  
11402    ) {
11403      c = STATE(lchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(26 /* float_load */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2()).getCost(9 /* any */) + (SSE2_CMP_OP(CondMove.getCond(P(p)), true) != null ? 15+13*3 : INFINITE);
11404      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 460, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
11405      if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
11406        p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
11407        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0xF000); // p.r = 240
11408        closure_r(p, c);
11409      }
11410    }
11411    if ( // r: FCMP_FCMOV(r,OTHER_OPERAND(double_load,any))
11412      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode  
11413    ) {
11414      c = STATE(lchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(27 /* double_load */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2()).getCost(9 /* any */) + (SSE2_CMP_OP(CondMove.getCond(P(p)), false) != null ? 15+13*3 : INFINITE);
11415      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 461, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
11416      if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
11417        p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
11418        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0xF100); // p.r = 241
11419        closure_r(p, c);
11420      }
11421    }
11423      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode && 
11424      rchild.getChild1().getOpcode() == MATERIALIZE_FP_CONSTANT_opcode && 
11425      rchild.getChild1().getChild1().getOpcode() == INT_CONSTANT_opcode && 
11426      rchild.getChild2().getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode && 
11427      rchild.getChild2().getChild2().getOpcode() == FLOAT_NEG_opcode  
11428    ) {
11429      c = STATE(lchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2().getChild1()).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2().getChild2().getChild1()).getCost(2 /* r */) + (IS_MATERIALIZE_ZERO(PRL(p)) && SSE2_IS_GT_OR_GE(CondMove.getCond(P(p))) && SIMILAR_REGISTERS(CondMove.getVal1(P(p)), CondMove.getTrueValue(P(p)), Unary.getVal(PRRR(p))) ? 11 : INFINITE );
11430      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 637, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
11431      if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
11432        p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
11433        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0xF200); // p.r = 242
11434        closure_r(p, c);
11435      }
11436    }
11438      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode && 
11439      rchild.getChild1().getOpcode() == MATERIALIZE_FP_CONSTANT_opcode && 
11440      rchild.getChild1().getChild1().getOpcode() == LONG_CONSTANT_opcode && 
11441      rchild.getChild2().getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode && 
11442      rchild.getChild2().getChild2().getOpcode() == FLOAT_NEG_opcode  
11443    ) {
11444      c = STATE(lchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2().getChild1()).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2().getChild2().getChild1()).getCost(2 /* r */) + (IS_MATERIALIZE_ZERO(PRL(p)) && SSE2_IS_GT_OR_GE(CondMove.getCond(P(p))) && SIMILAR_REGISTERS(CondMove.getVal1(P(p)), CondMove.getTrueValue(P(p)), Unary.getVal(PRRR(p))) ? 11 : INFINITE );
11445      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 638, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
11446      if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
11447        p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
11448        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0xF300); // p.r = 243
11449        closure_r(p, c);
11450      }
11451    }
11453      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode && 
11454      rchild.getChild1().getOpcode() == MATERIALIZE_FP_CONSTANT_opcode && 
11455      rchild.getChild1().getChild1().getOpcode() == INT_CONSTANT_opcode && 
11456      rchild.getChild2().getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode && 
11457      rchild.getChild2().getChild1().getOpcode() == FLOAT_NEG_opcode  
11458    ) {
11459      c = STATE(lchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2().getChild1().getChild1()).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2().getChild2()).getCost(2 /* r */) + (IS_MATERIALIZE_ZERO(PRL(p)) && SSE2_IS_LT_OR_LE(CondMove.getCond(P(p))) && SIMILAR_REGISTERS(CondMove.getVal1(P(p)), CondMove.getFalseValue(P(p)), Unary.getVal(PRRL(p))) ? 11 : INFINITE );
11460      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 641, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
11461      if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
11462        p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
11463        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0xF400); // p.r = 244
11464        closure_r(p, c);
11465      }
11466    }
11468      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode && 
11469      rchild.getChild1().getOpcode() == MATERIALIZE_FP_CONSTANT_opcode && 
11470      rchild.getChild1().getChild1().getOpcode() == LONG_CONSTANT_opcode && 
11471      rchild.getChild2().getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode && 
11472      rchild.getChild2().getChild1().getOpcode() == FLOAT_NEG_opcode  
11473    ) {
11474      c = STATE(lchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2().getChild1().getChild1()).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2().getChild2()).getCost(2 /* r */) + (IS_MATERIALIZE_ZERO(PRL(p)) && SSE2_IS_LT_OR_LE(CondMove.getCond(P(p))) && SIMILAR_REGISTERS(CondMove.getVal1(P(p)), CondMove.getFalseValue(P(p)), Unary.getVal(PRRL(p))) ? 11 : INFINITE );
11475      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 642, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
11476      if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
11477        p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
11478        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0xF500); // p.r = 245
11479        closure_r(p, c);
11480      }
11481    }
11483      lchild.getOpcode() == MATERIALIZE_FP_CONSTANT_opcode && 
11484      lchild.getChild1().getOpcode() == INT_CONSTANT_opcode && 
11485      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode && 
11486      rchild.getChild2().getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode && 
11487      rchild.getChild2().getChild1().getOpcode() == FLOAT_NEG_opcode  
11488    ) {
11489      c = STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2().getChild1().getChild1()).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2().getChild2()).getCost(2 /* r */) + (IS_MATERIALIZE_ZERO(PRL(p)) && SSE2_IS_GT_OR_GE(CondMove.getCond(P(p))) && SIMILAR_REGISTERS(CondMove.getVal2(P(p)), CondMove.getFalseValue(P(p)), Unary.getVal(PRRL(p))) ? 11 : INFINITE );
11490      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 645, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
11491      if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
11492        p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
11493        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0xF600); // p.r = 246
11494        closure_r(p, c);
11495      }
11496    }
11498      lchild.getOpcode() == MATERIALIZE_FP_CONSTANT_opcode && 
11499      lchild.getChild1().getOpcode() == LONG_CONSTANT_opcode && 
11500      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode && 
11501      rchild.getChild2().getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode && 
11502      rchild.getChild2().getChild1().getOpcode() == FLOAT_NEG_opcode  
11503    ) {
11504      c = STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2().getChild1().getChild1()).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2().getChild2()).getCost(2 /* r */) + (IS_MATERIALIZE_ZERO(PRL(p)) && SSE2_IS_GT_OR_GE(CondMove.getCond(P(p))) && SIMILAR_REGISTERS(CondMove.getVal2(P(p)), CondMove.getFalseValue(P(p)), Unary.getVal(PRRL(p))) ? 11 : INFINITE );
11505      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 646, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
11506      if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
11507        p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
11508        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0xF700); // p.r = 247
11509        closure_r(p, c);
11510      }
11511    }
11513      lchild.getOpcode() == MATERIALIZE_FP_CONSTANT_opcode && 
11514      lchild.getChild1().getOpcode() == INT_CONSTANT_opcode && 
11515      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode && 
11516      rchild.getChild2().getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode && 
11517      rchild.getChild2().getChild2().getOpcode() == FLOAT_NEG_opcode  
11518    ) {
11519      c = STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2().getChild1()).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2().getChild2().getChild1()).getCost(2 /* r */) + (IS_MATERIALIZE_ZERO(PRL(p)) && SSE2_IS_LT_OR_LE(CondMove.getCond(P(p))) && SIMILAR_REGISTERS(CondMove.getVal2(P(p)), CondMove.getTrueValue(P(p)), Unary.getVal(PRRR(p))) ? 11 : INFINITE );
11520      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 649, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
11521      if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
11522        p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
11523        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0xF800); // p.r = 248
11524        closure_r(p, c);
11525      }
11526    }
11528      lchild.getOpcode() == MATERIALIZE_FP_CONSTANT_opcode && 
11529      lchild.getChild1().getOpcode() == LONG_CONSTANT_opcode && 
11530      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode && 
11531      rchild.getChild2().getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode && 
11532      rchild.getChild2().getChild2().getOpcode() == FLOAT_NEG_opcode  
11533    ) {
11534      c = STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2().getChild1()).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2().getChild2().getChild1()).getCost(2 /* r */) + (IS_MATERIALIZE_ZERO(PRL(p)) && SSE2_IS_LT_OR_LE(CondMove.getCond(P(p))) && SIMILAR_REGISTERS(CondMove.getVal2(P(p)), CondMove.getTrueValue(P(p)), Unary.getVal(PRRR(p))) ? 11 : INFINITE );
11535      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 650, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
11536      if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
11537        p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
11538        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0xF900); // p.r = 249
11539        closure_r(p, c);
11540      }
11541    }
11543      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode && 
11544      rchild.getChild1().getOpcode() == MATERIALIZE_FP_CONSTANT_opcode && 
11545      rchild.getChild1().getChild1().getOpcode() == INT_CONSTANT_opcode && 
11546      rchild.getChild2().getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode && 
11547      rchild.getChild2().getChild2().getOpcode() == DOUBLE_NEG_opcode  
11548    ) {
11549      c = STATE(lchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2().getChild1()).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2().getChild2().getChild1()).getCost(2 /* r */) + (IS_MATERIALIZE_ZERO(PRL(p)) && SSE2_IS_GT_OR_GE(CondMove.getCond(P(p))) && SIMILAR_REGISTERS(CondMove.getVal1(P(p)), CondMove.getTrueValue(P(p)), Unary.getVal(PRRR(p))) ? 11 : INFINITE );
11550      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 639, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
11551      if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
11552        p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
11553        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0xFA00); // p.r = 250
11554        closure_r(p, c);
11555      }
11556    }
11558      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode && 
11559      rchild.getChild1().getOpcode() == MATERIALIZE_FP_CONSTANT_opcode && 
11560      rchild.getChild1().getChild1().getOpcode() == LONG_CONSTANT_opcode && 
11561      rchild.getChild2().getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode && 
11562      rchild.getChild2().getChild2().getOpcode() == DOUBLE_NEG_opcode  
11563    ) {
11564      c = STATE(lchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2().getChild1()).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2().getChild2().getChild1()).getCost(2 /* r */) + (IS_MATERIALIZE_ZERO(PRL(p)) && SSE2_IS_GT_OR_GE(CondMove.getCond(P(p))) && SIMILAR_REGISTERS(CondMove.getVal1(P(p)), CondMove.getTrueValue(P(p)), Unary.getVal(PRRR(p))) ? 11 : INFINITE );
11565      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 640, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
11566      if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
11567        p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
11568        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0xFB00); // p.r = 251
11569        closure_r(p, c);
11570      }
11571    }
11573      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode && 
11574      rchild.getChild1().getOpcode() == MATERIALIZE_FP_CONSTANT_opcode && 
11575      rchild.getChild1().getChild1().getOpcode() == INT_CONSTANT_opcode && 
11576      rchild.getChild2().getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode && 
11577      rchild.getChild2().getChild1().getOpcode() == DOUBLE_NEG_opcode  
11578    ) {
11579      c = STATE(lchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2().getChild1().getChild1()).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2().getChild2()).getCost(2 /* r */) + (IS_MATERIALIZE_ZERO(PRL(p)) && SSE2_IS_LT_OR_LE(CondMove.getCond(P(p))) && SIMILAR_REGISTERS(CondMove.getVal1(P(p)), CondMove.getFalseValue(P(p)), Unary.getVal(PRRL(p))) ? 11 : INFINITE );
11580      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 643, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
11581      if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
11582        p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
11583        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0xFC00); // p.r = 252
11584        closure_r(p, c);
11585      }
11586    }
11588      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode && 
11589      rchild.getChild1().getOpcode() == MATERIALIZE_FP_CONSTANT_opcode && 
11590      rchild.getChild1().getChild1().getOpcode() == LONG_CONSTANT_opcode && 
11591      rchild.getChild2().getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode && 
11592      rchild.getChild2().getChild1().getOpcode() == DOUBLE_NEG_opcode  
11593    ) {
11594      c = STATE(lchild).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2().getChild1().getChild1()).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2().getChild2()).getCost(2 /* r */) + (IS_MATERIALIZE_ZERO(PRL(p)) && SSE2_IS_LT_OR_LE(CondMove.getCond(P(p))) && SIMILAR_REGISTERS(CondMove.getVal1(P(p)), CondMove.getFalseValue(P(p)), Unary.getVal(PRRL(p))) ? 11 : INFINITE );
11595      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 644, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
11596      if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
11597        p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
11598        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0xFD00); // p.r = 253
11599        closure_r(p, c);
11600      }
11601    }
11603      lchild.getOpcode() == MATERIALIZE_FP_CONSTANT_opcode && 
11604      lchild.getChild1().getOpcode() == INT_CONSTANT_opcode && 
11605      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode && 
11606      rchild.getChild2().getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode && 
11607      rchild.getChild2().getChild1().getOpcode() == DOUBLE_NEG_opcode  
11608    ) {
11609      c = STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2().getChild1().getChild1()).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2().getChild2()).getCost(2 /* r */) + (IS_MATERIALIZE_ZERO(PRL(p)) && SSE2_IS_GT_OR_GE(CondMove.getCond(P(p))) && SIMILAR_REGISTERS(CondMove.getVal2(P(p)), CondMove.getFalseValue(P(p)), Unary.getVal(PRRL(p))) ? 11 : INFINITE );
11610      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 647, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
11611      if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
11612        p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
11613        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0xFE00); // p.r = 254
11614        closure_r(p, c);
11615      }
11616    }
11618      lchild.getOpcode() == MATERIALIZE_FP_CONSTANT_opcode && 
11619      lchild.getChild1().getOpcode() == LONG_CONSTANT_opcode && 
11620      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode && 
11621      rchild.getChild2().getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode && 
11622      rchild.getChild2().getChild1().getOpcode() == DOUBLE_NEG_opcode  
11623    ) {
11624      c = STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2().getChild1().getChild1()).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2().getChild2()).getCost(2 /* r */) + (IS_MATERIALIZE_ZERO(PRL(p)) && SSE2_IS_GT_OR_GE(CondMove.getCond(P(p))) && SIMILAR_REGISTERS(CondMove.getVal2(P(p)), CondMove.getFalseValue(P(p)), Unary.getVal(PRRL(p))) ? 11 : INFINITE );
11625      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 648, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
11626      if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
11627        p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
11628        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0xFF00); // p.r = 255
11629        closure_r(p, c);
11630      }
11631    }
11633      lchild.getOpcode() == MATERIALIZE_FP_CONSTANT_opcode && 
11634      lchild.getChild1().getOpcode() == INT_CONSTANT_opcode && 
11635      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode && 
11636      rchild.getChild2().getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode && 
11637      rchild.getChild2().getChild2().getOpcode() == DOUBLE_NEG_opcode  
11638    ) {
11639      c = STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2().getChild1()).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2().getChild2().getChild1()).getCost(2 /* r */) + (IS_MATERIALIZE_ZERO(PRL(p)) && SSE2_IS_LT_OR_LE(CondMove.getCond(P(p))) && SIMILAR_REGISTERS(CondMove.getVal2(P(p)), CondMove.getTrueValue(P(p)), Unary.getVal(PRRR(p))) ? 11 : INFINITE );
11640      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 651, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
11641      if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
11642        p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
11643        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0x10000); // p.r = 256
11644        closure_r(p, c);
11645      }
11646    }
11648      lchild.getOpcode() == MATERIALIZE_FP_CONSTANT_opcode && 
11649      lchild.getChild1().getOpcode() == LONG_CONSTANT_opcode && 
11650      rchild.getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode && 
11651      rchild.getChild2().getOpcode() == OTHER_OPERAND_opcode && 
11652      rchild.getChild2().getChild2().getOpcode() == DOUBLE_NEG_opcode  
11653    ) {
11654      c = STATE(rchild.getChild1()).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2().getChild1()).getCost(2 /* r */) + STATE(rchild.getChild2().getChild2().getChild1()).getCost(2 /* r */) + (IS_MATERIALIZE_ZERO(PRL(p)) && SSE2_IS_LT_OR_LE(CondMove.getCond(P(p))) && SIMILAR_REGISTERS(CondMove.getVal2(P(p)), CondMove.getTrueValue(P(p)), Unary.getVal(PRRR(p))) ? 11 : INFINITE );
11655      if(BURS.DEBUG) trace(p, 652, c + 0, p.getCost(2) /* r */);
11656      if (c < p.getCost(2) /* r */) {
11657        p.setCost(2 /* r */, (char)(c));
11658        p.writePacked(0, 0xFFFE00FF, 0x10100); // p.r = 257
11659        closure_r(p, c);
11660      }
11661    }
11662  }
11664  /**
11665   * Give leaf child corresponding to external rule and child number.
11666   * e.g. .
11667   *
11668   * @param p tree node to get child for
11669   * @param eruleno external rule number
11670   * @param kidnumber the child to return
11671   * @return the requested child
11672   */
11673  private static AbstractBURS_TreeNode kids(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p, int eruleno, int kidnumber)  { 
11674    if (BURS.DEBUG) {
11675      switch (eruleno) {
11676      case 20: // load8_16_32_64: load8_16_32
11677      case 19: // load8_16_32_64: load64
11678      case 18: // load8_16_32: load8
11679      case 17: // load8_16_32: load16_32
11680      case 16: // load16_32: load32
11681      case 15: // load16_32: load16
11682      case 14: // load16: uload16
11683      case 13: // load16: sload16
11684      case 12: // load8: uload8
11685      case 11: // load8: sload8
11686      case 10: // address: address1scaledreg
11687      case 9: // address1scaledreg: address1reg
11688      case 8: // any: riv
11689      case 7: // rlv: r
11690      case 6: // riv: r
11691      case 5: // szp: szpr
11692      case 4: // r: szpr
11693      case 3: // cz: czr
11694      case 2: // r: czr
11695      case 1: // stm: r
11696        if (kidnumber == 0) {
11697          return p;
11698        }
11699        break;
11700      case 50: // stm: CLEAR_FLOATING_POINT_STATE
11701      case 49: // r: GET_TIME_BASE
11702      case 48: // stm: RETURN(LONG_CONSTANT)
11703      case 47: // stm: RETURN(INT_CONSTANT)
11704      case 46: // stm: RETURN(NULL)
11705      case 45: // stm: PAUSE
11706      case 44: // stm: FENCE
11707      case 43: // stm: READ_CEILING
11708      case 42: // stm: WRITE_FLOOR
11709      case 41: // stm: GOTO
11710      case 40: // stm: TRAP
11711      case 39: // stm: SET_CAUGHT_EXCEPTION(INT_CONSTANT)
11712      case 38: // r: GET_CAUGHT_EXCEPTION
11713      case 37: // stm: IR_PROLOGUE
11714      case 36: // r: GUARD_COMBINE
11715      case 35: // r: GUARD_MOVE
11716      case 34: // stm: NOP
11717      case 33: // stm: RESOLVE
11718      case 32: // stm: YIELDPOINT_BACKEDGE
11719      case 31: // stm: YIELDPOINT_EPILOGUE
11720      case 30: // stm: YIELDPOINT_PROLOGUE
11721      case 29: // stm: UNINT_END
11722      case 28: // stm: UNINT_BEGIN
11723      case 27: // stm: IG_PATCH_POINT
11724      case 26: // any: LONG_CONSTANT
11725      case 25: // any: ADDRESS_CONSTANT
11726      case 24: // any: NULL
11727      case 23: // rlv: LONG_CONSTANT
11728      case 22: // riv: INT_CONSTANT
11729      case 21: // r: REGISTER
11730        break;
11731      case 246: // stm: DOUBLE_IFCMP(double_load,r)
11732      case 245: // stm: DOUBLE_IFCMP(r,double_load)
11733      case 244: // stm: DOUBLE_IFCMP(r,r)
11734      case 243: // stm: FLOAT_IFCMP(float_load,r)
11735      case 242: // stm: FLOAT_IFCMP(r,float_load)
11736      case 241: // stm: FLOAT_IFCMP(r,r)
11737      case 240: // float_load: FLOAT_ALOAD(riv,riv)
11738      case 239: // r: FLOAT_ALOAD(rlv,rlv)
11739      case 238: // r: FLOAT_ALOAD(riv,r)
11740      case 237: // r: FLOAT_ALOAD(riv,riv)
11741      case 236: // float_load: FLOAT_LOAD(riv,riv)
11742      case 235: // r: FLOAT_LOAD(rlv,rlv)
11743      case 234: // r: FLOAT_LOAD(riv,riv)
11744      case 233: // double_load: DOUBLE_ALOAD(riv,riv)
11745      case 232: // r: DOUBLE_ALOAD(rlv,rlv)
11746      case 231: // r: DOUBLE_ALOAD(riv,r)
11747      case 230: // double_load: DOUBLE_LOAD(rlv,rlv)
11748      case 229: // r: DOUBLE_ALOAD(riv,riv)
11749      case 228: // double_load: DOUBLE_LOAD(riv,riv)
11750      case 227: // r: DOUBLE_LOAD(rlv,rlv)
11751      case 226: // r: DOUBLE_LOAD(riv,rlv)
11752      case 225: // r: DOUBLE_LOAD(riv,riv)
11753      case 224: // r: DOUBLE_REM(r,r)
11754      case 223: // r: FLOAT_REM(r,r)
11755      case 222: // r: DOUBLE_DIV(r,double_load)
11756      case 221: // r: DOUBLE_DIV(r,r)
11757      case 220: // r: FLOAT_DIV(r,float_load)
11758      case 219: // r: FLOAT_DIV(r,r)
11759      case 218: // r: DOUBLE_MUL(double_load,r)
11760      case 217: // r: DOUBLE_MUL(r,double_load)
11761      case 216: // r: DOUBLE_MUL(r,r)
11762      case 215: // r: FLOAT_MUL(float_load,r)
11763      case 214: // r: FLOAT_MUL(r,float_load)
11764      case 213: // r: FLOAT_MUL(r,r)
11765      case 212: // r: DOUBLE_SUB(r,double_load)
11766      case 211: // r: DOUBLE_SUB(r,r)
11767      case 210: // r: FLOAT_SUB(r,float_load)
11768      case 209: // r: FLOAT_SUB(r,r)
11769      case 208: // r: DOUBLE_ADD(double_load,r)
11770      case 207: // r: DOUBLE_ADD(r,double_load)
11771      case 206: // r: DOUBLE_ADD(r,r)
11772      case 205: // r: FLOAT_ADD(float_load,r)
11773      case 204: // r: FLOAT_ADD(r,float_load)
11774      case 203: // r: FLOAT_ADD(r,r)
11775      case 202: // szpr: LONG_XOR(load64,rlv)
11776      case 201: // szpr: LONG_XOR(r,load64)
11777      case 200: // szpr: LONG_XOR(r,rlv)
11778      case 199: // szpr: LONG_USHR(rlv,riv)
11779      case 198: // czr: LONG_SUB(load64,rlv)
11780      case 197: // czr: LONG_SUB(rlv,load64)
11781      case 196: // r: LONG_SUB(load64,r)
11782      case 195: // r: LONG_SUB(rlv,r)
11783      case 194: // czr: LONG_SUB(rlv,r)
11784      case 193: // szpr: LONG_SHR(rlv,riv)
11785      case 192: // szpr: LONG_SHL(rlv,riv)
11786      case 191: // r: LONG_REM(load64,rlv)
11787      case 190: // r: LONG_REM(rlv,load64)
11788      case 189: // r: LONG_REM(riv,rlv)
11789      case 188: // r: LONG_REM(rlv,riv)
11790      case 187: // r: LONG_REM(rlv,rlv)
11791      case 186: // szpr: LONG_OR(load64,rlv)
11792      case 185: // szpr: LONG_OR(r,load64)
11793      case 184: // szpr: LONG_OR(r,rlv)
11794      case 183: // r: INT_MUL(load64,rlv)
11795      case 182: // r: INT_MUL(r,load64)
11796      case 181: // r: LONG_MUL(r,rlv)
11797      case 180: // r: LONG_ALOAD(rlv,r)
11798      case 179: // r: LONG_ALOAD(rlv,riv)
11799      case 178: // r: LONG_LOAD(address1reg,address1scaledreg)
11800      case 177: // r: LONG_LOAD(address1scaledreg,address1reg)
11801      case 176: // r: LONG_LOAD(address1scaledreg,rlv)
11802      case 175: // r: LONG_LOAD(rlv,address1scaledreg)
11803      case 174: // r: LONG_LOAD(rlv,rlv)
11804      case 173: // stm: LONG_IFCMP(rlv,rlv)
11805      case 172: // r: LONG_DIV(load64,rlv)
11806      case 171: // r: LONG_DIV(rlv,load64)
11807      case 170: // r: LONG_DIV(riv,rlv)
11808      case 169: // r: LONG_DIV(rlv,riv)
11809      case 168: // r: LONG_DIV(rlv,rlv)
11810      case 167: // szp: LONG_AND(r,load8_16_32_64)
11811      case 166: // szp: LONG_AND(load8_16_32_64,rlv)
11812      case 165: // szpr: LONG_AND(load64,rlv)
11813      case 164: // szpr: LONG_AND(rlv,load64)
11814      case 163: // szp: LONG_AND(r,rlv)
11815      case 162: // szpr: LONG_AND(r,r)
11816      case 161: // szpr: LONG_AND(r,rlv)
11817      case 160: // czr: LONG_ADD(load64,rlv)
11818      case 159: // czr: LONG_ADD(rlv,load64)
11819      case 158: // r: LONG_ADD(r,rlv)
11820      case 157: // czr: LONG_ADD(r,r)
11821      case 156: // czr: LONG_ADD(r,riv)
11822      case 155: // czr: LONG_ADD(r,rlv)
11823      case 154: // load64: LONG_ALOAD(rlv,r)
11824      case 153: // load64: LONG_ALOAD(rlv,rlv)
11825      case 152: // load64: LONG_LOAD(rlv,rlv)
11826      case 151: // load32: INT_ALOAD(rlv,riv)
11827      case 150: // load32: INT_LOAD(rlv,rlv)
11828      case 149: // uload16: USHORT_ALOAD(rlv,riv)
11829      case 148: // r: USHORT_ALOAD(rlv,r)
11830      case 147: // r: USHORT_ALOAD(rlv,riv)
11831      case 146: // uload16: USHORT_LOAD(rlv,rlv)
11832      case 145: // r: USHORT_LOAD(rlv,rlv)
11833      case 144: // sload16: SHORT_ALOAD(rlv,riv)
11834      case 143: // r: SHORT_ALOAD(rlv,r)
11835      case 142: // r: SHORT_ALOAD(rlv,riv)
11836      case 141: // sload16: SHORT_LOAD(rlv,rlv)
11837      case 140: // r: SHORT_LOAD(rlv,rlv)
11838      case 139: // uload8: UBYTE_ALOAD(rlv,riv)
11839      case 138: // r: UBYTE_ALOAD(rlv,r)
11840      case 137: // r: UBYTE_ALOAD(rlv,riv)
11841      case 136: // uload8: UBYTE_LOAD(rlv,rlv)
11842      case 135: // r: UBYTE_LOAD(rlv,rlv)
11843      case 134: // sload8: BYTE_ALOAD(rlv,riv)
11844      case 133: // r: BYTE_ALOAD(rlv,r)
11845      case 132: // r: BYTE_ALOAD(rlv,riv)
11846      case 131: // sload8: BYTE_LOAD(rlv,rlv)
11847      case 130: // r: BYTE_LOAD(rlv,rlv)
11848      case 129: // r: LONG_ADD(address1reg,address1scaledreg)
11849      case 128: // r: LONG_ADD(address1scaledreg,address1reg)
11850      case 127: // r: LONG_ADD(r,address1scaledreg)
11851      case 126: // r: LONG_ADD(address1scaledreg,r)
11852      case 125: // szpr: INT_XOR(load32,riv)
11853      case 124: // szpr: INT_XOR(r,load32)
11854      case 123: // szpr: INT_XOR(r,riv)
11855      case 122: // szpr: INT_USHR(riv,riv)
11856      case 121: // czr: INT_SUB(load32,riv)
11857      case 120: // czr: INT_SUB(riv,load32)
11858      case 119: // r: INT_SUB(load32,r)
11859      case 118: // r: INT_SUB(riv,r)
11860      case 117: // czr: INT_SUB(riv,r)
11861      case 116: // szpr: INT_SHR(riv,riv)
11862      case 115: // szpr: INT_SHL(riv,riv)
11863      case 114: // r: INT_REM(riv,load32)
11864      case 113: // r: INT_REM(riv,riv)
11865      case 112: // szpr: INT_OR(load32,riv)
11866      case 111: // szpr: INT_OR(r,load32)
11867      case 110: // szpr: INT_OR(r,riv)
11868      case 109: // r: INT_MUL(load32,riv)
11869      case 108: // r: INT_MUL(r,load32)
11870      case 107: // r: INT_MUL(r,riv)
11871      case 106: // r: INT_ALOAD(rlv,riv)
11872      case 105: // r: INT_LOAD(address1reg,address1scaledreg)
11873      case 104: // r: INT_LOAD(address1scaledreg,address1reg)
11874      case 103: // r: INT_LOAD(address1scaledreg,rlv)
11875      case 102: // r: INT_LOAD(rlv,address1scaledreg)
11876      case 101: // r: INT_LOAD(rlv,rlv)
11877      case 100: // stm: INT_IFCMP2(riv,load32)
11878      case 99: // stm: INT_IFCMP2(load32,riv)
11879      case 98: // stm: INT_IFCMP2(r,riv)
11880      case 97: // stm: INT_IFCMP(r,load32)
11881      case 96: // stm: INT_IFCMP(load32,riv)
11882      case 95: // stm: INT_IFCMP(r,uload8)
11883      case 94: // stm: INT_IFCMP(uload8,r)
11884      case 93: // stm: INT_IFCMP(r,riv)
11885      case 92: // r: INT_DIV(riv,load32)
11886      case 91: // r: INT_DIV(riv,riv)
11887      case 90: // szp: INT_AND(r,load8_16_32)
11888      case 89: // szp: INT_AND(load8_16_32,riv)
11889      case 88: // szpr: INT_AND(load32,riv)
11890      case 87: // szpr: INT_AND(r,load32)
11891      case 86: // szp: INT_AND(r,riv)
11892      case 85: // szpr: INT_AND(r,riv)
11893      case 84: // czr: INT_ADD(load32,riv)
11894      case 83: // czr: INT_ADD(r,load32)
11895      case 82: // r: INT_ADD(r,riv)
11896      case 81: // czr: INT_ADD(r,riv)
11897      case 80: // boolcmp: BOOLEAN_CMP_LONG(rlv,load64)
11898      case 79: // r: BOOLEAN_CMP_LONG(r,load64)
11899      case 78: // boolcmp: BOOLEAN_CMP_LONG(load64,rlv)
11900      case 77: // r: BOOLEAN_CMP_LONG(load64,rlv)
11901      case 76: // boolcmp: BOOLEAN_CMP_LONG(r,rlv)
11902      case 75: // r: BOOLEAN_CMP_LONG(r,rlv)
11903      case 74: // boolcmp: BOOLEAN_CMP_INT(riv,load32)
11904      case 73: // r: BOOLEAN_CMP_INT(r,load32)
11905      case 72: // boolcmp: BOOLEAN_CMP_INT(load32,riv)
11906      case 71: // r: BOOLEAN_CMP_INT(load32,riv)
11907      case 70: // boolcmp: BOOLEAN_CMP_INT(r,riv)
11908      case 69: // r: BOOLEAN_CMP_INT(r,riv)
11909      case 68: // address: LONG_ADD(address1reg,address1scaledreg)
11910      case 67: // address: LONG_ADD(address1scaledreg,address1reg)
11911      case 66: // address: LONG_ADD(address1scaledreg,r)
11912      case 65: // address: LONG_ADD(r,address1scaledreg)
11913      case 64: // address: LONG_ADD(r,r)
11914      case 63: // address: INT_ADD(address1reg,address1scaledreg)
11915      case 62: // address: INT_ADD(address1scaledreg,address1reg)
11916      case 61: // address: INT_ADD(address1scaledreg,r)
11917      case 60: // address: INT_ADD(r,address1scaledreg)
11918      case 59: // address: INT_ADD(r,r)
11919      case 58: // stm: YIELDPOINT_OSR(any,any)
11920      case 57: // r: SYSCALL(r,any)
11921      case 56: // r: CALL(r,any)
11922      case 55: // r: LONG_CMP(rlv,rlv)
11923      case 54: // stm: TRAP_IF(riv,load32)
11924      case 53: // stm: TRAP_IF(load32,riv)
11925      case 52: // stm: TRAP_IF(r,r)
11926      case 51: // any: OTHER_OPERAND(any,any)
11927        if (kidnumber == 0) {
11928          return p.getChild1();
11929        }
11930        if (kidnumber == 1) {
11931          return p.getChild2();
11932        }
11933        break;
11934      case 382: // double_load: MATERIALIZE_FP_CONSTANT(any)
11935      case 381: // float_load: MATERIALIZE_FP_CONSTANT(any)
11936      case 380: // r: MATERIALIZE_FP_CONSTANT(any)
11937      case 379: // double_load: LONG_BITS_AS_DOUBLE(load64)
11938      case 378: // r: LONG_BITS_AS_DOUBLE(rlv)
11939      case 377: // float_load: INT_BITS_AS_FLOAT(load32)
11940      case 376: // r: INT_BITS_AS_FLOAT(riv)
11941      case 375: // load64: DOUBLE_AS_LONG_BITS(double_load)
11942      case 374: // r: DOUBLE_AS_LONG_BITS(r)
11943      case 373: // load32: FLOAT_AS_INT_BITS(float_load)
11944      case 372: // r: FLOAT_AS_INT_BITS(r)
11945      case 371: // r: DOUBLE_2LONG(r)
11946      case 370: // r: DOUBLE_2INT(r)
11947      case 369: // r: FLOAT_2LONG(r)
11948      case 368: // r: FLOAT_2INT(r)
11949      case 367: // r: DOUBLE_2FLOAT(double_load)
11950      case 366: // r: DOUBLE_2FLOAT(r)
11951      case 365: // r: FLOAT_2DOUBLE(float_load)
11952      case 364: // r: FLOAT_2DOUBLE(r)
11953      case 363: // r: INT_2DOUBLE(load32)
11954      case 362: // r: INT_2DOUBLE(riv)
11955      case 361: // r: INT_2FLOAT(load32)
11956      case 360: // r: INT_2FLOAT(riv)
11957      case 359: // r: DOUBLE_MOVE(r)
11958      case 358: // r: FLOAT_MOVE(r)
11959      case 357: // r: LONG_2DOUBLE(r)
11960      case 356: // r: LONG_2FLOAT(r)
11961      case 355: // r: DOUBLE_SQRT(r)
11962      case 354: // r: FLOAT_SQRT(r)
11963      case 353: // r: DOUBLE_NEG(r)
11964      case 352: // r: FLOAT_NEG(r)
11965      case 351: // szpr: LONG_USHR(rlv,LONG_CONSTANT)
11966      case 350: // szpr: LONG_SHR(rlv,LONG_CONSTANT)
11967      case 349: // r: LONG_SHL(r,INT_CONSTANT)
11968      case 348: // szpr: LONG_SHL(r,INT_CONSTANT)
11969      case 347: // r: LONG_NOT(r)
11970      case 346: // szpr: LONG_NEG(r)
11971      case 345: // load64: LONG_MOVE(load64)
11972      case 344: // r: LONG_MOVE(riv)
11973      case 343: // r: LONG_MOVE(rlv)
11974      case 342: // r: LONG_LOAD(address,LONG_CONSTANT)
11975      case 341: // stm: LONG_IFCMP(r,LONG_CONSTANT)
11976      case 340: // load32: LONG_2INT(load64)
11977      case 339: // r: LONG_2INT(load64)
11978      case 338: // r: LONG_2INT(r)
11979      case 337: // r: LONG_MOVE(address)
11980      case 336: // r: LONG_ADD(address,LONG_CONSTANT)
11981      case 335: // szpr: INT_USHR(riv,INT_CONSTANT)
11982      case 334: // szpr: INT_SHR(riv,INT_CONSTANT)
11983      case 333: // r: INT_SHL(r,INT_CONSTANT)
11984      case 332: // szpr: INT_SHL(r,INT_CONSTANT)
11985      case 331: // r: INT_NOT(r)
11986      case 330: // szpr: INT_NEG(r)
11987      case 329: // load32: INT_MOVE(load32)
11988      case 328: // load16: INT_MOVE(load16)
11989      case 327: // uload16: INT_MOVE(uload16)
11990      case 326: // sload16: INT_MOVE(sload16)
11991      case 325: // load8: INT_MOVE(load8)
11992      case 324: // uload8: INT_MOVE(uload8)
11993      case 323: // sload8: INT_MOVE(sload8)
11994      case 322: // szp: INT_MOVE(szp)
11995      case 321: // szpr: INT_MOVE(szpr)
11996      case 320: // cz: INT_MOVE(cz)
11997      case 319: // czr: INT_MOVE(czr)
11998      case 318: // r: INT_MOVE(riv)
11999      case 317: // r: INT_LOAD(address,LONG_CONSTANT)
12000      case 316: // stm: INT_IFCMP(bittest,INT_CONSTANT)
12001      case 315: // stm: INT_IFCMP(szp,INT_CONSTANT)
12002      case 314: // stm: INT_IFCMP(cz,INT_CONSTANT)
12003      case 313: // stm: INT_IFCMP(boolcmp,INT_CONSTANT)
12004      case 312: // stm: INT_IFCMP(boolcmp,INT_CONSTANT)
12005      case 311: // stm: INT_IFCMP(sload16,INT_CONSTANT)
12006      case 310: // stm: INT_IFCMP(load8,INT_CONSTANT)
12007      case 309: // stm: INT_IFCMP(r,INT_CONSTANT)
12008      case 308: // r: INT_2USHORT(load16_32)
12009      case 307: // uload16: INT_2USHORT(load16_32)
12010      case 306: // szpr: INT_2USHORT(r)
12011      case 305: // sload16: INT_2SHORT(load16_32)
12012      case 304: // r: INT_2SHORT(load16_32)
12013      case 303: // r: INT_2SHORT(r)
12014      case 302: // r: INT_2ADDRZerExt(r)
12015      case 301: // r: INT_2LONG(load32)
12016      case 300: // r: INT_2LONG(r)
12017      case 299: // r: INT_2BYTE(load8_16_32)
12018      case 298: // r: INT_2BYTE(r)
12023      case 293: // r: BOOLEAN_NOT(r)
12024      case 292: // r: BOOLEAN_CMP_LONG(cz,LONG_CONSTANT)
12025      case 291: // r: BOOLEAN_CMP_LONG(load64,LONG_CONSTANT)
12026      case 290: // r: BOOLEAN_CMP_LONG(r,LONG_CONSTANT)
12027      case 289: // r: BOOLEAN_CMP_LONG(load64,LONG_CONSTANT)
12028      case 288: // r: BOOLEAN_CMP_LONG(r,LONG_CONSTANT)
12029      case 287: // boolcmp: BOOLEAN_CMP_LONG(r,LONG_CONSTANT)
12030      case 286: // r: BOOLEAN_CMP_LONG(r,LONG_CONSTANT)
12031      case 285: // boolcmp: BOOLEAN_CMP_INT(boolcmp,INT_CONSTANT)
12032      case 284: // r: BOOLEAN_CMP_INT(boolcmp,INT_CONSTANT)
12033      case 283: // boolcmp: BOOLEAN_CMP_INT(boolcmp,INT_CONSTANT)
12034      case 282: // r: BOOLEAN_CMP_INT(boolcmp,INT_CONSTANT)
12035      case 281: // boolcmp: BOOLEAN_CMP_INT(bittest,INT_CONSTANT)
12036      case 280: // r: BOOLEAN_CMP_INT(bittest,INT_CONSTANT)
12037      case 279: // boolcmp: BOOLEAN_CMP_INT(szp,INT_CONSTANT)
12038      case 278: // r: BOOLEAN_CMP_INT(szp,INT_CONSTANT)
12039      case 277: // boolcmp: BOOLEAN_CMP_INT(cz,INT_CONSTANT)
12040      case 276: // r: BOOLEAN_CMP_INT(cz,INT_CONSTANT)
12041      case 275: // r: BOOLEAN_CMP_INT(load32,INT_CONSTANT)
12042      case 274: // r: BOOLEAN_CMP_INT(r,INT_CONSTANT)
12043      case 273: // r: BOOLEAN_CMP_INT(load32,INT_CONSTANT)
12044      case 272: // r: BOOLEAN_CMP_INT(r,INT_CONSTANT)
12045      case 271: // boolcmp: BOOLEAN_CMP_INT(r,INT_CONSTANT)
12046      case 270: // r: BOOLEAN_CMP_INT(r,INT_CONSTANT)
12047      case 269: // address: LONG_ADD(address1scaledreg,LONG_CONSTANT)
12048      case 268: // address1scaledreg: LONG_ADD(address1scaledreg,LONG_CONSTANT)
12049      case 267: // address1reg: LONG_ADD(address1reg,LONG_CONSTANT)
12050      case 266: // address1reg: LONG_MOVE(r)
12051      case 265: // address1reg: LONG_ADD(r,LONG_CONSTANT)
12052      case 264: // address1scaledreg: LONG_SHL(r,INT_CONSTANT)
12053      case 263: // address: INT_ADD(address1scaledreg,LONG_CONSTANT)
12054      case 262: // address1scaledreg: INT_ADD(address1scaledreg,LONG_CONSTANT)
12055      case 261: // address1reg: INT_ADD(address1reg,LONG_CONSTANT)
12056      case 260: // address1reg: INT_MOVE(r)
12057      case 259: // address1reg: INT_ADD(r,LONG_CONSTANT)
12058      case 258: // address1scaledreg: INT_SHL(r,INT_CONSTANT)
12059      case 257: // stm: RETURN(r)
12060      case 256: // stm: PREFETCH(r)
12061      case 255: // r: INT_AND(load16_32,INT_CONSTANT)
12062      case 254: // r: INT_2BYTE(load8_16_32)
12063      case 253: // r: INT_AND(load8_16_32,INT_CONSTANT)
12064      case 252: // uload8: INT_AND(load8_16_32,INT_CONSTANT)
12065      case 251: // stm: TRAP_IF(r,LONG_CONSTANT)
12066      case 250: // stm: TRAP_IF(r,INT_CONSTANT)
12067      case 249: // stm: SET_CAUGHT_EXCEPTION(r)
12068      case 248: // stm: NULL_CHECK(riv)
12069      case 247: // stm: LOWTABLESWITCH(r)
12070        if (kidnumber == 0) {
12071          return p.getChild1();
12072        }
12073        break;
12074      case 396: // szpr: LONG_SHL(LONG_SHR(r,INT_CONSTANT),INT_CONSTANT)
12075      case 395: // load32: LONG_2INT(LONG_SHR(load64,INT_CONSTANT))
12076      case 394: // load32: LONG_2INT(LONG_USHR(load64,INT_CONSTANT))
12077      case 393: // r: LONG_2INT(LONG_SHR(load64,INT_CONSTANT))
12078      case 392: // r: LONG_2INT(LONG_USHR(load64,INT_CONSTANT))
12079      case 391: // r: LONG_2INT(LONG_SHR(r,INT_CONSTANT))
12080      case 390: // r: LONG_2INT(LONG_USHR(r,INT_CONSTANT))
12081      case 389: // szpr: INT_SHL(INT_SHR(r,INT_CONSTANT),INT_CONSTANT)
12082      case 388: // r: LONG_AND(INT_2LONG(load32),LONG_CONSTANT)
12083      case 387: // r: LONG_AND(INT_2LONG(r),LONG_CONSTANT)
12084      case 386: // bittest: INT_AND(INT_SHR(r,INT_CONSTANT),INT_CONSTANT)
12085      case 385: // bittest: INT_AND(INT_USHR(r,INT_CONSTANT),INT_CONSTANT)
12086      case 384: // r: INT_USHR(INT_SHL(load16_32,INT_CONSTANT),INT_CONSTANT)
12087      case 383: // r: INT_USHR(INT_SHL(load8_16_32,INT_CONSTANT),INT_CONSTANT)
12088        if (kidnumber == 0) {
12089          return p.getChild1().getChild1();
12090        }
12091        break;
12092      case 465: // stm: LONG_STORE(load64,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,riv))
12093      case 464: // stm: LONG_STORE(load64,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
12094      case 463: // stm: LONG_ASTORE(load64,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,riv))
12095      case 462: // stm: LONG_ASTORE(load64,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
12096      case 461: // r: FCMP_FCMOV(r,OTHER_OPERAND(double_load,any))
12097      case 460: // r: FCMP_FCMOV(r,OTHER_OPERAND(float_load,any))
12098      case 459: // r: FCMP_FCMOV(r,OTHER_OPERAND(r,any))
12099      case 458: // r: FCMP_CMOV(double_load,OTHER_OPERAND(r,any))
12100      case 457: // r: FCMP_CMOV(float_load,OTHER_OPERAND(r,any))
12101      case 456: // r: FCMP_CMOV(r,OTHER_OPERAND(double_load,any))
12102      case 455: // r: FCMP_CMOV(r,OTHER_OPERAND(float_load,any))
12103      case 454: // r: FCMP_CMOV(r,OTHER_OPERAND(r,any))
12104      case 453: // stm: FLOAT_ASTORE(r,OTHER_OPERAND(r,r))
12105      case 452: // stm: FLOAT_ASTORE(r,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))
12106      case 451: // stm: FLOAT_ASTORE(r,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,rlv))
12107      case 450: // stm: FLOAT_ASTORE(r,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,riv))
12108      case 449: // stm: FLOAT_ASTORE(r,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
12109      case 448: // stm: FLOAT_STORE(r,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,rlv))
12110      case 447: // stm: FLOAT_STORE(r,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,riv))
12111      case 446: // stm: FLOAT_STORE(r,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))
12112      case 445: // stm: FLOAT_STORE(r,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
12113      case 444: // stm: DOUBLE_ASTORE(r,OTHER_OPERAND(r,r))
12114      case 443: // stm: DOUBLE_ASTORE(r,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))
12115      case 442: // stm: DOUBLE_ASTORE(r,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,rlv))
12116      case 441: // stm: DOUBLE_ASTORE(r,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,riv))
12117      case 440: // stm: DOUBLE_ASTORE(r,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
12118      case 439: // stm: DOUBLE_STORE(r,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))
12119      case 438: // stm: DOUBLE_STORE(r,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,riv))
12120      case 437: // stm: DOUBLE_STORE(r,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,rlv))
12121      case 436: // stm: DOUBLE_STORE(r,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
12122      case 435: // stm: LONG_STORE(rlv,OTHER_OPERAND(address1reg,address1scaledreg))
12123      case 434: // stm: LONG_STORE(rlv,OTHER_OPERAND(address1scaledreg,address1reg))
12124      case 433: // stm: LONG_STORE(rlv,OTHER_OPERAND(address1scaledreg,rlv))
12125      case 432: // stm: LONG_STORE(rlv,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,address1scaledreg))
12126      case 431: // stm: LONG_STORE(rlv,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))
12127      case 430: // r: LCMP_CMOV(rlv,OTHER_OPERAND(load64,any))
12128      case 429: // r: LCMP_CMOV(load64,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,any))
12129      case 428: // r: LCMP_CMOV(r,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,any))
12130      case 427: // stm: INT_STORE(riv,OTHER_OPERAND(address1reg,address1scaledreg))
12131      case 426: // stm: INT_STORE(riv,OTHER_OPERAND(address1scaledreg,address1reg))
12132      case 425: // stm: INT_STORE(riv,OTHER_OPERAND(address1scaledreg,rlv))
12133      case 424: // stm: INT_STORE(riv,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,address1scaledreg))
12134      case 423: // stm: INT_STORE(riv,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))
12135      case 422: // r: CMP_CMOV(riv,OTHER_OPERAND(load32,any))
12136      case 421: // r: CMP_CMOV(load32,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,any))
12137      case 420: // r: CMP_CMOV(riv,OTHER_OPERAND(uload8,any))
12138      case 419: // r: CMP_CMOV(uload8,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,any))
12139      case 418: // r: CMP_CMOV(r,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,any))
12140      case 417: // stm: BYTE_ASTORE(load8,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,riv))
12141      case 416: // stm: BYTE_ASTORE(riv,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,riv))
12142      case 415: // stm: BYTE_STORE(load8,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))
12143      case 414: // stm: BYTE_STORE(riv,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))
12144      case 413: // stm: BYTE_ASTORE(boolcmp,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
12145      case 412: // stm: BYTE_STORE(boolcmp,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
12146      case 411: // stm: LONG_ASTORE(r,OTHER_OPERAND(r,r))
12147      case 410: // stm: LONG_ASTORE(r,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))
12148      case 409: // stm: LONG_ASTORE(r,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
12149      case 408: // stm: INT_ASTORE(riv,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,rlv))
12150      case 407: // stm: INT_ASTORE(riv,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,riv))
12151      case 406: // stm: INT_ASTORE(riv,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))
12152      case 405: // stm: INT_ASTORE(riv,OTHER_OPERAND(r,r))
12153      case 404: // stm: INT_ASTORE(riv,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
12154      case 403: // stm: SHORT_ASTORE(riv,OTHER_OPERAND(r,r))
12155      case 402: // stm: SHORT_ASTORE(load16,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
12156      case 401: // stm: SHORT_ASTORE(riv,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
12157      case 400: // stm: SHORT_STORE(riv,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))
12158      case 399: // stm: SHORT_STORE(rlv,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))
12159      case 398: // stm: SHORT_STORE(load16,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
12160      case 397: // stm: SHORT_STORE(riv,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
12161        if (kidnumber == 0) {
12162          return p.getChild1();
12163        }
12164        if (kidnumber == 1) {
12165          return p.getChild2().getChild1();
12166        }
12167        if (kidnumber == 2) {
12168          return p.getChild2().getChild2();
12169        }
12170        break;
12171      case 467: // stm: LONG_ASTORE(LONG_CONSTANT,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,riv))
12172      case 466: // stm: LONG_ASTORE(LONG_CONSTANT,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
12173        if (kidnumber == 0) {
12174          return p.getChild2().getChild1();
12175        }
12176        if (kidnumber == 1) {
12177          return p.getChild2().getChild2();
12178        }
12179        break;
12180      case 470: // r: SYSCALL(INT_CONSTANT,any)
12181      case 469: // r: CALL(INT_CONSTANT,any)
12182      case 468: // r: CALL(BRANCH_TARGET,any)
12183        if (kidnumber == 0) {
12184          return p.getChild2();
12185        }
12186        break;
12187      case 473: // r: SYSCALL(INT_LOAD(riv,riv),any)
12188      case 472: // r: CALL(LONG_LOAD(rlv,rlv),any)
12189      case 471: // r: CALL(INT_LOAD(riv,riv),any)
12190        if (kidnumber == 0) {
12191          return p.getChild1().getChild1();
12192        }
12193        if (kidnumber == 1) {
12194          return p.getChild1().getChild2();
12195        }
12196        if (kidnumber == 2) {
12197          return p.getChild2();
12198        }
12199        break;
12200      case 489: // r: FCMP_FCMOV(r,OTHER_OPERAND(r,OTHER_OPERAND(double_load,r)))
12201      case 488: // r: FCMP_FCMOV(r,OTHER_OPERAND(r,OTHER_OPERAND(float_load,r)))
12202      case 487: // r: FCMP_FCMOV(r,OTHER_OPERAND(r,OTHER_OPERAND(r,double_load)))
12203      case 486: // r: FCMP_FCMOV(r,OTHER_OPERAND(r,OTHER_OPERAND(r,float_load)))
12204      case 485: // r: ATTEMPT_LONG(address1reg,OTHER_OPERAND(address1scaledreg,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv)))
12205      case 484: // r: ATTEMPT_LONG(address1scaledreg,OTHER_OPERAND(address1reg,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv)))
12206      case 483: // r: ATTEMPT_LONG(address1scaledreg,OTHER_OPERAND(r,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv)))
12207      case 482: // r: ATTEMPT_LONG(r,OTHER_OPERAND(address1scaledreg,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv)))
12208      case 481: // r: ATTEMPT_LONG(rlv,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv)))
12209      case 480: // r: ATTEMPT_INT(address1reg,OTHER_OPERAND(address1scaledreg,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv)))
12210      case 479: // r: ATTEMPT_INT(address1scaledreg,OTHER_OPERAND(address1reg,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv)))
12211      case 478: // r: ATTEMPT_INT(address1scaledreg,OTHER_OPERAND(r,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv)))
12212      case 477: // r: ATTEMPT_INT(r,OTHER_OPERAND(address1scaledreg,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv)))
12213      case 476: // r: ATTEMPT_INT(rlv,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv)))
12214      case 475: // r: ATTEMPT_INT(riv,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv)))
12215      case 474: // r: ATTEMPT_INT(riv,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv)))
12216        if (kidnumber == 0) {
12217          return p.getChild1();
12218        }
12219        if (kidnumber == 1) {
12220          return p.getChild2().getChild1();
12221        }
12222        if (kidnumber == 2) {
12223          return p.getChild2().getChild2().getChild1();
12224        }
12225        if (kidnumber == 3) {
12226          return p.getChild2().getChild2().getChild2();
12227        }
12228        break;
12229      case 491: // r: ATTEMPT_LONG(address,OTHER_OPERAND(LONG_CONSTANT,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv)))
12230      case 490: // r: ATTEMPT_INT(address,OTHER_OPERAND(INT_CONSTANT,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv)))
12231        if (kidnumber == 0) {
12232          return p.getChild1();
12233        }
12234        if (kidnumber == 1) {
12235          return p.getChild2().getChild2().getChild1();
12236        }
12237        if (kidnumber == 2) {
12238          return p.getChild2().getChild2().getChild2();
12239        }
12240        break;
12241      case 493: // r: ATTEMPT_LONG(LONG_CONSTANT,OTHER_OPERAND(address,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv)))
12242      case 492: // r: ATTEMPT_INT(INT_CONSTANT,OTHER_OPERAND(address,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv)))
12243        if (kidnumber == 0) {
12244          return p.getChild2().getChild1();
12245        }
12246        if (kidnumber == 1) {
12247          return p.getChild2().getChild2().getChild1();
12248        }
12249        if (kidnumber == 2) {
12250          return p.getChild2().getChild2().getChild2();
12251        }
12252        break;
12253      case 513: // stm: INT_IFCMP(ATTEMPT_LONG(address1reg,OTHER_OPERAND(address1scaledreg,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))),INT_CONSTANT)
12254      case 512: // stm: INT_IFCMP(ATTEMPT_LONG(address1scaledreg,OTHER_OPERAND(address1reg,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))),INT_CONSTANT)
12255      case 511: // stm: INT_IFCMP(ATTEMPT_LONG(address1scaledreg,OTHER_OPERAND(r,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))),INT_CONSTANT)
12256      case 510: // stm: INT_IFCMP(ATTEMPT_LONG(r,OTHER_OPERAND(address1scaledreg,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))),INT_CONSTANT)
12257      case 509: // stm: INT_IFCMP(ATTEMPT_LONG(rlv,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))),INT_CONSTANT)
12258      case 508: // stm: INT_IFCMP(ATTEMPT_LONG(address1reg,OTHER_OPERAND(address1scaledreg,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))),INT_CONSTANT)
12259      case 507: // stm: INT_IFCMP(ATTEMPT_LONG(address1scaledreg,OTHER_OPERAND(address1reg,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))),INT_CONSTANT)
12260      case 506: // stm: INT_IFCMP(ATTEMPT_LONG(address1scaledreg,OTHER_OPERAND(r,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))),INT_CONSTANT)
12261      case 505: // stm: INT_IFCMP(ATTEMPT_LONG(r,OTHER_OPERAND(address1scaledreg,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))),INT_CONSTANT)
12262      case 504: // stm: INT_IFCMP(ATTEMPT_LONG(rlv,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))),INT_CONSTANT)
12263      case 503: // stm: INT_IFCMP(ATTEMPT_INT(address1reg,OTHER_OPERAND(address1scaledreg,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))),INT_CONSTANT)
12264      case 502: // stm: INT_IFCMP(ATTEMPT_INT(address1scaledreg,OTHER_OPERAND(address1reg,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))),INT_CONSTANT)
12265      case 501: // stm: INT_IFCMP(ATTEMPT_INT(address1scaledreg,OTHER_OPERAND(r,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))),INT_CONSTANT)
12266      case 500: // stm: INT_IFCMP(ATTEMPT_INT(r,OTHER_OPERAND(address1scaledreg,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))),INT_CONSTANT)
12267      case 499: // stm: INT_IFCMP(ATTEMPT_INT(riv,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))),INT_CONSTANT)
12268      case 498: // stm: INT_IFCMP(ATTEMPT_INT(address1reg,OTHER_OPERAND(address1scaledreg,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))),INT_CONSTANT)
12269      case 497: // stm: INT_IFCMP(ATTEMPT_INT(address1scaledreg,OTHER_OPERAND(address1reg,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))),INT_CONSTANT)
12270      case 496: // stm: INT_IFCMP(ATTEMPT_INT(address1scaledreg,OTHER_OPERAND(r,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))),INT_CONSTANT)
12271      case 495: // stm: INT_IFCMP(ATTEMPT_INT(r,OTHER_OPERAND(address1scaledreg,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))),INT_CONSTANT)
12272      case 494: // stm: INT_IFCMP(ATTEMPT_INT(riv,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))),INT_CONSTANT)
12273        if (kidnumber == 0) {
12274          return p.getChild1().getChild1();
12275        }
12276        if (kidnumber == 1) {
12277          return p.getChild1().getChild2().getChild1();
12278        }
12279        if (kidnumber == 2) {
12280          return p.getChild1().getChild2().getChild2().getChild1();
12281        }
12282        if (kidnumber == 3) {
12283          return p.getChild1().getChild2().getChild2().getChild2();
12284        }
12285        break;
12290        if (kidnumber == 0) {
12291          return p.getChild1().getChild1();
12292        }
12293        if (kidnumber == 1) {
12294          return p.getChild1().getChild2().getChild2().getChild1();
12295        }
12296        if (kidnumber == 2) {
12297          return p.getChild1().getChild2().getChild2().getChild2();
12298        }
12299        break;
12304        if (kidnumber == 0) {
12305          return p.getChild1().getChild2().getChild1();
12306        }
12307        if (kidnumber == 1) {
12308          return p.getChild1().getChild2().getChild2().getChild1();
12309        }
12310        if (kidnumber == 2) {
12311          return p.getChild1().getChild2().getChild2().getChild2();
12312        }
12313        break;
12314      case 525: // bittest: INT_AND(INT_SHR(load32,INT_AND(r,INT_CONSTANT)),INT_CONSTANT)
12315      case 524: // bittest: INT_AND(INT_SHR(r,INT_AND(r,INT_CONSTANT)),INT_CONSTANT)
12316      case 523: // bittest: INT_AND(INT_USHR(load32,INT_AND(r,INT_CONSTANT)),INT_CONSTANT)
12317      case 522: // bittest: INT_AND(INT_USHR(r,INT_AND(r,INT_CONSTANT)),INT_CONSTANT)
12318        if (kidnumber == 0) {
12319          return p.getChild1().getChild1();
12320        }
12321        if (kidnumber == 1) {
12322          return p.getChild1().getChild2().getChild1();
12323        }
12324        break;
12325      case 527: // bittest: INT_AND(INT_SHL(INT_CONSTANT,INT_AND(r,INT_CONSTANT)),load32)
12326      case 526: // bittest: INT_AND(INT_SHL(INT_CONSTANT,INT_AND(riv,INT_CONSTANT)),r)
12327        if (kidnumber == 0) {
12328          return p.getChild1().getChild2().getChild1();
12329        }
12330        if (kidnumber == 1) {
12331          return p.getChild2();
12332        }
12333        break;
12334      case 529: // bittest: INT_AND(load32,INT_SHL(INT_CONSTANT,INT_AND(r,INT_CONSTANT)))
12335      case 528: // bittest: INT_AND(r,INT_SHL(INT_CONSTANT,INT_AND(r,INT_CONSTANT)))
12336        if (kidnumber == 0) {
12337          return p.getChild1();
12338        }
12339        if (kidnumber == 1) {
12340          return p.getChild2().getChild2().getChild1();
12341        }
12342        break;
12343      case 551: // stm: LONG_ASTORE(LONG_USHR(LONG_ALOAD(riv,riv),LONG_CONSTANT),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
12344      case 550: // stm: LONG_STORE(LONG_USHR(LONG_LOAD(riv,riv),LONG_CONSTANT),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
12345      case 549: // stm: LONG_ASTORE(LONG_SHR(LONG_ALOAD(riv,riv),LONG_CONSTANT),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
12346      case 548: // stm: LONG_STORE(LONG_SHR(LONG_LOAD(riv,riv),LONG_CONSTANT),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
12347      case 547: // stm: LONG_ASTORE(LONG_SHL(LONG_ALOAD(riv,riv),INT_CONSTANT),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
12348      case 546: // stm: LONG_STORE(LONG_SHL(LONG_LOAD(riv,riv),INT_CONSTANT),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
12349      case 545: // stm: LONG_ASTORE(LONG_NOT(LONG_ALOAD(riv,riv)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
12350      case 544: // stm: LONG_STORE(LONG_NOT(LONG_LOAD(riv,riv)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
12351      case 543: // stm: LONG_ASTORE(LONG_NEG(LONG_ALOAD(riv,riv)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
12352      case 542: // stm: LONG_STORE(LONG_NEG(LONG_LOAD(riv,riv)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
12353      case 541: // stm: INT_ASTORE(INT_USHR(INT_ALOAD(riv,riv),INT_CONSTANT),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
12354      case 540: // stm: INT_STORE(INT_USHR(INT_LOAD(riv,riv),INT_CONSTANT),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
12355      case 539: // stm: INT_ASTORE(INT_SHR(INT_ALOAD(riv,riv),INT_CONSTANT),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
12356      case 538: // stm: INT_STORE(INT_SHR(INT_LOAD(riv,riv),INT_CONSTANT),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
12357      case 537: // stm: INT_ASTORE(INT_SHL(INT_ALOAD(riv,riv),INT_CONSTANT),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
12358      case 536: // stm: INT_STORE(INT_SHL(INT_LOAD(riv,riv),INT_CONSTANT),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
12359      case 535: // stm: INT_ASTORE(INT_NOT(INT_ALOAD(riv,riv)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
12360      case 534: // stm: INT_STORE(INT_NOT(INT_LOAD(riv,riv)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
12361      case 533: // stm: INT_ASTORE(INT_NEG(INT_ALOAD(riv,riv)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
12362      case 532: // stm: INT_STORE(INT_NEG(INT_LOAD(riv,riv)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
12363      case 531: // stm: BYTE_ASTORE(BOOLEAN_NOT(UBYTE_ALOAD(rlv,riv)),OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,riv))
12364      case 530: // stm: BYTE_STORE(BOOLEAN_NOT(UBYTE_LOAD(rlv,rlv)),OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))
12365        if (kidnumber == 0) {
12366          return p.getChild1().getChild1().getChild1();
12367        }
12368        if (kidnumber == 1) {
12369          return p.getChild1().getChild1().getChild2();
12370        }
12371        if (kidnumber == 2) {
12372          return p.getChild2().getChild1();
12373        }
12374        if (kidnumber == 3) {
12375          return p.getChild2().getChild2();
12376        }
12377        break;
12378      case 560: // r: LCMP_CMOV(r,OTHER_OPERAND(INT_CONSTANT,any))
12379      case 559: // r: CMP_CMOV(szp,OTHER_OPERAND(INT_CONSTANT,any))
12380      case 558: // r: CMP_CMOV(cz,OTHER_OPERAND(INT_CONSTANT,any))
12381      case 557: // r: CMP_CMOV(bittest,OTHER_OPERAND(INT_CONSTANT,any))
12382      case 556: // r: CMP_CMOV(boolcmp,OTHER_OPERAND(INT_CONSTANT,any))
12383      case 555: // r: CMP_CMOV(boolcmp,OTHER_OPERAND(INT_CONSTANT,any))
12384      case 554: // r: CMP_CMOV(sload16,OTHER_OPERAND(INT_CONSTANT,any))
12385      case 553: // r: CMP_CMOV(load8,OTHER_OPERAND(INT_CONSTANT,any))
12386      case 552: // r: CMP_CMOV(r,OTHER_OPERAND(INT_CONSTANT,any))
12387        if (kidnumber == 0) {
12388          return p.getChild1();
12389        }
12390        if (kidnumber == 1) {
12391          return p.getChild2().getChild2();
12392        }
12393        break;
12394      case 568: // stm: INT_ASTORE(LONG_2INT(r),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
12395      case 567: // stm: INT_STORE(LONG_2INT(r),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
12396      case 566: // stm: SHORT_ASTORE(INT_2USHORT(r),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
12397      case 565: // stm: SHORT_STORE(INT_2USHORT(r),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
12398      case 564: // stm: SHORT_ASTORE(INT_2SHORT(r),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
12399      case 563: // stm: SHORT_STORE(INT_2SHORT(r),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
12400      case 562: // stm: BYTE_ASTORE(INT_2BYTE(r),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
12401      case 561: // stm: BYTE_STORE(INT_2BYTE(r),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
12402        if (kidnumber == 0) {
12403          return p.getChild1().getChild1();
12404        }
12405        if (kidnumber == 1) {
12406          return p.getChild2().getChild1();
12407        }
12408        if (kidnumber == 2) {
12409          return p.getChild2().getChild2();
12410        }
12411        break;
12412      case 588: // stm: LONG_ASTORE(LONG_XOR(LONG_ALOAD(rlv,rlv),rlv),OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))
12413      case 587: // stm: LONG_STORE(LONG_XOR(LONG_LOAD(rlv,rlv),rlv),OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))
12414      case 586: // stm: LONG_ASTORE(LONG_SUB(LONG_ALOAD(rlv,rlv),rlv),OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))
12415      case 585: // stm: LONG_STORE(LONG_SUB(LONG_LOAD(rlv,rlv),rlv),OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))
12416      case 584: // stm: LONG_ASTORE(LONG_OR(LONG_ALOAD(rlv,rlv),rlv),OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))
12417      case 583: // stm: LONG_STORE(LONG_OR(LONG_LOAD(rlv,rlv),rlv),OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))
12418      case 582: // stm: LONG_ASTORE(LONG_AND(LONG_ALOAD(rlv,rlv),rlv),OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))
12419      case 581: // stm: LONG_STORE(LONG_AND(LONG_LOAD(rlv,rlv),rlv),OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))
12420      case 580: // stm: LONG_ASTORE(LONG_ADD(LONG_ALOAD(rlv,rlv),rlv),OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))
12421      case 579: // stm: LONG_STORE(LONG_ADD(LONG_LOAD(rlv,rlv),rlv),OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))
12422      case 578: // stm: INT_ASTORE(INT_XOR(INT_ALOAD(riv,riv),riv),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
12423      case 577: // stm: INT_STORE(INT_XOR(INT_LOAD(riv,riv),riv),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
12424      case 576: // stm: INT_ASTORE(INT_SUB(INT_ALOAD(riv,riv),riv),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
12425      case 575: // stm: INT_STORE(INT_SUB(INT_LOAD(riv,riv),riv),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
12426      case 574: // stm: INT_ASTORE(INT_OR(INT_ALOAD(riv,riv),riv),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
12427      case 573: // stm: INT_STORE(INT_OR(INT_LOAD(riv,riv),riv),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
12428      case 572: // stm: INT_ASTORE(INT_AND(INT_ALOAD(riv,riv),riv),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
12429      case 571: // stm: INT_STORE(INT_AND(INT_LOAD(riv,riv),riv),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
12430      case 570: // stm: INT_ASTORE(INT_ADD(INT_ALOAD(riv,riv),riv),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
12431      case 569: // stm: INT_STORE(INT_ADD(INT_LOAD(riv,riv),riv),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
12432        if (kidnumber == 0) {
12433          return p.getChild1().getChild1().getChild1();
12434        }
12435        if (kidnumber == 1) {
12436          return p.getChild1().getChild1().getChild2();
12437        }
12438        if (kidnumber == 2) {
12439          return p.getChild1().getChild2();
12440        }
12441        if (kidnumber == 3) {
12442          return p.getChild2().getChild1();
12443        }
12444        if (kidnumber == 4) {
12445          return p.getChild2().getChild2();
12446        }
12447        break;
12448      case 608: // stm: LONG_ASTORE(LONG_XOR(r,LONG_ALOAD(rlv,rlv)),OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))
12449      case 607: // stm: LONG_STORE(LONG_XOR(r,LONG_LOAD(rlv,rlv)),OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))
12450      case 606: // stm: LONG_ASTORE(LONG_SUB(rlv,LONG_ALOAD(rlv,rlv)),OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))
12451      case 605: // stm: LONG_STORE(LONG_SUB(rlv,LONG_LOAD(rlv,rlv)),OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))
12452      case 604: // stm: LONG_ASTORE(LONG_OR(r,LONG_ALOAD(rlv,rlv)),OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))
12453      case 603: // stm: LONG_STORE(LONG_OR(r,LONG_LOAD(rlv,rlv)),OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))
12454      case 602: // stm: LONG_ASTORE(LONG_AND(r,LONG_ALOAD(rlv,rlv)),OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))
12455      case 601: // stm: LONG_STORE(LONG_AND(r,LONG_LOAD(rlv,rlv)),OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))
12456      case 600: // stm: LONG_ASTORE(LONG_ADD(rlv,LONG_ALOAD(rlv,rlv)),OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))
12457      case 599: // stm: LONG_STORE(LONG_ADD(rlv,LONG_LOAD(rlv,rlv)),OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))
12458      case 598: // stm: INT_ASTORE(INT_XOR(r,INT_ALOAD(riv,riv)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
12459      case 597: // stm: INT_STORE(INT_XOR(r,INT_LOAD(riv,riv)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
12460      case 596: // stm: INT_ASTORE(INT_SUB(riv,INT_ALOAD(riv,riv)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
12461      case 595: // stm: INT_STORE(INT_SUB(riv,INT_LOAD(riv,riv)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
12462      case 594: // stm: INT_ASTORE(INT_OR(r,INT_ALOAD(riv,riv)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
12463      case 593: // stm: INT_STORE(INT_OR(r,INT_LOAD(riv,riv)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
12464      case 592: // stm: INT_ASTORE(INT_AND(r,INT_ALOAD(riv,riv)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
12465      case 591: // stm: INT_STORE(INT_AND(r,INT_LOAD(riv,riv)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
12466      case 590: // stm: INT_ASTORE(INT_ADD(riv,INT_ALOAD(riv,riv)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
12467      case 589: // stm: INT_STORE(INT_ADD(riv,INT_LOAD(riv,riv)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
12468        if (kidnumber == 0) {
12469          return p.getChild1().getChild1();
12470        }
12471        if (kidnumber == 1) {
12472          return p.getChild1().getChild2().getChild1();
12473        }
12474        if (kidnumber == 2) {
12475          return p.getChild1().getChild2().getChild2();
12476        }
12477        if (kidnumber == 3) {
12478          return p.getChild2().getChild1();
12479        }
12480        if (kidnumber == 4) {
12481          return p.getChild2().getChild2();
12482        }
12483        break;
12484      case 612: // r: INT_OR(INT_USHR(r,INT_CONSTANT),INT_SHL(r,INT_CONSTANT))
12485      case 611: // r: INT_OR(INT_SHL(r,INT_CONSTANT),INT_USHR(r,INT_CONSTANT))
12486      case 610: // r: INT_OR(INT_USHR(r,INT_CONSTANT),INT_SHL(r,INT_CONSTANT))
12487      case 609: // r: INT_OR(INT_SHL(r,INT_CONSTANT),INT_USHR(r,INT_CONSTANT))
12488        if (kidnumber == 0) {
12489          return p.getChild1().getChild1();
12490        }
12491        if (kidnumber == 1) {
12492          return p.getChild2().getChild1();
12493        }
12494        break;
12497        if (kidnumber == 0) {
12498          return p.getChild1().getChild1();
12499        }
12500        if (kidnumber == 1) {
12501          return p.getChild1().getChild2().getChild1();
12502        }
12503        if (kidnumber == 2) {
12504          return p.getChild2().getChild1();
12505        }
12506        if (kidnumber == 3) {
12507          return p.getChild2().getChild2().getChild1().getChild1();
12508        }
12509        break;
12512        if (kidnumber == 0) {
12513          return p.getChild1().getChild1();
12514        }
12515        if (kidnumber == 1) {
12516          return p.getChild1().getChild2().getChild1().getChild1();
12517        }
12518        if (kidnumber == 2) {
12519          return p.getChild2().getChild1();
12520        }
12521        if (kidnumber == 3) {
12522          return p.getChild2().getChild2().getChild1();
12523        }
12524        break;
12525      case 624: // szpr: LONG_USHR(rlv,LONG_AND(r,LONG_CONSTANT))
12526      case 623: // stm: LONG_STORE(rlv,OTHER_OPERAND(address,LONG_CONSTANT))
12527      case 622: // szpr: LONG_SHR(rlv,INT_AND(r,LONG_CONSTANT))
12528      case 621: // szpr: LONG_SHL(rlv,INT_AND(r,INT_CONSTANT))
12529      case 620: // szpr: INT_USHR(riv,INT_AND(r,INT_CONSTANT))
12530      case 619: // stm: INT_STORE(riv,OTHER_OPERAND(address,LONG_CONSTANT))
12531      case 618: // szpr: INT_SHR(riv,INT_AND(r,INT_CONSTANT))
12532      case 617: // szpr: INT_SHL(riv,INT_AND(r,INT_CONSTANT))
12533        if (kidnumber == 0) {
12534          return p.getChild1();
12535        }
12536        if (kidnumber == 1) {
12537          return p.getChild2().getChild1();
12538        }
12539        break;
12540      case 636: // stm: LONG_ASTORE(LONG_USHR(LONG_ALOAD(riv,riv),LONG_AND(r,LONG_CONSTANT)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
12541      case 635: // stm: LONG_STORE(LONG_USHR(LONG_LOAD(riv,riv),LONG_AND(r,LONG_CONSTANT)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
12542      case 634: // stm: LONG_ASTORE(LONG_SHR(LONG_ALOAD(riv,riv),INT_AND(r,LONG_CONSTANT)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
12543      case 633: // stm: LONG_STORE(LONG_SHR(LONG_LOAD(riv,riv),INT_AND(r,LONG_CONSTANT)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
12544      case 632: // stm: LONG_ASTORE(LONG_SHL(LONG_ALOAD(riv,riv),INT_AND(r,INT_CONSTANT)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
12545      case 631: // stm: LONG_STORE(LONG_SHL(LONG_LOAD(riv,riv),INT_AND(r,INT_CONSTANT)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
12546      case 630: // stm: INT_ASTORE(INT_USHR(INT_ALOAD(riv,riv),INT_AND(r,INT_CONSTANT)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
12547      case 629: // stm: INT_STORE(INT_USHR(INT_LOAD(riv,riv),INT_AND(r,INT_CONSTANT)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
12548      case 628: // stm: INT_ASTORE(INT_SHR(INT_ALOAD(riv,riv),INT_AND(r,INT_CONSTANT)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
12549      case 627: // stm: INT_STORE(INT_SHR(INT_LOAD(riv,riv),INT_AND(r,INT_CONSTANT)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
12550      case 626: // stm: INT_ASTORE(INT_SHL(INT_ALOAD(riv,riv),INT_AND(r,INT_CONSTANT)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
12551      case 625: // stm: INT_STORE(INT_SHL(INT_LOAD(riv,riv),INT_AND(r,INT_CONSTANT)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
12552        if (kidnumber == 0) {
12553          return p.getChild1().getChild1().getChild1();
12554        }
12555        if (kidnumber == 1) {
12556          return p.getChild1().getChild1().getChild2();
12557        }
12558        if (kidnumber == 2) {
12559          return p.getChild1().getChild2().getChild1();
12560        }
12561        if (kidnumber == 3) {
12562          return p.getChild2().getChild1();
12563        }
12564        if (kidnumber == 4) {
12565          return p.getChild2().getChild2();
12566        }
12567        break;
12572        if (kidnumber == 0) {
12573          return p.getChild1();
12574        }
12575        if (kidnumber == 1) {
12576          return p.getChild2().getChild2().getChild1();
12577        }
12578        if (kidnumber == 2) {
12579          return p.getChild2().getChild2().getChild2().getChild1();
12580        }
12581        break;
12586        if (kidnumber == 0) {
12587          return p.getChild1();
12588        }
12589        if (kidnumber == 1) {
12590          return p.getChild2().getChild2().getChild1().getChild1();
12591        }
12592        if (kidnumber == 2) {
12593          return p.getChild2().getChild2().getChild2();
12594        }
12595        break;
12600        if (kidnumber == 0) {
12601          return p.getChild2().getChild1();
12602        }
12603        if (kidnumber == 1) {
12604          return p.getChild2().getChild2().getChild1().getChild1();
12605        }
12606        if (kidnumber == 2) {
12607          return p.getChild2().getChild2().getChild2();
12608        }
12609        break;
12614        if (kidnumber == 0) {
12615          return p.getChild2().getChild1();
12616        }
12617        if (kidnumber == 1) {
12618          return p.getChild2().getChild2().getChild1();
12619        }
12620        if (kidnumber == 2) {
12621          return p.getChild2().getChild2().getChild2().getChild1();
12622        }
12623        break;
12624      }
12625      throw new OptimizingCompilerException("BURS","Bad rule number ",
12626        Integer.toString(eruleno));
12627    } else {
12628      return null;
12629    }
12630  }
12632  /**
12633   * @param p node whose kids will be marked
12634   * @param eruleno rule number
12635   */
12636  private static void mark_kids(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p, int eruleno)
12637  {
12638    byte[] ntsrule = nts[eruleno];
12639    // 20: load8_16_32_64: load8_16_32
12640    // 19: load8_16_32_64: load64
12641    // 18: load8_16_32: load8
12642    // 17: load8_16_32: load16_32
12643    // 16: load16_32: load32
12644    // 15: load16_32: load16
12645    // 14: load16: uload16
12646    // 13: load16: sload16
12647    // 12: load8: uload8
12648    // 11: load8: sload8
12649    // 10: address: address1scaledreg
12650    // 9: address1scaledreg: address1reg
12651    // 8: any: riv
12652    // 7: rlv: r
12653    // 6: riv: r
12654    // 5: szp: szpr
12655    // 4: r: szpr
12656    // 3: cz: czr
12657    // 2: r: czr
12658    // 1: stm: r
12659    if (eruleno <= 20) {
12660      if (VM.VerifyAssertions) VM._assert(eruleno > 0);
12661      mark(p, ntsrule[0]);
12662    }
12663    // 50: stm: CLEAR_FLOATING_POINT_STATE
12664    // 49: r: GET_TIME_BASE
12665    // 48: stm: RETURN(LONG_CONSTANT)
12666    // 47: stm: RETURN(INT_CONSTANT)
12667    // 46: stm: RETURN(NULL)
12668    // 45: stm: PAUSE
12669    // 44: stm: FENCE
12670    // 43: stm: READ_CEILING
12671    // 42: stm: WRITE_FLOOR
12672    // 41: stm: GOTO
12673    // 40: stm: TRAP
12675    // 38: r: GET_CAUGHT_EXCEPTION
12676    // 37: stm: IR_PROLOGUE
12677    // 36: r: GUARD_COMBINE
12678    // 35: r: GUARD_MOVE
12679    // 34: stm: NOP
12680    // 33: stm: RESOLVE
12681    // 32: stm: YIELDPOINT_BACKEDGE
12682    // 31: stm: YIELDPOINT_EPILOGUE
12683    // 30: stm: YIELDPOINT_PROLOGUE
12684    // 29: stm: UNINT_END
12685    // 28: stm: UNINT_BEGIN
12686    // 27: stm: IG_PATCH_POINT
12687    // 26: any: LONG_CONSTANT
12688    // 25: any: ADDRESS_CONSTANT
12689    // 24: any: NULL
12690    // 23: rlv: LONG_CONSTANT
12691    // 22: riv: INT_CONSTANT
12692    // 21: r: REGISTER
12693    else if (eruleno <= 50) {
12694    }
12695    // 246: stm: DOUBLE_IFCMP(double_load,r)
12696    // 245: stm: DOUBLE_IFCMP(r,double_load)
12697    // 244: stm: DOUBLE_IFCMP(r,r)
12698    // 243: stm: FLOAT_IFCMP(float_load,r)
12699    // 242: stm: FLOAT_IFCMP(r,float_load)
12700    // 241: stm: FLOAT_IFCMP(r,r)
12701    // 240: float_load: FLOAT_ALOAD(riv,riv)
12702    // 239: r: FLOAT_ALOAD(rlv,rlv)
12703    // 238: r: FLOAT_ALOAD(riv,r)
12704    // 237: r: FLOAT_ALOAD(riv,riv)
12705    // 236: float_load: FLOAT_LOAD(riv,riv)
12706    // 235: r: FLOAT_LOAD(rlv,rlv)
12707    // 234: r: FLOAT_LOAD(riv,riv)
12708    // 233: double_load: DOUBLE_ALOAD(riv,riv)
12709    // 232: r: DOUBLE_ALOAD(rlv,rlv)
12710    // 231: r: DOUBLE_ALOAD(riv,r)
12711    // 230: double_load: DOUBLE_LOAD(rlv,rlv)
12712    // 229: r: DOUBLE_ALOAD(riv,riv)
12713    // 228: double_load: DOUBLE_LOAD(riv,riv)
12714    // 227: r: DOUBLE_LOAD(rlv,rlv)
12715    // 226: r: DOUBLE_LOAD(riv,rlv)
12716    // 225: r: DOUBLE_LOAD(riv,riv)
12717    // 224: r: DOUBLE_REM(r,r)
12718    // 223: r: FLOAT_REM(r,r)
12719    // 222: r: DOUBLE_DIV(r,double_load)
12720    // 221: r: DOUBLE_DIV(r,r)
12721    // 220: r: FLOAT_DIV(r,float_load)
12722    // 219: r: FLOAT_DIV(r,r)
12723    // 218: r: DOUBLE_MUL(double_load,r)
12724    // 217: r: DOUBLE_MUL(r,double_load)
12725    // 216: r: DOUBLE_MUL(r,r)
12726    // 215: r: FLOAT_MUL(float_load,r)
12727    // 214: r: FLOAT_MUL(r,float_load)
12728    // 213: r: FLOAT_MUL(r,r)
12729    // 212: r: DOUBLE_SUB(r,double_load)
12730    // 211: r: DOUBLE_SUB(r,r)
12731    // 210: r: FLOAT_SUB(r,float_load)
12732    // 209: r: FLOAT_SUB(r,r)
12733    // 208: r: DOUBLE_ADD(double_load,r)
12734    // 207: r: DOUBLE_ADD(r,double_load)
12735    // 206: r: DOUBLE_ADD(r,r)
12736    // 205: r: FLOAT_ADD(float_load,r)
12737    // 204: r: FLOAT_ADD(r,float_load)
12738    // 203: r: FLOAT_ADD(r,r)
12739    // 202: szpr: LONG_XOR(load64,rlv)
12740    // 201: szpr: LONG_XOR(r,load64)
12741    // 200: szpr: LONG_XOR(r,rlv)
12742    // 199: szpr: LONG_USHR(rlv,riv)
12743    // 198: czr: LONG_SUB(load64,rlv)
12744    // 197: czr: LONG_SUB(rlv,load64)
12745    // 196: r: LONG_SUB(load64,r)
12746    // 195: r: LONG_SUB(rlv,r)
12747    // 194: czr: LONG_SUB(rlv,r)
12748    // 193: szpr: LONG_SHR(rlv,riv)
12749    // 192: szpr: LONG_SHL(rlv,riv)
12750    // 191: r: LONG_REM(load64,rlv)
12751    // 190: r: LONG_REM(rlv,load64)
12752    // 189: r: LONG_REM(riv,rlv)
12753    // 188: r: LONG_REM(rlv,riv)
12754    // 187: r: LONG_REM(rlv,rlv)
12755    // 186: szpr: LONG_OR(load64,rlv)
12756    // 185: szpr: LONG_OR(r,load64)
12757    // 184: szpr: LONG_OR(r,rlv)
12758    // 183: r: INT_MUL(load64,rlv)
12759    // 182: r: INT_MUL(r,load64)
12760    // 181: r: LONG_MUL(r,rlv)
12761    // 180: r: LONG_ALOAD(rlv,r)
12762    // 179: r: LONG_ALOAD(rlv,riv)
12763    // 178: r: LONG_LOAD(address1reg,address1scaledreg)
12764    // 177: r: LONG_LOAD(address1scaledreg,address1reg)
12765    // 176: r: LONG_LOAD(address1scaledreg,rlv)
12766    // 175: r: LONG_LOAD(rlv,address1scaledreg)
12767    // 174: r: LONG_LOAD(rlv,rlv)
12768    // 173: stm: LONG_IFCMP(rlv,rlv)
12769    // 172: r: LONG_DIV(load64,rlv)
12770    // 171: r: LONG_DIV(rlv,load64)
12771    // 170: r: LONG_DIV(riv,rlv)
12772    // 169: r: LONG_DIV(rlv,riv)
12773    // 168: r: LONG_DIV(rlv,rlv)
12774    // 167: szp: LONG_AND(r,load8_16_32_64)
12775    // 166: szp: LONG_AND(load8_16_32_64,rlv)
12776    // 165: szpr: LONG_AND(load64,rlv)
12777    // 164: szpr: LONG_AND(rlv,load64)
12778    // 163: szp: LONG_AND(r,rlv)
12779    // 162: szpr: LONG_AND(r,r)
12780    // 161: szpr: LONG_AND(r,rlv)
12781    // 160: czr: LONG_ADD(load64,rlv)
12782    // 159: czr: LONG_ADD(rlv,load64)
12783    // 158: r: LONG_ADD(r,rlv)
12784    // 157: czr: LONG_ADD(r,r)
12785    // 156: czr: LONG_ADD(r,riv)
12786    // 155: czr: LONG_ADD(r,rlv)
12787    // 154: load64: LONG_ALOAD(rlv,r)
12788    // 153: load64: LONG_ALOAD(rlv,rlv)
12789    // 152: load64: LONG_LOAD(rlv,rlv)
12790    // 151: load32: INT_ALOAD(rlv,riv)
12791    // 150: load32: INT_LOAD(rlv,rlv)
12792    // 149: uload16: USHORT_ALOAD(rlv,riv)
12793    // 148: r: USHORT_ALOAD(rlv,r)
12794    // 147: r: USHORT_ALOAD(rlv,riv)
12795    // 146: uload16: USHORT_LOAD(rlv,rlv)
12796    // 145: r: USHORT_LOAD(rlv,rlv)
12797    // 144: sload16: SHORT_ALOAD(rlv,riv)
12798    // 143: r: SHORT_ALOAD(rlv,r)
12799    // 142: r: SHORT_ALOAD(rlv,riv)
12800    // 141: sload16: SHORT_LOAD(rlv,rlv)
12801    // 140: r: SHORT_LOAD(rlv,rlv)
12802    // 139: uload8: UBYTE_ALOAD(rlv,riv)
12803    // 138: r: UBYTE_ALOAD(rlv,r)
12804    // 137: r: UBYTE_ALOAD(rlv,riv)
12805    // 136: uload8: UBYTE_LOAD(rlv,rlv)
12806    // 135: r: UBYTE_LOAD(rlv,rlv)
12807    // 134: sload8: BYTE_ALOAD(rlv,riv)
12808    // 133: r: BYTE_ALOAD(rlv,r)
12809    // 132: r: BYTE_ALOAD(rlv,riv)
12810    // 131: sload8: BYTE_LOAD(rlv,rlv)
12811    // 130: r: BYTE_LOAD(rlv,rlv)
12812    // 129: r: LONG_ADD(address1reg,address1scaledreg)
12813    // 128: r: LONG_ADD(address1scaledreg,address1reg)
12814    // 127: r: LONG_ADD(r,address1scaledreg)
12815    // 126: r: LONG_ADD(address1scaledreg,r)
12816    // 125: szpr: INT_XOR(load32,riv)
12817    // 124: szpr: INT_XOR(r,load32)
12818    // 123: szpr: INT_XOR(r,riv)
12819    // 122: szpr: INT_USHR(riv,riv)
12820    // 121: czr: INT_SUB(load32,riv)
12821    // 120: czr: INT_SUB(riv,load32)
12822    // 119: r: INT_SUB(load32,r)
12823    // 118: r: INT_SUB(riv,r)
12824    // 117: czr: INT_SUB(riv,r)
12825    // 116: szpr: INT_SHR(riv,riv)
12826    // 115: szpr: INT_SHL(riv,riv)
12827    // 114: r: INT_REM(riv,load32)
12828    // 113: r: INT_REM(riv,riv)
12829    // 112: szpr: INT_OR(load32,riv)
12830    // 111: szpr: INT_OR(r,load32)
12831    // 110: szpr: INT_OR(r,riv)
12832    // 109: r: INT_MUL(load32,riv)
12833    // 108: r: INT_MUL(r,load32)
12834    // 107: r: INT_MUL(r,riv)
12835    // 106: r: INT_ALOAD(rlv,riv)
12836    // 105: r: INT_LOAD(address1reg,address1scaledreg)
12837    // 104: r: INT_LOAD(address1scaledreg,address1reg)
12838    // 103: r: INT_LOAD(address1scaledreg,rlv)
12839    // 102: r: INT_LOAD(rlv,address1scaledreg)
12840    // 101: r: INT_LOAD(rlv,rlv)
12841    // 100: stm: INT_IFCMP2(riv,load32)
12842    // 99: stm: INT_IFCMP2(load32,riv)
12843    // 98: stm: INT_IFCMP2(r,riv)
12844    // 97: stm: INT_IFCMP(r,load32)
12845    // 96: stm: INT_IFCMP(load32,riv)
12846    // 95: stm: INT_IFCMP(r,uload8)
12847    // 94: stm: INT_IFCMP(uload8,r)
12848    // 93: stm: INT_IFCMP(r,riv)
12849    // 92: r: INT_DIV(riv,load32)
12850    // 91: r: INT_DIV(riv,riv)
12851    // 90: szp: INT_AND(r,load8_16_32)
12852    // 89: szp: INT_AND(load8_16_32,riv)
12853    // 88: szpr: INT_AND(load32,riv)
12854    // 87: szpr: INT_AND(r,load32)
12855    // 86: szp: INT_AND(r,riv)
12856    // 85: szpr: INT_AND(r,riv)
12857    // 84: czr: INT_ADD(load32,riv)
12858    // 83: czr: INT_ADD(r,load32)
12859    // 82: r: INT_ADD(r,riv)
12860    // 81: czr: INT_ADD(r,riv)
12861    // 80: boolcmp: BOOLEAN_CMP_LONG(rlv,load64)
12862    // 79: r: BOOLEAN_CMP_LONG(r,load64)
12863    // 78: boolcmp: BOOLEAN_CMP_LONG(load64,rlv)
12864    // 77: r: BOOLEAN_CMP_LONG(load64,rlv)
12865    // 76: boolcmp: BOOLEAN_CMP_LONG(r,rlv)
12866    // 75: r: BOOLEAN_CMP_LONG(r,rlv)
12867    // 74: boolcmp: BOOLEAN_CMP_INT(riv,load32)
12868    // 73: r: BOOLEAN_CMP_INT(r,load32)
12869    // 72: boolcmp: BOOLEAN_CMP_INT(load32,riv)
12870    // 71: r: BOOLEAN_CMP_INT(load32,riv)
12871    // 70: boolcmp: BOOLEAN_CMP_INT(r,riv)
12872    // 69: r: BOOLEAN_CMP_INT(r,riv)
12873    // 68: address: LONG_ADD(address1reg,address1scaledreg)
12874    // 67: address: LONG_ADD(address1scaledreg,address1reg)
12875    // 66: address: LONG_ADD(address1scaledreg,r)
12876    // 65: address: LONG_ADD(r,address1scaledreg)
12877    // 64: address: LONG_ADD(r,r)
12878    // 63: address: INT_ADD(address1reg,address1scaledreg)
12879    // 62: address: INT_ADD(address1scaledreg,address1reg)
12880    // 61: address: INT_ADD(address1scaledreg,r)
12881    // 60: address: INT_ADD(r,address1scaledreg)
12882    // 59: address: INT_ADD(r,r)
12883    // 58: stm: YIELDPOINT_OSR(any,any)
12884    // 57: r: SYSCALL(r,any)
12885    // 56: r: CALL(r,any)
12886    // 55: r: LONG_CMP(rlv,rlv)
12887    // 54: stm: TRAP_IF(riv,load32)
12888    // 53: stm: TRAP_IF(load32,riv)
12889    // 52: stm: TRAP_IF(r,r)
12890    // 51: any: OTHER_OPERAND(any,any)
12891    else if (eruleno <= 246) {
12892      mark(p.getChild1(), ntsrule[0]);
12893      mark(p.getChild2(), ntsrule[1]);
12894    }
12895    // 382: double_load: MATERIALIZE_FP_CONSTANT(any)
12896    // 381: float_load: MATERIALIZE_FP_CONSTANT(any)
12897    // 380: r: MATERIALIZE_FP_CONSTANT(any)
12898    // 379: double_load: LONG_BITS_AS_DOUBLE(load64)
12899    // 378: r: LONG_BITS_AS_DOUBLE(rlv)
12900    // 377: float_load: INT_BITS_AS_FLOAT(load32)
12901    // 376: r: INT_BITS_AS_FLOAT(riv)
12902    // 375: load64: DOUBLE_AS_LONG_BITS(double_load)
12903    // 374: r: DOUBLE_AS_LONG_BITS(r)
12904    // 373: load32: FLOAT_AS_INT_BITS(float_load)
12905    // 372: r: FLOAT_AS_INT_BITS(r)
12906    // 371: r: DOUBLE_2LONG(r)
12907    // 370: r: DOUBLE_2INT(r)
12908    // 369: r: FLOAT_2LONG(r)
12909    // 368: r: FLOAT_2INT(r)
12910    // 367: r: DOUBLE_2FLOAT(double_load)
12911    // 366: r: DOUBLE_2FLOAT(r)
12912    // 365: r: FLOAT_2DOUBLE(float_load)
12913    // 364: r: FLOAT_2DOUBLE(r)
12914    // 363: r: INT_2DOUBLE(load32)
12915    // 362: r: INT_2DOUBLE(riv)
12916    // 361: r: INT_2FLOAT(load32)
12917    // 360: r: INT_2FLOAT(riv)
12918    // 359: r: DOUBLE_MOVE(r)
12919    // 358: r: FLOAT_MOVE(r)
12920    // 357: r: LONG_2DOUBLE(r)
12921    // 356: r: LONG_2FLOAT(r)
12922    // 355: r: DOUBLE_SQRT(r)
12923    // 354: r: FLOAT_SQRT(r)
12924    // 353: r: DOUBLE_NEG(r)
12925    // 352: r: FLOAT_NEG(r)
12926    // 351: szpr: LONG_USHR(rlv,LONG_CONSTANT)
12927    // 350: szpr: LONG_SHR(rlv,LONG_CONSTANT)
12928    // 349: r: LONG_SHL(r,INT_CONSTANT)
12929    // 348: szpr: LONG_SHL(r,INT_CONSTANT)
12930    // 347: r: LONG_NOT(r)
12931    // 346: szpr: LONG_NEG(r)
12932    // 345: load64: LONG_MOVE(load64)
12933    // 344: r: LONG_MOVE(riv)
12934    // 343: r: LONG_MOVE(rlv)
12935    // 342: r: LONG_LOAD(address,LONG_CONSTANT)
12936    // 341: stm: LONG_IFCMP(r,LONG_CONSTANT)
12937    // 340: load32: LONG_2INT(load64)
12938    // 339: r: LONG_2INT(load64)
12939    // 338: r: LONG_2INT(r)
12940    // 337: r: LONG_MOVE(address)
12941    // 336: r: LONG_ADD(address,LONG_CONSTANT)
12942    // 335: szpr: INT_USHR(riv,INT_CONSTANT)
12943    // 334: szpr: INT_SHR(riv,INT_CONSTANT)
12944    // 333: r: INT_SHL(r,INT_CONSTANT)
12945    // 332: szpr: INT_SHL(r,INT_CONSTANT)
12946    // 331: r: INT_NOT(r)
12947    // 330: szpr: INT_NEG(r)
12948    // 329: load32: INT_MOVE(load32)
12949    // 328: load16: INT_MOVE(load16)
12950    // 327: uload16: INT_MOVE(uload16)
12951    // 326: sload16: INT_MOVE(sload16)
12952    // 325: load8: INT_MOVE(load8)
12953    // 324: uload8: INT_MOVE(uload8)
12954    // 323: sload8: INT_MOVE(sload8)
12955    // 322: szp: INT_MOVE(szp)
12956    // 321: szpr: INT_MOVE(szpr)
12957    // 320: cz: INT_MOVE(cz)
12958    // 319: czr: INT_MOVE(czr)
12959    // 318: r: INT_MOVE(riv)
12960    // 317: r: INT_LOAD(address,LONG_CONSTANT)
12961    // 316: stm: INT_IFCMP(bittest,INT_CONSTANT)
12962    // 315: stm: INT_IFCMP(szp,INT_CONSTANT)
12963    // 314: stm: INT_IFCMP(cz,INT_CONSTANT)
12964    // 313: stm: INT_IFCMP(boolcmp,INT_CONSTANT)
12965    // 312: stm: INT_IFCMP(boolcmp,INT_CONSTANT)
12966    // 311: stm: INT_IFCMP(sload16,INT_CONSTANT)
12967    // 310: stm: INT_IFCMP(load8,INT_CONSTANT)
12968    // 309: stm: INT_IFCMP(r,INT_CONSTANT)
12969    // 308: r: INT_2USHORT(load16_32)
12970    // 307: uload16: INT_2USHORT(load16_32)
12971    // 306: szpr: INT_2USHORT(r)
12972    // 305: sload16: INT_2SHORT(load16_32)
12973    // 304: r: INT_2SHORT(load16_32)
12974    // 303: r: INT_2SHORT(r)
12975    // 302: r: INT_2ADDRZerExt(r)
12976    // 301: r: INT_2LONG(load32)
12977    // 300: r: INT_2LONG(r)
12978    // 299: r: INT_2BYTE(load8_16_32)
12979    // 298: r: INT_2BYTE(r)
12984    // 293: r: BOOLEAN_NOT(r)
12985    // 292: r: BOOLEAN_CMP_LONG(cz,LONG_CONSTANT)
12986    // 291: r: BOOLEAN_CMP_LONG(load64,LONG_CONSTANT)
12987    // 290: r: BOOLEAN_CMP_LONG(r,LONG_CONSTANT)
12988    // 289: r: BOOLEAN_CMP_LONG(load64,LONG_CONSTANT)
12989    // 288: r: BOOLEAN_CMP_LONG(r,LONG_CONSTANT)
12990    // 287: boolcmp: BOOLEAN_CMP_LONG(r,LONG_CONSTANT)
12991    // 286: r: BOOLEAN_CMP_LONG(r,LONG_CONSTANT)
12992    // 285: boolcmp: BOOLEAN_CMP_INT(boolcmp,INT_CONSTANT)
12993    // 284: r: BOOLEAN_CMP_INT(boolcmp,INT_CONSTANT)
12994    // 283: boolcmp: BOOLEAN_CMP_INT(boolcmp,INT_CONSTANT)
12995    // 282: r: BOOLEAN_CMP_INT(boolcmp,INT_CONSTANT)
12996    // 281: boolcmp: BOOLEAN_CMP_INT(bittest,INT_CONSTANT)
12997    // 280: r: BOOLEAN_CMP_INT(bittest,INT_CONSTANT)
12998    // 279: boolcmp: BOOLEAN_CMP_INT(szp,INT_CONSTANT)
12999    // 278: r: BOOLEAN_CMP_INT(szp,INT_CONSTANT)
13000    // 277: boolcmp: BOOLEAN_CMP_INT(cz,INT_CONSTANT)
13001    // 276: r: BOOLEAN_CMP_INT(cz,INT_CONSTANT)
13002    // 275: r: BOOLEAN_CMP_INT(load32,INT_CONSTANT)
13003    // 274: r: BOOLEAN_CMP_INT(r,INT_CONSTANT)
13004    // 273: r: BOOLEAN_CMP_INT(load32,INT_CONSTANT)
13005    // 272: r: BOOLEAN_CMP_INT(r,INT_CONSTANT)
13006    // 271: boolcmp: BOOLEAN_CMP_INT(r,INT_CONSTANT)
13007    // 270: r: BOOLEAN_CMP_INT(r,INT_CONSTANT)
13008    // 269: address: LONG_ADD(address1scaledreg,LONG_CONSTANT)
13009    // 268: address1scaledreg: LONG_ADD(address1scaledreg,LONG_CONSTANT)
13010    // 267: address1reg: LONG_ADD(address1reg,LONG_CONSTANT)
13011    // 266: address1reg: LONG_MOVE(r)
13012    // 265: address1reg: LONG_ADD(r,LONG_CONSTANT)
13013    // 264: address1scaledreg: LONG_SHL(r,INT_CONSTANT)
13014    // 263: address: INT_ADD(address1scaledreg,LONG_CONSTANT)
13015    // 262: address1scaledreg: INT_ADD(address1scaledreg,LONG_CONSTANT)
13016    // 261: address1reg: INT_ADD(address1reg,LONG_CONSTANT)
13017    // 260: address1reg: INT_MOVE(r)
13018    // 259: address1reg: INT_ADD(r,LONG_CONSTANT)
13019    // 258: address1scaledreg: INT_SHL(r,INT_CONSTANT)
13020    // 257: stm: RETURN(r)
13021    // 256: stm: PREFETCH(r)
13022    // 255: r: INT_AND(load16_32,INT_CONSTANT)
13023    // 254: r: INT_2BYTE(load8_16_32)
13024    // 253: r: INT_AND(load8_16_32,INT_CONSTANT)
13025    // 252: uload8: INT_AND(load8_16_32,INT_CONSTANT)
13026    // 251: stm: TRAP_IF(r,LONG_CONSTANT)
13027    // 250: stm: TRAP_IF(r,INT_CONSTANT)
13028    // 249: stm: SET_CAUGHT_EXCEPTION(r)
13029    // 248: stm: NULL_CHECK(riv)
13030    // 247: stm: LOWTABLESWITCH(r)
13031    else if (eruleno <= 382) {
13032      mark(p.getChild1(), ntsrule[0]);
13033    }
13035    // 395: load32: LONG_2INT(LONG_SHR(load64,INT_CONSTANT))
13036    // 394: load32: LONG_2INT(LONG_USHR(load64,INT_CONSTANT))
13037    // 393: r: LONG_2INT(LONG_SHR(load64,INT_CONSTANT))
13038    // 392: r: LONG_2INT(LONG_USHR(load64,INT_CONSTANT))
13039    // 391: r: LONG_2INT(LONG_SHR(r,INT_CONSTANT))
13040    // 390: r: LONG_2INT(LONG_USHR(r,INT_CONSTANT))
13041    // 389: szpr: INT_SHL(INT_SHR(r,INT_CONSTANT),INT_CONSTANT)
13042    // 388: r: LONG_AND(INT_2LONG(load32),LONG_CONSTANT)
13043    // 387: r: LONG_AND(INT_2LONG(r),LONG_CONSTANT)
13044    // 386: bittest: INT_AND(INT_SHR(r,INT_CONSTANT),INT_CONSTANT)
13045    // 385: bittest: INT_AND(INT_USHR(r,INT_CONSTANT),INT_CONSTANT)
13046    // 384: r: INT_USHR(INT_SHL(load16_32,INT_CONSTANT),INT_CONSTANT)
13047    // 383: r: INT_USHR(INT_SHL(load8_16_32,INT_CONSTANT),INT_CONSTANT)
13048    else if (eruleno <= 396) {
13049      mark(p.getChild1().getChild1(), ntsrule[0]);
13050    }
13051    // 465: stm: LONG_STORE(load64,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,riv))
13052    // 464: stm: LONG_STORE(load64,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
13053    // 463: stm: LONG_ASTORE(load64,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,riv))
13054    // 462: stm: LONG_ASTORE(load64,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
13055    // 461: r: FCMP_FCMOV(r,OTHER_OPERAND(double_load,any))
13056    // 460: r: FCMP_FCMOV(r,OTHER_OPERAND(float_load,any))
13057    // 459: r: FCMP_FCMOV(r,OTHER_OPERAND(r,any))
13058    // 458: r: FCMP_CMOV(double_load,OTHER_OPERAND(r,any))
13059    // 457: r: FCMP_CMOV(float_load,OTHER_OPERAND(r,any))
13060    // 456: r: FCMP_CMOV(r,OTHER_OPERAND(double_load,any))
13061    // 455: r: FCMP_CMOV(r,OTHER_OPERAND(float_load,any))
13062    // 454: r: FCMP_CMOV(r,OTHER_OPERAND(r,any))
13063    // 453: stm: FLOAT_ASTORE(r,OTHER_OPERAND(r,r))
13064    // 452: stm: FLOAT_ASTORE(r,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))
13065    // 451: stm: FLOAT_ASTORE(r,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,rlv))
13066    // 450: stm: FLOAT_ASTORE(r,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,riv))
13067    // 449: stm: FLOAT_ASTORE(r,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
13068    // 448: stm: FLOAT_STORE(r,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,rlv))
13069    // 447: stm: FLOAT_STORE(r,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,riv))
13070    // 446: stm: FLOAT_STORE(r,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))
13071    // 445: stm: FLOAT_STORE(r,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
13072    // 444: stm: DOUBLE_ASTORE(r,OTHER_OPERAND(r,r))
13073    // 443: stm: DOUBLE_ASTORE(r,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))
13074    // 442: stm: DOUBLE_ASTORE(r,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,rlv))
13075    // 441: stm: DOUBLE_ASTORE(r,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,riv))
13076    // 440: stm: DOUBLE_ASTORE(r,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
13077    // 439: stm: DOUBLE_STORE(r,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))
13078    // 438: stm: DOUBLE_STORE(r,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,riv))
13079    // 437: stm: DOUBLE_STORE(r,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,rlv))
13080    // 436: stm: DOUBLE_STORE(r,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
13081    // 435: stm: LONG_STORE(rlv,OTHER_OPERAND(address1reg,address1scaledreg))
13082    // 434: stm: LONG_STORE(rlv,OTHER_OPERAND(address1scaledreg,address1reg))
13083    // 433: stm: LONG_STORE(rlv,OTHER_OPERAND(address1scaledreg,rlv))
13084    // 432: stm: LONG_STORE(rlv,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,address1scaledreg))
13085    // 431: stm: LONG_STORE(rlv,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))
13086    // 430: r: LCMP_CMOV(rlv,OTHER_OPERAND(load64,any))
13087    // 429: r: LCMP_CMOV(load64,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,any))
13088    // 428: r: LCMP_CMOV(r,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,any))
13089    // 427: stm: INT_STORE(riv,OTHER_OPERAND(address1reg,address1scaledreg))
13090    // 426: stm: INT_STORE(riv,OTHER_OPERAND(address1scaledreg,address1reg))
13091    // 425: stm: INT_STORE(riv,OTHER_OPERAND(address1scaledreg,rlv))
13092    // 424: stm: INT_STORE(riv,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,address1scaledreg))
13093    // 423: stm: INT_STORE(riv,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))
13094    // 422: r: CMP_CMOV(riv,OTHER_OPERAND(load32,any))
13095    // 421: r: CMP_CMOV(load32,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,any))
13096    // 420: r: CMP_CMOV(riv,OTHER_OPERAND(uload8,any))
13097    // 419: r: CMP_CMOV(uload8,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,any))
13098    // 418: r: CMP_CMOV(r,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,any))
13099    // 417: stm: BYTE_ASTORE(load8,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,riv))
13100    // 416: stm: BYTE_ASTORE(riv,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,riv))
13101    // 415: stm: BYTE_STORE(load8,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))
13102    // 414: stm: BYTE_STORE(riv,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))
13103    // 413: stm: BYTE_ASTORE(boolcmp,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
13104    // 412: stm: BYTE_STORE(boolcmp,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
13105    // 411: stm: LONG_ASTORE(r,OTHER_OPERAND(r,r))
13106    // 410: stm: LONG_ASTORE(r,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))
13107    // 409: stm: LONG_ASTORE(r,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
13108    // 408: stm: INT_ASTORE(riv,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,rlv))
13109    // 407: stm: INT_ASTORE(riv,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,riv))
13110    // 406: stm: INT_ASTORE(riv,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))
13111    // 405: stm: INT_ASTORE(riv,OTHER_OPERAND(r,r))
13112    // 404: stm: INT_ASTORE(riv,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
13113    // 403: stm: SHORT_ASTORE(riv,OTHER_OPERAND(r,r))
13114    // 402: stm: SHORT_ASTORE(load16,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
13115    // 401: stm: SHORT_ASTORE(riv,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
13116    // 400: stm: SHORT_STORE(riv,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))
13117    // 399: stm: SHORT_STORE(rlv,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))
13118    // 398: stm: SHORT_STORE(load16,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
13119    // 397: stm: SHORT_STORE(riv,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
13120    else if (eruleno <= 465) {
13121      mark(p.getChild1(), ntsrule[0]);
13122      mark(p.getChild2().getChild1(), ntsrule[1]);
13123      mark(p.getChild2().getChild2(), ntsrule[2]);
13124    }
13125    // 467: stm: LONG_ASTORE(LONG_CONSTANT,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,riv))
13126    // 466: stm: LONG_ASTORE(LONG_CONSTANT,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
13127    else if (eruleno <= 467) {
13128      mark(p.getChild2().getChild1(), ntsrule[0]);
13129      mark(p.getChild2().getChild2(), ntsrule[1]);
13130    }
13131    // 470: r: SYSCALL(INT_CONSTANT,any)
13132    // 469: r: CALL(INT_CONSTANT,any)
13133    // 468: r: CALL(BRANCH_TARGET,any)
13134    else if (eruleno <= 470) {
13135      mark(p.getChild2(), ntsrule[0]);
13136    }
13137    // 473: r: SYSCALL(INT_LOAD(riv,riv),any)
13138    // 472: r: CALL(LONG_LOAD(rlv,rlv),any)
13139    // 471: r: CALL(INT_LOAD(riv,riv),any)
13140    else if (eruleno <= 473) {
13141      mark(p.getChild1().getChild1(), ntsrule[0]);
13142      mark(p.getChild1().getChild2(), ntsrule[1]);
13143      mark(p.getChild2(), ntsrule[2]);
13144    }
13145    // 489: r: FCMP_FCMOV(r,OTHER_OPERAND(r,OTHER_OPERAND(double_load,r)))
13146    // 488: r: FCMP_FCMOV(r,OTHER_OPERAND(r,OTHER_OPERAND(float_load,r)))
13147    // 487: r: FCMP_FCMOV(r,OTHER_OPERAND(r,OTHER_OPERAND(r,double_load)))
13148    // 486: r: FCMP_FCMOV(r,OTHER_OPERAND(r,OTHER_OPERAND(r,float_load)))
13149    // 485: r: ATTEMPT_LONG(address1reg,OTHER_OPERAND(address1scaledreg,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv)))
13150    // 484: r: ATTEMPT_LONG(address1scaledreg,OTHER_OPERAND(address1reg,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv)))
13151    // 483: r: ATTEMPT_LONG(address1scaledreg,OTHER_OPERAND(r,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv)))
13152    // 482: r: ATTEMPT_LONG(r,OTHER_OPERAND(address1scaledreg,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv)))
13153    // 481: r: ATTEMPT_LONG(rlv,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv)))
13154    // 480: r: ATTEMPT_INT(address1reg,OTHER_OPERAND(address1scaledreg,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv)))
13155    // 479: r: ATTEMPT_INT(address1scaledreg,OTHER_OPERAND(address1reg,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv)))
13156    // 478: r: ATTEMPT_INT(address1scaledreg,OTHER_OPERAND(r,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv)))
13157    // 477: r: ATTEMPT_INT(r,OTHER_OPERAND(address1scaledreg,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv)))
13158    // 476: r: ATTEMPT_INT(rlv,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv)))
13159    // 475: r: ATTEMPT_INT(riv,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv)))
13160    // 474: r: ATTEMPT_INT(riv,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv)))
13161    else if (eruleno <= 489) {
13162      mark(p.getChild1(), ntsrule[0]);
13163      mark(p.getChild2().getChild1(), ntsrule[1]);
13164      mark(p.getChild2().getChild2().getChild1(), ntsrule[2]);
13165      mark(p.getChild2().getChild2().getChild2(), ntsrule[3]);
13166    }
13168    // 490: r: ATTEMPT_INT(address,OTHER_OPERAND(INT_CONSTANT,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv)))
13169    else if (eruleno <= 491) {
13170      mark(p.getChild1(), ntsrule[0]);
13171      mark(p.getChild2().getChild2().getChild1(), ntsrule[1]);
13172      mark(p.getChild2().getChild2().getChild2(), ntsrule[2]);
13173    }
13175    // 492: r: ATTEMPT_INT(INT_CONSTANT,OTHER_OPERAND(address,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv)))
13176    else if (eruleno <= 493) {
13177      mark(p.getChild2().getChild1(), ntsrule[0]);
13178      mark(p.getChild2().getChild2().getChild1(), ntsrule[1]);
13179      mark(p.getChild2().getChild2().getChild2(), ntsrule[2]);
13180    }
13181    // 513: stm: INT_IFCMP(ATTEMPT_LONG(address1reg,OTHER_OPERAND(address1scaledreg,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))),INT_CONSTANT)
13182    // 512: stm: INT_IFCMP(ATTEMPT_LONG(address1scaledreg,OTHER_OPERAND(address1reg,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))),INT_CONSTANT)
13183    // 511: stm: INT_IFCMP(ATTEMPT_LONG(address1scaledreg,OTHER_OPERAND(r,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))),INT_CONSTANT)
13184    // 510: stm: INT_IFCMP(ATTEMPT_LONG(r,OTHER_OPERAND(address1scaledreg,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))),INT_CONSTANT)
13186    // 508: stm: INT_IFCMP(ATTEMPT_LONG(address1reg,OTHER_OPERAND(address1scaledreg,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))),INT_CONSTANT)
13187    // 507: stm: INT_IFCMP(ATTEMPT_LONG(address1scaledreg,OTHER_OPERAND(address1reg,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))),INT_CONSTANT)
13188    // 506: stm: INT_IFCMP(ATTEMPT_LONG(address1scaledreg,OTHER_OPERAND(r,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))),INT_CONSTANT)
13189    // 505: stm: INT_IFCMP(ATTEMPT_LONG(r,OTHER_OPERAND(address1scaledreg,OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))),INT_CONSTANT)
13191    // 503: stm: INT_IFCMP(ATTEMPT_INT(address1reg,OTHER_OPERAND(address1scaledreg,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))),INT_CONSTANT)
13192    // 502: stm: INT_IFCMP(ATTEMPT_INT(address1scaledreg,OTHER_OPERAND(address1reg,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))),INT_CONSTANT)
13193    // 501: stm: INT_IFCMP(ATTEMPT_INT(address1scaledreg,OTHER_OPERAND(r,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))),INT_CONSTANT)
13194    // 500: stm: INT_IFCMP(ATTEMPT_INT(r,OTHER_OPERAND(address1scaledreg,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))),INT_CONSTANT)
13196    // 498: stm: INT_IFCMP(ATTEMPT_INT(address1reg,OTHER_OPERAND(address1scaledreg,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))),INT_CONSTANT)
13197    // 497: stm: INT_IFCMP(ATTEMPT_INT(address1scaledreg,OTHER_OPERAND(address1reg,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))),INT_CONSTANT)
13198    // 496: stm: INT_IFCMP(ATTEMPT_INT(address1scaledreg,OTHER_OPERAND(r,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))),INT_CONSTANT)
13199    // 495: stm: INT_IFCMP(ATTEMPT_INT(r,OTHER_OPERAND(address1scaledreg,OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))),INT_CONSTANT)
13201    else if (eruleno <= 513) {
13202      mark(p.getChild1().getChild1(), ntsrule[0]);
13203      mark(p.getChild1().getChild2().getChild1(), ntsrule[1]);
13204      mark(p.getChild1().getChild2().getChild2().getChild1(), ntsrule[2]);
13205      mark(p.getChild1().getChild2().getChild2().getChild2(), ntsrule[3]);
13206    }
13211    else if (eruleno <= 517) {
13212      mark(p.getChild1().getChild1(), ntsrule[0]);
13213      mark(p.getChild1().getChild2().getChild2().getChild1(), ntsrule[1]);
13214      mark(p.getChild1().getChild2().getChild2().getChild2(), ntsrule[2]);
13215    }
13220    else if (eruleno <= 521) {
13221      mark(p.getChild1().getChild2().getChild1(), ntsrule[0]);
13222      mark(p.getChild1().getChild2().getChild2().getChild1(), ntsrule[1]);
13223      mark(p.getChild1().getChild2().getChild2().getChild2(), ntsrule[2]);
13224    }
13225    // 525: bittest: INT_AND(INT_SHR(load32,INT_AND(r,INT_CONSTANT)),INT_CONSTANT)
13226    // 524: bittest: INT_AND(INT_SHR(r,INT_AND(r,INT_CONSTANT)),INT_CONSTANT)
13227    // 523: bittest: INT_AND(INT_USHR(load32,INT_AND(r,INT_CONSTANT)),INT_CONSTANT)
13228    // 522: bittest: INT_AND(INT_USHR(r,INT_AND(r,INT_CONSTANT)),INT_CONSTANT)
13229    else if (eruleno <= 525) {
13230      mark(p.getChild1().getChild1(), ntsrule[0]);
13231      mark(p.getChild1().getChild2().getChild1(), ntsrule[1]);
13232    }
13233    // 527: bittest: INT_AND(INT_SHL(INT_CONSTANT,INT_AND(r,INT_CONSTANT)),load32)
13234    // 526: bittest: INT_AND(INT_SHL(INT_CONSTANT,INT_AND(riv,INT_CONSTANT)),r)
13235    else if (eruleno <= 527) {
13236      mark(p.getChild1().getChild2().getChild1(), ntsrule[0]);
13237      mark(p.getChild2(), ntsrule[1]);
13238    }
13239    // 529: bittest: INT_AND(load32,INT_SHL(INT_CONSTANT,INT_AND(r,INT_CONSTANT)))
13240    // 528: bittest: INT_AND(r,INT_SHL(INT_CONSTANT,INT_AND(r,INT_CONSTANT)))
13241    else if (eruleno <= 529) {
13242      mark(p.getChild1(), ntsrule[0]);
13243      mark(p.getChild2().getChild2().getChild1(), ntsrule[1]);
13244    }
13245    // 551: stm: LONG_ASTORE(LONG_USHR(LONG_ALOAD(riv,riv),LONG_CONSTANT),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
13246    // 550: stm: LONG_STORE(LONG_USHR(LONG_LOAD(riv,riv),LONG_CONSTANT),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
13247    // 549: stm: LONG_ASTORE(LONG_SHR(LONG_ALOAD(riv,riv),LONG_CONSTANT),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
13248    // 548: stm: LONG_STORE(LONG_SHR(LONG_LOAD(riv,riv),LONG_CONSTANT),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
13249    // 547: stm: LONG_ASTORE(LONG_SHL(LONG_ALOAD(riv,riv),INT_CONSTANT),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
13250    // 546: stm: LONG_STORE(LONG_SHL(LONG_LOAD(riv,riv),INT_CONSTANT),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
13251    // 545: stm: LONG_ASTORE(LONG_NOT(LONG_ALOAD(riv,riv)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
13252    // 544: stm: LONG_STORE(LONG_NOT(LONG_LOAD(riv,riv)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
13253    // 543: stm: LONG_ASTORE(LONG_NEG(LONG_ALOAD(riv,riv)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
13254    // 542: stm: LONG_STORE(LONG_NEG(LONG_LOAD(riv,riv)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
13255    // 541: stm: INT_ASTORE(INT_USHR(INT_ALOAD(riv,riv),INT_CONSTANT),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
13256    // 540: stm: INT_STORE(INT_USHR(INT_LOAD(riv,riv),INT_CONSTANT),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
13257    // 539: stm: INT_ASTORE(INT_SHR(INT_ALOAD(riv,riv),INT_CONSTANT),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
13258    // 538: stm: INT_STORE(INT_SHR(INT_LOAD(riv,riv),INT_CONSTANT),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
13259    // 537: stm: INT_ASTORE(INT_SHL(INT_ALOAD(riv,riv),INT_CONSTANT),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
13260    // 536: stm: INT_STORE(INT_SHL(INT_LOAD(riv,riv),INT_CONSTANT),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
13261    // 535: stm: INT_ASTORE(INT_NOT(INT_ALOAD(riv,riv)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
13262    // 534: stm: INT_STORE(INT_NOT(INT_LOAD(riv,riv)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
13263    // 533: stm: INT_ASTORE(INT_NEG(INT_ALOAD(riv,riv)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
13264    // 532: stm: INT_STORE(INT_NEG(INT_LOAD(riv,riv)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
13265    // 531: stm: BYTE_ASTORE(BOOLEAN_NOT(UBYTE_ALOAD(rlv,riv)),OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,riv))
13266    // 530: stm: BYTE_STORE(BOOLEAN_NOT(UBYTE_LOAD(rlv,rlv)),OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))
13267    else if (eruleno <= 551) {
13268      mark(p.getChild1().getChild1().getChild1(), ntsrule[0]);
13269      mark(p.getChild1().getChild1().getChild2(), ntsrule[1]);
13270      mark(p.getChild2().getChild1(), ntsrule[2]);
13271      mark(p.getChild2().getChild2(), ntsrule[3]);
13272    }
13273    // 560: r: LCMP_CMOV(r,OTHER_OPERAND(INT_CONSTANT,any))
13274    // 559: r: CMP_CMOV(szp,OTHER_OPERAND(INT_CONSTANT,any))
13275    // 558: r: CMP_CMOV(cz,OTHER_OPERAND(INT_CONSTANT,any))
13276    // 557: r: CMP_CMOV(bittest,OTHER_OPERAND(INT_CONSTANT,any))
13277    // 556: r: CMP_CMOV(boolcmp,OTHER_OPERAND(INT_CONSTANT,any))
13278    // 555: r: CMP_CMOV(boolcmp,OTHER_OPERAND(INT_CONSTANT,any))
13279    // 554: r: CMP_CMOV(sload16,OTHER_OPERAND(INT_CONSTANT,any))
13280    // 553: r: CMP_CMOV(load8,OTHER_OPERAND(INT_CONSTANT,any))
13281    // 552: r: CMP_CMOV(r,OTHER_OPERAND(INT_CONSTANT,any))
13282    else if (eruleno <= 560) {
13283      mark(p.getChild1(), ntsrule[0]);
13284      mark(p.getChild2().getChild2(), ntsrule[1]);
13285    }
13286    // 568: stm: INT_ASTORE(LONG_2INT(r),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
13287    // 567: stm: INT_STORE(LONG_2INT(r),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
13288    // 566: stm: SHORT_ASTORE(INT_2USHORT(r),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
13289    // 565: stm: SHORT_STORE(INT_2USHORT(r),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
13290    // 564: stm: SHORT_ASTORE(INT_2SHORT(r),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
13291    // 563: stm: SHORT_STORE(INT_2SHORT(r),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
13292    // 562: stm: BYTE_ASTORE(INT_2BYTE(r),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
13293    // 561: stm: BYTE_STORE(INT_2BYTE(r),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
13294    else if (eruleno <= 568) {
13295      mark(p.getChild1().getChild1(), ntsrule[0]);
13296      mark(p.getChild2().getChild1(), ntsrule[1]);
13297      mark(p.getChild2().getChild2(), ntsrule[2]);
13298    }
13299    // 588: stm: LONG_ASTORE(LONG_XOR(LONG_ALOAD(rlv,rlv),rlv),OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))
13300    // 587: stm: LONG_STORE(LONG_XOR(LONG_LOAD(rlv,rlv),rlv),OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))
13301    // 586: stm: LONG_ASTORE(LONG_SUB(LONG_ALOAD(rlv,rlv),rlv),OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))
13302    // 585: stm: LONG_STORE(LONG_SUB(LONG_LOAD(rlv,rlv),rlv),OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))
13303    // 584: stm: LONG_ASTORE(LONG_OR(LONG_ALOAD(rlv,rlv),rlv),OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))
13304    // 583: stm: LONG_STORE(LONG_OR(LONG_LOAD(rlv,rlv),rlv),OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))
13305    // 582: stm: LONG_ASTORE(LONG_AND(LONG_ALOAD(rlv,rlv),rlv),OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))
13306    // 581: stm: LONG_STORE(LONG_AND(LONG_LOAD(rlv,rlv),rlv),OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))
13307    // 580: stm: LONG_ASTORE(LONG_ADD(LONG_ALOAD(rlv,rlv),rlv),OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))
13308    // 579: stm: LONG_STORE(LONG_ADD(LONG_LOAD(rlv,rlv),rlv),OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))
13309    // 578: stm: INT_ASTORE(INT_XOR(INT_ALOAD(riv,riv),riv),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
13310    // 577: stm: INT_STORE(INT_XOR(INT_LOAD(riv,riv),riv),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
13311    // 576: stm: INT_ASTORE(INT_SUB(INT_ALOAD(riv,riv),riv),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
13312    // 575: stm: INT_STORE(INT_SUB(INT_LOAD(riv,riv),riv),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
13313    // 574: stm: INT_ASTORE(INT_OR(INT_ALOAD(riv,riv),riv),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
13314    // 573: stm: INT_STORE(INT_OR(INT_LOAD(riv,riv),riv),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
13315    // 572: stm: INT_ASTORE(INT_AND(INT_ALOAD(riv,riv),riv),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
13316    // 571: stm: INT_STORE(INT_AND(INT_LOAD(riv,riv),riv),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
13317    // 570: stm: INT_ASTORE(INT_ADD(INT_ALOAD(riv,riv),riv),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
13318    // 569: stm: INT_STORE(INT_ADD(INT_LOAD(riv,riv),riv),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
13319    else if (eruleno <= 588) {
13320      mark(p.getChild1().getChild1().getChild1(), ntsrule[0]);
13321      mark(p.getChild1().getChild1().getChild2(), ntsrule[1]);
13322      mark(p.getChild1().getChild2(), ntsrule[2]);
13323      mark(p.getChild2().getChild1(), ntsrule[3]);
13324      mark(p.getChild2().getChild2(), ntsrule[4]);
13325    }
13326    // 608: stm: LONG_ASTORE(LONG_XOR(r,LONG_ALOAD(rlv,rlv)),OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))
13327    // 607: stm: LONG_STORE(LONG_XOR(r,LONG_LOAD(rlv,rlv)),OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))
13328    // 606: stm: LONG_ASTORE(LONG_SUB(rlv,LONG_ALOAD(rlv,rlv)),OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))
13329    // 605: stm: LONG_STORE(LONG_SUB(rlv,LONG_LOAD(rlv,rlv)),OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))
13330    // 604: stm: LONG_ASTORE(LONG_OR(r,LONG_ALOAD(rlv,rlv)),OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))
13331    // 603: stm: LONG_STORE(LONG_OR(r,LONG_LOAD(rlv,rlv)),OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))
13332    // 602: stm: LONG_ASTORE(LONG_AND(r,LONG_ALOAD(rlv,rlv)),OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))
13333    // 601: stm: LONG_STORE(LONG_AND(r,LONG_LOAD(rlv,rlv)),OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))
13334    // 600: stm: LONG_ASTORE(LONG_ADD(rlv,LONG_ALOAD(rlv,rlv)),OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))
13335    // 599: stm: LONG_STORE(LONG_ADD(rlv,LONG_LOAD(rlv,rlv)),OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))
13336    // 598: stm: INT_ASTORE(INT_XOR(r,INT_ALOAD(riv,riv)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
13337    // 597: stm: INT_STORE(INT_XOR(r,INT_LOAD(riv,riv)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
13338    // 596: stm: INT_ASTORE(INT_SUB(riv,INT_ALOAD(riv,riv)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
13339    // 595: stm: INT_STORE(INT_SUB(riv,INT_LOAD(riv,riv)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
13340    // 594: stm: INT_ASTORE(INT_OR(r,INT_ALOAD(riv,riv)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
13341    // 593: stm: INT_STORE(INT_OR(r,INT_LOAD(riv,riv)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
13342    // 592: stm: INT_ASTORE(INT_AND(r,INT_ALOAD(riv,riv)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
13343    // 591: stm: INT_STORE(INT_AND(r,INT_LOAD(riv,riv)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
13344    // 590: stm: INT_ASTORE(INT_ADD(riv,INT_ALOAD(riv,riv)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
13345    // 589: stm: INT_STORE(INT_ADD(riv,INT_LOAD(riv,riv)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
13346    else if (eruleno <= 608) {
13347      mark(p.getChild1().getChild1(), ntsrule[0]);
13348      mark(p.getChild1().getChild2().getChild1(), ntsrule[1]);
13349      mark(p.getChild1().getChild2().getChild2(), ntsrule[2]);
13350      mark(p.getChild2().getChild1(), ntsrule[3]);
13351      mark(p.getChild2().getChild2(), ntsrule[4]);
13352    }
13357    else if (eruleno <= 612) {
13358      mark(p.getChild1().getChild1(), ntsrule[0]);
13359      mark(p.getChild2().getChild1(), ntsrule[1]);
13360    }
13363    else if (eruleno <= 614) {
13364      mark(p.getChild1().getChild1(), ntsrule[0]);
13365      mark(p.getChild1().getChild2().getChild1(), ntsrule[1]);
13366      mark(p.getChild2().getChild1(), ntsrule[2]);
13367      mark(p.getChild2().getChild2().getChild1().getChild1(), ntsrule[3]);
13368    }
13371    else if (eruleno <= 616) {
13372      mark(p.getChild1().getChild1(), ntsrule[0]);
13373      mark(p.getChild1().getChild2().getChild1().getChild1(), ntsrule[1]);
13374      mark(p.getChild2().getChild1(), ntsrule[2]);
13375      mark(p.getChild2().getChild2().getChild1(), ntsrule[3]);
13376    }
13377    // 624: szpr: LONG_USHR(rlv,LONG_AND(r,LONG_CONSTANT))
13378    // 623: stm: LONG_STORE(rlv,OTHER_OPERAND(address,LONG_CONSTANT))
13379    // 622: szpr: LONG_SHR(rlv,INT_AND(r,LONG_CONSTANT))
13380    // 621: szpr: LONG_SHL(rlv,INT_AND(r,INT_CONSTANT))
13381    // 620: szpr: INT_USHR(riv,INT_AND(r,INT_CONSTANT))
13382    // 619: stm: INT_STORE(riv,OTHER_OPERAND(address,LONG_CONSTANT))
13383    // 618: szpr: INT_SHR(riv,INT_AND(r,INT_CONSTANT))
13384    // 617: szpr: INT_SHL(riv,INT_AND(r,INT_CONSTANT))
13385    else if (eruleno <= 624) {
13386      mark(p.getChild1(), ntsrule[0]);
13387      mark(p.getChild2().getChild1(), ntsrule[1]);
13388    }
13390    // 635: stm: LONG_STORE(LONG_USHR(LONG_LOAD(riv,riv),LONG_AND(r,LONG_CONSTANT)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
13391    // 634: stm: LONG_ASTORE(LONG_SHR(LONG_ALOAD(riv,riv),INT_AND(r,LONG_CONSTANT)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
13392    // 633: stm: LONG_STORE(LONG_SHR(LONG_LOAD(riv,riv),INT_AND(r,LONG_CONSTANT)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
13393    // 632: stm: LONG_ASTORE(LONG_SHL(LONG_ALOAD(riv,riv),INT_AND(r,INT_CONSTANT)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
13394    // 631: stm: LONG_STORE(LONG_SHL(LONG_LOAD(riv,riv),INT_AND(r,INT_CONSTANT)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
13395    // 630: stm: INT_ASTORE(INT_USHR(INT_ALOAD(riv,riv),INT_AND(r,INT_CONSTANT)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
13396    // 629: stm: INT_STORE(INT_USHR(INT_LOAD(riv,riv),INT_AND(r,INT_CONSTANT)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
13397    // 628: stm: INT_ASTORE(INT_SHR(INT_ALOAD(riv,riv),INT_AND(r,INT_CONSTANT)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
13398    // 627: stm: INT_STORE(INT_SHR(INT_LOAD(riv,riv),INT_AND(r,INT_CONSTANT)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
13399    // 626: stm: INT_ASTORE(INT_SHL(INT_ALOAD(riv,riv),INT_AND(r,INT_CONSTANT)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
13400    // 625: stm: INT_STORE(INT_SHL(INT_LOAD(riv,riv),INT_AND(r,INT_CONSTANT)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
13401    else if (eruleno <= 636) {
13402      mark(p.getChild1().getChild1().getChild1(), ntsrule[0]);
13403      mark(p.getChild1().getChild1().getChild2(), ntsrule[1]);
13404      mark(p.getChild1().getChild2().getChild1(), ntsrule[2]);
13405      mark(p.getChild2().getChild1(), ntsrule[3]);
13406      mark(p.getChild2().getChild2(), ntsrule[4]);
13407    }
13412    else if (eruleno <= 640) {
13413      mark(p.getChild1(), ntsrule[0]);
13414      mark(p.getChild2().getChild2().getChild1(), ntsrule[1]);
13415      mark(p.getChild2().getChild2().getChild2().getChild1(), ntsrule[2]);
13416    }
13421    else if (eruleno <= 644) {
13422      mark(p.getChild1(), ntsrule[0]);
13423      mark(p.getChild2().getChild2().getChild1().getChild1(), ntsrule[1]);
13424      mark(p.getChild2().getChild2().getChild2(), ntsrule[2]);
13425    }
13430    else if (eruleno <= 648) {
13431      mark(p.getChild2().getChild1(), ntsrule[0]);
13432      mark(p.getChild2().getChild2().getChild1().getChild1(), ntsrule[1]);
13433      mark(p.getChild2().getChild2().getChild2(), ntsrule[2]);
13434    }
13439    else {
13440      if (VM.VerifyAssertions) VM._assert(eruleno <= 652);
13441      mark(p.getChild2().getChild1(), ntsrule[0]);
13442      mark(p.getChild2().getChild2().getChild1(), ntsrule[1]);
13443      mark(p.getChild2().getChild2().getChild2().getChild1(), ntsrule[2]);
13444    }
13445  }
13447  /**
13448   * For each BURS rule (the number of which provides the index) give its flags byte
13449   */
13450  private static final byte[] action={
13451    0,
13452    NOFLAGS, // 1 - stm:        r
13453    NOFLAGS, // 2 - r:  REGISTER
13454    NOFLAGS, // 3 - r:  czr
13455    NOFLAGS, // 4 - cz: czr
13456    NOFLAGS, // 5 - r:  szpr
13457    NOFLAGS, // 6 - szp:        szpr
13458    NOFLAGS, // 7 - riv:        r
13459    NOFLAGS, // 8 - riv:        INT_CONSTANT
13460    NOFLAGS, // 9 - rlv:        r
13461    NOFLAGS, // 10 - rlv:       LONG_CONSTANT
13462    NOFLAGS, // 11 - any:       NULL
13463    NOFLAGS, // 12 - any:       riv
13464    NOFLAGS, // 13 - any:       ADDRESS_CONSTANT
13465    NOFLAGS, // 14 - any:       LONG_CONSTANT
13466    NOFLAGS, // 15 - any:       OTHER_OPERAND(any, any)
13467    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 16 - stm:      IG_PATCH_POINT
13468    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 17 - stm:      UNINT_BEGIN
13469    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 18 - stm:      UNINT_END
13473    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 22 - stm:      LOWTABLESWITCH(r)
13474    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 23 - stm:      RESOLVE
13475    NOFLAGS, // 24 - stm:       NOP
13476    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 25 - r:        GUARD_MOVE
13477    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 26 - r:        GUARD_COMBINE
13478    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 27 - stm:      NULL_CHECK(riv)
13479    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 28 - stm:      IR_PROLOGUE
13481    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 30 - stm:      SET_CAUGHT_EXCEPTION(r)
13483    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 32 - stm:      TRAP
13484    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 33 - stm:      TRAP_IF(r, INT_CONSTANT)
13485    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 34 - stm:      TRAP_IF(r, LONG_CONSTANT)
13486    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 35 - stm:      TRAP_IF(r, r)
13487    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 36 - stm:      TRAP_IF(load32, riv)
13488    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 37 - stm:      TRAP_IF(riv, load32)
13489    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 38 - uload8:   INT_AND(load8_16_32, INT_CONSTANT)
13490    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 39 - r:        INT_AND(load8_16_32, INT_CONSTANT)
13491    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 40 - r:        INT_2BYTE(load8_16_32)
13492    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 41 - r:        INT_USHR(INT_SHL(load8_16_32, INT_CONSTANT), INT_CONSTANT)
13493    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 42 - r:        INT_AND(load16_32, INT_CONSTANT)
13494    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 43 - r:        INT_USHR(INT_SHL(load16_32, INT_CONSTANT), INT_CONSTANT)
13495    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 44 - stm:      SHORT_STORE(riv, OTHER_OPERAND(riv, riv))
13496    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 45 - stm:      SHORT_STORE(load16, OTHER_OPERAND(riv, riv))
13497    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 46 - stm:    SHORT_STORE(rlv, OTHER_OPERAND(rlv, rlv))
13498    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 47 - stm:    SHORT_STORE(riv, OTHER_OPERAND(rlv, rlv))
13499    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 48 - stm:      SHORT_ASTORE(riv, OTHER_OPERAND(riv, riv))
13500    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 49 - stm:      SHORT_ASTORE(load16, OTHER_OPERAND(riv, riv))
13501    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 50 - stm:      SHORT_ASTORE(riv, OTHER_OPERAND(r, r))
13502    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 51 - stm:      INT_ASTORE(riv, OTHER_OPERAND(riv, riv))
13503    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 52 - stm:      INT_ASTORE(riv, OTHER_OPERAND(r, r))
13504    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 53 - stm:      INT_ASTORE(riv, OTHER_OPERAND(rlv, rlv))
13505    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 54 - stm:      INT_ASTORE(riv, OTHER_OPERAND(rlv, riv))
13506    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 55 - stm:      INT_ASTORE(riv, OTHER_OPERAND(riv, rlv))
13507    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 56 - stm:      LONG_ASTORE(r, OTHER_OPERAND(riv, riv))
13508    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 57 - stm:      LONG_ASTORE(r, OTHER_OPERAND(rlv, rlv))
13509    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 58 - stm:      LONG_ASTORE(r, OTHER_OPERAND(r, r))
13512    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 61 - r:        LONG_CMP(rlv,rlv)
13513    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 62 - stm:      GOTO
13514    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 63 - stm:      PREFETCH(r)
13515    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 64 - stm:      WRITE_FLOOR
13516    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 65 - stm:      READ_CEILING
13517    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 66 - stm:      FENCE
13518    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 67 - stm:      PAUSE
13519    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 68 - stm:      RETURN(NULL)
13520    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 69 - stm:      RETURN(INT_CONSTANT)
13521    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 70 - stm:      RETURN(r)
13522    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 71 - stm:      RETURN(LONG_CONSTANT)
13523    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 72 - r:        CALL(r, any)
13524    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 73 - r:        CALL(BRANCH_TARGET, any)
13525    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 74 - r:        CALL(INT_LOAD(riv, riv), any)
13526    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 75 - r:        CALL(INT_CONSTANT, any)
13527    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 76 - r:        CALL(LONG_LOAD(rlv, rlv), any)
13528    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 77 - r:        SYSCALL(r, any)
13529    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 78 - r:        SYSCALL(INT_LOAD(riv, riv), any)
13530    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 79 - r:        SYSCALL(INT_CONSTANT, any)
13531    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 80 - r:      GET_TIME_BASE
13532    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 81 - stm:      YIELDPOINT_OSR(any, any)
13533    NOFLAGS, // 82 - address1scaledreg: address1reg
13534    NOFLAGS, // 83 - address:   address1scaledreg
13535    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 84 - address1scaledreg:        INT_SHL(r, INT_CONSTANT)
13536    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 85 - address1reg:      INT_ADD(r, LONG_CONSTANT)
13537    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 86 - address1reg:      INT_MOVE(r)
13538    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 87 - address:  INT_ADD(r, r)
13539    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 88 - address1reg:      INT_ADD(address1reg, LONG_CONSTANT)
13540    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 89 - address1scaledreg:        INT_ADD(address1scaledreg, LONG_CONSTANT)
13541    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 90 - address:  INT_ADD(r, address1scaledreg)
13542    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 91 - address:  INT_ADD(address1scaledreg, r)
13543    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 92 - address:  INT_ADD(address1scaledreg, LONG_CONSTANT)
13544    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 93 - address:  INT_ADD(address1scaledreg, address1reg)
13545    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 94 - address:  INT_ADD(address1reg, address1scaledreg)
13546    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 95 - address1scaledreg:        LONG_SHL(r, INT_CONSTANT)
13547    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 96 - address1reg:      LONG_ADD(r, LONG_CONSTANT)
13548    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 97 - address1reg:      LONG_MOVE(r)
13549    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 98 - address:  LONG_ADD(r, r)
13550    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 99 - address1reg:      LONG_ADD(address1reg, LONG_CONSTANT)
13551    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 100 - address1scaledreg:       LONG_ADD(address1scaledreg, LONG_CONSTANT)
13552    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 101 - address: LONG_ADD(r, address1scaledreg)
13553    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 102 - address: LONG_ADD(address1scaledreg, r)
13554    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 103 - address: LONG_ADD(address1scaledreg, LONG_CONSTANT)
13555    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 104 - address: LONG_ADD(address1scaledreg, address1reg)
13556    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 105 - address: LONG_ADD(address1reg, address1scaledreg)
13557    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 106 - r:       ATTEMPT_INT(riv, OTHER_OPERAND(riv, OTHER_OPERAND(riv, riv)))
13558    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 107 - r:       ATTEMPT_INT(riv, OTHER_OPERAND(rlv, OTHER_OPERAND(riv, riv)))
13559    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 108 - r:       ATTEMPT_INT(rlv, OTHER_OPERAND(rlv, OTHER_OPERAND(riv, riv)))
13560    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 109 - r:       ATTEMPT_INT(r, OTHER_OPERAND(address1scaledreg, OTHER_OPERAND(riv, riv)))
13561    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 110 - r:       ATTEMPT_INT(address1scaledreg, OTHER_OPERAND(r, OTHER_OPERAND(riv, riv)))
13562    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 111 - r:       ATTEMPT_INT(address1scaledreg, OTHER_OPERAND(address1reg, OTHER_OPERAND(riv, riv)))
13563    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 112 - r:       ATTEMPT_INT(address1reg, OTHER_OPERAND(address1scaledreg, OTHER_OPERAND(riv, riv)))
13567    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 116 - stm:     INT_IFCMP(ATTEMPT_INT(r, OTHER_OPERAND(address1scaledreg, OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))),INT_CONSTANT)
13568    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 117 - stm:     INT_IFCMP(ATTEMPT_INT(address1scaledreg, OTHER_OPERAND(r, OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))),INT_CONSTANT)
13569    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 118 - stm:     INT_IFCMP(ATTEMPT_INT(address1scaledreg, OTHER_OPERAND(address1reg, OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))),INT_CONSTANT)
13570    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 119 - stm:     INT_IFCMP(ATTEMPT_INT(address1reg, OTHER_OPERAND(address1scaledreg, OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))),INT_CONSTANT)
13574    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 123 - stm:     INT_IFCMP(ATTEMPT_INT(r, OTHER_OPERAND(address1scaledreg, OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))),INT_CONSTANT)
13575    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 124 - stm:     INT_IFCMP(ATTEMPT_INT(address1scaledreg, OTHER_OPERAND(r, OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))),INT_CONSTANT)
13576    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 125 - stm:     INT_IFCMP(ATTEMPT_INT(address1scaledreg, OTHER_OPERAND(address1reg, OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))),INT_CONSTANT)
13577    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 126 - stm:     INT_IFCMP(ATTEMPT_INT(address1reg, OTHER_OPERAND(address1scaledreg, OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))),INT_CONSTANT)
13580    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 129 - r:       ATTEMPT_LONG(rlv, OTHER_OPERAND(rlv, OTHER_OPERAND(rlv, rlv)))
13581    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 130 - r:       ATTEMPT_LONG(r, OTHER_OPERAND(address1scaledreg, OTHER_OPERAND(rlv, rlv)))
13582    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 131 - r:       ATTEMPT_LONG(address1scaledreg, OTHER_OPERAND(r, OTHER_OPERAND(rlv, rlv)))
13583    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 132 - r:       ATTEMPT_LONG(address1scaledreg, OTHER_OPERAND(address1reg, OTHER_OPERAND(rlv, rlv)))
13584    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 133 - r:       ATTEMPT_LONG(address1reg, OTHER_OPERAND(address1scaledreg, OTHER_OPERAND(rlv, rlv)))
13588    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 137 - stm:     INT_IFCMP(ATTEMPT_LONG(r, OTHER_OPERAND(address1scaledreg, OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))),INT_CONSTANT)
13589    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 138 - stm:     INT_IFCMP(ATTEMPT_LONG(address1scaledreg, OTHER_OPERAND(r, OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))),INT_CONSTANT)
13590    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 139 - stm:     INT_IFCMP(ATTEMPT_LONG(address1scaledreg, OTHER_OPERAND(address1reg, OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))),INT_CONSTANT)
13591    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 140 - stm:     INT_IFCMP(ATTEMPT_LONG(address1reg, OTHER_OPERAND(address1scaledreg, OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))),INT_CONSTANT)
13595    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 144 - stm:     INT_IFCMP(ATTEMPT_LONG(r, OTHER_OPERAND(address1scaledreg, OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))),INT_CONSTANT)
13596    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 145 - stm:     INT_IFCMP(ATTEMPT_LONG(address1scaledreg, OTHER_OPERAND(r, OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))),INT_CONSTANT)
13597    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 146 - stm:     INT_IFCMP(ATTEMPT_LONG(address1scaledreg, OTHER_OPERAND(address1reg, OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))),INT_CONSTANT)
13598    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 147 - stm:     INT_IFCMP(ATTEMPT_LONG(address1reg, OTHER_OPERAND(address1scaledreg, OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))),INT_CONSTANT)
13611    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 160 - r:       BOOLEAN_CMP_INT(r,riv)
13612    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 161 - boolcmp: BOOLEAN_CMP_INT(r,riv)
13616    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 165 - r:       BOOLEAN_CMP_INT(load32,INT_CONSTANT)
13618    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 167 - r:       BOOLEAN_CMP_INT(load32,INT_CONSTANT)
13619    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 168 - r:       BOOLEAN_CMP_INT(cz, INT_CONSTANT)
13620    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 169 - boolcmp: BOOLEAN_CMP_INT(cz, INT_CONSTANT)
13621    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 170 - r:       BOOLEAN_CMP_INT(szp, INT_CONSTANT)
13622    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 171 - boolcmp: BOOLEAN_CMP_INT(szp, INT_CONSTANT)
13623    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 172 - r:       BOOLEAN_CMP_INT(bittest, INT_CONSTANT)
13624    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 173 - boolcmp: BOOLEAN_CMP_INT(bittest, INT_CONSTANT)
13625    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 174 - r:       BOOLEAN_CMP_INT(boolcmp, INT_CONSTANT)
13626    NOFLAGS, // 175 - boolcmp:  BOOLEAN_CMP_INT(boolcmp, INT_CONSTANT)
13627    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 176 - r:       BOOLEAN_CMP_INT(boolcmp, INT_CONSTANT)
13628    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 177 - boolcmp: BOOLEAN_CMP_INT(boolcmp, INT_CONSTANT)
13629    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 178 - r:       BOOLEAN_CMP_INT(load32,riv)
13630    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 179 - boolcmp: BOOLEAN_CMP_INT(load32,riv)
13631    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 180 - r:       BOOLEAN_CMP_INT(r,load32)
13632    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 181 - boolcmp: BOOLEAN_CMP_INT(riv,load32)
13633    EMIT_INSTRUCTION | RIGHT_CHILD_FIRST, // 182 - stm: BYTE_STORE(boolcmp, OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
13634    EMIT_INSTRUCTION | RIGHT_CHILD_FIRST, // 183 - stm: BYTE_ASTORE(boolcmp, OTHER_OPERAND(riv, riv))
13635    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 184 - r:       BOOLEAN_CMP_LONG(r,rlv)
13636    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 185 - boolcmp: BOOLEAN_CMP_LONG(r,rlv)
13640    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 189 - r:       BOOLEAN_CMP_LONG(load64,LONG_CONSTANT)
13642    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 191 - r:       BOOLEAN_CMP_LONG(load64,LONG_CONSTANT)
13644    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 193 - r:       BOOLEAN_CMP_LONG(load64,rlv)
13645    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 194 - boolcmp: BOOLEAN_CMP_LONG(load64,rlv)
13646    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 195 - r:       BOOLEAN_CMP_LONG(r,load64)
13647    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 196 - boolcmp: BOOLEAN_CMP_LONG(rlv,load64)
13648    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 197 - r:       BOOLEAN_NOT(r)
13649    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 198 - stm:     BYTE_STORE(BOOLEAN_NOT(UBYTE_LOAD(rlv,rlv)),OTHER_OPERAND(rlv, rlv))
13650    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 199 - stm:     BYTE_ASTORE(BOOLEAN_NOT(UBYTE_ALOAD(rlv,riv)),OTHER_OPERAND(rlv, riv))
13651    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 200 - stm:    BYTE_STORE(riv, OTHER_OPERAND(rlv, rlv))
13652    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 201 - stm:    BYTE_STORE(load8, OTHER_OPERAND(rlv, rlv))
13653    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 202 - stm:    BYTE_ASTORE(riv, OTHER_OPERAND(rlv, riv))
13654    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 203 - stm:    BYTE_ASTORE(load8, OTHER_OPERAND(rlv, riv))
13655    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 204 - r: CMP_CMOV(r, OTHER_OPERAND(riv, any))
13662    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 211 - r: CMP_CMOV(uload8, OTHER_OPERAND(riv, any))
13663    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 212 - r: CMP_CMOV(riv, OTHER_OPERAND(uload8, any))
13664    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 213 - r: CMP_CMOV(sload16, OTHER_OPERAND(INT_CONSTANT, any))
13665    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 214 - r: CMP_CMOV(load32, OTHER_OPERAND(riv, any))
13666    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 215 - r: CMP_CMOV(riv, OTHER_OPERAND(load32, any))
13672    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 221 - r:       INT_2BYTE(r)
13673    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 222 - r:       INT_2BYTE(load8_16_32)
13674    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 223 - stm:     BYTE_STORE(INT_2BYTE(r),OTHER_OPERAND(riv, riv))
13675    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 224 - stm:     BYTE_ASTORE(INT_2BYTE(r),OTHER_OPERAND(riv, riv))
13676    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 225 - r:       INT_2LONG(r)
13677    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 226 - r:       INT_2LONG(load32)
13679    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 228 - r:      LONG_AND(INT_2LONG(load32), LONG_CONSTANT)
13680    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 229 - r:       INT_2ADDRZerExt(r)
13681    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 230 - r:       INT_2SHORT(r)
13682    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 231 - r:       INT_2SHORT(load16_32)
13683    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 232 - sload16: INT_2SHORT(load16_32)
13684    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 233 - stm:     SHORT_STORE(INT_2SHORT(r), OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
13685    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 234 - stm:     SHORT_ASTORE(INT_2SHORT(r), OTHER_OPERAND(riv, riv))
13686    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 235 - szpr:    INT_2USHORT(r)
13687    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 236 - uload16: INT_2USHORT(load16_32)
13688    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 237 - r:       INT_2USHORT(load16_32)
13689    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 238 - stm:     SHORT_STORE(INT_2USHORT(r), OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
13690    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 239 - stm:     SHORT_ASTORE(INT_2USHORT(r), OTHER_OPERAND(riv, riv))
13691    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 240 - czr:     INT_ADD(r, riv)
13692    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 241 - r:       INT_ADD(r, riv)
13693    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 242 - czr:     INT_ADD(r, load32)
13694    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 243 - czr:     INT_ADD(load32, riv)
13695    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 244 - stm:     INT_STORE(INT_ADD(INT_LOAD(riv,riv),riv),OTHER_OPERAND(riv, riv))
13696    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 245 - stm:     INT_STORE(INT_ADD(riv,INT_LOAD(riv,riv)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv, riv))
13697    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 246 - stm:     INT_ASTORE(INT_ADD(INT_ALOAD(riv,riv),riv),OTHER_OPERAND(riv, riv))
13698    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 247 - stm:     INT_ASTORE(INT_ADD(riv,INT_ALOAD(riv,riv)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv, riv))
13699    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 248 - szpr:    INT_AND(r, riv)
13700    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 249 - szp:     INT_AND(r, riv)
13701    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 250 - szpr:    INT_AND(r, load32)
13702    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 251 - szpr:    INT_AND(load32, riv)
13703    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 252 - szp:     INT_AND(load8_16_32, riv)
13704    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 253 - szp:     INT_AND(r, load8_16_32)
13705    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 254 - stm:     INT_STORE(INT_AND(INT_LOAD(riv,riv),riv),OTHER_OPERAND(riv, riv))
13706    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 255 - stm:     INT_STORE(INT_AND(r,INT_LOAD(riv,riv)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv, riv))
13707    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 256 - stm:     INT_ASTORE(INT_AND(INT_ALOAD(riv,riv),riv),OTHER_OPERAND(riv, riv))
13708    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 257 - stm:     INT_ASTORE(INT_AND(r,INT_ALOAD(riv,riv)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv, riv))
13709    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 258 - r:       INT_DIV(riv, riv)
13710    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 259 - r:       INT_DIV(riv, load32)
13711    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 260 - stm:     INT_IFCMP(r,riv)
13712    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 261 - stm:     INT_IFCMP(r, INT_CONSTANT)
13713    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 262 - stm:     INT_IFCMP(load8, INT_CONSTANT)
13714    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 263 - stm:     INT_IFCMP(uload8, r)
13715    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 264 - stm:     INT_IFCMP(r, uload8)
13716    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 265 - stm:     INT_IFCMP(sload16, INT_CONSTANT)
13717    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 266 - stm:     INT_IFCMP(load32, riv)
13718    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 267 - stm:     INT_IFCMP(r, load32)
13719    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 268 - stm:     INT_IFCMP(boolcmp, INT_CONSTANT)
13720    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 269 - stm:     INT_IFCMP(boolcmp, INT_CONSTANT)
13721    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 270 - stm:     INT_IFCMP(cz, INT_CONSTANT)
13722    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 271 - stm:     INT_IFCMP(szp, INT_CONSTANT)
13723    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 272 - stm:     INT_IFCMP(bittest, INT_CONSTANT)
13724    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 273 - stm:     INT_IFCMP2(r,riv)
13725    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 274 - stm:     INT_IFCMP2(load32,riv)
13726    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 275 - stm:     INT_IFCMP2(riv,load32)
13727    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 276 - r:       INT_LOAD(rlv, rlv)
13728    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 277 - r:       INT_LOAD(rlv, address1scaledreg)
13729    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 278 - r:       INT_LOAD(address1scaledreg, rlv)
13730    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 279 - r:       INT_LOAD(address1scaledreg, address1reg)
13731    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 280 - r:       INT_LOAD(address1reg, address1scaledreg)
13732    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 281 - r:       INT_LOAD(address, LONG_CONSTANT)
13733    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 282 - r:      INT_ALOAD(rlv, riv)
13734    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 283 - r:       INT_MOVE(riv)
13735    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 284 - czr:     INT_MOVE(czr)
13736    NOFLAGS, // 285 - cz:       INT_MOVE(cz)
13737    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 286 - szpr:    INT_MOVE(szpr)
13738    NOFLAGS, // 287 - szp:      INT_MOVE(szp)
13739    NOFLAGS, // 288 - sload8:   INT_MOVE(sload8)
13740    NOFLAGS, // 289 - uload8:   INT_MOVE(uload8)
13741    NOFLAGS, // 290 - load8:    INT_MOVE(load8)
13742    NOFLAGS, // 291 - sload16: INT_MOVE(sload16)
13743    NOFLAGS, // 292 - uload16: INT_MOVE(uload16)
13744    NOFLAGS, // 293 - load16:   INT_MOVE(load16)
13745    NOFLAGS, // 294 - load32:   INT_MOVE(load32)
13746    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 295 - r:       INT_MUL(r, riv)
13747    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 296 - r:       INT_MUL(r, load32)
13748    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 297 - r:       INT_MUL(load32, riv)
13749    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 298 - szpr:    INT_NEG(r)
13750    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 299 - stm:     INT_STORE(INT_NEG(INT_LOAD(riv,riv)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv, riv))
13751    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 300 - stm:     INT_ASTORE(INT_NEG(INT_ALOAD(riv,riv)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv, riv))
13752    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 301 - r:       INT_NOT(r)
13753    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 302 - stm:     INT_STORE(INT_NOT(INT_LOAD(riv,riv)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv, riv))
13754    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 303 - stm:     INT_ASTORE(INT_NOT(INT_ALOAD(riv,riv)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv, riv))
13755    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 304 - szpr:    INT_OR(r, riv)
13756    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 305 - szpr:    INT_OR(r, load32)
13757    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 306 - szpr:    INT_OR(load32, riv)
13758    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 307 - stm:     INT_STORE(INT_OR(INT_LOAD(riv,riv),riv),OTHER_OPERAND(riv, riv))
13759    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 308 - stm:     INT_STORE(INT_OR(r, INT_LOAD(riv,riv)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv, riv))
13760    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 309 - stm:     INT_ASTORE(INT_OR(INT_ALOAD(riv,riv),riv),OTHER_OPERAND(riv, riv))
13761    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 310 - stm:     INT_ASTORE(INT_OR(r, INT_ALOAD(riv,riv)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv, riv))
13762    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 311 - r:       INT_REM(riv, riv)
13763    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 312 - r:       INT_REM(riv, load32)
13772    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 321 - szpr:    INT_SHL(riv, INT_AND(r, INT_CONSTANT))
13773    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 322 - szpr:    INT_SHL(riv, riv)
13774    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 323 - szpr:    INT_SHL(r, INT_CONSTANT)
13775    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 324 - r:       INT_SHL(r, INT_CONSTANT)
13777    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 326 - stm:     INT_STORE(INT_SHL(INT_LOAD(riv,riv),INT_AND(r,INT_CONSTANT)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv, riv))
13778    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 327 - stm:     INT_STORE(INT_SHL(INT_LOAD(riv,riv), INT_CONSTANT),OTHER_OPERAND(riv, riv))
13780    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 329 - stm:     INT_ASTORE(INT_SHL(INT_ALOAD(riv,riv), INT_CONSTANT),OTHER_OPERAND(riv, riv))
13781    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 330 - szpr:    INT_SHR(riv, INT_AND(r, INT_CONSTANT))
13782    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 331 - szpr:    INT_SHR(riv, riv)
13783    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 332 - szpr:    INT_SHR(riv, INT_CONSTANT)
13784    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 333 - stm:     INT_STORE(INT_SHR(INT_LOAD(riv,riv),INT_AND(r,INT_CONSTANT)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv, riv))
13785    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 334 - stm:     INT_STORE(INT_SHR(INT_LOAD(riv,riv), INT_CONSTANT),OTHER_OPERAND(riv, riv))
13787    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 336 - stm:     INT_ASTORE(INT_SHR(INT_ALOAD(riv,riv), INT_CONSTANT),OTHER_OPERAND(riv, riv))
13788    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 337 - stm:     INT_STORE(riv, OTHER_OPERAND(rlv, rlv))
13789    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 338 - stm:     INT_STORE(riv, OTHER_OPERAND(rlv, address1scaledreg))
13790    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 339 - stm:     INT_STORE(riv, OTHER_OPERAND(address1scaledreg, rlv))
13791    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 340 - stm:     INT_STORE(riv, OTHER_OPERAND(address1scaledreg, address1reg))
13792    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 341 - stm:     INT_STORE(riv, OTHER_OPERAND(address1reg, address1scaledreg))
13793    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 342 - stm:     INT_STORE(riv, OTHER_OPERAND(address, LONG_CONSTANT))
13794    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 343 - czr:     INT_SUB(riv, r)
13795    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 344 - r:       INT_SUB(riv, r)
13796    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 345 - r:       INT_SUB(load32, r)
13797    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 346 - czr:     INT_SUB(riv, load32)
13798    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 347 - czr:     INT_SUB(load32, riv)
13799    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 348 - stm:     INT_STORE(INT_SUB(INT_LOAD(riv,riv),riv),OTHER_OPERAND(riv, riv))
13800    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 349 - stm:     INT_STORE(INT_SUB(riv, INT_LOAD(riv,riv)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv, riv))
13801    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 350 - stm:     INT_ASTORE(INT_SUB(INT_ALOAD(riv,riv),riv),OTHER_OPERAND(riv, riv))
13802    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 351 - stm:     INT_ASTORE(INT_SUB(riv, INT_ALOAD(riv,riv)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv, riv))
13803    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 352 - szpr:    INT_USHR(riv, INT_AND(r, INT_CONSTANT))
13804    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 353 - szpr:    INT_USHR(riv, riv)
13805    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 354 - szpr:    INT_USHR(riv, INT_CONSTANT)
13807    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 356 - stm:     INT_STORE(INT_USHR(INT_LOAD(riv,riv), INT_CONSTANT),OTHER_OPERAND(riv, riv))
13810    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 359 - szpr:    INT_XOR(r, riv)
13811    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 360 - szpr:    INT_XOR(r, load32)
13812    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 361 - szpr:    INT_XOR(load32, riv)
13813    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 362 - stm:     INT_STORE(INT_XOR(INT_LOAD(riv,riv),riv),OTHER_OPERAND(riv, riv))
13814    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 363 - stm:     INT_STORE(INT_XOR(r,INT_LOAD(riv,riv)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv, riv))
13815    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 364 - stm:     INT_ASTORE(INT_XOR(INT_ALOAD(riv,riv),riv),OTHER_OPERAND(riv, riv))
13816    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 365 - stm:     INT_ASTORE(INT_XOR(r,INT_ALOAD(riv,riv)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv, riv))
13817    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 366 - r: LCMP_CMOV(r, OTHER_OPERAND(rlv, any))
13819    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 368 - r: LCMP_CMOV(load64, OTHER_OPERAND(rlv, any))
13820    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 369 - r: LCMP_CMOV(rlv, OTHER_OPERAND(load64, any))
13821    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 370 - r:       LONG_ADD(address1scaledreg, r)
13822    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 371 - r:       LONG_ADD(r, address1scaledreg)
13823    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 372 - r:       LONG_ADD(address1scaledreg, address1reg)
13824    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 373 - r:       LONG_ADD(address1reg, address1scaledreg)
13825    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 374 - r:       LONG_ADD(address, LONG_CONSTANT)
13826    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 375 - r:       LONG_MOVE(address)
13827    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 376 - r:      BYTE_LOAD(rlv, rlv)
13828    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 377 - sload8:  BYTE_LOAD(rlv, rlv)
13829    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 378 - r:      BYTE_ALOAD(rlv, riv)
13830    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 379 - r:      BYTE_ALOAD(rlv, r)
13831    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 380 - sload8:  BYTE_ALOAD(rlv, riv)
13832    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 381 - r:      UBYTE_LOAD(rlv, rlv)
13833    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 382 - uload8:  UBYTE_LOAD(rlv, rlv)
13834    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 383 - r:       UBYTE_ALOAD(rlv, riv)
13835    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 384 - r:      UBYTE_ALOAD(rlv, r)
13836    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 385 - uload8:  UBYTE_ALOAD(rlv, riv)
13837    NOFLAGS, // 386 - load8:    sload8
13838    NOFLAGS, // 387 - load8:    uload8
13839    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 388 - r:      SHORT_LOAD(rlv, rlv)
13840    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 389 - sload16: SHORT_LOAD(rlv, rlv)
13841    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 390 - r:      SHORT_ALOAD(rlv, riv)
13842    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 391 - r:      SHORT_ALOAD(rlv, r)
13843    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 392 - sload16: SHORT_ALOAD(rlv, riv)
13844    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 393 - r:      USHORT_LOAD(rlv, rlv)
13845    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 394 - uload16: USHORT_LOAD(rlv, rlv)
13846    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 395 - r:      USHORT_ALOAD(rlv, riv)
13847    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 396 - r:      USHORT_ALOAD(rlv, r)
13848    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 397 - uload16: USHORT_ALOAD(rlv, riv)
13849    NOFLAGS, // 398 - load16:   sload16
13850    NOFLAGS, // 399 - load16:   uload16
13851    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 400 - load32:  INT_LOAD(rlv, rlv)
13852    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 401 - load32:  INT_ALOAD(rlv, riv)
13853    NOFLAGS, // 402 - load16_32:      load16
13854    NOFLAGS, // 403 - load16_32:      load32
13855    NOFLAGS, // 404 - load8_16_32:      load16_32
13856    NOFLAGS, // 405 - load8_16_32:      load8
13857    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 406 - load64:  LONG_LOAD(rlv, rlv)
13858    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 407 - load64:  LONG_ALOAD(rlv, rlv)
13859    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 408 - load64:  LONG_ALOAD(rlv, r)
13860    NOFLAGS, // 409 - load8_16_32_64:   load64
13861    NOFLAGS, // 410 - load8_16_32_64:   load8_16_32
13862    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 411 - r:       LONG_2INT(r)
13863    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 412 - stm:     INT_STORE(LONG_2INT(r), OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
13864    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 413 - stm:     INT_ASTORE(LONG_2INT(r), OTHER_OPERAND(riv, riv))
13865    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 414 - r:       LONG_2INT(load64)
13866    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 415 - load32:      LONG_2INT(load64)
13867    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 416 - r:       LONG_2INT(LONG_USHR(r, INT_CONSTANT))
13868    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 417 - r:      LONG_2INT(LONG_SHR(r, INT_CONSTANT))
13869    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 418 - r:      LONG_2INT(LONG_USHR(load64, INT_CONSTANT))
13870    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 419 - r:      LONG_2INT(LONG_SHR(load64, INT_CONSTANT))
13871    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 420 - load32:      LONG_2INT(LONG_USHR(load64, INT_CONSTANT))
13872    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 421 - load32:      LONG_2INT(LONG_SHR(load64, INT_CONSTANT))
13873    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 422 - czr:     LONG_ADD(r, rlv)
13874    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 423 - czr:     LONG_ADD(r, riv)
13875    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 424 - czr:    LONG_ADD(r,r)
13876    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 425 - r:       LONG_ADD(r, rlv)
13877    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 426 - czr:     LONG_ADD(rlv, load64)
13878    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 427 - czr:     LONG_ADD(load64, rlv)
13879    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 428 - stm:     LONG_STORE(LONG_ADD(LONG_LOAD(rlv,rlv),rlv),OTHER_OPERAND(rlv, rlv))
13880    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 429 - stm:     LONG_STORE(LONG_ADD(rlv,LONG_LOAD(rlv,rlv)),OTHER_OPERAND(rlv, rlv))
13881    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 430 - stm:     LONG_ASTORE(LONG_ADD(LONG_ALOAD(rlv,rlv),rlv),OTHER_OPERAND(rlv, rlv))
13882    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 431 - stm:     LONG_ASTORE(LONG_ADD(rlv,LONG_ALOAD(rlv,rlv)),OTHER_OPERAND(rlv, rlv))
13883    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 432 - szpr:    LONG_AND(r, rlv)
13884    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 433 - szpr:    LONG_AND(r,r)
13885    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 434 - szp:     LONG_AND(r, rlv)
13886    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 435 - szpr:    LONG_AND(rlv, load64)
13887    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 436 - szpr:    LONG_AND(load64, rlv)
13888    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 437 - szp:     LONG_AND(load8_16_32_64, rlv)
13889    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 438 - szp:     LONG_AND(r, load8_16_32_64)
13890    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 439 - stm:     LONG_STORE(LONG_AND(LONG_LOAD(rlv,rlv),rlv),OTHER_OPERAND(rlv, rlv))
13891    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 440 - stm:     LONG_STORE(LONG_AND(r,LONG_LOAD(rlv,rlv)),OTHER_OPERAND(rlv, rlv))
13892    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 441 - stm:     LONG_ASTORE(LONG_AND(LONG_ALOAD(rlv,rlv),rlv),OTHER_OPERAND(rlv, rlv))
13893    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 442 - stm:     LONG_ASTORE(LONG_AND(r,LONG_ALOAD(rlv,rlv)),OTHER_OPERAND(rlv, rlv))
13894    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 443 - r:  LONG_DIV(rlv, rlv)
13895    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 444 - r:  LONG_DIV(rlv, riv)
13896    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 445 - r:  LONG_DIV(riv, rlv)
13897    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 446 - r:  LONG_DIV(rlv, load64)
13898    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 447 - r:  LONG_DIV(load64,rlv)
13899    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 448 - stm:     LONG_IFCMP(rlv,rlv)
13900    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 449 - stm:     LONG_IFCMP(r, LONG_CONSTANT)
13901    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 450 - r:       LONG_LOAD(rlv, rlv)
13902    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 451 - r:       LONG_LOAD(rlv, address1scaledreg)
13903    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 452 - r:       LONG_LOAD(address1scaledreg, rlv)
13904    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 453 - r:       LONG_LOAD(address1scaledreg, address1reg)
13905    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 454 - r:       LONG_LOAD(address1reg, address1scaledreg)
13906    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 455 - r:       LONG_LOAD(address, LONG_CONSTANT)
13907    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 456 - r:      LONG_ALOAD(rlv, riv)
13908    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 457 - r:      LONG_ALOAD(rlv, r)
13909    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 458 - r:       LONG_MOVE(rlv)
13910    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 459 - r:  LONG_MOVE(riv)
13911    NOFLAGS, // 460 - load64:   LONG_MOVE(load64)
13912    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 461 - r:       LONG_MUL(r, rlv)
13913    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 462 - r:       INT_MUL(r, load64)
13914    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 463 - r:       INT_MUL(load64, rlv)
13915    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 464 - szpr:    LONG_NEG(r)
13916    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 465 - stm:     LONG_STORE(LONG_NEG(LONG_LOAD(riv,riv)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv, riv))
13917    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 466 - stm:     LONG_ASTORE(LONG_NEG(LONG_ALOAD(riv,riv)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv, riv))
13918    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 467 - r:       LONG_NOT(r)
13919    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 468 - stm:     LONG_STORE(LONG_NOT(LONG_LOAD(riv,riv)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv, riv))
13920    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 469 - stm:     LONG_ASTORE(LONG_NOT(LONG_ALOAD(riv,riv)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv, riv))
13921    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 470 - szpr:    LONG_OR(r, rlv)
13922    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 471 - szpr:    LONG_OR(r, load64)
13923    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 472 - szpr:    LONG_OR(load64, rlv)
13924    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 473 - stm:     LONG_STORE(LONG_OR(LONG_LOAD(rlv,rlv),rlv),OTHER_OPERAND(rlv, rlv))
13925    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 474 - stm:     LONG_STORE(LONG_OR(r,LONG_LOAD(rlv,rlv)),OTHER_OPERAND(rlv, rlv))
13926    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 475 - stm:     LONG_ASTORE(LONG_OR(LONG_ALOAD(rlv,rlv),rlv),OTHER_OPERAND(rlv, rlv))
13927    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 476 - stm:     LONG_ASTORE(LONG_OR(r,LONG_ALOAD(rlv,rlv)),OTHER_OPERAND(rlv, rlv))
13928    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 477 - r:  LONG_REM(rlv, rlv)
13929    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 478 - r:  LONG_REM(rlv, riv)
13930    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 479 - r:  LONG_REM(riv, rlv)
13931    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 480 - r:  LONG_REM(rlv, load64)
13932    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 481 - r:  LONG_REM(load64,rlv)
13933    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 482 - szpr:    LONG_SHL(rlv, INT_AND(r, INT_CONSTANT))
13934    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 483 - szpr:    LONG_SHL(rlv, riv)
13935    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 484 - szpr:    LONG_SHL(r, INT_CONSTANT)
13936    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 485 - r:       LONG_SHL(r, INT_CONSTANT)
13942    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 491 - szpr:    LONG_SHR(rlv, INT_AND(r, LONG_CONSTANT))
13943    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 492 - szpr:    LONG_SHR(rlv, riv)
13944    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 493 - szpr:    LONG_SHR(rlv, LONG_CONSTANT)
13949    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 498 - stm:     LONG_STORE(rlv, OTHER_OPERAND(rlv, rlv))
13950    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 499 - stm:     LONG_STORE(rlv, OTHER_OPERAND(rlv, address1scaledreg))
13951    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 500 - stm:     LONG_STORE(rlv, OTHER_OPERAND(address1scaledreg, rlv))
13952    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 501 - stm:     LONG_STORE(rlv, OTHER_OPERAND(address1scaledreg, address1reg))
13953    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 502 - stm:     LONG_STORE(rlv, OTHER_OPERAND(address1reg, address1scaledreg))
13954    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 503 - stm:     LONG_STORE(rlv, OTHER_OPERAND(address, LONG_CONSTANT))
13955    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 504 - czr:     LONG_SUB(rlv, r)
13956    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 505 - r:       LONG_SUB(rlv, r)
13957    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 506 - r:       LONG_SUB(load64, r)
13958    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 507 - czr:     LONG_SUB(rlv, load64)
13959    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 508 - czr:     LONG_SUB(load64, rlv)
13960    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 509 - stm:     LONG_STORE(LONG_SUB(LONG_LOAD(rlv,rlv),rlv),OTHER_OPERAND(rlv, rlv))
13961    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 510 - stm:     LONG_STORE(LONG_SUB(rlv, LONG_LOAD(rlv,rlv)),OTHER_OPERAND(rlv, rlv))
13962    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 511 - stm:     LONG_ASTORE(LONG_SUB(LONG_ALOAD(rlv,rlv),rlv),OTHER_OPERAND(rlv, rlv))
13963    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 512 - stm:     LONG_ASTORE(LONG_SUB(rlv, LONG_ALOAD(rlv,rlv)),OTHER_OPERAND(rlv, rlv))
13964    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 513 - szpr:    LONG_USHR(rlv, LONG_AND(r, LONG_CONSTANT))
13965    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 514 - szpr:    LONG_USHR(rlv, riv)
13966    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 515 - szpr:    LONG_USHR(rlv, LONG_CONSTANT)
13971    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 520 - szpr:    LONG_XOR(r, rlv)
13972    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 521 - szpr:    LONG_XOR(r, load64)
13973    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 522 - szpr:    LONG_XOR(load64, rlv)
13974    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 523 - stm:     LONG_STORE(LONG_XOR(LONG_LOAD(rlv,rlv),rlv),OTHER_OPERAND(rlv, rlv))
13975    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 524 - stm:     LONG_STORE(LONG_XOR(r,LONG_LOAD(rlv,rlv)),OTHER_OPERAND(rlv, rlv))
13976    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 525 - stm:     LONG_ASTORE(LONG_XOR(LONG_ALOAD(rlv,rlv),rlv),OTHER_OPERAND(rlv, rlv))
13977    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 526 - stm:     LONG_ASTORE(LONG_XOR(r,LONG_ALOAD(rlv,rlv)),OTHER_OPERAND(rlv, rlv))
13978    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 527 - r: FLOAT_ADD(r, r)
13979    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 528 - r: FLOAT_ADD(r, float_load)
13980    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 529 - r: FLOAT_ADD(float_load,r)
13981    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 530 - r: DOUBLE_ADD(r, r)
13982    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 531 - r: DOUBLE_ADD(r, double_load)
13983    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 532 - r: DOUBLE_ADD(double_load,r)
13984    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 533 - r: FLOAT_SUB(r, r)
13985    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 534 - r: FLOAT_SUB(r, float_load)
13986    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 535 - r: DOUBLE_SUB(r, r)
13987    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 536 - r: DOUBLE_SUB(r, double_load)
13988    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 537 - r: FLOAT_MUL(r, r)
13989    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 538 - r: FLOAT_MUL(r, float_load)
13990    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 539 - r: FLOAT_MUL(float_load, r)
13991    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 540 - r: DOUBLE_MUL(r, r)
13992    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 541 - r: DOUBLE_MUL(r, double_load)
13993    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 542 - r: DOUBLE_MUL(double_load, r)
13994    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 543 - r: FLOAT_DIV(r, r)
13995    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 544 - r: FLOAT_DIV(r, float_load)
13996    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 545 - r: DOUBLE_DIV(r, r)
13997    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 546 - r: DOUBLE_DIV(r, double_load)
13998    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 547 - r: FLOAT_NEG(r)
13999    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 548 - r: DOUBLE_NEG(r)
14000    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 549 - r: FLOAT_SQRT(r)
14001    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 550 - r: DOUBLE_SQRT(r)
14002    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 551 - r: FLOAT_REM(r, r)
14003    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 552 - r: DOUBLE_REM(r, r)
14004    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 553 - r: LONG_2FLOAT(r)
14005    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 554 - r: LONG_2DOUBLE(r)
14006    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 555 - r: FLOAT_MOVE(r)
14007    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 556 - r: DOUBLE_MOVE(r)
14008    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 557 - r: DOUBLE_LOAD(riv, riv)
14009    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 558 - r: DOUBLE_LOAD(riv, rlv)
14010    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 559 - r: DOUBLE_LOAD(rlv, rlv)
14011    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 560 - double_load: DOUBLE_LOAD(riv, riv)
14012    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 561 - r: DOUBLE_ALOAD(riv, riv)
14013    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 562 - double_load: DOUBLE_LOAD(rlv, rlv)
14014    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 563 - r: DOUBLE_ALOAD(riv, r)
14015    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 564 - r: DOUBLE_ALOAD(rlv, rlv)
14016    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 565 - double_load: DOUBLE_ALOAD(riv, riv)
14017    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 566 - r: FLOAT_LOAD(riv, riv)
14018    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 567 - r: FLOAT_LOAD(rlv, rlv)
14019    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 568 - float_load: FLOAT_LOAD(riv, riv)
14020    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 569 - r: FLOAT_ALOAD(riv, riv)
14021    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 570 - r: FLOAT_ALOAD(riv, r)
14022    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 571 - r: FLOAT_ALOAD(rlv, rlv)
14023    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 572 - float_load: FLOAT_ALOAD(riv, riv)
14024    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 573 - stm: DOUBLE_STORE(r, OTHER_OPERAND(riv, riv))
14025    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 574 - stm: DOUBLE_STORE(r, OTHER_OPERAND(riv, rlv))
14026    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 575 - stm: DOUBLE_STORE(r, OTHER_OPERAND(rlv, riv))
14027    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 576 - stm: DOUBLE_STORE(r, OTHER_OPERAND(rlv, rlv))
14028    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 577 - stm: DOUBLE_ASTORE(r, OTHER_OPERAND(riv, riv))
14029    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 578 - stm: DOUBLE_ASTORE(r, OTHER_OPERAND(rlv, riv))
14030    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 579 - stm: DOUBLE_ASTORE(r, OTHER_OPERAND(riv, rlv))
14031    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 580 - stm: DOUBLE_ASTORE(r, OTHER_OPERAND(rlv, rlv))
14032    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 581 - stm: DOUBLE_ASTORE(r, OTHER_OPERAND(r, r))
14033    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 582 - stm: FLOAT_STORE(r, OTHER_OPERAND(riv, riv))
14034    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 583 - stm: FLOAT_STORE(r, OTHER_OPERAND(rlv, rlv))
14035    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 584 - stm: FLOAT_STORE(r, OTHER_OPERAND(rlv, riv))
14036    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 585 - stm: FLOAT_STORE(r, OTHER_OPERAND(riv, rlv))
14037    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 586 - stm: FLOAT_ASTORE(r, OTHER_OPERAND(riv, riv))
14038    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 587 - stm: FLOAT_ASTORE(r, OTHER_OPERAND(rlv, riv))
14039    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 588 - stm: FLOAT_ASTORE(r, OTHER_OPERAND(riv, rlv))
14040    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 589 - stm: FLOAT_ASTORE(r, OTHER_OPERAND(rlv, rlv))
14041    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 590 - stm: FLOAT_ASTORE(r, OTHER_OPERAND(r, r))
14042    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 591 - r: INT_2FLOAT(riv)
14043    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 592 - r: INT_2FLOAT(load32)
14044    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 593 - r: INT_2DOUBLE(riv)
14045    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 594 - r: INT_2DOUBLE(load32)
14046    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 595 - r: FLOAT_2DOUBLE(r)
14047    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 596 - r: FLOAT_2DOUBLE(float_load)
14048    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 597 - r: DOUBLE_2FLOAT(r)
14049    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 598 - r: DOUBLE_2FLOAT(double_load)
14050    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 599 - r: FLOAT_2INT(r)
14051    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 600 - r: FLOAT_2LONG(r)
14052    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 601 - r: DOUBLE_2INT(r)
14053    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 602 - r: DOUBLE_2LONG(r)
14054    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 603 - r: FLOAT_AS_INT_BITS(r)
14055    NOFLAGS, // 604 - load32: FLOAT_AS_INT_BITS(float_load)
14057    NOFLAGS, // 606 - load64: DOUBLE_AS_LONG_BITS(double_load)
14058    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 607 - r: INT_BITS_AS_FLOAT(riv)
14059    NOFLAGS, // 608 - float_load: INT_BITS_AS_FLOAT(load32)
14060    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 609 - r: LONG_BITS_AS_DOUBLE(rlv)
14061    NOFLAGS, // 610 - double_load: LONG_BITS_AS_DOUBLE(load64)
14063    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 612 - float_load: MATERIALIZE_FP_CONSTANT(any)
14064    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 613 - double_load: MATERIALIZE_FP_CONSTANT(any)
14066    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 615 - stm: FLOAT_IFCMP(r,r)
14067    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 616 - stm: FLOAT_IFCMP(r,float_load)
14068    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 617 - stm: FLOAT_IFCMP(float_load,r)
14069    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 618 - stm: DOUBLE_IFCMP(r,r)
14070    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 619 - stm: DOUBLE_IFCMP(r,double_load)
14071    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 620 - stm: DOUBLE_IFCMP(double_load,r)
14072    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 621 - r: FCMP_CMOV(r, OTHER_OPERAND(r, any))
14073    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 622 - r: FCMP_CMOV(r, OTHER_OPERAND(float_load, any))
14074    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 623 - r: FCMP_CMOV(r, OTHER_OPERAND(double_load, any))
14075    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 624 - r: FCMP_CMOV(float_load, OTHER_OPERAND(r, any))
14076    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 625 - r: FCMP_CMOV(double_load, OTHER_OPERAND(r, any))
14077    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 626 - r: FCMP_FCMOV(r, OTHER_OPERAND(r, any))
14078    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 627 - r: FCMP_FCMOV(r, OTHER_OPERAND(r, OTHER_OPERAND(r, float_load)))
14079    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 628 - r: FCMP_FCMOV(r, OTHER_OPERAND(r, OTHER_OPERAND(r, double_load)))
14080    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 629 - r: FCMP_FCMOV(r, OTHER_OPERAND(r, OTHER_OPERAND(float_load, r)))
14081    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 630 - r: FCMP_FCMOV(r, OTHER_OPERAND(r, OTHER_OPERAND(double_load, r)))
14082    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 631 - r: FCMP_FCMOV(r, OTHER_OPERAND(float_load, any))
14083    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 632 - r: FCMP_FCMOV(r, OTHER_OPERAND(double_load, any))
14100    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 649 - stm: LONG_ASTORE(load64, OTHER_OPERAND(riv, riv))
14101    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 650 - stm: LONG_ASTORE(load64, OTHER_OPERAND(rlv, riv))
14102    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 651 - stm: LONG_STORE(load64, OTHER_OPERAND(riv, riv))
14103    EMIT_INSTRUCTION, // 652 - stm: LONG_STORE(load64, OTHER_OPERAND(rlv, riv))
14104  };
14106  /**
14107   * Gets the action flags (such as EMIT_INSTRUCTION) associated with the given
14108   * rule number.
14109   *
14110   * @param ruleno the rule number we want the action flags for
14111   * @return the action byte for the rule
14112   */
14113  @Pure
14114  public static byte action(int ruleno) {
14115    return action[unsortedErnMap[ruleno]];
14116  }
14118  /**
14119   * Decode the target non-terminal and minimal cost covering statement
14120   * into the rule that produces the non-terminal
14121   *
14122   * @param goalnt the non-terminal that we wish to produce.
14123   * @param stateNT the state encoding the non-terminals associated associated
14124   *        with covering a tree with minimal cost (computed by at compile time
14125   *        by jburg).
14126   * @return the rule number
14127   */
14128   @Pure
14129   public static char decode(int goalnt, int stateNT) {
14130     return decode[goalnt][stateNT];
14131   }
14134  /**
14135   * Emit code for rule number 16:
14136   * stm:       IG_PATCH_POINT
14137   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
14138   */
14139  private void code16(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
14140    EMIT(InlineGuard.mutate(P(p), IG_PATCH_POINT, null, null, null, InlineGuard.getTarget(P(p)), InlineGuard.getBranchProfile(P(p))));
14141  }
14143  /**
14144   * Emit code for rule number 17:
14145   * stm:       UNINT_BEGIN
14146   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
14147   */
14148  private void code17(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
14149    EMIT(P(p));
14150  }
14152  /**
14153   * Emit code for rule number 18:
14154   * stm:       UNINT_END
14155   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
14156   */
14157  private void code18(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
14158    EMIT(P(p));
14159  }
14161  /**
14162   * Emit code for rule number 19:
14163   * stm:       YIELDPOINT_PROLOGUE
14164   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
14165   */
14166  private void code19(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
14167    EMIT(P(p));
14168  }
14170  /**
14171   * Emit code for rule number 20:
14172   * stm:       YIELDPOINT_EPILOGUE
14173   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
14174   */
14175  private void code20(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
14176    EMIT(P(p));
14177  }
14179  /**
14180   * Emit code for rule number 21:
14181   * stm:       YIELDPOINT_BACKEDGE
14182   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
14183   */
14184  private void code21(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
14185    EMIT(P(p));
14186  }
14188  /**
14189   * Emit code for rule number 22:
14190   * stm:       LOWTABLESWITCH(r)
14191   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
14192   */
14193  private void code22(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
14194    LOWTABLESWITCH(P(p));
14195  }
14197  /**
14198   * Emit code for rule number 23:
14199   * stm:       RESOLVE
14200   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
14201   */
14202  private void code23(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
14203    RESOLVE(P(p));
14204  }
14206  /**
14207   * Emit code for rule number 25:
14208   * r: GUARD_MOVE
14209   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
14210   */
14211  private void code25(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
14212    EMIT(P(p));
14213  }
14215  /**
14216   * Emit code for rule number 26:
14217   * r: GUARD_COMBINE
14218   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
14219   */
14220  private void code26(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
14221    EMIT(P(p));
14222  }
14224  /**
14225   * Emit code for rule number 27:
14226   * stm:       NULL_CHECK(riv)
14227   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
14228   */
14229  private void code27(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
14230    EMIT(P(p));
14231  }
14233  /**
14234   * Emit code for rule number 28:
14235   * stm:       IR_PROLOGUE
14236   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
14237   */
14238  private void code28(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
14239    PROLOGUE(P(p));
14240  }
14242  /**
14243   * Emit code for rule number 29:
14245   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
14246   */
14247  private void code29(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
14249  }
14251  /**
14252   * Emit code for rule number 30:
14253   * stm:       SET_CAUGHT_EXCEPTION(r)
14254   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
14255   */
14256  private void code30(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
14258  }
14260  /**
14261   * Emit code for rule number 31:
14263   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
14264   */
14265  private void code31(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
14267  }
14269  /**
14270   * Emit code for rule number 32:
14271   * stm:       TRAP
14272   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
14273   */
14274  private void code32(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
14275    EMIT(MIR_Trap.mutate(P(p), IA32_INT, Trap.getGuardResult(P(p)), Trap.getTCode(P(p))));
14276  }
14278  /**
14279   * Emit code for rule number 33:
14280   * stm:       TRAP_IF(r, INT_CONSTANT)
14281   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
14282   */
14283  private void code33(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
14284    TRAP_IF_IMM(P(p), false);
14285  }
14287  /**
14288   * Emit code for rule number 34:
14289   * stm:       TRAP_IF(r, LONG_CONSTANT)
14290   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
14291   */
14292  private void code34(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
14293    TRAP_IF_IMM(P(p), true);
14294  }
14296  /**
14297   * Emit code for rule number 35:
14298   * stm:       TRAP_IF(r, r)
14299   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
14300   */
14301  private void code35(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
14302    EMIT(MIR_TrapIf.mutate(P(p), IA32_TRAPIF, 
14303                       TrapIf.getGuardResult(P(p)), 
14304                       TrapIf.getVal1(P(p)), 
14305                       TrapIf.getVal2(P(p)), 
14306                       COND(TrapIf.getCond(P(p))), 
14307                       TrapIf.getTCode(P(p))));
14308  }
14310  /**
14311   * Emit code for rule number 36:
14312   * stm:       TRAP_IF(load32, riv)
14313   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
14314   */
14315  private void code36(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
14316    EMIT(MIR_TrapIf.mutate(P(p), IA32_TRAPIF, 
14317                       TrapIf.getGuardResult(P(p)), 
14318                       consumeMO(), 
14319                       TrapIf.getVal2(P(p)), 
14320                       COND(TrapIf.getCond(P(p))), 
14321                       TrapIf.getTCode(P(p))));
14322  }
14324  /**
14325   * Emit code for rule number 37:
14326   * stm:       TRAP_IF(riv, load32)
14327   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
14328   */
14329  private void code37(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
14330    EMIT(MIR_TrapIf.mutate(P(p), IA32_TRAPIF, 
14331                       TrapIf.getGuardResult(P(p)), 
14332                       TrapIf.getVal1(P(p)), 
14333                       consumeMO(), 
14334                       COND(TrapIf.getCond(P(p))), 
14335                       TrapIf.getTCode(P(p))));
14336  }
14338  /**
14339   * Emit code for rule number 38:
14340   * uload8:    INT_AND(load8_16_32, INT_CONSTANT)
14341   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
14342   */
14343  private void code38(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
14344    pushMO(setSize(consumeMO(),1));
14345  }
14347  /**
14348   * Emit code for rule number 39:
14349   * r: INT_AND(load8_16_32, INT_CONSTANT)
14350   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
14351   */
14352  private void code39(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
14353    EMIT(MIR_Unary.mutate(P(p), IA32_MOVZX__B, Binary.getResult(P(p)), setSize(consumeMO(),1)));
14354  }
14356  /**
14357   * Emit code for rule number 40:
14358   * r: INT_2BYTE(load8_16_32)
14359   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
14360   */
14361  private void code40(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
14362    EMIT(MIR_Unary.mutate(P(p), IA32_MOVSX__B, Unary.getResult(P(p)), setSize(consumeMO(),1)));
14363  }
14365  /**
14366   * Emit code for rule number 41:
14367   * r: INT_USHR(INT_SHL(load8_16_32, INT_CONSTANT), INT_CONSTANT)
14368   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
14369   */
14370  private void code41(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
14371    EMIT(MIR_Unary.mutate(P(p), IA32_MOVZX__B, Binary.getResult(P(p)), setSize(consumeMO(),1)));
14372  }
14374  /**
14375   * Emit code for rule number 42:
14376   * r: INT_AND(load16_32, INT_CONSTANT)
14377   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
14378   */
14379  private void code42(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
14380    EMIT(MIR_Unary.mutate(P(p), IA32_MOVZX__W, Binary.getResult(P(p)), setSize(consumeMO(),2)));
14381  }
14383  /**
14384   * Emit code for rule number 43:
14386   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
14387   */
14388  private void code43(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
14389    EMIT(MIR_Unary.mutate(P(p), IA32_MOVZX__W, Binary.getResult(P(p)), setSize(consumeMO(),2)));
14390  }
14392  /**
14393   * Emit code for rule number 44:
14394   * stm:       SHORT_STORE(riv, OTHER_OPERAND(riv, riv))
14395   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
14396   */
14397  private void code44(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
14398    EMIT(MIR_Move.mutate(P(p), IA32_MOV, MO_S(P(p), W), Store.getValue(P(p))));
14399  }
14401  /**
14402   * Emit code for rule number 45:
14403   * stm:       SHORT_STORE(load16, OTHER_OPERAND(riv, riv))
14404   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
14405   */
14406  private void code45(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
14407    Register tmp = regpool.getInteger(); 
14408EMIT(CPOS(PL(p), MIR_Move.create(IA32_MOV, new RegisterOperand(tmp, TypeReference.Int), consumeMO()))); 
14409EMIT(MIR_Move.mutate(P(p), IA32_MOV, MO_S(P(p), W), new RegisterOperand(tmp, TypeReference.Int)));
14410  }
14412  /**
14413   * Emit code for rule number 46:
14414   * stm:    SHORT_STORE(rlv, OTHER_OPERAND(rlv, rlv))
14415   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
14416   */
14417  private void code46(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
14418    EMIT(MIR_Move.mutate(P(p), IA32_MOV, MO_S(P(p), W), Store.getValue(P(p))));
14419  }
14421  /**
14422   * Emit code for rule number 47:
14423   * stm:    SHORT_STORE(riv, OTHER_OPERAND(rlv, rlv))
14424   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
14425   */
14426  private void code47(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
14427    EMIT(MIR_Move.mutate(P(p), IA32_MOV, MO_S(P(p), W), Store.getValue(P(p))));
14428  }
14430  /**
14431   * Emit code for rule number 48:
14432   * stm:       SHORT_ASTORE(riv, OTHER_OPERAND(riv, riv))
14433   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
14434   */
14435  private void code48(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
14436    EMIT(MIR_Move.mutate(P(p), IA32_MOV, MO_AS(P(p), W_S, W), AStore.getValue(P(p))));
14437  }
14439  /**
14440   * Emit code for rule number 49:
14441   * stm:       SHORT_ASTORE(load16, OTHER_OPERAND(riv, riv))
14442   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
14443   */
14444  private void code49(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
14445    Register tmp = regpool.getInteger(); 
14446EMIT(CPOS(PL(p), MIR_Move.create(IA32_MOV, new RegisterOperand(tmp, TypeReference.Int), consumeMO()))); 
14447EMIT(MIR_Move.mutate(P(p), IA32_MOV, MO_AS(P(p), W_S, W), new RegisterOperand(tmp, TypeReference.Int)));
14448  }
14450  /**
14451   * Emit code for rule number 50:
14452   * stm:       SHORT_ASTORE(riv, OTHER_OPERAND(r, r))
14453   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
14454   */
14455  private void code50(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
14456    RegisterOperand index = AStore.getIndex(P(p)).asRegister(); 
14457if (VM.BuildFor64Addr && index.getRegister().isInteger()) { 
14458  EMIT(CPOS(P(p), MIR_BinaryAcc.create(IA32_AND, index, LC(0xffffffff)))); 
14459  EMIT(MIR_Move.mutate(P(p), IA32_MOV, MO_AS(P(p), W_S, W), AStore.getValue(P(p)))); 
14460} else { 
14461  EMIT(MIR_Move.mutate(P(p), IA32_MOV, MO_AS(P(p), W_S, W), AStore.getValue(P(p)))); 
14463  }
14465  /**
14466   * Emit code for rule number 51:
14467   * stm:       INT_ASTORE(riv, OTHER_OPERAND(riv, riv))
14468   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
14469   */
14470  private void code51(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
14471    EMIT(MIR_Move.mutate(P(p), IA32_MOV, MO_AS(P(p), DW_S, DW), AStore.getValue(P(p))));
14472  }
14474  /**
14475   * Emit code for rule number 52:
14476   * stm:       INT_ASTORE(riv, OTHER_OPERAND(r, r))
14477   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
14478   */
14479  private void code52(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
14480    RegisterOperand index=AStore.getIndex(P(p)).asRegister(); 
14481if (VM.BuildFor64Addr && index.getRegister().isInteger()) { 
14482  EMIT(CPOS(P(p), MIR_BinaryAcc.create(IA32_AND, index, LC(0xffffffff)))); 
14483  EMIT(MIR_Move.mutate(P(p), IA32_MOV, MO_AS(P(p), DW_S, DW), AStore.getValue(P(p)))); 
14484} else { 
14485  EMIT(MIR_Move.mutate(P(p), IA32_MOV, MO_AS(P(p), DW_S, DW), AStore.getValue(P(p)))); 
14487  }
14489  /**
14490   * Emit code for rule number 53:
14491   * stm:       INT_ASTORE(riv, OTHER_OPERAND(rlv, rlv))
14492   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
14493   */
14494  private void code53(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
14495    EMIT(MIR_Move.mutate(P(p), IA32_MOV, MO_AS(P(p), DW_S, DW), AStore.getValue(P(p))));
14496  }
14498  /**
14499   * Emit code for rule number 54:
14500   * stm:       INT_ASTORE(riv, OTHER_OPERAND(rlv, riv))
14501   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
14502   */
14503  private void code54(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
14504    EMIT(MIR_Move.mutate(P(p), IA32_MOV, MO_AS(P(p), DW_S, DW), AStore.getValue(P(p))));
14505  }
14507  /**
14508   * Emit code for rule number 55:
14509   * stm:       INT_ASTORE(riv, OTHER_OPERAND(riv, rlv))
14510   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
14511   */
14512  private void code55(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
14513    EMIT(MIR_Move.mutate(P(p), IA32_MOV, MO_AS(P(p), DW_S, DW), AStore.getValue(P(p))));
14514  }
14516  /**
14517   * Emit code for rule number 56:
14518   * stm:       LONG_ASTORE(r, OTHER_OPERAND(riv, riv))
14519   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
14520   */
14521  private void code56(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
14522    if (VM.BuildFor32Addr){
14523  RegisterOperand hval = (RegisterOperand)AStore.getValue(P(p)); 
14524  hval.setType(TypeReference.Int); 
14525  RegisterOperand lval = new RegisterOperand(regpool.getSecondReg(hval.getRegister()), TypeReference.Int); 
14526  EMIT(CPOS(P(p), MIR_Move.create(IA32_MOV, MO_AS(P(p), QW_S, DW, DW).copy(), hval))); 
14527  EMIT(MIR_Move.mutate(P(p), IA32_MOV, MO_AS(P(p), QW_S, DW), lval));
14528} else {
14529  EMIT(MIR_Move.mutate(P(p), IA32_MOV, MO_AS(P(p), QW_S, QW), AStore.getValue(P(p))));
14531  }
14533  /**
14534   * Emit code for rule number 57:
14535   * stm:       LONG_ASTORE(r, OTHER_OPERAND(rlv, rlv))
14536   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
14537   */
14538  private void code57(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
14539    if (VM.BuildFor32Addr) {
14540  RegisterOperand hval = (RegisterOperand)AStore.getValue(P(p)); 
14541  hval.setType(TypeReference.Int); 
14542  RegisterOperand lval = new RegisterOperand(regpool.getSecondReg(hval.getRegister()), TypeReference.Int); 
14543  EMIT(CPOS(P(p), MIR_Move.create(IA32_MOV, MO_AS(P(p), QW_S, DW, DW).copy(), hval))); 
14544  EMIT(MIR_Move.mutate(P(p), IA32_MOV, MO_AS(P(p), QW_S, DW), lval));
14545} else {
14546  EMIT(MIR_Move.mutate(P(p), IA32_MOV, MO_AS(P(p), QW_S, QW), AStore.getValue(P(p))));
14548  }
14550  /**
14551   * Emit code for rule number 58:
14552   * stm:       LONG_ASTORE(r, OTHER_OPERAND(r, r))
14553   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
14554   */
14555  private void code58(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
14556    RegisterOperand index=AStore.getIndex(P(p)).asRegister();
14557if (VM.BuildFor64Addr && index.getRegister().isInteger()) { 
14558  EMIT(CPOS(P(p), MIR_BinaryAcc.create(IA32_AND, index, LC(0xffffffff))));
14560if (VM.BuildFor32Addr) {
14561  RegisterOperand hval = (RegisterOperand)AStore.getValue(P(p)); 
14562  hval.setType(TypeReference.Int); 
14563  RegisterOperand lval = new RegisterOperand(regpool.getSecondReg(hval.getRegister()), TypeReference.Int); 
14564  EMIT(CPOS(P(p), MIR_Move.create(IA32_MOV, MO_AS(P(p), QW_S, DW, DW).copy(), hval))); 
14565  EMIT(MIR_Move.mutate(P(p), IA32_MOV, MO_AS(P(p), QW_S, DW), lval));
14566} else {
14567  EMIT(MIR_Move.mutate(P(p), IA32_MOV, MO_AS(P(p), QW_S, QW), AStore.getValue(P(p))));
14569  }
14571  /**
14572   * Emit code for rule number 59:
14573   * stm:       LONG_ASTORE(LONG_CONSTANT, OTHER_OPERAND(riv, riv))
14574   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
14575   */
14576  private void code59(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
14577    if (VM.BuildFor32Addr) {
14578  LongConstantOperand val = LC(AStore.getValue(P(p))); 
14579  EMIT(CPOS(P(p), MIR_Move.create(IA32_MOV, MO_AS(P(p), QW_S, DW, DW).copy(), IC(val.upper32())))); 
14580  EMIT(MIR_Move.mutate(P(p), IA32_MOV, MO_AS(P(p), QW_S, DW), IC(val.lower32())));
14581} else {
14582  LongConstantOperand val = LC(AStore.getValue(P(p))); 
14583  EMIT(MIR_Move.mutate(P(p), IA32_MOV, MO_AS(P(p), QW_S, QW), LC(val)));
14585  }
14587  /**
14588   * Emit code for rule number 60:
14589   * stm:       LONG_ASTORE(LONG_CONSTANT, OTHER_OPERAND(rlv, riv))
14590   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
14591   */
14592  private void code60(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
14593    if (VM.BuildFor32Addr) {
14594  LongConstantOperand val = LC(AStore.getValue(P(p))); 
14595  EMIT(CPOS(P(p), MIR_Move.create(IA32_MOV, MO_AS(P(p), QW_S, DW, DW).copy(), IC(val.upper32())))); 
14596  EMIT(MIR_Move.mutate(P(p), IA32_MOV, MO_AS(P(p), QW_S, DW), IC(val.lower32())));
14597} else {
14598  LongConstantOperand val = LC(AStore.getValue(P(p))); 
14599  EMIT(MIR_Move.mutate(P(p), IA32_MOV, MO_AS(P(p), QW_S, QW), LC(val)));
14601  }
14603  /**
14604   * Emit code for rule number 61:
14605   * r: LONG_CMP(rlv,rlv)
14606   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
14607   */
14608  private void code61(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
14609    LONG_CMP(P(p), Binary.getResult(P(p)), Binary.getVal1(P(p)), Binary.getVal2(P(p)));
14610  }
14612  /**
14613   * Emit code for rule number 62:
14614   * stm:       GOTO
14615   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
14616   */
14617  private void code62(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
14618    EMIT(MIR_Branch.mutate(P(p), IA32_JMP, Goto.getTarget(P(p))));
14619  }
14621  /**
14622   * Emit code for rule number 63:
14623   * stm:       PREFETCH(r)
14624   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
14625   */
14626  private void code63(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
14627    EMIT(MIR_CacheOp.mutate(P(p), IA32_PREFETCHNTA, R(CacheOp.getRef(P(p)))));
14628  }
14630  /**
14631   * Emit code for rule number 64:
14632   * stm:       WRITE_FLOOR
14633   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
14634   */
14635  private void code64(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
14636    EMIT(P(p)); // Pass through to maintain barrier semantics for code motion
14637  }
14639  /**
14640   * Emit code for rule number 65:
14641   * stm:       READ_CEILING
14642   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
14643   */
14644  private void code65(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
14645    EMIT(P(p)); // Pass through to maintain barrier semantics for code motion
14646  }
14648  /**
14649   * Emit code for rule number 66:
14650   * stm:       FENCE
14651   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
14652   */
14653  private void code66(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
14654    EMIT(MIR_Empty.mutate(P(p), IA32_MFENCE));
14655  }
14657  /**
14658   * Emit code for rule number 67:
14659   * stm:       PAUSE
14660   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
14661   */
14662  private void code67(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
14663    EMIT(MIR_Empty.mutate(P(p), IA32_PAUSE));
14664  }
14666  /**
14667   * Emit code for rule number 68:
14668   * stm:       RETURN(NULL)
14669   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
14670   */
14671  private void code68(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
14672    EMIT(MIR_Return.mutate(P(p), IA32_RET, null, null, null));
14673  }
14675  /**
14676   * Emit code for rule number 69:
14677   * stm:       RETURN(INT_CONSTANT)
14678   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
14679   */
14680  private void code69(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
14681    EMIT(MIR_Return.mutate(P(p), IA32_RET, null, Return.getVal(P(p)), null));
14682  }
14684  /**
14685   * Emit code for rule number 70:
14686   * stm:       RETURN(r)
14687   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
14688   */
14689  private void code70(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
14690    RegisterOperand ret = R(Return.getVal(P(p)));            
14691RegisterOperand ret2 = null;                                
14692if (VM.BuildFor32Addr && ret.getType().isLongType()) {                                 
14693  ret.setType(TypeReference.Int);                           
14694  ret2 = new RegisterOperand(regpool.getSecondReg(ret.getRegister()), TypeReference.Int); 
14696EMIT(MIR_Return.mutate(P(p), IA32_RET, null, ret, ret2));
14697  }
14699  /**
14700   * Emit code for rule number 71:
14701   * stm:       RETURN(LONG_CONSTANT)
14702   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
14703   */
14704  private void code71(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
14705    LongConstantOperand val = LC(Return.getVal(P(p))); 
14706if (VM.BuildFor32Addr) {                           
14707  EMIT(MIR_Return.mutate(P(p), IA32_RET, null, IC(val.upper32()), IC(val.lower32()))); 
14708} else {                                           
14709  EMIT(MIR_Return.mutate(P(p), IA32_RET, null, val, null)); 
14711  }
14713  /**
14714   * Emit code for rule number 72:
14715   * r: CALL(r, any)
14716   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
14717   */
14718  private void code72(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
14719    CALL(P(p), Call.getAddress(P(p)));
14720  }
14722  /**
14723   * Emit code for rule number 73:
14724   * r: CALL(BRANCH_TARGET, any)
14725   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
14726   */
14727  private void code73(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
14728    CALL(P(p), Call.getAddress(P(p)));
14729  }
14731  /**
14732   * Emit code for rule number 74:
14733   * r: CALL(INT_LOAD(riv, riv), any)
14734   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
14735   */
14736  private void code74(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
14737    CALL(P(p), MO_L(PL(p), DW));
14738  }
14740  /**
14741   * Emit code for rule number 75:
14742   * r: CALL(INT_CONSTANT, any)
14743   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
14744   */
14745  private void code75(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
14746    RegisterOperand temp = regpool.makeTemp(TypeReference.Int); 
14747EMIT(MIR_Move.create(IA32_MOV, temp, Call.getAddress(P(p)))); 
14748CALL(P(p), temp.copyRO());
14749  }
14751  /**
14752   * Emit code for rule number 76:
14753   * r: CALL(LONG_LOAD(rlv, rlv), any)
14754   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
14755   */
14756  private void code76(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
14757    CALL(P(p), MO_L(PL(p), QW));
14758  }
14760  /**
14761   * Emit code for rule number 77:
14762   * r: SYSCALL(r, any)
14763   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
14764   */
14765  private void code77(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
14766    SYSCALL(P(p), Call.getAddress(P(p)));
14767  }
14769  /**
14770   * Emit code for rule number 78:
14771   * r: SYSCALL(INT_LOAD(riv, riv), any)
14772   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
14773   */
14774  private void code78(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
14775    SYSCALL(P(p), MO_L(PL(p), DW));
14776  }
14778  /**
14779   * Emit code for rule number 79:
14780   * r: SYSCALL(INT_CONSTANT, any)
14781   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
14782   */
14783  private void code79(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
14784    RegisterOperand temp = regpool.makeTemp(TypeReference.Int); 
14785EMIT(MIR_Move.create(IA32_MOV, temp, Call.getAddress(P(p)))); 
14786SYSCALL(P(p), temp.copyRO());
14787  }
14789  /**
14790   * Emit code for rule number 80:
14791   * r:      GET_TIME_BASE
14792   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
14793   */
14794  private void code80(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
14795    GET_TIME_BASE(P(p), Nullary.getResult(P(p)));
14796  }
14798  /**
14799   * Emit code for rule number 81:
14800   * stm:       YIELDPOINT_OSR(any, any)
14801   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
14802   */
14803  private void code81(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
14804    OSR(burs, P(p));
14805  }
14807  /**
14808   * Emit code for rule number 84:
14809   * address1scaledreg: INT_SHL(r, INT_CONSTANT)
14810   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
14811   */
14812  private void code84(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
14813    pushAddress(null, Binary.getVal1(P(p)).asRegister(), LEA_SHIFT(Binary.getVal2(P(p))), Offset.zero());
14814  }
14816  /**
14817   * Emit code for rule number 85:
14818   * address1reg:       INT_ADD(r, LONG_CONSTANT)
14819   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
14820   */
14821  private void code85(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
14822    pushAddress(R(Binary.getVal1(P(p))), null, B_S, Offset.fromLong(LV(Binary.getVal2(P(p)))));
14823  }
14825  /**
14826   * Emit code for rule number 86:
14827   * address1reg:       INT_MOVE(r)
14828   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
14829   */
14830  private void code86(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
14831    pushAddress(R(Move.getVal(P(p))), null, B_S, Offset.zero());
14832  }
14834  /**
14835   * Emit code for rule number 87:
14836   * address:   INT_ADD(r, r)
14837   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
14838   */
14839  private void code87(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
14840    pushAddress(R(Binary.getVal1(P(p))), R(Binary.getVal2(P(p))), B_S, Offset.zero());
14841  }
14843  /**
14844   * Emit code for rule number 88:
14845   * address1reg:       INT_ADD(address1reg, LONG_CONSTANT)
14846   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
14847   */
14848  private void code88(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
14849    augmentAddress(Binary.getVal2(P(p)));
14850  }
14852  /**
14853   * Emit code for rule number 89:
14854   * address1scaledreg: INT_ADD(address1scaledreg, LONG_CONSTANT)
14855   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
14856   */
14857  private void code89(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
14858    augmentAddress(Binary.getVal2(P(p)));
14859  }
14861  /**
14862   * Emit code for rule number 90:
14863   * address:   INT_ADD(r, address1scaledreg)
14864   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
14865   */
14866  private void code90(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
14867    augmentAddress(Binary.getVal1(P(p)));
14868  }
14870  /**
14871   * Emit code for rule number 91:
14872   * address:   INT_ADD(address1scaledreg, r)
14873   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
14874   */
14875  private void code91(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
14876    augmentAddress(Binary.getVal2(P(p)));
14877  }
14879  /**
14880   * Emit code for rule number 92:
14881   * address:   INT_ADD(address1scaledreg, LONG_CONSTANT)
14882   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
14883   */
14884  private void code92(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
14885    augmentAddress(Binary.getVal2(P(p)));
14886  }
14888  /**
14889   * Emit code for rule number 93:
14890   * address:   INT_ADD(address1scaledreg, address1reg)
14891   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
14892   */
14893  private void code93(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
14894    combineAddresses();
14895  }
14897  /**
14898   * Emit code for rule number 94:
14899   * address:   INT_ADD(address1reg, address1scaledreg)
14900   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
14901   */
14902  private void code94(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
14903    combineAddresses();
14904  }
14906  /**
14907   * Emit code for rule number 95:
14908   * address1scaledreg: LONG_SHL(r, INT_CONSTANT)
14909   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
14910   */
14911  private void code95(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
14912    pushAddress(null, Binary.getVal1(P(p)).asRegister(), LEA_SHIFT(Binary.getVal2(P(p))), Offset.zero());
14913  }
14915  /**
14916   * Emit code for rule number 96:
14917   * address1reg:       LONG_ADD(r, LONG_CONSTANT)
14918   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
14919   */
14920  private void code96(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
14921    pushAddress(R(Binary.getVal1(P(p))), null, B_S, Offset.fromLong(LV(Binary.getVal2(P(p)))));
14922  }
14924  /**
14925   * Emit code for rule number 97:
14926   * address1reg:       LONG_MOVE(r)
14927   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
14928   */
14929  private void code97(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
14930    pushAddress(R(Move.getVal(P(p))), null, B_S, Offset.zero());
14931  }
14933  /**
14934   * Emit code for rule number 98:
14935   * address:   LONG_ADD(r, r)
14936   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
14937   */
14938  private void code98(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
14939    pushAddress(R(Binary.getVal1(P(p))), R(Binary.getVal2(P(p))), B_S, Offset.zero());
14940  }
14942  /**
14943   * Emit code for rule number 99:
14944   * address1reg:       LONG_ADD(address1reg, LONG_CONSTANT)
14945   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
14946   */
14947  private void code99(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
14948    augmentAddress(Binary.getVal2(P(p)));
14949  }
14951  /**
14952   * Emit code for rule number 100:
14953   * address1scaledreg: LONG_ADD(address1scaledreg, LONG_CONSTANT)
14954   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
14955   */
14956  private void code100(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
14957    augmentAddress(Binary.getVal2(P(p)));
14958  }
14960  /**
14961   * Emit code for rule number 101:
14962   * address:   LONG_ADD(r, address1scaledreg)
14963   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
14964   */
14965  private void code101(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
14966    augmentAddress(Binary.getVal1(P(p)));
14967  }
14969  /**
14970   * Emit code for rule number 102:
14971   * address:   LONG_ADD(address1scaledreg, r)
14972   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
14973   */
14974  private void code102(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
14975    augmentAddress(Binary.getVal2(P(p)));
14976  }
14978  /**
14979   * Emit code for rule number 103:
14980   * address:   LONG_ADD(address1scaledreg, LONG_CONSTANT)
14981   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
14982   */
14983  private void code103(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
14984    augmentAddress(Binary.getVal2(P(p)));
14985  }
14987  /**
14988   * Emit code for rule number 104:
14989   * address:   LONG_ADD(address1scaledreg, address1reg)
14990   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
14991   */
14992  private void code104(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
14993    combineAddresses();
14994  }
14996  /**
14997   * Emit code for rule number 105:
14998   * address:   LONG_ADD(address1reg, address1scaledreg)
14999   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
15000   */
15001  private void code105(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
15002    combineAddresses();
15003  }
15005  /**
15006   * Emit code for rule number 106:
15007   * r: ATTEMPT_INT(riv, OTHER_OPERAND(riv, OTHER_OPERAND(riv, riv)))
15008   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
15009   */
15010  private void code106(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
15011    ATTEMPT(Attempt.getResult(P(p)), 
15012              MO(Attempt.getAddress(P(p)), Attempt.getOffset(P(p)), DW, Attempt.getLocation(P(p)), Attempt.getGuard(P(p))), 
15013              Attempt.getOldValue(P(p)), Attempt.getNewValue(P(p)));
15014  }
15016  /**
15017   * Emit code for rule number 107:
15018   * r: ATTEMPT_INT(riv, OTHER_OPERAND(rlv, OTHER_OPERAND(riv, riv)))
15019   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
15020   */
15021  private void code107(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
15022    ATTEMPT(Attempt.getResult(P(p)), 
15023              MO(Attempt.getAddress(P(p)), Attempt.getOffset(P(p)), DW, Attempt.getLocation(P(p)), Attempt.getGuard(P(p))), 
15024              Attempt.getOldValue(P(p)), Attempt.getNewValue(P(p)));
15025  }
15027  /**
15028   * Emit code for rule number 108:
15029   * r: ATTEMPT_INT(rlv, OTHER_OPERAND(rlv, OTHER_OPERAND(riv, riv)))
15030   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
15031   */
15032  private void code108(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
15033    ATTEMPT(Attempt.getResult(P(p)), 
15034              MO(Attempt.getAddress(P(p)), Attempt.getOffset(P(p)), DW, Attempt.getLocation(P(p)), Attempt.getGuard(P(p))), 
15035              Attempt.getOldValue(P(p)), Attempt.getNewValue(P(p)));
15036  }
15038  /**
15039   * Emit code for rule number 109:
15040   * r: ATTEMPT_INT(r, OTHER_OPERAND(address1scaledreg, OTHER_OPERAND(riv, riv)))
15041   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
15042   */
15043  private void code109(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
15044    augmentAddress(Attempt.getAddress(P(p))); 
15046              consumeAddress(DW, Attempt.getLocation(P(p)), Attempt.getGuard(P(p))), 
15047              Attempt.getOldValue(P(p)), Attempt.getNewValue(P(p)));
15048  }
15050  /**
15051   * Emit code for rule number 110:
15052   * r: ATTEMPT_INT(address1scaledreg, OTHER_OPERAND(r, OTHER_OPERAND(riv, riv)))
15053   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
15054   */
15055  private void code110(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
15056    augmentAddress(Attempt.getOffset(P(p))); 
15058              consumeAddress(DW, Attempt.getLocation(P(p)), Attempt.getGuard(P(p))), 
15059              Attempt.getOldValue(P(p)), Attempt.getNewValue(P(p)));
15060  }
15062  /**
15063   * Emit code for rule number 111:
15064   * r: ATTEMPT_INT(address1scaledreg, OTHER_OPERAND(address1reg, OTHER_OPERAND(riv, riv)))
15065   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
15066   */
15067  private void code111(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
15068    combineAddresses(); 
15070              consumeAddress(DW, Attempt.getLocation(P(p)), Attempt.getGuard(P(p))), 
15071              Attempt.getOldValue(P(p)), Attempt.getNewValue(P(p)));
15072  }
15074  /**
15075   * Emit code for rule number 112:
15076   * r: ATTEMPT_INT(address1reg, OTHER_OPERAND(address1scaledreg, OTHER_OPERAND(riv, riv)))
15077   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
15078   */
15079  private void code112(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
15080    combineAddresses(); 
15082              consumeAddress(DW, Attempt.getLocation(P(p)), Attempt.getGuard(P(p))), 
15083              Attempt.getOldValue(P(p)), Attempt.getNewValue(P(p)));
15084  }
15086  /**
15087   * Emit code for rule number 113:
15089   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
15090   */
15091  private void code113(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
15092    augmentAddress(Attempt.getOffset(P(p))); 
15094              consumeAddress(DW, Attempt.getLocation(P(p)), Attempt.getGuard(P(p))), 
15095              Attempt.getOldValue(P(p)), Attempt.getNewValue(P(p)));
15096  }
15098  /**
15099   * Emit code for rule number 114:
15101   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
15102   */
15103  private void code114(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
15104    augmentAddress(Attempt.getAddress(P(p))); 
15106              consumeAddress(DW, Attempt.getLocation(P(p)), Attempt.getGuard(P(p))), 
15107              Attempt.getOldValue(P(p)), Attempt.getNewValue(P(p)));
15108  }
15110  /**
15111   * Emit code for rule number 115:
15113   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
15114   */
15115  private void code115(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
15116    ATTEMPT_IFCMP(MO(Attempt.getAddress(PL(p)), Attempt.getOffset(PL(p)), DW, Attempt.getLocation(PL(p)), Attempt.getGuard(PL(p))), 
15117                    Attempt.getOldValue(PL(p)), Attempt.getNewValue(PL(p)), 
15118                    IfCmp.getCond(P(p)).flipCode(), IfCmp.getTarget(P(p)), IfCmp.getBranchProfile(P(p)));
15119  }
15121  /**
15122   * Emit code for rule number 116:
15123   * stm:       INT_IFCMP(ATTEMPT_INT(r, OTHER_OPERAND(address1scaledreg, OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))),INT_CONSTANT)
15124   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
15125   */
15126  private void code116(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
15127    augmentAddress(Attempt.getAddress(PL(p))); 
15128ATTEMPT_IFCMP(consumeAddress(DW, Attempt.getLocation(PL(p)), Attempt.getGuard(PL(p))), 
15129                    Attempt.getOldValue(PL(p)), Attempt.getNewValue(PL(p)), 
15130                    IfCmp.getCond(P(p)).flipCode(), IfCmp.getTarget(P(p)), IfCmp.getBranchProfile(P(p)));
15131  }
15133  /**
15134   * Emit code for rule number 117:
15135   * stm:       INT_IFCMP(ATTEMPT_INT(address1scaledreg, OTHER_OPERAND(r, OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))),INT_CONSTANT)
15136   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
15137   */
15138  private void code117(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
15139    augmentAddress(Attempt.getOffset(PL(p))); 
15140ATTEMPT_IFCMP(consumeAddress(DW, Attempt.getLocation(PL(p)), Attempt.getGuard(PL(p))), 
15141                    Attempt.getOldValue(PL(p)), Attempt.getNewValue(PL(p)), 
15142                    IfCmp.getCond(P(p)).flipCode(), IfCmp.getTarget(P(p)), IfCmp.getBranchProfile(P(p)));
15143  }
15145  /**
15146   * Emit code for rule number 118:
15147   * stm:       INT_IFCMP(ATTEMPT_INT(address1scaledreg, OTHER_OPERAND(address1reg, OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))),INT_CONSTANT)
15148   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
15149   */
15150  private void code118(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
15151    combineAddresses(); 
15152ATTEMPT_IFCMP(consumeAddress(DW, Attempt.getLocation(PL(p)), Attempt.getGuard(PL(p))), 
15153                    Attempt.getOldValue(PL(p)), Attempt.getNewValue(PL(p)), 
15154                    IfCmp.getCond(P(p)).flipCode(), IfCmp.getTarget(P(p)), IfCmp.getBranchProfile(P(p)));
15155  }
15157  /**
15158   * Emit code for rule number 119:
15159   * stm:       INT_IFCMP(ATTEMPT_INT(address1reg, OTHER_OPERAND(address1scaledreg, OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))),INT_CONSTANT)
15160   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
15161   */
15162  private void code119(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
15163    combineAddresses(); 
15164ATTEMPT_IFCMP(consumeAddress(DW, Attempt.getLocation(PL(p)), Attempt.getGuard(PL(p))), 
15165                    Attempt.getOldValue(PL(p)), Attempt.getNewValue(PL(p)), 
15166                    IfCmp.getCond(P(p)).flipCode(), IfCmp.getTarget(P(p)), IfCmp.getBranchProfile(P(p)));
15167  }
15169  /**
15170   * Emit code for rule number 120:
15172   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
15173   */
15174  private void code120(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
15175    augmentAddress(Attempt.getOffset(PL(p))); 
15176ATTEMPT_IFCMP(consumeAddress(DW, Attempt.getLocation(PL(p)), Attempt.getGuard(PL(p))), 
15177                    Attempt.getOldValue(PL(p)), Attempt.getNewValue(PL(p)), 
15178                    IfCmp.getCond(P(p)).flipCode(), IfCmp.getTarget(P(p)), IfCmp.getBranchProfile(P(p)));
15179  }
15181  /**
15182   * Emit code for rule number 121:
15184   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
15185   */
15186  private void code121(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
15187    augmentAddress(Attempt.getAddress(PL(p))); 
15188ATTEMPT_IFCMP(consumeAddress(DW, Attempt.getLocation(PL(p)), Attempt.getGuard(PL(p))), 
15189                    Attempt.getOldValue(PL(p)), Attempt.getNewValue(PL(p)), 
15190                    IfCmp.getCond(P(p)).flipCode(), IfCmp.getTarget(P(p)), IfCmp.getBranchProfile(P(p)));
15191  }
15193  /**
15194   * Emit code for rule number 122:
15195   * stm:       INT_IFCMP(ATTEMPT_INT(riv, OTHER_OPERAND(riv, OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))), INT_CONSTANT)
15196   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
15197   */
15198  private void code122(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
15199    ATTEMPT_IFCMP(MO(Attempt.getAddress(PL(p)), Attempt.getOffset(PL(p)), DW, Attempt.getLocation(PL(p)), Attempt.getGuard(PL(p))), 
15200                    Attempt.getOldValue(PL(p)), Attempt.getNewValue(PL(p)), 
15201                    IfCmp.getCond(P(p)), IfCmp.getTarget(P(p)), IfCmp.getBranchProfile(P(p)));
15202  }
15204  /**
15205   * Emit code for rule number 123:
15206   * stm:       INT_IFCMP(ATTEMPT_INT(r, OTHER_OPERAND(address1scaledreg, OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))),INT_CONSTANT)
15207   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
15208   */
15209  private void code123(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
15210    augmentAddress(Attempt.getAddress(PL(p))); 
15211ATTEMPT_IFCMP(consumeAddress(DW, Attempt.getLocation(PL(p)), Attempt.getGuard(PL(p))), 
15212                    Attempt.getOldValue(PL(p)), Attempt.getNewValue(PL(p)), 
15213                    IfCmp.getCond(P(p)), IfCmp.getTarget(P(p)), IfCmp.getBranchProfile(P(p)));
15214  }
15216  /**
15217   * Emit code for rule number 124:
15218   * stm:       INT_IFCMP(ATTEMPT_INT(address1scaledreg, OTHER_OPERAND(r, OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))),INT_CONSTANT)
15219   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
15220   */
15221  private void code124(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
15222    augmentAddress(Attempt.getOffset(PL(p))); 
15223ATTEMPT_IFCMP(consumeAddress(DW, Attempt.getLocation(PL(p)), Attempt.getGuard(PL(p))), 
15224                    Attempt.getOldValue(PL(p)), Attempt.getNewValue(PL(p)), 
15225                    IfCmp.getCond(P(p)), IfCmp.getTarget(P(p)), IfCmp.getBranchProfile(P(p)));
15226  }
15228  /**
15229   * Emit code for rule number 125:
15230   * stm:       INT_IFCMP(ATTEMPT_INT(address1scaledreg, OTHER_OPERAND(address1reg, OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))),INT_CONSTANT)
15231   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
15232   */
15233  private void code125(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
15234    combineAddresses(); 
15235ATTEMPT_IFCMP(consumeAddress(DW, Attempt.getLocation(PL(p)), Attempt.getGuard(PL(p))), 
15236                    Attempt.getOldValue(PL(p)), Attempt.getNewValue(PL(p)), 
15237                    IfCmp.getCond(P(p)), IfCmp.getTarget(P(p)), IfCmp.getBranchProfile(P(p)));
15238  }
15240  /**
15241   * Emit code for rule number 126:
15242   * stm:       INT_IFCMP(ATTEMPT_INT(address1reg, OTHER_OPERAND(address1scaledreg, OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))),INT_CONSTANT)
15243   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
15244   */
15245  private void code126(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
15246    combineAddresses(); 
15247ATTEMPT_IFCMP(consumeAddress(DW, Attempt.getLocation(PL(p)), Attempt.getGuard(PL(p))), 
15248                    Attempt.getOldValue(PL(p)), Attempt.getNewValue(PL(p)), 
15249                    IfCmp.getCond(P(p)), IfCmp.getTarget(P(p)), IfCmp.getBranchProfile(P(p)));
15250  }
15252  /**
15253   * Emit code for rule number 127:
15255   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
15256   */
15257  private void code127(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
15258    augmentAddress(Attempt.getOffset(PL(p))); 
15259ATTEMPT_IFCMP(consumeAddress(DW, Attempt.getLocation(PL(p)), Attempt.getGuard(PL(p))), 
15260                    Attempt.getOldValue(PL(p)), Attempt.getNewValue(PL(p)), 
15261                    IfCmp.getCond(P(p)), IfCmp.getTarget(P(p)), IfCmp.getBranchProfile(P(p)));
15262  }
15264  /**
15265   * Emit code for rule number 128:
15267   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
15268   */
15269  private void code128(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
15270    augmentAddress(Attempt.getAddress(PL(p))); 
15271ATTEMPT_IFCMP(consumeAddress(DW, Attempt.getLocation(PL(p)), Attempt.getGuard(PL(p))), 
15272                    Attempt.getOldValue(PL(p)), Attempt.getNewValue(PL(p)), 
15273                    IfCmp.getCond(P(p)), IfCmp.getTarget(P(p)), IfCmp.getBranchProfile(P(p)));
15274  }
15276  /**
15277   * Emit code for rule number 129:
15278   * r: ATTEMPT_LONG(rlv, OTHER_OPERAND(rlv, OTHER_OPERAND(rlv, rlv)))
15279   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
15280   */
15281  private void code129(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
15282    ATTEMPT(Attempt.getResult(P(p)), 
15283              MO(Attempt.getAddress(P(p)), Attempt.getOffset(P(p)), DW, Attempt.getLocation(P(p)), Attempt.getGuard(P(p))), 
15284              Attempt.getOldValue(P(p)), Attempt.getNewValue(P(p)));
15285  }
15287  /**
15288   * Emit code for rule number 130:
15289   * r: ATTEMPT_LONG(r, OTHER_OPERAND(address1scaledreg, OTHER_OPERAND(rlv, rlv)))
15290   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
15291   */
15292  private void code130(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
15293    augmentAddress(Attempt.getAddress(P(p))); 
15295              consumeAddress(DW, Attempt.getLocation(P(p)), Attempt.getGuard(P(p))), 
15296              Attempt.getOldValue(P(p)), Attempt.getNewValue(P(p)));
15297  }
15299  /**
15300   * Emit code for rule number 131:
15301   * r: ATTEMPT_LONG(address1scaledreg, OTHER_OPERAND(r, OTHER_OPERAND(rlv, rlv)))
15302   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
15303   */
15304  private void code131(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
15305    augmentAddress(Attempt.getOffset(P(p))); 
15307              consumeAddress(DW, Attempt.getLocation(P(p)), Attempt.getGuard(P(p))), 
15308              Attempt.getOldValue(P(p)), Attempt.getNewValue(P(p)));
15309  }
15311  /**
15312   * Emit code for rule number 132:
15313   * r: ATTEMPT_LONG(address1scaledreg, OTHER_OPERAND(address1reg, OTHER_OPERAND(rlv, rlv)))
15314   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
15315   */
15316  private void code132(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
15317    combineAddresses(); 
15319              consumeAddress(DW, Attempt.getLocation(P(p)), Attempt.getGuard(P(p))), 
15320              Attempt.getOldValue(P(p)), Attempt.getNewValue(P(p)));
15321  }
15323  /**
15324   * Emit code for rule number 133:
15325   * r: ATTEMPT_LONG(address1reg, OTHER_OPERAND(address1scaledreg, OTHER_OPERAND(rlv, rlv)))
15326   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
15327   */
15328  private void code133(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
15329    combineAddresses(); 
15331              consumeAddress(DW, Attempt.getLocation(P(p)), Attempt.getGuard(P(p))), 
15332              Attempt.getOldValue(P(p)), Attempt.getNewValue(P(p)));
15333  }
15335  /**
15336   * Emit code for rule number 134:
15338   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
15339   */
15340  private void code134(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
15341    augmentAddress(Attempt.getOffset(P(p))); 
15343              consumeAddress(DW, Attempt.getLocation(P(p)), Attempt.getGuard(P(p))), 
15344              Attempt.getOldValue(P(p)), Attempt.getNewValue(P(p)));
15345  }
15347  /**
15348   * Emit code for rule number 135:
15350   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
15351   */
15352  private void code135(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
15353    augmentAddress(Attempt.getAddress(P(p))); 
15355              consumeAddress(DW, Attempt.getLocation(P(p)), Attempt.getGuard(P(p))), 
15356              Attempt.getOldValue(P(p)), Attempt.getNewValue(P(p)));
15357  }
15359  /**
15360   * Emit code for rule number 136:
15362   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
15363   */
15364  private void code136(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
15365    ATTEMPT_IFCMP(MO(Attempt.getAddress(PL(p)), Attempt.getOffset(PL(p)), DW, Attempt.getLocation(PL(p)), Attempt.getGuard(PL(p))), 
15366                    Attempt.getOldValue(PL(p)), Attempt.getNewValue(PL(p)), 
15367                    IfCmp.getCond(P(p)).flipCode(), IfCmp.getTarget(P(p)), IfCmp.getBranchProfile(P(p)));
15368  }
15370  /**
15371   * Emit code for rule number 137:
15372   * stm:       INT_IFCMP(ATTEMPT_LONG(r, OTHER_OPERAND(address1scaledreg, OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))),INT_CONSTANT)
15373   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
15374   */
15375  private void code137(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
15376    augmentAddress(Attempt.getAddress(PL(p))); 
15377ATTEMPT_IFCMP(consumeAddress(DW, Attempt.getLocation(PL(p)), Attempt.getGuard(PL(p))), 
15378                    Attempt.getOldValue(PL(p)), Attempt.getNewValue(PL(p)), 
15379                    IfCmp.getCond(P(p)).flipCode(), IfCmp.getTarget(P(p)), IfCmp.getBranchProfile(P(p)));
15380  }
15382  /**
15383   * Emit code for rule number 138:
15384   * stm:       INT_IFCMP(ATTEMPT_LONG(address1scaledreg, OTHER_OPERAND(r, OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))),INT_CONSTANT)
15385   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
15386   */
15387  private void code138(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
15388    augmentAddress(Attempt.getOffset(PL(p))); 
15389ATTEMPT_IFCMP(consumeAddress(DW, Attempt.getLocation(PL(p)), Attempt.getGuard(PL(p))), 
15390                    Attempt.getOldValue(PL(p)), Attempt.getNewValue(PL(p)), 
15391                    IfCmp.getCond(P(p)).flipCode(), IfCmp.getTarget(P(p)), IfCmp.getBranchProfile(P(p)));
15392  }
15394  /**
15395   * Emit code for rule number 139:
15396   * stm:       INT_IFCMP(ATTEMPT_LONG(address1scaledreg, OTHER_OPERAND(address1reg, OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))),INT_CONSTANT)
15397   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
15398   */
15399  private void code139(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
15400    combineAddresses(); 
15401ATTEMPT_IFCMP(consumeAddress(DW, Attempt.getLocation(PL(p)), Attempt.getGuard(PL(p))), 
15402                    Attempt.getOldValue(PL(p)), Attempt.getNewValue(PL(p)), 
15403                    IfCmp.getCond(P(p)).flipCode(), IfCmp.getTarget(P(p)), IfCmp.getBranchProfile(P(p)));
15404  }
15406  /**
15407   * Emit code for rule number 140:
15408   * stm:       INT_IFCMP(ATTEMPT_LONG(address1reg, OTHER_OPERAND(address1scaledreg, OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))),INT_CONSTANT)
15409   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
15410   */
15411  private void code140(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
15412    combineAddresses(); 
15413ATTEMPT_IFCMP(consumeAddress(DW, Attempt.getLocation(PL(p)), Attempt.getGuard(PL(p))), 
15414                    Attempt.getOldValue(PL(p)), Attempt.getNewValue(PL(p)), 
15415                    IfCmp.getCond(P(p)).flipCode(), IfCmp.getTarget(P(p)), IfCmp.getBranchProfile(P(p)));
15416  }
15418  /**
15419   * Emit code for rule number 141:
15421   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
15422   */
15423  private void code141(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
15424    augmentAddress(Attempt.getOffset(PL(p))); 
15425ATTEMPT_IFCMP(consumeAddress(DW, Attempt.getLocation(PL(p)), Attempt.getGuard(PL(p))), 
15426                    Attempt.getOldValue(PL(p)), Attempt.getNewValue(PL(p)), 
15427                    IfCmp.getCond(P(p)).flipCode(), IfCmp.getTarget(P(p)), IfCmp.getBranchProfile(P(p)));
15428  }
15430  /**
15431   * Emit code for rule number 142:
15433   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
15434   */
15435  private void code142(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
15436    augmentAddress(Attempt.getAddress(PL(p))); 
15437ATTEMPT_IFCMP(consumeAddress(DW, Attempt.getLocation(PL(p)), Attempt.getGuard(PL(p))), 
15438                    Attempt.getOldValue(PL(p)), Attempt.getNewValue(PL(p)), 
15439                    IfCmp.getCond(P(p)).flipCode(), IfCmp.getTarget(P(p)), IfCmp.getBranchProfile(P(p)));
15440  }
15442  /**
15443   * Emit code for rule number 143:
15445   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
15446   */
15447  private void code143(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
15448    ATTEMPT_IFCMP(MO(Attempt.getAddress(PL(p)), Attempt.getOffset(PL(p)), DW, Attempt.getLocation(PL(p)), Attempt.getGuard(PL(p))), 
15449                    Attempt.getOldValue(PL(p)), Attempt.getNewValue(PL(p)), 
15450                    IfCmp.getCond(P(p)), IfCmp.getTarget(P(p)), IfCmp.getBranchProfile(P(p)));
15451  }
15453  /**
15454   * Emit code for rule number 144:
15455   * stm:       INT_IFCMP(ATTEMPT_LONG(r, OTHER_OPERAND(address1scaledreg, OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))),INT_CONSTANT)
15456   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
15457   */
15458  private void code144(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
15459    augmentAddress(Attempt.getAddress(PL(p))); 
15460ATTEMPT_IFCMP(consumeAddress(DW, Attempt.getLocation(PL(p)), Attempt.getGuard(PL(p))), 
15461                    Attempt.getOldValue(PL(p)), Attempt.getNewValue(PL(p)), 
15462                    IfCmp.getCond(P(p)), IfCmp.getTarget(P(p)), IfCmp.getBranchProfile(P(p)));
15463  }
15465  /**
15466   * Emit code for rule number 145:
15467   * stm:       INT_IFCMP(ATTEMPT_LONG(address1scaledreg, OTHER_OPERAND(r, OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))),INT_CONSTANT)
15468   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
15469   */
15470  private void code145(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
15471    augmentAddress(Attempt.getOffset(PL(p))); 
15472ATTEMPT_IFCMP(consumeAddress(DW, Attempt.getLocation(PL(p)), Attempt.getGuard(PL(p))), 
15473                    Attempt.getOldValue(PL(p)), Attempt.getNewValue(PL(p)), 
15474                    IfCmp.getCond(P(p)), IfCmp.getTarget(P(p)), IfCmp.getBranchProfile(P(p)));
15475  }
15477  /**
15478   * Emit code for rule number 146:
15479   * stm:       INT_IFCMP(ATTEMPT_LONG(address1scaledreg, OTHER_OPERAND(address1reg, OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))),INT_CONSTANT)
15480   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
15481   */
15482  private void code146(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
15483    combineAddresses(); 
15484ATTEMPT_IFCMP(consumeAddress(DW, Attempt.getLocation(PL(p)), Attempt.getGuard(PL(p))), 
15485                    Attempt.getOldValue(PL(p)), Attempt.getNewValue(PL(p)), 
15486                    IfCmp.getCond(P(p)), IfCmp.getTarget(P(p)), IfCmp.getBranchProfile(P(p)));
15487  }
15489  /**
15490   * Emit code for rule number 147:
15491   * stm:       INT_IFCMP(ATTEMPT_LONG(address1reg, OTHER_OPERAND(address1scaledreg, OTHER_OPERAND(rlv,rlv))),INT_CONSTANT)
15492   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
15493   */
15494  private void code147(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
15495    combineAddresses(); 
15496ATTEMPT_IFCMP(consumeAddress(DW, Attempt.getLocation(PL(p)), Attempt.getGuard(PL(p))), 
15497                    Attempt.getOldValue(PL(p)), Attempt.getNewValue(PL(p)), 
15498                    IfCmp.getCond(P(p)), IfCmp.getTarget(P(p)), IfCmp.getBranchProfile(P(p)));
15499  }
15501  /**
15502   * Emit code for rule number 148:
15504   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
15505   */
15506  private void code148(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
15507    augmentAddress(Attempt.getOffset(PL(p))); 
15508ATTEMPT_IFCMP(consumeAddress(DW, Attempt.getLocation(PL(p)), Attempt.getGuard(PL(p))), 
15509                    Attempt.getOldValue(PL(p)), Attempt.getNewValue(PL(p)), 
15510                    IfCmp.getCond(P(p)), IfCmp.getTarget(P(p)), IfCmp.getBranchProfile(P(p)));
15511  }
15513  /**
15514   * Emit code for rule number 149:
15516   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
15517   */
15518  private void code149(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
15519    augmentAddress(Attempt.getAddress(PL(p))); 
15520ATTEMPT_IFCMP(consumeAddress(DW, Attempt.getLocation(PL(p)), Attempt.getGuard(PL(p))), 
15521                    Attempt.getOldValue(PL(p)), Attempt.getNewValue(PL(p)), 
15522                    IfCmp.getCond(P(p)), IfCmp.getTarget(P(p)), IfCmp.getBranchProfile(P(p)));
15523  }
15525  /**
15526   * Emit code for rule number 150:
15528   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
15529   */
15530  private void code150(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
15531    EMIT(MIR_Test.mutate(P(p), IA32_BT, Binary.getVal1(PL(p)).copy(), Binary.getVal1(PLR(p)).copy()));
15532  }
15534  /**
15535   * Emit code for rule number 151:
15536   * bittest:   INT_AND(INT_USHR(load32,INT_AND(r,INT_CONSTANT)),INT_CONSTANT)
15537   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
15538   */
15539  private void code151(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
15540    Register tmp = regpool.getInteger(); 
15541if (VM.VerifyAssertions) VM._assert((VLRR(p) & 0x7FFFFFFF) <= 31); 
15542EMIT(CPOS(P(p), MIR_Move.create(IA32_MOV, new RegisterOperand(tmp, TypeReference.Int), Binary.getVal1(PLR(p))))); 
15543EMIT(CPOS(P(p), MIR_BinaryAcc.create(IA32_AND, new RegisterOperand(tmp, TypeReference.Int), IC(VLRR(p))))); 
15544EMIT(MIR_Test.mutate(P(p), IA32_BT, consumeMO(), new RegisterOperand(tmp, TypeReference.Int)));
15545  }
15547  /**
15548   * Emit code for rule number 152:
15550   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
15551   */
15552  private void code152(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
15553    EMIT(MIR_Test.mutate(P(p), IA32_BT, Binary.getVal1(PL(p)).copy(), IC(VLR(p))));
15554  }
15556  /**
15557   * Emit code for rule number 153:
15559   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
15560   */
15561  private void code153(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
15562    EMIT(MIR_Test.mutate(P(p), IA32_BT, Binary.getVal1(PL(p)).copy(), Binary.getVal1(PLR(p)).copy()));
15563  }
15565  /**
15566   * Emit code for rule number 154:
15567   * bittest:   INT_AND(INT_SHR(load32,INT_AND(r,INT_CONSTANT)),INT_CONSTANT)
15568   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
15569   */
15570  private void code154(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
15571    Register tmp = regpool.getInteger(); 
15572if (VM.VerifyAssertions) VM._assert((VLRR(p) & 0x7FFFFFFF) <= 31); 
15573EMIT(CPOS(P(p), MIR_Move.create(IA32_MOV, new RegisterOperand(tmp, TypeReference.Int), Binary.getVal1(PLR(p))))); 
15574EMIT(CPOS(P(p), MIR_BinaryAcc.create(IA32_AND, new RegisterOperand(tmp, TypeReference.Int), IC(VLRR(p))))); 
15575EMIT(MIR_Test.mutate(P(p), IA32_BT, consumeMO(), new RegisterOperand(tmp, TypeReference.Int)));
15576  }
15578  /**
15579   * Emit code for rule number 155:
15581   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
15582   */
15583  private void code155(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
15584    EMIT(MIR_Test.mutate(P(p), IA32_BT, Binary.getVal1(PL(p)).copy(), IC(VLR(p))));
15585  }
15587  /**
15588   * Emit code for rule number 156:
15590   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
15591   */
15592  private void code156(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
15593    EMIT(MIR_Test.mutate(P(p), IA32_BT, Binary.getVal2(P(p)), Binary.getVal1(PLR(p)).copy()));
15594  }
15596  /**
15597   * Emit code for rule number 157:
15598   * bittest:   INT_AND(INT_SHL(INT_CONSTANT,INT_AND(r, INT_CONSTANT)),load32)
15599   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
15600   */
15601  private void code157(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
15602    Register tmp = regpool.getInteger(); 
15603if (VM.VerifyAssertions) VM._assert((VLRR(p) & 0x7FFFFFFF) <= 31); 
15604EMIT(CPOS(P(p), MIR_Move.create(IA32_MOV, new RegisterOperand(tmp, TypeReference.Int), Binary.getVal1(PLR(p))))); 
15605EMIT(CPOS(P(p), MIR_BinaryAcc.create(IA32_AND, new RegisterOperand(tmp, TypeReference.Int), IC(VLRR(p))))); 
15606EMIT(MIR_Test.mutate(P(p), IA32_BT, consumeMO(), new RegisterOperand(tmp, TypeReference.Int)));
15607  }
15609  /**
15610   * Emit code for rule number 158:
15612   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
15613   */
15614  private void code158(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
15615    EMIT(MIR_Test.mutate(P(p), IA32_BT, Binary.getVal1(P(p)), Binary.getVal1(PRR(p)).copy()));
15616  }
15618  /**
15619   * Emit code for rule number 159:
15620   * bittest:   INT_AND(load32,INT_SHL(INT_CONSTANT,INT_AND(r, INT_CONSTANT)))
15621   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
15622   */
15623  private void code159(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
15624    Register tmp = regpool.getInteger(); 
15625if (VM.VerifyAssertions) VM._assert((VRRR(p) & 0x7FFFFFFF) <= 31); 
15626EMIT(CPOS(P(p), MIR_Move.create(IA32_MOV, new RegisterOperand(tmp, TypeReference.Int), Binary.getVal1(PRR(p))))); 
15627EMIT(CPOS(P(p), MIR_BinaryAcc.create(IA32_AND, new RegisterOperand(tmp, TypeReference.Int), IC(VRRR(p))))); 
15628EMIT(MIR_Test.mutate(P(p), IA32_BT, consumeMO(), new RegisterOperand(tmp, TypeReference.Int)));
15629  }
15631  /**
15632   * Emit code for rule number 160:
15633   * r: BOOLEAN_CMP_INT(r,riv)
15634   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
15635   */
15636  private void code160(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
15637    BOOLEAN_CMP_INT(P(p), BooleanCmp.getResult(P(p)), 
15638   BooleanCmp.getVal1(P(p)), BooleanCmp.getVal2(P(p)), 
15639   BooleanCmp.getCond(P(p)));
15640  }
15642  /**
15643   * Emit code for rule number 161:
15644   * boolcmp: BOOLEAN_CMP_INT(r,riv)
15645   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
15646   */
15647  private void code161(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
15648    ConditionOperand cond = BooleanCmp.getCond(P(p)); 
15650EMIT_Compare(P(p), cond, BooleanCmp.getVal1(P(p)), BooleanCmp.getVal2(P(p)));
15651  }
15653  /**
15654   * Emit code for rule number 162:
15656   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
15657   */
15658  private void code162(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
15659    EMIT(CPOS(P(p),MIR_Test.create(IA32_TEST, BooleanCmp.getVal1(P(p)), BooleanCmp.getVal1(P(p)).copy())));
15660BOOLEAN_CMP_INT(P(p), BooleanCmp.getResult(P(p)), BooleanCmp.getCond(P(p)));
15661  }
15663  /**
15664   * Emit code for rule number 163:
15665   * boolcmp: BOOLEAN_CMP_INT(r,INT_CONSTANT)
15666   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
15667   */
15668  private void code163(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
15669    pushCOND(BooleanCmp.getCond(P(p))); 
15670EMIT(CPOS(P(p),MIR_Test.create(IA32_TEST, BooleanCmp.getVal1(P(p)), BooleanCmp.getVal1(P(p)).copy())));
15671  }
15673  /**
15674   * Emit code for rule number 164:
15676   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
15677   */
15678  private void code164(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
15679    EMIT_Commutative(IA32_SHR, P(p), BooleanCmp.getResult(P(p)), BooleanCmp.getVal1(P(p)), IC(31));
15680  }
15682  /**
15683   * Emit code for rule number 165:
15684   * r: BOOLEAN_CMP_INT(load32,INT_CONSTANT)
15685   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
15686   */
15687  private void code165(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
15688    EMIT_Commutative(IA32_SHR, P(p), BooleanCmp.getResult(P(p)), consumeMO(), IC(31));
15689  }
15691  /**
15692   * Emit code for rule number 166:
15694   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
15695   */
15696  private void code166(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
15697    RegisterOperand result = BooleanCmp.getResult(P(p)); 
15698EMIT_Commutative(IA32_SHR, P(p), result, BooleanCmp.getVal1(P(p)), IC(31)); 
15699EMIT(CPOS(P(p),MIR_BinaryAcc.create(IA32_XOR, result.copyRO(), IC(1))));
15700  }
15702  /**
15703   * Emit code for rule number 167:
15704   * r: BOOLEAN_CMP_INT(load32,INT_CONSTANT)
15705   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
15706   */
15707  private void code167(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
15708    RegisterOperand result = BooleanCmp.getResult(P(p)); 
15709EMIT_Commutative(IA32_SHR, P(p), result, consumeMO(), IC(31)); 
15710EMIT(CPOS(P(p),MIR_BinaryAcc.create(IA32_XOR, result.copyRO(), IC(1))));
15711  }
15713  /**
15714   * Emit code for rule number 168:
15716   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
15717   */
15718  private void code168(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
15719    BOOLEAN_CMP_INT(P(p), BooleanCmp.getResult(P(p)), BooleanCmp.getCond(P(p)));
15720  }
15722  /**
15723   * Emit code for rule number 169:
15724   * boolcmp: BOOLEAN_CMP_INT(cz, INT_CONSTANT)
15725   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
15726   */
15727  private void code169(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
15728    pushCOND(BooleanCmp.getCond(P(p)));
15729  }
15731  /**
15732   * Emit code for rule number 170:
15734   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
15735   */
15736  private void code170(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
15737    BOOLEAN_CMP_INT(P(p), BooleanCmp.getResult(P(p)), BooleanCmp.getCond(P(p)));
15738  }
15740  /**
15741   * Emit code for rule number 171:
15742   * boolcmp: BOOLEAN_CMP_INT(szp, INT_CONSTANT)
15743   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
15744   */
15745  private void code171(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
15746    pushCOND(BooleanCmp.getCond(P(p)));
15747  }
15749  /**
15750   * Emit code for rule number 172:
15751   * r: BOOLEAN_CMP_INT(bittest, INT_CONSTANT)
15752   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
15753   */
15754  private void code172(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
15755    BOOLEAN_CMP_INT(P(p), BooleanCmp.getResult(P(p)), BIT_TEST(VR(p),BooleanCmp.getCond(P(p))));
15756  }
15758  /**
15759   * Emit code for rule number 173:
15760   * boolcmp:   BOOLEAN_CMP_INT(bittest, INT_CONSTANT)
15761   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
15762   */
15763  private void code173(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
15764    pushCOND(BIT_TEST(VR(p),BooleanCmp.getCond(P(p))));
15765  }
15767  /**
15768   * Emit code for rule number 174:
15769   * r: BOOLEAN_CMP_INT(boolcmp, INT_CONSTANT)
15770   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
15771   */
15772  private void code174(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
15773    BOOLEAN_CMP_INT(P(p), BooleanCmp.getResult(P(p)), consumeCOND());
15774  }
15776  /**
15777   * Emit code for rule number 176:
15778   * r: BOOLEAN_CMP_INT(boolcmp, INT_CONSTANT)
15779   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
15780   */
15781  private void code176(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
15782    BOOLEAN_CMP_INT(P(p), BooleanCmp.getResult(P(p)), consumeCOND().flipCode());
15783  }
15785  /**
15786   * Emit code for rule number 177:
15787   * boolcmp:   BOOLEAN_CMP_INT(boolcmp, INT_CONSTANT)
15788   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
15789   */
15790  private void code177(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
15791    pushCOND(consumeCOND().flipCode()); // invert already pushed condition
15792  }
15794  /**
15795   * Emit code for rule number 178:
15796   * r: BOOLEAN_CMP_INT(load32,riv)
15797   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
15798   */
15799  private void code178(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
15800    BOOLEAN_CMP_INT(PL(p), BooleanCmp.getResult(P(p)), 
15801            consumeMO(), BooleanCmp.getVal2(P(p)), 
15802            BooleanCmp.getCond(P(p)));
15803  }
15805  /**
15806   * Emit code for rule number 179:
15807   * boolcmp: BOOLEAN_CMP_INT(load32,riv)
15808   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
15809   */
15810  private void code179(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
15811    ConditionOperand cond = BooleanCmp.getCond(P(p)); 
15813EMIT_Compare(P(p), cond, consumeMO(), BooleanCmp.getVal2(P(p)));
15814  }
15816  /**
15817   * Emit code for rule number 180:
15818   * r: BOOLEAN_CMP_INT(r,load32)
15819   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
15820   */
15821  private void code180(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
15822    BOOLEAN_CMP_INT(PR(p), BooleanCmp.getResult(P(p)), 
15823            BooleanCmp.getVal1(P(p)), consumeMO(), 
15824            BooleanCmp.getCond(P(p)));
15825  }
15827  /**
15828   * Emit code for rule number 181:
15829   * boolcmp: BOOLEAN_CMP_INT(riv,load32)
15830   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
15831   */
15832  private void code181(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
15833    ConditionOperand cond = BooleanCmp.getCond(P(p)); 
15835EMIT_Compare(P(p), cond, BooleanCmp.getVal1(P(p)), consumeMO());
15836  }
15838  /**
15839   * Emit code for rule number 182:
15840   * stm:       BYTE_STORE(boolcmp, OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
15841   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
15842   */
15843  private void code182(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
15844    EMIT(MIR_Set.mutate(P(p), IA32_SET__B, MO_S(P(p),B), COND(consumeCOND())));
15845  }
15847  /**
15848   * Emit code for rule number 183:
15849   * stm:       BYTE_ASTORE(boolcmp, OTHER_OPERAND(riv, riv))
15850   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
15851   */
15852  private void code183(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
15853    EMIT(MIR_Set.mutate(P(p), IA32_SET__B, MO_AS(P(p),B_S,B), COND(consumeCOND())));
15854  }
15856  /**
15857   * Emit code for rule number 184:
15858   * r: BOOLEAN_CMP_LONG(r,rlv)
15859   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
15860   */
15861  private void code184(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
15862    BOOLEAN_CMP_INT(P(p), BooleanCmp.getResult(P(p)), 
15863   BooleanCmp.getVal1(P(p)), BooleanCmp.getVal2(P(p)), 
15864   BooleanCmp.getCond(P(p)));
15865  }
15867  /**
15868   * Emit code for rule number 185:
15869   * boolcmp: BOOLEAN_CMP_LONG(r,rlv)
15870   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
15871   */
15872  private void code185(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
15873    ConditionOperand cond = BooleanCmp.getCond(P(p)); 
15875EMIT_Compare(P(p), cond, BooleanCmp.getVal1(P(p)), BooleanCmp.getVal2(P(p)));
15876  }
15878  /**
15879   * Emit code for rule number 186:
15881   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
15882   */
15883  private void code186(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
15884    EMIT(CPOS(P(p),MIR_Test.create(IA32_TEST, BooleanCmp.getVal1(P(p)), BooleanCmp.getVal1(P(p)).copy())));
15885BOOLEAN_CMP_INT(P(p), BooleanCmp.getResult(P(p)), BooleanCmp.getCond(P(p)));
15886  }
15888  /**
15889   * Emit code for rule number 187:
15890   * boolcmp: BOOLEAN_CMP_LONG(r,LONG_CONSTANT)
15891   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
15892   */
15893  private void code187(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
15894    pushCOND(BooleanCmp.getCond(P(p))); 
15895EMIT(CPOS(P(p),MIR_Test.create(IA32_TEST, BooleanCmp.getVal1(P(p)), BooleanCmp.getVal1(P(p)).copy())));
15896  }
15898  /**
15899   * Emit code for rule number 188:
15901   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
15902   */
15903  private void code188(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
15904    EMIT_Commutative(IA32_SHR, P(p), BooleanCmp.getResult(P(p)), BooleanCmp.getVal1(P(p)), IC(63));
15905  }
15907  /**
15908   * Emit code for rule number 189:
15910   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
15911   */
15912  private void code189(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
15913    EMIT_Commutative(IA32_SHR, P(p), BooleanCmp.getResult(P(p)), consumeMO(), IC(63));
15914  }
15916  /**
15917   * Emit code for rule number 190:
15919   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
15920   */
15921  private void code190(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
15922    RegisterOperand result = BooleanCmp.getResult(P(p)); 
15923EMIT_Commutative(IA32_SHR, P(p), result, BooleanCmp.getVal1(P(p)), IC(63)); 
15924EMIT(CPOS(P(p),MIR_BinaryAcc.create(IA32_XOR, result.copyRO(), IC(1))));
15925  }
15927  /**
15928   * Emit code for rule number 191:
15930   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
15931   */
15932  private void code191(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
15933    RegisterOperand result = BooleanCmp.getResult(P(p)); 
15934EMIT_Commutative(IA32_SHR, P(p), result, consumeMO(), IC(63)); 
15935EMIT(CPOS(P(p),MIR_BinaryAcc.create(IA32_XOR, result.copyRO(), IC(1))));
15936  }
15938  /**
15939   * Emit code for rule number 192:
15941   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
15942   */
15943  private void code192(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
15944    BOOLEAN_CMP_INT(P(p), BooleanCmp.getResult(P(p)), BooleanCmp.getCond(P(p)));
15945  }
15947  /**
15948   * Emit code for rule number 193:
15949   * r: BOOLEAN_CMP_LONG(load64,rlv)
15950   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
15951   */
15952  private void code193(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
15953    BOOLEAN_CMP_INT(PL(p), BooleanCmp.getResult(P(p)), 
15954            consumeMO(), BooleanCmp.getVal2(P(p)), 
15955            BooleanCmp.getCond(P(p)));
15956  }
15958  /**
15959   * Emit code for rule number 194:
15960   * boolcmp: BOOLEAN_CMP_LONG(load64,rlv)
15961   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
15962   */
15963  private void code194(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
15964    ConditionOperand cond = BooleanCmp.getCond(P(p)); 
15966EMIT_Compare(P(p), cond, consumeMO(), BooleanCmp.getVal2(P(p)));
15967  }
15969  /**
15970   * Emit code for rule number 195:
15971   * r: BOOLEAN_CMP_LONG(r,load64)
15972   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
15973   */
15974  private void code195(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
15975    BOOLEAN_CMP_INT(PR(p), BooleanCmp.getResult(P(p)), 
15976            BooleanCmp.getVal1(P(p)), consumeMO(), 
15977            BooleanCmp.getCond(P(p)));
15978  }
15980  /**
15981   * Emit code for rule number 196:
15982   * boolcmp: BOOLEAN_CMP_LONG(rlv,load64)
15983   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
15984   */
15985  private void code196(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
15986    ConditionOperand cond = BooleanCmp.getCond(P(p)); 
15988EMIT_Compare(P(p), cond, BooleanCmp.getVal1(P(p)), consumeMO());
15989  }
15991  /**
15992   * Emit code for rule number 197:
15993   * r: BOOLEAN_NOT(r)
15994   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
15995   */
15996  private void code197(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
15997    EMIT_Commutative(IA32_XOR, P(p), Unary.getResult(P(p)), Unary.getVal(P(p)), IC(1));
15998  }
16000  /**
16001   * Emit code for rule number 198:
16002   * stm:       BYTE_STORE(BOOLEAN_NOT(UBYTE_LOAD(rlv,rlv)),OTHER_OPERAND(rlv, rlv))
16003   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
16004   */
16005  private void code198(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
16006    EMIT_Commutative(IA32_XOR, P(p), MO_S(P(p), B), MO_S(P(p), B), IC(1));
16007  }
16009  /**
16010   * Emit code for rule number 199:
16011   * stm:       BYTE_ASTORE(BOOLEAN_NOT(UBYTE_ALOAD(rlv,riv)),OTHER_OPERAND(rlv, riv))
16012   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
16013   */
16014  private void code199(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
16015    EMIT_Commutative(IA32_XOR, P(p), MO_AS(P(p), B_S, B), MO_AS(P(p), B_S, B), IC(1));
16016  }
16018  /**
16019   * Emit code for rule number 200:
16020   * stm:    BYTE_STORE(riv, OTHER_OPERAND(rlv, rlv))
16021   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
16022   */
16023  private void code200(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
16024    EMIT(MIR_Move.mutate(P(p), IA32_MOV, MO_S(P(p), B), Store.getValue(P(p))));
16025  }
16027  /**
16028   * Emit code for rule number 201:
16029   * stm:    BYTE_STORE(load8, OTHER_OPERAND(rlv, rlv))
16030   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
16031   */
16032  private void code201(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
16033    Register tmp = regpool.getInteger(); 
16034EMIT(CPOS(PL(p), MIR_Move.create(IA32_MOV, new RegisterOperand(tmp, TypeReference.Int), consumeMO()))); 
16035EMIT(MIR_Move.mutate(P(p), IA32_MOV, MO_S(P(p), B), new RegisterOperand(tmp, TypeReference.Int)));
16036  }
16038  /**
16039   * Emit code for rule number 202:
16040   * stm:    BYTE_ASTORE(riv, OTHER_OPERAND(rlv, riv))
16041   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
16042   */
16043  private void code202(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
16044    EMIT(MIR_Move.mutate(P(p), IA32_MOV, MO_AS(P(p), B_S, B), AStore.getValue(P(p))));
16045  }
16047  /**
16048   * Emit code for rule number 203:
16049   * stm:    BYTE_ASTORE(load8, OTHER_OPERAND(rlv, riv))
16050   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
16051   */
16052  private void code203(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
16053    Register tmp = regpool.getInteger(); 
16054EMIT(CPOS(PL(p), MIR_Move.create(IA32_MOV, new RegisterOperand(tmp, TypeReference.Int), consumeMO()))); 
16055EMIT(MIR_Move.mutate(P(p), IA32_MOV, MO_AS(P(p), B_S, B), new RegisterOperand(tmp, TypeReference.Int)));
16056  }
16058  /**
16059   * Emit code for rule number 204:
16060   * r: CMP_CMOV(r, OTHER_OPERAND(riv, any))
16061   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
16062   */
16063  private void code204(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
16064    EMIT(CPOS(P(p), MIR_Compare.create(IA32_CMP,  CondMove.getVal1(P(p)), CondMove.getVal2(P(p))))); 
16065CMOV_MOV(P(p), CondMove.getResult(P(p)), CondMove.getCond(P(p)), 
16066         CondMove.getTrueValue(P(p)), CondMove.getFalseValue(P(p)));
16067  }
16069  /**
16070   * Emit code for rule number 205:
16072   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
16073   */
16074  private void code205(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
16075    EMIT(CPOS(P(p), MIR_Test.create(IA32_TEST, CondMove.getVal1(P(p)), CondMove.getVal1(P(p)).copy()))); 
16076CMOV_MOV(P(p), CondMove.getResult(P(p)), CondMove.getCond(P(p)), 
16077         CondMove.getTrueValue(P(p)), CondMove.getFalseValue(P(p)));
16078  }
16080  /**
16081   * Emit code for rule number 206:
16083   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
16084   */
16085  private void code206(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
16086    EMIT_Commutative(IA32_SAR, P(p), CondMove.getResult(P(p)), CondMove.getVal1(P(p)), IC(31));
16087  }
16089  /**
16090   * Emit code for rule number 207:
16092   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
16093   */
16094  private void code207(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
16095    EMIT_Commutative(IA32_SAR, P(p), CondMove.getResult(P(p)), consumeMO(), IC(31));
16096  }
16098  /**
16099   * Emit code for rule number 208:
16101   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
16102   */
16103  private void code208(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
16104    RegisterOperand result = CondMove.getResult(P(p)); 
16105EMIT_Commutative(IA32_SAR, P(p), result, CondMove.getVal1(P(p)), IC(31)); 
16106EMIT(CPOS(P(p),MIR_UnaryAcc.create(IA32_NOT, result.copyRO())));
16107  }
16109  /**
16110   * Emit code for rule number 209:
16112   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
16113   */
16114  private void code209(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
16115    RegisterOperand result = CondMove.getResult(P(p)); 
16116EMIT_Commutative(IA32_SAR, P(p), result, consumeMO(), IC(31)); 
16117EMIT(CPOS(P(p),MIR_UnaryAcc.create(IA32_NOT, result.copyRO())));
16118  }
16120  /**
16121   * Emit code for rule number 210:
16122   * r: CMP_CMOV(load8, OTHER_OPERAND(INT_CONSTANT, any))
16123   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
16124   */
16125  private void code210(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
16126    EMIT(CPOS(P(p), MIR_Compare.create(IA32_CMP, consumeMO(), CondMove.getVal2(P(p))))); 
16127CMOV_MOV(P(p), CondMove.getResult(P(p)), CondMove.getCond(P(p)), 
16128         CondMove.getTrueValue(P(p)), CondMove.getFalseValue(P(p)));
16129  }
16131  /**
16132   * Emit code for rule number 211:
16133   * r: CMP_CMOV(uload8, OTHER_OPERAND(riv, any))
16134   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
16135   */
16136  private void code211(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
16137    EMIT(CPOS(P(p), MIR_Compare.create(IA32_CMP, consumeMO(), CondMove.getVal2(P(p))))); 
16138CMOV_MOV(P(p), CondMove.getResult(P(p)), CondMove.getCond(P(p)), 
16139         CondMove.getTrueValue(P(p)), CondMove.getFalseValue(P(p)));
16140  }
16142  /**
16143   * Emit code for rule number 212:
16144   * r: CMP_CMOV(riv, OTHER_OPERAND(uload8, any))
16145   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
16146   */
16147  private void code212(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
16148    EMIT(CPOS(P(p), MIR_Compare.create(IA32_CMP, consumeMO(), CondMove.getVal2(P(p))))); 
16149CMOV_MOV(P(p), CondMove.getResult(P(p)), CondMove.getCond(P(p)), 
16150         CondMove.getTrueValue(P(p)), CondMove.getFalseValue(P(p)));
16151  }
16153  /**
16154   * Emit code for rule number 213:
16155   * r: CMP_CMOV(sload16, OTHER_OPERAND(INT_CONSTANT, any))
16156   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
16157   */
16158  private void code213(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
16159    EMIT(CPOS(P(p), MIR_Compare.create(IA32_CMP, consumeMO(), CondMove.getVal2(P(p))))); 
16160CMOV_MOV(P(p), CondMove.getResult(P(p)), CondMove.getCond(P(p)), 
16161         CondMove.getTrueValue(P(p)), CondMove.getFalseValue(P(p)));
16162  }
16164  /**
16165   * Emit code for rule number 214:
16166   * r: CMP_CMOV(load32, OTHER_OPERAND(riv, any))
16167   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
16168   */
16169  private void code214(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
16170    EMIT(CPOS(P(p), MIR_Compare.create(IA32_CMP, consumeMO(), CondMove.getVal2(P(p))))); 
16171CMOV_MOV(P(p), CondMove.getResult(P(p)), CondMove.getCond(P(p)), 
16172         CondMove.getTrueValue(P(p)), CondMove.getFalseValue(P(p)));
16173  }
16175  /**
16176   * Emit code for rule number 215:
16177   * r: CMP_CMOV(riv, OTHER_OPERAND(load32, any))
16178   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
16179   */
16180  private void code215(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
16181    EMIT(CPOS(P(p), MIR_Compare.create(IA32_CMP, consumeMO(), CondMove.getVal1(P(p))))); 
16182CMOV_MOV(P(p), CondMove.getResult(P(p)), CondMove.getCond(P(p)).flipOperands(), 
16183         CondMove.getTrueValue(P(p)), CondMove.getFalseValue(P(p)));
16184  }
16186  /**
16187   * Emit code for rule number 216:
16188   * r: CMP_CMOV(boolcmp, OTHER_OPERAND(INT_CONSTANT, any))
16189   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
16190   */
16191  private void code216(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
16192    CMOV_MOV(P(p), CondMove.getResult(P(p)), consumeCOND(), 
16193         CondMove.getTrueValue(P(p)), CondMove.getFalseValue(P(p)));
16194  }
16196  /**
16197   * Emit code for rule number 217:
16198   * r: CMP_CMOV(boolcmp, OTHER_OPERAND(INT_CONSTANT, any))
16199   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
16200   */
16201  private void code217(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
16202    CMOV_MOV(P(p), CondMove.getResult(P(p)), consumeCOND().flipCode(), 
16203         CondMove.getTrueValue(P(p)), CondMove.getFalseValue(P(p)));
16204  }
16206  /**
16207   * Emit code for rule number 218:
16208   * r: CMP_CMOV(bittest, OTHER_OPERAND(INT_CONSTANT, any))
16209   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
16210   */
16211  private void code218(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
16212    CMOV_MOV(P(p), CondMove.getResult(P(p)), BIT_TEST(VRL(p), CondMove.getCond(P(p))), 
16213         CondMove.getTrueValue(P(p)), CondMove.getFalseValue(P(p)));
16214  }
16216  /**
16217   * Emit code for rule number 219:
16219   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
16220   */
16221  private void code219(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
16222    CMOV_MOV(P(p), CondMove.getResult(P(p)), CondMove.getCond(P(p)), 
16223         CondMove.getTrueValue(P(p)), CondMove.getFalseValue(P(p)));
16224  }
16226  /**
16227   * Emit code for rule number 220:
16228   * r: CMP_CMOV(szp, OTHER_OPERAND(INT_CONSTANT, any))
16229   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
16230   */
16231  private void code220(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
16232    CMOV_MOV(P(p), CondMove.getResult(P(p)), CondMove.getCond(P(p)), 
16233         CondMove.getTrueValue(P(p)), CondMove.getFalseValue(P(p)));
16234  }
16236  /**
16237   * Emit code for rule number 221:
16238   * r: INT_2BYTE(r)
16239   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
16240   */
16241  private void code221(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
16242    EMIT(MIR_Unary.mutate(P(p), IA32_MOVSX__B, Unary.getResult(P(p)), Unary.getVal(P(p))));
16243  }
16245  /**
16246   * Emit code for rule number 222:
16247   * r: INT_2BYTE(load8_16_32)
16248   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
16249   */
16250  private void code222(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
16251    EMIT(MIR_Unary.mutate(P(p), IA32_MOVSX__B, Unary.getResult(P(p)), consumeMO()));
16252  }
16254  /**
16255   * Emit code for rule number 223:
16256   * stm:       BYTE_STORE(INT_2BYTE(r),OTHER_OPERAND(riv, riv))
16257   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
16258   */
16259  private void code223(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
16260    EMIT(MIR_Move.mutate(P(p), IA32_MOV, MO_S(P(p), B), Unary.getVal(PL(p))));
16261  }
16263  /**
16264   * Emit code for rule number 224:
16265   * stm:       BYTE_ASTORE(INT_2BYTE(r),OTHER_OPERAND(riv, riv))
16266   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
16267   */
16268  private void code224(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
16269    EMIT(MIR_Move.mutate(P(p), IA32_MOV, MO_AS(P(p), B_S, B), Unary.getVal(PL(p))));
16270  }
16272  /**
16273   * Emit code for rule number 225:
16274   * r: INT_2LONG(r)
16275   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
16276   */
16277  private void code225(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
16278    INT_2LONG(P(p), Unary.getResult(P(p)), Unary.getVal(P(p)), true);
16279  }
16281  /**
16282   * Emit code for rule number 226:
16283   * r: INT_2LONG(load32)
16284   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
16285   */
16286  private void code226(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
16287    INT_2LONG(P(p), Unary.getResult(P(p)), consumeMO(), true);
16288  }
16290  /**
16291   * Emit code for rule number 227:
16292   * r:      LONG_AND(INT_2LONG(r), LONG_CONSTANT)
16293   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
16294   */
16295  private void code227(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
16296    INT_2LONG(P(p), Binary.getResult(P(p)), Unary.getVal(PL(p)), false);
16297  }
16299  /**
16300   * Emit code for rule number 228:
16301   * r:      LONG_AND(INT_2LONG(load32), LONG_CONSTANT)
16302   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
16303   */
16304  private void code228(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
16305    INT_2LONG(P(p), Binary.getResult(P(p)), consumeMO(), false);
16306  }
16308  /**
16309   * Emit code for rule number 229:
16310   * r: INT_2ADDRZerExt(r)
16311   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
16312   */
16313  private void code229(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
16314    INT_2LONG(P(p), Unary.getResult(P(p)), Unary.getVal(P(p)), false);
16315  }
16317  /**
16318   * Emit code for rule number 230:
16319   * r: INT_2SHORT(r)
16320   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
16321   */
16322  private void code230(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
16323    if (VM.BuildFor32Addr) { 
16324EMIT(MIR_Unary.mutate(P(p), IA32_MOVSX__W, Unary.getResult(P(p)), Unary.getVal(P(p)))); 
16325} else { 
16326EMIT(MIR_Unary.mutate(P(p), IA32_MOVSXQ__W, Unary.getResult(P(p)), Unary.getVal(P(p)))); 
16328  }
16330  /**
16331   * Emit code for rule number 231:
16332   * r: INT_2SHORT(load16_32)
16333   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
16334   */
16335  private void code231(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
16336    if (VM.BuildFor32Addr) { 
16337EMIT(MIR_Unary.mutate(P(p), IA32_MOVSX__W, Unary.getResult(P(p)), setSize(consumeMO(), 2))); 
16338} else { 
16339EMIT(MIR_Unary.mutate(P(p), IA32_MOVSXQ__W, Unary.getResult(P(p)), setSize(consumeMO(), 2))); 
16341  }
16343  /**
16344   * Emit code for rule number 232:
16345   * sload16:   INT_2SHORT(load16_32)
16346   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
16347   */
16348  private void code232(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
16349    pushMO(setSize(consumeMO(),2));
16350  }
16352  /**
16353   * Emit code for rule number 233:
16354   * stm:       SHORT_STORE(INT_2SHORT(r), OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
16355   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
16356   */
16357  private void code233(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
16358    EMIT(MIR_Move.mutate(P(p), IA32_MOV, MO_S(P(p), W), Unary.getVal(PL(p))));
16359  }
16361  /**
16362   * Emit code for rule number 234:
16363   * stm:       SHORT_ASTORE(INT_2SHORT(r), OTHER_OPERAND(riv, riv))
16364   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
16365   */
16366  private void code234(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
16367    EMIT(MIR_Move.mutate(P(p), IA32_MOV, MO_AS(P(p), W_S, W), Unary.getVal(PL(p))));
16368  }
16370  /**
16371   * Emit code for rule number 235:
16372   * szpr:      INT_2USHORT(r)
16373   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
16374   */
16375  private void code235(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
16376    EMIT(CPOS(P(p), MIR_Move.create(IA32_MOV, Unary.getResult(P(p)), Unary.getVal(P(p))))); 
16377EMIT(MIR_BinaryAcc.mutate(P(p), IA32_AND, Unary.getResult(P(p)).copyRO(), IC(0xFFFF)));
16378  }
16380  /**
16381   * Emit code for rule number 236:
16382   * uload16:   INT_2USHORT(load16_32)
16383   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
16384   */
16385  private void code236(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
16386    pushMO(setSize(consumeMO(),2));
16387  }
16389  /**
16390   * Emit code for rule number 237:
16391   * r: INT_2USHORT(load16_32)
16392   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
16393   */
16394  private void code237(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
16395    EMIT(MIR_Unary.mutate(P(p), IA32_MOVZX__W, Unary.getResult(P(p)), setSize(consumeMO(),2)));
16396  }
16398  /**
16399   * Emit code for rule number 238:
16400   * stm:       SHORT_STORE(INT_2USHORT(r), OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
16401   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
16402   */
16403  private void code238(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
16404    EMIT(MIR_Move.mutate(P(p), IA32_MOV, MO_S(P(p), W), Unary.getVal(PL(p))));
16405  }
16407  /**
16408   * Emit code for rule number 239:
16409   * stm:       SHORT_ASTORE(INT_2USHORT(r), OTHER_OPERAND(riv, riv))
16410   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
16411   */
16412  private void code239(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
16413    EMIT(MIR_Move.mutate(P(p), IA32_MOV, MO_AS(P(p), W_S, W), Unary.getVal(PL(p))));
16414  }
16416  /**
16417   * Emit code for rule number 240:
16418   * czr:       INT_ADD(r, riv)
16419   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
16420   */
16421  private void code240(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
16422    EMIT_Commutative(IA32_ADD, P(p), Binary.getResult(P(p)), Binary.getVal1(P(p)), Binary.getVal2(P(p)));
16423  }
16425  /**
16426   * Emit code for rule number 241:
16427   * r: INT_ADD(r, riv)
16428   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
16429   */
16430  private void code241(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
16431    if (Binary.getVal2(P(p)).isIntConstant()) { 
16432 pushAddress(R(Binary.getVal1(P(p))), null, B_S, Offset.fromIntSignExtend(VR(p))); 
16433} else { 
16434 pushAddress(R(Binary.getVal1(P(p))), R(Binary.getVal2(P(p))), B_S, Offset.zero()); 
16436EMIT_Lea(P(p), Binary.getResult(P(p)), consumeAddress(DW, null, null));
16437  }
16439  /**
16440   * Emit code for rule number 242:
16441   * czr:       INT_ADD(r, load32)
16442   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
16443   */
16444  private void code242(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
16445    EMIT_Commutative(IA32_ADD, P(p), Binary.getResult(P(p)), Binary.getVal1(P(p)), consumeMO());
16446  }
16448  /**
16449   * Emit code for rule number 243:
16450   * czr:       INT_ADD(load32, riv)
16451   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
16452   */
16453  private void code243(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
16454    EMIT_Commutative(IA32_ADD, P(p), Binary.getResult(P(p)), Binary.getVal2(P(p)), consumeMO());
16455  }
16457  /**
16458   * Emit code for rule number 244:
16459   * stm:       INT_STORE(INT_ADD(INT_LOAD(riv,riv),riv),OTHER_OPERAND(riv, riv))
16460   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
16461   */
16462  private void code244(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
16463    EMIT_Commutative(IA32_ADD, P(p), MO_S(P(p), DW), MO_S(P(p), DW), Binary.getVal2(PL(p)));
16464  }
16466  /**
16467   * Emit code for rule number 245:
16468   * stm:       INT_STORE(INT_ADD(riv,INT_LOAD(riv,riv)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv, riv))
16469   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
16470   */
16471  private void code245(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
16472    EMIT_Commutative(IA32_ADD, P(p), MO_S(P(p), DW), MO_S(P(p), DW), Binary.getVal1(PL(p)));
16473  }
16475  /**
16476   * Emit code for rule number 246:
16477   * stm:       INT_ASTORE(INT_ADD(INT_ALOAD(riv,riv),riv),OTHER_OPERAND(riv, riv))
16478   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
16479   */
16480  private void code246(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
16481    EMIT_Commutative(IA32_ADD, P(p), MO_AS(P(p), DW_S, DW), MO_AS(P(p), DW_S, DW), Binary.getVal2(PL(p)));
16482  }
16484  /**
16485   * Emit code for rule number 247:
16486   * stm:       INT_ASTORE(INT_ADD(riv,INT_ALOAD(riv,riv)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv, riv))
16487   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
16488   */
16489  private void code247(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
16490    EMIT_Commutative(IA32_ADD, P(p), MO_AS(P(p), DW_S, DW), MO_AS(P(p), DW_S, DW), Binary.getVal1(PL(p)));
16491  }
16493  /**
16494   * Emit code for rule number 248:
16495   * szpr:      INT_AND(r, riv)
16496   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
16497   */
16498  private void code248(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
16499    EMIT_Commutative(IA32_AND, P(p), Binary.getResult(P(p)), Binary.getVal1(P(p)), Binary.getVal2(P(p)));
16500  }
16502  /**
16503   * Emit code for rule number 249:
16504   * szp:       INT_AND(r, riv)
16505   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
16506   */
16507  private void code249(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
16508    EMIT(MIR_Test.mutate(P(p), IA32_TEST, Binary.getVal1(P(p)), Binary.getVal2(P(p))));
16509  }
16511  /**
16512   * Emit code for rule number 250:
16513   * szpr:      INT_AND(r, load32)
16514   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
16515   */
16516  private void code250(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
16517    EMIT_Commutative(IA32_AND, P(p), Binary.getResult(P(p)), Binary.getVal1(P(p)), consumeMO());
16518  }
16520  /**
16521   * Emit code for rule number 251:
16522   * szpr:      INT_AND(load32, riv)
16523   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
16524   */
16525  private void code251(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
16526    EMIT_Commutative(IA32_AND, P(p), Binary.getResult(P(p)), Binary.getVal2(P(p)), consumeMO());
16527  }
16529  /**
16530   * Emit code for rule number 252:
16531   * szp:       INT_AND(load8_16_32, riv)
16532   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
16533   */
16534  private void code252(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
16535    EMIT(MIR_Test.mutate(P(p), IA32_TEST, consumeMO(), Binary.getVal2(P(p))));
16536  }
16538  /**
16539   * Emit code for rule number 253:
16540   * szp:       INT_AND(r, load8_16_32)
16541   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
16542   */
16543  private void code253(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
16544    EMIT(MIR_Test.mutate(P(p), IA32_TEST, consumeMO(), Binary.getVal1(P(p))));
16545  }
16547  /**
16548   * Emit code for rule number 254:
16549   * stm:       INT_STORE(INT_AND(INT_LOAD(riv,riv),riv),OTHER_OPERAND(riv, riv))
16550   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
16551   */
16552  private void code254(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
16553    EMIT_Commutative(IA32_AND, P(p), MO_S(P(p), DW), MO_S(P(p), DW), Binary.getVal2(PL(p)) );
16554  }
16556  /**
16557   * Emit code for rule number 255:
16558   * stm:       INT_STORE(INT_AND(r,INT_LOAD(riv,riv)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv, riv))
16559   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
16560   */
16561  private void code255(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
16562    EMIT_Commutative(IA32_AND, P(p), MO_S(P(p), DW), MO_S(P(p), DW), Binary.getVal1(PL(p)) );
16563  }
16565  /**
16566   * Emit code for rule number 256:
16567   * stm:       INT_ASTORE(INT_AND(INT_ALOAD(riv,riv),riv),OTHER_OPERAND(riv, riv))
16568   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
16569   */
16570  private void code256(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
16571    EMIT_Commutative(IA32_AND, P(p), MO_AS(P(p), DW_S, DW), MO_AS(P(p), DW_S, DW), Binary.getVal2(PL(p)) );
16572  }
16574  /**
16575   * Emit code for rule number 257:
16576   * stm:       INT_ASTORE(INT_AND(r,INT_ALOAD(riv,riv)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv, riv))
16577   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
16578   */
16579  private void code257(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
16580    EMIT_Commutative(IA32_AND, P(p), MO_AS(P(p), DW_S, DW), MO_AS(P(p), DW_S, DW), Binary.getVal1(PL(p)) );
16581  }
16583  /**
16584   * Emit code for rule number 258:
16585   * r: INT_DIV(riv, riv)
16586   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
16587   */
16588  private void code258(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
16589    INT_DIVIDES(P(p), GuardedBinary.getResult(P(p)), GuardedBinary.getVal1(P(p)), 
16590            GuardedBinary.getVal2(P(p)), true, true);
16591  }
16593  /**
16594   * Emit code for rule number 259:
16595   * r: INT_DIV(riv, load32)
16596   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
16597   */
16598  private void code259(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
16599    INT_DIVIDES(P(p), GuardedBinary.getResult(P(p)), GuardedBinary.getVal1(P(p)), 
16600            consumeMO(), true, true);
16601  }
16603  /**
16604   * Emit code for rule number 260:
16605   * stm:       INT_IFCMP(r,riv)
16606   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
16607   */
16608  private void code260(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
16609    IFCMP(P(p), IfCmp.getGuardResult(P(p)), IfCmp.getVal1(P(p)), IfCmp.getVal2(P(p)), IfCmp.getCond(P(p)));
16610  }
16612  /**
16613   * Emit code for rule number 261:
16614   * stm:       INT_IFCMP(r, INT_CONSTANT)
16615   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
16616   */
16617  private void code261(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
16618    EMIT(CPOS(P(p), Move.create(GUARD_MOVE, IfCmp.getGuardResult(P(p)), new TrueGuardOperand()))); 
16619EMIT(CPOS(P(p), MIR_Test.create(IA32_TEST, IfCmp.getVal1(P(p)), IfCmp.getVal1(P(p)).copy()))); 
16620EMIT(MIR_CondBranch.mutate(P(p), IA32_JCC, COND(IfCmp.getCond(P(p))), IfCmp.getTarget(P(p)), IfCmp.getBranchProfile(P(p))));
16621  }
16623  /**
16624   * Emit code for rule number 262:
16625   * stm:       INT_IFCMP(load8, INT_CONSTANT)
16626   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
16627   */
16628  private void code262(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
16629    IFCMP(P(p), IfCmp.getGuardResult(P(p)), consumeMO(), IfCmp.getVal2(P(p)), IfCmp.getCond(P(p)));
16630  }
16632  /**
16633   * Emit code for rule number 263:
16634   * stm:       INT_IFCMP(uload8, r)
16635   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
16636   */
16637  private void code263(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
16638    IFCMP(P(p), IfCmp.getGuardResult(P(p)), consumeMO(), IfCmp.getVal2(P(p)), IfCmp.getCond(P(p)));
16639  }
16641  /**
16642   * Emit code for rule number 264:
16643   * stm:       INT_IFCMP(r, uload8)
16644   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
16645   */
16646  private void code264(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
16647    IFCMP(P(p), IfCmp.getGuardResult(P(p)), IfCmp.getVal1(P(p)), consumeMO(), IfCmp.getCond(P(p)));
16648  }
16650  /**
16651   * Emit code for rule number 265:
16652   * stm:       INT_IFCMP(sload16, INT_CONSTANT)
16653   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
16654   */
16655  private void code265(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
16656    IFCMP(P(p), IfCmp.getGuardResult(P(p)), consumeMO(), IfCmp.getVal2(P(p)), IfCmp.getCond(P(p)));
16657  }
16659  /**
16660   * Emit code for rule number 266:
16661   * stm:       INT_IFCMP(load32, riv)
16662   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
16663   */
16664  private void code266(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
16665    IFCMP(P(p), IfCmp.getGuardResult(P(p)), consumeMO(), IfCmp.getVal2(P(p)), IfCmp.getCond(P(p)));
16666  }
16668  /**
16669   * Emit code for rule number 267:
16670   * stm:       INT_IFCMP(r, load32)
16671   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
16672   */
16673  private void code267(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
16674    IFCMP(P(p), IfCmp.getGuardResult(P(p)), IfCmp.getVal1(P(p)), consumeMO(), IfCmp.getCond(P(p)));
16675  }
16677  /**
16678   * Emit code for rule number 268:
16679   * stm:       INT_IFCMP(boolcmp, INT_CONSTANT)
16680   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
16681   */
16682  private void code268(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
16683    EMIT(CPOS(P(p), Move.create(GUARD_MOVE, IfCmp.getGuardResult(P(p)), new TrueGuardOperand()))); 
16684EMIT(MIR_CondBranch.mutate(P(p), IA32_JCC, COND(consumeCOND()), IfCmp.getTarget(P(p)), IfCmp.getBranchProfile(P(p))));
16685  }
16687  /**
16688   * Emit code for rule number 269:
16689   * stm:       INT_IFCMP(boolcmp, INT_CONSTANT)
16690   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
16691   */
16692  private void code269(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
16693    EMIT(CPOS(P(p), Move.create(GUARD_MOVE, IfCmp.getGuardResult(P(p)), new TrueGuardOperand()))); 
16694EMIT(MIR_CondBranch.mutate(P(p), IA32_JCC, COND(consumeCOND().flipCode()), IfCmp.getTarget(P(p)), IfCmp.getBranchProfile(P(p))));
16695  }
16697  /**
16698   * Emit code for rule number 270:
16699   * stm:       INT_IFCMP(cz, INT_CONSTANT)
16700   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
16701   */
16702  private void code270(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
16703    EMIT(CPOS(P(p), Move.create(GUARD_MOVE, IfCmp.getGuardResult(P(p)), new TrueGuardOperand()))); 
16704EMIT(MIR_CondBranch.mutate(P(p), IA32_JCC, COND(IfCmp.getCond(P(p))), IfCmp.getTarget(P(p)), IfCmp.getBranchProfile(P(p))));
16705  }
16707  /**
16708   * Emit code for rule number 271:
16709   * stm:       INT_IFCMP(szp, INT_CONSTANT)
16710   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
16711   */
16712  private void code271(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
16713    EMIT(CPOS(P(p), Move.create(GUARD_MOVE, IfCmp.getGuardResult(P(p)), new TrueGuardOperand()))); 
16714EMIT(MIR_CondBranch.mutate(P(p), IA32_JCC, COND(IfCmp.getCond(P(p))), IfCmp.getTarget(P(p)), IfCmp.getBranchProfile(P(p))));
16715  }
16717  /**
16718   * Emit code for rule number 272:
16719   * stm:       INT_IFCMP(bittest, INT_CONSTANT)
16720   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
16721   */
16722  private void code272(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
16723    EMIT(CPOS(P(p), Move.create(GUARD_MOVE, IfCmp.getGuardResult(P(p)), new TrueGuardOperand()))); 
16724EMIT(MIR_CondBranch.mutate(P(p), IA32_JCC, COND(BIT_TEST(VR(p), IfCmp.getCond(P(p)))), IfCmp.getTarget(P(p)), IfCmp.getBranchProfile(P(p))));
16725  }
16727  /**
16728   * Emit code for rule number 273:
16729   * stm:       INT_IFCMP2(r,riv)
16730   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
16731   */
16732  private void code273(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
16733    EMIT(CPOS(P(p), Move.create(GUARD_MOVE, IfCmp2.getGuardResult(P(p)), new TrueGuardOperand()))); 
16734EMIT(CPOS(P(p), MIR_Compare.create(IA32_CMP, IfCmp2.getVal1(P(p)), IfCmp2.getVal2(P(p))))); 
16735EMIT(MIR_CondBranch2.mutate(P(p), IA32_JCC2,                                  
16736                            COND(IfCmp2.getCond1(P(p))), IfCmp2.getTarget1(P(p)),IfCmp2.getBranchProfile1(P(p)), 
16737                            COND(IfCmp2.getCond2(P(p))), IfCmp2.getTarget2(P(p)), IfCmp2.getBranchProfile2(P(p))));
16738  }
16740  /**
16741   * Emit code for rule number 274:
16742   * stm:       INT_IFCMP2(load32,riv)
16743   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
16744   */
16745  private void code274(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
16746    EMIT(CPOS(P(p), Move.create(GUARD_MOVE, IfCmp2.getGuardResult(P(p)), new TrueGuardOperand()))); 
16747EMIT(CPOS(P(p), MIR_Compare.create(IA32_CMP, consumeMO(), IfCmp2.getVal2(P(p))))); 
16748EMIT(MIR_CondBranch2.mutate(P(p), IA32_JCC2,                                  
16749                            COND(IfCmp2.getCond1(P(p))), IfCmp2.getTarget1(P(p)),IfCmp2.getBranchProfile1(P(p)), 
16750                            COND(IfCmp2.getCond2(P(p))), IfCmp2.getTarget2(P(p)), IfCmp2.getBranchProfile2(P(p))));
16751  }
16753  /**
16754   * Emit code for rule number 275:
16755   * stm:       INT_IFCMP2(riv,load32)
16756   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
16757   */
16758  private void code275(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
16759    EMIT(CPOS(P(p), Move.create(GUARD_MOVE, IfCmp2.getGuardResult(P(p)), new TrueGuardOperand()))); 
16760EMIT(CPOS(P(p), MIR_Compare.create(IA32_CMP, consumeMO(), IfCmp2.getVal1(P(p))))); 
16761EMIT(MIR_CondBranch2.mutate(P(p), IA32_JCC2,                                  
16762                            COND(IfCmp2.getCond1(P(p)).flipOperands()), IfCmp2.getTarget1(P(p)),IfCmp2.getBranchProfile1(P(p)), 
16763                            COND(IfCmp2.getCond2(P(p)).flipOperands()), IfCmp2.getTarget2(P(p)), IfCmp2.getBranchProfile2(P(p))));
16764  }
16766  /**
16767   * Emit code for rule number 276:
16768   * r: INT_LOAD(rlv, rlv)
16769   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
16770   */
16771  private void code276(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
16772    EMIT(MIR_Move.mutate(P(p), IA32_MOV, Load.getResult(P(p)), MO_L(P(p), DW)));
16773  }
16775  /**
16776   * Emit code for rule number 277:
16777   * r: INT_LOAD(rlv, address1scaledreg)
16778   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
16779   */
16780  private void code277(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
16781    augmentAddress(Load.getAddress(P(p))); 
16782EMIT(MIR_Move.mutate(P(p), IA32_MOV, Load.getResult(P(p)), 
16783                     consumeAddress(DW, Load.getLocation(P(p)), Load.getGuard(P(p)))));
16784  }
16786  /**
16787   * Emit code for rule number 278:
16788   * r: INT_LOAD(address1scaledreg, rlv)
16789   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
16790   */
16791  private void code278(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
16792    augmentAddress(Load.getOffset(P(p))); 
16793EMIT(MIR_Move.mutate(P(p), IA32_MOV, Load.getResult(P(p)), 
16794                     consumeAddress(DW, Load.getLocation(P(p)), Load.getGuard(P(p)))));
16795  }
16797  /**
16798   * Emit code for rule number 279:
16799   * r: INT_LOAD(address1scaledreg, address1reg)
16800   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
16801   */
16802  private void code279(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
16803    combineAddresses(); 
16804EMIT(MIR_Move.mutate(P(p), IA32_MOV, Load.getResult(P(p)), 
16805                     consumeAddress(DW, Load.getLocation(P(p)), Load.getGuard(P(p)))));
16806  }
16808  /**
16809   * Emit code for rule number 280:
16810   * r: INT_LOAD(address1reg, address1scaledreg)
16811   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
16812   */
16813  private void code280(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
16814    combineAddresses(); 
16815EMIT(MIR_Move.mutate(P(p), IA32_MOV, Load.getResult(P(p)), 
16816                     consumeAddress(DW, Load.getLocation(P(p)), Load.getGuard(P(p)))));
16817  }
16819  /**
16820   * Emit code for rule number 281:
16821   * r: INT_LOAD(address, LONG_CONSTANT)
16822   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
16823   */
16824  private void code281(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
16825    augmentAddress(Load.getOffset(P(p))); 
16826EMIT(MIR_Move.mutate(P(p), IA32_MOV, Load.getResult(P(p)), 
16827                     consumeAddress(DW, Load.getLocation(P(p)), Load.getGuard(P(p)))));
16828  }
16830  /**
16831   * Emit code for rule number 282:
16832   * r:      INT_ALOAD(rlv, riv)
16833   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
16834   */
16835  private void code282(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
16836    EMIT(MIR_Move.mutate(P(p), IA32_MOV, ALoad.getResult(P(p)), MO_AL(P(p), DW_S, DW)));
16837  }
16839  /**
16840   * Emit code for rule number 283:
16841   * r: INT_MOVE(riv)
16842   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
16843   */
16844  private void code283(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
16845    EMIT(MIR_Move.mutate(P(p), IA32_MOV, Move.getResult(P(p)), Move.getVal(P(p))));
16846  }
16848  /**
16849   * Emit code for rule number 284:
16850   * czr:       INT_MOVE(czr)
16851   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
16852   */
16853  private void code284(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
16854    EMIT(MIR_Move.mutate(P(p), IA32_MOV, Move.getResult(P(p)), Move.getVal(P(p))));
16855  }
16857  /**
16858   * Emit code for rule number 286:
16859   * szpr:      INT_MOVE(szpr)
16860   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
16861   */
16862  private void code286(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
16863    EMIT(MIR_Move.mutate(P(p), IA32_MOV, Move.getResult(P(p)), Move.getVal(P(p))));
16864  }
16866  /**
16867   * Emit code for rule number 295:
16868   * r: INT_MUL(r, riv)
16869   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
16870   */
16871  private void code295(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
16872    EMIT_Commutative(IA32_IMUL2, P(p), Binary.getResult(P(p)), Binary.getVal1(P(p)), Binary.getVal2(P(p)));
16873  }
16875  /**
16876   * Emit code for rule number 296:
16877   * r: INT_MUL(r, load32)
16878   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
16879   */
16880  private void code296(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
16881    EMIT_Commutative(IA32_IMUL2, P(p), Binary.getResult(P(p)), Binary.getVal1(P(p)), consumeMO());
16882  }
16884  /**
16885   * Emit code for rule number 297:
16886   * r: INT_MUL(load32, riv)
16887   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
16888   */
16889  private void code297(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
16890    EMIT_Commutative(IA32_IMUL2, P(p), Binary.getResult(P(p)), Binary.getVal2(P(p)), consumeMO());
16891  }
16893  /**
16894   * Emit code for rule number 298:
16895   * szpr:      INT_NEG(r)
16896   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
16897   */
16898  private void code298(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
16899    EMIT_Unary(IA32_NEG, P(p), Unary.getResult(P(p)), Unary.getVal(P(p)));
16900  }
16902  /**
16903   * Emit code for rule number 299:
16904   * stm:       INT_STORE(INT_NEG(INT_LOAD(riv,riv)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv, riv))
16905   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
16906   */
16907  private void code299(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
16908    EMIT_Unary(IA32_NEG, P(p), MO_S(P(p), DW), MO_S(P(p), DW));
16909  }
16911  /**
16912   * Emit code for rule number 300:
16913   * stm:       INT_ASTORE(INT_NEG(INT_ALOAD(riv,riv)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv, riv))
16914   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
16915   */
16916  private void code300(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
16917    EMIT_Unary(IA32_NEG, P(p), MO_AS(P(p), DW_S, DW), MO_AS(P(p), DW_S, DW));
16918  }
16920  /**
16921   * Emit code for rule number 301:
16922   * r: INT_NOT(r)
16923   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
16924   */
16925  private void code301(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
16926    EMIT_Unary(IA32_NOT, P(p), Unary.getResult(P(p)), Unary.getVal(P(p)));
16927  }
16929  /**
16930   * Emit code for rule number 302:
16931   * stm:       INT_STORE(INT_NOT(INT_LOAD(riv,riv)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv, riv))
16932   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
16933   */
16934  private void code302(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
16935    EMIT_Unary(IA32_NOT, P(p), MO_S(P(p), DW), MO_S(P(p), DW));
16936  }
16938  /**
16939   * Emit code for rule number 303:
16940   * stm:       INT_ASTORE(INT_NOT(INT_ALOAD(riv,riv)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv, riv))
16941   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
16942   */
16943  private void code303(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
16944    EMIT_Unary(IA32_NOT, P(p), MO_AS(P(p), DW_S, DW), MO_AS(P(p), DW_S, DW));
16945  }
16947  /**
16948   * Emit code for rule number 304:
16949   * szpr:      INT_OR(r, riv)
16950   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
16951   */
16952  private void code304(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
16953    EMIT_Commutative(IA32_OR, P(p), Binary.getResult(P(p)), Binary.getVal1(P(p)), Binary.getVal2(P(p)));
16954  }
16956  /**
16957   * Emit code for rule number 305:
16958   * szpr:      INT_OR(r, load32)
16959   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
16960   */
16961  private void code305(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
16962    EMIT_Commutative(IA32_OR, P(p), Binary.getResult(P(p)), Binary.getVal1(P(p)), consumeMO() );
16963  }
16965  /**
16966   * Emit code for rule number 306:
16967   * szpr:      INT_OR(load32, riv)
16968   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
16969   */
16970  private void code306(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
16971    EMIT_Commutative(IA32_OR, P(p), Binary.getResult(P(p)), Binary.getVal2(P(p)), consumeMO() );
16972  }
16974  /**
16975   * Emit code for rule number 307:
16976   * stm:       INT_STORE(INT_OR(INT_LOAD(riv,riv),riv),OTHER_OPERAND(riv, riv))
16977   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
16978   */
16979  private void code307(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
16980    EMIT_Commutative(IA32_OR, P(p), MO_S(P(p), DW), MO_S(P(p), DW), Binary.getVal2(PL(p)) );
16981  }
16983  /**
16984   * Emit code for rule number 308:
16985   * stm:       INT_STORE(INT_OR(r, INT_LOAD(riv,riv)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv, riv))
16986   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
16987   */
16988  private void code308(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
16989    EMIT_Commutative(IA32_OR, P(p), MO_S(P(p), DW), MO_S(P(p), DW), Binary.getVal1(PL(p)) );
16990  }
16992  /**
16993   * Emit code for rule number 309:
16994   * stm:       INT_ASTORE(INT_OR(INT_ALOAD(riv,riv),riv),OTHER_OPERAND(riv, riv))
16995   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
16996   */
16997  private void code309(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
16998    EMIT_Commutative(IA32_OR, P(p), MO_AS(P(p), DW_S, DW), MO_AS(P(p), DW_S, DW), Binary.getVal2(PL(p)) );
16999  }
17001  /**
17002   * Emit code for rule number 310:
17003   * stm:       INT_ASTORE(INT_OR(r, INT_ALOAD(riv,riv)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv, riv))
17004   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
17005   */
17006  private void code310(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
17007    EMIT_Commutative(IA32_OR, P(p), MO_AS(P(p), DW_S, DW), MO_AS(P(p), DW_S, DW), Binary.getVal1(PL(p)) );
17008  }
17010  /**
17011   * Emit code for rule number 311:
17012   * r: INT_REM(riv, riv)
17013   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
17014   */
17015  private void code311(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
17016    INT_DIVIDES(P(p), GuardedBinary.getResult(P(p)), GuardedBinary.getVal1(P(p)), 
17017            GuardedBinary.getVal2(P(p)), false, true);
17018  }
17020  /**
17021   * Emit code for rule number 312:
17022   * r: INT_REM(riv, load32)
17023   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
17024   */
17025  private void code312(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
17026    INT_DIVIDES(P(p), GuardedBinary.getResult(P(p)), GuardedBinary.getVal1(P(p)), 
17027            consumeMO(), false, true);
17028  }
17030  /**
17031   * Emit code for rule number 313:
17033   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
17034   */
17035  private void code313(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
17036    EMIT_NonCommutative(IA32_ROL, P(p), Binary.getResult(P(p)), Binary.getVal1(PL(p)).copy(), IC(VLR(p)&0x1f));
17037  }
17039  /**
17040   * Emit code for rule number 314:
17042   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
17043   */
17044  private void code314(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
17045    EMIT_NonCommutative(IA32_ROL, P(p), Binary.getResult(P(p)), Binary.getVal1(PL(p)).copy(), IC(VRR(p)&0x1f));
17046  }
17048  /**
17049   * Emit code for rule number 315:
17051   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
17052   */
17053  private void code315(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
17054    EMIT_NonCommutative(IA32_ROR, P(p), Binary.getResult(P(p)), Binary.getVal1(PL(p)).copy(), IC(1));
17055  }
17057  /**
17058   * Emit code for rule number 316:
17060   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
17061   */
17062  private void code316(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
17063    EMIT_NonCommutative(IA32_ROR, P(p), Binary.getResult(P(p)), Binary.getVal1(PL(p)).copy(), IC(1));
17064  }
17066  /**
17067   * Emit code for rule number 317:
17069   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
17070   */
17071  private void code317(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
17072    EMIT(CPOS(P(p), MIR_Move.create(IA32_MOV, new RegisterOperand(getECX(), TypeReference.Int), Binary.getVal1(PLR(p))))); 
17073EMIT_NonCommutative(IA32_ROL, P(p), Binary.getResult(P(p)), Binary.getVal1(PL(p)).copy(), new RegisterOperand(getECX(), TypeReference.Int));
17074  }
17076  /**
17077   * Emit code for rule number 318:
17079   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
17080   */
17081  private void code318(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
17082    EMIT(CPOS(P(p), MIR_Move.create(IA32_MOV, new RegisterOperand(getECX(), TypeReference.Int), Binary.getVal1(PRR(p))))); 
17083EMIT_NonCommutative(IA32_ROL, P(p), Binary.getResult(P(p)), Binary.getVal1(PL(p)).copy(), new RegisterOperand(getECX(), TypeReference.Int));
17084  }
17086  /**
17087   * Emit code for rule number 319:
17089   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
17090   */
17091  private void code319(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
17092    EMIT(CPOS(P(p), MIR_Move.create(IA32_MOV, new RegisterOperand(getECX(), TypeReference.Int), Binary.getVal1(PRR(p))))); 
17093EMIT_NonCommutative(IA32_ROR, P(p), Binary.getResult(P(p)), Binary.getVal1(PL(p)).copy(), new RegisterOperand(getECX(), TypeReference.Int));
17094  }
17096  /**
17097   * Emit code for rule number 320:
17099   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
17100   */
17101  private void code320(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
17102    EMIT(CPOS(P(p), MIR_Move.create(IA32_MOV, new RegisterOperand(getECX(), TypeReference.Int), Binary.getVal1(PLR(p))))); 
17103EMIT_NonCommutative(IA32_ROR, P(p), Binary.getResult(P(p)), Binary.getVal1(PL(p)).copy(), new RegisterOperand(getECX(), TypeReference.Int));
17104  }
17106  /**
17107   * Emit code for rule number 321:
17108   * szpr:      INT_SHL(riv, INT_AND(r, INT_CONSTANT))
17109   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
17110   */
17111  private void code321(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
17112    EMIT(CPOS(P(p), MIR_Move.create(IA32_MOV, new RegisterOperand(getECX(), TypeReference.Int), Binary.getVal1(PR(p))))); 
17113EMIT_NonCommutative(IA32_SHL, P(p), Binary.getResult(P(p)), Binary.getVal1(P(p)), new RegisterOperand(getECX(), TypeReference.Int));
17114  }
17116  /**
17117   * Emit code for rule number 322:
17118   * szpr:      INT_SHL(riv, riv)
17119   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
17120   */
17121  private void code322(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
17122    EMIT(CPOS(P(p), MIR_Move.create(IA32_MOV, new RegisterOperand(getECX(), TypeReference.Int), Binary.getVal2(P(p))))); 
17123EMIT_NonCommutative(IA32_SHL, P(p), Binary.getResult(P(p)), Binary.getVal1(P(p)), new RegisterOperand(getECX(), TypeReference.Int));
17124  }
17126  /**
17127   * Emit code for rule number 323:
17128   * szpr:      INT_SHL(r, INT_CONSTANT)
17129   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
17130   */
17131  private void code323(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
17132    if (VM.VerifyAssertions) VM._assert((VR(p) & 0x7FFFFFFF) <= 31); if(Binary.getVal2(P(p)).asIntConstant().value == 1) { 
17133 EMIT_Commutative(IA32_ADD, P(p), Binary.getResult(P(p)), Binary.getVal1(P(p)), Binary.getVal1(P(p)).copy()); 
17134} else { 
17135 EMIT_NonCommutative(IA32_SHL, P(p), Binary.getResult(P(p)), Binary.getVal1(P(p)), Binary.getVal2(P(p))); 
17137  }
17139  /**
17140   * Emit code for rule number 324:
17141   * r: INT_SHL(r, INT_CONSTANT)
17142   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
17143   */
17144  private void code324(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
17145    pushAddress(null, Binary.getVal1(P(p)).asRegister(), LEA_SHIFT(Binary.getVal2(P(p))), Offset.zero()); 
17146EMIT_Lea(P(p), Binary.getResult(P(p)), consumeAddress(DW, null, null));
17147  }
17149  /**
17150   * Emit code for rule number 325:
17151   * szpr:      INT_SHL(INT_SHR(r, INT_CONSTANT), INT_CONSTANT)
17152   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
17153   */
17154  private void code325(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
17155    EMIT_Commutative(IA32_AND, P(p), Binary.getResult(P(p)), Binary.getVal1(PL(p)), IC(0xffffffff << VR(p)));
17156  }
17158  /**
17159   * Emit code for rule number 326:
17160   * stm:       INT_STORE(INT_SHL(INT_LOAD(riv,riv),INT_AND(r,INT_CONSTANT)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv, riv))
17161   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
17162   */
17163  private void code326(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
17164    EMIT(CPOS(P(p), MIR_Move.create(IA32_MOV, new RegisterOperand(getECX(), TypeReference.Int), Binary.getVal1(PLR(p))))); 
17165EMIT(MIR_BinaryAcc.mutate(P(p), IA32_SHL, MO_S(P(p), DW), new RegisterOperand(getECX(), TypeReference.Int)));
17166  }
17168  /**
17169   * Emit code for rule number 327:
17170   * stm:       INT_STORE(INT_SHL(INT_LOAD(riv,riv), INT_CONSTANT),OTHER_OPERAND(riv, riv))
17171   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
17172   */
17173  private void code327(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
17174    if (VM.VerifyAssertions) VM._assert((VLR(p) & 0x7FFFFFFF) <= 31); 
17175EMIT(MIR_BinaryAcc.mutate(P(p), IA32_SHL, MO_S(P(p), DW), Binary.getVal2(PL(p))));
17176  }
17178  /**
17179   * Emit code for rule number 328:
17180   * stm:       INT_ASTORE(INT_SHL(INT_ALOAD(riv,riv),INT_AND(r, INT_CONSTANT)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv, riv))
17181   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
17182   */
17183  private void code328(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
17184    EMIT(MIR_Move.create(IA32_MOV, new RegisterOperand(getECX(), TypeReference.Int), Binary.getVal1(PLR(p)))); 
17185EMIT(MIR_BinaryAcc.mutate(P(p), IA32_SHL, MO_AS(P(p), DW_S, DW), new RegisterOperand(getECX(), TypeReference.Int)));
17186  }
17188  /**
17189   * Emit code for rule number 329:
17190   * stm:       INT_ASTORE(INT_SHL(INT_ALOAD(riv,riv), INT_CONSTANT),OTHER_OPERAND(riv, riv))
17191   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
17192   */
17193  private void code329(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
17194    EMIT(MIR_BinaryAcc.mutate(P(p), IA32_SHL, MO_AS(P(p), DW_S, DW), Binary.getVal2(PL(p))));
17195  }
17197  /**
17198   * Emit code for rule number 330:
17199   * szpr:      INT_SHR(riv, INT_AND(r, INT_CONSTANT))
17200   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
17201   */
17202  private void code330(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
17203    EMIT(CPOS(P(p), MIR_Move.create(IA32_MOV, new RegisterOperand(getECX(), TypeReference.Int), Binary.getVal1(PR(p))))); 
17204EMIT_NonCommutative(IA32_SAR, P(p), Binary.getResult(P(p)), Binary.getVal1(P(p)), new RegisterOperand(getECX(), TypeReference.Int));
17205  }
17207  /**
17208   * Emit code for rule number 331:
17209   * szpr:      INT_SHR(riv, riv)
17210   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
17211   */
17212  private void code331(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
17213    EMIT(CPOS(P(p), MIR_Move.create(IA32_MOV, new RegisterOperand(getECX(), TypeReference.Int), Binary.getVal2(P(p))))); 
17214EMIT_NonCommutative(IA32_SAR, P(p), Binary.getResult(P(p)), Binary.getVal1(P(p)), new RegisterOperand(getECX(), TypeReference.Int));
17215  }
17217  /**
17218   * Emit code for rule number 332:
17219   * szpr:      INT_SHR(riv, INT_CONSTANT)
17220   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
17221   */
17222  private void code332(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
17223    if (VM.VerifyAssertions) VM._assert((VR(p) & 0x7FFFFFFF) <= 31); 
17224EMIT_NonCommutative(IA32_SAR, P(p), Binary.getResult(P(p)), Binary.getVal1(P(p)), Binary.getVal2(P(p)));
17225  }
17227  /**
17228   * Emit code for rule number 333:
17229   * stm:       INT_STORE(INT_SHR(INT_LOAD(riv,riv),INT_AND(r,INT_CONSTANT)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv, riv))
17230   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
17231   */
17232  private void code333(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
17233    EMIT(CPOS(P(p), MIR_Move.create(IA32_MOV, new RegisterOperand(getECX(), TypeReference.Int), Binary.getVal1(PLR(p))))); 
17234EMIT(MIR_BinaryAcc.mutate(P(p), IA32_SAR, MO_S(P(p), DW), new RegisterOperand(getECX(), TypeReference.Int)));
17235  }
17237  /**
17238   * Emit code for rule number 334:
17239   * stm:       INT_STORE(INT_SHR(INT_LOAD(riv,riv), INT_CONSTANT),OTHER_OPERAND(riv, riv))
17240   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
17241   */
17242  private void code334(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
17243    if (VM.VerifyAssertions) VM._assert((VLR(p) & 0x7FFFFFFF) <= 31); 
17244EMIT(MIR_BinaryAcc.mutate(P(p), IA32_SAR, MO_S(P(p), DW), Binary.getVal2(PL(p))));
17245  }
17247  /**
17248   * Emit code for rule number 335:
17249   * stm:       INT_ASTORE(INT_SHR(INT_ALOAD(riv,riv),INT_AND(r, INT_CONSTANT)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv, riv))
17250   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
17251   */
17252  private void code335(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
17253    EMIT(MIR_Move.create(IA32_MOV, new RegisterOperand(getECX(), TypeReference.Int), Binary.getVal1(PLR(p)))); 
17254EMIT(MIR_BinaryAcc.mutate(P(p), IA32_SAR, MO_AS(P(p), DW_S, DW), new RegisterOperand(getECX(), TypeReference.Int)));
17255  }
17257  /**
17258   * Emit code for rule number 336:
17259   * stm:       INT_ASTORE(INT_SHR(INT_ALOAD(riv,riv), INT_CONSTANT),OTHER_OPERAND(riv, riv))
17260   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
17261   */
17262  private void code336(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
17263    EMIT(MIR_BinaryAcc.mutate(P(p), IA32_SAR, MO_AS(P(p), DW_S, DW), Binary.getVal2(PL(p))));
17264  }
17266  /**
17267   * Emit code for rule number 337:
17268   * stm:       INT_STORE(riv, OTHER_OPERAND(rlv, rlv))
17269   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
17270   */
17271  private void code337(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
17272    EMIT(MIR_Move.mutate(P(p), IA32_MOV, MO_S(P(p), DW), Store.getValue(P(p))));
17273  }
17275  /**
17276   * Emit code for rule number 338:
17277   * stm:       INT_STORE(riv, OTHER_OPERAND(rlv, address1scaledreg))
17278   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
17279   */
17280  private void code338(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
17281    augmentAddress(Store.getAddress(P(p))); 
17282EMIT(MIR_Move.mutate(P(p), IA32_MOV, 
17283                     consumeAddress(DW, Store.getLocation(P(p)), Store.getGuard(P(p))), 
17284                     Store.getValue(P(p))));
17285  }
17287  /**
17288   * Emit code for rule number 339:
17289   * stm:       INT_STORE(riv, OTHER_OPERAND(address1scaledreg, rlv))
17290   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
17291   */
17292  private void code339(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
17293    augmentAddress(Store.getOffset(P(p))); 
17294EMIT(MIR_Move.mutate(P(p), IA32_MOV, 
17295                     consumeAddress(DW, Store.getLocation(P(p)), Store.getGuard(P(p))), 
17296                     Store.getValue(P(p))));
17297  }
17299  /**
17300   * Emit code for rule number 340:
17301   * stm:       INT_STORE(riv, OTHER_OPERAND(address1scaledreg, address1reg))
17302   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
17303   */
17304  private void code340(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
17305    combineAddresses(); 
17306EMIT(MIR_Move.mutate(P(p), IA32_MOV,  
17307                    consumeAddress(DW, Store.getLocation(P(p)), Store.getGuard(P(p))), 
17308                    Store.getValue(P(p))));
17309  }
17311  /**
17312   * Emit code for rule number 341:
17313   * stm:       INT_STORE(riv, OTHER_OPERAND(address1reg, address1scaledreg))
17314   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
17315   */
17316  private void code341(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
17317    combineAddresses(); 
17318EMIT(MIR_Move.mutate(P(p), IA32_MOV,  
17319                    consumeAddress(DW, Store.getLocation(P(p)), Store.getGuard(P(p))), 
17320                    Store.getValue(P(p))));
17321  }
17323  /**
17324   * Emit code for rule number 342:
17325   * stm:       INT_STORE(riv, OTHER_OPERAND(address, LONG_CONSTANT))
17326   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
17327   */
17328  private void code342(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
17329    augmentAddress(Store.getOffset(P(p))); 
17330EMIT(MIR_Move.mutate(P(p), IA32_MOV,  
17331                     consumeAddress(DW, Store.getLocation(P(p)), Store.getGuard(P(p))), 
17332                     Store.getValue(P(p))));
17333  }
17335  /**
17336   * Emit code for rule number 343:
17337   * czr:       INT_SUB(riv, r)
17338   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
17339   */
17340  private void code343(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
17341    EMIT_NonCommutative(IA32_SUB, P(p), Binary.getResult(P(p)), Binary.getVal1(P(p)), Binary.getVal2(P(p)));
17342  }
17344  /**
17345   * Emit code for rule number 344:
17346   * r: INT_SUB(riv, r)
17347   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
17348   */
17349  private void code344(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
17350    EMIT(CPOS(P(p), MIR_UnaryAcc.create(IA32_NEG, Binary.getResult(P(p))))); 
17351EMIT(MIR_BinaryAcc.mutate(P(p), IA32_ADD, Binary.getResult(P(p)), Binary.getVal1(P(p))));
17352  }
17354  /**
17355   * Emit code for rule number 345:
17356   * r: INT_SUB(load32, r)
17357   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
17358   */
17359  private void code345(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
17360    EMIT(CPOS(P(p), MIR_UnaryAcc.create(IA32_NEG, Binary.getResult(P(p))))); 
17361EMIT(MIR_BinaryAcc.mutate(P(p), IA32_ADD, Binary.getResult(P(p)), consumeMO()));
17362  }
17364  /**
17365   * Emit code for rule number 346:
17366   * czr:       INT_SUB(riv, load32)
17367   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
17368   */
17369  private void code346(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
17370    EMIT_NonCommutative(IA32_SUB, P(p), Binary.getResult(P(p)), Binary.getVal1(P(p)), consumeMO());
17371  }
17373  /**
17374   * Emit code for rule number 347:
17375   * czr:       INT_SUB(load32, riv)
17376   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
17377   */
17378  private void code347(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
17379    EMIT_NonCommutative(IA32_SUB, P(p), Binary.getResult(P(p)), consumeMO(), Binary.getVal2(P(p)));
17380  }
17382  /**
17383   * Emit code for rule number 348:
17384   * stm:       INT_STORE(INT_SUB(INT_LOAD(riv,riv),riv),OTHER_OPERAND(riv, riv))
17385   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
17386   */
17387  private void code348(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
17388    EMIT(MIR_BinaryAcc.mutate(P(p), IA32_SUB, MO_S(P(p), DW), Binary.getVal2(PL(p))));
17389  }
17391  /**
17392   * Emit code for rule number 349:
17393   * stm:       INT_STORE(INT_SUB(riv, INT_LOAD(riv,riv)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv, riv))
17394   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
17395   */
17396  private void code349(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
17397    MemoryOperand result = MO_S(P(p), DW); 
17398EMIT(CPOS(P(p), MIR_UnaryAcc.create(IA32_NEG, result))); 
17399EMIT(MIR_BinaryAcc.mutate(P(p), IA32_ADD, result.copy(), Binary.getVal1(PL(p))));
17400  }
17402  /**
17403   * Emit code for rule number 350:
17404   * stm:       INT_ASTORE(INT_SUB(INT_ALOAD(riv,riv),riv),OTHER_OPERAND(riv, riv))
17405   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
17406   */
17407  private void code350(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
17408    EMIT(MIR_BinaryAcc.mutate(P(p), IA32_SUB, MO_AS(P(p), DW_S, DW), Binary.getVal2(PL(p))));
17409  }
17411  /**
17412   * Emit code for rule number 351:
17413   * stm:       INT_ASTORE(INT_SUB(riv, INT_ALOAD(riv,riv)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv, riv))
17414   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
17415   */
17416  private void code351(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
17417    MemoryOperand result = MO_AS(P(p), DW_S, DW); 
17418EMIT(CPOS(P(p), MIR_UnaryAcc.create(IA32_NEG, result))); 
17419EMIT(MIR_BinaryAcc.mutate(P(p), IA32_ADD, result.copy(), Binary.getVal1(PL(p))));
17420  }
17422  /**
17423   * Emit code for rule number 352:
17424   * szpr:      INT_USHR(riv, INT_AND(r, INT_CONSTANT))
17425   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
17426   */
17427  private void code352(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
17428    EMIT(CPOS(P(p), MIR_Move.create(IA32_MOV, new RegisterOperand(getECX(), TypeReference.Int), Binary.getVal1(PR(p))))); 
17429EMIT_NonCommutative(IA32_SHR, P(p), Binary.getResult(P(p)), Binary.getVal1(P(p)), new RegisterOperand(getECX(), TypeReference.Int));
17430  }
17432  /**
17433   * Emit code for rule number 353:
17434   * szpr:      INT_USHR(riv, riv)
17435   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
17436   */
17437  private void code353(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
17438    EMIT(CPOS(P(p), MIR_Move.create(IA32_MOV, new RegisterOperand(getECX(), TypeReference.Int), Binary.getVal2(P(p))))); 
17439EMIT_NonCommutative(IA32_SHR, P(p), Binary.getResult(P(p)), Binary.getVal1(P(p)), new RegisterOperand(getECX(), TypeReference.Int));
17440  }
17442  /**
17443   * Emit code for rule number 354:
17444   * szpr:      INT_USHR(riv, INT_CONSTANT)
17445   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
17446   */
17447  private void code354(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
17448    if (VM.VerifyAssertions) VM._assert((VR(p) & 0x7FFFFFFF) <= 31); 
17449EMIT_NonCommutative(IA32_SHR, P(p), Binary.getResult(P(p)), Binary.getVal1(P(p)), Binary.getVal2(P(p)));
17450  }
17452  /**
17453   * Emit code for rule number 355:
17454   * stm:       INT_STORE(INT_USHR(INT_LOAD(riv,riv),INT_AND(r,INT_CONSTANT)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv, riv))
17455   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
17456   */
17457  private void code355(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
17458    EMIT(CPOS(P(p), MIR_Move.create(IA32_MOV, new RegisterOperand(getECX(), TypeReference.Int), Binary.getVal1(PLR(p))))); 
17459EMIT(MIR_BinaryAcc.mutate(P(p), IA32_SHR, MO_S(P(p), DW), new RegisterOperand(getECX(), TypeReference.Int)));
17460  }
17462  /**
17463   * Emit code for rule number 356:
17464   * stm:       INT_STORE(INT_USHR(INT_LOAD(riv,riv), INT_CONSTANT),OTHER_OPERAND(riv, riv))
17465   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
17466   */
17467  private void code356(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
17468    if (VM.VerifyAssertions) VM._assert((VLR(p) & 0x7FFFFFFF) <= 31); 
17469EMIT(MIR_BinaryAcc.mutate(P(p), IA32_SHR, MO_S(P(p), DW), Binary.getVal2(PL(p))));
17470  }
17472  /**
17473   * Emit code for rule number 357:
17474   * stm:       INT_ASTORE(INT_USHR(INT_ALOAD(riv,riv),INT_AND(r, INT_CONSTANT)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv, riv))
17475   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
17476   */
17477  private void code357(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
17478    EMIT(MIR_Move.create(IA32_MOV, new RegisterOperand(getECX(), TypeReference.Int), Binary.getVal1(PLR(p)))); 
17479EMIT(MIR_BinaryAcc.mutate(P(p), IA32_SHR, MO_AS(P(p), DW_S, DW), new RegisterOperand(getECX(), TypeReference.Int)));
17480  }
17482  /**
17483   * Emit code for rule number 358:
17484   * stm:       INT_ASTORE(INT_USHR(INT_ALOAD(riv,riv), INT_CONSTANT),OTHER_OPERAND(riv, riv))
17485   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
17486   */
17487  private void code358(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
17488    EMIT(MIR_BinaryAcc.mutate(P(p), IA32_SHR, MO_AS(P(p), DW_S, DW), Binary.getVal2(PL(p))));
17489  }
17491  /**
17492   * Emit code for rule number 359:
17493   * szpr:      INT_XOR(r, riv)
17494   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
17495   */
17496  private void code359(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
17497    EMIT_Commutative(IA32_XOR, P(p), Binary.getResult(P(p)), Binary.getVal1(P(p)), Binary.getVal2(P(p)));
17498  }
17500  /**
17501   * Emit code for rule number 360:
17502   * szpr:      INT_XOR(r, load32)
17503   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
17504   */
17505  private void code360(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
17506    EMIT_Commutative(IA32_XOR, P(p), Binary.getResult(P(p)), Binary.getVal1(P(p)), consumeMO() );
17507  }
17509  /**
17510   * Emit code for rule number 361:
17511   * szpr:      INT_XOR(load32, riv)
17512   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
17513   */
17514  private void code361(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
17515    EMIT_Commutative(IA32_XOR, P(p), Binary.getResult(P(p)), Binary.getVal2(P(p)), consumeMO() );
17516  }
17518  /**
17519   * Emit code for rule number 362:
17520   * stm:       INT_STORE(INT_XOR(INT_LOAD(riv,riv),riv),OTHER_OPERAND(riv, riv))
17521   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
17522   */
17523  private void code362(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
17524    EMIT_Commutative(IA32_XOR, P(p), MO_S(P(p), DW), MO_S(P(p), DW), Binary.getVal2(PL(p)) );
17525  }
17527  /**
17528   * Emit code for rule number 363:
17529   * stm:       INT_STORE(INT_XOR(r,INT_LOAD(riv,riv)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv, riv))
17530   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
17531   */
17532  private void code363(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
17533    EMIT_Commutative(IA32_XOR, P(p), MO_S(P(p), DW), MO_S(P(p), DW), Binary.getVal1(PL(p)) );
17534  }
17536  /**
17537   * Emit code for rule number 364:
17538   * stm:       INT_ASTORE(INT_XOR(INT_ALOAD(riv,riv),riv),OTHER_OPERAND(riv, riv))
17539   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
17540   */
17541  private void code364(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
17542    EMIT_Commutative(IA32_XOR, P(p), MO_AS(P(p), DW_S, DW), MO_AS(P(p), DW_S, DW), Binary.getVal2(PL(p)) );
17543  }
17545  /**
17546   * Emit code for rule number 365:
17547   * stm:       INT_ASTORE(INT_XOR(r,INT_ALOAD(riv,riv)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv, riv))
17548   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
17549   */
17550  private void code365(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
17551    EMIT_Commutative(IA32_XOR, P(p), MO_AS(P(p), DW_S, DW), MO_AS(P(p), DW_S, DW), Binary.getVal1(PL(p)) );
17552  }
17554  /**
17555   * Emit code for rule number 366:
17556   * r: LCMP_CMOV(r, OTHER_OPERAND(rlv, any))
17557   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
17558   */
17559  private void code366(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
17560    EMIT(CPOS(P(p), MIR_Compare.create(IA32_CMP,  CondMove.getVal1(P(p)), CondMove.getVal2(P(p))))); 
17561CMOV_MOV(P(p), CondMove.getResult(P(p)), CondMove.getCond(P(p)), 
17562         CondMove.getTrueValue(P(p)), CondMove.getFalseValue(P(p)));
17563  }
17565  /**
17566   * Emit code for rule number 367:
17568   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
17569   */
17570  private void code367(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
17571    EMIT(CPOS(P(p), MIR_Test.create(IA32_TEST, CondMove.getVal1(P(p)), CondMove.getVal1(P(p)).copy()))); 
17572CMOV_MOV(P(p), CondMove.getResult(P(p)), CondMove.getCond(P(p)), 
17573         CondMove.getTrueValue(P(p)), CondMove.getFalseValue(P(p)));
17574  }
17576  /**
17577   * Emit code for rule number 368:
17578   * r: LCMP_CMOV(load64, OTHER_OPERAND(rlv, any))
17579   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
17580   */
17581  private void code368(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
17582    EMIT(CPOS(P(p), MIR_Compare.create(IA32_CMP, consumeMO(), CondMove.getVal2(P(p))))); 
17583CMOV_MOV(P(p), CondMove.getResult(P(p)), CondMove.getCond(P(p)), 
17584         CondMove.getTrueValue(P(p)), CondMove.getFalseValue(P(p)));
17585  }
17587  /**
17588   * Emit code for rule number 369:
17589   * r: LCMP_CMOV(rlv, OTHER_OPERAND(load64, any))
17590   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
17591   */
17592  private void code369(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
17593    EMIT(CPOS(P(p), MIR_Compare.create(IA32_CMP, consumeMO(), CondMove.getVal1(P(p))))); 
17594CMOV_MOV(P(p), CondMove.getResult(P(p)), CondMove.getCond(P(p)).flipOperands(), 
17595         CondMove.getTrueValue(P(p)), CondMove.getFalseValue(P(p)));
17596  }
17598  /**
17599   * Emit code for rule number 370:
17600   * r: LONG_ADD(address1scaledreg, r)
17601   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
17602   */
17603  private void code370(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
17604    augmentAddress(Binary.getVal2(P(p))); 
17605EMIT_Lea(P(p), Binary.getResult(P(p)), consumeAddress(DW, null, null));
17606  }
17608  /**
17609   * Emit code for rule number 371:
17610   * r: LONG_ADD(r, address1scaledreg)
17611   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
17612   */
17613  private void code371(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
17614    augmentAddress(Binary.getVal1(P(p))); 
17615EMIT_Lea(P(p), Binary.getResult(P(p)), consumeAddress(DW, null, null));
17616  }
17618  /**
17619   * Emit code for rule number 372:
17620   * r: LONG_ADD(address1scaledreg, address1reg)
17621   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
17622   */
17623  private void code372(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
17624    combineAddresses(); 
17625EMIT_Lea(P(p), Binary.getResult(P(p)), consumeAddress(DW, null, null));
17626  }
17628  /**
17629   * Emit code for rule number 373:
17630   * r: LONG_ADD(address1reg, address1scaledreg)
17631   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
17632   */
17633  private void code373(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
17634    combineAddresses(); 
17635EMIT_Lea(P(p), Binary.getResult(P(p)), consumeAddress(DW, null, null));
17636  }
17638  /**
17639   * Emit code for rule number 374:
17640   * r: LONG_ADD(address, LONG_CONSTANT)
17641   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
17642   */
17643  private void code374(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
17644    augmentAddress(Binary.getVal2(P(p))); 
17645EMIT_Lea(P(p), Binary.getResult(P(p)), consumeAddress(DW, null, null));
17646  }
17648  /**
17649   * Emit code for rule number 375:
17650   * r: LONG_MOVE(address)
17651   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
17652   */
17653  private void code375(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
17654    EMIT_Lea(P(p), Move.getResult(P(p)), consumeAddress(DW, null, null));
17655  }
17657  /**
17658   * Emit code for rule number 376:
17659   * r:      BYTE_LOAD(rlv, rlv)
17660   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
17661   */
17662  private void code376(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
17663    EMIT(MIR_Unary.mutate(P(p), IA32_MOVSX__B, Load.getResult(P(p)), MO_L(P(p), B)));
17664  }
17666  /**
17667   * Emit code for rule number 377:
17668   * sload8:    BYTE_LOAD(rlv, rlv)
17669   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
17670   */
17671  private void code377(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
17672    pushMO(MO_L(P(p), B));
17673  }
17675  /**
17676   * Emit code for rule number 378:
17677   * r:      BYTE_ALOAD(rlv, riv)
17678   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
17679   */
17680  private void code378(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
17681    EMIT(MIR_Unary.mutate(P(p), IA32_MOVSX__B, ALoad.getResult(P(p)), MO_AL(P(p), B_S, B)));
17682  }
17684  /**
17685   * Emit code for rule number 379:
17686   * r:      BYTE_ALOAD(rlv, r)
17687   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
17688   */
17689  private void code379(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
17690    RegisterOperand index = ALoad.getIndex(P(p)).asRegister(); 
17691if (index.getRegister().isInteger()) { 
17692EMIT(CPOS(P(p),MIR_BinaryAcc.create(IA32_AND, index, LC(0xffffffff)))); 
17693EMIT(MIR_Unary.mutate(P(p), IA32_MOVSX__B, ALoad.getResult(P(p)), MO_AL(P(p), B_S, B))); 
17694} else { 
17695EMIT(MIR_Unary.mutate(P(p), IA32_MOVSX__B, ALoad.getResult(P(p)), MO_AL(P(p), B_S, B))); 
17697  }
17699  /**
17700   * Emit code for rule number 380:
17701   * sload8:    BYTE_ALOAD(rlv, riv)
17702   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
17703   */
17704  private void code380(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
17705    pushMO(MO_AL(P(p), B_S, B));
17706  }
17708  /**
17709   * Emit code for rule number 381:
17710   * r:      UBYTE_LOAD(rlv, rlv)
17711   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
17712   */
17713  private void code381(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
17714    EMIT(MIR_Unary.mutate(P(p), IA32_MOVZX__B, Load.getResult(P(p)), MO_L(P(p), B)));
17715  }
17717  /**
17718   * Emit code for rule number 382:
17719   * uload8:    UBYTE_LOAD(rlv, rlv)
17720   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
17721   */
17722  private void code382(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
17723    pushMO(MO_L(P(p), B));
17724  }
17726  /**
17727   * Emit code for rule number 383:
17728   * r: UBYTE_ALOAD(rlv, riv)
17729   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
17730   */
17731  private void code383(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
17732    EMIT(MIR_Unary.mutate(P(p), IA32_MOVZX__B, ALoad.getResult(P(p)), MO_AL(P(p), B_S, B)));
17733  }
17735  /**
17736   * Emit code for rule number 384:
17737   * r:      UBYTE_ALOAD(rlv, r)
17738   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
17739   */
17740  private void code384(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
17741    RegisterOperand index = ALoad.getIndex(P(p)).asRegister(); 
17742if (index.getRegister().isInteger()) { 
17743EMIT(CPOS(P(p), MIR_BinaryAcc.create(IA32_AND, index, LC(0xffffffff)))); 
17744EMIT(MIR_Unary.mutate(P(p), IA32_MOVZX__B, ALoad.getResult(P(p)), MO_AL(P(p), B_S, B))); 
17745} else { 
17746EMIT(MIR_Unary.mutate(P(p), IA32_MOVZX__B, ALoad.getResult(P(p)), MO_AL(P(p), B_S, B))); 
17748  }
17750  /**
17751   * Emit code for rule number 385:
17752   * uload8:    UBYTE_ALOAD(rlv, riv)
17753   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
17754   */
17755  private void code385(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
17756    pushMO(MO_AL(P(p), B_S, B));
17757  }
17759  /**
17760   * Emit code for rule number 388:
17761   * r:      SHORT_LOAD(rlv, rlv)
17762   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
17763   */
17764  private void code388(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
17765    EMIT(MIR_Unary.mutate(P(p), IA32_MOVSX__W, Load.getResult(P(p)), MO_L(P(p), W)));
17766  }
17768  /**
17769   * Emit code for rule number 389:
17770   * sload16: SHORT_LOAD(rlv, rlv)
17771   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
17772   */
17773  private void code389(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
17774    pushMO(MO_L(P(p), W));
17775  }
17777  /**
17778   * Emit code for rule number 390:
17779   * r:      SHORT_ALOAD(rlv, riv)
17780   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
17781   */
17782  private void code390(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
17783    EMIT(MIR_Unary.mutate(P(p), IA32_MOVSX__W, ALoad.getResult(P(p)), MO_AL(P(p), W_S, W)));
17784  }
17786  /**
17787   * Emit code for rule number 391:
17788   * r:      SHORT_ALOAD(rlv, r)
17789   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
17790   */
17791  private void code391(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
17792    RegisterOperand index = ALoad.getIndex(P(p)).asRegister(); 
17793if (index.getRegister().isInteger()) { 
17794EMIT(CPOS(P(p), MIR_BinaryAcc.create(IA32_AND, index, LC(0xffffffff)))); 
17795EMIT(MIR_Unary.mutate(P(p), IA32_MOVSX__W, ALoad.getResult(P(p)), MO_AL(P(p), W_S, W))); 
17796} else { 
17797EMIT(MIR_Unary.mutate(P(p), IA32_MOVSX__W, ALoad.getResult(P(p)), MO_AL(P(p), W_S, W))); 
17799  }
17801  /**
17802   * Emit code for rule number 392:
17803   * sload16: SHORT_ALOAD(rlv, riv)
17804   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
17805   */
17806  private void code392(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
17807    pushMO(MO_AL(P(p), W_S, W));
17808  }
17810  /**
17811   * Emit code for rule number 393:
17812   * r:      USHORT_LOAD(rlv, rlv)
17813   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
17814   */
17815  private void code393(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
17816    EMIT(MIR_Unary.mutate(P(p), IA32_MOVZX__W, Load.getResult(P(p)), MO_L(P(p), W)));
17817  }
17819  /**
17820   * Emit code for rule number 394:
17821   * uload16: USHORT_LOAD(rlv, rlv)
17822   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
17823   */
17824  private void code394(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
17825    pushMO(MO_L(P(p), W));
17826  }
17828  /**
17829   * Emit code for rule number 395:
17830   * r:      USHORT_ALOAD(rlv, riv)
17831   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
17832   */
17833  private void code395(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
17834    EMIT(MIR_Unary.mutate(P(p), IA32_MOVZX__W, ALoad.getResult(P(p)), MO_AL(P(p), W_S, W)));
17835  }
17837  /**
17838   * Emit code for rule number 396:
17839   * r:      USHORT_ALOAD(rlv, r)
17840   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
17841   */
17842  private void code396(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
17843    RegisterOperand index = ALoad.getIndex(P(p)).asRegister(); 
17844if (index.getRegister().isInteger()) { 
17845EMIT(CPOS(P(p), MIR_BinaryAcc.create(IA32_AND, index, LC(0xffffffff)))); 
17846EMIT(MIR_Unary.mutate(P(p), IA32_MOVZX__W, ALoad.getResult(P(p)), MO_AL(P(p), W_S, W))); 
17847} else { 
17848EMIT(MIR_Unary.mutate(P(p), IA32_MOVZX__W, ALoad.getResult(P(p)), MO_AL(P(p), W_S, W))); 
17850  }
17852  /**
17853   * Emit code for rule number 397:
17854   * uload16: USHORT_ALOAD(rlv, riv)
17855   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
17856   */
17857  private void code397(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
17858    pushMO(MO_AL(P(p), W_S, W));
17859  }
17861  /**
17862   * Emit code for rule number 400:
17863   * load32:    INT_LOAD(rlv, rlv)
17864   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
17865   */
17866  private void code400(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
17867    pushMO(MO_L(P(p), DW));
17868  }
17870  /**
17871   * Emit code for rule number 401:
17872   * load32:    INT_ALOAD(rlv, riv)
17873   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
17874   */
17875  private void code401(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
17876    pushMO(MO_AL(P(p), DW_S, DW));
17877  }
17879  /**
17880   * Emit code for rule number 406:
17881   * load64:    LONG_LOAD(rlv, rlv)
17882   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
17883   */
17884  private void code406(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
17885    pushMO(MO_L(P(p), QW));
17886  }
17888  /**
17889   * Emit code for rule number 407:
17890   * load64:    LONG_ALOAD(rlv, rlv)
17891   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
17892   */
17893  private void code407(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
17894    pushMO(MO_AL(P(p), QW_S, QW));
17895  }
17897  /**
17898   * Emit code for rule number 408:
17899   * load64:    LONG_ALOAD(rlv, r)
17900   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
17901   */
17902  private void code408(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
17903    RegisterOperand index = ALoad.getIndex(P(p)).asRegister(); 
17904if (index.getRegister().isInteger()) { 
17905EMIT(CPOS(P(p), MIR_BinaryAcc.create(IA32_AND, index, LC(0xffffffff)))); 
17906pushMO(MO_AL(P(p), QW_S, QW)); 
17907} else { 
17908pushMO(MO_AL(P(p), QW_S, QW)); 
17910  }
17912  /**
17913   * Emit code for rule number 411:
17914   * r: LONG_2INT(r)
17915   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
17916   */
17917  private void code411(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
17918    RegisterOperand val = R(Unary.getVal(P(p))); 
17919if (VM.BuildFor64Addr) { 
17920RegisterOperand r = Unary.getResult(P(p)); 
17921RegisterOperand temp = regpool.makeTempInt(); 
17922EMIT(CPOS(P(p), MIR_Move.create(IA32_MOV, temp, val))); 
17923EMIT(MIR_Move.mutate(P(p), IA32_MOV, r, temp)); 
17924} else { 
17925Register lh = regpool.getSecondReg(R(Unary.getVal(P(p))).getRegister()); 
17926EMIT(MIR_Move.mutate(P(p), IA32_MOV, Unary.getResult(P(p)), new RegisterOperand(lh, TypeReference.Int))); 
17928  }
17930  /**
17931   * Emit code for rule number 412:
17932   * stm:       INT_STORE(LONG_2INT(r), OTHER_OPERAND(riv,riv))
17933   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
17934   */
17935  private void code412(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
17936    RegisterOperand val = R(Unary.getVal(PL(p))); 
17937if (VM.BuildFor64Addr) { 
17938RegisterOperand temp = regpool.makeTempInt(); 
17939EMIT(CPOS(P(p), MIR_Move.create(IA32_MOV, temp, val))); 
17940EMIT(MIR_Move.mutate(P(p), IA32_MOV, MO_S(P(p), DW),temp)); 
17941} else { 
17942Register lh = regpool.getSecondReg(R(Unary.getVal(PL(p))).getRegister()); 
17943EMIT(MIR_Move.mutate(P(p), IA32_MOV, MO_S(P(p), DW), new RegisterOperand(lh, TypeReference.Int))); 
17945  }
17947  /**
17948   * Emit code for rule number 413:
17949   * stm:       INT_ASTORE(LONG_2INT(r), OTHER_OPERAND(riv, riv))
17950   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
17951   */
17952  private void code413(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
17953    RegisterOperand val = R(Unary.getVal(PL(p))); 
17954if (VM.BuildFor64Addr) { 
17955RegisterOperand temp = regpool.makeTempInt(); 
17956EMIT(CPOS(P(p),MIR_Move.create(IA32_MOV, temp, val))); 
17957EMIT(MIR_Move.mutate(P(p), IA32_MOV, MO_AS(P(p), DW_S, DW),temp)); 
17958} else { 
17959Register lh = regpool.getSecondReg(R(Unary.getVal(PL(p))).getRegister()); 
17960EMIT(MIR_Move.mutate(P(p), IA32_MOV, MO_AS(P(p), DW_S, DW), new RegisterOperand(lh, TypeReference.Int))); 
17962  }
17964  /**
17965   * Emit code for rule number 414:
17966   * r: LONG_2INT(load64)
17967   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
17968   */
17969  private void code414(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
17970    EMIT(MIR_Move.mutate(P(p), IA32_MOV, Unary.getResult(P(p)), setSize(consumeMO(), 4)));
17971  }
17973  /**
17974   * Emit code for rule number 415:
17975   * load32:      LONG_2INT(load64)
17976   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
17977   */
17978  private void code415(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
17979    pushMO(setSize(consumeMO(), 4));
17980  }
17982  /**
17983   * Emit code for rule number 416:
17985   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
17986   */
17987  private void code416(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
17988    RegisterOperand val = R(Binary.getVal1(PL(p))); 
17989if (VM.BuildFor64Addr) { 
17990RegisterOperand temp = regpool.makeTempInt(); 
17991EMIT(CPOS(P(p), MIR_Move.create(IA32_MOV, temp, val))); 
17992EMIT(CPOS(P(p), MIR_BinaryAcc.create(IA32_SHR,temp,LC(32)))); 
17993EMIT(MIR_Move.mutate(P(p), IA32_MOV, Unary.getResult(P(p)), temp)); 
17994} else { 
17995Register uh = Binary.getVal1(PL(p)).asRegister().getRegister(); 
17996EMIT(MIR_Move.mutate(P(p), IA32_MOV, Unary.getResult(P(p)), new RegisterOperand(uh, TypeReference.Int))); 
17998  }
18000  /**
18001   * Emit code for rule number 417:
18002   * r:      LONG_2INT(LONG_SHR(r, INT_CONSTANT))
18003   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
18004   */
18005  private void code417(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
18006    RegisterOperand val = R(Binary.getVal1(PL(p))); 
18007if (VM.BuildFor64Addr) { 
18008RegisterOperand temp = regpool.makeTempInt(); 
18009EMIT(CPOS(P(p), MIR_Move.create(IA32_MOV, temp, val))); 
18010EMIT(CPOS(P(p), MIR_BinaryAcc.create(IA32_SAR,temp,LC(32)))); 
18011EMIT(MIR_Move.mutate(P(p), IA32_MOV, Unary.getResult(P(p)), temp)); 
18012} else { 
18013Register uh = Binary.getVal1(PL(p)).asRegister().getRegister(); 
18014EMIT(MIR_Move.mutate(P(p), IA32_MOV, Unary.getResult(P(p)), new RegisterOperand(uh, TypeReference.Int))); 
18016  }
18018  /**
18019   * Emit code for rule number 418:
18020   * r:      LONG_2INT(LONG_USHR(load64, INT_CONSTANT))
18021   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
18022   */
18023  private void code418(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
18024    MemoryOperand mo = consumeMO(); 
18025mo.disp = mo.disp.plus(4); 
18026mo = setSize(mo,4); 
18027EMIT(MIR_Move.mutate(P(p), IA32_MOV, Unary.getResult(P(p)), mo));
18028  }
18030  /**
18031   * Emit code for rule number 419:
18032   * r:      LONG_2INT(LONG_SHR(load64, INT_CONSTANT))
18033   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
18034   */
18035  private void code419(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
18036    MemoryOperand mo = consumeMO(); 
18037mo.disp = mo.disp.plus(4); 
18038mo = setSize(mo,4); 
18039EMIT(MIR_Move.mutate(P(p), IA32_MOV, Unary.getResult(P(p)), mo));
18040  }
18042  /**
18043   * Emit code for rule number 420:
18044   * load32:      LONG_2INT(LONG_USHR(load64, INT_CONSTANT))
18045   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
18046   */
18047  private void code420(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
18048    MemoryOperand mo = consumeMO(); 
18049mo.disp = mo.disp.plus(4); 
18050mo = setSize(mo,4); 
18052  }
18054  /**
18055   * Emit code for rule number 421:
18056   * load32:      LONG_2INT(LONG_SHR(load64, INT_CONSTANT))
18057   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
18058   */
18059  private void code421(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
18060    MemoryOperand mo = consumeMO(); 
18061mo.disp = mo.disp.plus(4); 
18062mo = setSize(mo,4); 
18064  }
18066  /**
18067   * Emit code for rule number 422:
18068   * czr:       LONG_ADD(r, rlv)
18069   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
18070   */
18071  private void code422(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
18072    if (Binary.getVal2(P(p)).isLongConstant()) { 
18073RegisterOperand tmp = regpool.makeTempLong(); 
18074EMIT(CPOS(P(p), MIR_Move.create(IA32_MOV, tmp, Binary.getVal2(P(p))))); 
18075EMIT_Commutative(IA32_ADD, P(p), Binary.getResult(P(p)), Binary.getVal1(P(p)), tmp); 
18076} else { 
18077EMIT_Commutative(IA32_ADD, P(p), Binary.getResult(P(p)), Binary.getVal1(P(p)), Binary.getVal2(P(p))); 
18079  }
18081  /**
18082   * Emit code for rule number 423:
18083   * czr:       LONG_ADD(r, riv)
18084   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
18085   */
18086  private void code423(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
18087    EMIT_Commutative(IA32_ADD, P(p), Binary.getResult(P(p)), Binary.getVal1(P(p)), Binary.getVal2(P(p)));
18088  }
18090  /**
18091   * Emit code for rule number 424:
18092   * czr:    LONG_ADD(r,r)
18093   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
18094   */
18095  private void code424(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
18096    if (Binary.getVal1(P(p)).asRegister().getRegister().isInteger()) { 
18097RegisterOperand tmp = regpool.makeTempLong(); 
18098EMIT(CPOS(P(p), MIR_Unary.create(IA32_MOVSXQ__W, tmp,Binary.getVal1(P(p))))); 
18099EMIT_Commutative(IA32_ADD, P(p), Binary.getResult(P(p)),tmp, Binary.getVal2(P(p))); 
18100} else if (Binary.getVal2(P(p)).asRegister().getRegister().isInteger()) { 
18101RegisterOperand tmp = regpool.makeTempLong(); 
18102EMIT(CPOS(P(p), MIR_Unary.create(IA32_MOVSXQ__W, tmp,Binary.getVal2(P(p))))); 
18103EMIT_Commutative(IA32_ADD, P(p), Binary.getResult(P(p)),Binary.getVal1(P(p)),tmp); 
18104} else { 
18105EMIT_Commutative(IA32_ADD, P(p), Binary.getResult(P(p)), Binary.getVal1(P(p)), Binary.getVal2(P(p))); 
18107  }
18109  /**
18110   * Emit code for rule number 425:
18111   * r: LONG_ADD(r, rlv)
18112   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
18113   */
18114  private void code425(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
18115    if (Binary.getVal2(P(p)).isLongConstant()) { 
18116  pushAddress(R(Binary.getVal1(P(p))), null, B_S, Offset.fromLong(LV(Binary.getVal2(P(p))))); 
18117} else { 
18118  pushAddress(R(Binary.getVal1(P(p))), R(Binary.getVal2(P(p))), B_S, Offset.zero()); 
18120EMIT_Lea(P(p), Binary.getResult(P(p)), consumeAddress(QW, null, null));
18121  }
18123  /**
18124   * Emit code for rule number 426:
18125   * czr:       LONG_ADD(rlv, load64)
18126   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
18127   */
18128  private void code426(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
18129    if (Binary.getVal1(P(p)).isLongConstant()) { 
18130RegisterOperand tmp = regpool.makeTempLong(); 
18131EMIT(CPOS(P(p), MIR_Move.create(IA32_MOV, tmp,Binary.getVal1(P(p))))); 
18132EMIT_Commutative(IA32_ADD, P(p), Binary.getResult(P(p)), tmp, consumeMO()); 
18133} else { 
18134EMIT_Commutative(IA32_ADD, P(p), Binary.getResult(P(p)), Binary.getVal1(P(p)), consumeMO()); 
18136  }
18138  /**
18139   * Emit code for rule number 427:
18140   * czr:       LONG_ADD(load64, rlv)
18141   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
18142   */
18143  private void code427(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
18144    if (Binary.getVal2(P(p)).isLongConstant()) { 
18145RegisterOperand tmp = regpool.makeTempLong(); 
18146EMIT(CPOS(P(p), MIR_Move.create(IA32_MOV, tmp, Binary.getVal2(P(p))))); 
18147EMIT_Commutative(IA32_ADD, P(p), Binary.getResult(P(p)), consumeMO(), tmp); 
18148} else { 
18149EMIT_Commutative(IA32_ADD, P(p), Binary.getResult(P(p)), Binary.getVal2(P(p)), consumeMO()); 
18151  }
18153  /**
18154   * Emit code for rule number 428:
18155   * stm:       LONG_STORE(LONG_ADD(LONG_LOAD(rlv,rlv),rlv),OTHER_OPERAND(rlv, rlv))
18156   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
18157   */
18158  private void code428(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
18159    EMIT_Commutative(IA32_ADD, P(p), MO_S(P(p), QW), MO_S(P(p), QW), Binary.getVal2(PL(p)));
18160  }
18162  /**
18163   * Emit code for rule number 429:
18164   * stm:       LONG_STORE(LONG_ADD(rlv,LONG_LOAD(rlv,rlv)),OTHER_OPERAND(rlv, rlv))
18165   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
18166   */
18167  private void code429(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
18168    EMIT_Commutative(IA32_ADD, P(p), MO_S(P(p), QW), MO_S(P(p), QW), Binary.getVal1(PL(p)));
18169  }
18171  /**
18172   * Emit code for rule number 430:
18173   * stm:       LONG_ASTORE(LONG_ADD(LONG_ALOAD(rlv,rlv),rlv),OTHER_OPERAND(rlv, rlv))
18174   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
18175   */
18176  private void code430(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
18177    EMIT_Commutative(IA32_ADD, P(p), MO_AS(P(p), QW_S, QW), MO_AS(P(p), QW_S, QW), Binary.getVal2(PL(p)));
18178  }
18180  /**
18181   * Emit code for rule number 431:
18182   * stm:       LONG_ASTORE(LONG_ADD(rlv,LONG_ALOAD(rlv,rlv)),OTHER_OPERAND(rlv, rlv))
18183   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
18184   */
18185  private void code431(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
18186    EMIT_Commutative(IA32_ADD, P(p), MO_AS(P(p), QW_S, QW), MO_AS(P(p), QW_S, QW), Binary.getVal1(PL(p)));
18187  }
18189  /**
18190   * Emit code for rule number 432:
18191   * szpr:      LONG_AND(r, rlv)
18192   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
18193   */
18194  private void code432(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
18195    if (Binary.getVal2(P(p)).isLongConstant()) { 
18196Register tmp = regpool.getLong(); 
18197EMIT(CPOS(P(p), MIR_Move.create(IA32_MOV, new RegisterOperand(tmp, TypeReference.Long), Binary.getVal2(P(p))))); 
18198EMIT_Commutative(IA32_AND, P(p), Binary.getResult(P(p)), Binary.getVal1(P(p)), new RegisterOperand(tmp, TypeReference.Long)); 
18200EMIT_Commutative(IA32_AND, P(p), Binary.getResult(P(p)), Binary.getVal1(P(p)), Binary.getVal2(P(p))); 
18202  }
18204  /**
18205   * Emit code for rule number 433:
18206   * szpr:    LONG_AND(r,r)
18207   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
18208   */
18209  private void code433(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
18210    if (Binary.getVal1(P(p)).asRegister().getRegister().isInteger()) { 
18211RegisterOperand tmp = regpool.makeTempLong(); 
18212EMIT(CPOS(P(p), MIR_Unary.create(IA32_MOVSXQ__W, tmp, Binary.getVal1(P(p))))); 
18213EMIT_Commutative(IA32_AND, P(p), Binary.getResult(P(p)), tmp, Binary.getVal2(P(p))); 
18214} else if (Binary.getVal2(P(p)).asRegister().getRegister().isInteger()) { 
18215RegisterOperand tmp = regpool.makeTempLong(); 
18216EMIT(CPOS(P(p), MIR_Unary.create(IA32_MOVSXQ__W, tmp, Binary.getVal2(P(p))))); 
18217EMIT_Commutative(IA32_AND, P(p), Binary.getResult(P(p)), Binary.getVal1(P(p)), tmp); 
18218} else { 
18219EMIT_Commutative(IA32_AND, P(p), Binary.getResult(P(p)), Binary.getVal1(P(p)), Binary.getVal2(P(p))); 
18221  }
18223  /**
18224   * Emit code for rule number 434:
18225   * szp:       LONG_AND(r, rlv)
18226   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
18227   */
18228  private void code434(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
18229    EMIT(MIR_Test.mutate(P(p), IA32_TEST, Binary.getVal1(P(p)), Binary.getVal2(P(p))));
18230  }
18232  /**
18233   * Emit code for rule number 435:
18234   * szpr:      LONG_AND(rlv, load64)
18235   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
18236   */
18237  private void code435(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
18238    EMIT_Commutative(IA32_AND, P(p), Binary.getResult(P(p)), Binary.getVal1(P(p)), consumeMO());
18239  }
18241  /**
18242   * Emit code for rule number 436:
18243   * szpr:      LONG_AND(load64, rlv)
18244   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
18245   */
18246  private void code436(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
18247    if (Binary.getVal2(P(p)).isLongConstant()) { 
18248Register tmp = regpool.getLong(); 
18249EMIT(CPOS(P(p), MIR_Move.create(IA32_MOV, new RegisterOperand(tmp, TypeReference.Long), Binary.getVal2(P(p))))); 
18250EMIT_Commutative(IA32_AND, P(p), Binary.getResult(P(p)), new RegisterOperand(tmp, TypeReference.Long), consumeMO()); 
18251} else { 
18252EMIT_Commutative(IA32_AND, P(p), Binary.getResult(P(p)), Binary.getVal2(P(p)), consumeMO()); 
18254  }
18256  /**
18257   * Emit code for rule number 437:
18258   * szp:       LONG_AND(load8_16_32_64, rlv)
18259   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
18260   */
18261  private void code437(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
18262    EMIT(MIR_Test.mutate(P(p), IA32_TEST, consumeMO(), Binary.getVal2(P(p))));
18263  }
18265  /**
18266   * Emit code for rule number 438:
18267   * szp:       LONG_AND(r, load8_16_32_64)
18268   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
18269   */
18270  private void code438(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
18271    EMIT(MIR_Test.mutate(P(p), IA32_TEST, consumeMO(), Binary.getVal1(P(p))));
18272  }
18274  /**
18275   * Emit code for rule number 439:
18276   * stm:       LONG_STORE(LONG_AND(LONG_LOAD(rlv,rlv),rlv),OTHER_OPERAND(rlv, rlv))
18277   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
18278   */
18279  private void code439(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
18280    EMIT_Commutative(IA32_AND, P(p), MO_S(P(p), QW), MO_S(P(p), QW), Binary.getVal2(PL(p)) );
18281  }
18283  /**
18284   * Emit code for rule number 440:
18285   * stm:       LONG_STORE(LONG_AND(r,LONG_LOAD(rlv,rlv)),OTHER_OPERAND(rlv, rlv))
18286   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
18287   */
18288  private void code440(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
18289    EMIT_Commutative(IA32_AND, P(p), MO_S(P(p), QW), MO_S(P(p), QW), Binary.getVal1(PL(p)) );
18290  }
18292  /**
18293   * Emit code for rule number 441:
18294   * stm:       LONG_ASTORE(LONG_AND(LONG_ALOAD(rlv,rlv),rlv),OTHER_OPERAND(rlv, rlv))
18295   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
18296   */
18297  private void code441(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
18298    EMIT_Commutative(IA32_AND, P(p), MO_AS(P(p), QW_S, QW), MO_AS(P(p), QW_S, QW), Binary.getVal2(PL(p)) );
18299  }
18301  /**
18302   * Emit code for rule number 442:
18303   * stm:       LONG_ASTORE(LONG_AND(r,LONG_ALOAD(rlv,rlv)),OTHER_OPERAND(rlv, rlv))
18304   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
18305   */
18306  private void code442(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
18307    EMIT_Commutative(IA32_AND, P(p), MO_AS(P(p), QW_S, QW), MO_AS(P(p), QW_S, QW), Binary.getVal1(PL(p)) );
18308  }
18310  /**
18311   * Emit code for rule number 443:
18312   * r:  LONG_DIV(rlv, rlv)
18313   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
18314   */
18315  private void code443(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
18316    LONG_DIVIDES(P(p), GuardedBinary.getResult(P(p)), GuardedBinary.getVal1(P(p)), 
18317            GuardedBinary.getVal2(P(p)), true, true);
18318  }
18320  /**
18321   * Emit code for rule number 444:
18322   * r:  LONG_DIV(rlv, riv)
18323   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
18324   */
18325  private void code444(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
18326    LONG_DIVIDES(P(p), GuardedBinary.getResult(P(p)), GuardedBinary.getVal1(P(p)), 
18327            GuardedBinary.getVal2(P(p)), true, true);
18328  }
18330  /**
18331   * Emit code for rule number 445:
18332   * r:  LONG_DIV(riv, rlv)
18333   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
18334   */
18335  private void code445(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
18336    LONG_DIVIDES(P(p), GuardedBinary.getResult(P(p)), GuardedBinary.getVal1(P(p)), 
18337            GuardedBinary.getVal2(P(p)), true, true);
18338  }
18340  /**
18341   * Emit code for rule number 446:
18342   * r:  LONG_DIV(rlv, load64)
18343   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
18344   */
18345  private void code446(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
18346    LONG_DIVIDES(P(p), GuardedBinary.getResult(P(p)), GuardedBinary.getVal1(P(p)), 
18347            consumeMO(), true, true);
18348  }
18350  /**
18351   * Emit code for rule number 447:
18352   * r:  LONG_DIV(load64,rlv)
18353   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
18354   */
18355  private void code447(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
18356    LONG_DIVIDES(P(p), GuardedBinary.getResult(P(p)), consumeMO(), GuardedBinary.getVal2(P(p)), 
18357           true, true);
18358  }
18360  /**
18361   * Emit code for rule number 448:
18362   * stm:       LONG_IFCMP(rlv,rlv)
18363   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
18364   */
18365  private void code448(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
18366    if (IfCmp.getVal1(P(p)).isLongConstant()) { 
18367Register tmp = regpool.getLong(); 
18368EMIT(CPOS(P(p), MIR_Move.create(IA32_MOV, new RegisterOperand(tmp, TypeReference.Long),IfCmp.getVal1(P(p))))); 
18369IFCMP(P(p), IfCmp.getGuardResult(P(p)), new RegisterOperand(tmp, TypeReference.Long), IfCmp.getVal2(P(p)), IfCmp.getCond(P(p))); 
18370} else if (IfCmp.getVal2(P(p)).isLongConstant()) { 
18371Register tmp = regpool.getLong(); 
18372EMIT(CPOS(P(p), MIR_Move.create(IA32_MOV, new RegisterOperand(tmp, TypeReference.Long), IfCmp.getVal2(P(p))))); 
18373IFCMP(P(p), IfCmp.getGuardResult(P(p)), IfCmp.getVal1(P(p)), new RegisterOperand(tmp, TypeReference.Long), IfCmp.getCond(P(p))); 
18374} else { 
18375IFCMP(P(p), IfCmp.getGuardResult(P(p)), IfCmp.getVal1(P(p)), IfCmp.getVal2(P(p)), IfCmp.getCond(P(p))); 
18377  }
18379  /**
18380   * Emit code for rule number 449:
18381   * stm:       LONG_IFCMP(r, LONG_CONSTANT)
18382   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
18383   */
18384  private void code449(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
18385    EMIT(CPOS(P(p), Move.create(GUARD_MOVE, IfCmp.getGuardResult(P(p)), new TrueGuardOperand()))); 
18386EMIT(CPOS(P(p), MIR_Test.create(IA32_TEST, IfCmp.getVal1(P(p)), IfCmp.getVal1(P(p)).copy()))); 
18387EMIT(MIR_CondBranch.mutate(P(p), IA32_JCC, COND(IfCmp.getCond(P(p))), IfCmp.getTarget(P(p)), IfCmp.getBranchProfile(P(p))));
18388  }
18390  /**
18391   * Emit code for rule number 450:
18392   * r: LONG_LOAD(rlv, rlv)
18393   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
18394   */
18395  private void code450(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
18396    EMIT(MIR_Move.mutate(P(p), IA32_MOV, Load.getResult(P(p)), MO_L(P(p), QW)));
18397  }
18399  /**
18400   * Emit code for rule number 451:
18401   * r: LONG_LOAD(rlv, address1scaledreg)
18402   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
18403   */
18404  private void code451(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
18405    augmentAddress(Load.getAddress(P(p))); 
18406EMIT(MIR_Move.mutate(P(p), IA32_MOV, Load.getResult(P(p)), 
18407                     consumeAddress(QW, Load.getLocation(P(p)), Load.getGuard(P(p)))));
18408  }
18410  /**
18411   * Emit code for rule number 452:
18412   * r: LONG_LOAD(address1scaledreg, rlv)
18413   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
18414   */
18415  private void code452(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
18416    augmentAddress(Load.getOffset(P(p))); 
18417EMIT(MIR_Move.mutate(P(p), IA32_MOV, Load.getResult(P(p)), 
18418                     consumeAddress(QW, Load.getLocation(P(p)), Load.getGuard(P(p)))));
18419  }
18421  /**
18422   * Emit code for rule number 453:
18423   * r: LONG_LOAD(address1scaledreg, address1reg)
18424   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
18425   */
18426  private void code453(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
18427    combineAddresses(); 
18428EMIT(MIR_Move.mutate(P(p), IA32_MOV, Load.getResult(P(p)), 
18429                     consumeAddress(QW, Load.getLocation(P(p)), Load.getGuard(P(p)))));
18430  }
18432  /**
18433   * Emit code for rule number 454:
18434   * r: LONG_LOAD(address1reg, address1scaledreg)
18435   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
18436   */
18437  private void code454(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
18438    combineAddresses(); 
18439EMIT(MIR_Move.mutate(P(p), IA32_MOV, Load.getResult(P(p)), 
18440                     consumeAddress(QW, Load.getLocation(P(p)), Load.getGuard(P(p)))));
18441  }
18443  /**
18444   * Emit code for rule number 455:
18445   * r: LONG_LOAD(address, LONG_CONSTANT)
18446   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
18447   */
18448  private void code455(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
18449    augmentAddress(Load.getOffset(P(p))); 
18450EMIT(MIR_Move.mutate(P(p), IA32_MOV, Load.getResult(P(p)), 
18451                     consumeAddress(QW, Load.getLocation(P(p)), Load.getGuard(P(p)))));
18452  }
18454  /**
18455   * Emit code for rule number 456:
18456   * r:      LONG_ALOAD(rlv, riv)
18457   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
18458   */
18459  private void code456(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
18460    EMIT(MIR_Move.mutate(P(p), IA32_MOV, ALoad.getResult(P(p)), MO_AL(P(p), QW_S, QW)));
18461  }
18463  /**
18464   * Emit code for rule number 457:
18465   * r:      LONG_ALOAD(rlv, r)
18466   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
18467   */
18468  private void code457(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
18469    RegisterOperand index = ALoad.getIndex(P(p)).asRegister(); 
18470if (index.getRegister().isInteger()) { 
18471EMIT(CPOS(P(p), MIR_BinaryAcc.create(IA32_AND, index, LC(0xffffffff)))); 
18472EMIT(MIR_Move.mutate(P(p), IA32_MOV, ALoad.getResult(P(p)), MO_AL(P(p), QW_S, QW))); 
18473} else { 
18474EMIT(MIR_Move.mutate(P(p), IA32_MOV, ALoad.getResult(P(p)), MO_AL(P(p), QW_S, QW))); 
18476  }
18478  /**
18479   * Emit code for rule number 458:
18480   * r: LONG_MOVE(rlv)
18481   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
18482   */
18483  private void code458(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
18484    EMIT(MIR_Move.mutate(P(p), IA32_MOV, Move.getResult(P(p)), Move.getVal(P(p))));
18485  }
18487  /**
18488   * Emit code for rule number 459:
18489   * r:  LONG_MOVE(riv)
18490   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
18491   */
18492  private void code459(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
18493    EMIT(MIR_Move.mutate(P(p), IA32_MOV, Move.getResult(P(p)), Move.getVal(P(p))));
18494  }
18496  /**
18497   * Emit code for rule number 461:
18498   * r: LONG_MUL(r, rlv)
18499   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
18500   */
18501  private void code461(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
18502    EMIT_Commutative(IA32_IMUL2, P(p), Binary.getResult(P(p)), Binary.getVal1(P(p)), Binary.getVal2(P(p)));
18503  }
18505  /**
18506   * Emit code for rule number 462:
18507   * r: INT_MUL(r, load64)
18508   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
18509   */
18510  private void code462(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
18511    EMIT_Commutative(IA32_IMUL2, P(p), Binary.getResult(P(p)), Binary.getVal1(P(p)), consumeMO());
18512  }
18514  /**
18515   * Emit code for rule number 463:
18516   * r: INT_MUL(load64, rlv)
18517   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
18518   */
18519  private void code463(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
18520    EMIT_Commutative(IA32_IMUL2, P(p), Binary.getResult(P(p)), Binary.getVal2(P(p)), consumeMO());
18521  }
18523  /**
18524   * Emit code for rule number 464:
18525   * szpr:      LONG_NEG(r)
18526   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
18527   */
18528  private void code464(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
18529    EMIT_Unary(IA32_NEG, P(p), Unary.getResult(P(p)), Unary.getVal(P(p)));
18530  }
18532  /**
18533   * Emit code for rule number 465:
18534   * stm:       LONG_STORE(LONG_NEG(LONG_LOAD(riv,riv)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv, riv))
18535   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
18536   */
18537  private void code465(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
18538    EMIT_Unary(IA32_NEG, P(p), MO_S(P(p), QW), MO_S(P(p), QW));
18539  }
18541  /**
18542   * Emit code for rule number 466:
18543   * stm:       LONG_ASTORE(LONG_NEG(LONG_ALOAD(riv,riv)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv, riv))
18544   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
18545   */
18546  private void code466(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
18547    EMIT_Unary(IA32_NEG, P(p), MO_AS(P(p), QW_S, QW), MO_AS(P(p), QW_S, QW));
18548  }
18550  /**
18551   * Emit code for rule number 467:
18552   * r: LONG_NOT(r)
18553   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
18554   */
18555  private void code467(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
18556    EMIT_Unary(IA32_NOT, P(p), Unary.getResult(P(p)), Unary.getVal(P(p)));
18557  }
18559  /**
18560   * Emit code for rule number 468:
18561   * stm:       LONG_STORE(LONG_NOT(LONG_LOAD(riv,riv)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv, riv))
18562   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
18563   */
18564  private void code468(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
18565    EMIT_Unary(IA32_NOT, P(p), MO_S(P(p), QW), MO_S(P(p), QW));
18566  }
18568  /**
18569   * Emit code for rule number 469:
18570   * stm:       LONG_ASTORE(LONG_NOT(LONG_ALOAD(riv,riv)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv, riv))
18571   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
18572   */
18573  private void code469(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
18574    EMIT_Unary(IA32_NOT, P(p), MO_AS(P(p), QW_S, QW), MO_AS(P(p), QW_S, QW));
18575  }
18577  /**
18578   * Emit code for rule number 470:
18579   * szpr:      LONG_OR(r, rlv)
18580   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
18581   */
18582  private void code470(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
18583    EMIT_Commutative(IA32_OR, P(p), Binary.getResult(P(p)), Binary.getVal1(P(p)), Binary.getVal2(P(p)));
18584  }
18586  /**
18587   * Emit code for rule number 471:
18588   * szpr:      LONG_OR(r, load64)
18589   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
18590   */
18591  private void code471(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
18592    EMIT_Commutative(IA32_OR, P(p), Binary.getResult(P(p)), Binary.getVal1(P(p)), consumeMO());
18593  }
18595  /**
18596   * Emit code for rule number 472:
18597   * szpr:      LONG_OR(load64, rlv)
18598   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
18599   */
18600  private void code472(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
18601    EMIT_Commutative(IA32_OR, P(p), Binary.getResult(P(p)), Binary.getVal2(P(p)), consumeMO());
18602  }
18604  /**
18605   * Emit code for rule number 473:
18606   * stm:       LONG_STORE(LONG_OR(LONG_LOAD(rlv,rlv),rlv),OTHER_OPERAND(rlv, rlv))
18607   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
18608   */
18609  private void code473(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
18610    EMIT_Commutative(IA32_OR, P(p), MO_S(P(p), QW), MO_S(P(p), QW), Binary.getVal2(PL(p)) );
18611  }
18613  /**
18614   * Emit code for rule number 474:
18615   * stm:       LONG_STORE(LONG_OR(r,LONG_LOAD(rlv,rlv)),OTHER_OPERAND(rlv, rlv))
18616   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
18617   */
18618  private void code474(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
18619    EMIT_Commutative(IA32_OR, P(p), MO_S(P(p), QW), MO_S(P(p), QW), Binary.getVal1(PL(p)) );
18620  }
18622  /**
18623   * Emit code for rule number 475:
18624   * stm:       LONG_ASTORE(LONG_OR(LONG_ALOAD(rlv,rlv),rlv),OTHER_OPERAND(rlv, rlv))
18625   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
18626   */
18627  private void code475(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
18628    EMIT_Commutative(IA32_OR, P(p), MO_AS(P(p), QW_S, QW), MO_AS(P(p), QW_S, QW), Binary.getVal2(PL(p)) );
18629  }
18631  /**
18632   * Emit code for rule number 476:
18633   * stm:       LONG_ASTORE(LONG_OR(r,LONG_ALOAD(rlv,rlv)),OTHER_OPERAND(rlv, rlv))
18634   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
18635   */
18636  private void code476(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
18637    EMIT_Commutative(IA32_OR, P(p), MO_AS(P(p), QW_S, QW), MO_AS(P(p), QW_S, QW), Binary.getVal1(PL(p)) );
18638  }
18640  /**
18641   * Emit code for rule number 477:
18642   * r:  LONG_REM(rlv, rlv)
18643   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
18644   */
18645  private void code477(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
18646    LONG_DIVIDES(P(p), GuardedBinary.getResult(P(p)), GuardedBinary.getVal1(P(p)), 
18647            GuardedBinary.getVal2(P(p)), false, true);
18648  }
18650  /**
18651   * Emit code for rule number 478:
18652   * r:  LONG_REM(rlv, riv)
18653   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
18654   */
18655  private void code478(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
18656    LONG_DIVIDES(P(p), GuardedBinary.getResult(P(p)), GuardedBinary.getVal1(P(p)), 
18657            GuardedBinary.getVal2(P(p)), false, true);
18658  }
18660  /**
18661   * Emit code for rule number 479:
18662   * r:  LONG_REM(riv, rlv)
18663   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
18664   */
18665  private void code479(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
18666    LONG_DIVIDES(P(p), GuardedBinary.getResult(P(p)), GuardedBinary.getVal1(P(p)), 
18667            GuardedBinary.getVal2(P(p)), false, true);
18668  }
18670  /**
18671   * Emit code for rule number 480:
18672   * r:  LONG_REM(rlv, load64)
18673   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
18674   */
18675  private void code480(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
18676    LONG_DIVIDES(P(p), GuardedBinary.getResult(P(p)), GuardedBinary.getVal1(P(p)), 
18677            consumeMO(), false, true);
18678  }
18680  /**
18681   * Emit code for rule number 481:
18682   * r:  LONG_REM(load64,rlv)
18683   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
18684   */
18685  private void code481(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
18686    LONG_DIVIDES(P(p), GuardedBinary.getResult(P(p)), consumeMO(), GuardedBinary.getVal2(P(p)), 
18687           false, true);
18688  }
18690  /**
18691   * Emit code for rule number 482:
18692   * szpr:      LONG_SHL(rlv, INT_AND(r, INT_CONSTANT))
18693   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
18694   */
18695  private void code482(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
18696    EMIT(CPOS(P(p), MIR_Move.create(IA32_MOV, new RegisterOperand(getECX(), TypeReference.Int), Binary.getVal1(PR(p))))); 
18697EMIT_NonCommutative(IA32_SHL, P(p), Binary.getResult(P(p)), Binary.getVal1(P(p)), new RegisterOperand(getECX(), TypeReference.Int));
18698  }
18700  /**
18701   * Emit code for rule number 483:
18702   * szpr:      LONG_SHL(rlv, riv)
18703   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
18704   */
18705  private void code483(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
18706    EMIT(CPOS(P(p), MIR_Move.create(IA32_MOV, new RegisterOperand(getECX(), TypeReference.Int), Binary.getVal2(P(p))))); 
18707EMIT_NonCommutative(IA32_SHL, P(p), Binary.getResult(P(p)), Binary.getVal1(P(p)), new RegisterOperand(getECX(), TypeReference.Int));
18708  }
18710  /**
18711   * Emit code for rule number 484:
18712   * szpr:      LONG_SHL(r, INT_CONSTANT)
18713   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
18714   */
18715  private void code484(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
18716    if (VM.VerifyAssertions) VM._assert((VR(p) & 0x7FFFFFFF) <= 63); if(Binary.getVal2(P(p)).asIntConstant().value == 1) { 
18717 EMIT_Commutative(IA32_ADD, P(p), Binary.getResult(P(p)), Binary.getVal1(P(p)), Binary.getVal1(P(p)).copy()); 
18718} else { 
18719 EMIT_NonCommutative(IA32_SHL, P(p), Binary.getResult(P(p)), Binary.getVal1(P(p)), Binary.getVal2(P(p))); 
18721  }
18723  /**
18724   * Emit code for rule number 485:
18725   * r: LONG_SHL(r, INT_CONSTANT)
18726   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
18727   */
18728  private void code485(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
18729    pushAddress(null, Binary.getVal1(P(p)).asRegister(), LEA_SHIFT(Binary.getVal2(P(p))), Offset.zero()); 
18730EMIT_Lea(P(p), Binary.getResult(P(p)), consumeAddress(QW, null, null));
18731  }
18733  /**
18734   * Emit code for rule number 486:
18736   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
18737   */
18738  private void code486(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
18739    EMIT_Commutative(IA32_AND, P(p), Binary.getResult(P(p)), Binary.getVal1(PL(p)), IC(0xffffffff << VR(p)));
18740  }
18742  /**
18743   * Emit code for rule number 487:
18744   * stm:       LONG_STORE(LONG_SHL(LONG_LOAD(riv,riv),INT_AND(r,INT_CONSTANT)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv, riv))
18745   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
18746   */
18747  private void code487(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
18748    EMIT(CPOS(P(p), MIR_Move.create(IA32_MOV, new RegisterOperand(getECX(), TypeReference.Int), Binary.getVal1(PLR(p))))); 
18749EMIT(MIR_BinaryAcc.mutate(P(p), IA32_SHL, MO_S(P(p), QW), new RegisterOperand(getECX(), TypeReference.Int)));
18750  }
18752  /**
18753   * Emit code for rule number 488:
18754   * stm:       LONG_STORE(LONG_SHL(LONG_LOAD(riv,riv), INT_CONSTANT),OTHER_OPERAND(riv, riv))
18755   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
18756   */
18757  private void code488(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
18758    if (VM.VerifyAssertions) VM._assert((VLR(p) & 0x7FFFFFFF) <= 63); 
18759EMIT(MIR_BinaryAcc.mutate(P(p), IA32_SHL, MO_S(P(p), QW), Binary.getVal2(PL(p))));
18760  }
18762  /**
18763   * Emit code for rule number 489:
18764   * stm:       LONG_ASTORE(LONG_SHL(LONG_ALOAD(riv,riv),INT_AND(r, INT_CONSTANT)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv, riv))
18765   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
18766   */
18767  private void code489(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
18768    EMIT(MIR_Move.create(IA32_MOV, new RegisterOperand(getECX(), TypeReference.Int), Binary.getVal1(PLR(p)))); 
18769EMIT(MIR_BinaryAcc.mutate(P(p), IA32_SHL, MO_AS(P(p), QW_S, QW), new RegisterOperand(getECX(), TypeReference.Int)));
18770  }
18772  /**
18773   * Emit code for rule number 490:
18774   * stm:       LONG_ASTORE(LONG_SHL(LONG_ALOAD(riv,riv), INT_CONSTANT),OTHER_OPERAND(riv, riv))
18775   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
18776   */
18777  private void code490(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
18778    EMIT(MIR_BinaryAcc.mutate(P(p), IA32_SHL, MO_AS(P(p), QW_S, QW), Binary.getVal2(PL(p))));
18779  }
18781  /**
18782   * Emit code for rule number 491:
18783   * szpr:      LONG_SHR(rlv, INT_AND(r, LONG_CONSTANT))
18784   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
18785   */
18786  private void code491(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
18787    EMIT(CPOS(P(p), MIR_Move.create(IA32_MOV, new RegisterOperand(getECX(), TypeReference.Int), Binary.getVal1(PR(p))))); 
18788EMIT_NonCommutative(IA32_SAR, P(p), Binary.getResult(P(p)), Binary.getVal1(P(p)), new RegisterOperand(getECX(), TypeReference.Int));
18789  }
18791  /**
18792   * Emit code for rule number 492:
18793   * szpr:      LONG_SHR(rlv, riv)
18794   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
18795   */
18796  private void code492(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
18797    EMIT(CPOS(P(p), MIR_Move.create(IA32_MOV, new RegisterOperand(getECX(), TypeReference.Int), Binary.getVal2(P(p))))); 
18798EMIT_NonCommutative(IA32_SAR, P(p), Binary.getResult(P(p)), Binary.getVal1(P(p)), new RegisterOperand(getECX(), TypeReference.Int));
18799  }
18801  /**
18802   * Emit code for rule number 493:
18803   * szpr:      LONG_SHR(rlv, LONG_CONSTANT)
18804   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
18805   */
18806  private void code493(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
18807    if (VM.VerifyAssertions) VM._assert((VR(p) & 0x7FFFFFFF) <= 63); 
18808EMIT_NonCommutative(IA32_SAR, P(p), Binary.getResult(P(p)), Binary.getVal1(P(p)), Binary.getVal2(P(p)));
18809  }
18811  /**
18812   * Emit code for rule number 494:
18813   * stm:       LONG_STORE(LONG_SHR(LONG_LOAD(riv,riv),INT_AND(r,LONG_CONSTANT)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv, riv))
18814   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
18815   */
18816  private void code494(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
18817    EMIT(CPOS(P(p), MIR_Move.create(IA32_MOV, new RegisterOperand(getECX(), TypeReference.Int), Binary.getVal1(PLR(p))))); 
18818EMIT(MIR_BinaryAcc.mutate(P(p), IA32_SAR, MO_S(P(p), QW), new RegisterOperand(getECX(), TypeReference.Int)));
18819  }
18821  /**
18822   * Emit code for rule number 495:
18823   * stm:       LONG_STORE(LONG_SHR(LONG_LOAD(riv,riv), LONG_CONSTANT),OTHER_OPERAND(riv, riv))
18824   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
18825   */
18826  private void code495(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
18827    if (VM.VerifyAssertions) VM._assert((VLR(p) & 0x7FFFFFFF) <= 63); 
18828EMIT(MIR_BinaryAcc.mutate(P(p), IA32_SAR, MO_S(P(p), QW), Binary.getVal2(PL(p))));
18829  }
18831  /**
18832   * Emit code for rule number 496:
18833   * stm:       LONG_ASTORE(LONG_SHR(LONG_ALOAD(riv,riv),INT_AND(r, LONG_CONSTANT)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv, riv))
18834   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
18835   */
18836  private void code496(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
18837    EMIT(MIR_Move.create(IA32_MOV, new RegisterOperand(getECX(), TypeReference.Int), Binary.getVal1(PLR(p)))); 
18838EMIT(MIR_BinaryAcc.mutate(P(p), IA32_SAR, MO_AS(P(p), QW_S, QW), new RegisterOperand(getECX(), TypeReference.Int)));
18839  }
18841  /**
18842   * Emit code for rule number 497:
18843   * stm:       LONG_ASTORE(LONG_SHR(LONG_ALOAD(riv,riv), LONG_CONSTANT),OTHER_OPERAND(riv, riv))
18844   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
18845   */
18846  private void code497(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
18847    EMIT(MIR_BinaryAcc.mutate(P(p), IA32_SAR, MO_AS(P(p), QW_S, QW), Binary.getVal2(PL(p))));
18848  }
18850  /**
18851   * Emit code for rule number 498:
18852   * stm:       LONG_STORE(rlv, OTHER_OPERAND(rlv, rlv))
18853   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
18854   */
18855  private void code498(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
18856    EMIT(MIR_Move.mutate(P(p), IA32_MOV, MO_S(P(p), QW), Store.getValue(P(p))));
18857  }
18859  /**
18860   * Emit code for rule number 499:
18861   * stm:       LONG_STORE(rlv, OTHER_OPERAND(rlv, address1scaledreg))
18862   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
18863   */
18864  private void code499(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
18865    augmentAddress(Store.getAddress(P(p))); 
18866EMIT(MIR_Move.mutate(P(p), IA32_MOV, 
18867                     consumeAddress(QW, Store.getLocation(P(p)), Store.getGuard(P(p))), 
18868                     Store.getValue(P(p))));
18869  }
18871  /**
18872   * Emit code for rule number 500:
18873   * stm:       LONG_STORE(rlv, OTHER_OPERAND(address1scaledreg, rlv))
18874   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
18875   */
18876  private void code500(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
18877    augmentAddress(Store.getOffset(P(p))); 
18878EMIT(MIR_Move.mutate(P(p), IA32_MOV, 
18879                     consumeAddress(QW, Store.getLocation(P(p)), Store.getGuard(P(p))), 
18880                     Store.getValue(P(p))));
18881  }
18883  /**
18884   * Emit code for rule number 501:
18885   * stm:       LONG_STORE(rlv, OTHER_OPERAND(address1scaledreg, address1reg))
18886   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
18887   */
18888  private void code501(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
18889    combineAddresses(); 
18890EMIT(MIR_Move.mutate(P(p), IA32_MOV,  
18891                    consumeAddress(QW, Store.getLocation(P(p)), Store.getGuard(P(p))), 
18892                    Store.getValue(P(p))));
18893  }
18895  /**
18896   * Emit code for rule number 502:
18897   * stm:       LONG_STORE(rlv, OTHER_OPERAND(address1reg, address1scaledreg))
18898   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
18899   */
18900  private void code502(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
18901    combineAddresses(); 
18902EMIT(MIR_Move.mutate(P(p), IA32_MOV,  
18903                    consumeAddress(QW, Store.getLocation(P(p)), Store.getGuard(P(p))), 
18904                    Store.getValue(P(p))));
18905  }
18907  /**
18908   * Emit code for rule number 503:
18909   * stm:       LONG_STORE(rlv, OTHER_OPERAND(address, LONG_CONSTANT))
18910   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
18911   */
18912  private void code503(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
18913    augmentAddress(Store.getOffset(P(p))); 
18914EMIT(MIR_Move.mutate(P(p), IA32_MOV,  
18915                     consumeAddress(QW, Store.getLocation(P(p)), Store.getGuard(P(p))), 
18916                     Store.getValue(P(p))));
18917  }
18919  /**
18920   * Emit code for rule number 504:
18921   * czr:       LONG_SUB(rlv, r)
18922   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
18923   */
18924  private void code504(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
18925    EMIT_NonCommutative(IA32_SUB, P(p), Binary.getResult(P(p)), Binary.getVal1(P(p)), Binary.getVal2(P(p)));
18926  }
18928  /**
18929   * Emit code for rule number 505:
18930   * r: LONG_SUB(rlv, r)
18931   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
18932   */
18933  private void code505(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
18934    EMIT(CPOS(P(p), MIR_UnaryAcc.create(IA32_NEG, Binary.getResult(P(p))))); 
18935EMIT(MIR_BinaryAcc.mutate(P(p), IA32_ADD, Binary.getResult(P(p)), Binary.getVal1(P(p))));
18936  }
18938  /**
18939   * Emit code for rule number 506:
18940   * r: LONG_SUB(load64, r)
18941   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
18942   */
18943  private void code506(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
18944    EMIT(CPOS(P(p), MIR_UnaryAcc.create(IA32_NEG, Binary.getResult(P(p))))); 
18945EMIT(MIR_BinaryAcc.mutate(P(p), IA32_ADD, Binary.getResult(P(p)), consumeMO()));
18946  }
18948  /**
18949   * Emit code for rule number 507:
18950   * czr:       LONG_SUB(rlv, load64)
18951   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
18952   */
18953  private void code507(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
18954    EMIT_NonCommutative(IA32_SUB, P(p), Binary.getResult(P(p)), Binary.getVal1(P(p)), consumeMO());
18955  }
18957  /**
18958   * Emit code for rule number 508:
18959   * czr:       LONG_SUB(load64, rlv)
18960   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
18961   */
18962  private void code508(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
18963    EMIT_NonCommutative(IA32_SUB, P(p), Binary.getResult(P(p)), consumeMO(), Binary.getVal2(P(p)));
18964  }
18966  /**
18967   * Emit code for rule number 509:
18968   * stm:       LONG_STORE(LONG_SUB(LONG_LOAD(rlv,rlv),rlv),OTHER_OPERAND(rlv, rlv))
18969   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
18970   */
18971  private void code509(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
18972    EMIT(MIR_BinaryAcc.mutate(P(p), IA32_SUB, MO_S(P(p), QW), Binary.getVal2(PL(p))));
18973  }
18975  /**
18976   * Emit code for rule number 510:
18977   * stm:       LONG_STORE(LONG_SUB(rlv, LONG_LOAD(rlv,rlv)),OTHER_OPERAND(rlv, rlv))
18978   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
18979   */
18980  private void code510(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
18981    MemoryOperand result = MO_S(P(p), QW); 
18982EMIT(CPOS(P(p), MIR_UnaryAcc.create(IA32_NEG, result))); 
18983EMIT(MIR_BinaryAcc.mutate(P(p), IA32_ADD, result.copy(), Binary.getVal1(PL(p))));
18984  }
18986  /**
18987   * Emit code for rule number 511:
18988   * stm:       LONG_ASTORE(LONG_SUB(LONG_ALOAD(rlv,rlv),rlv),OTHER_OPERAND(rlv, rlv))
18989   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
18990   */
18991  private void code511(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
18992    EMIT(MIR_BinaryAcc.mutate(P(p), IA32_SUB, MO_AS(P(p), QW_S, QW), Binary.getVal2(PL(p))));
18993  }
18995  /**
18996   * Emit code for rule number 512:
18997   * stm:       LONG_ASTORE(LONG_SUB(rlv, LONG_ALOAD(rlv,rlv)),OTHER_OPERAND(rlv, rlv))
18998   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
18999   */
19000  private void code512(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
19001    MemoryOperand result = MO_AS(P(p), QW_S, QW); 
19002EMIT(CPOS(P(p), MIR_UnaryAcc.create(IA32_NEG, result))); 
19003EMIT(MIR_BinaryAcc.mutate(P(p), IA32_ADD, result.copy(), Binary.getVal1(PL(p))));
19004  }
19006  /**
19007   * Emit code for rule number 513:
19008   * szpr:      LONG_USHR(rlv, LONG_AND(r, LONG_CONSTANT))
19009   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
19010   */
19011  private void code513(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
19012    EMIT(CPOS(P(p), MIR_Move.create(IA32_MOV, new RegisterOperand(getECX(), TypeReference.Int), Binary.getVal1(PR(p))))); 
19013EMIT_NonCommutative(IA32_SHR, P(p), Binary.getResult(P(p)), Binary.getVal1(P(p)), new RegisterOperand(getECX(), TypeReference.Int));
19014  }
19016  /**
19017   * Emit code for rule number 514:
19018   * szpr:      LONG_USHR(rlv, riv)
19019   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
19020   */
19021  private void code514(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
19022    EMIT(CPOS(P(p), MIR_Move.create(IA32_MOV, new RegisterOperand(getECX(), TypeReference.Int), Binary.getVal2(P(p))))); 
19023EMIT_NonCommutative(IA32_SHR, P(p), Binary.getResult(P(p)), Binary.getVal1(P(p)), new RegisterOperand(getECX(), TypeReference.Int));
19024  }
19026  /**
19027   * Emit code for rule number 515:
19028   * szpr:      LONG_USHR(rlv, LONG_CONSTANT)
19029   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
19030   */
19031  private void code515(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
19032    if (VM.VerifyAssertions) VM._assert((VR(p) & 0x7FFFFFFF) <= 63); 
19033EMIT_NonCommutative(IA32_SHR, P(p), Binary.getResult(P(p)), Binary.getVal1(P(p)), Binary.getVal2(P(p)));
19034  }
19036  /**
19037   * Emit code for rule number 516:
19038   * stm:       LONG_STORE(LONG_USHR(LONG_LOAD(riv,riv),LONG_AND(r,LONG_CONSTANT)),OTHER_OPERAND(riv, riv))
19039   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
19040   */
19041  private void code516(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
19042    EMIT(CPOS(P(p), MIR_Move.create(IA32_MOV, new RegisterOperand(getECX(), TypeReference.Int), Binary.getVal1(PLR(p))))); 
19043EMIT(MIR_BinaryAcc.mutate(P(p), IA32_SHR, MO_S(P(p), QW), new RegisterOperand(getECX(), TypeReference.Int)));
19044  }
19046  /**
19047   * Emit code for rule number 517:
19048   * stm:       LONG_STORE(LONG_USHR(LONG_LOAD(riv,riv), LONG_CONSTANT),OTHER_OPERAND(riv, riv))
19049   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
19050   */
19051  private void code517(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
19052    if (VM.VerifyAssertions) VM._assert((VLR(p) & 0x7FFFFFFF) <= 63); 
19053EMIT(MIR_BinaryAcc.mutate(P(p), IA32_SHR, MO_S(P(p), QW), Binary.getVal2(PL(p))));
19054  }
19056  /**
19057   * Emit code for rule number 518:
19059   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
19060   */
19061  private void code518(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
19062    EMIT(MIR_Move.create(IA32_MOV, new RegisterOperand(getECX(), TypeReference.Int), Binary.getVal1(PLR(p)))); 
19063EMIT(MIR_BinaryAcc.mutate(P(p), IA32_SHR, MO_AS(P(p), QW_S, QW), new RegisterOperand(getECX(), TypeReference.Int)));
19064  }
19066  /**
19067   * Emit code for rule number 519:
19068   * stm:       LONG_ASTORE(LONG_USHR(LONG_ALOAD(riv,riv), LONG_CONSTANT),OTHER_OPERAND(riv, riv))
19069   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
19070   */
19071  private void code519(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
19072    EMIT(MIR_BinaryAcc.mutate(P(p), IA32_SHR, MO_AS(P(p), QW_S, QW), Binary.getVal2(PL(p))));
19073  }
19075  /**
19076   * Emit code for rule number 520:
19077   * szpr:      LONG_XOR(r, rlv)
19078   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
19079   */
19080  private void code520(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
19081    EMIT_Commutative(IA32_XOR, P(p), Binary.getResult(P(p)), Binary.getVal1(P(p)), Binary.getVal2(P(p)));
19082  }
19084  /**
19085   * Emit code for rule number 521:
19086   * szpr:      LONG_XOR(r, load64)
19087   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
19088   */
19089  private void code521(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
19090    EMIT_Commutative(IA32_XOR, P(p), Binary.getResult(P(p)), Binary.getVal1(P(p)), consumeMO());
19091  }
19093  /**
19094   * Emit code for rule number 522:
19095   * szpr:      LONG_XOR(load64, rlv)
19096   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
19097   */
19098  private void code522(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
19099    EMIT_Commutative(IA32_XOR, P(p), Binary.getResult(P(p)), Binary.getVal2(P(p)), consumeMO());
19100  }
19102  /**
19103   * Emit code for rule number 523:
19104   * stm:       LONG_STORE(LONG_XOR(LONG_LOAD(rlv,rlv),rlv),OTHER_OPERAND(rlv, rlv))
19105   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
19106   */
19107  private void code523(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
19108    EMIT_Commutative(IA32_XOR, P(p), MO_S(P(p), QW), MO_S(P(p), QW), Binary.getVal2(PL(p)) );
19109  }
19111  /**
19112   * Emit code for rule number 524:
19113   * stm:       LONG_STORE(LONG_XOR(r,LONG_LOAD(rlv,rlv)),OTHER_OPERAND(rlv, rlv))
19114   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
19115   */
19116  private void code524(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
19117    EMIT_Commutative(IA32_XOR, P(p), MO_S(P(p), QW), MO_S(P(p), QW), Binary.getVal1(PL(p)) );
19118  }
19120  /**
19121   * Emit code for rule number 525:
19122   * stm:       LONG_ASTORE(LONG_XOR(LONG_ALOAD(rlv,rlv),rlv),OTHER_OPERAND(rlv, rlv))
19123   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
19124   */
19125  private void code525(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
19126    EMIT_Commutative(IA32_XOR, P(p), MO_AS(P(p), QW_S, QW), MO_AS(P(p), QW_S, QW), Binary.getVal2(PL(p)) );
19127  }
19129  /**
19130   * Emit code for rule number 526:
19131   * stm:       LONG_ASTORE(LONG_XOR(r,LONG_ALOAD(rlv,rlv)),OTHER_OPERAND(rlv, rlv))
19132   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
19133   */
19134  private void code526(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
19135    EMIT_Commutative(IA32_XOR, P(p), MO_AS(P(p), QW_S, QW), MO_AS(P(p), QW_S, QW), Binary.getVal1(PL(p)) );
19136  }
19138  /**
19139   * Emit code for rule number 527:
19140   * r: FLOAT_ADD(r, r)
19141   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
19142   */
19143  private void code527(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
19144    SSE2_COP(IA32_ADDSS, P(p), Binary.getResult(P(p)), Binary.getVal1(P(p)), Binary.getVal2(P(p)));
19145  }
19147  /**
19148   * Emit code for rule number 528:
19149   * r: FLOAT_ADD(r, float_load)
19150   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
19151   */
19152  private void code528(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
19153    SSE2_COP(IA32_ADDSS, P(p), Binary.getResult(P(p)), Binary.getVal1(P(p)), consumeMO());
19154  }
19156  /**
19157   * Emit code for rule number 529:
19158   * r: FLOAT_ADD(float_load,r)
19159   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
19160   */
19161  private void code529(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
19162    SSE2_COP(IA32_ADDSS, P(p), Binary.getResult(P(p)), Binary.getVal2(P(p)), consumeMO());
19163  }
19165  /**
19166   * Emit code for rule number 530:
19167   * r: DOUBLE_ADD(r, r)
19168   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
19169   */
19170  private void code530(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
19171    SSE2_COP(IA32_ADDSD, P(p), Binary.getResult(P(p)), Binary.getVal2(P(p)), Binary.getVal1(P(p)));
19172  }
19174  /**
19175   * Emit code for rule number 531:
19176   * r: DOUBLE_ADD(r, double_load)
19177   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
19178   */
19179  private void code531(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
19180    SSE2_COP(IA32_ADDSD, P(p), Binary.getResult(P(p)), Binary.getVal1(P(p)), consumeMO());
19181  }
19183  /**
19184   * Emit code for rule number 532:
19185   * r: DOUBLE_ADD(double_load,r)
19186   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
19187   */
19188  private void code532(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
19189    SSE2_COP(IA32_ADDSD, P(p), Binary.getResult(P(p)), Binary.getVal2(P(p)), consumeMO());
19190  }
19192  /**
19193   * Emit code for rule number 533:
19194   * r: FLOAT_SUB(r, r)
19195   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
19196   */
19197  private void code533(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
19198    SSE2_NCOP(IA32_SUBSS, P(p), Binary.getResult(P(p)), Binary.getVal1(P(p)), Binary.getVal2(P(p)));
19199  }
19201  /**
19202   * Emit code for rule number 534:
19203   * r: FLOAT_SUB(r, float_load)
19204   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
19205   */
19206  private void code534(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
19207    SSE2_NCOP(IA32_SUBSS, P(p), Binary.getResult(P(p)), Binary.getVal1(P(p)), consumeMO());
19208  }
19210  /**
19211   * Emit code for rule number 535:
19212   * r: DOUBLE_SUB(r, r)
19213   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
19214   */
19215  private void code535(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
19216    SSE2_NCOP(IA32_SUBSD, P(p), Binary.getResult(P(p)), Binary.getVal1(P(p)), Binary.getVal2(P(p)));
19217  }
19219  /**
19220   * Emit code for rule number 536:
19221   * r: DOUBLE_SUB(r, double_load)
19222   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
19223   */
19224  private void code536(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
19225    SSE2_NCOP(IA32_SUBSD, P(p), Binary.getResult(P(p)), Binary.getVal1(P(p)), consumeMO());
19226  }
19228  /**
19229   * Emit code for rule number 537:
19230   * r: FLOAT_MUL(r, r)
19231   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
19232   */
19233  private void code537(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
19234    SSE2_COP(IA32_MULSS, P(p), Binary.getResult(P(p)), Binary.getVal1(P(p)), Binary.getVal2(P(p)));
19235  }
19237  /**
19238   * Emit code for rule number 538:
19239   * r: FLOAT_MUL(r, float_load)
19240   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
19241   */
19242  private void code538(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
19243    SSE2_COP(IA32_MULSS, P(p), Binary.getResult(P(p)), Binary.getVal1(P(p)), consumeMO());
19244  }
19246  /**
19247   * Emit code for rule number 539:
19248   * r: FLOAT_MUL(float_load, r)
19249   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
19250   */
19251  private void code539(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
19252    SSE2_COP(IA32_MULSS, P(p), Binary.getResult(P(p)), Binary.getVal2(P(p)), consumeMO());
19253  }
19255  /**
19256   * Emit code for rule number 540:
19257   * r: DOUBLE_MUL(r, r)
19258   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
19259   */
19260  private void code540(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
19261    SSE2_COP(IA32_MULSD, P(p), Binary.getResult(P(p)), Binary.getVal1(P(p)), Binary.getVal2(P(p)));
19262  }
19264  /**
19265   * Emit code for rule number 541:
19266   * r: DOUBLE_MUL(r, double_load)
19267   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
19268   */
19269  private void code541(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
19270    SSE2_COP(IA32_MULSD, P(p), Binary.getResult(P(p)), Binary.getVal1(P(p)), consumeMO());
19271  }
19273  /**
19274   * Emit code for rule number 542:
19275   * r: DOUBLE_MUL(double_load, r)
19276   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
19277   */
19278  private void code542(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
19279    SSE2_COP(IA32_MULSD, P(p), Binary.getResult(P(p)), Binary.getVal2(P(p)), consumeMO());
19280  }
19282  /**
19283   * Emit code for rule number 543:
19284   * r: FLOAT_DIV(r, r)
19285   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
19286   */
19287  private void code543(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
19288    SSE2_NCOP(IA32_DIVSS, P(p), Binary.getResult(P(p)), Binary.getVal1(P(p)), Binary.getVal2(P(p)));
19289  }
19291  /**
19292   * Emit code for rule number 544:
19293   * r: FLOAT_DIV(r, float_load)
19294   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
19295   */
19296  private void code544(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
19297    SSE2_NCOP(IA32_DIVSS, P(p), Binary.getResult(P(p)), Binary.getVal1(P(p)), consumeMO());
19298  }
19300  /**
19301   * Emit code for rule number 545:
19302   * r: DOUBLE_DIV(r, r)
19303   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
19304   */
19305  private void code545(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
19306    SSE2_NCOP(IA32_DIVSD, P(p), Binary.getResult(P(p)), Binary.getVal1(P(p)), Binary.getVal2(P(p)));
19307  }
19309  /**
19310   * Emit code for rule number 546:
19311   * r: DOUBLE_DIV(r, double_load)
19312   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
19313   */
19314  private void code546(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
19315    SSE2_NCOP(IA32_DIVSD, P(p), Binary.getResult(P(p)), Binary.getVal1(P(p)), consumeMO());
19316  }
19318  /**
19319   * Emit code for rule number 547:
19320   * r: FLOAT_NEG(r)
19321   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
19322   */
19323  private void code547(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
19324    SSE2_NEG(true, P(p), Unary.getResult(P(p)), Unary.getVal(P(p)));
19325  }
19327  /**
19328   * Emit code for rule number 548:
19329   * r: DOUBLE_NEG(r)
19330   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
19331   */
19332  private void code548(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
19333    SSE2_NEG(false, P(p), Unary.getResult(P(p)), Unary.getVal(P(p)));
19334  }
19336  /**
19337   * Emit code for rule number 549:
19338   * r: FLOAT_SQRT(r)
19339   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
19340   */
19341  private void code549(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
19342    EMIT(MIR_Unary.mutate(P(p), IA32_SQRTSS, Unary.getResult(P(p)), Unary.getVal(P(p))));
19343  }
19345  /**
19346   * Emit code for rule number 550:
19347   * r: DOUBLE_SQRT(r)
19348   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
19349   */
19350  private void code550(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
19351    EMIT(MIR_Unary.mutate(P(p), IA32_SQRTSD, Unary.getResult(P(p)), Unary.getVal(P(p))));
19352  }
19354  /**
19355   * Emit code for rule number 551:
19356   * r: FLOAT_REM(r, r)
19357   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
19358   */
19359  private void code551(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
19360    SSE2_X87_REM(P(p));
19361  }
19363  /**
19364   * Emit code for rule number 552:
19365   * r: DOUBLE_REM(r, r)
19366   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
19367   */
19368  private void code552(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
19369    SSE2_X87_REM(P(p));
19370  }
19372  /**
19373   * Emit code for rule number 553:
19374   * r: LONG_2FLOAT(r)
19375   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
19376   */
19377  private void code553(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
19378    SSE2_X87_FROMLONG(P(p));
19379  }
19381  /**
19382   * Emit code for rule number 554:
19383   * r: LONG_2DOUBLE(r)
19384   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
19385   */
19386  private void code554(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
19387    SSE2_X87_FROMLONG(P(p));
19388  }
19390  /**
19391   * Emit code for rule number 555:
19392   * r: FLOAT_MOVE(r)
19393   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
19394   */
19395  private void code555(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
19396    EMIT(MIR_Move.mutate(P(p), IA32_MOVAPS, Move.getResult(P(p)), Move.getVal(P(p))));
19397  }
19399  /**
19400   * Emit code for rule number 556:
19401   * r: DOUBLE_MOVE(r)
19402   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
19403   */
19404  private void code556(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
19405    EMIT(MIR_Move.mutate(P(p), IA32_MOVAPD, Move.getResult(P(p)), Move.getVal(P(p))));
19406  }
19408  /**
19409   * Emit code for rule number 557:
19410   * r: DOUBLE_LOAD(riv, riv)
19411   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
19412   */
19413  private void code557(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
19414    EMIT(MIR_Move.mutate(P(p), IA32_MOVSD, Load.getResult(P(p)), MO_L(P(p), QW)));
19415  }
19417  /**
19418   * Emit code for rule number 558:
19419   * r: DOUBLE_LOAD(riv, rlv)
19420   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
19421   */
19422  private void code558(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
19423    EMIT(MIR_Move.mutate(P(p), IA32_MOVSD, Load.getResult(P(p)), MO_L(P(p), QW)));
19424  }
19426  /**
19427   * Emit code for rule number 559:
19428   * r: DOUBLE_LOAD(rlv, rlv)
19429   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
19430   */
19431  private void code559(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
19432    EMIT(MIR_Move.mutate(P(p), IA32_MOVSD, Load.getResult(P(p)), MO_L(P(p), QW)));
19433  }
19435  /**
19436   * Emit code for rule number 560:
19437   * double_load: DOUBLE_LOAD(riv, riv)
19438   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
19439   */
19440  private void code560(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
19441    pushMO(MO_L(P(p), QW));
19442  }
19444  /**
19445   * Emit code for rule number 561:
19446   * r: DOUBLE_ALOAD(riv, riv)
19447   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
19448   */
19449  private void code561(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
19450    EMIT(MIR_Move.mutate(P(p), IA32_MOVSD, ALoad.getResult(P(p)), MO_AL(P(p), QW_S, QW)));
19451  }
19453  /**
19454   * Emit code for rule number 562:
19455   * double_load: DOUBLE_LOAD(rlv, rlv)
19456   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
19457   */
19458  private void code562(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
19459    pushMO(MO_L(P(p), QW));
19460  }
19462  /**
19463   * Emit code for rule number 563:
19464   * r: DOUBLE_ALOAD(riv, r)
19465   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
19466   */
19467  private void code563(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
19468    RegisterOperand index=ALoad.getIndex(P(p)).asRegister();
19469if (VM.BuildFor64Addr && index.getRegister().isInteger()){
19470EMIT(CPOS(P(p),MIR_BinaryAcc.create(IA32_AND, index, LC(0xffffffff))));
19471EMIT(MIR_Move.mutate(P(p), IA32_MOVSD, ALoad.getResult(P(p)), MO_AL(P(p), QW_S, QW)));
19473EMIT(MIR_Move.mutate(P(p), IA32_MOVSD, ALoad.getResult(P(p)), MO_AL(P(p), QW_S, QW)));
19475  }
19477  /**
19478   * Emit code for rule number 564:
19479   * r: DOUBLE_ALOAD(rlv, rlv)
19480   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
19481   */
19482  private void code564(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
19483    EMIT(MIR_Move.mutate(P(p), IA32_MOVSD, ALoad.getResult(P(p)), MO_AL(P(p), QW_S, QW)));
19484  }
19486  /**
19487   * Emit code for rule number 565:
19488   * double_load: DOUBLE_ALOAD(riv, riv)
19489   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
19490   */
19491  private void code565(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
19492    pushMO(MO_AL(P(p), QW_S, QW));
19493  }
19495  /**
19496   * Emit code for rule number 566:
19497   * r: FLOAT_LOAD(riv, riv)
19498   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
19499   */
19500  private void code566(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
19501    EMIT(MIR_Move.mutate(P(p), IA32_MOVSS, Load.getResult(P(p)), MO_L(P(p), DW)));
19502  }
19504  /**
19505   * Emit code for rule number 567:
19506   * r: FLOAT_LOAD(rlv, rlv)
19507   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
19508   */
19509  private void code567(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
19510    EMIT(MIR_Move.mutate(P(p), IA32_MOVSS, Load.getResult(P(p)), MO_L(P(p), DW)));
19511  }
19513  /**
19514   * Emit code for rule number 568:
19515   * float_load: FLOAT_LOAD(riv, riv)
19516   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
19517   */
19518  private void code568(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
19519    pushMO(MO_L(P(p), DW));
19520  }
19522  /**
19523   * Emit code for rule number 569:
19524   * r: FLOAT_ALOAD(riv, riv)
19525   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
19526   */
19527  private void code569(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
19528    EMIT(MIR_Move.mutate(P(p), IA32_MOVSS, ALoad.getResult(P(p)), MO_AL(P(p), DW_S, DW)));
19529  }
19531  /**
19532   * Emit code for rule number 570:
19533   * r: FLOAT_ALOAD(riv, r)
19534   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
19535   */
19536  private void code570(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
19537    RegisterOperand index=ALoad.getIndex(P(p)).asRegister();
19538if (VM.BuildFor64Addr && index.getRegister().isInteger()){
19539EMIT(CPOS(P(p),MIR_BinaryAcc.create(IA32_AND, index, LC(0xffffffff))));
19540EMIT(MIR_Move.mutate(P(p), IA32_MOVSS, ALoad.getResult(P(p)), MO_AL(P(p), DW_S, DW)));
19542EMIT(MIR_Move.mutate(P(p), IA32_MOVSS, ALoad.getResult(P(p)), MO_AL(P(p), DW_S, DW)));
19544  }
19546  /**
19547   * Emit code for rule number 571:
19548   * r: FLOAT_ALOAD(rlv, rlv)
19549   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
19550   */
19551  private void code571(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
19552    EMIT(MIR_Move.mutate(P(p), IA32_MOVSS, ALoad.getResult(P(p)), MO_AL(P(p), DW_S, DW)));
19553  }
19555  /**
19556   * Emit code for rule number 572:
19557   * float_load: FLOAT_ALOAD(riv, riv)
19558   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
19559   */
19560  private void code572(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
19561    pushMO(MO_AL(P(p), DW_S, DW));
19562  }
19564  /**
19565   * Emit code for rule number 573:
19566   * stm: DOUBLE_STORE(r, OTHER_OPERAND(riv, riv))
19567   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
19568   */
19569  private void code573(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
19570    EMIT(MIR_Move.mutate(P(p), IA32_MOVSD, MO_S(P(p), QW), Store.getValue(P(p))));
19571  }
19573  /**
19574   * Emit code for rule number 574:
19575   * stm: DOUBLE_STORE(r, OTHER_OPERAND(riv, rlv))
19576   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
19577   */
19578  private void code574(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
19579    EMIT(MIR_Move.mutate(P(p), IA32_MOVSD, MO_S(P(p), QW), Store.getValue(P(p))));
19580  }
19582  /**
19583   * Emit code for rule number 575:
19584   * stm: DOUBLE_STORE(r, OTHER_OPERAND(rlv, riv))
19585   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
19586   */
19587  private void code575(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
19588    EMIT(MIR_Move.mutate(P(p), IA32_MOVSD, MO_S(P(p), QW), Store.getValue(P(p))));
19589  }
19591  /**
19592   * Emit code for rule number 576:
19593   * stm: DOUBLE_STORE(r, OTHER_OPERAND(rlv, rlv))
19594   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
19595   */
19596  private void code576(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
19597    EMIT(MIR_Move.mutate(P(p), IA32_MOVSD, MO_S(P(p), QW), Store.getValue(P(p))));
19598  }
19600  /**
19601   * Emit code for rule number 577:
19602   * stm: DOUBLE_ASTORE(r, OTHER_OPERAND(riv, riv))
19603   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
19604   */
19605  private void code577(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
19606    EMIT(MIR_Move.mutate(P(p), IA32_MOVSD, MO_AS(P(p), QW_S, QW), AStore.getValue(P(p))));
19607  }
19609  /**
19610   * Emit code for rule number 578:
19611   * stm: DOUBLE_ASTORE(r, OTHER_OPERAND(rlv, riv))
19612   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
19613   */
19614  private void code578(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
19615    EMIT(MIR_Move.mutate(P(p), IA32_MOVSD, MO_AS(P(p), QW_S, QW), AStore.getValue(P(p))));
19616  }
19618  /**
19619   * Emit code for rule number 579:
19620   * stm: DOUBLE_ASTORE(r, OTHER_OPERAND(riv, rlv))
19621   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
19622   */
19623  private void code579(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
19624    EMIT(MIR_Move.mutate(P(p), IA32_MOVSD, MO_AS(P(p), QW_S, QW), AStore.getValue(P(p))));
19625  }
19627  /**
19628   * Emit code for rule number 580:
19629   * stm: DOUBLE_ASTORE(r, OTHER_OPERAND(rlv, rlv))
19630   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
19631   */
19632  private void code580(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
19633    EMIT(MIR_Move.mutate(P(p), IA32_MOVSD, MO_AS(P(p), QW_S, QW), AStore.getValue(P(p))));
19634  }
19636  /**
19637   * Emit code for rule number 581:
19638   * stm: DOUBLE_ASTORE(r, OTHER_OPERAND(r, r))
19639   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
19640   */
19641  private void code581(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
19642    RegisterOperand index=AStore.getIndex(P(p)).asRegister();
19643if (VM.BuildFor64Addr && index.getRegister().isInteger()){
19644EMIT(CPOS(P(p),MIR_BinaryAcc.create(IA32_AND, index, LC(0xffffffff))));
19645EMIT(MIR_Move.mutate(P(p), IA32_MOVSD, MO_AS(P(p), QW_S, QW), AStore.getValue(P(p))));
19647EMIT(MIR_Move.mutate(P(p), IA32_MOVSD, MO_AS(P(p), QW_S, QW), AStore.getValue(P(p))));
19649  }
19651  /**
19652   * Emit code for rule number 582:
19653   * stm: FLOAT_STORE(r, OTHER_OPERAND(riv, riv))
19654   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
19655   */
19656  private void code582(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
19657    EMIT(MIR_Move.mutate(P(p), IA32_MOVSS, MO_S(P(p), DW), Store.getValue(P(p))));
19658  }
19660  /**
19661   * Emit code for rule number 583:
19662   * stm: FLOAT_STORE(r, OTHER_OPERAND(rlv, rlv))
19663   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
19664   */
19665  private void code583(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
19666    EMIT(MIR_Move.mutate(P(p), IA32_MOVSS, MO_S(P(p), DW), Store.getValue(P(p))));
19667  }
19669  /**
19670   * Emit code for rule number 584:
19671   * stm: FLOAT_STORE(r, OTHER_OPERAND(rlv, riv))
19672   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
19673   */
19674  private void code584(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
19675    EMIT(MIR_Move.mutate(P(p), IA32_MOVSS, MO_S(P(p), DW), Store.getValue(P(p))));
19676  }
19678  /**
19679   * Emit code for rule number 585:
19680   * stm: FLOAT_STORE(r, OTHER_OPERAND(riv, rlv))
19681   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
19682   */
19683  private void code585(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
19684    EMIT(MIR_Move.mutate(P(p), IA32_MOVSS, MO_S(P(p), DW), Store.getValue(P(p))));
19685  }
19687  /**
19688   * Emit code for rule number 586:
19689   * stm: FLOAT_ASTORE(r, OTHER_OPERAND(riv, riv))
19690   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
19691   */
19692  private void code586(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
19693    EMIT(MIR_Move.mutate(P(p), IA32_MOVSS, MO_AS(P(p), DW_S, DW), AStore.getValue(P(p))));
19694  }
19696  /**
19697   * Emit code for rule number 587:
19698   * stm: FLOAT_ASTORE(r, OTHER_OPERAND(rlv, riv))
19699   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
19700   */
19701  private void code587(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
19702    EMIT(MIR_Move.mutate(P(p), IA32_MOVSS, MO_AS(P(p), DW_S, DW), AStore.getValue(P(p))));
19703  }
19705  /**
19706   * Emit code for rule number 588:
19707   * stm: FLOAT_ASTORE(r, OTHER_OPERAND(riv, rlv))
19708   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
19709   */
19710  private void code588(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
19711    EMIT(MIR_Move.mutate(P(p), IA32_MOVSS, MO_AS(P(p), DW_S, DW), AStore.getValue(P(p))));
19712  }
19714  /**
19715   * Emit code for rule number 589:
19716   * stm: FLOAT_ASTORE(r, OTHER_OPERAND(rlv, rlv))
19717   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
19718   */
19719  private void code589(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
19720    EMIT(MIR_Move.mutate(P(p), IA32_MOVSS, MO_AS(P(p), DW_S, DW), AStore.getValue(P(p))));
19721  }
19723  /**
19724   * Emit code for rule number 590:
19725   * stm: FLOAT_ASTORE(r, OTHER_OPERAND(r, r))
19726   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
19727   */
19728  private void code590(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
19729    RegisterOperand index=AStore.getIndex(P(p)).asRegister();
19730if (VM.BuildFor64Addr && index.getRegister().isInteger()){
19731EMIT(CPOS(P(p),MIR_BinaryAcc.create(IA32_AND, index, LC(0xffffffff))));
19732EMIT(MIR_Move.mutate(P(p), IA32_MOVSS, MO_AS(P(p), DW_S, DW), AStore.getValue(P(p))));
19734EMIT(MIR_Move.mutate(P(p), IA32_MOVSS, MO_AS(P(p), DW_S, DW), AStore.getValue(P(p))));
19736  }
19738  /**
19739   * Emit code for rule number 591:
19740   * r: INT_2FLOAT(riv)
19741   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
19742   */
19743  private void code591(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
19744    SSE2_CONV(IA32_CVTSI2SS, P(p), Unary.getResult(P(p)), Unary.getVal(P(p)));
19745  }
19747  /**
19748   * Emit code for rule number 592:
19749   * r: INT_2FLOAT(load32)
19750   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
19751   */
19752  private void code592(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
19753    SSE2_CONV(IA32_CVTSI2SS, P(p), Unary.getResult(P(p)), consumeMO());
19754  }
19756  /**
19757   * Emit code for rule number 593:
19758   * r: INT_2DOUBLE(riv)
19759   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
19760   */
19761  private void code593(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
19762    SSE2_CONV(IA32_CVTSI2SD, P(p), Unary.getResult(P(p)), Unary.getVal(P(p)));
19763  }
19765  /**
19766   * Emit code for rule number 594:
19767   * r: INT_2DOUBLE(load32)
19768   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
19769   */
19770  private void code594(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
19771    SSE2_CONV(IA32_CVTSI2SD, P(p), Unary.getResult(P(p)), consumeMO());
19772  }
19774  /**
19775   * Emit code for rule number 595:
19776   * r: FLOAT_2DOUBLE(r)
19777   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
19778   */
19779  private void code595(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
19780    SSE2_CONV(IA32_CVTSS2SD, P(p), Unary.getResult(P(p)), Unary.getVal(P(p)));
19781  }
19783  /**
19784   * Emit code for rule number 596:
19785   * r: FLOAT_2DOUBLE(float_load)
19786   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
19787   */
19788  private void code596(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
19789    SSE2_CONV(IA32_CVTSS2SD, P(p), Unary.getResult(P(p)), consumeMO());
19790  }
19792  /**
19793   * Emit code for rule number 597:
19794   * r: DOUBLE_2FLOAT(r)
19795   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
19796   */
19797  private void code597(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
19798    SSE2_CONV(IA32_CVTSD2SS, P(p), Unary.getResult(P(p)), Unary.getVal(P(p)));
19799  }
19801  /**
19802   * Emit code for rule number 598:
19803   * r: DOUBLE_2FLOAT(double_load)
19804   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
19805   */
19806  private void code598(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
19807    SSE2_CONV(IA32_CVTSD2SS, P(p), Unary.getResult(P(p)), consumeMO());
19808  }
19810  /**
19811   * Emit code for rule number 599:
19812   * r: FLOAT_2INT(r)
19813   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
19814   */
19815  private void code599(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
19816    EMIT(P(p)); /* leave for complex operators */
19817  }
19819  /**
19820   * Emit code for rule number 600:
19821   * r: FLOAT_2LONG(r)
19822   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
19823   */
19824  private void code600(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
19825    EMIT(P(p)); /* leave for complex operators */
19826  }
19828  /**
19829   * Emit code for rule number 601:
19830   * r: DOUBLE_2INT(r)
19831   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
19832   */
19833  private void code601(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
19834    EMIT(P(p)); /* leave for complex operators */
19835  }
19837  /**
19838   * Emit code for rule number 602:
19839   * r: DOUBLE_2LONG(r)
19840   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
19841   */
19842  private void code602(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
19843    EMIT(P(p)); /* leave for complex operators */
19844  }
19846  /**
19847   * Emit code for rule number 603:
19848   * r: FLOAT_AS_INT_BITS(r)
19849   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
19850   */
19851  private void code603(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
19852    SSE2_FPR2GPR_32(P(p));
19853  }
19855  /**
19856   * Emit code for rule number 605:
19857   * r: DOUBLE_AS_LONG_BITS(r)
19858   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
19859   */
19860  private void code605(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
19861    SSE2_FPR2GPR_64(P(p));
19862  }
19864  /**
19865   * Emit code for rule number 607:
19866   * r: INT_BITS_AS_FLOAT(riv)
19867   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
19868   */
19869  private void code607(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
19870    SSE2_GPR2FPR_32(P(p));
19871  }
19873  /**
19874   * Emit code for rule number 609:
19875   * r: LONG_BITS_AS_DOUBLE(rlv)
19876   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
19877   */
19878  private void code609(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
19879    SSE2_GPR2FPR_64(P(p));
19880  }
19882  /**
19883   * Emit code for rule number 611:
19885   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
19886   */
19887  private void code611(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
19888    SSE2_FPCONSTANT(P(p));
19889  }
19891  /**
19892   * Emit code for rule number 612:
19893   * float_load: MATERIALIZE_FP_CONSTANT(any)
19894   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
19895   */
19896  private void code612(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
19897    pushMO(MO_MC(P(p)));
19898  }
19900  /**
19901   * Emit code for rule number 613:
19902   * double_load: MATERIALIZE_FP_CONSTANT(any)
19903   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
19904   */
19905  private void code613(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
19906    pushMO(MO_MC(P(p)));
19907  }
19909  /**
19910   * Emit code for rule number 614:
19912   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
19913   */
19914  private void code614(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
19915    EMIT(MIR_Empty.mutate(P(p), IA32_FNINIT));
19916  }
19918  /**
19919   * Emit code for rule number 615:
19920   * stm: FLOAT_IFCMP(r,r)
19921   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
19922   */
19923  private void code615(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
19924    SSE2_IFCMP(IA32_UCOMISS, P(p), IfCmp.getClearVal1(P(p)), IfCmp.getClearVal2(P(p)));
19925  }
19927  /**
19928   * Emit code for rule number 616:
19929   * stm: FLOAT_IFCMP(r,float_load)
19930   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
19931   */
19932  private void code616(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
19933    SSE2_IFCMP(IA32_UCOMISS, P(p), IfCmp.getClearVal1(P(p)), consumeMO());
19934  }
19936  /**
19937   * Emit code for rule number 617:
19938   * stm: FLOAT_IFCMP(float_load,r)
19939   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
19940   */
19941  private void code617(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
19942    IfCmp.getCond(P(p)).flipOperands(); SSE2_IFCMP(IA32_UCOMISS, P(p), IfCmp.getClearVal2(P(p)), consumeMO());
19943  }
19945  /**
19946   * Emit code for rule number 618:
19947   * stm: DOUBLE_IFCMP(r,r)
19948   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
19949   */
19950  private void code618(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
19951    SSE2_IFCMP(IA32_UCOMISD, P(p), IfCmp.getClearVal1(P(p)), IfCmp.getClearVal2(P(p)));
19952  }
19954  /**
19955   * Emit code for rule number 619:
19956   * stm: DOUBLE_IFCMP(r,double_load)
19957   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
19958   */
19959  private void code619(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
19960    SSE2_IFCMP(IA32_UCOMISD, P(p), IfCmp.getClearVal1(P(p)), consumeMO());
19961  }
19963  /**
19964   * Emit code for rule number 620:
19965   * stm: DOUBLE_IFCMP(double_load,r)
19966   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
19967   */
19968  private void code620(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
19969    IfCmp.getCond(P(p)).flipOperands(); SSE2_IFCMP(IA32_UCOMISD, P(p), IfCmp.getClearVal2(P(p)), consumeMO());
19970  }
19972  /**
19973   * Emit code for rule number 621:
19974   * r: FCMP_CMOV(r, OTHER_OPERAND(r, any))
19975   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
19976   */
19977  private void code621(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
19978    EMIT(CPOS(P(p), MIR_Compare.create(CondMove.getVal1(P(p)).isFloat() ? IA32_UCOMISS : IA32_UCOMISD,      CondMove.getVal1(P(p)), CondMove.getVal2(P(p))))); CMOV_MOV(P(p), CondMove.getResult(P(p)), CondMove.getCond(P(p)).translateUNSIGNED(),          CondMove.getTrueValue(P(p)), CondMove.getFalseValue(P(p)));
19979  }
19981  /**
19982   * Emit code for rule number 622:
19983   * r: FCMP_CMOV(r, OTHER_OPERAND(float_load, any))
19984   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
19985   */
19986  private void code622(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
19987    EMIT(CPOS(P(p), MIR_Compare.create(IA32_UCOMISS, CondMove.getVal1(P(p)), consumeMO()))); CMOV_MOV(P(p), CondMove.getResult(P(p)), CondMove.getCond(P(p)).translateUNSIGNED(),          CondMove.getTrueValue(P(p)), CondMove.getFalseValue(P(p)));
19988  }
19990  /**
19991   * Emit code for rule number 623:
19992   * r: FCMP_CMOV(r, OTHER_OPERAND(double_load, any))
19993   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
19994   */
19995  private void code623(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
19996    EMIT(CPOS(P(p), MIR_Compare.create(IA32_UCOMISD, CondMove.getVal1(P(p)), consumeMO()))); CMOV_MOV(P(p), CondMove.getResult(P(p)), CondMove.getCond(P(p)).translateUNSIGNED(),          CondMove.getTrueValue(P(p)), CondMove.getFalseValue(P(p)));
19997  }
19999  /**
20000   * Emit code for rule number 624:
20001   * r: FCMP_CMOV(float_load, OTHER_OPERAND(r, any))
20002   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
20003   */
20004  private void code624(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
20005    CondMove.getCond(P(p)).flipOperands(); EMIT(CPOS(P(p), MIR_Compare.create(IA32_UCOMISS, CondMove.getVal1(P(p)), consumeMO()))); CMOV_MOV(P(p), CondMove.getResult(P(p)), CondMove.getCond(P(p)).translateUNSIGNED(),          CondMove.getTrueValue(P(p)), CondMove.getFalseValue(P(p)));
20006  }
20008  /**
20009   * Emit code for rule number 625:
20010   * r: FCMP_CMOV(double_load, OTHER_OPERAND(r, any))
20011   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
20012   */
20013  private void code625(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
20014    CondMove.getCond(P(p)).flipOperands(); EMIT(CPOS(P(p), MIR_Compare.create(IA32_UCOMISD, CondMove.getVal1(P(p)), consumeMO()))); CMOV_MOV(P(p), CondMove.getResult(P(p)), CondMove.getCond(P(p)).translateUNSIGNED(),          CondMove.getTrueValue(P(p)), CondMove.getFalseValue(P(p)));
20015  }
20017  /**
20018   * Emit code for rule number 626:
20019   * r: FCMP_FCMOV(r, OTHER_OPERAND(r, any))
20020   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
20021   */
20022  private void code626(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
20023    SSE2_FCMP_FCMOV(P(p), CondMove.getResult(P(p)), CondMove.getVal1(P(p)), CondMove.getVal2(P(p)),                 CondMove.getCond(P(p)), CondMove.getTrueValue(P(p)), CondMove.getFalseValue(P(p)));
20024  }
20026  /**
20027   * Emit code for rule number 627:
20028   * r: FCMP_FCMOV(r, OTHER_OPERAND(r, OTHER_OPERAND(r, float_load)))
20029   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
20030   */
20031  private void code627(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
20032    SSE2_FCMP_FCMOV(P(p), CondMove.getResult(P(p)), CondMove.getVal1(P(p)), CondMove.getVal2(P(p)),                 CondMove.getCond(P(p)), CondMove.getTrueValue(P(p)), consumeMO());
20033  }
20035  /**
20036   * Emit code for rule number 628:
20037   * r: FCMP_FCMOV(r, OTHER_OPERAND(r, OTHER_OPERAND(r, double_load)))
20038   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
20039   */
20040  private void code628(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
20041    SSE2_FCMP_FCMOV(P(p), CondMove.getResult(P(p)), CondMove.getVal1(P(p)), CondMove.getVal2(P(p)),                 CondMove.getCond(P(p)), CondMove.getTrueValue(P(p)), consumeMO());
20042  }
20044  /**
20045   * Emit code for rule number 629:
20046   * r: FCMP_FCMOV(r, OTHER_OPERAND(r, OTHER_OPERAND(float_load, r)))
20047   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
20048   */
20049  private void code629(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
20050    SSE2_FCMP_FCMOV(P(p), CondMove.getResult(P(p)), CondMove.getVal1(P(p)), CondMove.getVal2(P(p)),                 CondMove.getCond(P(p)), consumeMO(), CondMove.getFalseValue(P(p)));
20051  }
20053  /**
20054   * Emit code for rule number 630:
20055   * r: FCMP_FCMOV(r, OTHER_OPERAND(r, OTHER_OPERAND(double_load, r)))
20056   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
20057   */
20058  private void code630(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
20059    SSE2_FCMP_FCMOV(P(p), CondMove.getResult(P(p)), CondMove.getVal1(P(p)), CondMove.getVal2(P(p)),                 CondMove.getCond(P(p)), consumeMO(), CondMove.getFalseValue(P(p)));
20060  }
20062  /**
20063   * Emit code for rule number 631:
20064   * r: FCMP_FCMOV(r, OTHER_OPERAND(float_load, any))
20065   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
20066   */
20067  private void code631(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
20068    SSE2_FCMP_FCMOV(P(p), CondMove.getResult(P(p)), CondMove.getVal1(P(p)), consumeMO(),                 CondMove.getCond(P(p)), CondMove.getFalseValue(P(p)), CondMove.getTrueValue(P(p)));
20069  }
20071  /**
20072   * Emit code for rule number 632:
20073   * r: FCMP_FCMOV(r, OTHER_OPERAND(double_load, any))
20074   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
20075   */
20076  private void code632(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
20077    SSE2_FCMP_FCMOV(P(p), CondMove.getResult(P(p)), CondMove.getVal1(P(p)), consumeMO(),                 CondMove.getCond(P(p)), CondMove.getFalseValue(P(p)), CondMove.getTrueValue(P(p)));
20078  }
20080  /**
20081   * Emit code for rule number 633:
20083   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
20084   */
20085  private void code633(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
20086    SSE2_ABS(true, P(p), CondMove.getResult(P(p)), CondMove.getVal1(P(p)));
20087  }
20089  /**
20090   * Emit code for rule number 634:
20092   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
20093   */
20094  private void code634(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
20095    SSE2_ABS(true, P(p), CondMove.getResult(P(p)), CondMove.getVal1(P(p)));
20096  }
20098  /**
20099   * Emit code for rule number 635:
20101   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
20102   */
20103  private void code635(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
20104    SSE2_ABS(true, P(p), CondMove.getResult(P(p)), CondMove.getVal1(P(p)));
20105  }
20107  /**
20108   * Emit code for rule number 636:
20110   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
20111   */
20112  private void code636(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
20113    SSE2_ABS(true, P(p), CondMove.getResult(P(p)), CondMove.getVal1(P(p)));
20114  }
20116  /**
20117   * Emit code for rule number 637:
20119   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
20120   */
20121  private void code637(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
20122    SSE2_ABS(true, P(p), CondMove.getResult(P(p)), CondMove.getVal2(P(p)));
20123  }
20125  /**
20126   * Emit code for rule number 638:
20128   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
20129   */
20130  private void code638(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
20131    SSE2_ABS(true, P(p), CondMove.getResult(P(p)), CondMove.getVal2(P(p)));
20132  }
20134  /**
20135   * Emit code for rule number 639:
20137   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
20138   */
20139  private void code639(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
20140    SSE2_ABS(true, P(p), CondMove.getResult(P(p)), CondMove.getVal2(P(p)));
20141  }
20143  /**
20144   * Emit code for rule number 640:
20146   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
20147   */
20148  private void code640(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
20149    SSE2_ABS(true, P(p), CondMove.getResult(P(p)), CondMove.getVal2(P(p)));
20150  }
20152  /**
20153   * Emit code for rule number 641:
20155   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
20156   */
20157  private void code641(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
20158    SSE2_ABS(false, P(p), CondMove.getResult(P(p)), CondMove.getVal1(P(p)));
20159  }
20161  /**
20162   * Emit code for rule number 642:
20164   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
20165   */
20166  private void code642(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
20167    SSE2_ABS(false, P(p), CondMove.getResult(P(p)), CondMove.getVal1(P(p)));
20168  }
20170  /**
20171   * Emit code for rule number 643:
20173   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
20174   */
20175  private void code643(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
20176    SSE2_ABS(false, P(p), CondMove.getResult(P(p)), CondMove.getVal1(P(p)));
20177  }
20179  /**
20180   * Emit code for rule number 644:
20182   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
20183   */
20184  private void code644(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
20185    SSE2_ABS(false, P(p), CondMove.getResult(P(p)), CondMove.getVal1(P(p)));
20186  }
20188  /**
20189   * Emit code for rule number 645:
20191   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
20192   */
20193  private void code645(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
20194    SSE2_ABS(false, P(p), CondMove.getResult(P(p)), CondMove.getVal2(P(p)));
20195  }
20197  /**
20198   * Emit code for rule number 646:
20200   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
20201   */
20202  private void code646(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
20203    SSE2_ABS(false, P(p), CondMove.getResult(P(p)), CondMove.getVal2(P(p)));
20204  }
20206  /**
20207   * Emit code for rule number 647:
20209   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
20210   */
20211  private void code647(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
20212    SSE2_ABS(false, P(p), CondMove.getResult(P(p)), CondMove.getVal2(P(p)));
20213  }
20215  /**
20216   * Emit code for rule number 648:
20218   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
20219   */
20220  private void code648(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
20221    SSE2_ABS(false, P(p), CondMove.getResult(P(p)), CondMove.getVal2(P(p)));
20222  }
20224  /**
20225   * Emit code for rule number 649:
20226   * stm: LONG_ASTORE(load64, OTHER_OPERAND(riv, riv))
20227   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
20228   */
20229  private void code649(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
20230    RegisterOperand temp = regpool.makeTemp(TypeReference.Double); EMIT(MIR_Move.mutate(PL(p), IA32_MOVQ, temp, consumeMO())); EMIT(MIR_Move.mutate(P(p), IA32_MOVQ, MO_AS(P(p), QW_S, QW), temp.copyRO()));
20231  }
20233  /**
20234   * Emit code for rule number 650:
20235   * stm: LONG_ASTORE(load64, OTHER_OPERAND(rlv, riv))
20236   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
20237   */
20238  private void code650(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
20239    RegisterOperand temp = regpool.makeTemp(TypeReference.Double); EMIT(MIR_Move.mutate(PL(p), IA32_MOVQ, temp, consumeMO())); EMIT(MIR_Move.mutate(P(p), IA32_MOVQ, MO_AS(P(p), QW_S, QW), temp.copyRO()));
20240  }
20242  /**
20243   * Emit code for rule number 651:
20244   * stm: LONG_STORE(load64, OTHER_OPERAND(riv, riv))
20245   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
20246   */
20247  private void code651(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
20248    RegisterOperand temp = regpool.makeTemp(TypeReference.Double); EMIT(MIR_Move.mutate(PL(p), IA32_MOVQ, temp, consumeMO())); EMIT(MIR_Move.mutate(P(p), IA32_MOVQ, MO_S(P(p), QW), temp.copyRO()));
20249  }
20251  /**
20252   * Emit code for rule number 652:
20253   * stm: LONG_STORE(load64, OTHER_OPERAND(rlv, riv))
20254   * @param p BURS node to apply the rule to
20255   */
20256  private void code652(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p) {
20257    RegisterOperand temp = regpool.makeTemp(TypeReference.Double); EMIT(MIR_Move.mutate(PL(p), IA32_MOVQ, temp, consumeMO())); EMIT(MIR_Move.mutate(P(p), IA32_MOVQ, MO_S(P(p), QW), temp.copyRO()));
20258  }
20260  /**
20261   * Emit code using given rule number
20262   *
20263   * @param p the tree that's being emitted
20264   * @param n the non-terminal goal of that tree
20265   * @param ruleno the rule that will generate the tree
20266   */
20267    @Override
20268  public void code(AbstractBURS_TreeNode p, int  n, int ruleno) {
20269    switch(unsortedErnMap[ruleno]) {
20270    case 16: code16(p); break;
20271    case 17: code17(p); break;
20272    case 18: code18(p); break;
20273    case 19: code19(p); break;
20274    case 20: code20(p); break;
20275    case 21: code21(p); break;
20276    case 22: code22(p); break;
20277    case 23: code23(p); break;
20278    case 25: code25(p); break;
20279    case 26: code26(p); break;
20280    case 27: code27(p); break;
20281    case 28: code28(p); break;
20282    case 29: code29(p); break;
20283    case 30: code30(p); break;
20284    case 31: code31(p); break;
20285    case 32: code32(p); break;
20286    case 33: code33(p); break;
20287    case 34: code34(p); break;
20288    case 35: code35(p); break;
20289    case 36: code36(p); break;
20290    case 37: code37(p); break;
20291    case 38: code38(p); break;
20292    case 39: code39(p); break;
20293    case 40: code40(p); break;
20294    case 41: code41(p); break;
20295    case 42: code42(p); break;
20296    case 43: code43(p); break;
20297    case 44: code44(p); break;
20298    case 45: code45(p); break;
20299    case 46: code46(p); break;
20300    case 47: code47(p); break;
20301    case 48: code48(p); break;
20302    case 49: code49(p); break;
20303    case 50: code50(p); break;
20304    case 51: code51(p); break;
20305    case 52: code52(p); break;
20306    case 53: code53(p); break;
20307    case 54: code54(p); break;
20308    case 55: code55(p); break;
20309    case 56: code56(p); break;
20310    case 57: code57(p); break;
20311    case 58: code58(p); break;
20312    case 59: code59(p); break;
20313    case 60: code60(p); break;
20314    case 61: code61(p); break;
20315    case 62: code62(p); break;
20316    case 63: code63(p); break;
20317    case 64: code64(p); break;
20318    case 65: code65(p); break;
20319    case 66: code66(p); break;
20320    case 67: code67(p); break;
20321    case 68: code68(p); break;
20322    case 69: code69(p); break;
20323    case 70: code70(p); break;
20324    case 71: code71(p); break;
20325    case 72: code72(p); break;
20326    case 73: code73(p); break;
20327    case 74: code74(p); break;
20328    case 75: code75(p); break;
20329    case 76: code76(p); break;
20330    case 77: code77(p); break;
20331    case 78: code78(p); break;
20332    case 79: code79(p); break;
20333    case 80: code80(p); break;
20334    case 81: code81(p); break;
20335    case 84: code84(p); break;
20336    case 85: code85(p); break;
20337    case 86: code86(p); break;
20338    case 87: code87(p); break;
20339    case 88: code88(p); break;
20340    case 89: code89(p); break;
20341    case 90: code90(p); break;
20342    case 91: code91(p); break;
20343    case 92: code92(p); break;
20344    case 93: code93(p); break;
20345    case 94: code94(p); break;
20346    case 95: code95(p); break;
20347    case 96: code96(p); break;
20348    case 97: code97(p); break;
20349    case 98: code98(p); break;
20350    case 99: code99(p); break;
20351    case 100: code100(p); break;
20352    case 101: code101(p); break;
20353    case 102: code102(p); break;
20354    case 103: code103(p); break;
20355    case 104: code104(p); break;
20356    case 105: code105(p); break;
20357    case 106: code106(p); break;
20358    case 107: code107(p); break;
20359    case 108: code108(p); break;
20360    case 109: code109(p); break;
20361    case 110: code110(p); break;
20362    case 111: code111(p); break;
20363    case 112: code112(p); break;
20364    case 113: code113(p); break;
20365    case 114: code114(p); break;
20366    case 115: code115(p); break;
20367    case 116: code116(p); break;
20368    case 117: code117(p); break;
20369    case 118: code118(p); break;
20370    case 119: code119(p); break;
20371    case 120: code120(p); break;
20372    case 121: code121(p); break;
20373    case 122: code122(p); break;
20374    case 123: code123(p); break;
20375    case 124: code124(p); break;
20376    case 125: code125(p); break;
20377    case 126: code126(p); break;
20378    case 127: code127(p); break;
20379    case 128: code128(p); break;
20380    case 129: code129(p); break;
20381    case 130: code130(p); break;
20382    case 131: code131(p); break;
20383    case 132: code132(p); break;
20384    case 133: code133(p); break;
20385    case 134: code134(p); break;
20386    case 135: code135(p); break;
20387    case 136: code136(p); break;
20388    case 137: code137(p); break;
20389    case 138: code138(p); break;
20390    case 139: code139(p); break;
20391    case 140: code140(p); break;
20392    case 141: code141(p); break;
20393    case 142: code142(p); break;
20394    case 143: code143(p); break;
20395    case 144: code144(p); break;
20396    case 145: code145(p); break;
20397    case 146: code146(p); break;
20398    case 147: code147(p); break;
20399    case 148: code148(p); break;
20400    case 149: code149(p); break;
20401    case 150: code150(p); break;
20402    case 151: code151(p); break;
20403    case 152: code152(p); break;
20404    case 153: code153(p); break;
20405    case 154: code154(p); break;
20406    case 155: code155(p); break;
20407    case 156: code156(p); break;
20408    case 157: code157(p); break;
20409    case 158: code158(p); break;
20410    case 159: code159(p); break;
20411    case 160: code160(p); break;
20412    case 161: code161(p); break;
20413    case 162: code162(p); break;
20414    case 163: code163(p); break;
20415    case 164: code164(p); break;
20416    case 165: code165(p); break;
20417    case 166: code166(p); break;
20418    case 167: code167(p); break;
20419    case 168: code168(p); break;
20420    case 169: code169(p); break;
20421    case 170: code170(p); break;
20422    case 171: code171(p); break;
20423    case 172: code172(p); break;
20424    case 173: code173(p); break;
20425    case 174: code174(p); break;
20426    case 176: code176(p); break;
20427    case 177: code177(p); break;
20428    case 178: code178(p); break;
20429    case 179: code179(p); break;
20430    case 180: code180(p); break;
20431    case 181: code181(p); break;
20432    case 182: code182(p); break;
20433    case 183: code183(p); break;
20434    case 184: code184(p); break;
20435    case 185: code185(p); break;
20436    case 186: code186(p); break;
20437    case 187: code187(p); break;
20438    case 188: code188(p); break;
20439    case 189: code189(p); break;
20440    case 190: code190(p); break;
20441    case 191: code191(p); break;
20442    case 192: code192(p); break;
20443    case 193: code193(p); break;
20444    case 194: code194(p); break;
20445    case 195: code195(p); break;
20446    case 196: code196(p); break;
20447    case 197: code197(p); break;
20448    case 198: code198(p); break;
20449    case 199: code199(p); break;
20450    case 200: code200(p); break;
20451    case 201: code201(p); break;
20452    case 202: code202(p); break;
20453    case 203: code203(p); break;
20454    case 204: code204(p); break;
20455    case 205: code205(p); break;
20456    case 206: code206(p); break;
20457    case 207: code207(p); break;
20458    case 208: code208(p); break;
20459    case 209: code209(p); break;
20460    case 210: code210(p); break;
20461    case 211: code211(p); break;
20462    case 212: code212(p); break;
20463    case 213: code213(p); break;
20464    case 214: code214(p); break;
20465    case 215: code215(p); break;
20466    case 216: code216(p); break;
20467    case 217: code217(p); break;
20468    case 218: code218(p); break;
20469    case 219: code219(p); break;
20470    case 220: code220(p); break;
20471    case 221: code221(p); break;
20472    case 222: code222(p); break;
20473    case 223: code223(p); break;
20474    case 224: code224(p); break;
20475    case 225: code225(p); break;
20476    case 226: code226(p); break;
20477    case 227: code227(p); break;
20478    case 228: code228(p); break;
20479    case 229: code229(p); break;
20480    case 230: code230(p); break;
20481    case 231: code231(p); break;
20482    case 232: code232(p); break;
20483    case 233: code233(p); break;
20484    case 234: code234(p); break;
20485    case 235: code235(p); break;
20486    case 236: code236(p); break;
20487    case 237: code237(p); break;
20488    case 238: code238(p); break;
20489    case 239: code239(p); break;
20490    case 240: code240(p); break;
20491    case 241: code241(p); break;
20492    case 242: code242(p); break;
20493    case 243: code243(p); break;
20494    case 244: code244(p); break;
20495    case 245: code245(p); break;
20496    case 246: code246(p); break;
20497    case 247: code247(p); break;
20498    case 248: code248(p); break;
20499    case 249: code249(p); break;
20500    case 250: code250(p); break;
20501    case 251: code251(p); break;
20502    case 252: code252(p); break;
20503    case 253: code253(p); break;
20504    case 254: code254(p); break;
20505    case 255: code255(p); break;
20506    case 256: code256(p); break;
20507    case 257: code257(p); break;
20508    case 258: code258(p); break;
20509    case 259: code259(p); break;
20510    case 260: code260(p); break;
20511    case 261: code261(p); break;
20512    case 262: code262(p); break;
20513    case 263: code263(p); break;
20514    case 264: code264(p); break;
20515    case 265: code265(p); break;
20516    case 266: code266(p); break;
20517    case 267: code267(p); break;
20518    case 268: code268(p); break;
20519    case 269: code269(p); break;
20520    case 270: code270(p); break;
20521    case 271: code271(p); break;
20522    case 272: code272(p); break;
20523    case 273: code273(p); break;
20524    case 274: code274(p); break;
20525    case 275: code275(p); break;
20526    case 276: code276(p); break;
20527    case 277: code277(p); break;
20528    case 278: code278(p); break;
20529    case 279: code279(p); break;
20530    case 280: code280(p); break;
20531    case 281: code281(p); break;
20532    case 282: code282(p); break;
20533    case 283: code283(p); break;
20534    case 284: code284(p); break;
20535    case 286: code286(p); break;
20536    case 295: code295(p); break;
20537    case 296: code296(p); break;
20538    case 297: code297(p); break;
20539    case 298: code298(p); break;
20540    case 299: code299(p); break;
20541    case 300: code300(p); break;
20542    case 301: code301(p); break;
20543    case 302: code302(p); break;
20544    case 303: code303(p); break;
20545    case 304: code304(p); break;
20546    case 305: code305(p); break;
20547    case 306: code306(p); break;
20548    case 307: code307(p); break;
20549    case 308: code308(p); break;
20550    case 309: code309(p); break;
20551    case 310: code310(p); break;
20552    case 311: code311(p); break;
20553    case 312: code312(p); break;
20554    case 313: code313(p); break;
20555    case 314: code314(p); break;
20556    case 315: code315(p); break;
20557    case 316: code316(p); break;
20558    case 317: code317(p); break;
20559    case 318: code318(p); break;
20560    case 319: code319(p); break;
20561    case 320: code320(p); break;
20562    case 321: code321(p); break;
20563    case 322: code322(p); break;
20564    case 323: code323(p); break;
20565    case 324: code324(p); break;
20566    case 325: code325(p); break;
20567    case 326: code326(p); break;
20568    case 327: code327(p); break;
20569    case 328: code328(p); break;
20570    case 329: code329(p); break;
20571    case 330: code330(p); break;
20572    case 331: code331(p); break;
20573    case 332: code332(p); break;
20574    case 333: code333(p); break;
20575    case 334: code334(p); break;
20576    case 335: code335(p); break;
20577    case 336: code336(p); break;
20578    case 337: code337(p); break;
20579    case 338: code338(p); break;
20580    case 339: code339(p); break;
20581    case 340: code340(p); break;
20582    case 341: code341(p); break;
20583    case 342: code342(p); break;
20584    case 343: code343(p); break;
20585    case 344: code344(p); break;
20586    case 345: code345(p); break;
20587    case 346: code346(p); break;
20588    case 347: code347(p); break;
20589    case 348: code348(p); break;
20590    case 349: code349(p); break;
20591    case 350: code350(p); break;
20592    case 351: code351(p); break;
20593    case 352: code352(p); break;
20594    case 353: code353(p); break;
20595    case 354: code354(p); break;
20596    case 355: code355(p); break;
20597    case 356: code356(p); break;
20598    case 357: code357(p); break;
20599    case 358: code358(p); break;
20600    case 359: code359(p); break;
20601    case 360: code360(p); break;
20602    case 361: code361(p); break;
20603    case 362: code362(p); break;
20604    case 363: code363(p); break;
20605    case 364: code364(p); break;
20606    case 365: code365(p); break;
20607    case 366: code366(p); break;
20608    case 367: code367(p); break;
20609    case 368: code368(p); break;
20610    case 369: code369(p); break;
20611    case 370: code370(p); break;
20612    case 371: code371(p); break;
20613    case 372: code372(p); break;
20614    case 373: code373(p); break;
20615    case 374: code374(p); break;
20616    case 375: code375(p); break;
20617    case 376: code376(p); break;
20618    case 377: code377(p); break;
20619    case 378: code378(p); break;
20620    case 379: code379(p); break;
20621    case 380: code380(p); break;
20622    case 381: code381(p); break;
20623    case 382: code382(p); break;
20624    case 383: code383(p); break;
20625    case 384: code384(p); break;
20626    case 385: code385(p); break;
20627    case 388: code388(p); break;
20628    case 389: code389(p); break;
20629    case 390: code390(p); break;
20630    case 391: code391(p); break;
20631    case 392: code392(p); break;
20632    case 393: code393(p); break;
20633    case 394: code394(p); break;
20634    case 395: code395(p); break;
20635    case 396: code396(p); break;
20636    case 397: code397(p); break;
20637    case 400: code400(p); break;
20638    case 401: code401(p); break;
20639    case 406: code406(p); break;
20640    case 407: code407(p); break;
20641    case 408: code408(p); break;
20642    case 411: code411(p); break;
20643    case 412: code412(p); break;
20644    case 413: code413(p); break;
20645    case 414: code414(p); break;
20646    case 415: code415(p); break;
20647    case 416: code416(p); break;
20648    case 417: code417(p); break;
20649    case 418: code418(p); break;
20650    case 419: code419(p); break;
20651    case 420: code420(p); break;
20652    case 421: code421(p); break;
20653    case 422: code422(p); break;
20654    case 423: code423(p); break;
20655    case 424: code424(p); break;
20656    case 425: code425(p); break;
20657    case 426: code426(p); break;
20658    case 427: code427(p); break;
20659    case 428: code428(p); break;
20660    case 429: code429(p); break;
20661    case 430: code430(p); break;
20662    case 431: code431(p); break;
20663    case 432: code432(p); break;
20664    case 433: code433(p); break;
20665    case 434: code434(p); break;
20666    case 435: code435(p); break;
20667    case 436: code436(p); break;
20668    case 437: code437(p); break;
20669    case 438: code438(p); break;
20670    case 439: code439(p); break;
20671    case 440: code440(p); break;
20672    case 441: code441(p); break;
20673    case 442: code442(p); break;
20674    case 443: code443(p); break;
20675    case 444: code444(p); break;
20676    case 445: code445(p); break;
20677    case 446: code446(p); break;
20678    case 447: code447(p); break;
20679    case 448: code448(p); break;
20680    case 449: code449(p); break;
20681    case 450: code450(p); break;
20682    case 451: code451(p); break;
20683    case 452: code452(p); break;
20684    case 453: code453(p); break;
20685    case 454: code454(p); break;
20686    case 455: code455(p); break;
20687    case 456: code456(p); break;
20688    case 457: code457(p); break;
20689    case 458: code458(p); break;
20690    case 459: code459(p); break;
20691    case 461: code461(p); break;
20692    case 462: code462(p); break;
20693    case 463: code463(p); break;
20694    case 464: code464(p); break;
20695    case 465: code465(p); break;
20696    case 466: code466(p); break;
20697    case 467: code467(p); break;
20698    case 468: code468(p); break;
20699    case 469: code469(p); break;
20700    case 470: code470(p); break;
20701    case 471: code471(p); break;
20702    case 472: code472(p); break;
20703    case 473: code473(p); break;
20704    case 474: code474(p); break;
20705    case 475: code475(p); break;
20706    case 476: code476(p); break;
20707    case 477: code477(p); break;
20708    case 478: code478(p); break;
20709    case 479: code479(p); break;
20710    case 480: code480(p); break;
20711    case 481: code481(p); break;
20712    case 482: code482(p); break;
20713    case 483: code483(p); break;
20714    case 484: code484(p); break;
20715    case 485: code485(p); break;
20716    case 486: code486(p); break;
20717    case 487: code487(p); break;
20718    case 488: code488(p); break;
20719    case 489: code489(p); break;
20720    case 490: code490(p); break;
20721    case 491: code491(p); break;
20722    case 492: code492(p); break;
20723    case 493: code493(p); break;
20724    case 494: code494(p); break;
20725    case 495: code495(p); break;
20726    case 496: code496(p); break;
20727    case 497: code497(p); break;
20728    case 498: code498(p); break;
20729    case 499: code499(p); break;
20730    case 500: code500(p); break;
20731    case 501: code501(p); break;
20732    case 502: code502(p); break;
20733    case 503: code503(p); break;
20734    case 504: code504(p); break;
20735    case 505: code505(p); break;
20736    case 506: code506(p); break;
20737    case 507: code507(p); break;
20738    case 508: code508(p); break;
20739    case 509: code509(p); break;
20740    case 510: code510(p); break;
20741    case 511: code511(p); break;
20742    case 512: code512(p); break;
20743    case 513: code513(p); break;
20744    case 514: code514(p); break;
20745    case 515: code515(p); break;
20746    case 516: code516(p); break;
20747    case 517: code517(p); break;
20748    case 518: code518(p); break;
20749    case 519: code519(p); break;
20750    case 520: code520(p); break;
20751    case 521: code521(p); break;
20752    case 522: code522(p); break;
20753    case 523: code523(p); break;
20754    case 524: code524(p); break;
20755    case 525: code525(p); break;
20756    case 526: code526(p); break;
20757    case 527: code527(p); break;
20758    case 528: code528(p); break;
20759    case 529: code529(p); break;
20760    case 530: code530(p); break;
20761    case 531: code531(p); break;
20762    case 532: code532(p); break;
20763    case 533: code533(p); break;
20764    case 534: code534(p); break;
20765    case 535: code535(p); break;
20766    case 536: code536(p); break;
20767    case 537: code537(p); break;
20768    case 538: code538(p); break;
20769    case 539: code539(p); break;
20770    case 540: code540(p); break;
20771    case 541: code541(p); break;
20772    case 542: code542(p); break;
20773    case 543: code543(p); break;
20774    case 544: code544(p); break;
20775    case 545: code545(p); break;
20776    case 546: code546(p); break;
20777    case 547: code547(p); break;
20778    case 548: code548(p); break;
20779    case 549: code549(p); break;
20780    case 550: code550(p); break;
20781    case 551: code551(p); break;
20782    case 552: code552(p); break;
20783    case 553: code553(p); break;
20784    case 554: code554(p); break;
20785    case 555: code555(p); break;
20786    case 556: code556(p); break;
20787    case 557: code557(p); break;
20788    case 558: code558(p); break;
20789    case 559: code559(p); break;
20790    case 560: code560(p); break;
20791    case 561: code561(p); break;
20792    case 562: code562(p); break;
20793    case 563: code563(p); break;
20794    case 564: code564(p); break;
20795    case 565: code565(p); break;
20796    case 566: code566(p); break;
20797    case 567: code567(p); break;
20798    case 568: code568(p); break;
20799    case 569: code569(p); break;
20800    case 570: code570(p); break;
20801    case 571: code571(p); break;
20802    case 572: code572(p); break;
20803    case 573: code573(p); break;
20804    case 574: code574(p); break;
20805    case 575: code575(p); break;
20806    case 576: code576(p); break;
20807    case 577: code577(p); break;
20808    case 578: code578(p); break;
20809    case 579: code579(p); break;
20810    case 580: code580(p); break;
20811    case 581: code581(p); break;
20812    case 582: code582(p); break;
20813    case 583: code583(p); break;
20814    case 584: code584(p); break;
20815    case 585: code585(p); break;
20816    case 586: code586(p); break;
20817    case 587: code587(p); break;
20818    case 588: code588(p); break;
20819    case 589: code589(p); break;
20820    case 590: code590(p); break;
20821    case 591: code591(p); break;
20822    case 592: code592(p); break;
20823    case 593: code593(p); break;
20824    case 594: code594(p); break;
20825    case 595: code595(p); break;
20826    case 596: code596(p); break;
20827    case 597: code597(p); break;
20828    case 598: code598(p); break;
20829    case 599: code599(p); break;
20830    case 600: code600(p); break;
20831    case 601: code601(p); break;
20832    case 602: code602(p); break;
20833    case 603: code603(p); break;
20834    case 605: code605(p); break;
20835    case 607: code607(p); break;
20836    case 609: code609(p); break;
20837    case 611: code611(p); break;
20838    case 612: code612(p); break;
20839    case 613: code613(p); break;
20840    case 614: code614(p); break;
20841    case 615: code615(p); break;
20842    case 616: code616(p); break;
20843    case 617: code617(p); break;
20844    case 618: code618(p); break;
20845    case 619: code619(p); break;
20846    case 620: code620(p); break;
20847    case 621: code621(p); break;
20848    case 622: code622(p); break;
20849    case 623: code623(p); break;
20850    case 624: code624(p); break;
20851    case 625: code625(p); break;
20852    case 626: code626(p); break;
20853    case 627: code627(p); break;
20854    case 628: code628(p); break;
20855    case 629: code629(p); break;
20856    case 630: code630(p); break;
20857    case 631: code631(p); break;
20858    case 632: code632(p); break;
20859    case 633: code633(p); break;
20860    case 634: code634(p); break;
20861    case 635: code635(p); break;
20862    case 636: code636(p); break;
20863    case 637: code637(p); break;
20864    case 638: code638(p); break;
20865    case 639: code639(p); break;
20866    case 640: code640(p); break;
20867    case 641: code641(p); break;
20868    case 642: code642(p); break;
20869    case 643: code643(p); break;
20870    case 644: code644(p); break;
20871    case 645: code645(p); break;
20872    case 646: code646(p); break;
20873    case 647: code647(p); break;
20874    case 648: code648(p); break;
20875    case 649: code649(p); break;
20876    case 650: code650(p); break;
20877    case 651: code651(p); break;
20878    case 652: code652(p); break;
20879    default:
20880      throw new OptimizingCompilerException("BURS", "rule " + ruleno + " without emit code:",
20881        BURS_Debug.string[unsortedErnMap[ruleno]]);
20882    }
20883  }